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 Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Marc Canter

"The message we should all have tatooed on our forheads should read: Integration, aggregation and customization. Everything we need has been invented. Now it's just time to get it all to work together."

[Marc's Voice
10:23:58 PM      comment []   trackback []  

New Flavour Model for Blosxom
Rael Dornfest, (who I assume is the creator of Blosxom) incorporated a few suggestion I had for improving Blosxom 'Flavours' (themes). Instead of 4-5 text files spread around in the root folder, he has boiled a template down to 1 file stored in its own folder, inside a themes folder. This is going to be a much cleaner system, and now Blosxom has a standard model for themes with component parts, like images and css files. Simply store your images in the same folder as the theme file, and they will be automatically detected and used. In addition to this innovation, Rael will incorporate a standard way to designate different themes/flavours for subfolders in your directory.
7:32:37 PM      comment []   trackback []  

XML-to-string converter (in XSLT) [0xDECAFBAD Quick link
7:23:26 PM      comment []   trackback []  

RSSlets Are Just the Beginning
Phil had a nice post tonight about RSSlets from Eightlinks. I remember the Amazon RSS feeds hitting the ether about a month ago. RSSlets by themselves provide point functionality. I disagree with the location of the intelligence -- on a server. RSSlets in a MoveableType world can only be server based. In a Radio world, RSSlets are desktop based. Once you move this type of functionality to the desktop, a whole new world opens up. What is needed is a supervisory engine in Radio that provides a plug-in architecture for RSSlets. The rough structure is there with Tools, but this structure needs to be extended to provide management for RSSlets, a simple interface for creating RSSlets, interfaces that feed the news aggregator, and an engine capable of learning your preferences based on RSS subscriptions, RSSlet return data, and specific user input.
[Dann Sheridan's Weblog
7:14:14 PM      comment []   trackback []  

MetaWeblog API
"It is now safe to deploy applications based on this spec."
[Scripting News
7:09:24 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Embedding RDF in HTML
Radio embeds RDF data in the HTML output of my blog. I recall reading about this in the past. What is the commonly accepted view on this (from the RDF folks)? Good or Bad?

Update: I found this article by Sean Palmer. The answer: It depends. But basically, OK.
[Blogdigger Development Blog
2:03:31 AM      comment []   trackback []