Rebecca's Blog
Mostly news stories or articles of interest in the future to me. I'll eventually get around to adding my own ideas and stories on a more regular basis.


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  Tuesday, August 05, 2003

I had a little impromptu surgery today.  I had a knot on my chest and it was hurting, so I went to a "Patient First" facility.  They said it was a cyst and took care of it on the spot. A few numbing shots, an incision (which now has packing in it...gross) and a bunch of bandaging and it was done.  My first surgery.  They said it was the size of a walnut.  DISGUSTING!  But, the good news is...I'll be living a little longer.  I can't get it wet until the packing is removed tomorrow morning, so no working out and no showering.  My lucky coworkers.  ;)   I did go to the dentist today, so my teeth are very clean. 


Comments8:22:43 PM    

JP had this in his blog. 

In Your Client's Shoes. Just got a note from my brother, who works in Human Resources at an auto manufacturer.

"This past week we had a "job share" event where the UAW workers on the assembly line (assembling rear axles) traded places with the management team. I worked on the line putting axle shafts into the tubes in the axle assembly. It was a lot of work (I was sore the next day) and a real eye-opener and I gained an appreciate for what an auto worker has to do day in and day out."

  I think this is just a great, great idea. We've done this on a limited basis here at Microsoft, but I've entertained the idea of doing something more formal. How great would it be if we could work in a retailer, answering customer questions and stocking shelves? Or travel with the sales folks and present the marketing material we produce to our partners? Would we learn more about what our clients, partners and customers go through if we could really live in their shoes for a day or two? [John Porcaro: mktg@msft]

I LOVE this idea.  I think it would be awesome for pieces of the company to understand what other people do.  Some things require too much training for someone to actually do their job (for example, i couldn't just go become a developer tomorrow) but it'd be interesting to see what different areas/positions do during an average day.  Not only would it be interesting, it seems like it would help you work better together.  "Oh, they want to know this because it comes up at y-point."  Word.

Comments1:30:53 PM    

I get [Joi Ito's Web].  Today there was an interesting article on homosexual marriages.  While it's not something I'm feeling too passionate about either way, I really enjoyed one of his posts since it did hit a nerve on something that is more important to me - human growth that doesn't evolve from additional limitations. 

Thomas Jefferson - Letter to George Washington, January 4, 1786: "This...plan"
I am certainly not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.

The quote above is from one of the four inscriptions chiseled into the inside walls of the Jefferson Memorial.

I think an interesting thing happens with the world as technology advances.  People get scared and to overcome that fear that try to limit and slow down the progress.  If you don’t understand something, educate yourself…don’t try to stop progress from happening.
Comments12:53:11 PM    

I liked this story 'cause I've been "wireless" for over a year.  And except for the few occasions when I break another headset it's awesome and gives me more money to spend on other things.  Woohoo! 

Millions Going Solo With Cells. Industry analysts say 7.5 million Americans have cut the cord of their land-line phones, with students, recent graduates and young professionals leading the way. Some wonder if they'll return to land lines later or if wireless will meet all their needs. [Wired News]

Comments11:26:12 AM    

Three quotes I liked from today's...

Richard M. Nixon. "Always remember others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself."

I have some opposition to holding grudges and hating folks.  You shouldn't do it.  And somtimes I need a reminder.


Ed Macauley. "When you are not practicing, remember, someone somewhere is practicing, and when you meet him he will win."

I am often torn between comparing myself to people of my age or of similar positions or that are just off the charts.  I feel like I'm still ahead for my age that for the comparisons at my age the gap is getting a little smaller.  What do I need to stay ahead?  What do I need to do to practice and win? 

Henry David Thoreau: "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]

Maybe that answers my question above.  And now the question is, "Busy doing what?"

Comments11:22:51 AM    

"On the existence of God..." [Daypop Top 40]

While I'm not really ready to give a public opinion on how I feel about "God," I did want link to this.  The story is, eh, "okay."  Mostly I enjoyed reading through the comments of all the aethists, agnostics and Christians.  Some very intelligent conversations.

Comments11:18:50 AM    

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Last update: 2/8/2005; 2:13:04 PM.

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