Thursday, March 11, 2004
Boing Boing
1. |
Steve Martin's script notes from The Passion. Jason Schultz has reproduced a bunch of Steve Martin's high-larious script notes for "The Passion" from this month's New Yorker.
* Love the Jesus character. So likeable. He can't seem to catch a break! We identify with him because of it. One thing: I think we need to clearly state "the rules." Why doesn't he use his superpowers to save himself?
* Does it matter which garden? Gethsemane is hard to say, and Eden is a much more recognizable garden. Just thinking outloud.
* Our creative people suggest a clock visual fading in and out in certain scenes, like the Last Supper bit: "Thursday, 7:43 P.M.," or "Good Friday, 5:14 P.M."
* Also, could he change water into wine in Last Supper scene? Would be a great moment, and it's legit. History compression is a movie tradition and could really brighten up the scene. Great trailer moment, too.
Link |
2. |
Random synonyms for masturbation. Funny Javascript mad-libs toy generates random synonyms for masturbation:
Charming the mink
Violating your goalie
Using the Force on the witness
Punishing the gator
Tenderizing the unicorn's horn
Loving Isaiah
Assaulting the possum
Twanging the antenna
(via Fleshbot) |
3. |
Plush plagues for Passover fun. The Jewish.com store sells a bag of 10 plush plagues, one for each plague called down by Charleton Heston on the Pharoah.
A fun and educational way to involve children in the Passover experience. Symbols for each of the 10 plagues are included.
(via Fark) |
4. |
Madrid, te queremos.. 
173 dead today More than 185 people lost their lives today in Madrid. This graphic homage at left from an illustrator named Forges at El Pais, by way of Spanish blog caspa.tv. As it was here in New York, in Spain everything will now be spoken of in terms of "before March 11," and after.
El Internet fue formado de seres humanos, como nosotros. Un montón de amor y respeto para todos los amigos de BoingBoing que viven en Madrid, y en España. Queremos paz tambien, igual como ustedes.
Madrid-based blogger Ignacio Escolar has this to say: "ETA ha matado hoy a más personas que en los últimos ocho años....Decir que "no hay palabras" es un tópico tan usado que ha perdido su significado. Pero es que, literalmente, hoy no encuentro en el diccionario nada con lo que nombrar a esta masacre." (The ETA killed more people today than in the last eight years in Spain... to say that 'there are no words' is a phrase so overused that it has lost its significance. But the thing is, literally, today I can't find anything in the dictionary with which to describe this massacre.")
Here is a growing list of Spanish-language blogs, many based in Madrid, covering the terrorist attack and its aftermath. Link. Many other blogs appear to be posting this image on their home pages, as an expression of solidarity. BoingBoing buddy in Spain Antonio Delgado, of caspa.tv, says that the online edition of Spanish newspaper El Pais is a paid-access-only site -- but today, all contents are free, including this PDF version of today's edition. Link. Antonio also says traffic to Spanish news websites is up eight times normal, according to this article and this one -- that's more traffic than they received on 9/11. And Jean-Luc
says that Spanish professor Jose Luis Orihuela has built a newsfeed about today's events in this post on his weblog.
5. |
The horror of "musical hallucinosis". Carl Zimmer has written a great article for the Sunday Telegraph about a brain disorder called musical hallucinosis. The victims hear loud music in their head, and the songs play over and over again.
When Dilbeck tried a new antibiotic for her Lyme disease the songs stopped, but the side effects of the drug were too much for her. Since she went off the antibiotic, the hallucinations have returned. For some reason they are milder now than before -- often just a few notes over and over again -- but they're still a burden. "I'm resigned to them," Dilbeck says. "But I'd give $100,000 -- if I had it -- to make them go away."
Link |
6. |
We're a Movable Type blog now!.
After over four years with Blogger, Boing Boing is now a Movable Type blog! Blogger is an excellent tool, but we'd outgrown it and it was time for a change -- we're immensely grateful to Ev, Steve, Jason, Biz and the gang for all the support over the years.
So now we're an MT blog, which is great news. It means that we've got access to some of the fastest-evolving tools in the business, with all the third-party plugins that talk to MT's API. Expect some cool new features on the blog soon (we're gonna add search right away, and CSS layouts, and other neato crap to follow!).
Enormous, undying gratitude is hereby flung in the direction of Ben Trott, for all the work he did on making the transition smooth and painless. Ben, you are a prince.
Another change that you'll notice straight off: our permalinks are now post-per-page; that is, in order to load an individual post, you needn't load the entire month associated with it. We'll be using some mod_rewrite mojo to make this true of all the backlinks as well -- the bandwidth bills for loading monthly archives were really starting to add up (the reason we did monthly archives was the lack of a good search tool -- at very least, if you could remember what month you saw a post, you could load that month's archive and dig through it).
We still need to convert the guestbar to MT, which will come soon enough.
So, life is good. Beware falling rocks. Welcome to the MT era of Boing Boing.
Link |
7. |
Boing Boing has an Atom feed. Another salutory effect of transitioning to MT: we now have an Atom feed for the latest in syndication goodness.
Link |
8. |
TV cliches catalogued.
Here's a Wiki cataloguing, with cited examples, all the eye-rolling idiot plots from sitcomdom.
Gilligan Cut
The Gilligan Cut is a classic staple of comedy. A character protests vehemently, "What, you expect me to wear a grass skirt, stand up on top of Empire State Building and belt out the chorus of 'New York, New York'? Well, I'm not gonna... I'm just not gonna..." And then you cut, and see the character doing just that. The Gilligan Cut. Comedy ain't pretty.
(Thanks, Gnat!) |
9. |
More blogosphere reaction to 03/11 Madrid attacks. 
A handful of updates on blogosphere reaction to today's terrorist attacks in Madrid, which killed more than 190 and injured over 1,000. Informally-constructed "condolence walls" are apppearing online; here is an example of a previously existing page on which the comments section has been transformed into a series of homenajes to the 03/11 dead. (Note: my Wired News colleague Leander Kahney points out that this page seems to have started out as a memorial wall for Miguel Angel Blanco, a Basque politician who was kidnapped and murdered by ETA a coupe of years ago).
This 03/11 site, launched earlier today by popular Spanish weblog Bitacoras, is dedicated to blogosphere coverage of the attacks. This page offers another comprehensive list of blog coverage links (nearly all are Spanish language sites). ALT1040's offering coverage. Victor Ruiz has assembled a good page in English with background.
Much activity on blogs in France, as well.
Countless homenajes throughout the web, including little graphics like the bandera at left from Patricio Lopez' site.
Massive demonstrations are planned for tomorrow at 7:00 pm local time in cities all over Spain. Expect live blog coverage. Numerous BB readers in Spain and elsewhere write in to remind us that there is much debate over whether or not ETA is in fact responsible, completely or in part, for the attacks.
And finally, this from the weblog called "Lost in Madrid," -- a "Post of Silence." Please excuse my hasty, clumsy translation from the original Spanish.
May they hear our silence in every corner of the Internet, from all of our weblogs. May they hear our condemnation of this massacre. We denounce the ETA; we denounce all forms of violence and terrorism. All we want is to live in peace. Unity and democracy are the most powerful weapons we have against terrorism... Tomorrow [through the demonstrations that will take place] at 7:00PM, Madrid will be inundated with silence. And on Sunday, we will all go to vote, and we will tell those assasins that our votes are the "arms" that we use. We will tell them that peace is the language we understand.
Hoy todos somos madrileños.
(thanks, JL, AD, Joi, and others) |
10. |
Cory's SXSW schedule. I'm leaving for SXSW in Austin tomorrow morning, where I'll be speaking at a couple items at the Wireless Future conference:
- Sunday, March 14, 5-6 PM. The Wireless Commons: Is the commons model (where spectrum is treated like a stream that belongs to all of us, and current technological innovations allow multiple signals over shared frequencies) truly applicable to wireless telecommunications? If so, what does that mean for society... culture... business? (Robert Heath, University of Texas (Moderator); Cory Doctorow, Electronic Frontier Foundation; David Weinberger, Author/Consultant; Kevin Werbach; Jim Snider, New America Foundation)
- Monday, March 15, 3:30-4:30PM. Wireless and Grassroots Innovation: WiFi is a grassroots phenomenon where innovation is driven by the DIY gestalt that is so much a part of Internet and Open Source development. What are the latest grassroots developments, and how do they relate to the future of wireless? (Brad King (moderator); Cory Doctorow, EFF; David Weinberger, Author; Joi Ito, Neoteny; Dan Gillmor, San Jose Mercury News; John Quarterman, Quarterman Creations)
Link |
11. |
Spam Solutions from an Expert |
Help Net Security
12. |
Secure coding? Absolutely |
13. |
The rethinking of computer security |
14. |
Inside the DoD's crime lab |
15. |
PKI appliance goes for selective security |
16. |
802.11i and WPA2: addressing WLAN security weaknesses |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Guardian Digital Upgrades Secure Mail Suite |
18. |
Secure coding? Absolutely |
19. |
The rethinking of computer security |
20. |
Inside the DoD's crime lab |
21. |
PKI appliance goes for selective security |
22. |
802.11i and WPA2: addressing WLAN security weaknesses |
11:23:39 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Hugo nominations close in two weeks. The Hugo Nomination ballot closes two weeks today, on March 25. You're eligible to nominate if you're registered for the next or the last WorldCon. For the record, here are the things I published in 2003 that are eligible for... |
CNET News.com
2. |
Microsoft loses bid to move RealNetworks trial. A federal judge denies the motion for a change of venue in its pending case against RealNetworks, which charged the software giant with anticompetitive business tactics. |
3. |
AT&T begins selling Net phone service. The phone giant begins offering unlimited local and long distance Internet phone service for $40 a month, a move that's expected to roil the telephone industry. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
IBM Updates Small Business Servers (PC World). PC World - Pentium 4-based xSeries 206 and 306 draw from mainframe technology. |
5. |
Review: Wand That Scans Text Isn't Magic (AP). AP - The DocuPen is one of those gadgets that both charms you and breaks your heart. You don't know you need it until you find it. Then, when you realize you need it, it leaves you unsatisfied. |
6. |
DVD Authoring Under Linux? |
10:23:18 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Hold up on HIPPA |
2. |
Feds hand out Webcasting rules. The U.S. Copyright Office has released details about how Webcasters will pay royalties to record labels. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Oracle's Quarterly Profit Rises 11 Pct. (AP). AP - Oracle Corp.'s profit climbed 11 percent in its latest quarter, continuing the software giant's recent growth spurt. Despite the progress, Oracle provided a subdued outlook that disappointed investors hoping for a more robust high-tech revival. |
4. |
Mobile Domain Proposed (PC World). PC World - Vendors seek top-level domain with content specifically for mobile phones, PDAs, and other devices. |
5. |
New AMD Chip Appears in HP Notebook (PC World). PC World - Compaq Presario r3000z sports new Athlon XP-M 3000+; Pavilion also updated. |
6. |
Did HP Defraud the Canadian Government? |
Hack the Planet
7. |
InfoWorld: Power's the thing at Server Blade Summit. "As executives from HP and Sun talked about the growing importance of power management in blade computing, the Wyndam's power supply flickered on and off, taxed to the maximum by demonstration blade systems running in the hotel." |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Microsoft behind $50 million SCO investment. MS executives made initial recommendation to an investment fund ADVERTISEMENT: ProIT - Network Management Software - Enterprise-class IT management optimizes the entire network infrastructure, accelerates problem resolution, and predicts future performance with intelligent monitoring, diagnostics, and trending. Dow... |
9. |
Oracle posts database-driven Q3 growth. Ellison cites RAC technology as a key factor |
10. |
HP shipping AMD notebooks with new chip. Mobile Athlon 64 bit processor is featured |
11. |
Browsersoft adds Web services 'foundation'. Upgrade ready for its eQ Foundation development product |
12. |
Moody's downgrades CA debt rating to junk. Action reflects financiers' concerns about the company's stability |
13. |
Guardian Digital Upgrades Secure Mail Suite |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
cPanel Secuirty Advisory CPANEL-2004:01-01 |
9:23:01 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
More blogosphere reaction to 03/11 Madrid attacks. A handful of updates on blogosphere reaction to today's terrorist attacks in Madrid, which killed more than 190 and injured over 1,000. Informally-constructed "condolence walls" are apppearing online in various places; here is an example of a previously existing... |
CNET News.com
2. |
SCO to buy back common stock. The company's board of directors has okayed the repurchase of more than 10 percent of the 14.4 million shares of common stock outstanding. |
3. |
Briefly: SCO to buy back common stock. Sears shops for IT at Computer Sciences...Gateway releases a wireless 802.11g DVD player that can handle Media Center content. |
4. |
Microsoft Rereleases Patch to Fix Problems |
Hack the Planet
5. |
CNet: Legal P2P networks gaining ground. I'm not sure why non-commercial users would prefer Red Swoosh over open source, multiplatform BitTorrent, but more power to 'em. |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
Stupid "counter attack" security program |
7. |
True security items from rec.humor.funny |
8. |
Inside the DoD's crime lab |
8:22:37 PM
New York Times: Technology
1. |
Oracle's Quarterly Profit Rises. Oracle, the world's second largest software maker, today posted higher quarterly net profit and revenue on strong sales of its database software. By Reuters. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Control Freak (Forbes.com). Forbes.com - That mania for measurement suits Reedy well for her job. People think of Ebay as an auction site, and it is; but at heart it is nothing more than a honking piece of software, one of the most complicated applications ever created. Ebay's dozens of databases and thousands of servers supply 720 million page views daily, and visitor traffic can spike 180% without warning. Last year $24 billion of goods changed hands, a number that should rise to $33 billion this year with growth coming from France, the U.K., China and India. Every day adds 36,000 members to the 95 million already registered. ... |
3. |
Ka-Ching! (Forbes.com). Forbes.com - With a net worth topping $12 billion, Li Ka-Shing stands on an equal footing with such Americans as Michael Dell and Steven Ballmer. But in Hong Kong, Li, 75, has no peer. Through his publicly listed Hutchison Whampoa and Cheung Kong Holdings, Li is a leading provider of electricity in Hong Kong. He is the city's biggest cell phone service provider and among its biggest real estate developers and retailers. His companies account for 11.5% of the market capitalization of Hong Kong stocks. ... |
4. |
DARPA Grand Challenge Updates |
5. |
Google, Amazon, and Beyond |
6. |
Inside the DoD's crime lab |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
7. |
BugTraq: cPanel Secuirty Advisory CPANEL-2004:01-01. Sender: J dot Nick Koston [nick at cpanel dot net] |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
News: Regulator says he's not optimistic about success for do-not-spam list |
7:22:17 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
The horror of "musical hallucinosis". Carl Zimmer has written a great article for the Sunday Telegraph about a brain disorder called musical hallucinosis. The victims hear loud music in their head, and the songs play over and over again. When Dilbeck tried a new antibiotic... |
2. |
We're a Movable Type blog now!. After over four years with Blogger, Boing Boing is now a Movable Type blog! Blogger is an excellent tool, but we'd outgrown it and it was time for a change -- we're immensely grateful to Ev, Steve, Jason, Biz... |
3. |
Boing Boing has an Atom feed. Another salutory effect of transitioning to MT: we now have an Atom feed for the latest in syndication goodness. Link... |
4. |
TV cliches catalogued. Here's a Wiki cataloguing, with cited examples, all the eye-rolling idiot plots from sitcomdom. Gilligan Cut The Gilligan Cut is a classic staple of comedy. A character protests vehemently, "What, you expect me to wear a grass skirt, stand... |
5. |
More blogosphere reaction to 03/11 Madrid attacks. A handful of updates on blogosphere reaction to today's terrorist attacks in Madrid. Informally-constructed "condolence walls" are apppearing online in various places; here is an example of a previously existing page on which the comments section has been transformed... |
CNET News.com
6. |
Will Net phone debate draw in other IP services?. The FCC says it will examine services that use Internet Protocol, "including but not limited to" VoIP. |
7. |
Gateway completes eMachines buy. With the closing of the deal, Gateway founder Ted Waitt is passing his chief executive duties to eMachines CEO Wayne Inouye. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Review: Wand That Scans Text Isn't Magic (AP). AP - The DocuPen is one of those gadgets that both charms you and breaks your heart. You don't know you need it until you find it. Then, when you realize you need it, it leaves you unsatisfied. |
9. |
Suing Spammers Back Into the Stone Age (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Four of the nation's top Internet service providers figure the best kind of suit for a spammer to wear would be a lawsuit. |
10. |
DARPA Grand Challange Updates |
SecurityFocus News
11. |
News: Regulator says he's not optimistic about success for do-not-spam list. The Associated Press By Jennifer C dot Kerr |
The Register
12. |
BT goes broadband crazy. Kimono slips open |
13. |
SCO lifts skirt but investors recoil. Cash Register Don't you think we're attractive |
14. |
Yahoo! and MSN to dilute Google supremacy. Some things to all men |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Re: Unreal engine updates and Battle Mages advisory |
16. |
6:21:57 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Three hilarious remixes of Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom. Yoz Grahame has remixed my novel, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom with a bunch of really whacky and wildly imaginative perl scripts: * Down and Out In the Magic Kingdom (CAPIPA Remix) - in which the original has... |
2. |
New DARPA Grand Challenge live action website. Just launched: a website promising live virtual coverage of this weekend's Grand Challenge race, in which robotic vehicles will race accross the California desert. Live Tracking will show relative positions of the Challenge entrants, and requires a 7 MB download... |
3. |
Morrissey gets a job coloring book. Morrissey Gets a Job is a clip-art-chic coloring book about Morrissey's post-rockstar career as a salaryman. Link (Thanks, Francis!)... |
4. |
Disney builds a Green Line at Disneyland. Disneyland is adding a Green Line -- a security gate to "stop terrorists." Reality is coming to Disneyland's fantasy world, in the form of permanent security gates. Bowing to terrorism fears, the Walt Disney Co. plans to build the gates... |
5. |
Black, magnetic silly putty. Puttyworld sells a $9 magnetic silly putty substance -- and it's goth black to boot. Black Thinking Putty noticably responds to a magnet. Try pulling out a thin strand with your fingers and holding the magnet nearby. Or roll it... |
6. |
GOP shifts priorities, advocates Cheeseburger Bill while Rome burns. Republican lawmakers are trying to enact the "Cheeseburger Bill," which will sheild restaurant chains from lawsuits fo inducing super-sized obesity in their customers. Opponents said the legislation was unnecessary and irresponsible in light of this week's government report identifying obesity... |
7. |
O'Franken Factor liberal radio show begs Bill O'Reilly to sue. Al Franken is hosting a new lefty radio show called "The O'Franken Factor." Franken has gone on record as begging Bill O'Reilly to sue him. Link... |
8. |
Remixing "Construction Kits" are the future of the music industry?. Inspired by the Jay-Z Construction Set (a CDROM and .torrent full of Jay-Z vocal tracks, samples and art, intended for remixture), Ernest Miller has written a shrewd editorial about a potential path for musicians to engage their fans with their... |
9. |
Depp digs Edward Penishands. E! Online asked Johnny Depp how he felt about his doppelganger in Edward Penishands, the pr0n parody of Edward Scissorhands. Depp is surprisingly cool about it! I think it was either Tim [Burton] or John Waters who sent it to... |
10. |
Steve Martin's script notes from The Passion. Jason Schultz has reproduced a bunch of Steve Martin's high-larious script notes for "The Passion" from this month's New Yorker. * Love the Jesus character. So likeable. He can't seem to catch a break! We identify with him because of... |
11. |
Random synonyms for masturbation. Funny Javascript mad-libs toy generates random synonyms for masturbation: Charming the mink Violating your goalie Using the Force on the witness Punishing the gator Tenderizing the unicorn's horn Loving Isaiah Assaulting the possum Twanging the antenna Link (via Fleshbot)... |
12. |
Plush plagues for Passover fun. The Jewish.com store sells a bag of 10 plush plagues, one for each plague called down by Charleton Heston on the Pharoah. A fun and educational way to involve children in the Passover experience. Symbols for each of the 10... |
13. |
Automated font-identification. Nishad sez, "Ever wanted to have a font just like the one used by certain publications, corporations, or ad campaigns? Well now you can, using the WhatTheFont font recognition system. Upload a scanned image of the font and we'll show... |
14. |
Madrid, te queremos.. 173 dead today More than 185 people lost their lives today in Madrid. This graphic homage at left from an illustrator named Forges at El Pais, by way of Spanish blog caspa.tv. As it was here in New York,... |
15. |
MyStack: syndicated sidebars fillled with realtime search-results. Jim sez, "MyStack.com lets you build Stacks - self-updating link lists that you can paste into your blog or web page. You can build a Stack that lists all the posts which link to your site, or a Stack that... |
CNET News.com
16. |
Microsoft--the host with the most?. Microsoft is relying on hosting partners to expand sales to small businesses of server products such as its Exchange e-mail software. |
17. |
Legal P2P networks gaining ground. Red Swoosh, an authorized service, is now reaching out to the BitTorrent underground, offering an alliance. |
18. |
Oracle hits analysts' quarterly estimates. The database giant meets estimates for the third quarter, aided by double-digit growth in both new software licenses and its license updates and support business. |
19. |
Canada, HP tussle over defense department dealings. The Canadian government has demanded that Hewlett-Packard pay back $120 million related to contracts with the defense department, or to prove that goods and services were delivered at proper billing rates. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
20. |
Apple CEO Jobs Got No Bonus Last Year (AP). AP - Apple Computer Corp. Chief Executive Steve Jobs received no bonus for 2003 and his salary for the year remained unchanged at $1, according to a proxy filed Thursday with the Securities and Exchange Commission. |
21. |
Microsoft Moves Yukon Farther Away (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Once again, Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) reportedly has delayed the release date for SQL Server 2005, aka "Yukon," as well as its next Visual Studio iteration, code named "Whidbey." This is not good news for end-users or, for that matter, Microsoft. |
22. |
Oracle's Quarterly Profit Rises 11 Percent (AP). AP - Oracle Corp.'s profit climbed 11 percent in its latest quarter, continuing the software giant's recent growth spurt. |
23. |
Microsoft behind $50 million SCO investment (MacCentral). MacCentral - Executives from Microsoft Corp. introduced The SCO Group Inc. to an investment fund that provided the Lindon, Utah, company with a US$50 million investment last October, a spokesman for the fund confirmed Thursday. |
24. |
Head to Head: BlackBerry vs. Treo (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Launched in March of 2002, the BlackBerry 5800 from Research in Motion (RIM) quickly became famous as the first pocket-sized device to achieve success integrating wireless text messaging with the computing power of a PDA and the voice capabilities of a cellular phone. It did not take long for the high-tech tool to become the wireless sidekick of choice among today's increasingly mobile business professionals. |
25. |
Mobile Giants Seek New Domain (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Convinced that the time is right for a new Internet ID, several
mobile industry and I.T. heavyweights are pushing for a mobile domain
name that, if approved, would join the list of such familiar tags as '.com,' '.net' and '.org.' |
26. |
Contour Crafting - Extrude-a-House |
InfoWorld: Top News
27. |
FCC asks for comments on mobile-phone spam. Organization votes to begin proceeding on how to best protect customers from spam on mobile devices |
28. |
Gateway to release wireless access points. Company to offer network switches as well, beginning April 6 |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
29. |
Vulnerabilities: VirtuaSystems VirtuaNews Admin.PHP Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability. VirtuaNews is an interactive, custom web page creation application that allows users to develop original pages. The 'admin.php' script is a feature that allows administr... |
NewsIsFree: Security
30. |
Fedora: coreutils Integer overflow vulnerability |
31. |
Virus Mydoom : dégâts limités pour les entreprises |
32. |
LEN : la loi du Net divise |
33. |
ADSL : les grandes manśuvres |
34. |
Press to Pass |
35. |
Avoid Accidentally Replying To Spammers |
36. |
Big Blue Goes Small with New Intel Servers |
37. |
Netsky Worm Reneged On Promise, Doesn't Retire |
5:21:41 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Gateway brings "g" to DVD player. Gateway unveils a version of its wireless DVD player that supports the 802.11g standard and can handle content from PCs running Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 software. |
2. |
BayStar confirms Microsoft referral to SCO. Investment company BayStar Capital confirms ties between two Linux foes, saying that a Microsoft referral led to $50 million in BayStar funding for the SCO Group. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Moody's Cuts Computer Associates to Junk (Reuters). Reuters - Moody's Investors Service cut Computer
Associates International's (CA.N) debt ratings by one notch to
junk on Thursday, citing government investigations into the
software company's accounting, maturing debt, and intensifying
competition. |
4. |
Companies Seek Domain for Mobile Service (AP). AP - Microsoft Corp., Nokia and other leading high-tech companies want a new Internet domain name that's tailored for mobile services. |
5. |
Review: Wand That Scans Text Isn't Magic (AP). AP - The DocuPen is one of those gadgets that both charms you and breaks your heart. You don't know you need it until you find it. Then, when you realize you need it, it leaves you unsatisfied. |
6. |
Internet Providers Team Up in Spam Suits (AP). AP - Setting aside their rivalries to fight unwanted e-mail choking cyberspace, leading Internet companies announced Wednesday they have sued hundreds of people suspected of sending unsolicited junk messages known as spam. |
7. |
Stop! Website Thief! |
8. |
ExtremeTech Wages War of the Codecs |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
9. |
BugTraq: Re: Unreal engine updates and Battle Mages advisory. Sender: Todd Chapman [tchapman at leoninedev dot com] |
The Register
10. |
HP owes Canada $120 million, claims official. Promises not kept |
11. |
IBM woos SMBs with new servers. Serial ATA made easy |
12. |
Microsoft encouraged anti-Linux investment - shock!. Who would have thought? |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
Mandrakelinux 10.0 Community ISO |
14. |
MyProxy Input Validation Hole Lets Remote Users Conduct Cross-Site Scripting Attacks |
15. |
Pegasi Web Server Discloses Files Outside of the Web Document Directory to Remote Users |
16. |
Bug exposes Linux users |
17. |
Bagle, NetSky, and MyDoom Rack Up $100 Billion in Damages |
18. |
VLANs on Linux |
19. |
Open-source gets serious: A new window on Linux |
20. |
Understanding Firewalls |
21. |
Symbiot launches DDoS counter-strike tool |
22. |
Netsky Worm Reneged On Promise, Doesn't Retire |
23. |
AntiOnline Spotlight: Microsoft Metadata Forensics |
24. |
Guardian Digital Upgrades Secure Mail Suite |
4:21:19 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Et Cetera: the weekend is almost here!. Round up with a sweet Swiss Army knife for geeks, questions about TV in cars, a load of lawsuits, and a shout out to the UT2004 crowd. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
2. |
Ars Polos for the non-PayPaler in you (additional payment options). We've added additional payment options for the Ars Block Polo Shirt. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
3. |
Quadruple your download speed with a mouse click. BT customers will soon be able to quadruple their download speed with a mouse click. Will we see similar value-added offerings from other ISPs? By Eric Bangeman. |
CNET News.com
4. |
Net video ads get consumer nod. A survey shows the ads are more welcome to Web surfers than pop-ads and TV commercials. |
5. |
Briefly: Net video ads get consumer nod. A survey shows the ads are more welcome than pop-ads and TV commercials...CA buys desktop management software maker...Sun signs StarOffice deal in India. |
6. |
HP snaps up software firm in buying spree. Hewlett-Packard agrees to acquire another provider of management software, TruLogica, to boost its utility computing campaign. |
7. |
Study: Pretty picture for camera phone sales. More than a quarter of all mobile phones to be sold globally in 2004 will also function as cameras, and the growth doesn't stop there. |
8. |
Nortel hits accounting snag. The company delays filing its 2003 annual report amid an internal review of its financial numbers. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
9. |
Opera Software IPO Draws Strong Interest (AP). AP - Web browser maker Opera Software's stock rose 14 percent above its initial public offering price by the end of trading in its first day listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. |
10. |
South Korea's Hynix develops "world's first" highspeed memory chip (AFP). AFP - South Korea's Hynix Semiconductor Inc said it has developed a new high-speed memory chip for high-end personal computers and game equipment, claiming it to be the world's first. |
11. |
Suing Spammers Back Into the Stone Age (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Four of the nation's top Internet service providers figure the best kind of suit for a spammer to wear would be a lawsuit. |
12. |
U.S. Regulators to Tackle Mobile Phone Spam (Reuters). Reuters - The Federal Communications
Commission said on Thursday it would examine ways to protect
cell phones and other mobile devices from the unwanted "spam"
messages that now clog computer networks. |
13. |
What Differentiates Linux from Windows? |
14. |
Symbiot launches DDoS counter-strike tool |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Mobile Wireless Router Reaches 25 Miles |
3:20:59 PM
Boing Boing Blog
1. |
Three hilarious remixes of Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom. Yoz Grahame has remixed my novel, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom with a bunch of really whacky and wildly imaginative perl scripts:
* Down and Out In the Magic Kingdom (CAPIPA Remix) - in which the original has its words reordered alphabetically, using PIPA's new cousin, CAPIPA, which retains capitalisation.
"Beautiful," BEAUTY beauty, became. BECAME because because because because because because -- because because because because because because because because because because because because because because become become become become become become become bed bed bed. bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed, bed bed bedroom bedroom bedroom-bedroom beds bedside bedside bedside.
* Down and Out In the Magic Kingdom (Sausages & Mash Remix) - in which the original has all words beginning with the letters S and M replaced with "Sausage" and "Mash" respectively, in accordance with the classic children's game.
He chuckled. "No sausage, not mash. I'm into the kind of mash sausage that you only come across on-world."
* Down and Out In the Magic Kingdom (More And Bloodier Wars Remix) - in which the original is run through Babelfish several times, from English to French to German and back to English again.
I never thought that I would live, in order to arise, where the maintenance would decide A-Movin ' Dan at the person in possession of a favour light up to the death of the heat of the universe.
Link |
2. |
New DARPA Grand Challenge live action website. Just launched: a website promising live virtual coverage of this weekend's Grand Challenge race, in which robotic vehicles will race accross the California desert.
Live Tracking will show relative positions of the Challenge entrants, and requires a 7 MB download each time you use your browser to view the tracking. The Status Board provides a 30 second update of the status of each Challenge team. The Image Gallery will contain the most recent images from the Challenge, updated nightly through March 14.
Link |
3. |
Morrissey gets a job coloring book. 
Morrissey Gets a Job is a clip-art-chic coloring book about Morrissey's post-rockstar career as a salaryman.
(Thanks, Francis!)
4. |
Disney builds a Green Line at Disneyland. Disneyland is adding a Green Line -- a security gate to "stop terrorists."
Reality is coming to Disneyland's fantasy world, in the form of permanent security gates. Bowing to terrorism fears, the Walt Disney Co. plans to build the gates at the Disneyland Resort next fall. The company had resisted security gates around Disneyland and the California Adventure theme park next door, believing the sense of fantasy would be spoiled.
(Thanks, Ian!) |
5. |
Black, magnetic silly putty. Puttyworld sells a $9 magnetic silly putty substance -- and it's goth black to boot.
Black Thinking Putty noticably responds to a magnet. Try pulling out a thin strand with your fingers and holding the magnet nearby. Or roll it into a ball and watch it roll right to the magnet, even uphill. The stronger the magnet the better the result, Neodymium Iron Boron works best. You can purchase some from our accessories category.
(via FARK) |
6. |
GOP shifts priorities, advocates Cheeseburger Bill while Rome burns. Republican lawmakers are trying to enact the "Cheeseburger Bill," which will sheild restaurant chains from lawsuits fo inducing super-sized obesity in their customers.
Opponents said the legislation was unnecessary and irresponsible in light of this week's government report identifying obesity as a condition fast catching up to tobacco as the No. 1 preventable cause of death in the United States. Democrats said the fact that the House was devoting almost a full day to the proposal illustrated the misplaced priorities of the Republican majority.
Link |
7. |
O'Franken Factor liberal radio show begs Bill O'Reilly to sue. Al Franken is hosting a new lefty radio show called "The O'Franken Factor." Franken has gone on record as begging Bill O'Reilly to sue him.
Link |
8. |
Remixing "Construction Kits" are the future of the music industry?. Inspired by the Jay-Z Construction Set (a CDROM and .torrent full of Jay-Z vocal tracks, samples and art, intended for remixture), Ernest Miller has written a shrewd editorial about a potential path for musicians to engage their fans with their work through the release of similar kits -- he likens this to videogames that encourage players to invest in making or seeking out custom mods.
Many videogames permit players to create new content for the game engine, such as levels, maps and mods. This new content is freely distributable (at least for noncommercial purposes) and frequently incorporates content created by the original game designer along with new user-created content. This has been incredibly successful for videogame companies. The more content there is, the more popular the game becomes. The ability to create and add content creates feverish and committed communities of fans for a game. Imagine if musicians had such communities working for them.
(via A Copyfighter's Musings) |
9. |
Depp digs Edward Penishands. E! Online asked Johnny Depp how he felt about his doppelganger in Edward Penishands, the pr0n parody of Edward Scissorhands. Depp is surprisingly cool about it!
I think it was either Tim [Burton] or John Waters who sent it to me. It might have been both. Tim and I were both quite proud they decided to do that. It was low budget and cheesy, but it was hilarious to watch. Those hands...they served him well.
(via Fleshbot) |
10. |
Steve Martin's script notes from The Passion. Jason Schultz has reproduced a bunch of Steve Martin's high-larious script notes for "The Passion" from this month's New Yorker.
* Love the Jesus character. So likeable. He can't seem to catch a break! We identify with him because of it. One thing: I think we need to clearly state "the rules." Why doesn't he use his superpowers to save himself?
* Does it matter which garden? Gethsemane is hard to say, and Eden is a much more recognizable garden. Just thinking outloud.
* Our creative people suggest a clock visual fading in and out in certain scenes, like the Last Supper bit: "Thursday, 7:43 P.M.," or "Good Friday, 5:14 P.M."
* Also, could he change water into wine in Last Supper scene? Would be a great moment, and it's legit. History compression is a movie tradition and could really brighten up the scene. Great trailer moment, too.
Link |
11. |
Random synonyms for masturbation. Funny Javascript mad-libs toy generates random synonyms for masturbation:
Charming the mink
Violating your goalie
Using the Force on the witness
Punishing the gator
Tenderizing the unicorn's horn
Loving Isaiah
Assaulting the possum
Twanging the antenna
(via Fleshbot) |
12. |
Plush plagues for Passover fun. The Jewish.com store sells a bag of 10 plush plagues, one for each plague called down by Charleton Heston on the Pharoah.
A fun and educational way to involve children in the Passover experience. Symbols for each of the 10 plagues are included.
(via Fark) |
13. |
Automated font-identification. Nishad sez, "Ever wanted to have a font just like the one used by certain publications, corporations, or ad campaigns? Well now you can, using the WhatTheFont font recognition system. Upload a scanned image of the font and we'll show you the closest matches in our database!"
(Thanks, Nishad!) |
14. |
Madrid, te queremos.. 
173 dead today More than 185 people lost their lives today in Madrid. This graphic homage at left from an illustrator named Forges at El Pais, by way of Spanish blog caspa.tv. As it was here in New York, in Spain everything will now be spoken of in terms of "before March 11," and after.
El Internet fue formado de seres humanos, como nosotros. Un montón de amor y respeto para todos los amigos de BoingBoing que viven en Madrid, y en España. Queremos paz tambien, igual como ustedes.
Madrid-based blogger Ignacio Escolar has this to say: "ETA ha matado hoy a más personas que en los últimos ocho años....Decir que "no hay palabras" es un tópico tan usado que ha perdido su significado. Pero es que, literalmente, hoy no encuentro en el diccionario nada con lo que nombrar a esta masacre." (The ETA killed more people today than in the last eight years in Spain... to say that 'there are no words' is a phrase so overused that it has lost its significance. But the thing is, literally, today I can't find anything in the dictionary with which to describe this massacre.")
Here is a growing list of Spanish-language blogs, many based in Madrid, covering the terrorist attack and its aftermath. Link. Many other blogs appear to be posting this image on their home pages, as an expression of solidarity. BoingBoing buddy in Spain Antonio Delgado, of caspa.tv, says that the online edition of Spanish newspaper El Pais is a paid-access-only site -- but today, all contents are free, including this PDF version of today's edition. Link. Antonio also says traffic to Spanish news websites is up eight times normal, according to this article and this one -- that's more traffic than they received on 9/11. And Jean-Luc
says that Spanish professor Jose Luis Orihuela has built a newsfeed about today's events in this post on his weblog.
15. |
<a href="#107902082316667515">MyStack: syndicated sidebars fillled with realtime search-results. Jim sez, "MyStack.com lets you build Stacks - self-updating link lists that you can paste into your blog or web page. You can build a Stack that lists all the posts which link to your site, or a Stack that lists every message talking about a particular topic. MyStack.com uses PubSub's matching engine to match blog entries and newsgroup posts against your request in real time. That means that any time you look at a Stack, you're looking at the most recent set of links - we rebuild the Stack and rewrite the HTML for you, automatically."
(Thanks, Jim!) |
CNET News.com
16. |
Commentary: In broadband game, price beats speed. New subscribers to high-speed Internet access care more about a low price than fast connection speeds, which is exactly what DSL providers want to hear. |
17. |
Regulators go after wireless spam. The Federal Communications Commission has begun crafting rules to head off a possible tidal wave of unwanted e-mails sent to cell phones. |
18. |
China sets up Windows, Linux labs. Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft separately reach agreements with the government to offer equipment and support to help cultivate the country's software industry. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
19. |
Apple filing notes annual meeting date, Jobs compensation (MacCentral). MacCentral - Apple Computer Inc. on Thursday filed its Form DEF 14A with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The document notes that Apple will hold its annual meeting of shareholders on April 22, 2004. That form also outlines various fiduciary matters that may be of interest to Apple investors and enthusiasts, and explains in detail Apple's board of directors' opposition to a proposal to restrict executive compensation. |
20. |
China brushes aside Intel's Wapi protest (FT.com). FT.com - The developers of a controversial Chinese standard for wireless data networks on Thursday waved aside a decision by Intel, the world's largest computer chip producer, to shun their technology. |
21. |
'Game Over' Gets Slow Start on UPN Network (Reuters). Reuters - It appears too many kids were
playing video games Wednesday night to tune in to a new
television show about the lives of video game superheroes. |
22. |
Hollywood's Foundations Rest on Piracy |
23. |
Dish Network & Viacom Settle Their Differences |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
24. |
Vulnerabilities: PWebServer Remote Directory Traversal Vulnerability. PWebServer is a multi-threaded web server implemented in Java. It is freely available under the GNU Public License and may be deployed on any platform that supports a Ja... |
NewsIsFree: Security
25. |
Elsewhere: Security education still important, says FNB |
26. |
Elsewhere: Access hacks hit UK Plc |
27. |
News: More NetSky worms. So much for quitting |
28. |
News: Israeli teen quizzed over US cop file hack |
29. |
European Parliment Passes DMCA Style Legislation |
30. |
Norton AntiVirus Virus Definitions March 9, 2004 |
31. |
Flaw hits MSN Messenger |
32. |
Security Update for Windows XP Embedded with SP1 (832894) |
33. |
Trend Micro Pattern File March 9, 2004 |
34. |
Outlook 2002 Security Patch: KB828040 |
35. |
Trend Micro Pattern File March 10, 2004 |
36. |
AVG Free Edition 6.0 Build 614 |
37. |
Norton AntiVirus Virus Definitions March 10, 2004 |
38. |
McAfee DAT 4336 |
39. |
McAfee SuperDAT 4336 |
40. |
AntiVir Personal Edition (Updated) |
41. |
The Cleaner Database v3511 |
42. |
Format string bug in EpicGames Unreal engine |
43. |
MDKSA-2004:022 - Updated kdelibs packages fix cookie theft vulnerability |
44. |
MDKSA-2004:020 - Updated gdk-pixbuf packages fix BMP-handling vulnerability |
45. |
GNU Anubis 3.6.2 remote root exploit |
46. |
DoS in wMCam server 2.1.348 |
47. |
[RHSA-2004:075-01] Updated kdelibs packages resolve cookie security issue |
48. |
[RHSA-2004:102-01] Updated gdk-pixbuf packages fix denial of service vulnerability |
49. |
With regards to the Adobe Acrobat Reader advisory (#NISR03022004) |
50. |
Re: LAN SUITE Web Mail 602Pro Multiple Vulnerabilities |
51. |
Re: HP printers and currency anti-copying measures |
52. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 459-1] New kdelibs, kdelibs-crypto packages fix cookie traversal bug |
53. |
Re: HP printers and currency anti-copying measures |
54. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 460-1] New sysstat packages fix insecure temporary file creation |
55. |
[RHSA-2004:093-01] Updated sysstat packages fix security vulnerabilities |
56. |
Unreal engine updates and Battle Mages advisory |
57. |
Multiple Vulnerabilities in PWS 0.2.2 |
58. |
RE: Outlook mailto: URL argument injection vulnerability |
59. |
XSS in MyProxy 20030629 |
60. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 461-1] New calife packages fix buffer overflow |
61. |
Re: Outlook mailto: URL argument injection vulnerability MS04-009 (Now CRITICAL) ! |
62. |
Re:Norton AntiVirus 2002 fails to scan files with ... [2'nd... UPDATED]Message-ID: 20040306040833.28300 |
63. |
Cpanel 8.*.* have a problem ? |
64. |
Announcing full functional adore-ng rootkit for 2.6 Kernel |
65. |
Re: Format string bug in EpicGames Unreal engine |
66. |
Multiple vulnerabilities in Hushmail.com |
67. |
CERT: Microsoft Outlook mailto URL Handling Vulnerability "A vulnerability in the way that Micro... |
2:20:40 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
CA buys desktop management software maker. Computer Associates International has acquired privately held Miramar Systems, a provider of desktop management software, for an undisclosed sum. |
2. |
Briefly: CA buys desktop management firm. Miramar's desktop tracking software will be merged with CA's systems management tools...Sun signs StarOffice deal in India...The IDC expects 172.1 million PCs to ship this year... |
3. |
BT, Yahoo mix VoIP with messaging. The companies jump on the Internet calling bandwagon with a forthcoming service in the United Kingdom that will let users make calls from an instant messaging client to any telephone in the world. |
4. |
Groove jumps to Microsoft beat. The company on Monday will test a new version of its software that features an add-on to Windows Explorer that makes it easier for people to view and share documents. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Ameritrade, Affiliates Fined $10 Million for Trades (Reuters). Reuters - Financial regulator NASD on Thursday
said it fined online brokerage Ameritrade Holding Corp.
(AMTD.O) and affiliates $10 million for improperly extending
credit to customers in violation of federal securities laws. |
6. |
O'Keefe Under Fire for Hubble, ISS Decisions |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
AOL partners with Covad to offer broadband service. Service is targeted at AOL's existing dial-up base |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
8. |
BugTraq: Re: Norton AntiVirus 2002 fails to scan files with ... [2'nd... UPDATED] Message-ID: 20040306040833.28300. Sender: Sym Security [symsecurity at symantec dot com] |
9. |
BugTraq: Re: Format string bug in EpicGames Unreal engine. Sender: Sebastian Käppler [sebastiankaeppler at web dot de] |
10. |
BugTraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 461-1] New calife packages fix buffer overflow. Sender: Matt Zimmerman [mdz at debian dot org] |
11. |
Vulnerabilities: VirtuaSystems VirtuaNews Multiple Module Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities. VirtuaNews is an interactive, custom web page creation application that allows users to develop original pages. The 'admin.php' script is a feature that allows administr... |
12. |
Vulnerabilities: Network Time Protocol Daemon Integer Overflow Vulnerability. Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network. The service can be used by client machines to synchronize the local date and t... |
The Register
13. |
Starbucks readies music download service. Apple-served? |
14. |
Leaked Nintendo DS specs reveal touch screen, Wi-Fi, 3D graphics. 'Nitro' details reveal a very different beast to the GBA |
15. |
Microsoft, Sun, IBM and the war for government desktops. Analysis But the real war's elsewhere... |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Elsewhere: Intel rejects Wi-Fi deadline because of security issues |
17. |
Elsewhere: Banking security should not be a differentiator |
18. |
Intrusion colmate les fuites |
19. |
(Mise à jour) MSN Messenger se fait indiscret |
20. |
RHSA-2004:093-01.txt |
21. |
prismstumbler-0.7.1...> |
22. |
Ingrian Networks And equIP Expand Partnership |
1:20:18 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Microsoft mobilizes on wireless video. The company teams up with digital media specialists to launch MobileVision, a system for delivering streaming video to portable devices. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Toyota joins Japan's robot technology race with trumpet-playing humanoid (AFP). AFP - Japan's top carmaker Toyota unveiled a trumpet-playing robot -- its first humanoid machine -- in a bid to catch up with robot technology frontrunners such as Honda and Sony. |
3. |
Baystar Confirms Microsoft Behind SCO Investment |
4. |
Search Engines Set To Vie For China |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
5. |
US net giants pursue spammers. In the biggest initiative yet to fight spam, Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo and Earthlink launch joint law suits. |
6. |
Bionic legs give soldiers a boost. US researchers develop strap-on robotic legs to allow people to carry heavy loads over long distances. |
7. |
BT bets on broadband extras. Broadband users will be able to temporarily boost their connection speed, BT has announced. |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Intel holds off on support for Chinese Wi-Fi standard. Wireless chip that supports China's security protocol will not be ready by June 1 deadline |
9. |
TWli, Microsoft offer hosted video streaming services. MobileVision lets mobile operators provide video without investing in an in-house service |
10. |
HP to buy TruLogica for automated provisioning. TruLogica will be integrated into HP's OpenView network management tool |
SecurityFocus News
11. |
Elsewhere: Security education still important, says FNB. Educating Internet users about the importance of online security is still vitally important, says Roland le Sueur, head of First National Bank (FNB) Internet Banking.
FN... |
12. |
Elsewhere: Access hacks hit UK Plc. Identity management is still causing headaches for big UK companies, according to the DTI's latest survey on the issue. Sums of £100,000 for legal fees and other costs ar... |
13. |
News: More NetSky worms. So much for quitting. The Register By John Leyden [john dot leyden at theregister dot co dot uk] |
14. |
News: Israeli teen quizzed over US cop file hack. The Register By John Leyden [john dot leyden at theregister dot co dot uk] |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
15. |
BugTraq: Multiple Vulnerabilities in PWS 0.2.2. Sender: Donato Ferrante [fdonato at autistici dot org] |
16. |
BugTraq: XSS in MyProxy 20030629. Sender: Donato Ferrante [fdonato at autistici dot org] |
17. |
BugTraq: RE: Outlook mailto: URL argument injection vulnerability. Sender: Shaun Colley [shaunige at yahoo dot co dot uk] |
18. |
BugTraq: Unreal engine updates and Battle Mages advisory. Sender: Luigi Auriemma [aluigi at altervista dot org] |
19. |
Vulnerabilities: GNU Automake Insecure Temporary Directory Creation Symbolic Link Vulnerability. GNU Automake is an open source tool used to generate 'Makefile.in' files.
A vulnerability in the utility may make the local destruction of data possible. It has been re... |
The Register
20. |
Starbucks readies music d'load service. Apple-served? |
NewsIsFree: Security
21. |
Bedrijven nemen wireless security niet serieus |
22. |
Hitachi Hits 400GB |
23. |
Red Hat update for sysstat |
24. |
Unreal Engine Class Name Format String Vulnerability |
25. |
MCI s'attaque au déni de service |
26. |
2 Exaoctets de données stockées chaque année |
27. |
Archivists praise PDF/A |
12:20:02 PM
Boing Boing Blog
1. |
Madrid, te queremos.. 
173 dead today More than 185 people lost their lives today in Madrid. This graphic homage at left from an illustrator named Forges at El Pais, by way of Spanish blog caspa.tv. As it was here in New York, in Spain everything will now be spoken of in terms of "before March 11," and after.
El Internet fue formado de seres humanos, como nosotros. Un montón de amor y respeto para todos los amigos de BoingBoing que viven en Madrid, y en España. Queremos paz tambien, igual como ustedes.
Madrid-based blogger Ignacio Escolar has this to say: "ETA ha matado hoy a más personas que en los últimos ocho años....Decir que "no hay palabras" es un tópico tan usado que ha perdido su significado. Pero es que, literalmente, hoy no encuentro en el diccionario nada con lo que nombrar a esta masacre." (The ETA killed more people today than in the last eight years in Spain... to say that 'there are no words' is a phrase so overused that it has lost its significance. But the thing is, literally, today I can't find anything in the dictionary with which to describe this massacre.")
Here is a growing list of Spanish-language blogs, many based in Madrid, covering the terrorist attack and its aftermath. Link. Many other blogs appear to be posting this image on their home pages, as an expression of solidarity. BoingBoing buddy in Spain Antonio Delgado, of caspa.tv, says that the online edition of Spanish newspaper El Pais is a paid-access-only site -- but today, all contents are free, including this PDF version of today's edition. Link. Antonio also says traffic to Spanish news websites is up eight times normal, according to this article and this one -- that's more traffic than they received on 9/11. And Jean-Luc
says that Spanish professor Jose Luis Orihuela has built a newsfeed about today's events in this post on his weblog.
2. |
MyStack: syndicated sidebars fillled with realtime search-results. Jim sez, "MyStack.com lets you build Stacks - self-updating link lists that you can paste into your blog or web page. You can build a Stack that lists all the posts which link to your site, or a Stack that lists every message talking about a particular topic. MyStack.com uses PubSub's matching engine to match blog entries and newsgroup posts against your request in real time. That means that any time you look at a Stack, you're looking at the most recent set of links - we rebuild the Stack and rewrite the HTML for you, automatically."
(Thanks, Jim!) |
CNET News.com
3. |
Opera IPO opens on high note. The Norwegian browser maker says its public offering was many times oversubscribed, and it releases a new version of its mobile browser. |
4. |
HP slims down business PC lineup. Three new lines of business desktops will replace Hewlett-Packard's current four lines, in an attempt to make it easier for customers to figure out what they need. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Siemens to relocate 2,000 jobs to Hungary (AFP). AFP - The German electronics giant Siemens is to relocate 2,000 jobs in its landline and mobile phone handsets business to Hungary. |
6. |
Suing Spammers Back Into the Stone Age (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Four of the nation's top Internet service providers figure the best kind of suit for a spammer to wear would be a lawsuit. |
7. |
Internet Calls Without A Computer (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - The convenience of a phone, without Ma Bell |
8. |
British Robot Unveiled to Help Disabled (Reuters). Reuters - A robot which looks and moves like a
caterpillar to help the disabled in the home was unveiled in
Britain on Thursday. |
9. |
Linux Kernel 2.6.4 Released |
10. |
Open-source gets serious: A new window on Linux |
11. |
Understanding Firewalls |
12. |
Fedora: coreutils Integer overflow vulnerability |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
13. |
Vulnerabilities: GNU LibTool Local Insecure Temporary Directory Creation Vulnerability. libtool is a freely available, open source library management script. It is available for the Unix and Linux platforms.
A problem has been identified in the creation of... |
14. |
Vulnerabilities: Multiple Vendor HTTP Response Splitting Vulnerability. A paper (Divide and Conquer - HTTP Response Splitting, Web Cache Poisoning Attacks, and Related Topics) was released to describe various attacks that target web users thr... |
The Register
15. |
MS delays Yukon. Whidbey release date also gets wobbly |
16. |
Nortel delays results. How deep does the rabbit hole go? |
17. |
Amsterdam braced for Apple store invasion. Are three new outlets a bridge too far? |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
Wat Linux van Microsoft kan leren |
19. |
Software security firm Certicom shares plunge after reporting $1.8M US loss |
20. |
TietoEnator Forms Smart Card Contract with Baltic Transit Bank |
21. |
Safety alert: data security is everyone's problem |
22. |
Enterprise data security |
23. |
New Network Security Products Available Now from Cisco |
24. |
nfs-utils Malformed Reverse DNS Entry Denial of Service Vulnerability |
25. |
Mandrake update for Mozilla |
26. |
Red Hat update for nfs-utils |
27. |
NetSky.K tire sa révérence, NetSky.L apparaît |
11:19:38 AM
Boing Boing Blog
1. |
Madrid, te queremos.. 
173 dead today in Madrid. This graphic homage at left from Spanish blog caspa.tv. As it was here in New York, in Spain everything will now be spoken of in terms of "before March 11," and after.
El Internet fue formado de seres humanos, como nosotros. Un montón de amor y respeto para todos los amigos de BoingBoing que viven en Madrid, y en España. Queremos paz tambien, igual como ustedes.
Madrid-based blogger Ignacio Escolar has this to say: "ETA ha matado hoy a más personas que en los últimos ocho años....Decir que "no hay palabras" es un tópico tan usado que ha perdido su significado. Pero es que, literalmente, hoy no encuentro en el diccionario nada con lo que nombrar a esta masacre." (The ETA killed more people today than in the last eight years in Spain... to say that 'there are no words' is a phrase so overused that it has lost its significance. But the thing is, literally, today I can't find anything in the dictionary with which to describe this massacre.")
Here is a growing list of Spanish-language blogs, many based in Madrid, covering the terrorist attack and its aftermath. Link
CNET News.com
2. |
Yahoo cuts ties to Google in Asia-Pacific. The Web portal continues to step back from its partnership with Google, dumping the company's search technology for its Australian and New Zealand portals in favor of an in-house search engine. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Yahoo, BT Unveil Instant-Messenger Voice Service (Reuters). Reuters - Britain's top fixed-line
telecoms operator BT Group (BT.L) introduced on Thursday four
new products to its broadband business, one of which lets users
make calls over Yahoo Inc's (YHOO.O) instant messenger product. |
4. |
Pop Up Ads in Space |
The Register
5. |
Introducing Dasani - the water with added, er, protein. Revealed: Coca Cola's secret ingredient |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
7. |
Mozilla / NSS S/MIME Implementation Vulnerability |
8. |
Confixx "db" Parameter SQL Injection Vulnerability |
9. |
Sysstat Insecure Temporary File Creation Vulnerability |
10. |
Debian update for sysstat |
11. |
Microsoft-Schwachstelle gravierender |
12. |
Gefälschte Visa-Mail |
13. |
11 Mar W32/Bereb-B |
14. |
Delivering better security, telephony, and privacy |
15. |
What Linux can learn from Windows |
10:19:18 AM
9:18:58 AM
8:18:37 AM
Boing Boing Blog
1. |
Morrissey gets a job coloring book. 
Morrissey Gets a Job is a clip-art-chic coloring book about Morrissey's post-rockstar career as a salaryman.
(Thanks, Francis!)
2. |
Disney builds a Green Line at Disneyland. Disneyland is adding a Green Line -- a security gate to "stop terrorists."
Reality is coming to Disneyland's fantasy world, in the form of permanent security gates. Bowing to terrorism fears, the Walt Disney Co. plans to build the gates at the Disneyland Resort next fall. The company had resisted security gates around Disneyland and the California Adventure theme park next door, believing the sense of fantasy would be spoiled.
(Thanks, Ian!) |
3. |
Black, magnetic silly putty. Puttyworld sells a $9 magnetic silly putty substance -- and it's goth black to boot.
Black Thinking Putty noticably responds to a magnet. Try pulling out a thin strand with your fingers and holding the magnet nearby. Or roll it into a ball and watch it roll right to the magnet, even uphill. The stronger the magnet the better the result, Neodymium Iron Boron works best. You can purchase some from our accessories category.
(via FARK) |
4. |
GOP shifts priorities, advocates Cheeseburger Bill while Rome burns. Republican lawmakers are trying to enact the "Cheeseburger Bill," which will sheild restaurant chains from lawsuits fo inducing super-sized obesity in their customers.
Opponents said the legislation was unnecessary and irresponsible in light of this week's government report identifying obesity as a condition fast catching up to tobacco as the No. 1 preventable cause of death in the United States. Democrats said the fact that the House was devoting almost a full day to the proposal illustrated the misplaced priorities of the Republican majority.
Link |
5. |
O'Franken Factor liberal radio show begs Bill O'Reilly to sue. Al Franken is hosting a new lefty radio show called "The O'Franken Factor." Franken has gone on record as begging Bill O'Reilly to sue him.
Link |
6. |
Remixing "Construction Kits" are the future of the music industry?. Inspired by the Jay-Z Construction Set (a CDROM and .torrent full of Jay-Z vocal tracks, samples and art, intended for remixture), Ernest Miller has written a shrewd editorial about a potential path for musicians to engage their fans with their work through the release of similar kits -- he likens this to videogames that encourage players to invest in making or seeking out custom mods.
Many videogames permit players to create new content for the game engine, such as levels, maps and mods. This new content is freely distributable (at least for noncommercial purposes) and frequently incorporates content created by the original game designer along with new user-created content. This has been incredibly successful for videogame companies. The more content there is, the more popular the game becomes. The ability to create and add content creates feverish and committed communities of fans for a game. Imagine if musicians had such communities working for them.
(via A Copyfighter's Musings) |
7. |
Depp digs Edward Penishands. E! Online asked Johnny Depp how he felt about his doppelganger in Edward Penishands, the pr0n parody of Edward Scissorhands. Depp is surprisingly cool about it!
I think it was either Tim [Burton] or John Waters who sent it to me. It might have been both. Tim and I were both quite proud they decided to do that. It was low budget and cheesy, but it was hilarious to watch. Those hands...they served him well.
(via Fleshbot) |
8. |
Steve Martin's script notes from The Passion. Jason Schultz has reproduced a bunch of Steve Martin's high-larious script notes for "The Passion" from this month's New Yorker.
* Love the Jesus character. So likeable. He can't seem to catch a break! We identify with him because of it. One thing: I think we need to clearly state "the rules." Why doesn't he use his superpowers to save himself?
* Does it matter which garden? Gethsemane is hard to say, and Eden is a much more recognizable garden. Just thinking outloud.
* Our creative people suggest a clock visual fading in and out in certain scenes, like the Last Supper bit: "Thursday, 7:43 P.M.," or "Good Friday, 5:14 P.M."
* Also, could he change water into wine in Last Supper scene? Would be a great moment, and it's legit. History compression is a movie tradition and could really brighten up the scene. Great trailer moment, too.
Link |
9. |
Random synonyms for masturbation. Funny Javascript mad-libs toy generates random synonyms for masturbation:
Charming the mink
Violating your goalie
Using the Force on the witness
Punishing the gator
Tenderizing the unicorn's horn
Loving Isaiah
Assaulting the possum
Twanging the antenna
(via Fleshbot) |
10. |
Plush plagues for Passover fun. The Jewish.com store sells a bag of 10 plush plagues, one for each plague called down by Charleton Heston on the Pharoah.
A fun and educational way to involve children in the Passover experience. Symbols for each of the 10 plagues are included.
(via Fark) |
11. |
Automated font-identification. Nishad sez, "Ever wanted to have a font just like the one used by certain publications, corporations, or ad campaigns? Well now you can, using the WhatTheFont font recognition system. Upload a scanned image of the font and we'll show you the closest matches in our database!"
(Thanks, Nishad!) |
CNET News.com
12. |
Search upstarts storm Google's gates. As speculation of a Google public offering hits a fever pitch, would-be rivals are looking for signs of weakness that could cut short its reign. |
13. |
Satellite seeks broadband re-entry. Satellite companies Hughes and WildBlue are prepping high-speed data services for rural markets. Will they get burned a second time? |
14. |
What Linux can learn from Windows. CNET News.com's Robert Lemos says the Linux community could paradoxically benefit by taking a page from Microsoft's security playbook. |
15. |
SCO's soap opera. CNET News.com's Michael Kanellos follows the money as he lays out the possible endings to this tech industry novella. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
16. |
NEWS SNAP: Royal & Sun Alliance Pft Down; CEO Defiant (Dow Jones). Dow Jones - LONDON (Dow Jones)--Shares in U.K. insurer Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance
Group PLC (NYSE:RSA - News) tumbled 13.8% Thursday after the company posted a 38% decline
in operating profit, hit by higher provisions at its troubled U.S. business. |
17. |
FCC may let Nextel swap airwaves (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Federal regulators are leaning toward approval of a controversial plan to swap airwaves to reduce cell phone interference with police and fire radio systems across the country. |
18. |
Raquel Welch is back in action in five-film DVD collection (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - She was the sexiest bombshell of her time, a post-Marilyn Monroe fantasy girl for adolescent baby boomers growing up in the turbulent 1960s and silly '70s. |
19. |
Fasten your seatbelts for VoIP (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Can you say VoIP? If not yet, you will soon. VoIP, aka Voice over Internet Protocol, the migration of voice telephony to the Internet, is one of the hottest current tickets in telecommunications today. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
20. |
Robot trumpets Toyota's know-how. A trumpet-playing robot has been developed by Japanese car maker Toyota. |
The Register
21. |
Israeli teen quizzed over US cop file hack. Pardon me boy - are you the Pennsylvania hacker? |
22. |
Europe's tail wags Tech Data's dog. Falling dollar, Azlan keeps profits up |
23. |
US Senate takes protectionist stance. Opinion Outsourcing? Not in our back yard |
NewsIsFree: Security
24. |
Les atouts des Pare-Feu applicatifs |
25. |
Grote ISPs klagen honderden spammers aan |
26. |
NLIP positief over wetsvoorstel cybercrime |
27. |
28. |
29. |
7:18:18 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Royal and Sun Alliance sees headline profits dive (AFP). AFP - Insurer Royal and Sun Alliance reported a 38-percent fall in annual headline profits after a difficult year that saw it exit several key businesses. |
2. |
HP to Buy Software Firm TruLogica (Reuters). Reuters - Hewlett-Packard Co. (HPQ.N) said
on Thursday it agreed to buy closely held TruLogica Inc. in the
latest of a string of software acquisitions the world's No. 2
computer company has made over the last year. |
3. |
Microsoft Delays Database, Tools Software Launch (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O) said on
Wednesday it would delay the launch of two key software
products aimed at large businesses, a move that analysts said
could cost the world's largest software maker' renewals of
long-term licensing contracts. |
4. |
Motorola Readies Music-oriented Linux Mobile Phone |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
5. |
George Michael embraces the net. Pop star George Michael abandons the music business in order to release his songs online for free instead. |
6. |
Firms turn to hi-tech 'snooping'. The TUC says employers are exploiting a lack of workplace privacy rights to monitor their staff. |
7. |
Microsoft warns of Outlook flaw. The software giant has upgraded a warning about a security flaw in its popular Outlook e-mail program. |
The Register
8. |
BOFH: Protecting our backs from litigious attack. Letters special SCO? Never heard of 'em |
9. |
ATI 'drops pixel, vertex shader 3.0 support' from R420. Focusing on the tech games developers are actually using |
10. |
MS moves to purge Lindash from Benelux. Lindows under the cosh - again |
11. |
Intel to launch $120 2.4GHz Prescott. Available by month's end, apparently |
12. |
M-Systems ships $40k 90GB Flash drive. Small drive, big price tag |
13. |
George Michael offers free songs on Internet. Wake me up before you download |
14. |
Fujitsu Siemens to carry on reselling EMC kit till '08. Signs on dotted line |
Wired News
15. |
Moving On Up to Broadband. For the first time, more people in a U.S. city use high-speed connections than pokey dialup to surf the Net. Other major cities are close behind. By Danit Lidor. |
16. |
Women May Replenish Eggs. Women may replenish their egg supply throughout life, if a study successful in mice holds true for humans. The finding would cause a dramatic shift in fertility research. By Kristen Philipkoski. |
17. |
Robot Racers Catch a Break. Robot vehicles were having a tough time completing the qualifying course for the Grand Challenge, so Darpa has rewritten the rules to let almost anyone compete. By Noah Shachtman. |
18. |
E-Mail Providers Slam Spammers. Four of the biggest e-mail providers in the United States are wielding the Can Spam law to sue some of the most prolific junk e-mailers. They say enough is enough. By Michelle Delio. |
19. |
Ray of Light in Lone Star State. Austin, the capital of big-oil Texas, has hatched a daring -- some may say far-fetched -- plot to become a solar powerhouse. By Bruce Sterling from Wired magazine. |
20. |
Cable Guy Whupping Phone Guy. Cable TV companies increasingly offer phone service over their lines, stealing business from phone companies. Customers seem to like the service, and the phone companies are getting nervous. Michael Stroud reports from Los Angeles. |
21. |
Darpa Takes Battle to the Streets. The Pentagon's dream factory is always looking for new tech for the U.S. military, but the situation in Iraq has it pleading for urban-aware systems. Noah Shachtman reports from Anaheim, California. |
22. |
Cell Phones to Democracy's Rescue. MTV's Rock the Vote program plans to get young people to polls on Election Day by tapping their mobile phones. Among the enticements: recorded messages by rock stars encouraging them to get out and vote. By Daniel Terdiman. |
23. |
Salon's Got a Will to Survive. Salon.com will open a bureau in Washington, D.C., and expand some of its operations. The scrappy site has managed to survive for years on the brink of bankruptcy. By Amit Asaravala. |
24. |
Broadcast Flag Kills Sharing Dead. Several public-interest groups ask a federal court to stop the FCC from imposing the so-called broadcast flag, which would prevent sharing of recorded TV programs, on consumer electronics makers. By Ryan Singel. |
NewsIsFree: Security
25. |
Operation Internet Freedom, part 4 |
26. |
Overheid zal DoS-aanvallen en hacktools gebruiken |
27. |
Netsky.K: Vandaag is het Netsky dag |
28. |
Aangevallen bedrijven moeten terugslaan |
29. |
Microsoft: Lek in Outlook 2002 toch zeer kritiek |
30. |
IBM komt met patch voor DB2 security lek |
31. |
Book excerpt: Exploiting Software |
32. |
Security considerations for Web-based mail |
33. |
Microsoft releases March security update |
34. |
More growing pains seen at DHS |
35. |
Risk management seen key to IT security |
36. |
Update: Microsoft rethinks latest security patch |
37. |
Gute Würmer gibt es nicht: "Netsky"-Autor gibt auf |
38. |
Courier Japanese Codeset Conversion Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities |
39. |
Courier Japanese Codeset Conversion Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities |
6:17:59 AM
5:17:38 AM
4:17:18 AM
3:16:57 AM
Digital Identity World
1. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - March 11, 2004 Issue |
New York Times: Technology
2. |
New Domain Is Proposed. In a sign that the wireless Internet is coming of age, Nokia, Vodafone, Microsoft and six other companies proposed Wednesday the equivalent of a .mobile Internet address category. By Chris Oakes. |
3. |
Oracle Trial Set for June 7. Oracle's fight with the Justice Department over its proposed $9.4 billion takeover of PeopleSoft will go to trial June 7, a federal judge said on Wednesday. By Bloomberg News. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Intel May Stop Selling Some Chips in China Due to Rule (Dow Jones). Dow Jones - Intel Corp. (NasdaqNM:INTC - News) said it may stop selling certain chips in China by June
because of a Chinese government rule regarding wireless technology, Thursday's
Wall Street Journal reported. |
5. |
Covad Offering Bare-Bones High-Speed Web (AP). AP - Covad Communications Group Inc. is offering a bare-bones high-speed Internet service for $5 less than its regular package. But to get e-mail and other features normally included with the connection, you'll have to pay another provider even more. |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
ABA: Online bank fraud losses not a "material" concern |
7. |
eBay fraudsters target in NSW police blitz |
8. |
Let's hold a contest (at mi2g's expense) |
9. |
Alerte aux Virus ! |
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© Copyright 2004 Gregg Doherty.
Last update: 4/3/2004; 12:16:55 AM.