STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:29:41 PM.




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Tuesday, March 09, 2004

We received a request from a brother who is writing an article for LABOR NOTES on the IBT/BLE merger. He would appreciate hearing from any members who have an opinion or observation to make on this matter. Please contact Chris Kutalik at
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CN Strike 2004

Website with latest information on the ongoing CN strike

Thursday, March 04, 2004

CN Rail Traffic Drops As Strike Drags On 

[Excerpts from Montreal Reuters dispatch]

Container traffic at Canadian National Railway Co. dropped 26 percent last week from the week before because of a strike by nearly a quarter of its employees, but overall traffic was down just 3 percent, the company said on Thursday...

Company figures show a 14 percent drop in overall freight traffic last week from the year-earlier period after a 9 percent year-on-year slide in the previous week...

The strike, the longest at CN in more than 15 years, has thinned movements of railcars along Canada's biggest railway. But company officials refused to comment on the impact the strike was having on its revenues and profit...

Some analysts say the extra costs caused by the strike have more than wiped out savings from unpaid wages. Deutsche Bank Securities analyst John Barnes said last week the strike could cut CN's first quarter profit by up to 10 percent...

The strike is having an impact on major clients such as the Canadian Wheat Board, the biggest seller of wheat worldwide, which has complained of minor delays in deliveries, and in the forestry sector where CN is North America's biggest hauler of timber products...

Lumber prices have risen 5 percent since the strike began, in part because of concerns of a railcar shortage, JP Morgan analyst Claudia Shank said in a research note this week. She said the pulp market could also be hit as CN transports up to 95 percent of pulp in some parts of Eastern Canada. "There is a risk of truck shortages as demand increases, particularly given the large volume of commodities that need to be transported," she said. Shippers like Abitibi-Consolidated Inc., the world's biggest newsprint maker, have already turned to trucks, although it normally moves 40 percent of its newsprint by rail...

The union has said it would not submit new proposals to its members unless the company rolls back its new discipline system. Workers say the new rules bring "military discipline" to the workplace, union negotiator Abe Rosner said. The union is also seeking improvements in the pension plan, social benefits and shift premiums.

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Attached are copies of two recent letters from Neveda and California BLE representatives.  These letters set forth incidents that are occurring throughout the Union Pacific service unit.  UP managers are taking more liberties, provoking employees with agressive and harassing behavior.  Now some BLE members are fighting back. 



March 4, 2004

Mr. Thomas Jacobi

Vice President Western Region

Union Pacific Railroad

10031 Foothills Blvd.

Roseville, California 95747


Dear Mr. Jacobi:


The purpose of this letter is to charge Superintendent Dan Shudak of the Roseville Service Unit with three violations of General Code of Operating Rules, Rule 1.6 those portions dealing with (1) Careless of the safety of themselves or others and (6) Quarrelsome or (7) Discourteous. Rule 1.6 Conduct is a level 5 rule and the penalty is dismissal.


I am requesting a fair and impartial investigation and hearing to determine Supt. Shudak’s responsibility in the incident that occurred at Carlin, Nevada and Elko, Nevada on December 24, and 25, 2003. I am enclosing a statement by engineer Scott Cairns from Portola, California concerning the incident. According to engineer Cairn’s statement Mr. Shudak drove from Roseville, California to Elko, Nevada in a raging snow storm to personally conduct a “swarm team” investigation at Elko and Carlin concerning a minor injury to engineer Cairn’s Conductor. In the end it turned out that the possible injury was not a lost time injury under the FRA guidelines. Mr. Shudak allegedly refused to dead head engineer Cairns home after the “swarm team” investigation because of the dangerous conditions on the freeway between Elko and Portola. If this statement is correct then Mr. Shudak placed himself in harms way and at the very least displayed a distain for his own safety. If i! t was as dangerous as Supt. Shudak contended he himself should not have made the trip to Elko. The second and third portions of this charge letter have to do with Quarrelsome and Discourteous behavior. It is my allegation that Supt. Shudak was in fact quarrelsome and discourteous as displayed in engineer Cairns’s statement.


I am requesting that all employees and managers involved in the above incident be request to testify. My witness list includes MTO Gauthier, MOP Korte, MYO Turville, Car Foreman Harris, MTM Woods and Conductor R. A. Brubaker.


The manner in which Supt. Shudak conducted his “swarm team” investigation was an alleged violation of Union Pacific Railroad policy Violence and Abusive Behavior in the Workplace attachment A. The portion that I’m referring to is the bullet point that says “ Threatening, intimidating, bullying, or abusing another person”. It is the belief of the Nevada State Legislative Board – BLE that the Union Pacific Railroad senior management condones this type of behavior. I base this statement on the fact that this is not the first complaint nor lawsuit on this issue that concerns Supt. Shudak. Further when you, Mr. Jacobi, were appointed to the VP of the Western Region employees were being instructed to sign a safety statement under threat of insubordination if they didn’t sign. Reportly those were your instructions to the managers asking the employees to sign the statement. That i! n itself is threatening and abusive behavior if in fact you did this. It is the belief of the Nevada State Legislative Board – BLE that threats and intimidation are part of the culture of the Union Pacific Railroad and are condoned and encouraged by the Union Pacific Railroad senior management staff. I have been with the UP since the merger of the SP and UP and I have not seen any evidence to dispute this belief.        





Joe Carter,

Chairman, Nevada State

Legislative Board – BLE


Enclosure: Engineer Cairns Statement



Mr. Dick Davidson

Mr. Ike Evans

Mr. Jim Young

Ms. Barbara Schaefer, Senior VP Human Resources Union Pacific Railroad

Mr. Dennis Duffy, VP Operations Union Pacific Railroad

Mr. Phillip Anschutz

Mr. Don Hahs, President BLE

Mr. Raymond Holmes VP & NLR BLE

Mr. Lee Pruitt, VP BLE

Mr. Bill Hannah, General Chairman UP Western Lines, BLE

Mr. Tim Donnigan, General Chairman Western Region General Committee of Adjustment

Mr. Tim Smith CSLB Chairman, BLE

All BLE Members in the State of Nevada




Ray Enriquez
Executive Committee
California State
Legislative Board
Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen

Subject: Hours of Srevice


Alvin L. Settje

Federal Railroad Administration

Regional Administrator

801 I Street - Suite 466
Sacramento, CA  95814


Mr. Settje,


I find it necessary to report that the UPRR is abusing its crews by not relieving them in a timely manner, and to report a specific incident in which a crew was on duty 22 hours and 5 minutes. Currently in the Los Angeles Service Unit, it is not uncommon for train crews to be on duty 14, 15, 16 hours or greater. This excessive on duty time occurs despite a Los Angeles General Superintendents Bulletin which states:


 The Crew Utilization Policy is designed to ensure crews are relieved from their tour of duty before they exceed the Federal Hours of Service (HOS). The goal of this policy is to have crews at their final tie-up point prior to the expiration of their HOS.  The policy is not intended to compromise any laws or collective bargaining agreements.  The crew to be relieved, relief crew, train dispatcher and corridor manager and CMS must work together in order to utilize crews in the most efficient manner and promote the success of this policy.”


As you can see the bulletin asks for the cooperation of the crew to be relieved, relief crew, train dispatcher and corridor manager and CMS. I feel crews are cooperating when they inform the dispatcher, and or corridor managers that they are short on time.


I am familiar with the interpretation of hours of service violation versus “Limbo Time”. However, there should be no reason why a crew should have to endure a 22 hours 5 minutes shift. On 03/03 the train crew of GSMIKI-21 expired on the hours of service at Canyon on the Mojave Subdivision. They went on duty on 03/02 at Yermo, CA at 12:05. Over seven hours after their expiration of service at 07:15 I received a telephone call from the engineer asking, “what it would take to get off the train?” I called the corridor manager who had just come on duty about an hour prior to my call, and told me of all the dead trains he had to deal with. A little over an hour later the crew was relieved but still had an hour and a half ride to their home terminal.


In the situation described a 12,320 train was stopped on a 2.15 grade and could not be left unattended as per UPRR timetable grade seceurement rules. The purpose for this rule is obvious, it is to protect against the train moving or worse, a runaway caused by a release of brakes. I realize I am not the first person to argue the point that the notion of monitoring gauges and possible train movement is not considered performing service is totally ridiculous. Additionally, this is not merely a matter of whether the crew has or has not exceeded the hours of service, rather a safety concern. This crew was exhausted affecting their ability to stay awake to monitor the train thus defeating the purpose of the grade seceurment rule.


I believe the Hours of Service Law is seriously flawed to allow this kind of treatment to employees, and that situations like this poses a safety hazard to railroad crews, railroad property, and the surrounding communities.


The Los Angeles Service Unit is going through a meltdown all of which is a primary result of poor crew utilization and the carriers’ failure to relieve train crews prior to expiring on the hours of service. It is the position of the BLET Division 660, that if the UPRR could indeed fulfill their crew utilization policy the effect would be positive for all parties. The employee’s benefit is obvious, and the UPRR could increase their manpower for two reasons. 1, crews would not require 10 hours rest for working 12 hours, and 2, crews would not be so fatigued as to call in sick.


At this point I see no compassion or improvement of working conditions for UPRR employees and hope the FRA takes whatever measures necessary to help the situation.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.




Ray Enriquez


California State Legislative Board

Executive Committee

Division 660 Legislative Representative




George Elsmore

Alisa Dwiggins

Oliver Cromwell

Stan Lewis

Don Carroll

Tim Smith

Members of the Committe on Transportation & Infrastructure


Thank you for your continued support,


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Hi Everyone,

   This e-mail is to inform you that the BLET negotiators and C.P. Railway have reached a tentative agreement. The agreement has been reviewed by the Local Chairmen that comprise the GCA. After 10 hours of heated debate, it was agreed by majority vote to send this tentative agreement out to the membership for a ratification vote. A synopsis and ballot will be sent to your last known address. (make sure the BLET has your current address) All voting instructions and deadlines will be included in this mailing. BLET Divisions 357 & 494 will be having joint informational meetings to discuss this agreement. The dates of these meetings are still pending. The meetings will be held at the Teamsters hall in St.Paul, Mn.. When the dates and times are set I will send another e-mail and post the information on our bulletin boards.

Gordon Kepka
BLET Div. 357
Local Chairman
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