Monday, March 01, 2004
10:32:24 PM
CNET News.com - Front Door
1. |
Seeking 'certainty,' CEO signs SCO Linux license. The chief of Web site hosting company EV1Servers.net says it was important "to remove uncertainty and deliver stability and reliability to customers." But he also says the company is seeing some negative publicity. |
2. |
SunGard taps start-up for emergency e-mail. MessageOne's service gets e-mail restored to corporate customers as soon as possible in the event of a natural disaster, terrorist strike or blackout. |
3. |
SCO: Linux lawsuit to be filed Tuesday. The company plans to expand its Linux legal attack by filing a lawsuit against a large company using the open-source operating system |
4. |
MP3 getting antipiracy makeover. The technology most widely associated with the unrestricted file-swapping of the original Napster era is getting a makeover aimed at blocking unauthorized copying and taking advantage of newly popular legal services. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
DDR2 Takes Memory to the Next Level (PC World). PC World - Emerging memory technology set to rev gaming and multimedia PCs, servers. |
6. |
Security Increased for Tuesday's E-Voting (AP). AP - With a record number of voters casting electronic ballots on Super Tuesday, election officials from California to Maryland are beefing up security to prevent problems ranging from software glitches to hackers. |
7. |
Study: Blogging Still Infrequent (AP). AP - Despite the potential of turning every Internet user into a publisher, relatively few have created Web journals called blogs and even fewer do so with regularity, a new study finds. |
8. |
Microsoft, eBay Hook Up Software and Auction Data (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O) and eBay Inc.
(EBAY.O) said on Monday that they would link software and Web
data to make it easier for auction sellers to manage their
auctions on eBay's marketplace Web site. |
9. |
UUNet Is The Number 1 Spam Host |
9:32:05 PM
CNET News.com - Front Door
1. |
CRTs to take backseat in rear-projection TVs |
2. |
Briefly: CRTs to take backseat in rear-projection TVs. Emerging "microdisplay" technologies are gaining on traditional cathode-ray tube technology...PDF to get an engineering edit...Gadget gives iPods gift of recording gab. |
3. |
'Software as a service' is buzzword at confab. Former Oracle President Ray Lane and others at the Software 2004 conference in San Francisco say the future of the industry depends on readily adaptable technologies and flexible licensing plans. |
4. |
Banned DVD copiers get spam treatment. Film-copying software from 321 Studios, deemed illegal by the courts, is now showing up in in-boxes. |
5. |
WordPerfect Back From the Wilderness |
6. |
FreeS/WAN Project Bows Out |
Hack the Planet
7. |
ESR has a followup about not being able to print, with some concrete suggestions but no mention of the cost of implementing a usable printer configurator (5x? 10x?) or who's supposed to pay for that kind of thing for every open source app. |
8. |
I designed a poster with OmniGraffle today; piece of cake. The auto-alignment features saved me plenty of time that I would have spent eyeballing things. My ten-year-old PageMaker reflexes even came in handy a little. I'm glad I didn't take my coworkers' advice and use PowerPoint or the GIMP. |
NewsIsFree: Security
9. |
W32.HLLW.Evianc |
10. |
Netsky.D spreading like wildfire |
11. |
TCP 554 scanning; Linux mremap local root exploit posted |
9:32:05 PM
CNET News.com - Front Door
1. |
Intel to debut new chip for four-processor servers. A member of the Gallatin family, the chip will run at 3GHz and include 4MB of level three cache. |
2. |
EDS financial probe deepens. The SEC asks for information about a massive asset write-down by the IT services firm related to its $6 billion dollar Navy contract. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
CA's Kumar Knocks Protectionism , Oracle Takeover (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Computer Associates CEO Sanjay Kumar on Monday blasted protectionist politics and Oracle's takeover practices to the crowd at the Software 2004 conference. |
4. |
MediaNews, Stephens Launch LA.com (Editor and Publisher). Editor and Publisher - NEW YORK MediaNews Group's California Newspapers Partnership, which includes Gannett and Stephens Media Group, is taking a direct stab at online city directories by launching LA.com today. The new guide -- sort of a mix between Time Out New York, Citysearch and, to a lesser extent, Gawker -- promises to cater to a young, hip, Los Angeles audience by offering such tips as what to order at restaurants and where to find secret parking spots. |
5. |
Nintendo Says GameCube Nearly Sold Out in U.S. (Reuters). Reuters - Nintendo Co. Ltd., which at one
point stopped production on its GameCube video game console due
to slack demand, has now nearly sold out of the console in the
United States and is seeking to bring supplies in from
elsewhere, a spokeswoman said on Monday. |
6. |
Building Scaleable Middleware for MMORPGs |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
7. |
Third attempt at Rosetta launch. The European Space Agency is due to attempt the launch of its twice-delayed comet-chasing mission. |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
8. |
BugTraq: Re: New phpBB ViewTopic.php Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability. Sender: t4c [Founder of GHCIF] [t4c at ghcif dot de] |
9. |
Vulnerabilities: xboing Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities. xboing is a freely available, open source game for the Linux platform.
It has been reported that xboing is prone to multiple local buffer overflows. Successful exploita... |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
W32.Netsky.E@mm |
11. |
W32.Beagle.H@mm |
12. |
Spam's 'dirty dozen' exposed |
13. |
14. |
Cold 2001 Mustang Cobra - Winter 2003 |
15. |
Good Security Habits from CERT |
16. |
Network security doesnt stop at the perimeter |
17. |
WebMethods Unveils Software For Financial Services |
7:31:24 PM
7:01:15 PM
5:30:44 PM
4:34:55 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Microsoft to offer development tools security updates. Along with Windows XP SP2, Microsoft plans to release service packs for Visual Studio.Net 2003 and the .Net framework which will tie into the XP updates. By Eric Bangeman. |
CNET News.com - Front Door
2. |
Firm looks to improve exchange rate for financial data. WebMethods, a maker of software designed to help disparate applications swap data more effectively, introduces four new products tailored for the ever-adapting financial services industry. |
3. |
Web conferencing market heats up. Market leader WebEx announces an alliance with Salesforce.com, while Macromedia offers free trials of its new Breeze service. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Court Rejects Ban on DVD Copying Code (PC World). PC World - California man who posted DeCSS software online is protected by free speech, judges rule. |
5. |
Study: Blogging Still Infrequent (AP). AP - Despite the potential of turning every Internet user into a publisher, relatively few have created Web journals called blogs and even fewer do so with regularity, a new study finds. |
6. |
Video Games Make Kids Fat, Violent-Swedish Experts (Reuters). Reuters - Video games can make children fat
and, in the case of violent games popular among teenage and
younger boys, aggressive and even criminal, Swedish experts
said on Monday. |
7. |
SCO Identifies EV1Servers as Linux Licensee |
8. |
Cities Building Own Fiber Networks |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
9. |
Vulnerabilities: FreeBSD Unauthorized Jailed Process Attaching Vulnerability. FreeBSD is prone to a vulnerability in the system jail() facility, which provides functionality for running process groups in a closed environment to limit their access r... |
10. |
Vulnerabilities: Apple Mac OS X Apple Filing Protocol Client Multiple Vulnerabilities. Multiple issues have been identified in Apple Mac OS X Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) client that may allow an attacker to carry out man in the middle attacks and steal conf... |
The Register
11. |
Is password-lending a cybercrime?. Looks like it... |
12. |
Sun tries UltraSPARC IV temptation. Upgrade sale |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
WFTPD Server/Pro Server Multiple Vulnerabilities |
14. |
Debian: libapache-mod-python Denial of service vulnerability |
15. |
Building Firewalls with OpenBSD and PF, 2nd ed. |
3:34:34 PM
CNET News.com - Front Door
1. |
Gadget gives iPods gift of recording gab |
2. |
AMD promotes, recruits new execs |
3. |
Briefly: Gadget gives iPods gift of recording gab. Gadget gives iPods gift of recording gab...AMD promotes, recruits new execs...VeriSign completes security firm buy. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Microsoft, eBay Hook Up Software and Auction Data (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O) and eBay Inc.
said on Monday that they would link software and Web data to
make it easier for auction sellers to manage their virtual
storefronts on eBay's online auction Web site. |
5. |
New 'harmless' Internet worm spreading rapidly: experts (AFP). AFP - A new Internet worm, dubbed Netsky.D, was spreading quickly throughout the world and could soon overtake the Mydoom.A and Sobig.F viruses in proliferation, Internet security experts said. |
6. |
Building Firewalls with OpenBSD and PF, 2nd ed. |
7. |
Debian: libapache-mod-python Denial of service vulnerability |
SecurityFocus News
8. |
Columnists: Is password-lending a cybercrime?. A judge's wrongheaded interpretation of the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act illustrates the problems of allowing civil enforcement of a criminal law. |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
9. |
BugTraq: mremap(2) full details available. Sender: Paul Starzetz [ihaquer at isec dot pl] |
10. |
Vulnerabilities: Microsoft Internet Explorer Cross-Domain Event Leakage Vulnerability. Microsoft Internet Explorer is reported to be prone to an issue that may leak sensitive information across foreign domains.
This issue could permit framesets in differ... |
The Register
11. |
Mossad website 'hacker' walks free. And gets pat on head for 'acting in the public good' |
12. |
SCO 'customer' admits to IP license purchase. Coming clean |
13. |
Smartphone wars over, Symbian and MS both lost?. 3GSM Sun maybe won, if you call 'enabling lack of victory' winning... |
14. |
Netsky-D makes your PC go beep, beep, beep. Put on your tin-foil hat |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
1 Mar W32/Netsky-E |
16. |
1 Mar W32/Bagle-H |
17. |
Automated kits fuel virus epidemic |
18. |
Netsky.D inonde les réseaux |
19. |
UUNet tops spammer-hosting super league |
20. |
Mossad website 'hacker' walks free |
2:34:14 PM
1:33:55 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
US 2003 Home Prices Rise 7.97 Percent (Reuters). Reuters - U.S. average home prices rose 7.97
percent in 2003 from 2002, driven by strong housing demand and
historically low mortgage rates, the Office of Federal Housing
Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) said on Monday. |
2. |
Report: Alcatel to Sell Mobile Unit (AP). AP - French telecommunications equipment maker Alcatel SA plans to sell its mobile phone unit to Chinese handset maker Nanjing Panda Electronics, a French newspaper reported Monday. |
3. |
The Full Outsourcing Discussion |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Spain plans supercomputer. Spain will build the world's second most powerful computer, at the heart of a new research centre. |
5. |
Broadband price battle hots up. Both BT and Telewest launch cut-price net services designed to tempt more people to broadband. |
6. |
Big changes for government site. The UK government's public face on the internet is getting a radical make-over. |
SecurityFocus News
7. |
Elsewhere: New Netsky-D Worm Spreading Through E-Mail. A new computer worm dubbed "Netsky-D" was clogging e-mail systems around the world after emerging on Monday, a security expert said.
The worm is particularly difficult t... |
8. |
News: Fistful of Bagles shoot up the Net. The Register By John Leyden [john dot leyden at theregister dot co dot uk] |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
9. |
Vulnerabilities: WinZip UUDeview MIME Archive Buffer Overrun Vulnerability. WinZip is an archiving utility for Microsoft Windows that supports various formats such as CAB, TAR, GZIP, UUencode, BinHex, and MIME.
A buffer overrun vulnerability has... |
The Register
10. |
Rival ISPs rubbish BT Broadband Basic. £20 more expensive, say Freeserve, Tiscali, et al |
11. |
UUNet tops spammer-hosting super league. ISPs harbour world's worst offenders |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
Extra! Extra! Read All About You |
13. |
S.F.: If You're Asked, Don't Tell |
14. |
Red Faction Server Reply Buffer Overflow Vulnerability |
15. |
ArGoSoft FTP Server Unspecified Vulnerabilities |
16. |
IA WebMail Server Multiple Vulnerabilities |
17. |
Calife Password Heap Overflow Privilege Escalation Vulnerability |
18. |
602Pro LANSuite Exposure of Installation Path |
19. |
Invision Power Board "st" Parameter SQL Injection Vulnerability |
20. |
iG FREE Shopping Cart "type_id" Parameter Input Validation Error |
21. |
xboing Potential Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities |
22. |
Debian update for xboing |
23. |
Apple Filing Protocol Insecure Implementation |
24. |
Zwartgeld fraude donker vervolg op Nigeriaanse zwendel |
25. |
Hoe je in een digitale wereld onzichtbaar kan blijven |
26. |
Health care struggles with security's cost |
27. |
Study claims Linux most hacked but ignores malware |
28. |
SELinux Demonstration! |
29. |
'Caller ID' for E-mail in the Works |
30. |
Can Tokens And Smart Cards Boost Security? |
31. |
Buffer Overflow-Sicherheitsleck in Winzip |
12:33:35 PM
CNET News.com - Front Door
1. |
SCO identifies Linux licensee. EV1Servers.net signs a deal that will let it run thousands of Linux servers without facing legal consequences from SCO. Other licensees are keeping mum. |
2. |
Spam's 'dirty dozen' exposed. The United States, Canada, China, South Korea and the Netherlands are the top five birthplaces of spam worldwide, according to a new analysis. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Microsoft May Offer an Early Office Update (PC World). PC World - New version of Office suite could accompany Windows XP refresh. |
4. |
Microsoft Tries to Avoid A Waterloo Rerun (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Microsoft's efforts to seize the digital media crown could be royally hindered if a pending regulatory ruling from across the pond goes sour. |
5. |
Spam's irritating cousin, spim, on the loose (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Consumers ditching e-mail for instant messages to avoid spam are in for an unpleasant surprise. |
6. |
New Netsky-D Worm Spreading Through E-Mail (Reuters). Reuters - A new computer worm dubbed "Netsky-D"
was clogging e-mail systems around the world after emerging on
Monday, a security expert said. |
7. |
Young Programmer, Stop Advocating Free Software! |
8. |
Study claims Linux most hacked but ignores malware |
9. |
SELinux Demonstration! |
SecurityFocus News
10. |
Elsewhere: What If Microsoft Got Security Right?. I'm not even going to suggest that Linux is less secure, but if the exposure is people and people are gullible, then security at a product level might only make you feel ... |
11. |
Elsewhere: Netsky.D worm spreading at 'record speed'. The latest variant of the Netsky worm is clogging up email gateways in a flood compared to SoBig, experts say
A new variant of the Netsky worm was spreading very quic... |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
12. |
Vulnerabilities: Real Networks Helix Server/Gateway Administration Service HTTP Post System Compromise Vulnerability. Helix Universal Server is a media delivery server distributed and maintained by Real Networks. It is available for the Unix, Linux, and Microsoft Windows platforms.
A p... |
13. |
Vulnerabilities: Sun Solaris Unspecified Passwd Local Root Compromise Vulnerability. Sun has reported an unspecified vulnerability in the passwd utility on Solaris that may permit local attackers to gain unauthorized root privileges. This issue is report... |
The Register
14. |
What the PM's spokesman said next. Lobby briefings for all |
15. |
Maxtor champions 6 stream DVRs. 132Mbps? Bring it on |
16. |
Windows leak dangers 'exaggerated'. RSA No serious security calamity here. Move along... |
17. |
AT&T ADSL thunders across US heartland. Broadband in 14 states and more to follow |
18. |
Americans get personal online. Committing innermost thoughts to cyberspace |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
Les informations de 4.5 millions d'abonnés dans la nature |
20. |
De quel pays provient le SPAM ? |
21. |
MS takes fight to the spammers |
11:33:16 AM
10:32:54 AM
CNET News.com - Front Door
1. |
Microsoft bids for eBay developers. The software giant offers sample code for tying XML-based Office applications to the auctioneer's listing servers. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Chinese Reform Picks Up Speed (BusinessWeek Online). BusinessWeek Online - Something extraordinary appears to be happening inside the Chinese government. While Beijing has long paid lip service to the notion of cleaning up its banks and stock markets, until recently the central authorities have been too busy fixing state-owned companies and unshackling private enterprise to turn their attention to the financial sector. Now, the regime seems poised to overhaul the financial system -- the faster the better. Need evidence? Just consider the initiatives announced in the past month: |
3. |
Nigerian mobile operator signs expansion deal with Ericsson (AFP). AFP - Nigeria's second largest mobile operator Econet Wireless Nigeria has signed a 110-million-dollar (89-million-euro) network expansion deal with Swedish equipment provider Ericsson, company executives said. |
4. |
Microsoft Links Office With EBay (PC World). PC World - Excel, FrontPage offer direct links to the online auction service. |
5. |
Hackers: The Art of Abstraction |
The Register
6. |
Three new handsets from 3. Lovely. But 3 x DoCoMo = divorce? |
7. |
Fistful of Bagles shoot up the Net. Unmagnificent five |
8. |
Ofcom goes to war over '070' use. Regime change prompts investigation |
NewsIsFree: Security
9. |
NetSky.D worm vermomt zich als .pif bestand |
10. |
W32.Netsky.D@mm |
10:02:44 AM
8:32:14 AM
7:31:54 AM
CNET News.com - Front Door
1. |
IBM plugs into electronic trading hub. Big Blue is moving one of its supply chain applications over to an electronics industry trading hub in a move designed to wring cost out of its hardware business. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
For Windows Users, 'Browser Hijacking' Is Only the Latest Threat (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - The ongoing Internet-security freakout for anybody using Windows keeps getting worse. Every other week yet another part of the online world gets a warning label slapped on it -- downloads, e-mail attachments, instant-messaging file transfers and now Web pages themselves. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
3. |
Spain unveils supercomputer plans. Spain will build the world's second most powerful computer, at the heart of a new research centre. |
The Register
4. |
BT touts £20 capped broadband. 1Gb a month limit |
5. |
German revolt against RFID. Metro scraps trial |
Wired News
6. |
Mars Theory Not Just Hot Air. Hydrogen peroxide in the atmosphere around Mars? It's there, according to new research. The discovery confirms decades-old theories about the planet's spatial chemistry. By Michelle Delio. |
7. |
S.F.: If You're Asked, Don't Tell. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors sponsors a ballot measure that it says would protect city residents from Patriot Act investigations. The city joins a growing list of municipalities leery of the law. By Julia Scheeres. |
8. |
Change Your Input, Get an Earful. Switching from standard earbuds to Shure's E3c -- which fit in the ear canal -- is an aural revelation. A product review by Leander Kahney. |
9. |
Buy Offline, Get Spammed Online. The Direct Marketing Association says offline businesses that track down the e-mail addresses of customers to pitch them more stuff online are providing a 'benefit' to consumers. Critics beg to differ. By Amit Asaravala. |
10. |
Greenpeace Founder Green No More. Three decades ago, Patrick Moore helped found Greenpeace. Today he promotes nuclear energy and genetically modified foods -- and swears he's still fighting to save the planet. By Drake Bennett from Wired magazine. |
11. |
Jamming Tags Block RFID Scanners. A security technology company introduces a device that can prevent radio-frequency tags from being tracked. It could protect the privacy of shoppers, but it won't come out for a few years -- and it could be banned. By Kim Zetter. |
12. |
Apple SF Opens With a Bang. It was a long time coming for the Silicon Valley company that helped launch the personal computer in the 1970s with its Apple II. But Apple San Francisco finally joins major Mac outlets in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Tokyo. |
13. |
Oracle Still Wants It Bad. Why?. Analysts ask whether CEO Larry Ellison is so bent on his takeover quest, he might hurt his company. This in response to Oracle's announcement it will challenge a government lawsuit blocking its PeopleSoft takeover attempt. |
14. |
TED Goers Ponder Bliss, Future. An eclectic group of thinkers reevaluate life's big-picture questions at a free-wheeling technology and design conference in Monterey, California. TED is a four-day immersion in ideas, invention and fun. |
15. |
Extra! Extra! Read All About You. Most newspapers have given up the idea of charging money to view their websites. Increasingly, however, they're asking readers to provide personal information in exchange for their content. By Joanna Glasner. |
6:31:34 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
Et cetera: Leap day round-up. WiFi troubleshooting, Oracle vs. DOJ, Ad-aware vs. Spybot, Winzip vulnerabilities and more... By Matt Woodward. |
2. |
Science Sunday goes to the Oscars. This weeks edition of Science Sunday covers nonorings, the Lord of the Planetary Rings, AIDS research and more! By Fred "zAmboni" Locklear. |
3. |
Dilbert for 01 Mar 2004.  |
New York Times: Technology
4. |
Microsoft, Amid Dwindling Interest, Talks Up Computing as a Career. Bill Gates went on a campaign tour last week to convince wary students to pursue computer science. By Steve Lohr. |
5. |
Report Raises Questions About Fighting Online Piracy. The entertainment industrys pursuit of tough new laws to protect copyrighted materials from online piracy is bad for business and for the economy, according to a new report. By John Schwartz. |
6. |
Got a Book in You? More Companies Than Ever Are Willing to Get It Out. The Borders Group is the latest traditional bookseller or publisher to branch into self-publishing using print-on-demand technology. By Gayle Feldman. |
7. |
That's the Weather, and Now, Let's Go to the Cellphone for the Traffic. A cellphone application aims to offer up-to-the-second traffic information through global positioning satellite receivers. By John Markoff. |
8. |
EBay Seller of Fake Artwork Again Upsets the Auction Site. Kenneth Walton, who tried to sell a fake Richard Diebenkorn painting on eBay for $135,000 in a shill-bidding scam, has run afoul of eBay again. By Bob Tedeschi. |
9. |
Sprint Says It Will Merge Two Classes of Its Stock. Sprint, which pioneered the use of tracking stock in the telephone industry, said that it would merge its two classes of stock. By Floyd Norris. |
10. |
Online Advertising Bounces Back as Animations Increase. Online advertising rebounded in 2003, according to a new report, which cites growth in ad spending by Fortune 500 companies. By Susan Stellin. |
11. |
Domain Names Are Big Again. Dot-com domain names are fetching respectable prices again, after more than three years of attracting scant interest. Some are crossing the million-dollar threshold. By Bob Tedeschi. |
12. |
An Extra Eye in Combat, and Maybe Aboard Airplanes. A new video surveillance system has captured the interest of military authorities after its successful use in the Iraq war. By Conrad De Aenlle. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
13. |
IBM Faces Another Toxins Case That Could Be Bigger Challenge (Dow Jones). Dow Jones - International Business Machines Corp. (NYSE:IBM - News) , fresh off an important court
victory in a California workplace-toxins case, faces a potentially tougher
challenge in another case closer to home, Monday's Wall Street Journal reported. |
14. |
Rome Opts for Open Source (PC World). PC World - City Council will adopt Linux, but says it is not turning its back on Microsoft. |
15. |
SBC to Sell Rural Lines to Fund Cingular Deal (Dow Jones). Dow Jones - NEW YORK -- SBC Communications Inc. (NYSE:SBC - News) is selling off about 650,000 telephone
lines in rural Michigan and Texas, which could fetch about $1.5 billion, as it
raises money to fund Cingular Wireless's planned acquisition of AT&T Wireless
Services Inc. (NYSE:AWE - News) , people familiar with the matter told Monday's Wall Street
Journal. |
16. |
Spam Slayer: Spam Weapons of Tomorrow (PC World). PC World - Internet firms turn to technology, not law, to fight the avalanche of spam. |
17. |
Get Listed Free In Gov't Open Source Directory |
18. |
Creative Commons Moving Images Winners |
19. |
Lord Of The Rings - Oscars, We Loves Them |
20. |
Nearly Half of U.S. 'Net Users Post Content |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
21. |
Lure of black money scam. Victims of so-called 419 frauds are being taken in by another deceit, labelled the "black money" scam. |
22. |
BT launches no frills broadband. BT has launched a cut-price broadband service to try to get more people to sign up to a fast net connection. |
23. |
Linux Security Week - March 1st 2004 |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
24. |
Vulnerabilities: Internet Security Systems Protocol Analysis Module SMB Parsing Heap Overflow Vulnerability. The Internet Security Systems (ISS) Protocol Analysis Module is prone to a remotely exploitable heap overrun vulnerability. This module is used to parse network protocol... |
25. |
Vulnerabilities: Linux Kernel do_brk Function Boundary Condition Vulnerability. do_brk() is a function called indirectly by a number of kernel procedures, including the brk() system call and the ELF and a.out loading mechanisms. The do_brk() function... |
26. |
Vulnerabilities: Linux Kernel do_mremap Function Boundary Condition Vulnerability. A vulnerability involving the do_mremap system function has been reported in the Linux kernel, allowing for local privilege escalation.
The mremap(2) system call is used... |
27. |
Vulnerabilities: Linux Kernel do_mremap Function VMA Limit Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. A vulnerability involving the do_mremap system function has been reported in the Linux kernel, allowing for local privilege escalation. The mremap(2) system call is used... |
The Register
28. |
Telewest unveils capped 256k Net access. 'No-brainer' |
29. |
German revolt against RFID. Metro scraps trials |
Help Net Security
30. |
Customize this feed. Add more items, descriptions, time stamps, select your version of RSS, aggregate several feeds... Check out NewsIsFree's premium syndication services! (10) |
NewsIsFree: Security
31. |
Add Netsecurity to Your My Yahoo! Page |
32. |
33. |
Gates predicts death of the password |
34. |
1 Mar W32/Bagle-G |
35. |
IT contracting: don't get carried away |
36. |
TV set which doubles up as a mirror |
37. |
Threats To Corporate Security |
38. |
Linux Security Week - March 1st 2004 |
39. |
W32.Beagle.F@mm |
40. |
W32.Beagle.G@mm |
About Internet/Network Security
41. |
Add Netsecurity to Your My Yahoo! Page. If you are one of the millions of users who have a personalized My Yahoo page, you can now add the headlines from the About.com Internet / Network Security site (and any other About.com site) to your news feeds. For... |
42. |
Threats To Corporate Security. Security expert Douglas Schweitzer, author of Incident Response, has written a feature article for Processor.com which talks about the state of corporate security and what are the primary threats to maintaining a secure corporate network. In the interest of full... |
5:31:15 AM
© Copyright 2004 Gregg Doherty.
Last update: 4/3/2004; 12:16:45 AM.