Jon Box's Weblog


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  Sunday, July 06, 2003

".NET Dave" has now started a blog.  Dave Wanta doesn't brag much so I'll pick up the slack today.  He is a resource in the .NET community in several ways.  Not only is Dave a popular INETA speaker, but consider the following:

Dave is the founder of, the world's largest directory of .NET resources and one of the first of the popular .NET sites.  This is often one of the first sites that I use when researching .NET issues.  One of the things that this site does is send me an email of the resources added yesterday and reports the top ones that people were looking at.  I love to see this type of information.

Dave is the creator of  This is the coolest thing that I've seen in a long time.  One can sign up for certain Knowledge Base categories (over 200), and when Microsoft creates a KB article in the registered areas of interest, you' ll get a summary in your email box. I can't figure out how Dave makes all of this happen, but I like getting notifications in areas of interest before I have the problem.  It makes me smarter in the areas that I work in, without having to do the research to find out or doing the research during a problem.  Register for this today!

Dave is a member of AspInsiders, which is a group that the MS ASP.NET team recognizes as experts in the web development area.  This group is a Who's Who in the programming community.  If this group doesn't have the answer, they can get the answer "straight from the horse's mouth".

Dave is a contributor for an upcoming book called ASP.NET Professional Secrets.  This title has an impressive author list.

Last but not least - Dave is the founder and visionarian at Advanced Intellect, a company who has several leading server-side components for .NET development.  These components cover a variety of topics including SMTP, MIME, eMail validation, POP3 component, and a DNS component.

Dave is scheduled to come to Memphis to speak at our user group on August 19th.  And as usual, we will make a serious run to Chick-Fil-A to see how much chicken and sweet tea can be consumed by humans.

Hopefully, you can see why I am excited to subscribe to Dave's blog.  But for me, I also count him as a friend.

11:22:03 PM    comment []

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Last update: 8/31/2004; 11:54:32 PM.

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