Why does it wait for the weekend to rain?
Last week was so nice and balmy, then this weekend it started to
rain. I had Friday night to myself, as Sue was at her mom, Fran's place,
and Kenneth was at a friends. I spent Friday running trains by myself
at the model railroad club. I enjoyed having the place to myself. Other
than a short bike ride, I spent most of the day on Saturday working on
the book. This continued on Sunday until the afternoon. Then Jeff and
Nicole came over with their new
puppy, Zoe. Zoe got to meet our calico cat Tupper. They are about
the same weight and Zoe just thought Tupper was a new friend. A good
time was had by all, except for Tupper. The cat fluffed up to about
twice her size and got pretty excited. The more Tupper carried on, the
more entertained Zoe was.
Then we got together with the Chauncys:

This is the first time I've seen them in a very long time. Diane
has grown a lot. Their baby Owen is due the end of this month! We had
a very good time and ended up going over to to Fran's and we all went
out to dinner. The weekend passed by too quickly!
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