Digital Identity World
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The Digital ID World Newsletter - January 7, 2004 Issue |
2. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - January 22, 2004 Issue |
3. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - January 29, 2004 Issue |
4. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - February 5, 2004 Issue |
Ars Technica
5. |
Hacking Crusoe. RWT is running an serious of articles by an anonymous author who has done an impressive job of reverse engineering many of the technical details of Transmeta's Code Morphine Software and the VLIW hardware at the core of Crusoe. By Hannibal. |
Boing Boing Blog
6. |
Blogging eTech. In addition to the slew of live blog and wiki coverage already taking place at O'Reilly's Emerging Technology Conference in San Diego (Cory's a featured speaker, and I'm popping in to schmooze for a few hours later today!), Jason Calacanis just launched www.bloggingetech.com. |
7. |
Columbia's online social search study released. BoingBoing reader Eli the Bearded says:
In this era of renewed interest in social networks, finally comes the results of perhaps the biggest social network connection study. Snip: "We report on a global social-search experiment in which more than 60,000 e-mail users attempted to reach one of 18 target persons in 13 countries by forwarding messages to acquaintances. We find that successful social search is conducted primarily through intermediate to weak strength ties, does not require highly connected 'hubs' to succeed, and, in contrast to unsuccessful social search, disproportionately relies on professional relationships."
Link |
8. |
Photos from SF Chinese New Year Parade. 
Derek "Fray" Powazek just posted some lovely snaps from Saturday's Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco. Link
9. |
Insanity Chic in Hollywood. Mark Ebner -- investigative journalist and contributor to the jaded, snarky, underground Hollywood rag LA Innuendo -- has a new book out on February 24. "Hollywood, Interrupted: Insanity Chic in Babylon -- The Case Against Celebrity," co-written with Andrew Breitbart (Matt Drudge's right-hand guy). Basically 416 pages of celebrities behaving badly. Read how Mike Ovitz's then six-year-old son once peed on a tree in the front yard, yelling "My mom said I could, and mom is in charge of you, I could have you fired!" to his nanny when she scolded him. There's supposed to be another section in here that chronicles some Powerful Hollywood People engaging in cybersexual harassment with a young AOL customer support agent.
Link |
10. |
Disabled blogger Mark Siegel: The Invisible Man. Mark Siegel of the blog 19th Floor, who has spinal muscular atrophy, is the subject of a feature article in Law & Politics, a legal magazine out of Minnesota. Some images from the article are here; the full text of the article is here, and includes excerpts from his blog. (Thanks, Susannah!) |
11. |
Everything I Need To Know About Web Design I Learned Watching Oz. My former Silicon Alley Reporter Magazine colleague Brian Alvey documents the fundamental rules of good web design by way of a cable TV parable:
Running on HBO from the summer of 1997 through early 2003, Oz is everyone’s favorite don't-drop-the-soap opera. Reflecting on the same years in my web design career, I see considerable parallels. Many of the lessons I learned watching Oz and designing websites are too similar to be coincidental. Link |
12. |
Rotary Engine Fishtanks. BoingBoing pal Mike Outmesguine says, "Australian Paul Cochrane mods expired Mazda rotary engines into Fish Tanks for less than US$200." Link (by way of Car and Driver) |
13. |
Folk street-art in discarded urban space. 
BoingBoing reader Heidi says,
"Rob Walker writes about the North Claiborne area of New Orleans, where a community still uses an area as public space -- even though it's now under a freeway. Some of the highway support columns are painted with murals, but the most interesting column is plastered with newspaper obituaries of neighborhood residents. Photos are included in the essay."
14. |
Dilbert for 10 Feb 2004.  |
CNET News.com - Front Door
15. |
W3C recommends Semantic Web specs. The Web's leading standards group finalizes two drafts at the core of its ambitious effort to let computers glean meaning from the documents they help create, store and transfer. |
16. |
Sun revamps servers with UltraSparc, Opteron. The major overhaul puts Sun's new dual-core UltraSparc IV chip in its high-end models and banks on AMD's Opteron to ignite sales of x86 servers. |
17. |
MLB throws high heat at Web portals. Major League Baseball is playing hardball as it shops its coveted online broadcast rights to the Web's heaviest hitters, leaving potential partners fuming at the plate. |
18. |
Is this the perfect profession or what?. Johnathan Wendel, 22, plays computer games for a living--along the way racking up five-figure prize packages and quite a name for himself. |
19. |
IT security: Something's gotta give. Jon Oltsik says that MyDoom has sounded the alarm about the new business reality and the precarious state of enterprise security. |
New York Times: Technology
20. |
Juniper to Buy NetScreen to Compete With Cisco. In a deal reminiscent of the late 1990's bubble in Silicon Valley, Juniper Networks agreed to pay a premium price of about $4 billion for NetScreen Technologies. By Matt Richtel. |
21. |
PeopleSoft's Board Rejects Sweetened Offer by Oracle. The announcement from PeopleSoft came a week after Oracle raised its bid to $26 a share, which Oracle said represented its best and final offer. By Laurie J. Flynn. |
22. |
ST Assembly Said to Be Near Deal for ChipPAC. ST Assembly Test Services, a semiconductor company based in Singapore, is close to a deal to buy ChipPAC, a rival, for about $1.5 billion. By Andrew Ross Sorkin. |
23. |
Vodafone Says It May Seek AT&T Wireless. Just in case there was any doubt that Vodafone is considering making a bid for AT&T Wireless, the company came out and said it. By Andrew Ross Sorkin. |
24. |
Patent Office's Budget Hopes. The patent office, led by Jon W. Dudas, argues that the government should just let it live off what it gets from inventors. By Sabra Chartrand. |
25. |
Downloaders Can Get Nothing for Something From Apple. A playlist of nine tracks can be purchased from the Apple iTunes download service for 99 cents each, even though they are completely silent. By David F. Gallagher. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
26. |
PeopleSoft snubs Oracle's sweetened bid (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - PeopleSoft (PSFT), a maker of business software, on Monday rebuffed a sweetened $9.4 billion takeover offer from Oracle (ORCL). It says the latest bid undervalues PeopleSoft and is a ploy to damage the company. |
27. |
German Finance Ministry Division Chooses Linux (Reuters). Reuters - A division of the German finance
ministry has moved its back office operations to mainframe
computers that run Linux, in the latest victory for the upstart
operating system in Europe, IBM said on Tuesday. |
28. |
Vodafone mulls AT&T Wireless bid (TheDeal.com). TheDeal.com - The U.K. telecom officially acknowledges that it is looking into whether buying the U.S. wireless operator makes financial sense. |
29. |
Fitness videos punch up DVD popularity (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Janet Giovannetti, a 54-year-old grandmother, loves watching DVDs in the family room. |
30. |
Juniper Networks To Buy NetScreen (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Juniper Networks Inc. announced yesterday that it would acquire NetScreen Technologies Inc., an Internet security company, in a $3.9 billion all-stock deal aimed at beefing up its ability to offer customers protection from electronic attacks. |
31. |
Nintendo Says Next GameCube to Be Ready in '05, '06 (Reuters). Reuters - Japanese video game maker Nintendo Co Ltd
said on Tuesday it would launch a next-generation home console
in 2005 or 2006 and denied a newspaper report that it would
delay development of a successor to its GameCube console. |
32. |
Sun Microsystems Rolls Out New Servers, Software (Reuters). Reuters - Sun Microsystems Inc. (SUNW.O) on
Tuesday rolled out new, faster computer servers starting at
about $2,800 and updated software as the network computer
makers seeks to tap into modestly improving spending on
information technology. |
Hack the Planet
33. |
The Inquirer: Driver problems plague Windows for AMD64 beta. Whereas Linux for AMD64 has no worse driver problems than any other version of Linux.  |
34. |
Tom's Hardware: Seagate Hits 100 GB per Platter with Its New Barracuda. It's still pretty evenly matched against the 7K250. And where are our 400GB drives? |
35. |
InfoWorld: Seagate launches 2.5-inch storage drive. Pretty unsuprising since all the enterprise drives have 2.5-inch platters anyway. |
36. |
The Inquirer: Nokia seizes control of Symbian. Hmm. |
37. |
Is Intel using sleazy tricks to slow down AMD users in its latest compiler? |
38. |
So Mozilla Firebird is now Mozilla Firefox. I was wondering why 0.8 was marked "ready for release" but wasn't actually released; I guess that's the reason. I was under the impression that Firebird 1.0 was going to be renamed to Mozilla Browser 2.0 so that people would know that it's better than Mozilla 1.7; now that the Firefox name is permanent I wonder what they're going to do. I also see that after years and years the Mozillians have decided to make their mainstream browser actually look like a Mac application. |
39. |
Real World Technologies: Crusoe Exposed: Reverse Engineering the Transmeta TM5xxx Architecture Part 1, Part 2. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
40. |
Sonic returns to top the charts. Catch up with the latest news from the world of video gaming. |
41. |
Juniper buys Netscreen for $4bn. Juniper Networks has acquired Netscreen Technologies in a share swap worth $4bn as it tries to close the gap on industry leader Cisco Systems |
42. |
Digital trouble hits Nikon shares. The Japanese camera maker suffers a setback as profits from digital cameras fail to keep up with expectations. |
43. |
Music site plea in 'piracy' case. The Australian owners of online music service Kazaa ask for evidence to be ruled as "inadmissible". |
44. |
Charity claims net sex abuse up. A growing number of children are being abused via the net, but many will never be traced, the charity Barnardo's warns. |
45. |
AI to help Martian exploration. Scientists are developing a wearable computer running 'intelligent' software to help humans explore Mars. |
46. |
Nokia brings pictures to FM radio. Nokia handsets with built-in FM radios could soon receive pictures as well as sounds. |
47. |
Mydoom mutants mount new attacks. The Mydoom virus has spawned two new variants, which are seeking to cash in on the success of the original. |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
48. |
Vulnerabilities: Apache mod_php Global Variables Information Disclosure Weakness. Apache is a freely available, open source web server software package. It is distributed and maintained by the Apache Group. Mod_PHP is an Apache module which allows for ... |
The Register
49. |
Avoid Friendster and its clones, warns security expert. Privacy grab |
50. |
Nokia - dooming Psion's legacy to obscurity?. Analysis |
51. |
VIA takes Eden CPU to 1GHz. For faster fanless fings |
52. |
British Chambers of Commerce urges gov to cut red tape. Teams up with Microsoft to promote IT |
53. |
The first fallout from Cybergate. Was a crime committed? |
54. |
Barnardo's calls for greater Net protection for children. Child abuse fears |
55. |
Sony extends Vaio desktop lines. Reg Kit Watch Bundles wireless media server |
56. |
Worms pour through MyDoom back door. More of the same |
57. |
Eurostar preps Wi-Fi train trial. But not through the chunnel |
58. |
Infinium Labs names key executives. Plans new offices in LA, Seattle |
Wired News
59. |
Doomjuice Worm Aims at Microsoft. A new worm emerges on the Internet, but there is disagreement over whether it's related to the recent MyDoom outbreaks. |
60. |
The Computer at Nature's Core. Think technology is just applied science? You're wrong. It's the other way around. A commentary by David F. Channell from Wired magazine. |
61. |
A Way Out of Automated Phone Hell. Do endless automated messages make you mad? A program aims to detect that anger and transfer you to a real person before you lose your cool. By Louise Knapp. |
62. |
Cool New Ideas to Save Brains. When it comes to fancy medical devices, the heart gets all the attention and the poor brain is neglected. But that's changing, and stroke patients may benefit. By Randy Dotinga. |
63. |
Cheapskate's Guide to a Safe PC. If you're concerned about the health of your computer, there are plenty of free ways to keep the bad guys at bay. By Michelle Delio. |
64. |
Trippi: Net Politics Here to Stay. Howard Dean's presidential bid may have flopped, but don't blame the Internet, says former campaign manager Joe Trippi. He sees the 2004 campaign as the beginning of an online revolution in politics. Noah Shachtman reports from San Diego, California. |
Help Net Security
65. |
Con artists go 'phishing' for personal information |
66. |
The first fallout from Cybergate |
67. |
Review: Fortigate enterprise security appliance |
68. |
Online search engines lift cover of privacy |
69. |
Review - Securing Wireless LANs |
NewsIsFree: Security
70. |
Security lekje in Nokia 6310i |
71. |
Securityproblemen Linux minder door slimme gebruikers |
72. |
Security expert waarschuwt voor Orkut en Friendster |
73. |
Klanten van bank weer slachtoffer mailfraude |
74. |
Wereldwijde aanpak van frauduleuze websites |
75. |
Juniper buys Netscreen for $3.4 billion |
76. |
The first fallout from Cybergate |
77. |
Cheapskate's Guide to a Safe PC |
78. |
10 Feb W32/Wukill-B |
79. |
The first fallout from Cybergate |
80. |
Review: Fortigate enterprise security appliance |
81. |
Online search engines lift cover of privacy |
82. |
Review - Securing Wireless LANs |
83. |
84. |