Thursday, March 18, 2004
10:30:00 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Fauxtoblog. A fellow named Jack posts a series of fake photoblogging documentaries on his website, fauxjob.com. Check out the hilarious fake Friendster UI on his home page. My favorite fauxtoblogs on Jack's site are "STAINS OF WEST HOLLYWOOD RAMADA INN" -- photos of stains on walls and carpet and furniture in a seedy hotel -- and this series about (plastic) rats and roaches he discovered in a new Tenderloin district flat in San Francisco. Caption: " IT ALL BEGAN ONE MORNING -- SIMPLE ENOUGH -- WHEN I SAT DOWN TO ENJOY A BOWL OF CEREAL FOR BREAKFAST. HOWEVER, IT SEEMS, A GIANT RAT HAD BEATEN ME TO IT... I REALLY SHOULD HAVE MOVED TO THE CASTRO." (Thanks, J!)
CNET News.com
2. |
T-Mobile spreads BlackBerry to more devices. The wireless carrier will offer BlackBerry service on a wider range of devices, including phones from Nokia and Sony Ericsson. |
3. |
Briefly: Massive German sweep targets pirates. Authorities raid more than 750 locations...Skype plugs in Plantronics headsets...SanDisk deals out mini flash memory cards. |
4. |
Massive German sweep targets pirates. Authorities raid more than 750 locations, seeking evidence of Net movie piracy operations. |
5. |
Open-source company aims for cell phones. Trolltech plans an April launch for a version of its Qtopia GUI software for Linux-based mobile phones. |
6. |
Aussie watchdog eyes Oracle's PeopleSoft bid. Australia's competition watchdog said it is "concerned" Oracle's hostile bid for PeopleSoft would lead to a "substantial lessening" of competition. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
3Com Posts Wider Loss on Lower Sales (AP). AP - 3Com Corp., which makes voice and data networking products, reported a wider loss in its latest quarter due to a 21 percent decline in sales. |
8. |
Adobe Posts Record Profit, Revenue (Reuters). Reuters - Design software maker Adobe
Systems Inc. on Thursday posted record first-quarter earnings
and revenue, citing strong global sales. |
9. |
Wi-Fi Interoperability Problem on Rise (AP). AP - Increasing complexity and stronger security is making it harder for new wireless computer networking products to hook up with each other, an industry group promoting the technology said Thursday at the CeBIT tech fair. |
10. |
Experts Want Warning Network for Internet (AP). AP - Computer security experts urged the Bush administration Thursday to set up a national early warning network and crisis center to monitor and respond to significant Internet attacks, suggestions aimed at staving off new federal regulations affecting the technology industry. |
11. |
No Deal in EU, Microsoft Antitrust Case (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O) failed on
Thursday to reach a deal with the European Commission, setting
the stage for a landmark antitrust ruling next week that will
brand the software giant an abusive monopolist. |
12. |
Congress to Test Air Screening Program |
InfoWorld: Top News
13. |
EU Microsoft ruling could set precedent. NEW YORK - With the breakdown of settlement talks between the European Union and Microsoft Corp., the stage is set for the EU to announce next Wednesday a series of antitrust remedies and declare that the software company is an abusive monopolist, thus setting a precedent that will make it easier to prosecute other complaints, including several that are already under investigation. |
InfoWorld: Security
14. |
Microsoft aims to save users from themselves. HANOVER, GERMANY -- Most security issues and virus outbreaks happen because people don't know how to protect themselves or
don't bother to do what they know they should. In the latest update to Windows XP, Microsoft Corp. has focused on helping
people become more aware of what they need to do, and encouraging them to actually do it, Lead Program Manager for Service
Pack 2 Ryan Burkhardt said Thursday. |
15. |
Experts downplay Phatbot danger. Security experts downplayed the danger of a Trojan horse program named Phatbot that uses peer to peer (P-to-P) technology
to create a network of infected zombies for carrying out attacks or spreading malicious code. |
16. |
New Bagle worms crawl through old MS hole. Four new versions of the Bagle e-mail worm appeared on Thursday, and antivirus experts warn that new techniques by the worm's
creator could make it harder to stop the new worm variants. |
17. |
Security companies squeeze inside the beltway. Well-heeled representatives from companies such as Raytheon Co., and IBM Corp. have long wandered the halls of the U.S. Congress,
cultivating close relationships with lawmakers and their staff. But these days, old-line defense and technology contractors
are jockeying for lawmakers' time and attention with a hoard of newcomers: Computer security companies. |
Help Net Security
18. |
Task force: Classes, security tool kit needed |
19. |
Microsoft-EU anti-trust talks collapse |
20. |
Fraudsters prey on apathetic Brits |
21. |
Software security flaws hit plateau |
NewsIsFree: Security
22. |
Phatbot and stealthy polymorphic Alphabot Soup, ISS Product ICQ parsing vuln. |
23. |
Net Sys: SIP phone ethereal filters |
24. |
HOTMAIL / PASSPORT: phishing expedition |
25. |
Chrome server crash |
26. |
TSLSA-2004-0012 - openssl |
27. |
TSLSA-2004-0011 - sysstat |
28. |
mac osx- admin service buffer overflow |
29. |
Error Manager Input Validation Holes Let Remote Users Conduct Cross-Site Scripting Attacks |
30. |
Computer security's new 'polybot' nightmare |
31. |
NATO's security system to fight off hackers |
32. |
Security appliances, not software, are way forward |
33. |
Default Admin Logins/Passwords for 802.11g Access Points |
34. |
TA04-078A: Multiple Vulnerabilities in OpenSSL |
35. |
MS04-007 Exploit released |
36. |
New Mass Mailing Virus |
37. |
TA04-078A: Multiple Vulnerabilities in OpenSSL |
38. |
TA04-078A: Multiple Vulnerabilities in OpenSSL |
39. |
News: Anti-piracy vigilantes track file sharers |
40. |
Task force: Classes, security tool kit needed |
41. |
Microsoft-EU anti-trust talks collapse |
42. |
Fraudsters prey on apathetic Brits |
43. |
Software security flaws hit plateau |
9:29:42 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Peter Bagge's libertarian comics for Reason. I used to dislike Tom Tomorrow's comic strip, This Modern World. I'm not entirely sure why it didn't work for me, but I think it is because he would set up right-wing straw people to say exaggerated things to make them look bad. Lately, I've been enjoying his strip a lot more, and I think the reason is because the right-wing is now so outrageous, he doesn't need to exagerate to show how bad they are. The truth is funny without having to embellish it.To me, Peter Bagge is the opposite of Tom Tomorrow. I love the stuff he did for Weirdo, Neat Stuff, and Hate. Now he's doing a libertarian comic strip for Reason, and like a mirror-image Tom Tomorrow, he tries to make his point by exaggerating the kinds of things left-wingers say. And just as Tomorrow's early work wasn't funny, Bagge's recent Reason work doesn't make me laugh either. I did read Bagge's latest Hate Annual and thought he was in top form, so this criticism only applies to his Reason comics. Link
2. |
Guess What? Vaginamabutt.. I have no idea WTF this is. Alright, I have *some* idea. It's -- like -- an X-rated pop art Farkistani Where's Waldo. Someone made this Keith Haring-esque Photoshop file of a vagina dentata monster. They invite you to download the file, print out, take photos of it in odd situations, then email in for inclusion on vaginamabutt.com.
Link (so not worksafe; thanks Susannah!)
CNET News.com
3. |
Novell management tool going open source. The company plans to release its YAST product under a widely used open-source license in a plan to spread the program's use, CNET News.com has learned. |
4. |
Qualcomm lands push-to-talk deal in India. Later this year, an Indian telecommunications provider plans to introduce a Qualcomm-based service that lets people turn their cell phones into walkie-talkies. |
5. |
Chipmakers to fund cancer study. The semiconductor industry has enough data for research into dangers of manufacturing plants, experts say. |
6. |
Four new Bagle worms added to Internet soup. Now I know my ABCs, because the Bagle worm infected me? Viruswriters produce four more version of the Bagle worm: Q, R, S and T. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
3Com Posts Wider Loss on Lower Sales (AP). AP - 3Com Corp., which makes voice and data networking products, reported a wider loss in its latest quarter due to a 21 percent decline in sales. |
8. |
Adobe's First-Quarter Profit Doubles (AP). AP - Adobe Systems Inc.'s net income more than doubled in its latest quarter, as the company posted stronger than expected results on the strength of its electronic-document and updated publishing software. |
9. |
Companies Seek Online Warning Network (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - A group of technology and business associations today released a series of recommendations for minimizing the threat of cyber-crime and hacker attacks, including a request for congressional funding of an early warning alert network and a national media campaign to promote safer Internet use at home. |
10. |
DVD-RW Incompatibilities? |
11. |
Broadband Access Leading to Internet Breakdown? |
InfoWorld: Top News
12. |
New Bagle worms crawl through old MS hole. Four new versions of the Bagle e-mail worm appeared on Thursday, and antivirus experts warn that new techniques by the worm's creator could make it harder to stop the new worm variants. |
13. |
Security companies squeeze inside the beltway. Well-heeled representatives from companies such as Raytheon Co., and IBM Corp. have long wandered the halls of the U.S. Congress, cultivating close relationships with lawmakers and their staff. But these days, old-line defense and technology contractors are jockeying for lawmakers' time and attention with a hoard of newcomers: Computer security companies. |
14. |
Hotmail, MSN Messenger hit with another outage. Technical problems at Microsoft Corp. for the second time within a week caused trouble for users trying to connect to Hotmail and MSN Messenger, the company said Thursday. |
SecurityFocus News
15. |
News: Experts recommend early warning network in case of Internet attacks. The Associated Press By Ted Bridis |
16. |
News: Latest Bagle worms spread on auto-pilot. The Register By John Leyden [john dot leyden at theregister dot co dot uk] |
17. |
News: Anti-piracy vigilantes track file sharers. Crime-busting coders spark controversy when they circulate a Trojan horse on peer-to-peer networks designed to chastise pirates, and report back to a public website. |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
18. |
BugTraq: mac osx- admin service buffer overflow. Sender: [programming_rocks1 at hotmail dot com] |
19. |
BugTraq: EEYE: Internet Security Systems PAM ICQ Server Response Processing Vulnerability. Sender: Marc Maiffret [mmaiffret at eeye dot com] |
Help Net Security
20. |
IT industry releases security action plans for DHS |
21. |
Task force: Classes, security tool kit needed |
22. |
Microsoft-EU anti-trust talks collapse |
23. |
Fraudsters prey on apathetic Brits |
24. |
Software security flaws hit plateau |
NewsIsFree: Security
25. |
Techniques for Securing Private Objects in Your Applications |
26. |
27. |
Profiling Network Administrators - by Adrian Lamo |
28. |
Three more patches from Microsoft for Office XP, MSN Messenger & MS Windows |
29. |
Hacker Retaliator - New Security product strikes back at hackers |
30. |
Detection of SQL Injection and Cross-site Scripting Attacks |
31. |
IT industry releases security action plans for DHS |
32. |
Experts Want Warning Network for Internet (AP) |
33. |
Companies Seek Online Warning Network (washingtonpost.com) |
34. |
Phatbot Not So Phat |
35. |
Phatbot Not So Phat |
36. |
Phatbot Not So Phat |
37. |
Secunia Advisories - March 17 |
38. |
Tumbleweed Acquires Anti-Spam Vendor Corvigo |
39. |
New Cybersecurity Plans Unveiled |
40. |
New Remote Access Protection Solution Available Soon from Netilla |
41. |
Experts recommend early warning network in case of Internet attacks |
42. |
High-Tech Atlas Provides Up-Close Look |
43. |
44. |
Softbank says insider leaked personal data |
45. |
46. |
SDSU says computer server was infiltrated |
47. |
Techniques for Securing Private Objects in Your Applications |
48. |
Credit agency reports security breach |
49. |
NASA develops 'mind-reading' system |
50. |
Microsoft e-mail talks of Windows' 'toll bridge' |
51. |
Microsoft employee sues Kazaa |
52. |
Columnists: The 12KB Bomb |
53. |
News: Experts recommend early warning network in case of Internet attacks |
54. |
News: Latest Bagle worms spread on auto-pilot |
55. |
Task force: Classes, security tool kit needed |
56. |
Microsoft-EU anti-trust talks collapse |
57. |
Fraudsters prey on apathetic Brits |
58. |
Software security flaws hit plateau |
8:29:22 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Anti-virus companies milking their cash cow?. Are Anti-virus companies milking their cash cow? Or are they really proactively addressing the ever-present virus threat? By Matt Woodward. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Cory's book launch starts in two hours. I'm about to fold up my laptop and grab a bite before heading down to my Toronto book-launch at the Merril Collection (239 College, third floor, 416-393-7748.), tonight at 7PM. Hope you can make it! |
3. |
Video -- Rumsfeld eats his own words. Here's a video clip from MoveOn that shows Rumsfeld admonishing some TV show hosts for claiming he ever said Iraq was an "immediate threat." He challenges his "critics" to provide "citations" to back up their claims, and when they do -- on the spot -- hilarity ensues. Link (Thanks, rupa!) |
CNET News.com
4. |
PalmSource revenue, earnings down. The handheld operating system company reported third-quarter revenue and earnings that were down significantly compared with last year. |
5. |
Commentary: Waking up to NetWeaver. Forrester experts say SAP customers should consider NetWeaver for their next portal-centric or business intelligence projects--and ease into the rest of the NetWeaver stack. |
6. |
Programmer sues Kazaa for $25 million. A developer who helped write the file-swapping tool says that he still owns part of the copyrights, in a lawsuit Sharman Networks calls "without merit." |
7. |
Security groups call for education, alert systems. Two government-industry task forces say the nation should create incident and advisory networks and help small businesses secure themselves. But some say the proposals are an industry cop-out. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
EU Set to Sanction Microsoft in Europe (AP). AP - The European Union announced its intention Thursday to sanction Microsoft Corp. after the software giant balked at demands that could have prevented it from adding new features to future versions of Windows — a restriction it avoided in the landmark U.S. antitrust case. |
9. |
Internet Makes Drug Traffickers Hard to Catch, DEA Says (Reuters). Reuters - The Internet and cellular telephones
are making drug traffickers harder than ever to catch and the
job will only become more difficult as technology develops, a
U.S. anti-drug official said on Thursday. |
10. |
Experts Downplay Phatbot Danger (PC World). PC World - Trojan horse is spreading via peer-to-peer networks. |
11. |
Experts Want Warning Network for Internet (AP). AP - Computer security experts urged the Bush administration Thursday to set up a national early warning network and crisis center to monitor and respond to significant Internet attacks, suggestions aimed at staving off new federal regulations affecting the technology industry. |
12. |
PHP 5 RC 1 released |
InfoWorld: Top News
13. |
SanDisk introduces new flash memory cards. SanDisk Corp. on Thursday advanced its line of flash memory cards at the Cebit trade show in Hanover, Germany, announcing two new cards designed to fulfill the storage needs of multimedia mobile phone users. |
14. |
Detection of SQL Injection and Cross-site Scripting Attacks |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
15. |
BugTraq: Chrome server crash. Sender: Luigi Auriemma [aluigi at altervista dot org] |
16. |
BugTraq: TSLSA-2004-0011 - sysstat. Sender: Trustix Security Advisor [tsl at trustix dot org] |
17. |
BugTraq: TSLSA-2004-0012 - openssl. Sender: Trustix Security Advisor [tsl at trustix dot org] |
18. |
Vulnerabilities: WarpSpeed 4nAlbum Module For PHPNuke Multiple Vulnerabilities. phpNuke is a freely available content management system. 4nAlbum is a module for phpNuke that allows users to upload and add multimedia files to their posts.
It has been... |
19. |
Vulnerabilities: SteelID thePhotoTool Login.ASP SQL Injection Vulnerability. SteelID thePhotoTool is a web-based picture gallery suite. It is implemented in ASP and available for Microsoft Windows platforms.
SteelID thePhotoTool is prone to an SQ... |
20. |
Vulnerabilities: Apache Web Server MIME Boundary Information Disclosure Vulnerability. Apache is a freely available web server. It is available for a variety of platforms including the Unix, Linux and, Microsoft Windows operating systems.
A vulnerability h... |
The Register
21. |
T-Mobile goes live with 3G in May. UK, Germany and Austria |
NewsIsFree: Security
22. |
BBC News: MPs reassess computer crime laws "UK legislation aimed at protecting computer users fr... |
23. |
24. |
Cisco pays $5 million for Twingo |
25. |
Speaking freely with VoIP |
26. |
Rethinking IDS |
27. |
Interview: Securing Windows |
28. |
IronPort caters to SMBs |
29. |
Stop MyDoom-inspired viruses and tag nearly all your spam |
30. |
Cleaning up spyware |
31. |
Columnists: The 12kB Bomb |
6:11:01 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Anonymous DSL. DSL provider Bway.net has decided to offer an anonymous DSL service. How will they pull it off? By using a rotating pool of IP addresses and not keeping logs. By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Video of voting machine vendors and examiners admitting to the b0rkedness of voting machines. Douglas sez, "A group of us recently got our hands on unedited videos of the meetings where Texas's appointed voting system examiners meet with vendors. Very scary stuff. We've put together a downloadable 'greatest hits' version. My favorite moment: 'I just want to make sure this machine can add. Remember, we've had machines recently that didn't add.' 'We've certified other things that weren't tested' is a close second."
(Thanks, Douglas) |
3. |
Saurian Sinclair software, encoded on vinyl records. In the old days, you could get bonus software for your Sinclair Spectrum PC encoded as audio on vinyl record albums. This exhaustive, loving report has links to the code and emulators for executing it.
In the case of these programs on vinyl, the user would have to play back the proper portion of the record, record the resultant chatter to tape, and load the tape into the spectrum. Some users have mentioned playing certain games so much that they could recognise the loading sounds.
(Thanks, Jed!) |
4. |
Monthly archives are back. We've got monthly archives again (I hope -- my Movable Type skillz are a little sub-1337) -- to those of you who have observed that the mailing list is b0rked, expect a fix soon.
Link |
CNET News.com
5. |
More Microsoft class-action documents on Web. Read an e-mail exchange between Microsoft executive Jeff Raikes and billionaire investor Warren Buffett here. |
6. |
Windows Mobile update to launch next week. Microsoft is expected to announce an overhaul of its Windows Mobile operating system, which powers cell phones and handhelds, CNET News.com has learned. |
7. |
Hotmail, MSN Messenger hit by outage. Many MSN customers have been struggling to connect to the e-mail and instant-messaging services, confirms Microsoft, which is working on a fix. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Research: CIOs' Confidence Up (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - As the enterprise-software industry waits for a long-anticipated upsurge in revenue, all eyes are on CIOs. How are they feeling about business and budgets today? |
9. |
Novell Touts Latest SuSE Release (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - In previewing the forthcoming Linux OS from SuSE, Novell (Nasdaq: NOVL) touts
it as the first commercial product based on the next-generation Linux 2.6 kernel, with support for both 32- and 64-bit computing platforms. |
10. |
Siemens: Planets Aligning for Mobile-Phone Growth (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Look for 2004 to be the watershed year for mobile communications, says Siemens (NYSE: SI) Mobile president Rudi Lamprecht. "We'll finally be able to use our mobile phones for more applications than merely phone calls and SMS," he predicted at the CeBIT technology show in Hanover, Germany. |
11. |
Product Review: Hitachi G1000 (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Combining the full functionality of a CDMA/PCS cellular phone with the features and software applications of a PDA, the Hitachi (NYSE: HIT) G1000 is the first Pocket PC handheld to sport a Qwerty-type keyboard. |
12. |
Taking the Internet's Measurements (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - The Nielsen television ratings and its audience meters are more than a barometer of what is happening in the entertainment arena. They approach the status of an American icon and, as such, are shrouded with some degree of mystery. Who are these Nielsen families that are watching CSI instead of Friends? How can I become a Nielsen family? (You cannot apply -- the selection process is totally random.) |
13. |
UFO Streaks Through Martian sky |
InfoWorld: Top News
14. |
Desktop Linux demand on the upswing, Sun says. HANOVER, GERMANY - Sun Microsystems Inc. trumpeted its latest desktop Linux milestone Thursday, declaring that German original equipment manufacturer (OEM) Markement GmbH had sold over one million units of its StarOffice productivity suite. But Germany is StarOffice's home market -- the software has been available form its original Hamburg-based developer since 1993 -- and it remains to be seen if Sun can replicate its success elsewhere. |
15. |
CeBit: Giant tech bazaar gets underway. HANOVER, GERMANY - Once again Cebit, the beast of IT trade shows in the belly of Germany, threw open its cavernous halls on Thursday to hundreds of thousands of visitors. While the show's organizers insisted that business users remain the focus of the show, new treats for consumers have created much of the buzz so far. |
16. |
IBM Jazz-ing up collaboration. IBM is working on a research project pertaining to collaborative development, called Jazz, which is focused on the notion of presence, said Grady Booch, an IBM Fellow. |
InfoWorld: Security
17. |
Cisco pays $5 million for Twingo. Acquisition will boost Cisco's SSL VPN offering |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
18. |
BugTraq: HOTMAIL / PASSPORT: phishing expedition. Sender: http-equiv at excite dot com [1 at malware dot com] |
19. |
Vulnerabilities: Phorum Multiple Module Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability. Phorum is a PHP based web forums package.
A cross-site scripting vulnerability has been identified in the application that may allow remote attackers to execute arbitra... |
20. |
Vulnerabilities: PHPBB Search.PHP Search_Results Parameter SQL Injection Vulnerability. phpBB is an open-source web forum application that is written in PHP and supported by a number of database products. It will run on most Unix and Linux variants, as well ... |
The Register
21. |
T-Mobile goes live with 3G data services in May. UK, Germany and Austria |
22. |
IT workers demand greater work flexibility. Concerns over work-life imbalance |
23. |
Can I have an email quickie? - Phoenix says, 'Yes!'. Windows is old hat |
NewsIsFree: Security
24. |
A Few Quick Notes about Unix Security in Large Installations |
25. |
26. |
Re: PLAXO: is that a cure or a disease? |
27. |
[RHSA-2004:112-01] Updated Mozilla packages fix security issues |
28. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 466-1] New Linux 2.2.10 packages fix local root exploit (powerpc/apus) |
29. |
RE: [RHSA-2004:112-01] Updated Mozilla packages fix security issu es |
30. |
[OpenPKG-SA-2004.007] OpenPKG Security Advisory (openssl) |
31. |
ptl-2004-02: RealNetworks Helix Server 9 Administration Server Buffer Overflow |
32. |
[waraxe-2004-SA#010 - Multiple vulnerabilities in Error Manager v2.1 for PhpNuke] |
33. |
Fighting Terrorists Through Softwae, Anonymously? |
34. |
Geek War on Terror |
35. |
Broadcast Flag Technologies Open For Comment |
36. |
Time Warner To Comply With Wiretap Law |
37. |
Cable taps into wiretap law |
38. |
Airlines want privacy safeguards for passengers |
39. |
U.S. to force airlines to provide traveller data |
40. |
Norton raises CAPPS II liability fears |
41. |
Effects of Poor Privacy Policies |
42. |
TA04-028A: W32/MyDoom.B Virus |
43. |
TA04-033A: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Explorer |
44. |
SB04-035: Summary of Security Items from January 21 through February 3, 2004 |
45. |
TA04-036A: HTTP Parsing Vulnerabilities in Check Point Firewall-1 |
46. |
TA04-041A: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Microsoft ASN.1 Library |
47. |
SB04-049: Summary of Security Items from February 4 through February 17, 2004 |
48. |
SB04-058: CyberNotes for February 3 through February 23, 2004 |
49. |
SB04-063: Summary of Security Items from February 18 through March 2, 2004 |
50. |
TA04-070A: Microsoft Outlook mailto URL Handling Vulnerability |
51. |
SB04-077: Summary of Security Items from March 3 through March 16, 2004 |
52. |
SA04-028A: MyDoom.B Virus |
53. |
SA04-033A: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Explorer |
54. |
SA04-041A: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows |
55. |
SA04-070A: Vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook 2002 |
56. |
ST04-001: Why is Cyber Security a Problem? |
57. |
ST04-002: Choosing and Protecting Passwords |
58. |
ST04-003: Good Security Habits |
59. |
ST04-004: Understanding Firewalls |
60. |
SA04-028A: MyDoom.B Virus |
61. |
ST04-001: Why is Cyber Security a Problem? |
62. |
SA04-033A: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Explorer |
63. |
SA04-041A: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows |
64. |
ST04-002: Choosing and Protecting Passwords |
65. |
ST04-003: Good Security Habits |
66. |
ST04-004: Understanding Firewalls |
67. |
SA04-070A: Vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook 2002 |
68. |
TA04-041A: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Microsoft ASN.1 Library |
69. |
ST04-002: Choosing and Protecting Passwords |
70. |
SB04-049: Summary of Security Items from February 4 through February 17, 2004 |
71. |
SB04-058: CyberNotes for February 3 through February 23, 2004 |
72. |
ST04-003: Good Security Habits |
73. |
SB04-063: Summary of Security Items from February 18 through March 2, 2004 |
74. |
ST04-004: Understanding Firewalls |
75. |
TA04-070A: Microsoft Outlook mailto URL Handling Vulnerability |
76. |
SA04-070A: Vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook 2002 |
77. |
SB04-077: Summary of Security Items from March 3 through March 16, 2004 |
78. |
New Bagle Worm Variant Can Run Without Launching Attachment (Ziff Davis) |
5:10:43 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Et Cetera: some site news in this one, baby. Windows XP SP2 RC1 released, Apple to miss 100 million song prediction, and some site news . . . By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Crazy roadside signage from Oklahoma. 
Bill Dugan snapped these pictures of crazy, ranting, wordy signs on a farm in Oklahoma in 1992 -- they're a kind of anti-Burma-shave ad, with neither rhyme nor wit to distract us from their glorious tinfoil beanery.
(Thanks, Bill!)
3. |
XPower Mobile Plug Inverter. Via Kevin Kelly's Cool Tools:
You plug this solid-state inverter into your car's lighter socket and power whatever 110 volt AC appliance you want, 75 watts max. No need for special DC gadgets. It's made for recharging cell phones and other batteries, but I've used it for my scanner and my printer while on the road. Also, I've run a small B&W TV set (5'5), and more important, my baby's bottle heater (I admit is a small one). You can power almost anything that doesn't use large resistance like hair dryers, waffle makers, bread toasters, small ovens. I haven't tried a coffee maker yet. The same company offers an assorted line of automobile inverters with more output power (200 watts on up). This is the smallest one.
-- Juan J Gil
XPower MobilePlug 75, Manufactured by Xantrex
4. |
Bloggie victory photo. 
Well, I've just mailed off the Bloggie certificates and the gold star to my co-editors' places, but luckily I've got this photo, courtesy of Justin Hall, of me displaying all the Bloggie bounty that Boing Boing was fortunate to acquire this year.
CNET News.com
5. |
The sound of science. A little-known Swedish inventor's insights are quietly pushing digital audio technology, such as MP3 and AAC, beyond what had been previously imagined. |
6. |
Skype plugs in Plantronics headsets. The VoIP company chooses Plantronics as its preferred provider of headsets. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
EU Set to Sanction Microsoft in Europe (AP). AP - The European Union announced its intention Thursday to sanction Microsoft Corp. after the software giant balked at demands that could have prevented it from adding new features to future versions of Windows — a restriction it avoided in the landmark U.S. antitrust case. |
8. |
C&W chairman makes vow of transparency (FT.com). FT.com - Richard Lapthorne, chairman of Cable and Wireless, on Thursday surprised investors by promising that the company's next annual report would feature a new chapter on corporate governance. |
9. |
Chatty robots, cocktail-shaking computers, pen phones wow CeBIT crowds (AFP). AFP - A chatting robot, a BMW that can make dinner reservations and a computer server that can mix a dry martini are among the gadgets drawing crowds at the start of the CeBIT, the world's biggest high-tech trade fair. |
10. |
MSFTs "iPod Killer" Readied for Europe |
11. |
U.S. Home Internet Access up to 75% |
SecurityNewsPortal.com HomelandSecurity.com
12. |
World largest series of raids against movie and entertainment software pirates and hackers |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
13. |
Vulnerabilities: Sybari AntiGen For Lotus Domino Denial Of Service Vulnerability. Sybari AntiGen For Lotus Domino is antivirus software designed for Lotus Domino.
Sybari AntiGen For Lotus Domino has been reported prone to a remote denial of service vu... |
14. |
Vulnerabilities: PHP-Nuke Modules.php Multiple Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities. PHP-Nuke is a freeware content management system. Implemented in PHP, it is available for a range of systems, including Unix, Linux, and Microsoft Windows.
Multiple cro... |
15. |
Vulnerabilities: Oracle 9i Application/Database Server SOAP XML DTD Denial Of Service Vulnerability. Oracle 9i Application and Database services are prone to remote denial of service attacks. This issue is related to SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and XML, which a... |
The Register
16. |
NASA pulls off mindreading act. Voice recognition for the voiceless |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Windows source code exploit released |
18. |
realHelix9.txt |
19. |
waraxe-2004-SA#010.t..> |
20. |
Software security flaws hit plateau |
21. |
Enterprise IT Toolkit for the Week of 03/18/04 |
22. |
Plan to Fight Back Against Hackers Causes Stir |
23. |
3ware's RAID Controllers Best the Competition |
24. |
W32.HLLW.Lovgate.N@mm |
25. |
W32.Beagle.S@mm |
26. |
W32.Beagle.T@mm |
27. |
Linux Journal: Security valign="top">28. |
Wired: Cashing in on virus infections "security experts are questioning whether the antivirus so... |
29. |
Security Focus: The 12kb bomb "It valign="top">30. |
SMH: The key to authentic communication "Passwords are considered by some to be the weakest link... |
31. |
Tech Republic: You've been hacked - What to do in the first five minutes "The first question tha... |
32. |
Tech Republic: Hacking the hacker - How a consultant shut down a malicious user "how
4:10:23 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Kazaa Cleaner. BoingBoing pal JP points us to Kazaa Cleaner, which its makers describe as "a free and tiny Adware / Spyware remover utility especially designed for getting rid of all Spyware and Adware applications (i.e.,
Scumwares) that have been bundled, past and present, with all Kazaa Media Desktop clients." Folks, I'm not recommending it, just pointing to the fact that it's out there. Several BB readers have written in to alert us to the fact that a download and attempted install triggers warnings in virus detection software. I haven't had time to check it out, and it may in fact be toxic stuff, I don't know. Proceed with caution.
2. |
Electric Sheep artificial life DVD launch March 31, San Francisco. Spot Draves is the author of the brilliant Electric Sheep screensaver -- this is a distributed rendering application that grabs its users' computers' idle cycles to create computationally expensive, vivid and beautiful animated fractals. Users vote for the animations they like best while the screensaver is running, and those fractals are then given precedence within the computational gene pool, spawning variations that are rendered out again, dancing for their human masters who have the power of life and death over them.
The result is a breathtaking, psychedelic form of artificial life whose fitness factor is the ability to tickle the aesthetics of computer geeks.
Spot has assembled the best of these animations -- these "Electric Sheep" -- on a DVD, with DJ mixed background audio. The contents of the DVD are all online as small QuickTime movies, for for the high-rez, you'll have to order a copy or go to the launch on March 31, in San Francisco:
wednesday march 31st 7pm-2am StudioZ
314 11th st @ folsom san francisco
415.252.7666 www.studioz.tv 21+ w/ID
free admission
featuring the soundz of Spool, jhno, mbb,
dj vordo, and Kenji Williams/ABA Structure
Link |
3. |
Open source, world-editable novel on a Wiki. Heath sez, "Rick Heller has put the full text of his novel Smart Genes up as a Wiki, encouraging people to contribute to it."
(Thanks, Heath!) |
4. |
Carbs crank up serotonin. An MIT study suggests that low-car/pro-protein diets like Atkin's can chemically bum you out. Judith Wurtman, director of the Program in Women's Health at the MIT Clinical Research Center, found that when you kick the carb habit, your brain stops regulating serotonin. As people who take SSRI drugs like Prozac know, serotonin elevates mood and can also act as an appetite suppresant.
"According to Wurtman's clinical studies, if the carbohydrate craver eats protein instead, he or she will become grumpy, irritable or restless. Furthermore, filling up on fatty foods like bacon or cheese makes you tired, lethargic and apathetic. Eating a lot of fat, she said, will make you an emotional zombie." Link
CNET News.com
5. |
Nokia signs up for near-field wireless push. the Finnish handset giant has joined up with Royal Philips Electronics and Sony to establish a forum to promote the use of near field communications technology. |
6. |
SanDisk deals out mini flash memory cards. SanDisk made a handful of mini flash memory card announcements on Thursday at the CeBit trade show in Hannover, Germany. |
7. |
StarOffice reaches German milestone. Sun Microsystems has announced that its main German distributor has sold more than a million copies of the StarOffice productivity software. |
8. |
China's Wi-Fi standard stymies Nokia plans. The Nokia 9500 Communicator handset won't make its way into the country because the company can't meet the deadline for an imposed encryption standard. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
9. |
Dividend possible, Cisco CEO says (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - Cisco Systems Chief Executive John Chambers said Wednesday that the networking company would "probably" pay a dividend to investors in the future. But for now, he said, most major investors prefer the company to use its cash trove to buy back its own shares. |
10. |
T-Mobile to Launch 3G in May (Reuters). Reuters - T-Mobile, Europe's
second-largest mobile phone operator, will start selling
third-generation (3G) multimedia handsets from May and hopes
the service will boost revenues, it said on Thursday. |
11. |
Bill Aims to Curb Online Pharmacy Sales (AP). AP - Unsolicited e-mails arrive daily across America offering cheap, quick access to prescription drugs. Without ever seeing a doctor, people can use the Internet to have drugs prescribed and shipped to their homes by a "licensed U.S. pharmacy." |
12. |
Trekkie Communicators Now a Reality |
13. |
Anand Reviews Athlon 64 FX-53 |
InfoWorld: Top News
14. |
Samsung readies WLAN-enabled handheld PC. HANOVER, GERMANY -- Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. will introduce next month a handheld PC with integrated support for wireless LANs (WLANs), the company announced Thursday at the Cebit trade show in Hanover, Germany. |
15. |
Interview: Bob Sutor on IBM's ESB plans. One of the important building blocks in helping IBM construct its Systems Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Over the past year or so, IBM has been delivering products that would help constitute an ESB, but delivery of all of the necessary pieces will not come until late this year. A key figure in helping Big Blue put those pieces in place is Bob Sutor, IBM's director of Web Services Technology for IBM's WebSphere. In his current role, Sutor is in charge of overseeing the future direction of the WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Studio product lines. Sutor sat down with Editor at Large Ed Scannell to discuss IBM's on-going efforts to create an ESB. ADVERTISEMENT: Need a MS Exchange Spam Filter? - Spam Sucks! Your life shouldn't. iHateSpam for Exchange was built to the exact specs Exchange Admins asked for. It's now the Best-Selling, Award Winning anti-spam solution for Exchange 5.5, 2000 and 2... |
16. |
US files complaint with WTO over China chip tariffs. The U.S. has filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) regarding China's policy of levying a value-added tax (VAT) on imports of semiconductors, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (OTR) announced Thursday. |
17. |
Experts downplay Phatbot danger. Security experts downplayed the danger of a Trojan horse program named Phatbot that uses peer to peer (P-to-P) technology to create a network of infected zombies for carrying out attacks or spreading malicious code. |
18. |
PeopleSoft previews World, EnterpriseOne updates. PeopleSoft Inc. outlined at a Cebit press conference on Thursday its planned schedule of product updates for the next few months, highlighting new releases of its industry-focused EnterpriseOne suite and new functionality for its legacy World software. |
19. |
T-Mobile to launch 3G data and voice in May. HANOVER, GERMANY - T-Mobile International, the wireless arm of German telephone giant Deutsche Telekom AG, will launch new voice and data services based on 3G (third-generation) technology in Germany, the U.K. and Austria beginning in May, company Chairman René Obermann said Thursday here at the Cebit trade show in Hanover, Germany. |
SecurityNewsPortal.com HomelandSecurity.com
20. |
World largest series of raids against movie and entertainment software pirates and hackers - Raids ongoing across Europe and elsewhere with hundreds busted |
SecurityFocus News
21. |
Elsewhere: NATO's security system to fight off hackers. NATO's security system to fight off hackers
BT to improve the alliance's incident-response capability?
NATO is to beef up protection of its networks against hackers a... |
22. |
Elsewhere: Computer security's new 'polybot' nightmare. Back to Start of Article A new malicious computer program has been detected that can create networks of remotely controlled computers to take part in online attacks, send... |
23. |
News: Softbank says insider leaked personal data. The Associated Press |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
24. |
Vulnerabilities: Apache HTAccess LIMIT Directive Bypass Configuration Error Weakness. Apache HTTP Server is an open-source web server designed to run on a number of different platforms. Apache HTTP server provides for "htaccess" configuration files, these ... |
25. |
Vulnerabilities: GNU SPIP Unspecified PHP Code Execution Vulnerability. SPIP is a web based content management system. It is written in PHP.
An unspecified PHP code execution vulnerability has been identified in the application that may all... |
26. |
Vulnerabilities: VocalTec VGW4/8 Telephony Gateway Remote Authentication Bypass Vulnerability. The VocalTec VGW4/8 Telephony Gateway is an appliance that is designed to provide IP telephony voice and fax services to small offices. The appliance also supports a web... |
NewsIsFree: Security
27. |
Identinet - A Runaway Cluetrain |
28. |
En Chine, la censure s'étend aux blogs. |
2:09:40 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Robolympics this weekend in SF.
David Calkins, President of the Robotics Society of America, says:
1,000 robots. . .well, 414, but that is more than enough at the first Annual Robolympics - this Saturday and Sunday at Ft. Mason in San Francisco.
Robots from 11 countries will crawl, wrestle, screech, walk, roll and bash their way to victory. . .or limp pitifully to the recycling pile. Be there for all the action, from 25 gram nano-sumo matches to 340-pound behemoth combat monsters! Artbots, combat bots, huge bots, teeny bots, human competitors of all ages, sizes and shapes, from elementary school Lego League to professional combat masters, all vying for medals and glory at Robolympics! This event also introduces Robo-One to America, a little-known tournament all the way from Japan that features biped androids doing Kung Fu!
See the videos at the Robolympics website, Robo-One defies description. Your ticket pays for the whole seat - but you won't need it. You'll be to excited to sit!
Link (thanks also to
Roland !)
2. |
Creem magazine archives: William S. Burroughs interview. Creem was the best Rock 'n' Roll magazine ever. It was one of the few mainstream magazines to embrace Punk in the 70s and 80s. Its website is really nice, with lots of old articles and a complete cover gallery. Here are a couple of interviews with William S. Burroughs.
MORGAN: For many contemporary rock critics and musicians, William Burroughs is rock ’n’ roll. Do you feel the same affinity for rock ’n’ roll that rock ’n’ roll obviously feels for you? BURROUGHS: Well, yeah. (laughs) I have given them a lot of titles: The Heavy Metal Kids, The Insect Trust, The Soft Machine. There are a couple of others. I enjoy rock ’n’ roll. It certainly is a unique and incredible phenomenon. Remember that 40 or 50 years ago, musicians didn’t make any money. They played to very small audiences in night clubs and road houses. Also, they had no protection on their records. I’m always asking rock ’n’ roll people if they know who Petrillo is, and none of them do. Well, they wouldn’t have a dime if it weren’t for Petrillo because he organized the Musicians’ Union way back at the end of the ‘30s. And that is why they make money on their records. There wouldn’t be any white Rolls Royces or anything like that. Link |
3. |
Kazaa Cleaner. BoingBoing pal JP points us to Kazaa Cleaner, which its makers describe as "a free and tiny Adware / Spyware remover utility especially designed for getting rid of all Spyware and Adware applications (i.e.,
Scumwares) that have been bundled, past and present, with all Kazaa Media Desktop clients."
4. |
Windows in Welsh. Microsoft has announced a Welsh-language version of Windows.
(via Fark) |
CNET News.com
5. |
Briefly: T-Mobile to debut 3G phones in Europe. The company will start selling its 3G handsets in Germany, Britain and Austria in May...Oracle spends $48 million in PeopleSoft bid...TiVo and Tribune extend their deal. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Microsoft faces sanctions after EU anti-trust talks fail (AFP). AFP - US software giant Microsoft next week faces the prospect of big fines and enforced product changes in Europe after the failure of last-ditch talks with EU competition regulators. |
7. |
Use of Mesh Network Technology May Expand (AP). AP - A company whose emergency-response devices communicate through each other rather than through a centralized hub alone is expanding the technology to work on other kinds of wireless equipment. |
8. |
TiVo Will Die (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Three trends that will doom the popular and pioneering personal video recorder company. |
9. |
Survey: Home Internet Access in U.S. Hits 75 Percent (Reuters). Reuters - Nearly three of four people in
the United States have Internet access at home, Internet
audience measurement service Nielsen/NetRatings said on
Thursday. |
10. |
War of the Worlds Remake |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
11. |
MPs reassess computer crime laws. MPs are to debate whether the law on computer misuse is too outdated to deal with the rising net crime. |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
12. |
BugTraq: [waraxe-2004-SA#010 - Multiple vulnerabilities in Error Manager v2.1 for PhpNuke]. Sender: Janek Vind [come2waraxe at yahoo dot com] |
13. |
Vulnerabilities: WS_FTP Pro Client Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. Ipswitch WS_FTP Server is an FTP implementation that is available for Microsoft Windows operating systems. WS_FTP Pro is an FTP client application.
A vulnerability has ... |
The Register
14. |
Glasgow hands THUS £42m comms deal. Out with the old, in with the new |
15. |
IT workers demand greater work flexibility. Concerns over work/life imbalance |
16. |
Software hunts for Net paedos. Nanniebots take the Turing test |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Gentoo Hardened 2.6 Sources Available |
18. |
19. |
Softbank says probe into leak of personal data suggests work of insider, not hacker |
20. |
Report: Spam Causing Web Users To Abandon E-Mail |
21. |
Fraudsters prey on apathetic Brits |
1:09:21 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Microsoft to launch portable media players in Europe first. Microsoft unveiled further details about its upcoming Personal Media Players. The question remains: is the market ready for a personal video player that's 3 times the size of the iPod? By Eric Bangeman. |
2. |
AMD launches the Athlon 64 FX-53. AMD stepped up the clock speed on its flagship 64-bit desktop CPU with today's release of the Athlon 64 FX-53. While carrying a hefty price tag, it is still a good value, especially when measured against Intel's P4EE By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
3. |
Political cartoon on SMS and Spain elections. 
Following up on the recent flashmob-like protests in Spain after the Madrid bombings, see this attached cartoon from today's El Periodico. Translation:
The sign at left identifies the assembled group of suits as "experts in election strategies." The guy in the middle says, "Meetings, interviews, news articles, debates, banners, posters... nobody thought about SMS messages!"
(Thanks, Nick Boalch!) |
4. |
Robolympics this weekend in SF. BoingBoing pal Roland says:
The first International Robot Games, or ROBOlympics, organized by the Robotics Society of America, will take place on March 20th and 21st, 2004 in San Francisco, California. There will be competition for combat and non-combat robots, a World Cup Soccer, and even a robo-triathlon. More than 400 robots are registered for this robotics competition. And the winners will receive hard cash. Nature tells us the story in "Robolympics contestants shoot for gold." More details and references are available in this overview which also includes a very nice photo of two robots, the larger one either fixing or rocking the smaller one. And for your information, ROBOlympics is not sold out. So if you are near San Francisco, it's still time to buy tickets. They cost $15 to $25. Entrance is free for children under 7.
Link |
5. |
ArtBots: The Robot Talent Show. Douglas Repetto, organizer of the robotic performance extravaganza Artbots, says, "The 2004 ArtBots: The Robot Talent Show call for works has just gone live! The deadline for entries is May 1st. We invite all geek/artist BoingBoingers to send in their stuff! Info and entry form here." |
6. |
DaisyLift porcelain toilet seat handles. An anonymous BB reader says:

This is a little odd thing for people who don't want to touch toilet seats. It's a porcelain handle to lift 'em! Apparently porcelain won't let bacteria grow like plastic might, so it makes a sort of odd sense. Of course if toilet seats were made out of porcelain still this wouldn't be a problem, but then think how cold the seat would be in the winter -- we'd need an electric tushy warmer (although I bet Toto and Kohler already have 'em). What I'd really like to see is a toilet seat ringed with dozens of these things, like some sort of toilet stegasaurus.
Link |
CNET News.com
7. |
EU, Microsoft fail to agree on deal. The European Commission and Microsoft have been unable to reach a settlement on the landmark antitrust case, the top EU regulator said. |
8. |
HP designs portables to take a punch. The computing giant enters the market for rugged computers with two models it says will withstand extreme conditions seen by the military, police and some industrial businesses. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
9. |
Sun Interbrew Sees '04 Sales Up Via Organic Growth, M&A (Dow Jones). Dow Jones - MOSCOW (Dow Jones)--Russia's second-largest brewer, Sun Interbrew ,
said Thursday it continues to look for merger and acquisition opportunities as
well as grow organically. |
10. |
EU: Settlement Talks With Microsoft Fail (AP). AP - The European Union antitrust chief said Thursday last-ditch settlement talks with Microsoft Corp. had failed and he would propose that a precedent-setting ruling against the U.S. software giant be adopted next week. |
11. |
NASA to test supersonic drone this month (AFP). AFP - NASA announced plans to launch a supersonic drone later this month designed to fly 6,000 miles (10,000 km) per hour, nearly three times the standing jet airspeed record. |
12. |
The ROBOlympic Games |
InfoWorld: Top News
13. |
SAP, Visa team on expense management. HANOVER, GERMANY -- Business application vendor SAP AG and credit card company Visa International Inc. have agreed to integrate two of their core products in a move to help businesses and their employees manage business expenses more efficiently, the companies announced Thursday here at the Cebit trade show in Hanover, Germany. |
14. |
Gentoo Hardened 2.6 Sources Available |
15. |
Gentoo: OpenSSL Denial of service vulnerabilities |
16. |
Debian: kernel 2.2.x Privilege escalation vulnerability |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
17. |
BugTraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 466-1] New Linux 2.2.10 packages fix local root exploit (powerpc/apus). Sender: [joey at infodrom dot org (Martin Schulze)] |
18. |
BugTraq: RE: [RHSA-2004:112-01] Updated Mozilla packages fix security issues. Sender: [John dot Airey at rnib dot org dot uk] |
19. |
BugTraq: [OpenPKG-SA-2004.007] OpenPKG Security Advisory (openssl). Sender: OpenPKG [openpkg at openpkg dot org] |
20. |
BugTraq: ptl-2004-02: RealNetworks Helix Server 9 Administration Server Buffer Overflow. Sender: Pentest Security Alerts [alerts at pentest dot co dot uk] |
21. |
Vulnerabilities: Alt-N MDaemon/WorldClient Form2Raw Raw Message Handler Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. MDaemon is a mail server for Microsoft Windows operating systems. It includes WorldClient, which is a web-based email client.
A vulnerability has been identified in MDa... |
22. |
Vulnerabilities: Opera Web Browser Large JavaScript Array Handling Vulnerability. Opera Web Browser is prone to an issue when handling large JavaScript arrays. This issue may be exploited from within a malicious web page or through other means that wi... |
23. |
Vulnerabilities: Pegasi Web Server Multiple Input Validation Vulnerabilities. Pegasi Web Server (PWS) is a multithreaded Java web server.
Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in the application that may allow a remote attacker to carry ou... |
24. |
Vulnerabilities: Check Point Firewall-1 SmartDashboard Filter Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. Firewall-1 is a commercially available enterprise firewall software package. It is distributed by Check Point, and available for the Unix, Linux, and Microsoft Windows pl... |
25. |
Vulnerabilities: MathoPD Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. Mathopd is a small, fast web server that is freely available for Unix and Unix like platforms.
It has been reported that Mathopd is prone to a remote buffer overflow vul... |
The Register
26. |
Fraudsters prey on apathetic Brits. ID thieves thrive on financial indifference |
27. |
Half of UK homes have a PC. Surf's up, but contraceptive use stuck at 1980s levels |
28. |
CeBIT: the handset fan's heaven. It's raining mobes, hallelujah! |
NewsIsFree: Security
29. |
Delivering the 12kb Bomb |
30. |
The Ultimate Windows Server 2003 System Administrator's Guide |
31. |
GAO offers security guide |
32. |
Cisco Systems at CeBIT 2004 Stand C58, Hall 13 |
33. |
Security: Cisco Systems Gives Networks Intelligence |
34. |
18 Mar W32/Agobot-FG |
35. |
Neue Würmer nutzen Lücke im Internet Explorer |
36. |
AV-industie zal kip met gouden eieren niet slachten |
37. |
38. |
39. |
40. |
41. |
IBM Unveils Toughened Blades for Telecom |
42. |
Le commerce électronique à la traîne en France |
43. |
OpenBSD isakmpd Payload Handling Denial of Service Vulnerabilities |
44. |
OpenBSD isakmpd Payload Handling Denial of Service Vulnerabilities |
About Internet/Network Security
45. |
Secunia Advisories - March 17. Maintaining the new Security Alerts and Bulletins Subject turned out to be more of a daunting task than I had imagined. New vulnerabilities- even when I eliminate the ones that aren't critical- are discovered and announced much faster than I... |
12:09:01 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
EU's statement on Microsoft. The European Union's competition commissioner announces that a settlement is off in its antitrust case against Microsoft, saying the parties were "unable to agree on commitments for future conduct." |
2. |
Novell plans major Linux OS update. The No. 2 Linux seller says it will begin selling a new version of its open-source operating system in May, revamped with a new core, the 2.6 kernel. |
New York Times: Technology
3. |
Microsoft and Europeans in Standoff; Restrictions Likely. Microsoft and European Union regulators have failed in last-ditch talks to agree on an antitrust settlement. By Paul Meller. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Microsoft faces sanctions after EU anti-trust talks fail (AFP). AFP - US software giant Microsoft next week faces the prospect of big fines and enforced product changes in Europe after the failure of last-ditch talks with EU competition regulators. |
5. |
Hong Kong's Hutchison Plans Local Launch Of NTT DoCoMo's I-Mode (Dow Jones). Dow Jones - HONG KONG -(Dow Jones)- Hong Kong-based telecom operator Hutchison Whampoa
Ltd. says it's considering offering i-mode - an intermediate
technology owned by Japan's DoCoMo Inc. (DCM) - to its local mobile customers. |
6. |
LG.Philips LCD to Invest $21 Billion in Flat Screens (Reuters). Reuters - LG.Philips LCD, the world's top maker of
LCDs (liquid crystal displays), said on Thursday it would
invest 25 trillion won ($21 billion) in flat displays over the
next 10 years. |
7. |
Moldova Cuts Off Internet for Embassies, Firms (Reuters). Reuters - About 3,000 domestic and international
firms in Moldova lost their Internet connections on Thursday,
along with many thousands of individuals, as telecom monopoly
Moldtelecom cut off a top service provider. |
8. |
No Deal in EU, Microsoft Antitrust Case (Reuters). Reuters - The European Commission and Microsoft
failed to settle antitrust charges on Thursday, removing the
last obstacle to a landmark ruling next week branding the
company an abusive monopolist. |
9. |
Novell Announces SUSE Linux 9.1 |
10. |
Examining New York's Bioresearch Laboratory |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
11. |
Microsoft facing competition fine. Microsoft plans to appeal against a probable heavy fine as talks to settle a European Commission anti-trust suit break down. |
InfoWorld: Top News
12. |
Nokia launches mobile RFID kit. HANOVER, GERMANY -- Responding to the growth of RFID (radio frequency identification) tagging, Nokia Corp. launched a mobile RFID kit this week that allows mobile workforces to access data by touching tagged items with a mobile phone. |
13. |
Legislation may be needed to fix open source IP issues. SAN FRANCISCO -- Legislative remedies may be needed to address the murky issues over intellectual property that have arisen out of SCO’s lawsuit against IBM, an attorney said during the Open Source Business Conference 2004 event here on Wednesday. |
14. |
Forum promotes touch-based interaction technology. HANOVER, GERMANY -- Sony Corp., Nokia Corp. and Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV have teamed together to promote a new technology dubbed Near Field Communication (NFC), which they say will enable a range of touch-based interactions in consumer electronics, PCs and mobile devices. |
15. |
Microsoft aims to save users from themselves. HANOVER, GERMANY -- Most security issues and virus outbreaks happen because people don't know how to protect themselves or don't bother to do what they know they should. In the latest update to Windows XP, Microsoft Corp. has focused on helping people become more aware of what they need to do, and encouraging them to actually do it, Lead Program Manager for Service Pack 2 Ryan Burkhardt said Thursday. |
16. |
AMD to launch Athlon 64 FX-53. Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) will launch its most powerful desktop processor to date in a press conference Thursday at the Cebit trade show in Hanover, Germany, according to a source familiar with the company's plans. |
17. |
Delivering the 12kb Bomb |
The Register
18. |
419ers form phat rap crew. Musical straight and narrow for the lads from Lagos? |
19. |
Inside Philips' CeBIT cornucopia. More top goodies for the gadget-hungry |
20. |
Microsoft and EC reach impasse. No settlement, despite negotiations |
21. |
Punters flock to 3 UK. Third Generation Game |
22. |
T-Mobile to offer 3G data services next month. Trial first, full availability in May |
23. |
NASA pulls of mindreading act. Voice recognition for the voiceless |
24. |
T-Mobile to charge Wi-Fi access to phone bills. Not so much the WLAN Holy Grail as the Golden Fleece... |
Help Net Security
25. |
GAO offers security guide |
26. |
The Ultimate Windows Server 2003 System Administrator's Guide |
NewsIsFree: Security
27. |
Bagle nutzt Sicherheitsloch |
28. |
Updated (13:45 3/18 GMT): OpenSSL DoS Vulnerability, New Bagel Variants |
29. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - March 18, 2004 Issue |
30. |
Fake escrow sites on the rise |
31. |
OpenSSL patches denial of service flaws |
32. |
Instant-messaging users not spamproof |
33. |
New Network Security Analysis Service Introduced by Total Network Solutions |
34. |
OpenSSL patches denial of service flaws |
35. |
Verity And Tumbleweed Team for Product Integration |
36. |
Citrix Mobilizes Secure Web Access |
37. |
The Chicago Tribune Receives New Continuity Solution from Nortel, Sun And AT&T |
11:08:41 AM
10:08:21 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
EU: Settlement Talks With Microsoft Fail (AP). AP - The European Union antitrust chief said Thursday last-ditch settlement talks with Microsoft Corp. had failed and he would propose that a precedent-setting ruling against the U.S. software giant be adopted next week. |
2. |
Asteroid to Make Closest Recorded Pass of Earth |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
3. |
Hutchison hit by 3G phone losses. Hutchison Whampoa says it is optimistic about the outlook for its 3G phone service, even though the operation hampered profit last year. |
4. |
Apple to miss music sales target. Apple has admitted its iTunes music store will fall short of the target of 100 million sales by the end of April. |
5. |
Call for laptops for all pupils. All pupils should have access to a laptop by 2010, says a charity concerned about digital equality. |
6. |
Showcase for future of mobiles. The opening of the Cebit technology fair has offered hints about third-generation phone services. |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
Novell to deliver two new Linux products. HANOVER, GERMANY -- Linux users seeking higher performance from their open-source operating system may be interested in two new products from Novell Inc., which acquired German vendor SuSE Linux AG in November. ADVERTISEMENT: Web based project tracking solution - Web-based time tracking and expense reporting solution for project management, billing and time and attendance. Implement in 2-3 days. Over 750,000 users worldwide. Free demo. |
8. |
SuSE delivers first 2.6 kernel Linux. Hoping to further entrench its credibility as a top tier Linux player, Novell on Thursday became the first vendor to ship a retail version of the open source operating system based on version 2.6 of the Linux kernel that takes advantage of both 32- and 64-bit platforms. |
9. |
Microsoft-EU antitrust talks collapse. BRUSSELS -- The European Commission's competition talks with Microsoft Corp. have collapsed, European Competition Commission Mario Monti said Thursday. |
10. |
HP designs new notebooks to take a beating. Feel free to drop this notebook on the floor, or leave it out in the rain overnight. Hewlett-Packard Co.'s (HP's) first ruggedized notebook and Tablet PC are able to withstand those types of abuse by workers in demanding environments and military personnel. |
11. |
Phoenix turns laptops into PDAs. HANOVER, GERMANY -- Want to check your e-mail without waiting for your computer to boot up? Phoenix Technologies Ltd. has released an upgraded version of its Phoenix FirstWare Assistant software that includes support for e-mail. |
The Register
12. |
Novell announces SuSE Linux 9.1. Software just doesn't get any more exciting than this |
13. |
Sony readies Q2 dual-layer DVD+R drive debut. Reg Kit Watch Ups disc capacity to 8.5GB |
14. |
The value of PC real estate. Adobe and Macromedia sweat the assets |
15. |
Latest Bagle worms spread on auto-pilot. Worm War Three |
16. |
CeBIT 2004: Gadgets galore. Punter-pleasing penphones plus paper PCs |
17. |
Web services watchdogs. Tools for modern living |
18. |
Go Daddy broadens its domain. SSL web server certification |
19. |
MS, partners tout Portable Media Center 'iPod killer'. Analysis Other way round, maybe... |
Help Net Security
20. |
The 12kb bomb |
21. |
Microsoft tightens XP's security |
22. |
Fake escrow sites on the rise |
23. |
Cashing in on virus infections |
24. |
Detection of SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks |
NewsIsFree: Security
25. |
Experts debateren over gevaar Phatbot worm |
26. |
Quality software is veiligere software |
27. |
Southern Road Trip (commentary #6) |
28. |
Go Daddy broadens its domain |
29. |
Fixes are in for OpenSSL |
30. |
Experts debate danger of Phatbot worm |
31. |
The key to authentic communication |
32. |
The 12kb bomb |
33. |
Microsoft tightens XP's security |
34. |
Fake escrow sites on the rise |
35. |
Cashing in on virus infections |
36. |
Detection of SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks |
9:08:00 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Who should govern the Net?. On the hot seat, ICANN Chairman Vint Cerf fires back against critics who say his organization impedes innovation on the Internet. |
2. |
Who says standards are sacred?. CNET News.com's Michael Kanellos says the latest Java dispute opens the window on a little-discussed truth: Standardization usually favors bigger companies. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Enel, IBM In Alliance To Sell Automated Meters Worldwide (Dow Jones). Dow Jones - ROME -(Dow Jones)- Enel SpA and International Business Machines Corp. (NYSE:IBM - News) joined forces Thursday to exploit power-market deregulation by selling
high-technology electricity-supply meters. |
4. |
EU fails to reach anti-trust deal with Microsoft: commissioner (AFP). AFP - EU competition watchdogs failed to reach an anti-trust deal with Microsoft, and will announce sanctions against the US software giant next week, EU Competition Commissioner Mario Monti said. |
5. |
The Check's No Longer In the Mail (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Some things you expect to be no-brainers online turn out to be as tricky as a Rubik's cube. Bill payments fall into that category. Nine years after the Web went commercial, many large Internet players are still trying to piece together the electronic-bill puzzle. |
6. |
Nokia Shows Off Megapixel Camera Phone |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
7. |
Microsoft facing competition fine. Talks aimed at heading off anti-trust action by the European Commission against US software giant Microsoft fail to reach agreement. |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
IBM prepares mySAP virtualization tool. HANOVER, GERMANY -- IBM Corp. is demonstrating software for dynamic provisioning of application servers for SAP AG's mySAP Business Suite in Hanover, Germany, at the Cebit trade show. |
The Register
9. |
SiS goes PCI Express for Pentium 4, Athlon 64 FX. Sampling now |
10. |
UK VoIP sector gets trade body. ITSPA official then |
11. |
Nvidia next-gen chip 'to launch 13 April'. NV40? |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
Een digitale bom van 12 kilobytes |
13. |
Warning: Microsoft 'Monoculture' |
14. |
15. |
WFTPD Pro Administrative Control Panel Bug Lets Remote Authenticated Users Crash the GUI |
16. |
Norton AntiVirus Virus Definitions March 17, 2004 |
17. |
Red Hat update for Mozilla |
18. |
GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server "SITE" Command Vulnerability |
8:07:40 AM
7:37:30 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Microsoft in Antitrust Settlement Offer (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft (MSFT.O) has offered to make
computer makers carry rival audiovisual software with its own
Windows Media Player to settle antitrust charges by the
European Commission, a source close to the case said on
Thursday. |
2. |
Dell-Oracle China Tie-Up May Squeeze Microsoft (Reuters). Reuters - Oracle and Dell kicked off a
Linux-based alliance in China on Thursday that may spell
trouble for Microsoft in the world's number two computer market
and also curry favor with Beijing. |
3. |
Fighting Terrorists Through Software, Anonymously? |
4. |
Fixes are in for OpenSSL |
The Register
5. |
US tells China to drop chip sales tax - or else. It's (trade) war! |
6. |
SiS goes PCI Express for Penitum 4, Athlon 64 FX. Sampling now |
7. |
AMD rolls out faster low-power Athlon XP-M. Contract makers preparing notebooks |
Wired News
8. |
More Legal Wrangling Around Kazaa. The company that owns the file-sharing software is embroiled in legal battles all over the world. Now it's being sued by a developer who says he wrote the source code to Kazaa and should be paid for his trouble. |
9. |
Airlines OK Security Plan. The Air Transport Association is ready to sign off on the Bush administration's CAPPS II plan, but insists that passenger privacy safeguards must be in place first. |
10. |
Aussies Pull Broadband out of Air. Denizens down under can now get a wireless service with a range much greater than Wi-Fi and speeds much faster than cellular. If the service takes off in Australia, it could spread to other parts of the world. Patrick Gray reports from Sydney. |
11. |
Cashing In on Virus Infections. The recent spate of online epidemics made clear that leading antivirus products aren't very effective. But for the vendors, viruses are the goose that keeps laying golden eggs. They're not about to kill it. By Michelle Delio. |
12. |
No Third Degree for Diploma Mills. As a parade of busted government officials shows, websites offering bogus credentials are proliferating. The feds say they are looking at the problem, but not much has been done to shut down the sites. By Ryan Singel. |
13. |
Vigilantes Troll for Pedophiles. Posing as children, members of Perverted Justice haunt chat rooms looking for would-be child molesters. Their goal is to catch sexual predators in the act, but critics say their aggressive tactics may undermine police efforts. First of a two-part series by Julia Scheeres. |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
È îïÿòü OpenSSL |
15. |
 ÷åì ðàçíèöà ìåæäó êîìïüþòåðîì è òóàëåòîì? |
16. |
Ñòðàñòè ïî Kazaa |
17. |
Phatbot Trojan gebruikt voor spam en DoS-aanvallen |
18. |
Weinig nieuwe exploits door uitgelekte code |
19. |
Windows XP Service Pack 2 RC1 naar betatesters |
20. |
Praktische tips voor Unix security in grote bedrijven 2 |
21. |
Verzekering tegen hackers is een must |
22. |
23. |
Viruses Try New Tactics |
24. |
18 Mar W32/Bagle-Q |
25. |
18 Mar W32/Bagle-R |
26. |
Security group to release reports |
6:37:10 AM
5:36:51 AM
4:36:30 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
China Becomes World's Second Biggest Spam Target (Reuters). Reuters - China's Internet servers were hit by at
least 150 billion junk emails last year, becoming the world's
second-largest destination for spam after the United States. |
2. |
Novell Launches New Version of SuSe Linux (Reuters). Reuters - Software company Novell Inc. unveiled
on Thursday a new version of the Linux operating system offered
by a newly acquired unit, SuSe Linux AG, that aims to improve
performance and the ability to run several programs at once. |
NewsIsFree: Security
3. |
Experts Debate Danger of Phatbot Worm |
3:36:10 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Teresa dissects a troll. Teresa Nielsen Hayden got trolled by someone who decided that because she is an editor, she isn't allowed to call out idiots who behave idiotically. The troll took the form of a series of accusations, guilt-trips and high-minded moralizing, and Teresa has, in her inimical style, pulled it apart and exposed it for the steaming pile of irredeemable bullshit that it is. I'm going to print this one out and stick it over my desk, once I have a desk again.
I hate crap like this. I’m just an editor. I work on books. Sometimes I buy them. That’s all.
When you see them cherishing this bizarre belief that you’re some hugely powerful figure who can’t be hurt (which in their minds invariably turns out to also mean that the jerk who in reality is going after your shins with steel-toed boots is actually a tiny fragile creature in danger of being horribly oppressed by you), you know the person you’re dealing with is operating in the Dream Time. This particular psychodrama is about him feeling like he doesn’t have enough power, which usually means he either thinks I’ve stolen his away, or that I simply have too much and will imminently squash him like the insect he is.
Cripes. Don’t I just wish.
Link |
2. |
NASA Develops Tech To Hear Words Not Yet Spoken |
NewsIsFree: Security
3. |
Telecomms customer data on-sold: Comms authority |
4. |
Back to Basics - First Defense in Security |
2:35:49 AM
1:35:31 AM
Digital Identity World
1. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - March 18, 2004 Issue |
Ars Technica
2. |
Game.Ars sails on. This weeks Game.Ars looks at a pirate simulator. A what? That's right . . . pirate simulator. It sounds cool . . . By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
3. |
SXSW Friendster keynote. Heath Row has posted his near-verbatim transcript extensive notes on Jonathan Abrams's Friendster keynote at SXSW:It's an illusion to think that you can manage different personas for different people's access, but we are working on more privacy so different people can see different information. I talked our director of community for some interesting stories. We've had people accidentally delete a friend from their friend's list, and their friends apply peer pressure to add them back to their list. Then they email us and ask us to undo the deletion. If they added them again, they'd get an invitation, which would highlight the deletion in the first place. In the real world, people do get snubbed. We've tried to build Friendster so it mirrors real life, so it has some of the challenges of real life. Link |
4. |
Coin-op WiFi. These guys are selling a coin-operated WiFi access point. Apparently, this isn't a joke.
He/She inserts coins to the specific amount and the unit will enable the network port of the wireless AP. He/She will be able to access the Internet for a specific time (controlled by the timer builtin the unit).
(via WiFiNetNews) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Classmates.com Acquires German Web-Based Community (Reuters). Reuters - Classmates valign="top">6. |
Tech Spending Picks Up But Will the Gadgets Work? (Reuters). Reuters - Global tech spending is
picking up again as gadgets and services promised for years
creep into reality, but they still need to work better before
the sector will take off, executives said on Wednesday. |
7. |
San Diego Diebold Poll Worker's Report Posted |
Hack the Planet
8. |
The SXSW gadget trends were very clear this year. The Treo 600 is the phone of choice, closely followed by the Sony Ericsson T61x. The digital camera market has split, with people carrying either extra-small Exilims or digital SLRs, not to mention the large installed base of legacy PowerShot S series. |
9. |
At SXSW David Isenberg was constantly being mistaken for Howard Rheingold; it's all in the mustache. |
10. |
Bruce's party was out of control. Cory and I left before the cops showed up, but I can attest to the roar. |
InfoWorld: Security
11. |
Update: Major ISPs sue hundreds of spammers. WASHINGTON - Four major U.S. Internet service providers (ISPs) are suing more than 220 alleged spammers responsible for sending
out hundreds of millions of pieces of unsolicited commercial e-mail, the companies announced Wednesday. |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
Windows XP SP2 Hits RC1 Milestone |
12:21:21 AM
© Copyright 2004 Gregg Doherty.
Last update: 4/3/2004; 12:17:03 AM.