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 Wednesday, August 27, 2003
das Blog - open source and written in ASP.NET
"This is no "for money" product. We have developed that for our own needs and because we are educators and will use this code base in excercises with our students and therefore will give it away for them to play with, anyways, we can just as well share it with the rest of the folks out there, too.

This is "free software" without the politics. The software license we chose for DasBlog is plain and simple: BSD. You may use, modidy and redistribute our stuff as long as you keep us out of trouble and leave our and all of the other contibutor's copyright notices in. If you want to derive a closed-source, proprietary product from it ... just go right ahead. We don't like the GPL and the whole "must disclose source of derivative works" interpretation of "free"."

(via [Roland Tanglao's Weblog
6:34:07 PM      comment []   trackback []  

SimpleBits | CSS Photo Zoom
After reading Pixy's clever Fast rollovers, no preload needed method for using a single background image for multiple hover states, it got me thinking. What if the concept was used to offer a zoomed view of a thumbnail image, right inline on the page, again using a single image?
(via MovableBlog) [Roland Tanglao's Weblog
6:30:13 PM      comment []   trackback []  

The Design Council
The UK's Design Council aims to help people and organisations understand and use design more effectively. As part of this strategy they have an excellent About Design section on their site which focuses on design issues such as user centered design, information design, interaction design and inclusive (or accessible) design. They also run a number of sister sites...
[Andy Budd::Blogography
6:05:53 PM      comment []   trackback []  

The value of design
In my expirience most people view design as a superficial thing. It's about making something look nice, be that a business card, a brochure or a website. This is why many web designers jump straight into Photoshop when they get a new commission, and why clients expect to see designs before any requirements have been set. People just don't get...
[Andy Budd::Blogography
6:03:13 PM      comment []   trackback []  

All Things Distributed: Web Services are NOT Distributed Objects
...Popular (misconceptions) are: "Web services is just RPC for the Internet", or "You need HTTP to make web services work". Below I will try to address a number of the more popular misconceptions....
[Roland Tanglao's Weblog
5:54:51 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Standards don't necessarily have anything to do with being semantically correct
Since the push toward good HTML/CSS/XHTML standards started a few years ago, browsers have gotten better at rendering standards-compliant code correctly and web designers have gotten better at writing standards-compliant code. Safari and Mozilla in particular have made great gains in rendering code correctly and folks like Todd Dominey, Dave Shea, Dan Cederholm, and Doug Bowman (the four Ds?) have built great-looking and usable sites with standards-compliant code and then......
4:23:23 PM      comment []   trackback []  

Exploration and discovery
This week's column on dynamic languages, and its associated blog entry, provoked some interesting reactions. From Don Box:
[Jon's Radio
4:51:55 AM      comment []   trackback []