the siren islands

personal faves (to rant or to read)

open minds and gates

margins of my mind

friends for good

(bi)monthly brain food (frogtalk)

podcast pages

music & .mp3 blogs

finding the words
(pop-ups occasionally are pests)

general references

blogroll me?

even bloggers play in bands

MacMusic FR/EN

my technorati cosmos

downwards, ever downwards



lundi 17 mars 2003

dame So House of Commons leader Robin Cook has resigned, Bush is giving his ultimatum to Saddam, this kind of cartoon is still filling hundreds of in-boxes (thanks, Sylvain, Larry and the unidentified artist), the pullout of personnel has begun, four months suddenly seem very short, except on the propaganda front ... and the African Union has cracked down on that noisy but largely unnoticed weekend coup in the CAR by very sternly condemning it.
TechSurvivors had a facelift while I wasn't looking!

report With all eyes elsewhere, I've been quietly doing unfinished business, including my annual tithe to be rendered along with others at our favourite rite of the year. I vaguely wonder whether unions have "chapels" and "fathers" and "mothers" on account of this High Mass. The good news at work has been all the "youngsters" quite indifferent to such arcane terminology coming to meetings; we're well out of the post-Thatcherite doldrums, though nobody this side of the Channel hand-bagged organised labour so hard. The bad side of this rising level of attendance is that people feel they need the unions again: short-term contracts, slipping pay rates, precarious freelance work, the inexorable concentration of control in the traditional media and even, heavens, mounting concern about ethical and editorial matters and pressures.
In this calm before the storm, I'm taking a look at the state of the alternative media, including more of the myriad blogs around, so that Navigation column is likely to grow. Unlike the geraniums. This has been a day of reckoning for them too. Either what I've done will work or I will have to bid them farewell. I shall go and sing to them shortly.

As for the new look here: thanks to Bryan Bell for the theme I've begun fiddling with (and for some guidance in CSS; I didn't know what a cascading style sheet was last week). And the blog books arrived! I'll start reading the best bits soon, but it's amazing what helpful people have simply put on the Net.

9:52:59 PM  link   your views? []

nick b. 2007 do share, don't steal, please credit
Click here to visit the Radio UserLand website. NetNewsWire: more news, less junk. faster valid css ... usually creative commons licence
under artistic licence terms; contributing friends (pix, other work) retain their rights.

bodily contacts
the orchard:
a blog behind the log
('secret heart, what are you made of?
what are you so afraid of?
could it be three simple words?'
- Feist)

voices of women
RSS music

the orchard
RSS orchard

stories of a sort
(some less wise than others)

wishful thinking
(for my own benefit)

e-mail me? postbox

who is this guy?

March 2003
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31          
Feb   Apr

'be like water'? be music
march 2007
[feb 2007]
jan 2007
[dec 2006]
nov 2006
oct 2006
[sept 2006]
aug 2006
july 2006
june 2006
may 2006
april 2006
march 2006
feb 2006
jan 2006
dec 2005
nov 2005
oct 2005
sept 2005
aug 2005
july 2005
june 2005
may 2005

(for a year's worth of logging, a query takes you straight to the relevant entry; if answers date from the first years, this search engine will furnish them on monthly pages;
links to "previous lives" -- february 2003-april 2005 -- are omitted here but provided on all the log's monthly pages.)

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