Boing Boing Blog
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Extremophile mining for bio-ideas. Bio-miners are looking closely at extremophiles, organisms that thrive in adverse environments, for exploitable bio-ideas. The gold rush mentality is endangering the extremophile habitats, though, and may cost humanity the lessons they have to offer us.
Extremophiles comprise principally bacteria, which have the remarkable ability to thrive in conditions that would be hazardous to other lifeforms - extremes of temperature, radiation, salinity, and metal toxicity...
One promising discovery is a glycoprotein which prevents Antarctic fish from freezing...
Other Antarctic discoveries include an extract from green algae for use in cosmetic skin treatment, and anti-tumour properties in a strain of yeast.
(via /.) |
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Course in googling comes to UW Seattle LIS department. The UW Seattle Library and Information Science program is offering a course in Google -- in Microsoft's back-yard, no less, and just a few days since Bill Gates said that MSFT was going to un-break its search offerings:
'Our strategy was to do a good job on the 80 percent of common queries and ignore the other stuff,' he said. But 'it's the remaining 20 percent that counts,' he added, 'because that's where the quality perception is.'
This was by far the most interesting thing I've read about Google in 2004: the value proposition is in the 20 percent that represents the least-frequent queries in the service. It's the same reason that PirateNapster, with millions of songs (most of which you didn't care about) was a million times better than LegitNapster, with a few hundred thousand songs, most of which you can hear by turning on the radio. It's the difference between an ASCII ebook that you can print of turn into a PDF or run through text-to-speech or any of a million tasks that most of us don't care about and a frozen ebook in a DRM format that you can only use in the ways that the publisher's research has indicated are most popular.
(via Battelle) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
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Camera phones are hot despite concerns over privacy, spying (AFP). AFP - They are one of the hottest new technology items, but mobile phones with integrated cameras are also raising a host of concerns about privacy, industrial espionage and even pornography. |
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Sony Invests in IBM's Semiconductor Plant (AP). AP - Sony Corp. will invest $325 million in IBM Corp.'s upstate New York semiconductor plant and work with Big Blue to produce tiny new chips for next-generation computer systems and consumer electronics. |
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Spam Slayer: Be Wary of Opting In (PC World). PC World - New laws offer some protection, but they can't save you from yourself. |
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Learning (And Harvesting) from Extremophiles |
InfoWorld: Top News
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Attachmate puts connector on mainframe - Infoworld Staff. Attachmate on Monday detailed a mainframe version of its myExtra Smart Connector. |
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Linux beats a path to the datacenter - Infoworld Staff. “The beaver is out of detox.” |
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Intel unleashes Prescott. Intel released the first major revision to its Pentium 4 processor in two years with the introduction of four new processors based on Intel’s 90-nanometer Prescott core this week. |
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FAST, Verity bolster enterprise search - Infoworld Staff. Fast Search & Transfer (FAST) and Verity are strengthening their respective search offerings to help enterprises make the most of data. |
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Red Hat, SuSE get on board - Infoworld Staff. Now that the 2.6 kernel has been finalized, Linux distributors will build it into their operating systems and bring it to market over the next few months. |
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Conversation with the Linux kernel keeper - Infoworld Staff. Andrew Morton, the Linux kernel v2.6 maintainer at the Open Source Development Labs, spoke with InfoWorld Contributing Editor Paul Venezia. ADVERTISEMENT: Get strong 128-bit SSL security for your online business - To secure your servers with 128-bit SSL encryption, download a copy of the free VeriSign Guide, "Securing Your Web site for Business." You'll learn everything you need to know about encrypting e-commerce transactions, securing corporate intranets, and authenticating your Web site.
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Tech firms blamed for aiding censorship in China. While China's large online population and growing economic development represent an irresistible lure for many IT vendors, any technology they provide that helps the Chinese government impose Internet censorship makes them partially to blame for human rights abuses, a new report by Amnesty International (AI) claims. |
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Industry group launches wireless DRM initiative. Industry group, the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) on Monday launched its newest Digital Rights Management (DRM) system for protecting digital music, video, and software from illegal file sharing over mobile devices. |
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Infragistics adds 508 support - Infoworld Staff. ISV Infragistics on Monday released Volume 1of its NetAdvantage 2004 tool box for constructing commercial user interfaces. |
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IBM's Grady Booch on solving complexity - Infoworld Staff. With IBM's acquisition of Rational Software, Grady Booch -- one of the original developers of the Unified Modeling Language and a thought leader in the area of architectural software -- has become the proverbial kid in the candy store. In his role as an IBM Fellow, Booch will help invent IBM's software future. He believes IBM's large cash reserves and a close working relationship with the high-voltage brain power of IBM Research will significantly quicken to market a range of technical innovations in the area of tooling. |
InfoWorld: Security
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SCO downed by Mydoom. Computers infected with the Mydoom worm launched a massive attack against the Web site of Unix software maker The SCO Group,
Inc. Sunday, cutting off access to the company's Web site. |
SecurityFocus News
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Elsewhere: Early Worm Gets SCO Bird. The MyDoom Internet worm claimed its first scalp Sunday, paralyzing the website of American software firm SCO Group with a massive data blitz.
In a statement issued Sun... |
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Elsewhere: Mydoom worm wanes after zapping US software maker's website. The Internet's most voracious worm ever appeared to wane after bringing down a website operated by US software maker SCO Group and forcing the company to set up a new dom... |
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News: 'Mydoom' computer virus brings down SCO Group's Web site. The Associated Press By Mark Thiessen |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
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Vulnerabilities: ChatterBox Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability. ChatterBox is a multiple client, single server graphical chat program implemented using Java with Swing user interface components. ChatterBox is designed to run on any pl... |
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Vulnerabilities: PhpGedView [GED_File]_conf.php Remote File Include Vulnerability. PhpGedView is web-based geneology software that is implemented in PHP.
A vulnerability has been reported to exist in the software that may allow an attacker to include ... |
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Vulnerabilities: PhpGedView Editconfig_gedcom.php Directory Traversal Vulnerability. PhpGedView is web-based geneology software that is implemented in PHP.
A vulnerability has been reported to exist in PhpGedView that may allow a remote attacker to acce... |
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Vulnerabilities: GNU LibTool Local Insecure Temporary Directory Creation Vulnerability. libtool is a freely available, open source library management script. It is available for the Unix and Linux platforms.
A problem has been identified in the creation of... |
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Vulnerabilities: Tcpdump L2TP Parser Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability. tcpdump is a freely available, open source network monitoring tool.
It has been reported that tcpdump is vulnerable to a denial of service when some packet types are rec... |
The Register
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Verizon, Vodafone stake out in the US. Stumbling block removed |
NewsIsFree: Security
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IT Losing Ground in Virus Battle |
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Te weinig aandacht voor security zorgt voor virussen |
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Opzet Internet bemoeilijkt achterhalen cybercriminelen |
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Elsewhere: Early Worm Gets SCO Bird |
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Elsewhere: Mydoom worm wanes after zapping US software maker's website |
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MyDoom.B Is For Bust |
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News: 'Mydoom' computer virus brings down SCO Group's Web site |
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DARPA-Funded Linux Security Hub Withers |
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DARPA-funded Linux security hub withers |