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mardi 4 mars 2003

So Chimera finally became Camino when I wasn't looking, joining a pack of browsers with travel-related names - Explorer, Navigator, Safari...

"We'll be releasing a stable build again soon, with the new name"

In fact, I've used some of the "nightly builds" since the last one announced as "stable". So far so good.

8:07:46 PM  link   your views? []

How astonished I was to find somebody playing again with 'Dessinez, c'est Disney':

I always managed to weasel out of Disneyland Paris and I'm mean enough usually to barter the ritual year-end trip to the Disney film against one I'd rather see myself. Occasionally, I'll grudgingly admit that "I didn't not enjoy it".

But OK, hat off where's it due. Who am I to say that this ancient CD-ROM played no small part both in reconciling that someone with a Mac, when she was small, and in contributing to the design skills she manifests today?

It remains one of the cleverest kid's play CD-ROMs around, chock-full full of intuitive options, satisfying squidgy tools and sumptuous sploshy noises. It used frequently to crash my printer, but doesn't any more, though when I last caught her at it, the game was being put to more subversive use than the manufacturer intended. I also suspect it crashed the printer through no fault of its own, but my own ignorance about allocating enough memory and that sort of thing.

Why mention it now? Because I wanted a gift for another child, this was ideal, but the Disney store site says it's not available. Amazon disagrees - and has the merit of being cheaper. While stocks last and all that.

11:07:13 AM  link   your views? []

By request. With some saying the war has already begun this week in the "no-fly zones", a couple of you with deep understanding of economic issues have asked for the updated version of W. Clark's detailed analysis:

"The real reason for this upcoming war is [the Bush] administration's goal of preventing further Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) momentum towards the euro as an oil transaction currency standard."

I found it via Indymedia. It sure is long, but worth the time and effort. Plus a host of links.

11:04:22 AM  link   your views? []

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