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jeudi 6 mars 2003

Truth to tell, I'm knackered tonight! Getting a story on this afternoon's horrible plane crash in the Sahara (Tamanrasset) wasn't easy for anyone. Before that, we had what would have been a mood crash, except that most of us knew already, when our desk chief had to explain what the big boss announced on there being no promotions or bonuses this year. None at all, apart from the "automatic ones".

So there'll be an English desk union meeting in the next couple of weeks. Any points from abroad for this little session, whizz them through to me or to 'Sharpie', who has rejoined the Glutton for Punishment Club, and still finds time to have plans for his site.

Last from the factory: Gillian is aiming for the Spammer of the Year award, which she'll win by next month. But you've just redeemed yourself, my girl, though I wasn't going to touch on this subject for at least a funny day. (Grovel in advance to those bound to say "Seen that before!")

Oh, and quote of the day came from a senior staffer, up against one of many repressive regimes, when asked whether he could check with police about a multi-million fraud scandal lifted from the local press: "Oh dear, if you make me do that, it'll get me into a frightful pickle! They really only talk to the local journalists, you know!" By the way, Mr P., how's the swimming pool coming along? (I know you haven't got one... yet.)

On the mood thing - or is this just in the "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" category - tacit has owned up to a blog. Where he leaves us in no doubt as to his mood. Very bright fellow, tacit, and not one to hide much under a bushel. I did tell him the "picture (warning: NOT work-safe)" was only an incentive to click. If you're in the office, find it for yourself: I'm not going to make it easy since a lot of what he says is fun. I like his website too.

To a couple of friends in Africa. Hey, your card arrived this morning! Happy Christmas to you too. Fabulous stamps. I'll post you my own New Year's greetings tomorrow. Will you get them in time if I address them directly to the minister of information with a "please forward"?

9:35:38 PM  link   your views? []

The trial period is over. I like this software, so I've gone for the licence. You've spurred me on. :) Now I await only a little Blood and Stone.

11:37:24 AM  link   your views? []

nick b. 2007 do share, don't steal, please credit
Click here to visit the Radio UserLand website. NetNewsWire: more news, less junk. faster valid css ... usually creative commons licence
under artistic licence terms; contributing friends (pix, other work) retain their rights.

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('secret heart, what are you made of?
what are you so afraid of?
could it be three simple words?'
- Feist)

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March 2003
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(for a year's worth of logging, a query takes you straight to the relevant entry; if answers date from the first years, this search engine will furnish them on monthly pages;
links to "previous lives" -- february 2003-april 2005 -- are omitted here but provided on all the log's monthly pages.)

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