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Wednesday, March 24, 2004

UTU has a few friends left
by Anonymous


MAC is still growing like some kind of uncontrollable weed that Cleveland doesn't know how to kill without coming off looking even more evil than they are. Information about MAC and the corruption within UTU is appearing on workplace walls and people are actually reading it. Is all this potentially subversive activity getting reported back to Cleveland or are they operating in the dark. As the MAC takes shape it starts to look more like a network of terrorist cells and not a corporate pyramid with a titular head at the top like the UTU. Yet Cleveland is still attacking Roger. No doubt he is a master organizer and has given UTU members the hope and direction to move ahead with reform. But at what point does MAC take on a life of its own? The Team better be worried about that, not about discrediting Roger whose stock is still outperforming Byron's and even Paulie's.


What would you do if you had invested some of your hard earned money in a Mutual Fund only to discover that some of the fund's managers were maximizing their profits at your expense? Would you take a wait and see attitude and hope that the Company employing the criminals would root them out? If a few criminals were identified and removed would you feel relieved and let your bets ride confident that the remaining managers were honest? Would you suspect that there could be more bad apples not yet identified and pull your money out of that company's hands alogether? Would you be really cynical and accuse the company of having a screwed up corporate culture and pull your money out? Would you call for investigations and oversight of the industry in order to keep others from being victimized? Would you call for a strengthening of regulation of such business and business in general in order to protect the public? There are any number of responses to such an experience.

Some UTU members are being accused of jumping ship in part because they are disgusted by corruption in the UTU. Is it unreasonable for them to think that not all the bad apples have been removed? The Feds don't seem to think so with their talk of other unindicted known and unknown conspirators in the RICO Enterprise. We will see if they are correct in the near future. Contrary to some posts here, the Team was not doing anything to identify and expel the guilty without being pressured by the members. Paul Thompson himself was defending Boyd in word and action until the guilty plea. Now the members are supposed to rally around Thompson, trust the Team to clean house itself and go back to sleep.


UTU members thinking only of themselves would be wise to abandon ship and stop financing a potentially useless and corrupt organization. Where to go is a difficult question to answer. We all have the right to be wrong. The more difficult choice is to hang in there and attempt to do the right thing by exerting the force of your membership in order to bring about the house cleaning and reform that are the only things that will save UTU. The International President and his Team cannot save UTU. The government and carrier allies that the Team thought it had seem to have turned against them. Even the loyal UTU members in their disorganized support cannot save her. Only a membership organized and committed to reform can do the job now. The only friends UTU has left are those who have joined and those who are inclined to join a movement like MAC.

Oh, and Roger is their current ringleader. Looks like he's a good friend to UTU too.


Posted on Mar 24, 2004, 9:50 AM

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Legislation could target UTU jobs
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A legislative provision to shift remote control jobs from ground service employees to locomotive engineers -- and cause those ground-service employees to become unemployed -- is expected to be introduced in Congress Wednesday, March 24, at the request of the BLE.

The legislation, in the form of an amendment, is expected to be offered before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. The amendment is to H.R. 3550, a highway construction bill. The amendment is expected to be offered by Rep. Mike Capuano (D-Mass.)

"This carefully crafted amendment would require "operators of remotely controlled locomotives to receive the same type and level of training and oversight as operators of locomotives not operated remotely," said UTU National Legislative Director James Brunkenhoefer.

"This means all remote control operators would be locomotive engineers," Brunkenhoefer said. "Previous efforts by the BLE to encourage resolutions at local government levels to ban remote control operations had no more effect than shooting blanks, because only the Federal Railroad Administration has authority to regulate remote control operations. But this legislation to limit remote control operations to certified locomotive engineers is a real bullet aimed at UTU members and their families," Brunkenhoefer said.

UTU President Paul Thompson said, "The impact of this legislation, if it were passed by Congress, would be to put ground-service employees in the unemployment line without health-care benefits. When the UTU negotiated its remote control agreement with the carriers, a key element was to protect all members of all crafts. The history of the UTU is one of protecting all crafts and it is painful to see the other organization supporting legislation that would benefit one craft at the exclusion of the other."

Brunkenhoefer said the UTU would oppose this amendment with every ounce of its strength and urged UTU members, their families and retirees to telephone Rep. Capuano and urge him, in a polite fashion, to withdraw it.

Rep. Mike Capuano of Massachusetts may be reached by calling (202) 225-5111.

March 23, 2004

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