Tuesday, March 16, 2004
New York Times: Technology
1. |
Microsoft Nears End of Settlement Talks. Steven A. Ballmer, the chief of Microsoft, met with Europes top antitrust official, Mario Monti, in an effort to reach a settlement. By Paul Meller. |
2. |
Powell Reassures India on Technology Jobs but Presses for Open Markets. The secretary of state sought to assure Indians that the U.S. would not try to halt the outsourcing of high-technology jobs to their country. By Steven R. Weisman. |
3. |
Clintons E-Mail for Kerry Cash. Former President Bill Clinton and a cast of other Democratic heavyweights began an Internet-based drive on Tuesday to raise $10 million for Senator John Kerry in the next 10 days. By Glen Justice. |
4. |
Take-Two Interactive Founder Resigns Top Posts. Ryan A. Brant, the chairman of Take-Two Interactive, resigned three months after a federal investigation of the company began. By Matt Richtel. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Oracle to Produce Key Documents in PeopleSoft Case (Reuters). Reuters - Oracle Corp. (ORCL.O) has agreed to
hand over documents that the U.S. government has been seeking
to bolster its case against the company's proposed $9.4 billion
acquisition of rival PeopleSoft Inc. (PSFT.O). |
6. |
Few Subscribe To Sunny AOL Forecast (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - America Online has projected that its subscriber base will grow by about 20 percent, or 6.4 million users, over the next four years, a plan that some industry experts and Wall Street analysts said is overly optimistic given the Internet firm has lost members for five straight quarters. |
7. |
How Not To Sell Linux Products |
The Register
8. |
Why Microsoft 'Shared Source' can never be trusted. Trojan wars and Cold Wars |
NewsIsFree: Security
9. |
11:11:50 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Funky art fashion: Christian Joy.
The website of fashion designer Christiane Hultquist, whose work is produced under the label Christian Joy. She's the one who does those wacky art-graffiti-dresses for that chick from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs okay, okay, okay, lead singer Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs (there you go, Alex).
With no formal training in fashion design, Christiane started creating one of a kind hand painted and hand sewn t-shirts decorated with slogans like "FU I'm Not Your Waitress." As well, she began to re-design old prom dresses giving them names like the "Carried Dress" with a creepy "hahahaha" written across a bloody red bodice and the "Ex Dress" with the names of ex-boyfriends in gold glitter.
Link (Thanks, Susannah!) |
2. |
Photoblogging a trail of nutty signs from deranged neighbor. A participant in the Something Awful forums posts photos of wacked out signs she claims were created by a disturbed neighbor nicknamed Crazy Tammy.
"She's been gone from the neighborhood for about nine months now, hopefully getting the treatment she so sorely needed. From what I understand, and from what others have told me, Crazy Tammy is a textbook case of paranoid schizophrenia. We would have never known about her terrible mental problem if she hadn't advertised her insane views on giant sheets of cloth hung from her fence."
Link (via Warren) |
CNET News.com
3. |
Start-up offers shelter to SCO targets. A New York company hopes to mine the legal threat posed by the SCO Group by launching a service that helps corporate Linux users minimize their risks. |
4. |
Mozilla Cracks Down On Merchandise Sellers |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
RE: YaBB/YaBBse Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability |
6. |
W32.Netsky.N@mm |
7. |
8. |
The Cleaner Database v3516 |
10:11:31 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Mark Cuban, blogger.. Aside from being an HDTV and digital cinema entrepreneur, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team, and the star of a new "Apprentice"-like TV show on ABC in which he hands out $1M to strangers, Mark Cuban is now a blogger. Weblogsinc founder Jason Calacanis is on something of a roll -- rumor has it he's launching several additional celeblogs soon. Link to Mark Cuban's new blog. |
2. |
VoIP company Skype raises $19MM. Internet telephony startup Skype today announced a $19 million investment through DFJ. The VoIP provider was founded by creators of P2P network Kazaa. Skype plans to use some of that cash to buy hundreds of thousands of minutes per month from major telcos, and provide them in turn to its own customers.
Link |
3. |
Choline boosts brains. Some Smart Drug enthusiasts I knew in the cyberdelic early 90s raved about the cognitive effects of the nutrient choline. A new study at Duke University Medical Center seems to support their claims. In the study, pregnant rats were given three to four times their normal intake of choline. Apparently, their offspring boasted bigger neurons that fired faster and for longer than the control group.
According to a New Scientist article, "behavioural studies have shown giving choline to pregnant rats improves learning and memory in their offspring." This latest study though "is the first time anyone has shown that prenatal choline supplementation actually changes the anatomy and physiology of single brain cells," one of the researchers said.
Still, another scientist adds, pregnant women should continue to avoid certain foods like liver, swordfish, and tuna that are rich in choline but may be bad news for other reasons.
Time to belly up to the Smart Bar? Link
CNET News.com
4. |
Bush to nominate new patent office head. President Bush will nominate Jonathan Dudas to run the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. |
5. |
Apple brushes up Panther OS. Apple has posted an update to its Macintosh OS X operating system, fixing a number of problems and adding new features for networking. |
6. |
U.S. Interior Dept. Unplugged... Again |
7. |
Debian Installer Beta 3 Usability Review |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Ballmer EU talks expected to resume Wednesday. HBRUSSELS - Microsoft Corp. Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer is expected to continue talking Wednesday with Mario Monti, the European competition commissioner in Brussels, on the European antitrust case against the company, a person close to the talks said on Tuesday afternoon. |
Meerkat: An Open Wire Service: O'Reilly Weblogs
9. |
The Lawyers are Here!. One of my key takeaways from the Open Source Business Conference is that the SCO case has put the GPL on the radar of lawyers! |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
PHPX 2.x - 3.2.4 |
11. |
Twilight Utilities Web Server 'postfile.exe' Lets Remote Users Upload Files to Arbitrary Locations |
12. |
ModSecurity Off-by-one Overflow in Processing POST Requests May Let Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
13. |
IBM Lotus Domino 'webadmin.nsf' Flaws Let Remote Authenticated Administrators Create Arbitrary Directories |
14. |
Mambo Open Source Input Validation Errors in 'id' and Other Parameters Permit SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting Attacks |
15. |
Microsoft To Broaden Security-Patch Software |
16. |
KNXV: E-mail not as secure as some think |
17. |
Microsoft: Port Reporter "logs TCP and UDP port activity on a local Windows system" |
18. |
PC Pro: Symantec blames yesterday's code for today's security flaws "Legacy code is still a fact... |
19. |
Do You Feel Secure? |
20. |
Attack concerns slow Microsoft pace |
9:11:10 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
HP to Start Selling Linux Desktops in Asia (AP). AP - In a blow to the dominance of Microsoft Windows operating system, Hewlett-Packard Co. announced Tuesday it would sell Linux-based desktop PCs in Asia. |
2. |
Expert Opinions On Linux Gaming's Future |
InfoWorld: Top News
3. |
Toshiba updates multimedia laptops with speed, mobility. Toshiba America Information Systems Inc. (TAIS) unwrapped two new notebooks Tuesday, addressing important segments of the notebook market with a Media Center desktop replacement notebook and a more portable system based on Intel Corp.'s Centrino technology. |
4. |
Computer Associates, AmberPoint embrace MOM. Computer Associates and AmberPoint on Tuesday are linking their Web services monitoring tools to the Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) platform. |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
Worm Snares IT in Dangerous Cat and Mouse Game |
8:10:52 PM
7:10:33 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
New camera from Philips works like human eye. A new camera lens from Philips designed for small, cheap imaging devices uses fluids to shape the lens for focusing. Just like your eye. Link (thanks, Bev!) |
2. |
Controlled vocabulary for describing personal relationships. Clay Shirky's posted a fine rant on RELATIONSHIP, a controlled vocabulary of terms for describing personal relationships (i.e. friendOf, acquaintanceOf, parentOf, siblingOf, childOf, grandchildOf, spouseOf, enemyOf, antagonistOf, ambivalentOf, lostContactWith, knowsOf, wouldLikeToKnow, knowsInPassing, knowsByReputation, closeFriendOf, hasMet, worksWith, colleagueOf, collaboratesWith, employerOf, employedBy, mentorOf, apprenticeTo, livesWith, neighborOf, grandparentOf, lifePartnerOf, engagedTo, ancestorOf, descendantOf, participantIn, participant):Take the relationship closePersonalFriendOf. The designers of this list somehow overlooked it, possibly on the grounds that it's tautological, and only of use on talk shows. ("Oh yes, Julia Roberts is a close personal friend of mine.") But it is nevertheless informative -- you would only use closePersonalFriendOf if the person in question was someone of relatively high fame or station.In addition, anyone claiming to be a "close personal friend" of someone else is talking about a domain where a high degree of social interaction is the norm, e.g. show business. By extension, the seemingly oxymoronic friendYouDontLike is also a valid category, as anyone in highly social environments can tell you. (You often run into friendsYouDontLike at partiesYouHaveToGoTo.) Link |
3. |
Funky art fashion: Christian Joy.
The website of fashion designer Christiane Hultquist, whose work is produced under the label Christian Joy. She's the one who does those wacky art-graffiti-dresses for that chick from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
With no formal training in fashion design, Christiane started creating one of a kind hand painted and hand sewn t-shirts decorated with slogans like "FU I'm Not Your Waitress." As well, she began to re-design old prom dresses giving them names like the "Carried Dress" with a creepy "hahahaha" written across a bloody red bodice and the "Ex Dress" with the names of ex-boyfriends in gold glitter.
Link (Thanks, Susannah!) |
4. |
Adult angling: "Fish F*cker" for sale on eBay. Fleshbot snickers,
Giggle if you will at this custom made, dildo-handled fishing rod (heh, "rod") currently on sale at eBay, but according to the item description it gets the job done just fine: "Not only did it perform well, it caught the most fish of any poles that day, AND I landed a 5 pound Whitefish with it!"
Link to eBay auction |
5. |
Shootin' pool with Hellboy. Actor Ron Perlman shoots pool and talks with the magazine FHM, while dressed as the comic world's favorite beast of the apocalypse. Hellboy the movie, directed by Guillermo del Toro, launches April 2. Link to interview, Link to the website for the comic that inspired it (thanks, J. Hurwitz!) |
6. |
Self-made superhero Angle Grinder Man is back. Joi Ito reports that Angle Grinder Man is back and in full effect. The British homegrown hero wanders the streets of London clad in gold lame caped crusader getup, freeing illegally parked cars of parking enforcement security boots. Or, as AGM himself would put it,
"Angle-Grinder Man [is] the world's first wheel-clamp and speed camera vigilante cum subversive superhero philanthropist entertainer type personage.
A big welcome to all good, decent, law-unabiding citizens. Godspeed to you and your four-wheeled, petrol-driven chariots."
Link to Angle Grinder Man's website (Caution: Not worksafe for villains or parking enforcement officers. Contains strong superpowers) |
CNET News.com
7. |
Microsoft speaks in tongues. The software giant announces a program to help governments produce local versions of Windows and Office. Is it a response to overseas pressure from open-source products? |
8. |
Defending my protectionist stance. Give me a solution that doesn't take 20 years, and I will back off my protectionist stance. |
9. |
Speakeasy toasts $24 million in financing. The funding is the largest amount the company has received to date. |
10. |
Briefly: Speakeasy toasts $24 million in financing. The amount is the largest the company has received to date...Cometa opens networks to iPass customers...DVD-copying sales ban reinstated. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
11. |
Bill Clinton's Boyhood Home on EBay (AP). AP - Gary Johnson and his mother, Elaine, have lived in the "little bitty house" at 321 E. 13th St. for about 10 years. |
12. |
Defense Department Hires IBM for Radio Tags (Reuters). Reuters - IBM will advise the U.S. Department of
Defense on how it should use a new technology in which tiny
electronic tags track shipments, the computer company said on
Tuesday. |
13. |
A Law Show Set 25 Years from Now |
InfoWorld: Top News
14. |
IBM targets 40,000 Linux desktops by 2005. IBM Corp. hopes to have 40,000 Linux desktop users within the company by year's end, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the computer giant thinks everyone should move to the Linux desktop, an IBM executive said Tuesday at the Open Source Business Conference in San Francisco. ADVERTISEMENT: Web based project tracking solution - Web-based time tracking and expense reporting solution for project management, billing and time and attendance. Implement in 2-3 days. Over 750,000 users worldwide. Free demo. |
15. |
Sun executives sound off on Java, OS plans. Sun Microsystems Inc. is planning a number of announcements in coming weeks to redouble efforts to use aggressive pricing and technological innovation to win customers from competitors, but is downplaying rumors about talks with IBM Corp. to create an open-source version of Sun's Java technology. |
16. |
Trial begins in Minnesota case against Microsoft. Opening arguments began this week in a class-action lawsuit accusing Microsoft Corp. of overcharging for software licenses. |
17. |
Advocacy group says states have set sights on P-to-P. Peer-to-peer (P-to-P) file-swapping software makers could soon find themselves under closer legal scrutiny from the attorneys general of several U.S. states. A P-to-P industry advocacy group this week distributed a leaked draft copy of a letter apparently in the works from California Attorney General Bill Lockyer's office, promising increased scrutiny of the risks to consumers of P-to-P software programs. |
18. |
Outsourcing means job creation is a must, Powell says. BANGALORE, INDIA - While outsourcing is a reality of the 21st century and inevitable, the U.S. must create jobs to replace those being lost, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said Tuesday in Delhi. |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
Opera Array Processing Error Lets Remote Users Crash the Browser |
20. |
The Gunk in Windows and How to Deal With It |
21. |
Is Your Comfort Level Too High? |
22. |
Calculating Costs of Sharing Sensitive Data |
23. |
ZyXEL Unveils New Security Appliance |
6:10:12 PM
5:09:50 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Michael Moore's publishers bully Soft Skull Press over Stupid White Men title. The idiot lawyers at the publisher of Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men" are going after the excellent Soft Skull Press for producing a book called "How to Get Stupid White Men Out of Office" -- despite the fact the Moore himself is flattered by the reference. This is positively inexcusable in this era of "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them." In November, HarperCollins wrote to the Brooklyn publisher, Soft Skull Press, demanding that the title be changed and stating that the similarities would cause "irreparable damage" to Mr. Moore and his book.The ironies compound rather quickly at this point, even ignoring that a company built on free and unfettered expression appears to be, by implication, objecting when someone else engages in that. In sending the letter, HarperCollins was protecting a book it refused to publish for a time, defending an author it fought bitterly with, and, according to Mr. Moore, doing so without his knowledge. Link (via Copyfight) |
CNET News.com
2. |
Briefly: Cometa opens networks to iPass customers. The companies work to integrate their wireless efforts...DVD-copying sales ban reinstated...Transmeta's new chip takes a Sharp turn. |
3. |
AOL subscribers, sales keep sliding. Parent company Time Warner discloses that the need for Internet speed will continue to damage America Online. |
4. |
Microsoft weighs in on Oracle, DOJ case. The software giant asks a federal court to help it keep a lid on its disclosures and so gives a hint at the mound of information it has given the Justice Department. |
5. |
Attack concerns slow Microsoft's pace. Several projects have fallen behind schedule as the company tries to make its software more secure, a Microsoft executive tells CNET News.com. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Take-Two Founder Resigns Amid Probe (AP). AP - Video-game publisher Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. said founder Ryan Brant, who along with the company is under investigation for accounting violations, has resigned as chairman and director. |
7. |
Mobile Leaders Get Behind Push-to-Talk (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Mobile-technology frontrunners Ericsson (Nasdaq: ERICY), Motorola (NYSE: MOT), Siemens (NYSE: SI) and Sony
Ericsson have taken the first step toward delivering interoperability
for push-to-talk communications on cellular networks, in a joint effort to
extend the reach of this "walkie-talkie" technology. |
8. |
Lindows: Microsoft's Latest Demand Impossible (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) has filed legal papers in the Netherlands requesting fines of
100,000 euros (US$122,230) per day against Lindows for allowing users
within that country to access its Internet site. Lindows says Microsoft's demand
that Lindows block access to its Web site by users in Belgium, the
Netherlands and Luxembourg is unreasonable. |
9. |
USDTV to Launch Low-Cost Wireless TV Service (Reuters). Reuters - Start-up company USDTV on Tuesday
unveiled a digital television service being rolled out in
various U.S. cities this year and sent via VHF/UHF antennas in
a lower-cost alternative to cable and satellite television. |
10. |
Epson's Female Printer |
InfoWorld: Top News
11. |
Ballmer meets EU competition chief. Microsoft Corp. Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer is discussing the European antitrust case against the company with Mario Monti, the European competition commissioner in Brussels, a person close to the talks said Tuesday afternoon. |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
12. |
BugTraq: Re: Fw: Bilbao Method Exposed. Sender: Mark J Cox [mark at awe dot com] |
13. |
Vulnerabilities: PHPBB ViewTopic.PHP "postorder" Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability. phpBB is an open-source web forum application that is written in PHP and supported by a number of database products. It will run on most Unix and Linux variants, as well ... |
The Register
14. |
HP to bundle iTunes 'late March'. Web site code reveals all |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Patentdiebstahl aus Schüler-PC |
16. |
Ten tips for evaluating and deploying IPS and IDS |
17. |
Making e-mail identity work |
18. |
Symantec: Boom Times For Hackers |
19. |
Mathopd prepare_reply() Buffer Overflow Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
20. |
Sybari AntiGen Can Be Crashed By Remote Users Sending Certain Encrypted Files |
21. |
SPIP Input Validation Flaws Let Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Commands |
22. |
PHP-Nuke Input Validation Holes in Feedback, Downloads, Journal, and Other Modules Permit Cross-Site Scripting Attacks |
23. |
vBulletin showthread, forumdisplay, and memberlist Input Validation Bugs Permit Cross-Site Scripting Attacks |
24. |
Search Security: Mainstream means more malicious code for Linux "Linux is every bit as susceptib... |
25. |
MSNBC: An eEye on Microsoft "An 'ethical hacker' and his company probe for security flaws in the... |
26. |
PC World: Symantec Details Net Threats "Cyberspace is a dangerous place, and it's only getting w... |
27. |
Silicon: Security no worse than in 2002, says report "The number of public alerts about software... |
28. |
Computer World: Security considerations for Web-based mail |
29. |
Security Focus: Where to turn for answers? "When everyone in the security world has something to... |
30. |
IT Web Za: A how-to book for crackers |
4:09:30 PM
3:09:10 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Bruce Sterling talk from SXSW. Here are my running notes from Bruce Sterling's rant at SXSW:This is a genius adminsitration for inspiring angry rhetoric.It's got a nice, interesting consistency. I like Rumsfeld, I dighis poetry. Job one in the Bush Admin is to get it spun: they'rean info-war-centric outfit. If you get it spun, you don't need toget it done.Controlling the message is more important to them thancontrolling the underlying reality. It's a blatant part of theirideology. Their global climate change policy is in defiance ofthe laws of physics, it's Lysenkoism. The Union of ConcernedScientists has a page documenting the Bushies' Lysenkoism fromclimate change to on. The science stuff is starting to blow back. The UCS isnonpartisan. It's like Stalin and Lysenko's faith-basedagriculture: the reason Soviet wheat fields have weeds is becausewheat is evolving into weeds. You didn't have to get the peasantsto weed the fields, you could just allege this. Scientists wereamazed and horrified. Soviet scientists who went abroad to talkabout chemistry and physics were confronted with a credibilitygap arising from this -- they had to admit that back home,politicians made up the laws of physics. So scientists defectedto Cornell. Link |
2. |
Antiques roadshow for scientific curioddities. Wired News reports on the American Museum of Natural History's ID Day, sort of an antiques roadshow of biology and anthropology where the public can have scientific "treasures" appraised.
"Previous Identification Day examinations have yielded a fossilized whale's jawbone, a rare green beetle bracelet from Brazil and a 5,000-year-old stone spear point. But most often the items are identified as tourist trinkets or valueless bits and pieces of bone and stone."
CNET News.com
3. |
Starbucks, HP queue up music coffeehouses. Hoping to expand their businesses, the coffee shop and computer giants are working together to create digital music-centric cafes. |
4. |
Lindows asks court to nix overseas lawsuits. In the latest legal battle with Microsoft, the open-source OS maker requests that the software giant be barred from filing another trademark suit against it overseas. |
5. |
Novell plugs open source, dings SCO. A Novell executive says the intellectual property foundations of open-source software are sound. "Sorry, Darl," he says in a jab at SCO chief Darl McBride. |
6. |
Cable taps into wiretap law. Time Warner Cable, says a source, has tapped VeriSign to help it comply with federal wiretapping law for telecom carriers that will likely be extended to all broadband providers. |
7. |
Learning Functional Programming through Multimedia |
Hack the Planet
8. |
CNet: IBM unveils Opteron workstation. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
9. |
Forbidden Siren shows promise. Horror game Forbidden Siren is a flawed masterpiece that is eerie to behold. |
10. |
Bond sees off chart challengers. Catch up with the latest news from the world of video gaming. |
11. |
One IT job in four 'to go abroad'. India and a clutch of other countries will pick up a quarter of Europe's IT jobs by 2010, a report says. |
InfoWorld: Security
12. |
New version of the Sober worm speaks German. Sober.D worm poses as a software patch |
13. |
China's Legend develops PC security technology. Chinese government taps Legend to draft standard for computer security chips |
14. |
Comcast cutting off spam 'zombies'. Some customers whose PCs are being used to relay spam messages will be denied service |
15. |
Cisco releases new security products. Company unwraps new VPN hardware, features for IOS and Security Device manager software |
16. |
Microsoft releases March security updates. Three new patches address issues in Outlook, MSN instant messaging and Windows Media Services |
17. |
Microsoft to announce legal, technical antispam plans. Company will announce lawsuits against spammers under the U.S. Can-Spam Act |
18. |
Symantec: Boom Times For Hackers |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
19. |
Vulnerabilities: Novell GroupWise WebAccess Unauthorized Access Vulnerability. GroupWise is the commercial groupware package distributed and maintained by Novell.
A problem has been reported in the GroupWise WebAccess component that could allow an ... |
NewsIsFree: Security
20. |
States Might Go After File-Sharing App Makers |
21. |
L'Europe adopte un plan de sécurité Internet |
22. |
MPs hold inquiry into UK computer crime law |
23. |
PassMark's Icon Lets Users Verify Site's Authenticity |
24. |
FBI Petitions for Broad Wiretapping Rights |
25. |
Judge Cuts Off Dept. of Interior's Net Access |
26. |
16 Mar Troj/Prorat-D |
2:08:52 PM
1:08:34 PM
12:38:20 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Orange County city raises misguided ruckus based on unverified Internet research. Officials acting on behalf of the Californian City of Aliso Viejo were prepared to ban foam cups because of research done on the Internet that revealed that dihydrogen monoxide is a toxic, deadly material. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Ninjas and Pirates, Dwarves and Elves: how to understand the world. Tom Coates has written an hilarious and insightful essay in which he attempts to rank his friends and their operating systems (!) on two axes: Elf/Dwarf and Ninja/Pirate. I'm digging the 2X2 graphs. Think of some of the humble bloggers on my blogroll. Where would they live? Ben Hammersley has something of the pirate about him. This is not a restrained man of quiet honour, but a proud warrior of the sea -- hair flowing in the breeze. But his skills are more evenly tempered between the conceptual and the practical -- as best evidenced by his work on the schema for various syndication formats. His position is clear. Matt Jones is far closer to elf than dwarf, but as swashbuckling as a man can come. Not so Dan Hill, elven once more but evidencing the self-mastery and discipline of a true ninja.
Link |
3. |
Earbud headphones with built-in foam earplugs. Having just killed yet another pair of white iPod headphones, I'm in the market. This review of FutureSonic EARS headphones -- which integrate foam earplugs -- has me thinking.It took me three or for uses to get used to inserting the EARS and fiddling with the EQ settings on my iPod and PowerBook. I listen to a lot of different kinds of music, but gravitate towards rock, funk/groove, and electronica the most and like a fair amount of bass in the mix (though not at the expense of the middle and high-end of the spectrum). The EQ settings on my iTunes and home stereo system boost the low and high ends while cutting a bit of the mid-range, and I usually keep my iPod's EQ set to "Rock" or "R & B." So I was pretty stunned to find that I was getting too much bass using the EARS with these settings. Switching the iPod over to "Treble Booster" wound up yielding the best results: Clear mid- and high-end response with plenty of undistorted bass to keep my head noddin'. I'm a drummer, so I need the thump of the bass drum clear and strong underneath the rest of the music. Link (via Gizmodo) |
4. |
Playstation 3 and Xbox 2 weblogs. Two new niche tech blogs launching from Jason Calacanis and crew: Playstation3 and XBox2. |
5. |
ClicktheVote filesharing petition. Click The Vote recently announced the launch of a petition in support of "an equitable, balanced and reasonable system for legal file sharing that promotes learning and rewards creators." The petition is now available online for people to sign at the ClickTheVote.org website.
6. |
Help a library win a copyfight. Jenny sez, "Would really appreciate help highlighting one public library's struggle against copyright law. All they want to do is show their staff in-service day video."The presentation was a success and the audience seemed to really like the video! There were some whoops and hollars! Then we did questions and of course the discussion turned to copyright. Yes, we used ROL by Madonna with no clearance but it was as much fair use as it could be: not sold, distributed, or copied.I told them we tried last year to reach out to Madonna's people and never got anywhere. I think this is a great idea for libraries to internally and externally market themselves -- hey Madonna... can you give me a minute of your time to chat about it? Link |
7. |
Foucault in Lego. Social theorist Lego kits.Link (Thanks, Stevie!)
CNET News.com
8. |
Analyst: Dell to jilt Intel for blade design. The server maker won't be joining longtime partner Intel in its effort with rival manufacturer IBM to standardize blade design, predicts market researcher Gartner. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
9. |
EU OKs French Aid For Altis Semiconductor (Dow Jones). Dow Jones - BRUSSELS -(Dow Jones)- European regulators Tuesday approved French government
aid worth about EUR23.6 million for Altis Semiconductor, a joint venture between
IBM and Infineon AG . |
10. |
HP to Introduce Linux-Based PCs in Asia (AP). AP - Hewlett-Packard Co. plans to become the first company to trumpet personal computers that run the freely distributed Linux operating system in Asia, HP's Japanese unit said Tuesday. |
11. |
Start-ups turn flat-panel TVs into works of art (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - An expensive new digital television is big, beautiful, flat and can hang on the wall. Some might even consider the set a piece of art. |
12. |
End of Online Anonymity in Canada? |
InfoWorld: Top News
13. |
Apple delivers significant Mac OS X update. Apple Computer Inc. has at last released its Mac OS X 10.3.3 update for desktop and server Macs. |
14. |
Startup to sell open source insurance. A New York-based company has spotted a new business opportunity in The SCO Group Inc.'s legal battle with the Linux community: open source insurance. |
15. |
EMC division buys Xerox's askOnce unit. EMC Corp.'s content management software division, Documentum Inc., has purchased Xerox Corp.'s askOnce technology for integrating content from disparate data sources. Terms of the deal, announced Tuesday, were not disclosed. |
16. |
Explosive Cold War Trojan has lessons for Open Source exporters |
17. |
Experts publish 'how to' book for software exploits |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
18. |
BugTraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 464-1] New gdk-pixbuf packages fix denial of service. Sender: [joey at infodrom dot org (Martin Schulze)] |
19. |
BugTraq: Re: ws_ftp overflow. Sender: [nesumin at softhome dot net] |
The Register
20. |
Revealed: sultry Sedna's sizzling secrets. Forget Planet X, bring on Planet Sex |
21. |
Cisco retails networked hotel vision. IP Hospitality |
22. |
AMD to launch Wi-Fi network in Q2. Access free of charge |
NewsIsFree: Security
23. |
Safeguarding Web Services (TechWeb) |
24. |
Symantec: Easily Exploited Vulnerabilities Gaining Popularity (TechWeb) |
25. |
Symantec: Boom Times For Hackers (TechWeb) |
26. |
4nAlbum Multiple Vulnerabilities |
27. |
4nAlbum Multiple Vulnerabilities |
28. |
PHP-Nuke Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities |
29. |
PHP-Nuke Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities |
30. |
Debian update for gdk-pixbuf |
31. |
Debian update for gdk-pixbuf |
11:07:51 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Positronic rap about the three laws. A LiveJournaller has written a rap for Will Smith to perform in his starring role in the upcoming I, Robot movie -- it's about someone wrote a rap about the positronic three-laws-havin' robot underclass.The robots are in town, you better hear that They got laws, so you understand thatThey can't hurt us, they must obey us But to protect themselves, could they betray us? They say the metal man, follow a higher plan But are they right, or should we fight? What is our plight? Link(Thanks, Nat!) |
2. |
NASA's official fold-and-glue ties. NASA has its own line of paper model toys, including gingerbread templates for making your own edible Cassini rover.Link(Thanks, rcrain!)
3. |
NPR on Eastern Standard Tribe. NPR's Rick Kleffel broadcast a fantastic review of Eastern Standard Tribe yesterday, and he's posted the text on his site.True to form, Doctorow peppers his novel with technology so palpable you want to order it up on the web. You'll probably get the chance. But technology is not the point here, merely a fascinating, convincing backdrop for the story. It's a really old story, actually -- boy meets girl. What follows is not unexpected, or even particularly new. What is unexpected, shocking even, is how smart Doctorow is when it comes to the human heart, and how well he's able to articulate it.This novel feels whiz-bang modern, but Doctorow's prose uses the oldest trick in the book -- utterly direct simplicity. Even when he's explaining a sophisticated system of mobile music swapping, Doctorow comes off like a standup comedian. The insights he offers seem obvious, but only in retrospect. He seems smart because he makes the reader feel smart. When Doctorow talks, when Art argues, we just get it. There's nothing between the language and the meaning. The prose is funny, simple and straightforward. This is a no-bullshit book. Link |
4. |
Turn any 3D file into a paper model. Pepakura Desinger is an application that converts any 3D CAD model (Maya, Lightwave, DXF, etc) into a printable fold-and-glue paper model.Link(Thanks, Dan!) |
5. |
iPod on offer in exchange for fake girlfriend with great butt. A Craigslister is willing to trade his iPod for an imaginary girlfriend to impress his visiting small-town parents. Too bad John Ritter is dead: this could be the plot for a Three's Company ironic Starsky-and-Hutch-style feature film.I'm having my parents come visit me sometime in the next two weeks and have lied and told them I am dating someone I am in love with. You will only have to come to one dinner. In exchange for this I will buy you an IPOD - yes new - we walk into the store together and buy a new IPOD. Let me know if this interests you, and if you want to be in a loving relationship with all the benefits it brings ;-) I want to pretend we are totally in love. I am 24, swm, a grad student, italian-american, (not a guido), athletic build. Send pics and i will send you mine, note I check email basically every 3 hours. You should be in your 20's and athletic (great butt and legs are my main interest when I say athletic). Link(via $MY_APOLOGIES_I_LOST_TRACK_OF_WHERE_I_FOUND_THIS) |
6. |
1:1 paper replica of rifle from Aliens. This foldable, futuristic paper macho-gun is pretty cool. It's a replica of the M41-A Pulse Rifle from Aliens. Link (Thanks, Ryan!)
7. |
Tremendous Star Wars paper models. These Japanese paper Star Wars toys are really, really good -- I think these are my favorites in the genre. Link (Thanks, $SORRY_I_HAVE_LOST_TRACK_OF_WHO_SUGGESTED_THIS!)
8. |
Michael Moore's publishers bully Soft Skull Press over Stupid White Men title. The idiot lawyers at the publisher of Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men" are going after a small-press book from the excellent Soft Skull Press for producing a book called "How to Get Stupid White Men Out of Office" -- despite the fact the Moore himself is flattered by the reference. This is positively inexcusable in this era of "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them." In November, HarperCollins wrote to the Brooklyn publisher, Soft Skull Press, demanding that the title be changed and stating that the similarities would cause "irreparable damage" to Mr. Moore and his book.The ironies compound rather quickly at this point, even ignoring that a company built on free and unfettered expression appears to be, by implication, objecting when someone else engages in that. In sending the letter, HarperCollins was protecting a book it refused to publish for a time, defending an author it fought bitterly with, and, according to Mr. Moore, doing so without his knowledge. Link(via Copyfight) |
CNET News.com
9. |
IBM unveils Opteron workstation. Big Blue takes the wraps off the IntelliStation A Pro, the latest computer to use AMD's 64-bit capable chip. |
10. |
Intel CEO pushes for R&D, education spending. In his trip to Washington, D.C., Craig Barrett warns the government that it must increase spending to keep the country competitive. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
11. |
Take-Two's Brant Resigns as Chairman (Reuters). Reuters - Video game publisher Take-Two
Interactive Software Inc. on Tuesday said founder Ryan Brant,
who the company previously said may face civil charges over
certain accounting practices, has resigned as chairman and a
director. |
12. |
One PC Can Handle Two Operating Systems (Investor's Business Daily). Investor's Business Daily - Maybe you need to run some Windows software, but your computer is a Mac. Maybe you'd like to fiddle around with Linux without messing up your system. Or maybe you just like running early versions of DOS for old time's sake. |
13. |
HP Shipping Turbolinux HP in Asia |
14. |
City Officials Almost Ban Foam Cups |
InfoWorld: Top News
15. |
Veritas to restate financial results. Veritas Software Corp. plans to revise its financial statements for 2003 and restate its revenues for 2001 and 2002, following an internal investigation that found the company had overstated revenues by between $16 million and $30 million for the years in question. |
16. |
Vignette, Bowstreet launch portal upgrades. Vignette and Bowstreet separately this week are unwrapping updated versions of enterprise portal products with added support for the JSR 168 portlet interoperability standard. |
17. |
Microsoft's entry to stir speech recognition market. Microsoft Corp. is about to stir the speech recognition market with the launch of its Speech Server products next week. The vendor promises speech recognition for the masses, but analysts warn that speech-enabling applications is not easy. |
18. |
Offshoring fears excessive, author says. SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- Fears that offshore developers will take jobs away from American counterparts are being overblown, charged a keynote speaker and noted author at the Software Development Conference & Expo West 2004 event here on Monday. |
The Register
19. |
'Software detox' deadline looms. Complete software audit, fight piracy, save humanity |
NewsIsFree: Security
20. |
Creating Secure Backups With GnuPG |
21. |
Even More Tasks for the Windows Team |
22. |
Nanotechnology: Tiny hope or big hype? |
23. |
Serious flaw found in three Symantec products |
24. |
MySQL database to get high-end feature |
25. |
Mainstream means more malicious code for Linux |
26. |
Distant object could be 'tenth planet' |
27. |
Hackers Have It Easier Than Ever |
28. |
New computer worms use password trick |
29. |
McAfee DAT 4338 |
30. |
McAfee SuperDAT 4338 |
31. |
McAfee AVERT Stinger 2.1.4 |
32. |
4nalbum Module Multiple Vulnerabilities |
33. |
4nguestbook Multiple Security Vulnerabilities |
34. |
Php-Nuke 7.1.0 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability |
35. |
phpBB 2.0.6 SQL Injection Vulnerability |
36. |
VocalTec Gateway 8 Reverse Directory Traversal and Authorization Bypass Vulnerabilities |
37. |
YaBB/YaBBse Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability |
38. |
Multiple Vendor SOAP Server Array Denial of Service Vulnerability |
39. |
16 Mar W32/Bagle-N |
40. |
16 Mar W32/Protoride-F |
10:07:34 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Japanese foldable robots. More foldable, glue-able PDFs -- this time, it's ultra-fab Japanese paper robots. Link (Thanks, Skye!)
2. |
Farkistani photoshop hall of fame. Fark has asked its photoshop army to post their all-time favorite photoshooping contest entries. The result is a jaw-dropping gallery of ninja-grade, potty-humor rasterbation that I'm still chuckling at. Link (Thanks, urlnotfound!)
3. |
Three more chapters from Gillmor's "Making the News". Dan Gillmor has posted three more draft chapters from Making the News, his upcoming book on the way that the Internet and journalism are changing one another. This is a very good draft, but he wants to make it better, so he's soliciting your input on ways to improve it.In April, 2001, Apple Computer's public-relations agency got a request from a blogger, Joe Clark, who wanted to interview someone inside the company about the Macintosh operating system. Clark had written for tech magazines, and his now-dormant NUblog (www.content.nu) was an increasingly popular site, but the PR agency didn't know this. Frustrated by the negative response, Clark posted the e-mail exchange on his site, which in turn prompted a cease-and-desist letter from the agency's regional vice president. The entire episode showed how fundamentally clueless Apple and its PR people were about a medium that was growing in importance.To be fair, this was 2001, before weblogs were well-known. Clark was a relatively early player in what Azeem Azhar, a principal in 20six, a European weblog tool company, calls the "eBay-ization of media -- everyone can be a buyer and a seller." Others call it "nanopublishing" -- small sites, run by one or a very few people, focusing on a relatively narrow niche topic. Niche bloggers may lack the influence of a major publication. Some are what Azhar calls "a teenage boy who drives the mobile-phone purchase decisions of his group of teenage friends; or the London yoga practitioner who has 60 or 80 fellow yogi readers on his blog, and who influences their yoga-related purchasing." Chapter 2 Link, Chapter 3 Link, Chapter 4 Link |
4. |
Spraycan hiss detector narks out taggers. Taggertrap is an emergency-lighting box that has an audio sensor tuned to the sound of a spraypaint can in action. When it detects nearby graffiti writers, it activates a silent alarm, ratting the taggers out to the cops.The mobile unit (Stinger) is battery powered, augmented by solar energy and may be linked with other surveillance or communication equipment, including cell phones, pagers, or, in remote locations like national parks, by GPS. The fixed unit (Surveyor) may be linked with existing alarm systems. Link (via JWZ) |
5. |
Weezer/Jay-Z mashup: Jay-Zeezer. Inspired by the Gray Album and the Jay-Z Construction Kit, this guy has remixed Jay-Z's Black Album with Weezer's Blue Album, calling the result "Jay-Zeezer."First I needed some sample material. Albums with colors in their names were definitely the way to go, so I started to make a list. How about REM's "Green?" Nah, not ironic enough. King Crimson's "Red?" No way! Everyone hates that prog rock shit. What about Weezer's "Blue Album?" It's really just named "Weezer", but everyone calls it by it's jacket color to distinguish it from the other one they released with the same name. With rap-esque lyrics like, "What's with these homies dissin' my girl?", it practically remixed itself. Paydirt. "Jay-Zeezer" was born. Link(>via MeFi) |
6. |
Stewart Butterfield, the IM Question Answerer. Through a serindipitous google-accident, Stewart Butterfield has a lot of page-rank for the query, "IM Question Answerer," and as a result, people frequently IM him with random questions. He's started a new blog in which he posts transcripts of these Q&A sessions:Colombiangel1213: do u think i could lokk in another site sylloge: How old are you? sylloge: Don't you get it? sylloge: Google is a search engine .... sylloge: You can find anything sylloge: watch! Colombiangel1213: ok sylloge: http://www.google.com/search?q=hiking+and+mountains+and+stuff sylloge: All about hiking and mountains and stuff sylloge: See? Colombiangel1213: ok clam down Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
PayPal Warns Its Customers To Safeguard Personal Data (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Online payment giant PayPal warned users yesterday that scam artists have obtained select customer aliases, mailing addresses, e-mail addresses and transaction data by using phony e-mails to fool retailers into revealing the information. |
8. |
The Family That Spams Together Stays Together |
The Register
9. |
eBay scamming teen faces 40 years jail. Lucky to escape date with Ol' Sparky |
10. |
BOFH: Enforcing the excremental IP. Episode 9 Make cheques payable to BIP PLC |
11. |
Gov UK names broadband aggregation bidders. Seventeen in the running |
12. |
Starbucks launches in-store CD burning service. HP provides PCs, 20,000 albums' worth of songs |
13. |
Lindows asks US court to halt MS 'worldwide assault'. Jurisdiction hopping |
Help Net Security
14. |
Linux memory forensics |
15. |
What to watch out for when writing portable shell scripts |
16. |
Europe considers harsh piracy law |
17. |
Viruses still like germs |
18. |
Rethinking IDS |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
Condamnation d'un webmaster pour non-déclaration de son site à la CNIL |
20. |
Service Pack 3 pour Office XP disponible |
21. |
How-To Book May Help Hackers |
22. |
Hoe je veilige back-ups met GnuPG kunt maken |
23. |
Linux memory forensics |
24. |
What to watch out for when writing portable shell scripts |
25. |
Europe considers harsh piracy law |
26. |
Viruses still like germs |
27. |
Rethinking IDS |
28. |
YaBB SE Input Validation Flaws in 'glow' and 'shadow' Tags Permit Cross-Site Scripting Attacks |
29. |
Sun Java Application Server SOAP Request Processing Bug Lets Remote Users Deny Service |
30. |
Macromedia JRun SOAP Request Processing Bug Lets Remote Users Deny Service |
31. |
Macromedia ColdFusion SOAP Request Processing Bug Lets Remote Users Deny Service |
32. |
Phorum HTTP_REFERER and Ohter Input Validation Flaw Permits Cross-Site Scripting Attacks |
33. |
Macromedia ColdFusion MX / JRun SOAP Request Denial of Service |
34. |
Macromedia ColdFusion MX / JRun SOAP Request Denial of Service |
35. |
4nGuestbook "x" Parameter SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting |
36. |
4nGuestbook "x" Parameter SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting |
37. |
Doppelt gefährlich: Wurm kommt mit Virus-Funktion |
9:37:21 AM
8:37:01 AM
7:36:41 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Horse Racing on Red Alert for Net Crime Gangs (Reuters). Reuters - First American football's
Super Bowl. Now Britain's Cheltenham horse racing festival.
Internet betting sites again are on red alert. |
2. |
Siemens to Cooperate with Ericsson, Motorola (Reuters). Reuters - German technology conglomerate
Siemens said on Tuesday it would cooperate with rivals Motorola
and Ericsson to develop a standard for so-called "push-to-talk"
technology. |
3. |
Amiga Sells AmigaOS |
4. |
The Morality of Open Source |
5. |
Creating Secure Backups With GnuPG |
The Register
6. |
Chancellor to squeeze Betfair. Budget brings bad news for some |
7. |
EC approves Infineon state aid package. But cuts funding total by almost 50% |
8. |
Toilets are cleaner than computers. Now wash your hands |
9. |
Russian Itanium slayer samples first 130nm processor. Sparc clone today, E2K tomorrow |
10. |
Security: getting the facts about cybergeddon. Straight answers rarer than hen's teeth |
Wired News
11. |
Interior Department Goes Offline. A federal judge orders the department to shut off its Internet connections for the third time. The judge says the department refuses to fix security holes that could jeopardize millions of dollars in royalties for American Indians. |
12. |
Welcome to S-s-s-s-edna. Scientists identify a 'planetoid' as the most distant object in our solar system. It's small, dark and cold (average temperature: minus 400 degrees). They christen it Sedna. |
13. |
Privacy Safeguards Deep-Sixed. Without fanfare, the government dispenses with two projects aimed at protecting the privacy of American citizens from official snooping. The work on more sophisticated data-mining techiques continues, however. |
14. |
What Have We Here? Junk, Mostly. The American Museum of Natural History on Sunday let folks bring in items from home for analysis. For some, the truth was hard to take. Michelle Delio reports from New York. |
15. |
Gloves Put Death Grip on Germs. A new kind of disposable glove will strike terror into the very being of all bacteria and viruses by emitting chlorine dioxide when exposed to light. By Louise Knapp. |
16. |
Talk Your Way Out of Trouble. Using a headset microphone and voice-recognition software to control the onscreen action, Konami's Lifeline seeks to increase players' immersion in the game world. It succeeds, but not in the ways you might think. A review by Chris Kohler. |
17. |
Honey, I Shrunk the URL. Among Web savants, TinyURL.com has become an indispensable tool for shortening unwieldy URLs before dispatching them in e-mails or IMs. They have a fanatical unicyclist to thank for the site. By Katie Dean. |
18. |
Europe Considers Harsh Piracy Law. The European Union will likely enact a law to give local police more power to seize the assets of suspected intellectual-property thieves. Opponents say the law is just too severe. Mat Shwartz reports from Paris. |
Help Net Security
19. |
Flaws level off, but worms still squirming |
20. |
Zombie PCs must die! |
21. |
Security considerations for Web-based mail |
22. |
Thumbs up for Longhorn security lockdown |
23. |
Where to turn for answers? |
NewsIsFree: Security
24. |
Minder cyberaanvallen vanuit Nederland |
25. |
Dringende behoefte aan rampensite |
26. |
Ernstig lek in drie Symantec produkten |
27. |
Zeer ernstig lek in RealSecure en BlackIce |
28. |
Flaws level off, but worms still squirming |
29. |
Zombie PCs must die! |
30. |
Security considerations for Web-based mail |
31. |
Thumbs up for Longhorn security lockdown |
32. |
Where to turn for answers? |
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© Copyright 2004 Gregg Doherty.
Last update: 4/3/2004; 12:17:00 AM.