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 Thursday, August 28, 2003
Different ways to organize RSS feeds
...At evectors we are working on a reputation-based filtering system, where users of k-collector will be able to have their news filtered according to who is writing about some specific topic. It's still at a very early stage, but it sounds promising.

Whew... it looks like there's still a lot of stuff to invent and code to write, uh?
[w4feed:RSS 2.0
6:43:04 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Introducing O'Reilly's Developer News Site
I'd like to introduce you to O'Reilly's Developer News site. I think it is the cumulative work of the best parts of news sites today.
[Meerkat: An Open Wire Service: O'Reilly Network Weblogs
5:20:21 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Blogware developed in Ruby!?!
"Congrats on the first publicly deployed blog hosting system in Ruby! Cool! Could we have some more technical details please, Joey? Like why Ruby and why not Perl, PHP, ASP, etc? The things you mention are nice computer science arguments, but some juicy ammunition for PHB's :-) would be awesome!"

"Boss Ross has declared that we are far enough out of stealth mode for me to use my powers as Tucows' TC/DC (Technical Community Development Coordinator) and actually say what language the developers are using to write this pretty cool blogging tool called Blogware...


Some of you might right now be cocking your head to one side. Ru-what? If you're one of these people, Ruby is:

* A complete, full, pure object oriented language. Even the number 1 is an instance of class Fixnum.
* Flexible and dynamic. It's both dynamic (no need to declare variables) and strongly typed (types are checked at runtime). What to add methods to a class at runtime? No prob. Want to add methods to an instance at runtime? Once again, No prob.
* A language with a nice clean, consistent syntax
* Open source
(via The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century) [Roland Tanglao's Weblog
4:56:26 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Closing the loop on XHTML blog content
James Farmer asks about the difference between WYSIWYG XML and HTML editing:
[Jon's Radio
1:08:45 AM      comment []   trackback []