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jeudi 13 mars 2003

Catching up:

"'We're not jumping up and down saying we've got to get to the telescope immediately, we've just found E.T.,' said Dan Werthimer, SETI@Home's chief scientist. 'These are the best signals that 4 million volunteers have found over the last four years, and we're going to check up on them.'"

The pick of the pops begins on Tuesday, reports Wired. I'm not holding my breath, but would some good news from out there change things down here?

11:35:09 PM  link   your views? []

Where, of course, Kofi Annan comes from.

"Let’s remember that the crisis in Iraq does not exist in a vacuum. What happens there will have a profound impact on other issues of great importance.
"The broader our consensus on how to deal with Iraq, the better the chance that we can come together again and deal effectively with other burning conflicts in the world, starting with the one between Israelis and Palestinians.
"We all know that only a just resolution of that conflict can bring any real hope of lasting stability in the region. Beyond the Middle East, the success or failure of the international community in dealing with Iraq will crucially affect its ability to deal with the no less worrying developments on the Korean peninsula.
And it will affect our work to resolve the conflicts that are causing so much suffering in Africa, setting back the prospects for stability and development that the continent so badly needs."

An 'insight' column in the Accra Daily Mail is as good a summary of a widespread African position as any I've seen lately. Not surprising, since Annan wrote it!

10:58:03 AM  link   your views? []

What a wonderful morning! The forecasters say we could have a sunny spell like this until well into next week - will it run as far as the official first day of spring?

Let me not dampen spirits with a couple of reminders: we've got room 613 for the English service meeting this afternoon (1300 GMT) for 90 minutes. The agenda drawn up by David is as long as the issues raised. So even if we can't get through it all, let's please try to stay focussed on the most important points. No "rambling". :)

To clear up those doubts, an SNJ meeting tomorrow afternoon is open to all comers, not just a committee affair. Yes, Friday's a bad day for it - but when else? This time there will be no leather chairs, it's in the first floor meeting room (same hour) opposite the Comité d'entreprise offices. I'm still taking questions and contributions from people in bureaux around the world, as are Dmitri and the others you know.

Reports back will come via the usual channels.

10:43:31 AM  link   your views? []

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