Saturday, February 21, 2004
Hack the Planet
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Knuth crashed the Google party last night in his Stanford robes. |
11:13:23 PM
New York Times: Technology
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The Search Engine That Isn't a Verb, Yet. Under Terry S. Semel, Yahoo has become a big hit on Madison Avenue. But now Mr. Semel must win over a tougher audience: Silicon Valley. By Saul Hansell. |
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Tourism Offices Get Web Savvy. Many national tourism organizations have built comprehensive Web sites in recent years. By Bob Tedeschi. |
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Gov't Vulnerability-Disclosure Program Draws Heat |
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Small firms beef up computer security |
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Linux Kernel Flaws Uncovered |
10:13:02 PM
9:12:44 PM
7:36:52 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
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Small-Town Utilities Fill Technology Gap (AP). AP - Paula Crosby's dial-up Internet connection was so slow she played computer solitaire while waiting for sluggish pages to appear. And when her teenage daughter surfed the Web, it tied up the family's phone line for hours. |
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FCC Supports Neighborhood Radio |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
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Vulnerabilities: Linux Kernel Vicam USB Driver Userspace/Kernel Memory Copying Weakness. It has been reported that the Vicam USB driver does not access userspace memory in a safe manner. The source of the problem is that the copy_from_user function is not us... |
4. |
Vulnerabilities: Linux Kernel R128 Device Driver Unspecified Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. The Linux Kernel supports numerous driver modules; one such is the R128 ATI Rage 128 bit video card driver module.
It has been reported that the Linux Kernel is prone to... |
6:36:33 PM
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Earthlink Invests In Broadband Over Power Lines |
Hack the Planet
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The CodeCon audio stream is available. |
5:36:13 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
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Start-Up Offers Fingerprint Cellphone Touchpad (Reuters). Reuters - Atrua Technologies, a start-up
backed by some of the top names in technology and
telecommunications, on Saturday unveiled its first product, a
cellphone touchpad with built-in fingerprint recognition as a
security feature. |
2. |
One Man's Check From The RIAA |
4:35:53 PM
3:35:32 PM
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12:34:32 PM
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Stargate Atlantis Coming This Summer |
NewsIsFree: Security
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No Law Broken in JetBlue Scandal |
11:34:12 AM
10:33:53 AM
CNET News.com - Front Door
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Behind the Asian outsourcing phenomenon. U.S. computer giants, along with leading U.S. companies in financial services and other industries, are using offshore partnerships to do more than just cut costs. |
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Storing Light In Chips |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
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Vulnerabilities: ClamAV Daemon Malformed UUEncoded Message Denial Of Service Vulnerability. ClamAV is a freely available, open source virus scanning utility. It is available for the Unix and Linux platforms.
A problem in the handling of specially crafted UUEnc... |
NewsIsFree: Security
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Ircas Alarm 2 |
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Vendors want faster clearance |
9:33:33 AM
8:33:12 AM
7:32:52 AM
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Kodak Lagging in Digital World |
Wired News
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Aussie Copyright Case Grinds On. Solicitors for Kazaa, which is being sued by the Australian music industry, hope to invalidate evidence of copyright infringement seized by special order. The court's ruling will have an impact on the lawsuit. Patrick Gray reports from Sydney. |
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E-Voting Activists: Vote Absentee. Citing concerns that electronic voting machines may not count votes correctly, activists are asking voters to use a paper absentee ballot instead. By Kim Zetter. |
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Locking Out Drunks Ignites Debate. Critics call a proposed law to put anti-drunk locks on all New Mexico cars unrealistic. The bill's author sees it as a way for tech to help ease society's ills. Jason Silverman reports from Santa Fe, New Mexico. |
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Hollywood Wins DVD-Copying Case. A federal judge handed a huge win to the movie studios on Friday, ruling that 321 Studios must stop selling software that lets customers copy their DVDs for backup and personal use. By Katie Dean. |
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No Law Broken in JetBlue Scandal. The privacy officer of the Homeland Security Department says officials at her department didn't break any laws by pushing JetBlue to hand over passenger data. But they shouldn't have done it. By Ryan Singel. |
NewsIsFree: Security
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Linux Kernel do_mremap VMA Limit Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability |
6:32:32 AM
5:32:13 AM
4:31:53 AM
3:31:32 AM
Boing Boing Blog
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Mediachest -- like eBay, except you borrow instead of buy. Michael sez: "Mediachest is a social software site that allows users to inventory their collection of physical media items and search the collections of their friends and friends-of-friends for items such as DVDs or books that they would like to borrow. The site facilitates the borrowing and loaning of these items in a similar way to how Ebay facilitates online auctions -- there are user profiles, feedback pages, and rankings. In addition to searching the collections of friends you are able to see the items of people that are geographically close to you, or that are members of groups that you associate with (such as a student organization, gym, or work place group)."
Link |
New York Times: Technology
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Judge Rules Software for Copying DVD's Is Illegal. A federal judge said 321 Studios' software breaks copyright laws and that the company must stop selling the products. By John Borland, Staff Writer, Cnet News.com. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
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The 1 Percent Recovery? (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Hewlett-Packard Co. unveiled strong quarterly financial results yesterday, demonstrating once again that the PC giant's 2002 merger with Compaq Computer is paying off. |
2:31:12 AM
1:30:53 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
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Intel Exec Sees 64-Bit Irrelevant for Home PCs Now (Reuters). Reuters - A top Intel executive said 64-bit
technology, which gives computers greater memory capacity and
more powerful data crunching abilities, would not become
relevant to home PC users until sometime in 2006, later than
anticipated by Intel's rival, AMD. |
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Jet-powered Nausicaa Glider Project |
InfoWorld: Top News
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Judge blocks sales of DVD copying software. Siding with several of Hollywood's largest movie studios, a U.S. federal judge on Friday barred 321 Studios LLC from manufacturing, distributing or otherwise trafficking in software that allows users to copy DVDs. |
NewsIsFree: Security
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Linux serves up triple threat |
12:30:12 AM