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Saturday, March 06, 2004

UTU Reform Caucus forming to Deal with Union Corruption

MAC Reform Caucus

I have received several phone calls and many e-mails from individuals who want to become more involved in the process of reforming "their" United Transportation Union. One way we can work together to advance our common goals for reform is to start a formal/informal caucus.

Formal, in the sense that it will have a structure, and informal, in that it will not be sanctioned by the officers that control the UTU International.

The concept of a caucus is not new, they have been around for a long time. In most successful reform campaigns by union members, caucuses have been the platform of the "grass roots" movement. No single individual is going to reform anything, it takes a concerted effort by those who believe that reform is required.

Special interests groups within the UTU already have formal caucus structures, however their is no single caucus that represents the members "at-large". MAC will work with these other caucuses to promote the reform platform developed by MAC.

Formal/Informal By-Laws

Initially, the name of the caucus will be: Members Against Corruption (MAC). The purpose of MAC will be to act as an advocacy group for the benefit of union democracy, and the removal of corrupt UTU officers.

Mission Statement

The Mission of the MAC Caucus will be to eliminate corruption from the International UTU, using the internal relief provisions of the UTU Constitution and, in failing to secure reform from within, the appropriate relief from state and federal government agencies.


The first meeting of MAC will be convened after a formal organizational structure is in place.

Initially, volunteers that are willing to serve MAC as Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer will be appointed on a first come first installed basis. After receiving 50 membership applications, the positions will be automatically declared vacant, nominations taken, and an election will be conducted immediately. The term of office will be for 1 year, at which time a new election will be conducted. A recall of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer will take place at the request of 10 or more members.

The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer will act independently regarding his or her duties and responsibilities. After the Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer have met, the duties and responsibilities of each office will be determined, and made part of these by-laws. MAC will develop a program to communicate with local UTU officers and delegates regarding the Mission of MAC. The Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer of MAC will serve on a voluntary basis, with no salary or reimbursements for personal expenses.

Web Site

The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer will create an official web site for MAC members.  


The initial qualifications for membership in the Caucus will be UTU: Active or retired members of the UTU, or a past members that agree to support the goals of MAC, and who are willing to work to achieve them. Membership may be extended to others upon amendment of these by-laws by a majority vote of the members. 

After an application for membership has been received, and eligibility has established by either the Chairman, Secretary, or Treasurer, members will not be referenced by name, unless permission has be granted by such member. Identification of members, names, e-mail addresses, will be confidential. Members  will be identified as Member #1, Member #2, etc.

MAC members will not be required to pay dues, or initiation fees, however, donations will be requested specific projects, such as mailings to delegates, become necessary to support the mission statement of the MAC.

Donations received by MAC will only be used to off-set documented expenses incurred for the promotion of reform.

Reform Procedures

Prior to the UTU International Convention, MAC will develop a recommendation list of candidates seeking International offices, and recommendations for proposed changes of the UTU Constitution.

The By-laws of MAC are subject to change upon petition of five members. A majority of votes returned will be required to implement any change.

Voting Procedures

All voting will take place by e-mail.  Individual votes will be recorded and published on the MAC web site in the following manner:  Member #1 voted "YES" or "NO" on the issue proposed. Members will verify their vote by their member number.

Business of MAC

All business conducted by MAC will be published on the MAC web site. Including financial accounting receipts and disbursements. Donations will be recorded by member number such as:  Member #1 - $10.00 etc.


Until such at time as someone else wants to take over, I will act as Chairman in order to facilitate the formation of MAC. 

If you are interested in joining the "Members Against Corruption" send me an e-mail.  In your message provide your name and indicate if you are an active or retired member of the UTU, or a past member that agrees to support the goals of MAC. Upon receipt of your message, I will forward you an application for membership.

Roger Griffeth

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