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 Tuesday, August 05, 2003
A List Apart: standards and search engines
In Issue No. 159 of A List Apart, for people who make websites: Search engine optimization (SEO) can generate more traffic than banner ads or pay-per-click methods. It's not voodoo or rocket science. The techniques many of us already use to lower bandwidth, comply with standards, and follow accessibility guidelines turn out to be some of the best things we can do to enhance our search engine rankings. New contributing writer Brandon Olejniczak tells how in "Using XHTML/CSS For an Effective SEO Campaign." [Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report
10:12:10 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Using RSS 2.0 and RDF together
I've been working on a series of issue analyses for the RSS 2.0 site. One of the questions I've been wanting to explore is whether RDF might be used in conjunction with RSS 2.0, and if so how. Today, in the comments section of the site, Dan Brickley pointed me to the example I've been looking for. He writes:
This week, a new 'RSS and jobs' site is getting some interest. There is a similiar effort at (eg. see and an old example scenario that Libby and I worked on at

I hope we all agree that such applications are an exciting part of the future of RSS and RSS-like technology. To my mind, the big question is, how can we partition the work so that we have a Web of complementary namespaces which fit together to give us better descriptions in our XML feeds.

Looking at the feeds currently served by, all the structure is hidden, entity escaped, inside the 'description' tag. Date, job title, employer, location, blurb... all crushed into a single field.
Suppose you wanted to do an RSS 2.0 feed that would expose those job fields as first-class XML. And suppose further that you wanted to express the job data in terms of RDF. What might that look like? ... [Jon's Radio
8:13:25 PM      comment []   trackback []  

MySQL Studio 4.2.4 released
MySQL Studio 4.2.4 is released. MySQL Studio is a MySQL Database GUI Admin Tool for administrating and monitoring MySQL server on Mac OS X platform. The new version improves support for MySQL 4.x, enhances MySQL Connection settings and backup, and fix the evaluation expiry problem.

Like Pixels? Check out MacDesign [
8:10:57 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Trillian 2.0, webEdit & Jabber
I'm using the new Trillian 2.0 beta.  So far it seems stable (just like 1.0), not too different - although I love the new tonal sound scheme.  What I was really waiting for was the Jabber support.  This works seamlessly (even though it's implemented as a plug-in) and has allowed me to develop a new application.

Frontier has a webservice based code editing environment.  You can check objects out of the server, edit, then check them back in.  Although there is no version control it is a convenient way to edit server code.  However one of the issues is working out who is doing what.  I thought about a web page, or an RSS feed, but it actually seemed like a nice IM application.

Since Dave, Jake, Lawrence, and Jeremy had already done the work this was as easy as adding a call-back to the Frontier webEdit code that said message ) and Voila!  Instant notifications about who is working on what code.

[Curiouser and curiouser!
8:10:11 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Lecture notes online
The slides for our Web Design World presentations - and what to make of them. [Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report
8:05:58 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Testing trackback again 123 
6:17:58 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Add a 'Blogs I Read' Search to Your Site
as seen on McGee's Musings

Another feature to look into.

5:02:41 AM      comment []   trackback []  

Matt Round's weblog:
another adjectiveanimal weblog....has got to be one of the most superlativedang blog designs out there.

Well, it gets my vote - right down to the blog, bogroll!

Good value! 
2:10:56 AM      comment []   trackback []