Another day in Paradise
Steve Sloan's weblog. A bit tech, a bit bikes, a bit family, a bit friends, a bit scooters, a bit photo, a bit trains, a bit fun. Eight bits; that's a byte!


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  Friday, January 16, 2004

What is a hero?

Sue reading to Ken when he was little
In my opinion a hero is usually not somebody who says, "I am going to be a hero today." Usually, I think, a hero is somebody who does what she/he thinks is the right thing to do, at the time it needs to be done, despite putting themself at risk. Often, I think, only later is it realized the magnitude of what that person put at risk: what the level of self sacrifice involved was, how much the person who did the heroic act stood to loose, and what a selfless act the person did anyway. Often times, I suspect, the person who did the heroic thing didn't think about it, he or she simply acted. Perhaps this is the true measure of heroism? A true hero acts not because of hopes of glory. A true hero acts because the act was a reflection of his or her nature. I think a true hero acts because he or she wouldn't feel right not to act!

When Sue married me I believe it was an act of genuine heroism! She totally left her world and moved into mine. She took on three kids, not because she was forced to, but because she chose to. She committed her own resources to make a home with me for us and my children. She assumed moral, financial and legal responsibility for my sons without expecting them, or ever asking them, to treat her as though she was their biological mother. She risked rejection and financial hardship in doing so. She did all this without even once getting to bounce a baby on her knee. She did all this without even an expectation of being called "mom."

Kenneth slowly continues to recover

Despite swelling and discomfort, Kenneth continues to recover. His jaw is pretty swollen and he looks kind of like Alvin. Hopefully that will go away soon! At least he will never have to worry about his wisdom teeth again!

6:03:56 PM    comment []

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