STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:29:16 PM.




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Friday, March 05, 2004

March 1st 2004
TO: Don Hahs, Pres-BLET, James Hoffa, Pres IBT, V.P.'s, GC's, LC's, And
Brother/sister members of the BLET, Rail Conference of the IBT.

Most recently I have recieved a few articles pertaining to my occupation
that I am directly involved in and have a responsibility in and share a
responsibility and have an accountability to address.

#1.  Letter from T. Bagas, MGR/FLD/Ops (operating a train under the

#2.  Newspaper article (overstating wages made by Engineers and Trainmen.

#3.  Engineers/and /Conductors salary, as stated by D. Hahs, BLET President.

Working in the T&E operating department, trying to comply with the company's
policies & uniion agreements, has become the most notorious quagmire of
controversy, uncertainty, management challenges, bad publicity, &
dissillusionment on could ever imagine having to work with.

While Mr. Bagas adresses the violation of the company's policies and
operating rules and federal regulations, he fails to address the most
important issue of all.  These people have no schedule.  The answer is as it
was years ago, ASSIGNMENTS.  As many assignments as possible and the rest on
the (cesspool) extra board.  But if the railroad is going to run everything
in a cesspool as it is now the problems will never go away.  These are human
beings, not robots, running these trains and as it is they have no schedule
or specific time to work or play allowed.

Secondly: There was a quote in the MPLS Star Tribune by Julie Forster from
Robin Mullaney, Director of Employee Relations for CPRS stating that
Conductors earned $70,000 a year and Engineers as much as $110,00.  NOW!  If
I were to get time and one half for 260 yard starts which is my yearly
average I would make only $67,000.  WAY SHORT of this $70,000 number quoted!
I do NOT make time plus one half per yard start!

Then BLET President D. Hahs stated that Engineers make $72,000 and that
Conductors  make  $68,000.  [ editor's note: Now Mr Hahs estimates are
possible with mostly pre 85 rail workers working 60-90 hour weeks but Mr
Mulrooney's numbers are total fantasy.  Base rates for rail workers are
actually quite low and for post 85ers they are so low that most new hires
see railroading as not worth the effort and QUIT.  It's expected that the
railroad will continue to portray the rail worker as an overpaid ape but
disheartening to see union leaders doing the same thing.]

I would like to address 5 issues that should be in the contract for THE
OPERATING EMPLOYEES.  If they are not there the contract should be voted
down and addressed to the congress. And if worse comes to worse one would be
FORCED to work under the terms of a P.E.B. Better than throwing away one's
arguments and SUBMITTING to an inferior contract.

Remember the "Kiss" principle and "keep it simple." [editor's note: and
here's a "kiss" principle-"better to die on one's feet than to live on one's

1.  Wages: $35 per hour for Conductors and $40 per hour for Engineers.  This
is what the above mentioned numbers would indicate T&E would be making and I
AGREE WE SHOULD BE!  This would be in line with what other skilled crafts
-i.e., plumbers, pilots, carpenters, and even construction laborers-are
earning.  Then rail workers have NO shift differentials and even NO
"overtime after 40 hours" provisions out on the road.  Then rail workers
desperately need something like "a Metro clause"-something to where they can
earn more for working in metropolitan areas where the cost of living is way
higher than other areas.  Perhaps  with these adjustments rail workers could
make a decent wage based ON THE FOURTY HOUR WEEK.

2. RETIREMENT: 55/30 for T&E operating employees only.  If Teamster Pepsi
drivers deserve 55/30 GOD KNOWS that RR T&E deserve AT LEAST that!  France
and Canada and nearly all modern inducstrial countries have 55/30 for
workers in this difficult industry-WHY NOT HERE!?  Those who answer the
phone at all hours of the day and night to go out and operate in this dirty,
difficult and dangerous environment deserve an early out.

3. Improvements to the health insurance and NO CO PAYS!  If the railroads
want to subject people to this unhealthy lifestyle they should be picking up
the bill.  [editor's note; and perhaps the Teamster medical people could be
looking into just what this lifestyle is DOING to railroad workers' health?
Some science FINALLY brought to bear on the subject?]

4. Assignments on the Road: Quality of life-slaves were not even called out
24/7!  There need to schedules so employees know when to work and when to
play.  There has to be some extra boards to cover extras, layoffs and
vacations BUT the whole road workforce should not be FORCED to work as extra
men.  If the railroads could simply post as many assignments as possible
then most road workers could have some kind of schedule then it would be
possible for those who want it, to have a job and some time off [editor's
note; in short A LIFE!].  Those who want to work like dogs could still work
the extra board.

5. Contributing 401k plans, the same as most companies in the world have.

Not counting pro fund shares [editor's note; ONLY collected by the
dissappearing Pre-85 employees] in 2003 I earned $54,000 working yard jobs.
I worked 158 afternoon jobs, 90 nights and 16 day jobs.  I worked every
weekend some time and 1/2 workaheads and some time and 1/2 days off, and
some overtime work so this number WAS NOT based on the 40 hour week.  Right
along side of me is a guy with about five years seniority doing about the
same thing who earned $38,000 dollars last year [editor's note; a number
closer to what new hire railworkers CAN REALLY EXPECT ].  The real numbers
FALL FAR SHORT of what company and union leaders are projecting!

So I say to you; now that we are part of the Teamsters let's start acting
like a team and utilizing the vast Teamster experience and WINNING some
decent contracts.  And let's start NOW!

D.A. Heath
BLET # 357
Conductor CPRS
Saint Paul Yard        
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