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 Thursday, August 14, 2003
Net views:
meet Mitch, Shelley, AKMA, JD.... Pixelview is an ongoing series of interviews with independent Web designers and developers. And Christopher Lydon has been conducting fascinating audio interviews with a slightly different bunch of people who have also been soaking in the Internet for a while. [Seb's Open Research
12:51:43 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Afterstep 2.0 Beta Includes XML Graphics System
vaevictus writes "Afterstep just released its 2.0 Beta 1, after a long merge from its development branch. One of the most interesting new features is an ... [Slashdot
12:36:21 PM      comment []   trackback []  

How I Organize my Stylesheets
. A couple of weeks ago there was a big discussion on css-discuss about how people structure their CSS files. Here is what I do. First off I try to break my styles down into logical chunks. I'll have a basic stylesheet that I'll serve up to Netscape 4 and within this I'll import the more advanced style sheets. [Andy Budd::Blogography
12:11:50 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Illustrated MT templates
Nice dissection of how templates in MT work. Need this for every blog system including Manila and Radio.
"Tackling Movable Type templates and CSS for the first time can be daunting. The MT default templates contain four kinds of code: CSS, HTML, MT tags, and Javascript.

I'm working on a little project to break it apart in an illustrated way. It's not exactly a Movable Type tutorial, but it does point out where divs are and what the tags look like in code and rendered in the browser.

If you click the images above, the first image shows where the div sections of the MT index template begin and end. The second one breaks apart the code for the blog entry and points to each section in a sample entry. The smaller images below show details for calendar, search and side menus"
(via [Roland Tanglao's Weblog
12:07:13 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Web Design Postcards
This is one of the best ideas I've seen in a long time: Postcards that contain web design tips. Look through these postcards for coding, design and content tips for your own sites, and if one of the sites you visit regularly doesn't measure up, why not show them you care by emailing them the URL of an applicable card?
[The J-Walk Blog
1:59:58 AM      comment []   trackback []  

Avoiding Tanek's "Box Model Hack"
If you're a CSS developer you'll know that IE5.x gets the box model wrong. Padding and margin should actually be added to the width of a box. However IE5.x includes padding and margin within the width of the box... [Andy Budd::Blogography
12:35:12 AM      comment []   trackback []