STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:31:39 PM.




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Thursday, March 25, 2004

Saturday, March 20, 2004

"Replacement Workers" must be banned! 

CN's use of "replacement workers" was unprecedented and disturbing. The struggle for stronger legislation must continue, so as to defend the integrity of our legal right to strike in the future. Besides the lobbying which the CAW and others will continue to do, individual worker involvement is crucial -- politicians listen to voters (sometimes). If you want to send a letter to Minister of Labour Claudette Bradshaw, with a copy to your local M.P., and your creative juices aren't flowing, here are some words you might want to use:

"During the recent strike of 5000 CAW workers, CN used replacement workers, both Canadian and American, for the first time in modern railway history.

"Studies show that strikes and lockouts last longer, are more bitter and violent, and take longer to heal when workers see their jobs stolen while they are taking legal job action. Public safety is jeopardized when untrained or semi-trained "replacements" are responsible for safety-sensitive job functions -- such as repairing and inspecting trains.

"That's why B.C. and Quebec have banned the use of replacement workers during legal strikes and lockouts. It is urgent that the federal government do likewise."

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