Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Central Coast Quake strikes close to homeYesterday, about 11:30am, the floor in my work area started moving. It was a long slow roll that left me feeling like I was having vertigo. I didn't see any indication of earth movement or damage. Paso Robles was not so fortunate.

As is now known two people died in Paso Robles as the result of buildings collapsing. This area is one of our favorite places to go. We go there to visit wineries and ride bicycles. Paso Robles is the home to the great western bike rally, one of my favorite late Spring activities. It was quite surprising to feel the quake and then hear about the lethal quake there. We know the area where the damage occurred pretty well.
1:13:42 PM
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Last update: 1/2/04; 12:34:28 PM.