Feline dilemmas
The vet
Last weekend we took our ten-year-old calico cat, Tupper, to the vet. We asked the vet many questions including, "We are considering getting a new cat (or two), what do you think?" She recommended against the idea. She thinks Tupper will react very negatively to the new family members. She said she thinks Tupper may attack the kittens. Tupper does spray outside, and we are concerned that, if upset, she may start to spray inside. The vet indicated this is a legitimate concern. We asked her, "if we do get another cat would you recommend a male (or males?)" She said, yes.
Sigh, the rest of Saturday we thought about this a lot (at least until the water heater broke.) The next day we had an appointment in Vacaville to look at Burmese cats. We almost cancelled the trip but we went anyway, just to look!
The Burmese

Love at first sight! We had a great time in Vacaville. We visited Lois True and her cattery, "Nightsong Cattery." The cats were wonderful. (She had pregnant cats but no kittens.) They were beautiful and had great temperaments! Tupper is a very subtle cat. I don't know if she has ever sit in Susie's lap. Tupper has almost never sat in mine. The Burmese were playful and outgoing. They climbed in our laps, they played and they purred and were great fun and very relaxing to be with. They are tiny cats, a 10 pound Burmese tomcat is a big Burmese! Lois was a great hostess, we could have stayed there for hours and hours more.
The dilemma
Will Tupper confirm our greatest fears? I have never seen her be aggressive to other cats. Our vet is a professional and her opinion is one Sue and I greatly respect. She's a good vet. But, we live with Tupper. I think the vet has seen Tupper at her worst (after fights) and may have made judgments regarding her personality based on that. Yes, Tupper has been to the vet with several injuries, but I believe she has been assaulted by other cats. I think she is the victim not the perp! Also, she is boy crazy! I think if we get boy cats she will accept them better, especially if they're kittens. We have a plan for phased introduction of the kittens (we may get) to Tupper. I think she will grow to love them, after all who can resist a kitten? We have run our plan past several of our cat friends and it seems viable. At least that is what we hope.
Stay tuned for more!
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