Another Hectic Weekend
Yes, it was a hectic weekend. Saturday was Kenneth's last band competition at Napa High School. Ken calls it the curse of Napa. Last year it rained for the show. This year it poured! It was so bad at one point there was talk of not doing the show. But, the show went on! It ended up being a great show, even though the conditions were miserable. Several kids fell in the mud, Kenneth almost did, but they won the top award. I am very glad I went!
On the way to Napa I stopped at Fry's and bought a wireless router. We recently got a cable modem. I hooked it all up on Sunday. It rocks. We now have high speed Internet access both wired and wirelessly in our house. It is very cool!
Also on Sunday we went to see Matrix Revolutions. It is a great film and I totally recommend it. I really enjoyed the movie. Last, on Sunday I also worked on bicycles, adjusting the front derailer and cleaning the drivetrain on my Saso. Today I rode my bike to work for the first time in awhile.
Great news!
Steve (Jr.) is coming out! He will be here for the Thanksgiving holiday. I am really looking forward to seeing him and having all three boys together. It has been a long time since this has happened.
Another union meetingThe previous weekend I spent in Anaheim at our union's General Council meeting. I have posted photos of this meeting on the web server. This link will take you to all of the photos (digital and film) I took at General Council 2003. Note the photos of SJSU's own Gus Lease singing the National Anthem and Cruz Bustamante talking to our convention. Gus also sang the national anthem at my graduation when I got my masters degree. The photos show the size of this three day meeting. This weekend we are again going to southern California to meet with the union people to work on incorporation further.
Whine and Dine news (speaking of my previous trip south)On Friday I posted the photo of fellow whine and dine leader Tyler French and his new road bike. When I drove south I was able to visit and spend a little time with friend and former Whine and Dine rider Elaine Whitebook.

Elaine left the bay area and just recently bought a condo in Valencia, just off Interstate five, in the Santa Clarita Valley, north of LA. The recent fires burned right up to the area she lives. It was great seeing and visiting with Elaine, her place is really nice.
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