A little of this, a little of that...

Jeff and Nicole went to Kenneth's band show last weekend at Monterey. It is great that they got to go and were able to be there for him. I felt bad going to General Council in Anaheim that weekend. It is great that Jeff and Nicole live so close and that they are such a pleasant part of our lives. I have been able to spend time with them and am totally excited that Jeff has been accepted at San Jose State. It is very exciting to me to think of him going to school here. I really look forward to spending more time with him. This photo was taken in his shop in San Jose. He is really stretched thin right now with school and work, but he still makes time for friends and family.
We have tickets to see Matrix Revolutions on Sunday. It is the last movie in the trilogy. I am really looking forward to it. It looks better than reloaded, but of course, it's hard to believe it can be anywhere near as good as the original. We are going with a group from IBM, that should be fun.
Dazed and confused
Speaking of Revolutions...I'm still dazed and confused after last weekend's CSEA General Council. It left me with a lot to think about. I guess I am not the only one. I have been thinking a lot about the early years of when I first got involved with the union. It was around 1990 or so. It seems like such a long time ago and then it seems like only yesterday. I remember so many good people, friends who have come and gone from the union over those years. Yet, there are some of us who have been through it all and have seen the course over the years, committed to a worthy cause and believing in what we were doing.
There is so much going on now. I just heard about a friend of mine who works for the union, someone I have known for about 15 years being caught up in the purge going on at union headquarters. So much has happened so fast it is like a whirlwind. It is hard to see where this is going from here and what is going to happen now. One thing is clear, some things will never be the same again. Some doors never reopen once you have passed through them. We will never be able to go back to the way things were.
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