Waiting, the hardest partLura

This photo was taken during the long hours that we were waiting last week for Lura's surgery to be over. Seated left to right is our sister Carol, Lura's huband Floyd Nelson and my oldest son Steve Jr. We were waiting to hear if they were able to get all of the cancer, waiting to learn how far the cancer had spread, waiting to find out if she had survived. It was a long wait. Sometimes we talked. We also read and even dozed. Lura said that she learned how much people loved her after seeing how many people were there, and/or wrote, called and/or sent flowers. She said she felt the presence of our parents. Last night Carol said in an Email, "Lura is improving every day! Unfortunately, the food there is so gawd awful that she won't eat. I'm going to have to bring her some good stuff tomorrow." FranSue's mom is here now. We had a nice dinner last night and spent the evening looking at some photos on the laptop. Today she should be taking possession of her new place and we hope to be able to celebrate with champagne.
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