Rebecca's Blog
Mostly news stories or articles of interest in the future to me. I'll eventually get around to adding my own ideas and stories on a more regular basis.


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  Friday, August 08, 2003

Acxiom database hacked. According to the company, the hacker -- a former employee of one of its clients -- has already been arrested.

---This is a major Arkansas company, so this is interesting to me. I'm pretty sure I taught the wife of the guy (c. morgan) from the article how to use the internet a few years ago.  heh.

Comments7:08:43 PM    

"Lileks has said all that needs to be said" [Daypop Top 40]

This is probably off for me to post, but I think it's interesting.  I wonder what my last words woudl be.

Comments4:02:38 PM    

Stressed Out By Information Overload, Constant Interruption, and Increasing Personal Isolation?. John Porcaro: mktg@msft]

Though I haven't heard how this went yet, I wanted this paragraph to exist for my later reading as a goal:

Imagine feeling totally exhilarated to be at work. You love what you do, the people you work with, the responsibilities you face, and the simple fact that you--on a daily basis--make a difference. Each Sunday evening, you find yourself anticipating the coming week with a mixture of eagerness and satisfaction.

Not the case for you? According to Tim Sanders, the Chief Solutions Officer of Yahoo!, you (and many of the rest of us) could be suffering from "New Economy Depression Syndrome (NEDS)," a form of work-related stress that is caused by information overload, constant interruption, and increasing personal isolation. NEDS is best understood, in a workplace scenario, as carpel tunnel syndrome of the mind. Think about it: today's business world is armed with technological tools designed to make communication effortless and enhance productivity, yet we all seem to be suffering from a downward spiral of information overload, no-nonsense rationality, and social shyness.

Nice, smart people succeed, Sanders maintains, by sharing three critical elements of themselves: their knowledge, their networks, and their compassion. "The most powerful force in business isn't greed, fear, or even the raw energy of unbridled competition," he explains. "The most powerful force in business is love [the promotion of growth in another]. It's what will help your company grow and become stronger. It's what will propel your career forward. It's what will give you a sense of meaning and satisfaction in your work which will help you do your best work."

Interesting stuff. 

Comments3:32:43 PM    

Six-Sigma-ize Your Marketing. Bryan Eisenberg of Future Now has an article in ClickZ called 'Six Sigma' Web Marketing. I personally think Six Sigma is highly under-rated among marketing folks, and is a lot more applicable than most think. Once you've discovered the customer's... [John Porcaro: mktg@msft]

I actually like John's article better than the linked one, but I did find this good stuff from it:

You create the system your visitor must navigate. People don't cause defects, systems do," said the late quality management guru, W. Edwards Deming.

Anything that results in a lower level of customer satisfaction or a lost customer is a defect, a flaw in the sales process.

Working with developers, I find that I'll do something that they think is crazy and they're not going to address that error because it's silly/stupid/whatever for someone to get that error.  Dude, if you can get an error, it's a problem.  But, it goes beyond that. In my job if I don't respond to a question/concern quickly enough or with enough empathy or explanation, there's aslo a problem in the "system."  Working towards a system without problems is a beautiful thing.  Beautiful isn't better than pretty, btw. ;)

Comments3:26:48 PM    

Not a Bad Job if You Can Get It. Jeff Jarvis at BuzzMachine points to The Worst Job in Journalism. Tim Porter was just named Ombudsman for the New York Times. Maybe we should add that to Scoble's title? According to Tim, there is one thing that will make... [John Porcaro: mktg@msft]

What I liked best about this was this list of tips:
Be honest. Be fair. Be candid.
Be professional, not personal.
Be independent.
Be humble, but be strong.
Be ready to laugh.

I thnk it can be a tough line in knowing how to interact with folks and be at the right "level."  Friendly, but not too personal.  Being candid is a hard one for me occasionally 'cause I'm not sure of what I know I should or shouldn't share.  I like to "tell it like it is," but then I've been on this kick lately of perception and I know that perception is so frequently off.  Good tips, good tips.

Comments3:21:09 PM    

Elbert Hubbard. "Never explain--your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway."

That's something I need to remember more often...

Comments3:12:54 PM    

" What Emotion Are You? " [Daypop Top 40]

Mine said:
You are Peace. You are at peace with your self and the world around you. You have balance in your life and exude tranquility from every pore of your body. People are constantly asking you "what is your secret?"

Haha.  Whatever.


Comments3:10:37 PM    

'Cause I keep reading this and smiling, I'm going to post the horoscope that Aaron & Joy wrote for me for today:
Rebecca's Horoscope for August 8th:
First item of the day: smile louder than you thought possible!  A choice entry into your public journals will elicit a wealth of responses; it seems people relate to you, and look forward to doing so.  Your enthusiasm for babies will not go unnoticed, and you'll have the opportunity to daydream of your own today.  And that urge to hit the dating pool again?  The time is right to jump back in.  Perhaps TOO right... after all, you are looking and feeling your sexiest. 

Comments8:46:42 AM    

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