A wind of change

I feel as though somebody has opened the front and back doors of the house that is my life and a let brisk wind blow through rearranging everything. There is way too much to write about in detail, it would read like a chapter of a book!
The most important thing is my sister Lura, whom we just found out last week has cancer, did well with her surgery! I flew up to Spokane to be with her, our sister Carol, my oldest son Steve Jr., Lura's husband Floyd and others.
Lura is recovering. They have moved her out of intensive care and back to her regular room. She has been up and they have been trying to get her to walk. The cancerous tumor they took out of her is the size of a football! She was in surgery for about six hours. It was pretty scary for us all. Her remaining kidney is working well.
After this weekend, everything will be different!
Other events of significance:
- Scary flight up there when the plane was buffeted and twisted by a strong wind just as it touched down (I do not like flying!)
- Reunion (and past due reconciliation) with Washington relatives
- Meeting their friends (the two Marias)
- Meeting Sparkle (Lura's dog)
- Went to see two movies (Cooler and Big Fish, good movie and great movie)
- Watching fresh snow fall at night in a city from a roof top (a first for me) with Steve Jr., and then driving around in it
- Returning to San Jose and hanging out with son Jeff and Nicole and meeting their new dog, Zoe
- Spending real quality time with Jeff
- Got wedding invitation from Lynn Benson for March 13th
- Today, Sue's mom Fran is coming to California, for keeps!
- Sue was one of our friend Diane's friends who hosted a baby shower for Diane
- Another dear friend found a tumor that may be cancerous
All this happened the same weekend Janet Jackson bared a boob at the Superbowl and revealed just how puritanical our society still is. (Today this event is getting more press coverage than the Iraq war and the budget crisis combined.) What a wacky world we live in!
12:15:25 PM