STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
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Thursday, March 04, 2004

Letter UTUIA Board of Directors Remove Boyd from office

Roger D. Griffeth

11 Danby Court

Cartersville, GA 30121

March 4, 2004

Board of Directors

C/O Dan Johnson, GS&T

UTU Insurance Association

14600 Detroit Avenue

Cleveland, OH 44107

Faxed: 3/4/2004 - 8:50 am (Original forwarded Certified US Mail)                              Faxed to – 216-228-5755

Brother Johnson:

As a policyholder, please accept this letter as a request for the UTUIA Board of Directors to remove International President Boyd from office.

On March 2, 2004, an article appeared on the UTU web stating:

The International Executive Board found Boyd guilty of violating the UTU Constitution and ordered he be "suspended" from office "without wages" and "for the duration of your current term." The board found Boyd guilty of violating the UTU Constitution with regard to hiring and directing of UTU employee Ralph Dennis, who pleaded guilty in federal court to charges of racketeering, fraud, bribery and embezzlement.

The board also ruled Boyd's suspension "will automatically be revoked" and that Boyd would be reinstated with all lost wages if he is found not guilty of federal criminal charges currently pending in Houston, Texas, or if the charges are dismissed. That trial is scheduled to begin March 22.

As a policyholder it is my position that President Boyd violated the general fiduciary duties assigned by Article 12 of the UTUIA Constitution. My position is based on the fact that UTUIA President Boyd did knowing and willingly instruct former UTUIA employee Ralph Dennis to engage in improper and criminal activities. As a result, because of the UTU/UTUIA allocation formulas, UTUIA funds were authorized in violation of Boyd’s fiduciary responsibilities.

Article 3 – Membership - I have requested, but have not yet received a copy of the UTUIA Constitution. The amended 1995 Constitution, Article 3, in part, reads as follows:

"I pledge my honor to faithfully observe the Constitution of the United Transportation States, and the Constitution and By-Laws of the United Transportation Union Insurance Association ; to comply with the rules and regulations for the government of the United Transportation Union and the United Transportation Union Insurance Association;…to faithfully perform all the duties assigned to me to the best of my ability and skill; to so conduct myself at all times as not to bring reproach upon my union and at all times bear true and faithfull allegiance to the United Transportation Union and the United Transportation Union Insurance Association."

In supporting a case for the violation of Article 3, certain facts have been clearly established that UTUIA President Boyd failed in his obligation: 1) to faithfully observe the Constitution of the UTU/UTUIA; 2) to comply with the rules and regulations for the government of the UTU/UTUIA; to faithfully perform all duties assigned to him to the best of his ability and skill; and to bear true and faithful allegiance to the UTU/UTUIA.

The evidence is that the UTU Executive Board found Boyd guilty of violating the UTU Constitution with regard to hiring and directing of UTU employee Ralph Dennis, who pleaded guilty in federal court to charges of racketeering, fraud, bribery and embezzlement, as reported on the UTU web site.

The facts in the UTU case were: 1) Boyd hired Dennis, 2) Boyd supervised Dennis, 3) Boyd is the International President, 4) Boyd was charged with the specific duty and responsibly to properly conduct the affairs of the UTU and the accomplishment of its objectives. 5) Dennis pleaded guilty of working under Boyd’s supervision to travel at union expense to take money from attorneys to enrich himself and Boyd. 6) The union suffered financially to the degree that union monies were expended for Dennis’ salary, pension benefit, and travel. 7) The members did not receive any benefit from Dennis and Boyd’s improper activities. 8) Union funds were expended in a manner not anticipated or directed by the membership, and

It is also clear that UTUIA funds were used in conjunction with UTU funds to defraud policyholders of honest services. Letter dated January 12, 2004, addressed to Jim Huston from Dan Johnson:

"…The balance of Mr. Dennis’s travel expenses related to this issue were expended from UTUIA funds, and the UTUIA will seek recovery of those funds…."

While recovery is certainly desirable, the fact remains that Boyd breached his fiduciary duty to the UTU and the UTUIA, and that breach must be reconciled in like manner.

Benjamin Cardozo literally wrote the book on fiduciary responsibility. Mr. Cardozo served as an Associate Judge (1914-1927) and Chief Judge (1928-1932) of the New York State Court of Appeals, Associate Justice of the United State Supreme Court (1932-1938), he remains one of the most influential and respected jurists of the twentieth century. His decisions in fiduciary responsibility defined many of the fiduciary standards that continue today.

"Many forms of conduct permissible in a workaday world for those acting at arm's length, are forbidden to those bound by fiduciary ties. A trustee is held to something stricter than the morals of the market place. Not honesty alone, but the punctilio of an honor the most sensitive, is then the standard of behavior. As to this there has developed a tradition that is unbending and inveterate. Entrenched uncompromising rigidity has been the attitude of courts of equity when petitioned to undermine the rule of undivided loyalty by the 'disintegrating erosion' of particular exceptions. Only thus has the level of conduct for fiduciaries been kept at a level higher than that trodden by the crowd. It will not consciously be lowered by any judgment of this court."

Further, when the courts are called upon to review fiduciary relationships, the courts have developed a rigid, long standing, and entrenched position of not undermining the rule of responsibility of undivided loyalty. This, the courts have held for well over a 100 years, is the only way to keep to ensure a fiduciary can be trusted in the highest level of fiduciary responsibility.

The UTUIA Board of Directors can easily understand that fiduciary liability imposes a much higher standard of performance. The Board should also understand that failure to fulfill fiduciary responsibilities is determined not so much by the fiduciary's actions as it is by results. If the property, dues, assessments, etc., with which the fiduciary is entrusted loses value or is used for personal gain as demonstrated in Dennis’ guilty plea, the financial assets of the UTUIA policyholders were obviously not kept safe.

It is my position that the UTUIA Board of Directors has the authority, the fiduciary duty and the corresponding responsibility to remove Boyd from office immediately.

The record will show that the UTU Executive Board acted responsibly and in the best interests of the UTU membership by allowing charges against Boyd, investigated the matter and finding him "guilty" of violating Article 16 of the UTU Constitution. Suspending Boyd from office was a stop-gap to prevent the continuing use of the union funds, but there are other ways to finance the follies of the UTU Enterprise – UTUIA funds.

We have now passed beyond the point of reconciling Boyd’s union negligence and now the burden of fiduciary care to the policyholders fall squarely on the UTUIA Board of Directors.

The UTUIA Board of Director’s own fiduciary’s responsibility is to determine if the best interests of the policyholders were served by allowing the President to hire individuals to assist him in controlling the UTU election process, the shaking down of attorneys, and the evasion of prosecution by authorities, at the expense and the detriment of the UTUIA and its policyholders.

Boyd’s authority to expend UTU funds has been temporarily suspended, to the extent you allow UTUIA funds to continue in Boyd’s representation in the criminal trial, the Board members will be judged as co-conspirators. The Board should keep in mind that remedial action, a passive solution to the problem at hand doesn't work. Each of you have an affirmative duty to act, to put out the fire, not to stand back and watch while the forest is being destroyed. The Board has the responsibility to protect the UTUIA treasury now while the smoke is still in the air.

In that the UTU Executive Board found Boyd "guilty" of breaching his fiduciary duty, the UTUIA Board of Directors now has an affirmative duty to step forward and act to protect the integrity of the UTUIA. Failing to act in this manner would breach the Board’s own fiduciary duty of loyalty and place their personal assets in harm’s way.

In making their decision, the Board of Directors should be mindful of the consequences that follow if the President is not removed from office. If Boyd remains as President of the UTUIA, and continues to remain in office for the remainder of his term, the policyholders and the UTUIA will undoubtedly continue to suffer financially through the trial scheduled for March 22, 2004, and beyond during any appeals.

Boyd will no doubt use all the resources of the UTUIA to call witness, most likely UTU officers, employees, and probably members to support himself and Rookard in various capacities. Boyd will also incur travel expenses that can no longer be assigned to the UTU. These expense will, if a verdict of guilty is rendered by the courts and appealed, continue well beyond the March 22, 2004, criminal trial. Such disbursements from the UTUIA treasury will have a negative impact on the assets of the UTUIA. Any dollars spent in his defense will result in a loss to the policyholders that must be reconciled.

The UTUIA Board of Directors, as did the UTU Executive Board, should give careful consideration to their role in this matter.

I'm sure the Board realizes that the UTUIA is a very delicate institution. It's strength and welfare is measured in terms of sales, profits, or shareholder dividends. It is also measured by the respect it has painstakingly earned through many years of trials and tribulations by the efforts of officers and members at every level of our association.

It is measured by the respect of the policyholders that willingly choose to purchase UTUIA products and support the goals of the organization with their premium dollars.

It is measured by government agencies that monitor the fiduciary requirements of our association. By politicians who can assist in providing needed legislation for the benefit of the policyholders.

It is measured particularly by other fraternal benefit societies and commercial insurance companies that compete for insurance contracts.

When the top guy tarnishes our reputation, what happens? The UTU and the UTUIA is weakened, and the members seek, not only union membership, but also insurance coverage elsewhere. Who suffers? Our officers, the UTUIA employees, our policyholders, and the proud heritage of our organization.

UTUIA policyholders, and the Ohio Department of Insurance should be sent a message load and clear, the UTUIA Board of Directors will not overlook the misconduct of its highest officers, and will act responsibly when called upon to self-govern our organization. While the government goes after Boyd for criminal violations, the just and right works of our insurance fraternity and its integrity should be protected by enforcing the highest standard of ethics upon our leaders.

It is for this reason I ask the members of the Board to weight all of the information available to you, the interests of the policyholders, and make a decision that will move the UTUIA forward – remove UTUIA President Boyd from office.

Fraternally yours,


Roger D. Griffeth

Attachment: Letter dated January 12, 2004, referenced herein


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The Next Step

As a result of the official "post" on the UTU’s web site announcing that:

"The International Executive Board found Boyd guilty of violating the UTU Constitution and ordered he be "suspended" from office "without wages" and "for the duration of your current term."

It is obvious that the Executive Board found Boyd guilty of not performing the duties and responsibilities of his office.

It is also clear that the Board intended to fix a penalty that would fall into one of the three categories (censure, suspension, or removal from office) provided for in Article 25. The penalty of "suspension" fell into that category, with the stipulation "without wages" would appear to properly apply as well.

However, the Board’s decision that Boyd’s discipline:

"will automatically be revoked" and that Boyd would be reinstated with all lost wages if he is found not guilty of federal criminal charges currently pending in Houston, Texas, or if the charges are dismissed…"

is completely out of line and, in my opinion, violates the language and the spirit of Article 25.

I received a number of phone calls and e-mails from members with concerns that the decision to defer final disposition of the Article 16 violation to a jury in Houston, was improper, and asked me to address the matter.

Keep in mind that I have not yet received an advance copy of the Executive Board’s decision as did the International, and I am working off the assumption that the report on the official web site for the UTU is correctly stated, if so, this is how I see the matter.

Article 16 is the authority provided by the membership to allow one individual to control the UTU. Article 16 is also the portal to the legal duties and responsibilities under the LMRDA. Article 25 requires the Executive Board to conduct trails when a violation of Article 16 is alleged by a member after supporting evidence has been presented. Article 25 allows the President to defend himself against the charges at the hearing. Article 25 requires the assessment of a penalty when the President violates Article 16. After the penalty is assessed, Article 25 provides closure to the trial proceedings and the penalty is final and binding unless it is reversed upon appeal as provided in Article 26. Article 26 provides the President the opportunity to appeal the trail board’s penalty at the next UTU convention. Article 26 is the only review authority available to an international officer to reverse discipline.

Article 25 provides for two bites of the apple for the President. First, to defend himself at the trial, and second to appeal at the convention, both, which are internal union procedures.

I was always told that when someone uses the words like "but" or "however" that everything stated before that means nothing. For example, the Executive Board found Boyd guilty and suspended him without pay, but if the jury in Houston finds him "not guilty" then the members will be bound by the jury’s decision and not the union’s decision, and Boyd will be reinstated with back pay. Or if the jury finds him "guilty" then he will remain the President and his suspension, without pay, will continue for the remainder of his term in office.

I especially have a problem with the language "…if the jury finds him "guilty" then he will remain in office the President and his suspension, without pay, will continue for the remainder of his term in office…"

If Boyd is found "guilty" and appeals the jury’s verdict, he will be removed from the duties of his office by law, however, he will continue to be the President while the verdict is under appeal. If he is later found "not guilty" based on some legal technicality, he will be restored to office with back pay, as a matter of law. TITLE 29 > CHAPTER 11 > SUBCHAPTER VI > Sec. 504.

Whenever any person -

(1) ...has been barred from office or other position in a labor organization as a result of a conviction, and

(2) has filed an appeal of that conviction,

any salary which would be otherwise due such person by virtue of such office or position, shall be placed in escrow by the individual employer or organization responsible for payment of such salary. Payment of such salary into escrow shall continue for the duration of the appeal or for the period of time during which such salary would be otherwise due, whichever period is shorter. Upon the final reversal of such person's conviction on appeal, the amounts in escrow shall be paid to such person. Upon the final sustaining of such person's conviction on appeal, the amounts in escrow shall be returned to the individual employer or organization responsible for payments of those amounts. Upon final reversal of such person's conviction, such person shall no longer be barred by this statute from assuming any position from which such person was previously barred.

Can you see where I'm coming from?  If the law states that Boyd is entitled to back pay upon final reversal of the conviction, and the Executive Board based their penalty decision on the outcome of the trial in Houston, can the UTU really withhold Boyd’s pay after the "guilty" verdict in Houston is appealed through the federal court system?  One might believe that the Executive Board’s penalty decision to suspend Boyd "without pay" for the remainder of his term if the jury in Houston finds him "guilty", but the law appears to grant back pay upon reversal.

The Board’s decision would have been more appropriately stated: "Boyd is suspended from office, without pay, for thirty days." The jury in Houston will determine what happens from that point. If Boyd is found "guilty" the law protects his salary while his case is under appeal. If the jury finds Boyd "not guilty" not a problem.

What is look like to me, and I'm a nut so pardon me for a minute, the Executive Board found Boyd guilty, but is going to allow a jury in Houston determine his punishment.   (Remember everything before the "but")

If the published decision of the Executive Board is not worded as the UTU web site would make one believe, then I can only apologize and redraft this editorial. For the meantime, what I am having trouble understanding is:

1) Where is the final and binding decision of the union for the Article 16 violation? I can understand the finding of "guilt" and a resulting penalty with a suspension of a fixed time period, however, I have a hard time understanding why the union's "jury of peers" and their finding of "guilt" can now be subject to reversal by a group of people in Houston who have no idea of what Article 16 is, nor the standard by which the union judges corrupt union officers. This authority was granted to the union by law, not the courts.  

2) Will the jury in Houston be told that the Executive Board found the President guilty of Article 16 and the standard used to determine that guilt? No.

3) Will the U.S. Attorney be prosecuting Boyd for violating Article 16? No

4) Will the jury in Houston be told that in addition to the unrelated criminal charges being addressed in the court, they will also be required to judge Boyd based on the union's internal policies. No

5) If the jury in Houston finds Boyd "not guilty" of the criminal offense, does that mean he did not violate Article 16? No, what it means is that the U.S. Attorney failed to meet the government’s burden of proving "beyond a reasonable doubt" that Boyd was guilty.

6) Did the Executive Board find that Boyd was guilty based on the standard of "some evidence" as established by the U.S. Supreme Court for internal union trials? Yes Boilermakers v. Hardeman, 401 U.S. 233 (1971).

7) Did the Executive Board find Boyd guilty of violating Article 16? Yes

8) Is Boyd going to get another bite of the apple in Houston? Yes

9) Is it possible that Boyd did all of the things the indictment said he did, and could be found "not guilty" and be returned to office with pay and no penalty for violating Article 16? Yes

10) Is the Executive Board’s decision to allow another tribunal (that does not have standing in this internal matter) to assess the penalty in keeping with Article 25 of the UTU Constitution? That remains to be seen.

So, where do we go from here? First we need to understand where we’ve been so we don't get lost. Fact: The determination was made that Boyd violated his fiduciary duties in that he did not discharge his financial duties faithfully and efficiently. Fact: Irregularity and neglect was found in the indictment and supported by Dennis’s plea agreement. Fact: Trustee Johnson failed to act on the violation and bring charges against Boyd.

Johnson declined to bring charges against Boyd based on advice of an attorney hired by Boyd. The Board of Directors granted approval for Johnson to violate the exact requirements of Article 22, by approving the advice given to Johnson by the attorney hired by Boyd. A member brought charges against Boyd and Johnson.

Fact: The Executive Board found Boyd guilty based on the information in the indictment and Dennis’s plea agreement, which was the same information the attorney hired by Boyd and the Board of Directors advised Johnson not to bring charges against Boyd.

Problem: The discipline assigned to Boyd by the Executive Board may be reversed contingent upon the outcome criminal charges dealing with unrelated matters, such as Boyd’s involvement with taking money from attorneys in return for designations on the UTU’s FELA approved attorney list, three counts of union embezzlement, and two counts of witness tampering.

Let me explain it another way. Paul likes to use railroad terms, so

Case #1 - A railroad employee is involved in using drugs off-duty and is involved in an accident. He is arrested, indicted and awaiting trial. The railroad finds out about incident, investigates the matter, dismisses the employee. The carrier will await the outcome of the trail before final disposition of the case is resolved in court.  In this matter the verdict is relevant to the charges brought against the employee by the railroad.

Case #2 – A railroad employee is on-duty driving a company vehicle and has an accident and is caught using drugs. He is arrested, indicted and awaiting trial. The railroad investigates the matter, a drug test is introduced as evidence, and the railroad dismisses the employee for violation of Rule G based on the positive results of the drug test. The carrier’s rule was violated and the outcome of the criminal matter is irrelevant to the discipline issued by the railroad for a violation of Rule G.

What we have in this matter is the equalivent of the facts in Case#2.

So now a decision must be made. Fact: The union’s rule (Article 16) has been violated. Should the fiduciary officers of the UTU have moved to protect the best interests of the members by assessing a final and binding decision which would have required Boyd to appeal internally, or should the jury in Houston be allowed to replace the responsibility of the Executive Board, and take away the authority of the members to hear his appeal at the convention? 

Article 75, II (b) provides for the following:

"Actions or decisions of Trial Boards may be appealed to the International President, provided such appeal is filed with the General Secretary and Treasurer within ninety (90) days from the date on which the action or decision occurred. The General Secretary and Treasurer shall docket the appeal and present all papers relating to the appeal to the International

"The International President will promptly render a decision on the appeal which shall be final and binding on all parties unless appealed to and reversed or modified by the Board of Directors. Appeals to the Board of Directors must be filed with the General Secretary and Treasurer within ninety (90) days from the date of the decision by the International President."

What’s wrong with our Constitution?

The Constitution does not contemplate that the International President would be found guilty of violating Article 16 in a union tribunal.

Again, let look back and see what has happened. Fact: When the Executive Board proceeded with the charges, Boyd requested that Thompson represent him at the trial. Logical Assumption: Both Boyd and Thompson knew or should have know that Boyd might have actually been found guilty. Fact: If found guilty, Thompson would be elevated to the position of President. Fact: Disregarding the conflict of interest, Thompson represented Boyd at the trial. Boyd was found guilty. Fact: Thompson was elevated to President.

In order to proceed with an appeal, an appeal of the trial board’s decision must be made to the President.  Just so happens, the current President is the same individual that has already taken the position that Boyd was not guilty. Now, Thompson, who knew or should have anticipated an appeal, must rule on the validity of the appeal submitted under Article 75. A conflict of interest that can only be resolved by the Board of Directors.

While all of this is taking place, the UTU still has an indicted President who has been found guilty by the Executive Board temporarily under suspension awaiting the outcome of criminal charges that are unrelated to the union. The members now have to wait until the trial in Houston is over, and any appeal is completed before the Article 16 penalty can be validated. In the meantime UTU members still don’t where they stand with a President who has violated their trust and confidence and has yet to be officially disciplined, and may possibly never be disciplined for his violation of the Constitution. From now, until who knows when, the UTU remains under a dark cloud of suspicion.

The fact is, if unchallenged, the Executive Board’s decision could set bad precedent for future trials. To find one guilty, and not access a definitive final and binding decision is not good business.

What if this matter had been discovered internally and never found it’s way to the courts? What would the penalty have been for the Article 16 violation? Whatever the penalty decision agreed upon by the Board under those circumstances, should be the same penalty now.

In the event the trial in Houston develops evidence of wrongdoing on the part of other International officers, and criminal indictments are issued in other federal or state jurisdictions against other individuals. How will the Executive Board handle the penalty accessed to the those found guilty, await the outcome of there trials as well?

The old saying "justice delayed is justice denied" properly applies in the decision reached by the Executive Board.

So, where do we go from here? I have no problem with appealing the Executive Board’s penalty decision to the President/Board of Directors. The trial will be over before the Board of Directors could rule on the appeal, but the penalty concept created by the Executive Board should not be allowed to stand, as it circumvents the due process of internal justice for both the members and the accused.

Should the Executive Board’s decision be appealed? I’m leaving this up to you, the members of the UTU that visit this site, and feel the union is worth saving. If the appeal is submitted, it will not be by me as an individual – I will require a minimum of twenty-five individual members or 10 locals to co-sponsor the appeal. If your decision is to proceed, I will require signatures on individual appeals or action taken by locals.

If I am the only one that will stand against the International, then we all might as well remain complacent and resolve ourselves to sit back and do nothing. It’s time to stand-up and be counted, or forever hold your peace. One monkey can show his ass, but he can make no show.

Think about it, talk to others, formulate your position based on common sense, the decision rendered by the Executive Board, and the Constitution – not what I say. Bring this up at your next meeting, debate the issue then take a vote and get involved with your future.  To print the appeal letter, click on "File" on the top left corner of screen, select "Print.." Hopefully the letter will print on one page.

Click here to print an appeal letter as an individual member.

Click here to print an appeal as a local unit.

Print some of the individual appeals out and pass them around the property.  Make sure a phone number is somewhere on the appeal just in case I need to get in touch with someone.  After the appeals have been signed, send them to me at the following address:

Roger D. Griffeth, 11 Danby Court, Cartesville, GA - 30121

My phone number is 770-383-9503 if you have any questions. 

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One Big Union in Transportation?

 --Ron Hume

                The last twenty-five years or so has seen dramatic changes in the transportation industry, many brought on by deregulation. “Rationalization” of the nation’s railroads has cost hundreds of thousands of good union jobs over the past few decades. Meanwhile the myriad craft unions that the workforce has been historically divided into have all seen their numbers shrink, in some cases dramatically. It has become increasingly burdensome for each of these unions to support separate union structures and bureaucracies. Like many unions in basic industry, rail unions are driven to seek merger partners in face of dwindling memberships.

                But in the case of the recent Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (BLE) – International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) merger, there is a little more to it than this. Having rebuffed not one, but two previous merger attempts proposed by the United Transportation Union (UTU), the BLE found itself on the defensive. After failing to acquiesce to its overtures, the trainmen’s union launched an all-out assault on the engineers union. First, the UTU cut a backroom deal with the major rail carriers to implement remote control locomotives (RCO) across the country in major yards, eliminating thousands of engineer positions . In addition, the UTU announced its intention to launch a series of winner-take-all elections on the nation’s freight railroads, contests that the UTU, in a numerically stronger position, felt it could win. In effect, this action on the part of the UTU amounted to a raid of the BLE. Having been sanctioned by the AFL-CIO, the UTU unceremoniously pulled out of the federation, where it is free to continue its raiding. With its back against the wall, under attack by the much larger UTU, the relatively small BLE sought refuge in a merger with the IBT.

                But ironically, many aspects of the proposed UTU-BLE merger (which had been so unpalatable to the engineers just a few short months earlier), appear nearly identical to the consummated IBT-BLE union. When the UTU unsuccessfully courted the BLE, enginemen rejected the proposal, citing a number of reasons, including the following: That the smaller BLE would play second fiddle to the larger UTU; That the craft of engineer would better be served by an exclusive union of enginemen only, not one combined with trainmen and others; That a merger would denigrate the craft of engineer, paving the way ultimately to the destruction of engineer as a distinct craft; and that such a merger would result in a top-heavy bureaucracy of the combined leadership of both unions. Whatever the merit of these fears regarding the proposed UTU merger, it would appear that the actual IBT merger does indeed embody all of this. The BLE is in fact, the junior partner in the merger to the much larger Teamsters; the BLE, as part of the merger is now the BLE&T, no longer strictly an enginemen’s craft union; and the bureaucracy of both unions has been preserved. Had the BLE not been so on the defensive, one can’t help but wonder whether the rank-and-file would have been so enthusiastic to vote for the IBT merger.

                Whatever the case, the marriage has been consummated. So what is the potential of this new organization? Like most union mergers in recent years, proponents of the IBT-BLE union point out a number of advantages to the new formation. The BLE&T will now have access to the vast resources of the much larger Teamsters union, including lawyers, research, finances for organizing, lobbying, etc. Then of course, there is the “strength in numbers” argument, simply put, that bigger is better. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, advocates of such a strategic alliance between rail workers and workers in the trucking industry claim that the new IBT-BLE&T has the potential to vastly increase the power of workers in the entire transportation industry.

                What can engineers expect in terms of “service” from their new parent union? For years, union membership in trucking has been in steady decline. In the face of deregulation, the Teamsters union has been unable or unwilling to organize over-the-road freight. Today, most trucking giants like J.B. Hunt, Fed Ex, and others operate non-union. A few years ago, the IBT half-heartedly engaged in a strike at Overnight, and has walked away unsuccessful. In fact, the Teamsters is hardly a transportation union any longer, as the vast majority of its membership is employed in other sectors of the economy. In addition, the union has a long history of conservative politics, mob influence, active collaboration with management, sweetheart deals with corporations and a lack of internal union democracy. Given its track record, engineers would be wise to expect little in the way of service, and organize and demand much.

                What about this idea of a “seamless transportation union”? For years, beginning with the American Railroad Union of the 1890s (the nation’s first industrial union), transportation workers have realized the pressing need for a cross-craft, and in more recent years, a cross-mode union of all transportation workers. Such a union could provide its membership (and, in addition, the entire labor movement!) with a powerful tool in dealing with today’s giant carriers. The ability to, in effect, shut down whole regions, or even the entire country, could go a long way toward rebuilding the strength of organized labor. Refusing to scab on each others’ strikes, including the refusal to handle freight which has been rerouted from modes under strike, would vastly increase the power of workers in both trucking and rail. Add inland waterways and air freight workers into the mix, and in theory, you have an invincible combination.

                However, we are hardly there right now. For starters, the UTU is very much on the outside, not just of the IBT, but of the AFL-CIO. Trainmen, yard masters, switchmen and enginemen of the UTU must somehow be included if such a seamless transport union is to exist. The contradiction and hostility between these organizations, and the animosity between the crafts of trainman and engineer must be overcome. In fact, the entire archaic and cumbersome craft union structure on the nation’s railroads still remains to be done away with before we can even really talk about building a powerful industrial union in transportation.

                Such a union is not merely built by the amalgamation of previously existing craft unions under a new umbrella. Unions with long histories of bloated bureaucracies, undemocratic practices, racism and sexism and craft elitism and exclusivity, union scabbing, sweetheart contracts and cozy labor-management relations cannot simply merge and by magic, create a stronger union. It is up to the rank-and-file of both unions (and that of the UTU, other rail unions, and other workers in the transport industry as well) to break out of the old craft union structure, to build a democratic movement, to demand decent contracts, to make a commitment to organizing, to break with the “republicrat” political machine that has in effect outlawed their right to strike, (to break the law if necessary!), and to act on the principle that an injury to one is an injury to all. Without all of this, what potential that may actually exist in the new IBT-BLE union will only be squandered.
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