Jon Box's Weblog


.NET Articles by the Atomic group


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  Wednesday, October 01, 2003

To start the day, I attended Derek Ferguson's 9AM session, ASP.NET and Mono.  Derek started with an introduction to ASP.NET.  Then he gave an introduction to Mono on Linux and ended with an ASP.NET demo with Mono.  I found the following point interesting:

  • He talked about the possibility of running Mono on other platforms including FreeBSD, SPARC, PowerPC and Windows.
  • System.Windows.Form namespace is implemented in Mono, even though that's not part of the ECMA spec. 
  • ADO.NET providers are more plentiful that the MS Framework including Oracle, SQL, MySQL, Postgres, and more.
  • All the ASP.NET controls are there, but not all methods and events are implemented.

Derek's presentation was very good and it was a real eye opener to me.  It's cool to see that the .NET class model was so well engineered, it can really be implemented on other platforms.  The people that can do this really must be smart. 

What I have a hard time understanding is why anyone wants to do this.  This whole thing about Open Source and people being so anti-Microsoft seems short sited to me.  And it seems hypocritical to me to have to be funded in order to further an Open Source project.

Is Microsoft a monopoly?  Obvisouly not since I'm seeing other O/S's being promoted and demonstrated here.  Is it a monopoly cause I can't see the O/S code?  I don't care to see the O/S code.  And why would I want to go to the effort of learning all of these other O/S's?  I just need to develop applications for my clients in an efficient way with quality. 

Another thought: I haven't seen one good editor other than VS.NET in two days.  The one close excpetion to this is the Oracle JBuilder product demonstrated today.  But it looked very very similar to VS.NET except the windows were moved around.  One nice feature was the page flow diagrams.

I must really have my head in the sand, drinking my Kool-Aid, swallowing those red pills...


7:06:13 PM    comment []

The late .NET session was presented by me.  My major points were the following:

  • The Mobile Web Challenge
    • All Those Controls
    • In The Old Days
  • What is ASP.NET Mobile Controls?
    • Adaptive Rendering
    • Controls by category
    • Customization
    • Extensibility
      • New Devices and New Markup Languages
      • Controls (User Controls, Custom, Extending)
  • Resources

In this presentation, I attempted to change my presentation style slightly.  It was my goal to spend more time in VS.NET than in PowerPoint.  I think it went OK, but I was challenged slightly.  I'm stilly trying to decide how much code to type versus to have pre-built.  I mean, who wants to see me type a bunch of code?  I also am battling a short in the power code of my laptop, which started giving battery messages at the end of the presentation.  Real classy!

I'll be posting to the Atomic site next week as soon as Dan shows me how to convert my PPT into a PDF.

2:16:00 AM    comment []

The first afternoon breakout session in the Web Services Edge .NET track was "Smart Devices in the Enterprise".  Presented by Brad McCabe of Infragistics, the session covered the development options in the Microsoft mobility space including ASP.NET Mobile Controls, .NET Compact Framework, and Tablet PC development. Shockingly, he did not talk about the work that Infragistics has done in these areas to give developers some good choices for enhanced controls.

1:53:43 AM    comment []

Keynote from Amazon CTO on Web Services

The day began for me by attending a keynote by Allan Vermeulen, CTO of Amazon. It was fantastic! Mr. Vermeulen did a presentation where he paralleled the innovations from electricity in the late 1800’s to the birth of Web Services. The central theme was that after the initial birth of electricity, other innovations had to occur in order for it to be the necessity of the day. In the context of web services, we have seen the initial birth (connectivity, standards, building blocks of distributed computing, economic models). But Mr. Vermeulen holds that we have only begun the process of innovation for web services, and that the future holds great things with web services. He pointed out to the audience claiming that we were the next innovators of the technology.

Along the way, he showed several sites built on the Amazon Web Services. These 3rd party sites are not just storefronts, which was the Amazon’s original intent. These sites do some very interesting things with the information and statistics provided by Amazon. He also showed us some sites that used Google web services.

GoogleDuel – a site where two words are compared by looking at the numbers of hits on Google.  In the demo, he allowed the audience to suggest two words for the live submission. To his shock, someone shouted out “Amazon” and “Ebay”.  With some concern, the words were entered and submitted. When the page showed that Amazon was the clear winner, Mr. Vermeulen was as happy as anyone even to the point of giving his assistant a two handed high-five. He declared that this was a perfect example of using this tool. Obviously, this comparison will be the choice for future demonstrations.

All Consuming“a website that visits recently updated weblogs every hour, checking them for links to books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Sense, and other book sites. Every book on this site has a list of all the weblogs that have mentioned it, and every weblog that has mentioned books in the past also has a page here listing which books it has mentioned. If you have a weblog, search for it here to see if we've picked anything up from it yet.” The site consumes web services from,,, and There are more details at the bottom of the page.

YES – this service claims to know every song played on registered radio stations every minute of the day up to 24 hours. By using the YES bar, a person can find the title of a song they heard earlier that day.

HiveGroupWorking in cooperation with Amazon Web Services, The Hive Group now offers our site visitors the opportunity to use Honeycomb to shop for products at Honeycomb's impressive and useful interface tames page after page of lists, presenting 1000's of products on a single computer screen. The categories below contain more than 34,000 products from Amazon's online store. Improve your purchase power! Use the power of Honeycomb to convert endless product data into useful product information!” This UI is so cool. I highly suggest taking a look at this.

Grokker from Groxsis – “Grokker builds precise and detailed knowledge maps containing visual cues to the relationships between the data. The map itself contains powerful metadata that vividly describes the “nature” of the data collection. Grokker enables map generation and the ability to collaborate, extend, edit, delete, save, and share any attribute or subset of the map.” This is another cool mechanism for looking at sets of data.  The connection to the presentation is that the data for the graphs are required by web services.  My explanation will not do it justice so see this example.

For more information on Amazon's use of web services, see

For a report from Sys-Con's Group Publisher, see


1:39:34 AM    comment []

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Last update: 8/31/2004; 11:59:51 PM.

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