One book in the oven, another book doneThe book in the oven
Sue's book has gone from the writing to the layout phase. So, most of it is now in my lap. We are converting all the text to "ASCII" and removing all of the formatting using macro scripts I wrote in word to do this. Then we are importing this into Quark Express 6 and using predefined style sheets to stylize the copy. It is actually a lot of fun for me, at least so far. I have never attempted a layout project of anywhere near this magnitude. So far, so good! The book doneI just finished the book Nothing Like It In The World: The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad 1865-1869 by Stephen Ambrose. I think it's a fantastic book. If you even just like trains and/or history a little, I think this is a must read. In my opnion it is a wonderful book about an achievement comparable in its time to landing a man on the moon was in ours. I cannot recommend this book too highly. Yes, I think it is that good!
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