Wednesday, March 17, 2004
11:21:00 PM
10:20:39 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
NASA can hear unspoken thoughts. Sensors under the chin can "hear" the silent words conveyed from the brain to the voicebox, before they're uttered.
"A person using the subvocal system thinks of phrases and talks to himself so quietly it cannot be heard, but the tongue and vocal cords do receive speech signals from the brain," said developer Chuck Jorgensen, of NASA's Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California.
Jorgensen's team found that sensors under the chin and one each side of the Adam's apple pick up the brain's commands to the speech organs, allowing the subauditory, or "silent speech" to be captured.
(Thanks, Rob!) |
2. |
Cory's on the cover of this week's Now Magazine!. 
Now Magazine, Toronto's free entertainment weekly, has a great cover story on me this week, with a review of Eastern Standard Tribe.
A reminder: I've got two signings coming up in Toronto this week. The first is tomorrow night, at the Merril Collection, 239 College, third floor, 7 pm, 416-393-7748.
The second is on March 27, at Bakka Books, 598 Yonge at Wellesley, 3 to 5 pm. 416-963-9993.
(Some minor errata: My thesis was about fringe culture and the Internet; I got a job programming, not advertising, CDROMs; and the entertainment industry is worth $60 billion, not million)
CNET News.com
3. |
Nextel pushes new 'push to talk' features. The company wants its popular walkie-talkie cell phone service to work when a wireless network isn't available, a move that could give it a leg up on rivals. |
4. |
Ring tones jump from PCs to CDs. In a first for the cell phone ring tone industry, a record label is now including on some albums software to assemble digital recordings into custom tones. |
New York Times: Technology
5. |
Hey Kid, Your Backpack Is Ringing. Encouraged by inexpensive calling plans and concerned about safety, more parents are buying cellphones for their young children. By Jeffrey Selingo. |
6. |
A TV That Cuts All Cords. Wireless may be the buzzword of the moment in the electronics industry, but the television has remained firmly in the connected camp. Until now, that is. By David Pogue. |
7. |
Be Your Own Barista, With a Programmable Helper. You have $1,000 to burn. You could buy a coffee maker -- a superautomatic espresso-cappuccino machine. By Bonnie Rothman Morris. |
8. |
Put it on the Tab? Not on This Vacation. If your exercise routine has begun to seem a little ho-hum, it may be time to make a date with a bosu. By Michelle Slatalla. |
9. |
Thrifty Camera Choice Works for Small Prints. Q. Two-megapixel digital cameras have become more affordable, but how large can their photos be printed and still look good? By J.d. Biersdorfer. |
10. |
Junk E-Mail Is Unabated Despite Law, Survey Says. THREE months after Congress approved legislation intended to curb spam, unsolicited e-mail is a persistent, if not worsening, problem, according to a survey released yesterday by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. Roughly 75 percent of the Internet users surveyed reported no change or an increase in the amount of junk e-mail they receive, and nearly one-third of them said they were using e-mail less because of it. By David Bernstein. |
11. |
A Memory Card for Photos Is One for the Scrapbook. SanDisk, which makes flash memory cards, is suggesting a low-tech approach to storing and sorting digital pictures: photo albums. By Michel Marriott. |
12. |
It's Caveat Emptor When Mining Tax Advice on the Web. IF your boss suggests, but does not require, that you buy a computer to use at home, can you deduct the cost on your federal tax return? Will taking the home office deduction make you more likely to be audited?. By David Cay Johnston. |
13. |
Turn Your Family Reunion Into a Haunting Film Noir. Muvee AutoProducer 3 may never be mentioned in the same sentence as By Roy Furchgott. |
14. |
Ready for Takeoff, With Emphasis on 'Off'. WASHINGTON. By Matthew L. Wald. |
15. |
Snow and Sleet Are No Match for a Hot Spot. For those who can't bear to stray far from an Internet connection, the advent of wireless broadband technology has been a godsend. The latest gift from the ether can turn the great outdoors into a wireless hot spot. By Chris Larson. |
16. |
The Lens as Aquatic Gymnast. MINIATURIZING the electronic parts of digital cameras is relatively easy. Witness the proliferation of cellphones and hand-held computers that have built-in cameras. By Ian Austen. |
17. |
How Do I Love Thee, TiVo?. TiVos and other digital video recorders are still not wildly popular. But those who do own the machines are wild about them. What gives? By Eric A. Taub. |
18. |
The Thrill of Heroics in a War Unquestioned. Battling demons at a cartoon corporation, in ancient Egypt and in the land of Princess Peach. By Charles Herold. |
19. |
Taking the Plunge? The Options Are Multiplying. While TiVo is the best-known brand of digital video recorder, there is plenty of competition. Here is a rundown of the systems' various features:. By Eric A. Taub. |
20. |
No Outlet? Don't Worry, an Ethernet Cable May Do. Ethernet cables are starting to shoulder a new load: providing electrical power in a small but growing number of businesses. By Noah Shachtman. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
21. |
Sony to Deliver Radio Service to Phones (AP). AP - Sony Corp. announced Wednesday what it called the first "personalized radio" service for mobile phones. |
22. |
Lessig On IP Protection, Conflict |
InfoWorld: Top News
23. |
HP shareholders vote to expense option costs. A revolt by shareholders at Hewlett-Packard Co.'s annual meeting on Wednesday could push the company to become one of the first in the high-tech industry to change its accounting to reflect the cost of stock-option grants. |
24. |
Microsoft offers glimpse of management software future. LAS VEGAS - Microsoft Corp. on Wednesday provided more details on the future of its System Center bundle of management products, plans one analyst described as "extremely ambitious." |
25. |
CEBIT - Sony's president opens Cebit trade show. HANOVER, GERMANY - Sony's president opened the Cebit trade show on Wednesday evening with a speech that highlighted the show's emphasis on wireless data services and the convergence of computing, telecommunications and the Internet. |
26. |
Windows XP update to block pop-ups by default. Service Pack 2 for Windows XP, in addition to providing a host of security enhancements, will block pop-ups in Internet Explorer (IE) by default, Microsoft said Wednesday. |
27. |
SEC fines Lucent, charging non-cooperation. Lucent Technologies will pay a US$25 million fine as part of a proposed settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC), the company said Wednesday. |
InfoWorld: Security
28. |
Cisco pays $5 million for Twingo. Acquisition will boost Cisco's SSL VPN offering |
The Register
29. |
Nokia makes stealth moves on your living room. Weapons of mass consumption |
30. |
Analysts cheer AMD, Dell and Microsoft as x86-64-bit winners. Reg reporters implicated in Itanium hate crimes |
NewsIsFree: Security
31. |
[RHSA-2004:121-01] Updated OpenSSL packages fix vulnerabilities |
32. |
VNU Net: Hacking insurance is a must "Companies don't regard digital assets seriously enough" |
33. |
Flaw on Tuesday, exploit by Monday |
34. |
Police arrest Forces Reunited 'hacker' |
35. |
Anti-virus industry: white knight or black hat? |
36. |
Backdooring OpenSSH |
37. |
GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server Buffer Overflow |
9:20:21 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Wired Rave Awards.

Wired Magazine's anual Rave Awards took place on Monday night at the Fillmore in San Francisco. Robodominatrix and former BB guestblogger Karen Marcelo of SRL accompanied me. It was a terrific event. The Rapture played a tight set. The catering was awesome, particularly the organic greens as you can see from Karen's snapshot here (full size). USA Today has this article about who won what. Two of the awards that brought the biggest smile to my grass-grazing face: Scott Heiferman and Joe Trippi were honored for Meetup, as was Bram for Bittorrent. Here is the final list of winners. Maybe they'll give me something next year for my forthcoming adult bovine blog publishing venture, www.XXXRuminants.com (thanks, Jonno).
2. |
Aftermath of Bruce Sterling's open-door SXSW party. As is traditional, Bruce Sterling finished out this year's SXSW interactive festival by throwing an open-door party, with 600 in attendance. He's posted photos of the (surprisingly tidy) aftermath. The cops showed up. There was no dancing orloud music. Those were human beings *TALKING SO LOUDLY*that they could be heard as a steady dull roar twoblocks away. We've had SXSW parties here, everyyear, but we never set off the cop-ometer before.I had to hustle all the guests inside and shutthe doors, whereupon the party immediatelybecame MUCH LOUDER.
Link |
CNET News.com
3. |
Fixes are in for OpenSSL. The group behind the widely used Web security software releases a patch for two flaws that could allow an attacker to cause a denial-of-service attack. |
4. |
Shareholder advisory firm pans PeopleSoft CEO. Glass Lewis advises its clients to withhold their votes to re-elect CEO Craig Conway, partly due to his "exorbitant" compensation package. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Ellison Gives Wife Gift of Oracle Stock (AP). AP - Software billionaire Larry Ellison has given his new bride a pricey gift — 911,744 shares of his company's stock. |
6. |
LG.Philips LCD to Invest $21 Billion in Flat Screens (Reuters). Reuters - LG.Philips LCD, the world's top maker of
LCDs (liquid crystal displays), said on Thursday it would
invest 25 trillion won ($21 billion) in flat displays over the
next 10 years. |
7. |
USDTV Announces Low-Cost, Localized Digital TV |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Microsoft offers glimpse of management software future. LAS VEGAS - Microsoft Corp. on Wednesday provided more details on the future of its System Center bundle of management products, plans one analyst described as "extremely ambitious." |
9. |
Programmer veterans ponder past, future. Santa Clara, Calif. - A panel of programmers famous for applications such as VisiCalc and Excel and the Apple Computer Inc. Macintosh operating system mused on where programming has been and where it is going during a panel session at the Software Development Conference & Expo West 2004 event here on Tuesday. |
10. |
Web services interoperability tools released. The Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) on Wednesday announced general availability of its tools for testing interoperability with the WS-I Basic Profile for use of Web services. |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server SITE Command Buffer Overflow Lets Remote Users Crash the Service |
12. |
8:20:01 PM
7:19:41 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Funky-cool pissoires. 
Bathroom Mania offers designer bathroom utilities -- flower pot toilet complete with singing birdie, hammock bath, beach cabin shower, and more. A recent Virgin Atlantic press release says their
new clubhouse at JFK airport now includes the "Kisses" urinal.
Link (Thanks, travis! Also seen on J-Walk)
2. |
$54,000 shopping spree booty on display in London Museum. Every year for the past 11 years Sir Terence Conran "has sent a notable figure from the world of design on a 30,000 pound ($54,000) shopping spree." This year 33-year-old English designer, sculptor and architect Thomas Heatherwick was given US$54 thousand dollars to buy "things [he'd] like to live with." His purchases of offbeat objects are on display at London's Design Museum. I wonder if he gets to keep the stuff? (Shown here: a welders mask from Hoodlum Welding Gear)
Upstairs on a recent afternoon, people strolled past aisles of individually lighted boxes containing such items as a life-size glass "wine rifle" and a "rum sword" loaded with their namesakes. Christian chewing gum with a prayer on every wrapper. Edible peanut-shaped packing material. A urinal with a sink where the water tank usually is. A biodegradable papier mache coffin. Japanese eyelid glue. Oven mitts for Kosher Jews. A compass for pointing praying Muslims toward Mecca. Yorkshire tea made for London hard water. An organ donor T-shirt. Link |
CNET News.com
3. |
Programmers to get taste of Visual Studio 2005. At a developer conference next week, Microsoft will hand out a "technology preview" of the development tool as well as release new software. |
4. |
Microsoft juggles security, antitrust woes. roundup A 1997 e-mail from Microsoft make work against it in court. Meanwhile, at the Microsoft Management Seminar an executive says security issues are delaying product development. |
5. |
Sony debuts double-layer DVD drives. The internal DRU-700A and external DRX-700UL drives will offer almost double the storage capacity of current, single-sided discs, the company says. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Survey: Spam Driving Internet Users Away From E-mail (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - A new federal anti-spam law has done little to decrease the amount of junk e-mail flooding Americans' in-boxes, according to a survey released today that found the mounting spam problem has prompted nearly 30 percent of respondents to reduce their use of e-mail. |
7. |
Fedora Prepares For Xorg Instead of XFree86 |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Microsoft embraces open source -- with reservations. SAN FRANCISCO -- Microsoft recognizes the benefits of open source but is not prepared to turn over its crown-jewel Windows operating system to the paradigm, according to a Microsoft official speaking at the Open Source Business Conference here on Wednesday. |
9. |
Suse: OpenSSL Denial of Service vulnerabilities |
10. |
Red Hat: OpenSSL Denial of service vulnerabilities |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
11. |
BugTraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 465-1] New openssl packages fix multiple vulnerabilities. Sender: Matt Zimmerman [mdz at debian dot org] |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
17 Mar W32/Agobot-ED |
13. |
W32.Netsky.O@mm |
14. |
Fastest Rising: 1027 icq |
15. |
Intel Joins Liberty Alliance |
16. |
Congratulations to Victoria Palley - Washington D. C. PandaMania Select Artist |
17. |
Your Lost Financial and Medical Records Were Located - They're in Asia |
18. |
What Should Ebay Do After Finding Criminal Auction Listings? |
19. |
Customers squeezed as ISPs pull trigger on viruses |
20. |
Electronic Frontier Foundation Releases "Monsters of Privacy" Video |
21. |
California Bill Backed by Hollywood Attacks Internet Privacy |
6:19:21 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Google goes local. Google rolls out a new localized search engine to help consumers and local businesses find each other. By Matt Woodward. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Legal experts urge spam leniency. While many e-mail account holders may like to see spammers strung up by their toenails, the government is formulating sentencing guidelines with advice warning against unduly harsh punishment. |
3. |
Government, industry debate cybersecurity remedies. As five industry working groups prepare reports on ways to improve the nation's security, a House subcommittee takes the government's own efforts to task. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Tech Stocks Advance; Yahoo Upgrade Boosts Internet Stocks (Dow Jones). Dow Jones - NEW YORK -- Technology shares rebounded Wednesday as investors took advantage
of recent weakness in the sector. Analysts upgrades on Yahoo helped boost
Internet stocks and bullish remarks from Cisco Systems cheered the networking
sector. |
5. |
Parents learn Internet piracy from kids: survey (AFP). AFP - Nearly 40 percent of parents in a US survey were unaware they were violating copyrights by swapping music or movies over the Internet, according to a survey released. |
6. |
Using Employee-Owned Technology in the Workplace? |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
ATG intros new Web development tools. Art Technology Group Inc. (ATG) is adding a pair of tools to its Web development suite designed, respectively, to provide online customer service to consumers and to help companies fine-tune their online marketing initiatives. |
8. |
Microsoft-EU antitrust settlement hopes dim. Hopes of a last-minute settlement of Microsoft Corp.'s antitrust case in Europe dimmed Wednesday, after a morning meeting between competition commissioner Mario Monti and Steve Ballmer, the company's chief executive, broke up early without any apparent meeting of minds, said people close to the talks. |
9. |
Intel to join Liberty Alliance. Industry trade group The Liberty Alliance Project will announce on Thursday that it is adding computer chip maker Intel Corp. to its list of members, according to a Liberty Alliance spokeswoman. |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
MDKSA-2004:023 - Updated openssl packages fix multiple vulnerabilities |
11. |
[ESA-20040317-003] 'openssl' Denial of Service vulnerabilities. |
12. |
Re: YabbSE(3 on 1) |
13. |
Re: New OpenSSL releases fix denial of service attacks [17March 2004] |
14. |
FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-04:05.openssl |
15. |
Re: New OpenSSL releases fix denial of service attacks [17March 2004] |
16. |
Re: New OpenSSL releases fix denial of service attacks [17 March 2004] |
17. |
18. |
Gartner: Don't Wait For The Anti-Spam Shakeout |
19. |
Online extortionists target Cheltenham |
20. |
Delivering the 12kb Bomb |
21. |
Red Hat: OpenSSL Denial of service vulnerabilities |
22. |
Red Hat: OpenSSL Denial of service vulnerabilities |
23. |
EnGarde: openssl EnGarde: 'openssl' DoS |
24. |
Suse: OpenSSL Denial of Service vulnerabilities |
25. |
Debian: gdk-pixbuf Denial of service vulnerability |
26. |
EnGarde: OpenSSL Denial of service vulnerabilities |
27. |
Permabit Seeks to Make Its Mark on Storage |
28. |
[CHECKPOINT] VPN-1/SecureClient ISAKMP hafýza taþmasý açýðý |
29. |
[CHECKPOINT] Firewall-1 HTTP parse güvenlik açýðý |
30. |
Korsanla mücadele yasasý Resmi Gazete'de yayýmlandý |
31. |
[CISCO] OpenSSL implementasyonu güvenlik açýðý |
32. |
PHPX 3.2.4 Session Hi-jacking/Admin Access |
33. |
GroupWise WebAccess File Disclosure |
5:19:00 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
World's smallest hard drive. Toshiba Corp. landed a Guinness World Record for their new .85-inch hard drive with a four gigabyte storage capacity. (Toshiba's 1.8 inch drives are inside the iPod.) "Toshiba's innovation means that I could soon hold more information in my watch than I could on my desktop computer just a few years ago," David Hawksett, science and technology editor at Guinness World Records, told Reuters. Link
2. |
Wired Rave Awards.

Wired Magazine's anual Rave Awards took place on Monday night at the Fillmore in San Francisco. Robodominatrix and former BB guestblogger Karen Marcelo of SRL accompanied me. It was a terrific event. The Rapture played a tight set. The catering was awesome, particularly the organic greens as you can see from Karen's snapshot here (full size). USA Today has this article about who won what. Two of the awards that brought the biggest smile to my grass-grazing face: Scott Heiferman and Joe Trippi were honored for Meetup, as was Bram for Bittorrent. Here is the final list of winners. Maybe they'll give me something next year for my forthcoming adult bovine blog publishing venture, www.XXXRuminants.com (thanks, Jonno).
3. |
Pepper spray ring and mobile phone stun gun. After reading about Safety Technology's combination voice-changer/background-noise gadget that connects to your phone (reviewed in Wired's must-read Gadget Lab newsletter), I looked at some of the other things that Safety Technology sells. The Stunner, a pepper spray ring, looks like a great way to accidentally blast yourself or your friend in the face with a searing dose of capsaicin (the chemical that makes peppers hot). They also sell a stun gun designed to look like a cell phone (not the false-rumor Nokia stun gun that made the blog rounds a couple of weeks ago).
CNET News.com
4. |
Customers squeezed as ISPs pull trigger on viruses. Broadband providers turn up the heat on customers as the spread of spam viruses such as Bagel reignites the debate over just who should take charge of Internet security. |
5. |
TiVo expands Tribune listing deal. The longtime partners will expand their deal to enable more frequent show time updates. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Oracle, DoJ Dicker over Sales Docs (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - In the ongoing saga surrounding Oracle's (Nasdaq: ORCL) hostile takeover bid for PeopleSoft (Nasdaq: PSFT), the U.S. Justice Department now seems to have the upper hand. Oracle has agreed to work with the U.S. Department of Justice to determine which, if any, sales documents it needs to hand over to cooperate with its ongoing investigation of antitrust allegations. |
7. |
EU to Decide Microsoft Antitrust Case (AP). AP - The European Union insisted it was "on track" Wednesday to conclude its antitrust case against Microsoft Corp. next week, even as the world's biggest software company scrambled to reach a deal to avert sanctions for allegedly abusing its Windows monopoly. |
8. |
Firm Offers Insurance Against SCO (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - When SCO Group sued other companies for allegedly infringing its
intellectual-property rights, it created a new business opportunity: insurance against SCO litigation. Open Source Risk Management is prepared to launch an
insurance program for companies fearing losses as a consequence of
legal challenges by SCO. |
9. |
Telecom Firms Optimistic at Tech Fair (AP). AP - Mobile phone makers said Wednesday they are counting on a sharp increase in the use of multimedia messaging services, or MMS, to help drive sales in 2004. |
10. |
Product Review: Treo 600 (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Combining the features of a PDA with the wireless voice capabilities of a cell phone, the svelte Treo 600 from palmOne is available in two different cellular flavors. The carbon-gray CDMA/PCS (800/1900 MHz) unit with silver trim is destined for the hands of subscribers to the Sprint PCS (NYSE: PCS) national network, while the silver GSM/GPRS (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) version is targeted at the wireless network subscribers of Cingular, AT&T Wireless and T-Mobile. |
11. |
New Software Seeks Out Chatroom Pedophiles (Reuters). Reuters - A British computer programmer has
created sophisticated new software that detects pedophiles
trying to contact children in Internet chatrooms. |
12. |
PhatBot Trojan Spreading Rapidly On Windows PCs |
13. |
A Field Guide To Wireless LANs for Administrators and Power Users |
InfoWorld: Security
14. |
Update: Major ISPs sue hundreds of spammers. WASHINGTON - Four major U.S. Internet service providers (ISPs) are suing more than 220 alleged spammers responsible for sending
out hundreds of millions of pieces of unsolicited commercial e-mail, the companies announced Wednesday. |
15. |
Immunix stops selling secure Linux OS, concentrates on security appliances |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
How-To Book May Help Hackers (PC World) |
17. |
Hackers Embrace P2P Concept (washingtonpost.com) |
4:18:41 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Is it time for the OSS movement to move on Capitol Hill?. The OSS movement is often accused of being fast and easy with copyrights and intellectual property. Stanford Law School professor Lawrence Lessig argues that it's time for OSS to change that perception. By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Bigfoot Defense Denied. Last summer, Vermont driver Mark Zielinski crossed his van into oncoming traffic and killed another motorist. In a hearing to dismiss the charge against Zielinski, his defense attorney attempted to argue that there was no way of knowing whether Zielenski swerved to avoid an obstacle in the road, a moose or possibly even a bigfoot. Apparently, several sasquatch had been sighted in the vicinity. The judge wasn't having it though. Link |
3. |
Hello Kitty USB hub. This Hello Kitty USB hub "will talk with you along with the input motion of the keyboard (moves both arms and head)" -- English and Japanese versions available. Link (via Kottke)
4. |
SXSW Friendster keynote. Heath Row has posted his near-verbatim transcript of Jonathan Abrams's Friendster keynote at SXSW:It's an illusion to think that you can manage different personas for different people's access, but we are working on more privacy so different people can see different information. I talked our director of community for some interesting stories. We've had people accidentally delete a friend from their friend's list, and their friends apply peer pressure to add them back to their list. Then they email us and ask us to undo the deletion. If they added them again, they'd get an invitation, which would highlight the deletion in the first place. In the real world, people do get snubbed. We've tried to build Friendster so it mirrors real life, so it has some of the challenges of real life. Link |
CNET News.com
5. |
Rewritable DVDs, old drives don't always play nice. In what will likely be a headache for consumers, the latest higher-speed rewritable discs aren't built to record data in older drives. |
6. |
Microsoft juggles security, antitrust woes. roundup A 1997 e-mail from Microsoft make work against it in court. Meanwhile, at the Microsoft Management Seminar an executive says security issues are delaying product development. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Microsoft Apologizes to Minnesota Jurors (AP). AP - Microsoft apologized to jurors for its past anticompetitive practices during opening statements Wednesday in a case alleging the company's antitrust violations include word processing and spreadsheet software. |
8. |
Internet firms face uphill battle against spam (AFP). AFP - The battle against spam has shifted into high gear with a new US law giving some teeth to those fighting it, but analysts remain skeptical about the prospects of eradicating the plague of unwanted e-mail. |
9. |
Lockheed's High Altitude Airship |
10. |
PhatBot Spreading Rapidly On Windows PCs |
11. |
Security: MySQL and PHP (3 of 3) |
Help Net Security
12. |
Tackling Unix security in large organisations |
13. |
Mitigating the complexities of security management |
14. |
Hackers embrace P2P concept |
15. |
Your LDAP administration toolbox |
16. |
Building a Panther Server as an OD Master and Windows PDC |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Microsoft Documents Spice Minnesota Class-Action Trial |
18. |
Federal Judge Orders Department Of Interior Offline |
19. |
MX Logic Adds Anti-Phishing Features |
20. |
Citrix Updates MetaFrame Secure Access Manager |
21. |
GSMK Cryptophone To Demo Encrypted Wireless Voice Product at CeBit |
22. |
Gunning for the U.S. in Technology |
23. |
Software schools evolve to help students compete |
24. |
New Sensor Network Sniffs Cities for Bioweapons |
25. |
SUSE Security Announcement: openssl (SuSE-SA:2004:007) |
26. |
Re: New OpenSSL releases fix denial of service attacks [17 March 2004] |
3:18:22 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Microsoft: Better security means delayed product releases. By allocating more resources to security, Microsoft concedes that future product ship dates will slip further. On the bright side, this means most of us won't have to play the upgrade game so soon. By Matt Woodward. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Sony launches "personalized radio" to mobile phones. Allso at CeBit: Sony will announce what it describes as the world's first "personalized radio" service for mobile phones. Users can customize playlists to their own tastes, and listen via cellphone.
The Japanese electronics, film and music giant also unveiled the European version of its Internet music store Connect, aiming to beat Apple's iTunes Music Store to the European market, while relaxing restrictive usage rules of its SonicStage player which no longer limits the number of copies per song.
Link (Thanks, Hal) |
CNET News.com
3. |
Oracle passes latest Java test. The company releases a preview version of Oracle Application Server that complies with the specifications of Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.4. |
4. |
Lexar Media sells miniSD worldwide. Lexar Media has begun selling its miniSD flash memory cards worldwide, the company announced on Wednesday in Hannover, Germany, at the CeBit trade show. |
5. |
Briefly: Oracle passes latest Java test. The Oracle Application Server complies with the Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.4 specs...Lexar Media launches mini flash cards...Apple's Mac OS X update adds fixes and new networking features. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
EU-Microsoft talks stalled as anti-trust judgement nears: sources (AFP). AFP - Last-ditch talks between EU competition watchdogs and Microsoft were locked in stalemate, making it likely that the US software giant will be fined for monopolistic behaviour, sources said. |
7. |
Nuance Revs Speech Platform with Developer Tools (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - The speech vendor launches Nuance Voice Platform 3.0 with a new developer environment and plans Linux support as it prepares for a hotter speech market. |
8. |
New Software Seeks Out Chatroom Pedophiles (Reuters). Reuters - A British computer programmer has
created sophisticated new software that detects pedophiles
attempting to contact children in Internet chatrooms. |
9. |
Eyes on T-Mobile as Rivals Focus on Phoneless 3G (Reuters). Reuters - Last hopes that one of
Germany's mobile phone operators will unveil a high speed,
third-generation (3G) mobile phone fit for the high street at
the CeBIT trade fair now rest with market leader T-Mobile. |
10. |
Mobile Phone Service Offers Help to Lonely Hearts (Reuters). Reuters - Lonely-hearts will stand a better chance
of finding a soul mate thanks to new mobile phone dating
technology. |
11. |
Who Are My Neighbors, Mr.Search Engine? |
InfoWorld: Top News
12. |
W3C recommends VoiceXML 2.0. Speech recognition received some notice of its own on Tuesday when the W3Cgave VoiceXML Version 2.0 its coveted "recommendation" status. |
13. |
Lane hails services-based software, open source. SAN FRANCISCO -- In a wide-ranging talk about the fate of the software industry, Ray Lane, former Oracle president and COO and now a venture capitalist, stressed that the industry is maturing to become a service-oriented business. |
14. |
Court orders Interior to disconnect systems from the Internet again |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
15. |
BugTraq: FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-04:05.openssl. Sender: FreeBSD Security Advisories [security-advisories at freebsd dot org] |
16. |
BugTraq: MDKSA-2004:023 - Updated openssl packages fix multiple vulnerabilities. Sender: Mandrake Linux Security Team [security at linux-mandrake dot com] |
17. |
BugTraq: Re: YabbSE (3 on 1). Sender: David [david at simplemachines dot org] |
18. |
BugTraq: Re: New OpenSSL releases fix denial of service attacks [17 March 2004]. Sender: Marc Bejarano [bugtraq at beej dot org] |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
Software security flaws hit plateau |
20. |
Hacking insurance is a must |
21. |
CNet: Cable taps into wiretap law "At least one cable operator is starting to comply with a fede... |
22. |
This Is London: Hackers plot huge attack on PC users |
23. |
Net-Security: Mitigating the Complexities of Security Management "With today's organizations bec... |
24. |
Net-Security: Creating Secure Backups With GnuPG |
25. |
eWeek: Nokia Embraces RFID "Nokia is targeting the kit to field-force personnel, who would use i... |
26. |
Security Focus: Detection of SQL Injection and Cross-site Scripting Attacks |
27. |
Secunia: OpenSSL SSL/TLS Handshake Denial of Service Vulnerabilities "Three vulnerabilities have... |
28. |
Fewer Than 10 Enterprise Spam-Filtering Vendors Expected To Survive |
2:18:01 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Artist Paul Lucas interprets "Jack Spratt". Paul Lucas creates his surrealistic images using a combination of sculpture, photography, drawing and collage. Link (via Cipango)
2. |
h4w7 Naked chyxx0rs will teach U how 2 hack. Fleshbot says:
Given the venerable historical associations between computer hacking and porn (er, pr0n), this seems like a natural: "HaXXXor combines computer hacking with porn for the first time on one DVD ... Armed with real girls showing all of their hardware!"
HaXXXor - Naked Chicks Teach You To Hack |
3. |
Swiss Army Knife with USB. The next edition of the classic Swiss Army Knife will feature a built-in USB key.
The wired knife is one of many novelties scheduled to debut at CeBIT in Hannover, Germany from March 18-24.
(Thanks, Jean-luc) |
4. |
Time Warner taps into fed wiretap law. Ben Charny at CNET reports that Time Warner is said to have begun complying with a federal law that requires telecom providers to help police conduct electronic surveillance:
Time Warner Cable is the first cable company to begin trying to adhere to the Communications Assistance For Law Enforcement Act, the source said. Cable companies are not yet required to comply with the 1994 wiretap law, but they see the writing on the wall.
Link to CNET story.
More updates on federal wiretapping activity in a March 13 WaPo article here.
(Thanks, Steve) |
CNET News.com
5. |
AMD boosts low-power Athlon. The chipmaker bumps up the performance of its Athlon XP-M chip for lightweight notebooks as the race with Intel continues. |
6. |
E-mails give peek at Microsoft strategies. An exchange of messages between a company executive and an investor, which is part of a Minnesota antitrust case, provides a rare glimpse into the way Microsoft works. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Tech Stocks Sharply Higher in Early Afternoon Trading (Dow Jones). Dow Jones - Technology shares rebounded Wednesday, as investors decided to take advantage
of recent weakness in the sector. An analyst's upgrade of Yahoo helped boost
Internet stocks and bullish remarks from Cisco Systems soothed the networking
sector. |
8. |
EU to Decide Microsoft Antitrust Case (AP). AP - The European Union insisted it was "on track" Wednesday to conclude its antitrust case against Microsoft Corp. next week, even as the world's biggest software company scrambled to reach a deal to avert sanctions for allegedly abusing its Windows monopoly. |
9. |
Hewlett-Packard to Sell PCs Running on Linux in Asia (Dow Jones). Dow Jones - TOKYO -- In a potential blow to Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT - News) , Hewlett-Packard Co. (NYSE:HPQ - News) said it plans to sell personal computers in Asia that run on the Linux
operating system -- a rival to Microsoft's ubiquitous Windows system,
Wednesday's Wall Street Journal reported. |
10. |
Whole latte shaking in new Starbucks music CD-burning service (AFP). AFP - Add music to the coffee and lunch and wireless Internet offered at Starbucks. |
11. |
Thomson to close US TV plants, cut 1,500 jobs (AFP). AFP - The French consumer electronics group Thomson said it will close two TV tube plants in the United States and lay off 1,500 workers. |
12. |
Famous British Wills Available Online (AP). AP - When William Shakespeare bequeathed his "second-best bed" to his wife nearly 400 years ago, a scribe dipped his quill pen in ink and scratched the bard's last wishes on parchment. |
13. |
Time Warner To Comply With Wiretap Law |
14. |
RSS And BitTorrent, Together At Last |
InfoWorld: Top News
15. |
Infineon makes India its software development hub. BANGALORE, INDIA -- Infineon Technologies AG plans to add 200 more employees this year at its research and development (R&D) center in Bangalore, India, taking the total to about 450 workers, according to a company executive . |
16. |
New P&G deal gives HP its first BPO contract. Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) has entered the business process outsourcing (BPO) market with a bang, expecting to finalize a deal in April to manage The Procter & Gamble Co.'s (P&G's) accounts payable activities worldwide, an HP executive said Tuesday. |
17. |
AMD launches new XP-M chip for light notebooks. Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) launched a new mobile chip for thin-and-light notebooks as it attempts to transfer its desktop and server momentum to the fast-growing notebook market. |
InfoWorld: Security
18. |
Cisco pays $5 million for Twingo. Acquisition will boost Cisco's SSL VPN offering |
The Register
19. |
VoIP set to generate megabucks. Broadband operators brace for cash tsunami |
20. |
Carphone Warehouse SMS spam ruling reversed. Interpretation of 'explicit consent' |
21. |
Online extortionists target Cheltenham. Bookies attacked, cash demanded |
22. |
Delivering the 12kb Bomb. Total system compromise, some assembly required |
NewsIsFree: Security
23. |
The Simplicity and Serenity of DHCP Fault Tolerance |
24. |
OpenSSL SSL/TLS Handshade Flaws May Let Remote Users Crash OpenSSL-based Applications |
25. |
Disaster Recovery Can Be A Snap For Small Biz |
1:16:40 PM
12:16:21 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
BitTorrent moves further into the mainstream. Blizzard is joining Valve in using BitTorrent for distribution, Will this move the distributed file-sharing technology further into the mainstream (and past college firewalls)? By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
If Apple's founders were in a 70s cop-show. Streets of Cupertino: a t-shirt celebrating an imaginary cop show starring the founders of Apple with 1979 haircuts. Link (via Blackbeltjones)
CNET News.com
3. |
Intel to join Liberty Alliance. The chipmaker is expected to become the latest member of the Liberty Alliance, which creates security-related specifications, CNET News.com has learned. |
4. |
Google goes local. With Google Local, the search giant is determined to help Web surfers find cafes, parks or even Wi-Fi hot spots in their area. It also wouldn't mind getting a chunk of the huge market for local advertising. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Rising High In Low-End Servers (Investor's Business Daily). Investor's Business Daily - Many makers of big corporate servers were blindsided when customers switched to lower-end machines. |
6. |
EU-Microsoft talks stalled as anti-trust judgement nears (AFP). AFP - Last-ditch talks between EU competition watchdogs and Microsoft were bogged down, making it more likely that the US software giant will be fined for monopolistic behaviour. |
7. |
Telecom Firms Optimistic at Tech Fair (AP). AP - Mobile phone makers said Wednesday they are counting on a sharp increase in the use of multimedia messaging services, or MMS, to help drive sales in 2004. |
8. |
CEBIT-Nokia Launches First Megapixel Camera Phone (Reuters). Reuters - The world's top mobile handset maker
Nokia launched on Wednesday its first phone with a built-in
one-megapixel digital camera, aiming to keep pace with strong
demand for phones that also take pictures. |
9. |
Will Wal-Mart Track You? (PC World). PC World - Radio tags appearing on products. |
10. |
Mattel's Fisher-Price Gives Pixter an Education (Reuters). Reuters - Pixter, the handheld computerized
drawing toy from Fisher-Price, is about to get smart. |
11. |
CEBIT-Sony Pioneers Personal Radio to Mobile Phones (Reuters). Reuters - Sony Corp said on Wednesday it
would launch the first "personalized radio" service to mobile
phones which consumers can tailor to their own tastes. |
12. |
Coding The Future Linux Desktop [updated] |
13. |
Sci Fi Channel Plans 'Earthsea' Miniseries |
InfoWorld: Top News
14. |
Google offers new local search service. Google Inc. has launched a beta version of a service that lets users conduct Internet searches with geographical parameters, allowing them to query Google, for example, for restaurants in and around a particular city or zip code, the company announced Wednesday. |
15. |
Security: getting the facts about cybergeddon |
16. |
Outsourcing: Losing Control |
17. |
Debian: gdk-pixbuf Denial of service vulnerability |
18. |
EnGarde: OpenSSL Denial of service vulnerabilities |
SecurityFocus News
19. |
Columnists: The 12kb Bomb. It only takes a 12kb virus for total system compromise and a highly effective spam engine. Anyone can make one. Some assembly required. |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
20. |
BugTraq: New OpenSSL releases fix denial of service attacks [17 March 2004]. Sender: Mark J Cox [mark at awe dot com] |
21. |
BugTraq: Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco OpenSSL Implementation Vulnerability. Sender: Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team [psirt at cisco dot com] |
The Register
22. |
Police offer 'stolen' mobe insurance fraud amnesty. Investigating bogus reports costs UK forces millions |
23. |
Carrera picks bones of Multivision. Company gone but some jobs may be saved |
24. |
Kazaa coder sues Sharman Networks. It's my code and I want $25m, plaintiff claims |
25. |
Gershon retires from the Office of Government Commerce. Successor picked from inside |
26. |
Sony music download service to launch in June. Will only support own-brand music player |
Help Net Security
27. |
Tackling Unix security in large organisations |
28. |
Mitigating the complexities of security management |
29. |
Hackers embrace P2P concept |
30. |
Your LDAP administration toolbox |
31. |
Building a Panther Server as an OD Master and Windows PDC |
NewsIsFree: Security
32. |
Immunix stops selling secure Linux OS |
33. |
Tale of a spam lover |
34. |
Nothing easy about security |
35. |
The virus avalanche |
36. |
Phishing still on the increase |
37. |
Tackling Unix security in large organisations |
38. |
Mitigating the complexities of security management |
39. |
Hackers embrace P2P concept |
40. |
Your LDAP administration toolbox |
41. |
Building a Panther Server as an OD Master and Windows PDC |
42. |
mySAP Host Header Buffer Overflows Let Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
43. |
PHPX Lack of Authentication Lets Remote Users Hijack Sessions |
44. |
Airline Industry Accepts Prescreening--With 7 Provisos |
11:15:50 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
If Apple's founders were in a 70s cop-show. <img src="http://craphound.com/images/streetsofcupertino.jpg width="191" height="150" align="left">Streets of Cupertino: a t-shirt celebrating an imaginary cop show starring the founders of Apple with 1979 haircuts. Link (via Blackbeltjones)
2. |
Toy rollercoaster with inversion and electric lift-hill. Caines sez, "Coaster Dynamix is taking pre-orders ($499.00) for a kick-ass roller coaster model kit. The coaster kit has an electric lift-hill and an inverted train. They attached a camera to the train and included this footage in the video that is on the site." Link (Thanks, Caines!)
3. |
Jack Chick's own Passion. Before Mel Gibson's Vanity Project, there was Jack Chick, the clown prince of loony religious nuttery, author of countless comic-book tracts advising on the danger of Catholicism, Freemasonry, Dungeons and Dragons and Hallowe'en. Now, Chick has released his own vanity project, an utlra-violent DVD celebrating his unique spin on matters Biblical.Cut to present day when a narrator informs us that "the whole world is filled with liars, thieves and fornicators" with the forced-sounding awe of the voiceover for a Christmas-themed McDonald’s commercial. This section is called "This was your life" and is based on the Chick tract of the same name. It tells the story of a man who thought he lived a decent life, but finds himself condemned for eternity to hell.But what a hell it is! It’s a feast of explosions of blood, cross-species monsters, huge dragon snakes and great, glowing orange eyes. Jack T. Chick LLC really gets off on gore, pain and blood. Later in the movie, Jesus’ face looks like a bloody stump when the Roman guard spits on him. Link (via JWZ) |
CNET News.com
4. |
Start-up offers shelter to SCO targets. A New York company hopes to mine the legal threat posed by the SCO Group by launching a service that helps corporate Linux users minimize their risks. |
5. |
Fresh fields for open source. roundup At an industry conference, Novell touts open-source advances and takes jabs at antagonist SCO. Also: Sun says no to making Java open source. |
6. |
Sun reluctant to make Java open source. The company's top software executive calls IBM's proposal to make Java open source "weird" and says it would encourage incompatible standards. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Nuance Revs Speech Platform with Developer Tools (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - The speech vendor launches Nuance Voice Platform 3.0 with a new developer environment and plans Linux support as it prepares for a hotter speech market. |
8. |
AOL Growth Forecast Draws Skepticism (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - America>
9. |
Virus Creators Sharing More Code |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
Microsoft teases with future Mac Office hints. Microsoft Corp.'s Mac Business Unit has released more information about its forthcoming Office 2004 for Mac productivity software. |
11. |
Interview: Cebit execs see economy picking up. Jorg Schomburg, managing director of CeBit Events Worldwide, the organization that oversees the CeBit show in Germany and subsidiary shows around the world, and Mark Dineen, managing director for CeBit America, spoke recently with InfoWorld Senior Analyst Wayne Rash about the signs they see that the IT and telecom industry is experiencing an economic turnaround. |
12. |
EnGarde: openssl EnGarde: 'openssl' DoS |
13. |
IDS Revision |
The Register
14. |
HP top (channel) dog for PCs. Don't call them a printer company... |
15. |
Siemens launches 'rugged' multimedia mobile. Cased in rubber and metal |
16. |
Siemens unwraps 1.3 megapixel camera phone. 32MB memory, Bluetooth to attract business buyers |
17. |
Data Protection - getting it right. With a little help from the information commissioner |
18. |
Nokia introduces 'megapixel' mobile. Well, just under a meg, actually |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
Piratage de site Web : Conclusion douteuse |
20. |
General Electrique achète Invision |
21. |
Une loi contre la perte de données |
22. |
La panique et la législation sont contre-productifs selon Merrill Lynch |
23. |
Bugwatch: The virus avalanche |
24. |
Immunix stops selling secure Linux OS |
25. |
E-mail not as secure as some think |
26. |
Boy grabs knife after dad unplugs video game |
27. |
28. |
ModSecurity 1.7.4 for Apache 2.x Remote Off-By-One Overflow Vulnerability |
29. |
Mambo Open Source Multiple Vulnerabilities |
30. |
Phorum 5.0.3 Beta Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities |
31. |
JelSoft vBulletin 3.0.0 RC4 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities |
32. |
Red Hat update for OpenSSL |
33. |
Red Hat update for OpenSSL |
10:15:31 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Big Blue's Mr. Web services. IBM's Bob Sutor explains why the latest industry buzzacronym--SOA--really marks an important advance for the future of Web services. |
2. |
Busting the myths behind managed services. Consultant Jeffrey Kaplan defrocks misconceptions that have grown up around one of the telecommunications industry's most popular terms. |
3. |
Microsoft juggles security, antitrust woes. roundup At the Microsoft Management Seminar an executive says security issues are delaying product development. Meanwhile, CEO Steve Ballmer is a no-show. |
4. |
Oracle rivals, Defense Dept. seek restrictions. SAP, the Defense Department and others join Microsoft in asking a federal judge to prevent Oracle's in-house attorneys from reviewing confidential documents and information. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Apple unveils Spoken Interface for blind OS X users (MacCentral). MacCentral - Apple has introduced a new accessibility solution for visually impaired users that it will integrate with the next major release of Mac OS X. The company took the wraps off of the new technology today: It's called Spoken Interface for Mac OS X. To find out more, MacCentral recently spoke with Mike Shebanek, Apple product manager for Mac OS X. |
6. |
EU to Decide Microsoft Antitrust Case (AP). AP - The European Union insisted it was "on track" Wednesday to conclude its antitrust case against Microsoft Corp. next week, even as the world's biggest software company scrambled to reach a deal to avert sanctions for allegedly abusing its Windows monopoly. |
7. |
Take-Two Founder Resigns Amid Probe (AP). AP - Video-game publisher Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. said founder Ryan Brant, who along with the company is under investigation for accounting violations, has resigned as chairman and director. |
8. |
Demand for Advice to Online Lovelorn Is Booming (Reuters). Reuters - Evan Marc Katz, a Los
Angeles-based television and film writer, personifies the $400
million-plus cottage industry blossoming around Internet
dating. |
9. |
Brad Templeton On New Mobile Domains |
10. |
Coding The Future Linux Desktop |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
11. |
Gadgets galore on show at Cebit. Paper computers and a lens that works like the human eye are on show as the Cebit trade fair gets underway. |
InfoWorld: Top News
12. |
MS to work with governments on localizing software. LAS VEGAS - Microsoft Corp. on Tuesday announced it will work with governments and community groups to make Windows XP and Office 2003 available in more languages, a move that could be seen as a response to the advent of open source products. ADVERTISEMENT: HelpSTAR - Help Desk Software and Asset Management - Download HelpSTAR Quick Evaluation Edition. Experience first hand how HelpSTAR help desk software can provide tangible improvements in response time, end user self help, first call resolution, and cos... |
13. |
Bevy of Microsoft developer conferences planned. Developers on the Microsoft platform may be getting an information overload at a group of conferences being held simultaneously in San Francisco next week. |
14. |
Lessig: Be wary of 'IP extremists'. SAN FRANCISCO -- Silicon Valley needs to step up and protect the open traditions that have helped build the high-technology industry or run the risk of being dominated by "IP extremists" whose restrictions on the use of intellectual property (IP) would stifle innovation, Stanford Law School Professor Lawrence Lessig told an audience of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, lawyers, and venture capitalists at the Open Source Business Conference here Tuesday. |
15. |
Shuttle to sell fully configured PCs in U.S.. Taiwanese computer maker Shuttle Inc., a company that is best known for its line of small form-factor XPC barebones PCs, plans to start selling fully configured PCs in the U.S. from next month, the company said. |
16. |
Siemens launches mobile and fixed MMS phones. HANOVER, Germany -- Multimedia services aren't the exclusive domain of mobile phones, Siemens AG said here at the Cebit trade show on Wednesday. As well as a range of new mobile phones, the company also launched a fixed-line phone with a built-in camera, MMS (multimedia services) capabilities, and an adaptor to give its cordless fixed-line phones easy access to VoIP (Voice over IP). |
17. |
An Advanced File System for Linux |
The Register
18. |
Opera 7 for Mac OS X goes live. 'Unfinished and unsupported beta-quality' preview |
19. |
Philips faces legal challenge over fluid lens technology. War among the electrowetters... |
20. |
DiData wipes slate clean with Proxicom disposal. Channel round-up And boy, is it a big slate |
21. |
MS seeks enforcer & revenue generator for trademarks. 'At the cutting edge of legal developments' |
NewsIsFree: Security
22. |
Mitigating the Complexities of Security Management |
23. |
9:15:12 AM
8:14:51 AM
7:14:31 AM
6:14:11 AM
5:13:51 AM
1. |
Dilbert for 17 Mar 2004.  |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
U.S. And Canadian Cell-Phone Users Think Practical (TechWeb). TechWeb - Market-research firm In-Stat says a new survey shows much more interest in being able to check E-mail and use location services than in sending pictures and playing games. |
The Register
3. |
Co-op IT staff to strike over SCC outsourcing gig. Pension dispute |
4. |
3Com launches desktop IP phone. KitWatch Hear a PIN drop |
4:13:29 AM
3:13:10 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Google Rolls Out Local Search on Google.com (Reuters). Reuters - Google Inc., the world's No.1 Web
search provider, launched Google Local late on Tuesday, joining
rival Yahoo Inc.(YHOO.O) in staking out local search as a new
frontier for growth. |
2. |
BitTorrent Gains Corporate Support |
Hack the Planet
3. |
SXSW is over; thanks for coming everybody. |
2:12:50 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Google goes local. With Google Local, the search giant is determined to help Web surfers find cafes, parks or even Wi-Fi hot spots in their area. It also wouldn't mind getting a chunk of the huge market for local advertising. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Microsoft Denies Using Monopoly in Trial (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp. argued in a
Minnesota court on Tuesday it never overcharged customers for
software, denying charges in its first trial of a class-action
suit that it abused its operating system monopoly to hike
prices. |
3. |
Samsung, Cable Companies Set HDTV Push (Reuters). Reuters - Consumer electronics maker Samsung
Electronics (005930.KS) and major U.S. cable television
operators have launched a multi-million-dollar marketing
campaign for high definition TV, or HDTV, in a push to bring
the technology into more homes. |
InfoWorld: Security
4. |
Rethinking IDS - Infoworld Staff. After the Nachi worm hit last year, Joe Granneman, manager of networks and PC services at Rockford Health System, knew it
was time for a change. “It only took three infected machines to bring down our dual processor firewall,” he marvels. “Without
our Internet connection we couldn’t process claims or do much of anything.” |
5. |
Speaking freely with VoIP - Infoworld Staff. My durance vile in the Land of the Mouse last week led to several revelations. The first was that the populace there was living
evidence of Overweight America. The second was the reason for that -- all food-related substances there contain carbohydrates.
Even the water seems to harbor carbs. But you can’t tell anyone about it, because cell phones don’t work there, mysteriously
enough. Ah, central Florida. |
6. |
Netscreen updates software for IDP products. NetScreen Technologies Inc. plans to announce a new version of intrusion detection and prevention (IDP) software for its NetScreen-IDP
line of hardware products, the company said. |
7. |
Interview: Securing Windows - Infoworld Staff. As director of product management in the Security Business and Technology Unit at Microsoft, Amy Carroll is responsible for
making sure that new enhancements to Windows and new versions of Windows are very secure. Carroll spoke to InfoWorld Senior
Analyst Wayne Rash about the company's approach to security and commitment to improving the overall security of its operating
system. |
8. |
IronPort caters to SMBs - Infoworld Staff. The courting of the SMB market continues with the arrival of a new e-mail gateway appliance from IronPort Systems. |
9. |
Experts publish 'how to' book for software exploits. A new book by leading security researchers on writing code to exploit security flaws in software, including Microsoft Corp.'s
Windows operating system, has caused some raised eyebrows in the technical community for publishing "zero day," or previously
unknown, techniques for exploiting vulnerable systems. |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
11. |
Westpac phishing victim numbers drop |
12:12:11 AM
© Copyright 2004 Gregg Doherty.
Last update: 4/3/2004; 12:17:02 AM.