Thursday, April 01, 2004
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Should You Still Be a Bull? (Forbes.com). Forbes.com - Jeremy Siegel, professor of finance at the Wharton School and author of Stocks for the Long Run, has a predisposition to think things are going up. But he is no one-note Johnny. After being very right with his bullish bent in the 1990s, he authored an extremely well-timed essay in the Wall Street Journal in March 2000, saying that the prices of tech favorites like Cisco and Sun Microsystems had simply gotten out of hand. They proceeded to crash. At a Forbes conference on Oct. 10, 2002, he was very bullish--put your retirement money in stocks, not bonds, he said. ... |
2. |
A Cybersecurity Role for Uncle Sam? (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - The nation's top software companies today conceded that new government regulations may be needed to strengthen the nation's vital computer networks from online attack, a shift away from their traditional stance against regulation. But critics of the plan said it still falls far short of the aggressive action needed to protect the nation's information infrastructure from attacks by terrorists and online criminals. |
3. |
Open Season (Forbes.com). Forbes.com - Matthew Szulik makes a very attractive target. The 6-foot-5 chief executive of Red Hat stands in the pit of a small auditorium at Stanford University's Gates (as in Bill) Computer Science Building. He has just wrapped up his presentation to 75 computer scientists on the future of software, and the grilling begins. |
4. |
Dialing for Thieves (Forbes.com). Forbes.com - Every year thieves place millions of calls on lost and stolen cell phones. You might think that this is a crime designed for Keystone Crooks who really want to get caught. If someone steals your wallet, there's little that the police can do to track down the thief. But a cell phone crook leaves a bright paper trail. |
5. |
DVD-Copying Software Maker Appeals Rulings (AP). AP - A Missouri maker of DVD-copying products said Thursday that it has appealed a pair of federal court rulings that it stop making and marketing its software. |
6. |
FDA Warns Web Sites Over Weight Loss Claims (Reuters). Reuters - "Eat all you want!" "Watch the fat
disappear!" "Block the starch and lose weight!" |
7. |
FCC Mulls Appeal in Cable Access Dispute (AP). AP - A federal appeals court is standing by its October ruling that cable TV operators should open their lines to rivals who also want to use them to sell high-speed Internet service. |
8. |
Homeless to be Implanted with Subdermal RFID Tags |
SecurityFocus Vulns
9. |
Vulns: Cloisterblog Multiple Unspecified Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities. Cloisterblog is web-based blog management software that is implemented in PERL.
Multiple unspecified cross-site scripting vulnerabilities have been reported in Cloisterb... |
10. |
Vulns: Cloisterblog Journal.pl Directory Traversal Vulnerability. Cloisterblog is web-based blog management software that is implemented in PERL.
A vulnerability has been reported to exist in Cloisterblog that may allow a remote attack... |
11. |
Vulns: Cloisterblog Administration Interface Authentication Weakness. Cloisterblog is web-based blog management software that is implemented in PERL.
Cloisterblog has been reported prone to an administration interface authentication weakne... |
The Register
12. |
Boffins isolate 'blogging gene'. Emergent, adaptive GMT |
13. |
Tech heavyweights explain how to destroy the Internet. Cerf, Lessig, et al warn US legislators |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
OpenLDAP back-ldbm Initialization Error May Let Remote Users Crash the Server |
15. |
New Virus Offspring Surfaces |
16. |
Netsky.D Making the Rounds |
17. |
I.T. Innovation May Balance Security, Privacy |
18. |
iDefense Alert: Cisco Web Administration DDoS Vulnerability |
19. |
Microsoft Security: Gates Takes Up Gauntlet |
20. |
Enterprise IT Toolkit for the Week of 04/01/04 |
21. |
Foundry to Help Wire a Flashmob |
22. |
23. |
24. |
Bug hunters go open source |
25. |
Re: Pikachu -Turn on WEP ! |
26. |
Neues URL-Spoofing-Leck im Internet Explorer |
27. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - March 25, 2004 Issue |
28. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - April 1, 2004 Issue |
7:22:05 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Interactive chatting footwear: Seven Mile Boots. BoingBoing pal Susannah points us to this:

"Seven mile boots, the magical footwear known from folk tales, enables its owner to travel seven miles with one step. With little effort one can cross the countries, to be present wherever it seems suitable and to become a cosmopolitan flaneur with the world as the street.
The project SEVEN MILE BOOTS is a pair of interactive shoes with audio. One can wear the boots, walk around as a flaneur simultaneousy in the physical world and in the literal world of the internet. By walking in the physical world one may suddenly encounter a group of people chatting in real time in the virtual world. The chats are heard as a spoken text coming from the boots. Wherever you are with the boots, the physical and the virtual worlds will merge together.
Link. What in tarnation's a flaneur? Glad you asked. Link. Oh, and then there's this, too. |
2. |
FCC: No Free Speech Please, We're Americans. The eternally insightful Ernest Miller says:
Yesterday FCC Chairman Powell and FCC Commissioner Copps met behind closed doors with the National Association of Broadcasters in order to discuss regulation of indecency. According to their speeches, the FCC wants broadcasters to create and enforce a "voluntary" code of conduct, regulate satellite and cable indecency, and put the kibosh on depictions of violence, among other speech stifling measures.
Link |
3. |
Take me out to the Wi-Fi. Boingboing reader Becky says: "According to the AP, the SF Giants' ballpark is now a great big (one might say giant) free wi-fi access point." Story says the network will be free of charge during the 2004 season, but that providers SBC and Nortel may charge for access in 2005. Link |
CNET News.com
4. |
SBC cuts DSL prices again. Just two months after a similar move, the company knocks down prices for high-speed Net access to lure customers in a highly competitive field. |
5. |
Gateway to shutter stores, cut staff. The company says it will close its retail stores April 9 and lay off about 2,500 employees associated with the stores, or nearly 40 percent of its workforce. |
6. |
Experts downplay "spim" threat. Spam aimed at IM users is on the rise, but as corporations adopt instant messaging, how big a threat will unsolicited messages prove to be? |
7. |
AOL begins hiring in Bangalore. America Online confirms that it has begun hiring software engineers to fill its new offices in the Indian city. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Longhorn Beta Faces Delay (PC World). PC World - Focus on security fixes in Windows XP Service Pack 2 could push update
testing into 2005. |
9. |
IBM Encourages Power5 Play (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - IBM (NYSE: IBM) is encouraging developers to build around its new Power microprocessor
architecture -- a play it has borrowed directly from the book of Linux. |
10. |
Sharp Ships Linux PDA (PC World). PC World - Rugged, Wi-Fi-equipped Zaurus SL-6000 is designed for corporate
use. |
11. |
Court Rejects Review of Cable Broadband Ruling (Reuters). Reuters - A U.S. appeals court has refused to
reconsider its decision that regulators mistakenly insulated
cable companies that offer high-speed Internet from extensive
regulations, like providing consumers a choice of Internet
service providers. |
12. |
Apple's Rumored PowerPod |
InfoWorld: Top News
13. |
Sharp ships Linux-based PDA for enterprises. A Linux-based handheld supporting enterprise applications and databases started shipping Thursday from Sharp, the company said. |
14. |
Cybersecurity group: Everyone has a role to play. No one "silver bullet" will solve cybersecurity problems, but everyone from home computer users to cybersecurity vendors are responsible for keeping the Internet secure, said representatives of a new cybersecurity educational group. |
15. |
Longhorn beta likely to slip into 2005. A first beta release of the next version of Windows likely will be delayed until next year because Microsoft is concentrating first on a security-focused update to Windows XP, the Redmond, Washington-based company said Thursday. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
16. |
BugTraq: Re: Pikachu -Turn on WEP !. Sender: christophe barbe [christophe at cattlegrid dot net] |
17. |
Vulns: Systrace Local Policy Bypass Vulnerability. Systrace is a Linux and Unix kernel addition that attempts to enforce system call policies for applications.
Systrace has been reported prone to a vulnerability that may... |
18. |
Vulns: Microsoft Windows XP HCP URI Handler Arbitrary Command Execution Vulnerability. A local Help and Support Center application was introduced with Microsoft Windows XP. It is an extended version of Help Center applications included in previous versions ... |
19. |
Vulns: Microsoft Internet Explorer Shell: IFrame Cross-Zone Scripting Vulnerability. It has been alleged that Microsoft Internet Explorer is prone to an issue that may allow hostile script code to access properties of an IFrame that has been opened in the... |
The Register
20. |
Netsky tops virus charts by a country mile. Bagle, pah! |
21. |
Bug hunters go open source. Getting in touch with your vulnerabilities |
22. |
IBM's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Takes Power chips onto the open road |
NewsIsFree: Security
23. |
Java theory and practice: Fixing the Java Memory Model, Part 1 |
24. |
25. |
26. |
27. |
Source: Sophos |
28. |
Business Calls for U.S. Help in Net Security (Reuters) |
29. |
Checking your SSL Server Settings with OpenSSL |
30. |
The Layered Approach to Security is Dead... Long Live Layered Security |
31. |
Feds Crank Up Heat on P2P |
32. |
Europe Balks at U.S. Data Demands |
33. |
UK Government to Tax Linux? |
34. |
Omniscience Protocol |
6:21:44 PM
5:21:27 PM
Digital Identity World
1. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - March 25, 2004 Issue |
2. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - April 1, 2004 Issue |
Ars Technica
3. |
Piracy Deterrence and Education Act approved in House subcommittee. The House Subcommittee on Intellectual Property gave initial approval to the Piracy Deterrence and Education Act, which provides jail time and stiff fines for making copyrighted materials available for download. By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
4. |
Spidering Word files for embarrassing metadata. A hacker spidered every English microsoft.com site and sucked down all the Word documents, then used a script to identify interesting erasures left behind by the revision-tracking feature. Some interesting stuff fell out of his investigation.
A pointless idea came to my mind that instant: why not run a gentle web spider against all Microsoft sites in English, specifically looking for other instances of tracking data not removed from documents? I coded a bunch of scripts and let them run through the night, fetching approximately 10,000 unique documents; over 10% was identified as containing change tracking records. I decided to collect>Link
(Thanks, Eli the Bearded!) |
5. |
Nice shiny fans. 
Beautiful shiny fans -- nice mix of mahogany and polished metal and tilt-a-whirl-like orrery action.
(Thanks, Thom!)
6. |
Lucas's Star Ward DVD commentary leaks. Five three-minute clips from George Lucas's commentary for the Star Wars Episode 3 DVD have leaked>Link
(via /.) |
7. |
Senator Daschle's statement on the abuse of government power. On Bruce Sterling's blog - the text of Senator Tom Daschle's March 30 Floor Statement on the Abuse of Government Power. In recent days leading congressional Republicans are now calling for an investigation into Mr. Clarke. As I mentioned earlier, Secretary O'Neill was also subjected to an investigation. Clarke and O'Neill sought legal and classification review of any information in their books before they were published.
Nonetheless, our colleagues tell us these two should be investigated, at the same time there has been no Senate investigation into the leaking of Valerie Plame's identity as a deep cover CIA agent; no thorough investigation into whether leading Administration officials misrepresented the intelligence regarding threats posed by Iraq; no Senate hearings into the threat the chief Medicare Actuary faced for trying to do his job; and no Senate investigation into the reports of continued overcharging by Halliburton for its work in Iraq.
Link |
8. |
Batman vehicle models. This guy has gone through Batman comics from the 1940s on up, and has built scale models of the cars and planes Batman has used over the decades. Super cool. Link (Via The Cartoonist)
CNET News.com
9. |
Oracle argues takeover case in Europe. Oracle wraps up its two-day hearings before the European Commission, where it argued against European antitrust regulators; objections to its hostile $9.4 billion bid for PeopleSoft. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
10. |
Canada Unveils Tell-All,>
11. |
George Lucas DVD Audio Commentary Leaked |
12. |
OpenBSD Ported to Gameboy |
13. |
Google's Copernicus Center |
14. |
Europe rebuffs US flight info data grab |
Help Net Security
15. |
Using the PuTTY SSH client on Nokia Series 60 phones |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Netsky dominierte die Wurm-Hitliste im März |
17. |
SCO Group: perl5 Unsafe "Safe" component |
18. |
AntiOnline Spotlight: Trojan Force |
19. |
Brocade Breaks Out Storage-on-Demand Switches |
20. |
Europe rebuffs US flight info data grab |
21. |
Task Force Spells Out Software Security Wish List |
4:21:06 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Laxatives targeted at low-carbers. Laxative makers are targetting their advertising at low-carb dieters, who are notoriously irregular:
GlaxoSmithKline's new ad campaign for Citrucel caplets offers a "zero-carb solution to a low-carb problem."
Proctor and Gamble fired back with ads that promise that Metamucil allows users to "Stay regular. The zero net carb way."
(via Fark) |
CNET News.com
2. |
Court ruling points way to broadband regulation. A U.S. appeals court rejects the FCC's request to rehear a case, in a decision that could prompt local governments to start regulating the cable industry. |
3. |
Microsoft: Longhorn beta unlikely this year. Efforts to shore up security on Windows XP pull developers away from update effort, setting back the release, and probably causing some planned features to be cut. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Cos. Sharpen Tech Tools to Counter Scams (AP). AP - As Internet scams, also known as phishing, proliferate, companies are sharpening technological tools to counter them. Education alone, many agree, isn't enough. |
5. |
Using the internet for free food? |
6. |
UK Government to Tax Linux? |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
Interview: IBM-Candle deal helps On Demand. With its acquisition on Thursday of its long-time business partner, Candle Corp., IBM believes it is taking an important step in moving its collection of On Demand strategies forward. Company officials believe Candle's assortment of systems management and monitoring capabilities for both mainframes and distributed platforms, including Windows and Linux, can strengthen its competitive stance against archrival Computer Associates. |
SecurityFocus News
8. |
News: Lawmakers Push Prison For Online Pirates. Washington Post By David McGuire |
SecurityFocus Vulns
9. |
BugTraq: [OpenPKG-SA-2004.008] OpenPKG Security Advisory (squid). Sender: OpenPKG [openpkg at openpkg dot org] |
10. |
Vulns: NessusWX Account Credentials Disclosure Vulnerability. NessusWX is a client application to be used with Nessus on Microsoft Windows operating systems. Nessus is a vulnerability scanning utility available for the Unix and Mic... |
11. |
Vulns: Alan Ward A-Cart Multiple Input Validation Vulnerabilities. Alan Ward's A-Cart is a web based shopping cart application. It is implemented in ASP, and designed for use with Microsoft Access under Microsoft Windows based servers.
.. |
12. |
Vulns: TCPDump ISAKMP Decoding Routines Denial Of Service Vulnerability. tcpdump is a freely available, open source network monitoring tool. It is available for the Unix, Linux, and Microsoft Windows operating systems.
A vulnerability has be... |
13. |
Vulns: TCPDump ISAKMP Decoding Routines Multiple Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities. tcpdump is a freely available open source network monitoring tool. It is available for the Unix, Linux, and Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Multiple buffer overflo... |
14. |
Vulns: Tcpdump L2TP Parser Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability. tcpdump is a freely available, open source network monitoring tool.
It has been reported that tcpdump is vulnerable to a denial of service when some packet types are rec... |
15. |
Vulns: TCPDump Malformed RADIUS Packet Denial Of Service Vulnerability. tcpdump is a freely available, open source network monitoring tool. It is available for the Unix, Linux, and Microsoft Windows operating systems.
A vulnerability in the ... |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Gates Takes Up Security Gauntlet |
17. |
Lockheed Martin CIO: Technology, Post 9-11 |
18. |
Gates Takes Up Security Gauntlet |
19. |
Local Area Security: kismet | Nessus (pdfs) |
20. |
Symantec Updates Enterprise Security Alert Service |
3:20:44 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
World's most powerful diesel engine. Pictures of a huge diesel engine, made in Japan, which will go into a container ship. (The crankshaft is shown here.) Despite its high fuel efficiency, it consumes "1,660 gallons of heavy fuel oil per hour." Link (Thanks, Hary!)
2. |
More cool lampshades and wall sconces. Moon Shine Shades makes custom lamps, screen doors, and wall sconces. Link (Thanks, Ed!)
And there's yet another custom shade company: Deadly Nightshades. Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Google: 'Gmail' No Joke, Lunar Jobs Are (Reuters). Reuters - It's not like Internet search
service Google can't laugh at itself, but when an April Fool's
joke got out of hand on Thursday, a real business plan was
rumored to be a Web hoax -- and that was no laughing matter. |
4. |
N.Y. Board to Hold E-Mail Spam Contest (AP). AP - It's called the "Spam and Bologna" contest. |
5. |
Usenet Audio |
SecurityFocus Vulns
6. |
Vulns: DameWare Mini Remote Control Server Clear Text Encryption Key Disclosure Vulnerability. DameWare Mini Remote Control Server is a remote administration tool distributed and maintained by DameWare Development. It is available for the Microsoft Windows platform... |
7. |
Vulns: Mbedthis Software AppWeb HTTP Server Empty Options Request Denial Of Service Vulnerability. Mbedthis Software AppWeb HTTP Server is an embedded Web Server solution.
AppWeb HTTP Server has been reported prone to a denial of service vulnerability. It has been rep... |
8. |
Vulns: Web Fresh Fresh Guest Book HTML Injection Vulnerability. Fresh Guest Book is a freely available web based guest book application. It is implemented in Perl and is available for Unix and Unix variants.
It has been reported tha... |
9. |
Vulns: Mozilla Browser Zombie Document Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability. Mozilla is a freely available web browser designed for a number of platforms, including Microsoft Windows and Linux.
Mozilla has been reported to be prone to a cross-sit... |
10. |
Vulns: Multiple Vendor S/MIME ASN.1 Parsing Denial of Service Vulnerabilities. Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported to be present in various implementations of S/MIME protocol. S/MIME is used to send binary data and attachments across e-mail... |
11. |
Vulns: All Enthusiast Photopost PHP Pro Multiple Input Validation Vulnerabilities. Photopost PHP Pro is a web based gallery application written in PHP.
Multiple SQL injection, cross-site scripting and HTML injection vulnerabilities have been identified... |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
Elsewhere: Code attacks Cisco vulnerabilities |
13. |
Elsewhere: Man convicted in junk e-mail case |
14. |
Infocus: Host Integrity Monitoring: Best Practices for Deployment |
15. |
News: UK.biz largely indifferent to spam tsunami |
16. |
News: Security is our 'biggest ever challenge' - Gates |
17. |
Guide :: Linux Forensics Software |
18. |
Pikachu -Turn on WEP ! |
19. |
Releasing full source code of WinBlox |
20. |
Re: IPv4 fragmentation--> The Rose Attack |
21. |
Index viewing in imgSvr 0.4 |
22. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 470-1] New Linux 2.4.17 packages fix several local root exploits (hppa) |
23. |
Re: Google using Expired Cert and SSLv2 |
24. |
Bill Gates outlines Microsoft security plans |
25. |
Net-Security: Securing Systems with the Solaris Security Toolkit |
26. |
CNet: So much for secure storage "A high-priced ILM infrastructure obviously does not deliver mu... |
27. |
Windows Programmer Needed |
2:20:25 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
EZBake Oven for your PC. 
April 1: ThinkGeek adds an EZ-Bake oven that fits into a standard 5.25" drive-bay on your tower PC.
(via DiveIntoMark)
2. |
Using the net to track down mercenary fighters in Iraq. Kathryn Cramer has been posting a lot of really good, soplid investigative material about the ongoign use of mercenrary fighters in Iraq, googling the tail-numbers of aircraft and generally net-researching the hell out of the shadowy world of soldiers-for-hire in a US-led battlefield. This is what Internet investigative journalism is all about:
Another question for the next White House Press conference: Did flight N4610 depart the U.S. from Hope Air Force Base in North Carolina?
ONE MINOR FUSSY POINT: If you've been following my attempts to track down all the Boeing C-22Bs, you know that I have had a little bit of a hard time tracking down exactly how many there were. I thought I'd cut it down to four, but this photo of a C-22B, on the web site of the U. S. Air Force, clearly shows a plane with a number just beyond the sequence I was researching: the 34618 indicates a serial number 83-4618 associated with an original tail number N4618. Interesting.
(Thanks, Karl!) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Who's More Secure Than Whom? (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Windows and Linux both have lots of security problems, and which users are more secure depends on many things. But the most important thing isn't the software; it's the administrator and the organization. |
4. |
Introducing RMS-Lint |
5. |
People with real l337 speak names? |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
New EU grid project has international aspirations. The European Union (E.U.) is advancing its grid computing plans with the launch Thursday of a new project to establish a service grid infrastructure throughout Europe for scientific and industrial research and development. |
7. |
New Pavilions show increasing HP support for AMD chips. Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) has quietly begun selling a new series of Pavilion PCs, revealing a growing interest in using Advanced Micro Devices Inc.'s (AMD's) processors in its desktop systems. |
SecurityFocus News
8. |
Elsewhere: Code attacks Cisco vulnerabilities. Cisco Systems issued a security warning this weekend to customers after new software code was published on the Internet that targeted certain vulnerabilities on several o... |
9. |
Elsewhere: Man convicted in junk e-mail case. A 37-year-old Buffalo man was convicted by a state court jury of illegally sending more than 825 million junk e-mail messages and using stolen identities to thwart attemp... |
10. |
Infocus: Host Integrity Monitoring: Best Practices for Deployment. The purpose of this article is to highlight the important steps and concepts involved in deploying a host integrity monitoring system. These applications can be very helpful with detecting unauthorized change, conducting damage assessment, and preventing future attacks. |
11. |
News: UK.biz largely indifferent to spam tsunami. The Register By John Leyden [john dot leyden at theregister dot co dot uk] |
12. |
News: Security is our 'biggest ever challenge' - Gates. The Register By John Leyden [john dot leyden at theregister dot co dot uk] |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
Sober and Bagle Make a Dangerous Return |
14. |
Who's More Secure Than Whom? |
15. |
1 Apr W32/Netsky-P |
16. |
Net-Security: Securing Systems with the Solaris Security Toolkit |
17. |
CNet: So much for secure storage "A high-priced ILM infrastructure obviously does not deliver mu... |
18. |
Les mots de passe de Word pris en défaut |
1:20:06 PM
Viewpoint of a Linux Technologist
1. |
Official GNOME 2.6 release webpages. No April Fool's Joke... here're the GNOME 2.6 Release Notes. They look great and detail all the new improvements in my favorite Free desktop environment.... |
Boing Boing
2. |
500 Euros if you spot this MAC address in your server logs. Slashdot is advertising the MAC address of a laptop (00:30:BD:9C:BD:B2) and the IMEI of a cellphone (351083531088913) stolen along with a Mercedes in Holland on March 11th. If you can use these numebrs to track down these items, and if doing so leads to the recover of the Merc, you get €500.
Link |
3. |
Air America is live. Air America, the lefty talk-radio station with Al Franken's "O'Franken Factor" and Janeane Garofalo's "Majority Report" is now on the air -- you can listen in by RealAudio.
(via AccordionGuy) |
4. |
If Quake were Zork. 
IF Quake is an adaptation of Quake for a Zork-like interactive-fiction engine. It's a really cool and perverse idea.
(via /.)
5. |
Pro-CSS march on DC. 
April 1 marks the first national march on Washington's National Mall to protest the use of non-standard html. You have nothing to lose but your cellpadding.
(via A Whole Lotta Nothing)
6. |
Thoraxic cavity made of cake. This Hallowe'en cake is a replica of a Gray's Anatomy illustration of a complete thoraxic cavity. Swoon.

The plan was for each organ to be made out of a different kind of cake and to secrete a different color of fluid when it was cut into. Previous heart cakes have bled fresh, homemade raspberry sauce. This year I made raspberry, strawberry, kiwi, mango, and blueberry sauces. Sadly, the organs didn't bleed as well as I had hoped when I cut the cake, as each organ was relatively small and couldn't hold much sauce. Also all the moving around after filling the organs made it hard to keep the sauce contained in the little cavities I hollowed out. The heart bled pretty well, but the other organ fluids weren't very dramatic.
(Thanks, Michael!) |
7. |
EZBake Oven for your PC. 
April 1: ThinkGeek adds an EZ-Bake oven that fits into a standard 5.25" drive-bay on your tower PC.
(via DiveIntoMark)
8. |
Battelle on Google's S1 filing. John Battelle breask the news on Google's S1 filing, and digs up some interesting details.The employee stock option plan, long believed to be the impetus to a public filing, has been dumped in favor of a private shadow equity plan modeled after the Economist magazine. "It's the only magazine we read that hasn't put us on the cover," Page explained. "We kind of hoped this hat tip might change that." Link |
9. |
WorldWideWarDrive #4 announced. The 2004 edition of the WorldWide WarDrive (WWWD) -- "an effort by security professionals and hobbyists to generate awareness of the need by individual users and companies to secure their access points" -- has been announced for 12-19 June, 2004. The WorldWide WarDrive has teamed with the Wireless Geographic Logging Engine (WiGLE) to provide real time maps and statistics as data from each area is uploaded. (...) and the Church Of WiFi is proud to announce that an updated version of WarKizNiz is available here. WarKizNiz accepts input from Kismet log files and converts them into NetStumbler .ns1 format. Coordination of drives throughout the world is done at the WorldWide WarDrive Forums. As in the past, discussions pertaining to the WWWD can also be conducted on the WarDriving mailing list. New for WWWD4 is the creation of a mailing list devoted solely to wireless security issues. To join this list, hosted by Michigan Wireless go here.
Link to WWWD home, background in this story I filed for Wired News about the 3rd annual edition in 2003. |
CNET News.com
10. |
CA taps former HP exec as finance chief. Computer Associates International's new CFO is Jeff Clarke, who helped lead Hewlett-Packard's megamerger with Compaq. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
11. |
Tadpole Offers Opteron Notebooks (PC World). PC World - 64-bit PCs will feature SuSe Linux, Sun's Java Desktop System. |
12. |
Sony hits back at Kodak with digital camera patent suit (MacCentral). MacCentral - Sony Corp. filed suit against Eastman Kodak Co. in the U.S. late on Wednesday alleging infringement of 10 patents related to digital still camera (DSC) technology, the Tokyo-based company said Thursday. |
13. |
Google seeks to outdo rivals with new e-mail (AFP). AFP - Google, the powerful but private Internet firm, is challenging its rivals with a new free Web-based e-mail service that will offer users large storage capacity along with a search function. |
14. |
Wireless TV goes back to the future (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - It is heralded as the "world's first wireless liquid crystal television." Yet hasn't TV been "wireless" since long before it was even referred to as the boob tube? In its halcyon days, folks needed fret only about where to plug it in and how best to position the rabbit ears. The extra gear that would eventually keep us tangled and tethered - VCRs, DVDs, video game consoles, set-top boxes and TiVos - was barely a pipe dream. |
15. |
EU Orders Legislation on Spam, Cookies (AP). AP - The European Union ordered eight countries Thursday to enact privacy legislation governing "spam" e-mail and Internet "cookies." |
16. |
Developing Open Source Defense Projects |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
17. |
Phone giant Orange loses its boss. The CEO of French mobile phone giant Orange quits his job in what the firm says is a "wide-ranging" reorganisation. |
18. |
Freeserve renamed as Wanadoo. Freeserve gets a rebranding as the internet service provider takes the name of its French parent Wanadoo. |
19. |
Legal song downloads rise tenfold. Some of Europe's main legal music download services sell 10 times more songs this year compared with 2003. |
InfoWorld: Security
20. |
EU pressures member states to implement spam law. Failure to respond within two months will result in legal action against eight states |
21. |
SCO replacing announce@lists.caldera.com list |
22. |
Gentoo: OpenLDAP Denial of service vulnerability |
23. |
SCO Group: perl5 Unsafe "Safe" component |
SecurityFocus News
24. |
Elsewhere: US patent approves security IT patents. The US Patent and Trademark Office has issued two patents for security company Network Associates - one for "cleaning a computer" and another for filtering packets on a w... |
25. |
Elsewhere: Microsoft patches win industry trust. Security professionals say Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing initiative may finally be improving their lives because the latest patches and fixes being distributed by Red... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
26. |
BugTraq: Index viewing in imgSvr 0.4. Sender: Donato Ferrante [fdonato at autistici dot org] |
27. |
BugTraq: Releasing full source code of WinBlox. Sender: Liu Die Yu [liudieyuinchina at yahoo dot com dot cn] |
28. |
BugTraq: Re: IPv4 fragmentation --> The Rose Attack. Sender: Chris Brenton [cbrenton at chrisbrenton dot org] |
29. |
BugTraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 470-1] New Linux 2.4.17 packages fix several local root exploits (hppa). Sender: [joey at infodrom dot org (Martin Schulze)] |
30. |
Vulns: SMC Router Backup Tool Plaintext Password Weakness. SMC SMC7004VWBR is a wireless Cable/DSL broadband router with integrated wireless access point and SPI firewall.
It has been reported that the SMC router backup tool sto... |
31. |
Vulns: PHPBB Privmsg.PHP SQL Injection Vulnerability. phpBB is an open-source web forum application that is written in PHP and supported by a number of database products. It will run on most Unix and Linux variants, as well ... |
32. |
Vulns: FreeBSD IPv6 Socket Options Handling Local Memory Disclosure Vulnerability. A vulnerability has been identified in the FreeBSD operating system that may allow local attackers to disclose sensitive portions of kernel memory.
The issue exists due ... |
33. |
Vulns: OFTPD Port Argument Denial Of Service Vulnerability. oftpd is an FTP server implementation for Unix/Linux variants.
oftpd is prone to a denial of service vulnerability that may be exploited by remote, unauthenticated attac... |
The Register
34. |
Vodafone gets visit from the taxman. Death and taxes... |
35. |
More police needed to tackle e-crime. LINX calls for extra Bobbies on the Net, rather than more legislation |
NewsIsFree: Security
36. |
New Netsky Mutant Preps DoS Attack |
37. |
Happy April Fool's Day!! |
38. |
SSL Problems in Charlotte, NC |
39. |
Whose Site is it Anyway? |
40. |
Viruses shut down Europe's small firms |
41. |
SCO replacing announce@lists.caldera.com list |
About Internet/Network Security
42. |
Happy April Fool's Day!!. April Fool's Day is the annual day to celebrate pranks, jokes and mayhem. The celebration dates back a thousand years or so- possibly having origins even further back in various pagan celebrations. There have been some tremendous hoaxes pulled throughout... |
12:19:45 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
What recourse for "owners" of Earth and Beyond accounts?. Last month, Electronic Arts shut down Earth and Beyond, a MMORPG. Just days before the closure, players were still paying as much as $3,000 for accounts in the game. Games economist Ted Castronova has a short thought-provoking piece on this in Terra Nova:
Why doesn't EA transfer the title? The previous discussion hung up on the question of value - is it a game, and if so, the things that happen there don't matter, etc., etc. But eBay makes the eocnomic aspect of that discussion moot. Game or not, the economic value is there, it's tangible, it's real.
Link |
2. |
Kinja debuts. Nick Denton says:
Kinja -- our latest site -- is live. It's a blog of blogs, designed to make it easier to discover and track favorite sites. Have a play around with the site. And do give your feedback. I've also explained why we built Kinja, and there's a link to today's article in the New York Times.
Kinja front page, The logic of Kinja
In related Dentonian news, Fleshbot has been converted into a hardcore blink-tag-and-popunder cesspool. At least for the duration of April 1, 2004. Link |
3. |
EFF acquires Department of Justice. April 1, 2004: EFF announces long-planned merger with the US Department of Justice:
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is merging with the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) in a stock-swap deal that will create a freedom advocacy giant better able to compete with the ACLU, the current industry leader.
Shari Steele, Executive Director & President of the EFF, will retain her position in the new expanded organization. John Ashcroft, the DOJ's Attorney General, will take up a new position in the EFF's Department of Office Supply Security.
"At a particularly challenging time for the Defense of Freedoms industry, this combination vaults us into a leadership role with customers and partners," said Steele.
"Yes," said Ashcroft, "it's true. I will be in charge of staples. And tape. Especially duct tape."
Link |
4. |
More RSS job listings. Responding to this earlier post about job listings by RSS feed, BoingBoing reader
Javid says, "FlipDog (which is now part of Monster) has RSS job listings for each state now too." Still no word on whether or not my former paramour Jim Anchower used XML-syndicated job listings to obtain his most recent gig at the Quad County Dragaway "takin' tickets and sweepin' up." Link to Flipdog
5. |
How to change your body's timezone. Great Seattle Times article on some peoples' natural propensity to be early risers and others' to be night owls, and hwo to change from a night-person to a day-person. Good, popularist brain-hacking for the Eastern Standard Tribe.
In college, many people find their optimal rhythm and harness it. Larks join the crew team; owls discover they study best over the midnight oil. These morning folks may be asleep by the time the kegger is raring, but they will be vindicated when it's time to enter the real world. They show up before the boss and look like go-getters. Owls can either find a night-shift job, one with a flexible schedule or reset their body clock to join the 9-to-5-ers.
A body-clock mismatch also can be hard on lovebirds. If she wakes up on New York time but his clock is set on Pacific, she'll view him as lazy, and he'll grow bored spending evenings alone.
Link |
6. |
Wacky Warning Labels. M-Law, which works to raise awareness of the social cost of litigation, has given out its annual "Wacky Warning Label" award:
The $500 grand prize for the wackiest label was awarded to Robert Brocone of Euclid, Ohio for a warning he found on a bottle of drain cleaner which says: "If you do not understand, or cannot read, all directions, cautions and warnings, do not use this product."
(Thanks, Diane) |
CNET News.com
7. |
180solutions unveils new ad tool |
8. |
IBM snaps up another partner. The company plans to buy Candle, a longtime partner that sells software for managing back-end corporate systems. |
9. |
Google to offer gigabyte of free e-mail. The search company launches Gmail, an e-mail service with so much free storage that users will never have to delete messages, it claims. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
10. |
Canada Puts Arctic Chill On Music Industry (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Tired of being harassed by suits from the recording industry just because you want to share some free music online? Go to Canada. |
11. |
Compare Tax Sites (PC World). PC World - Pick the right one for you. |
12. |
Homemade Subliminal CDs |
13. |
Omniscience Protocol |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
14. |
Freeserve to be renamed Wanadoo. Freeserve gets a rebranding as the internet service provider takes the name of its French parent Wanadoo. |
15. |
Whose Site is it Anyway? |
16. |
Viruses shut down Europe's small firms |
The Register
17. |
Security is our 'biggest ever challenge' - Gates. Haven't we been here before? |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
The Technology Formerly Known as Digital Rights Management |
19. |
Electronic voting alternative offered |
20. |
Industry Urges Tech Security Upgrades |
21. |
Service Pack 2 for XP Available Soon from Microsoft |
22. |
madBMS Authentication Flaw May Yield Access to Remote Users |
23. |
ImgSvr Web Interface Discloses Directory Listings and Files to Remote Users |
24. |
Fears raised over Olympics IT volunteers |
25. |
Look out spam, here comes spim |
26. |
Viagra could reduce men's fertility |
27. |
Google to offer gigabyte of free e-mail |
28. |
Gates Delivers a Security Progress Report Update |
29. |
Linux Web-zine rebuilds after malicious Net attack |
30. |
Korea, China, Japan start open-source collaboration |
31. |
Can You Get Serious Work Done on a Mac? |
32. |
"Black angels" dévoilent de failles Cisco |
33. |
Symbiot Security, la première solution de sécurité de contre-attaque |
34. |
Le management automatique de correctifs est-il efficace ? |
35. |
HP OpenCall MultiService Controller H.323 Vulnerabilities |
36. |
HP OpenCall MultiService Controller H.323 Vulnerabilities |
11:19:24 AM
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8:17:25 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Will 'moblogs' mean mo' money?. Instant online photo journals promise new demand for wireless data services, but privacy concerns loom. |
2. |
Hard facts for software. Bill Gates says hardware will be almost free. But CNET News.com's Michael Kanellos says software is more likely to go that way. |
3. |
Services-oriented architecture gains support. Experts say the time has come for SOA design approaches, which revamp business processes and could change the economics of delivering software. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Fujitsu, Sumitomo Electric launch chip joint venture (AFP). AFP - Japan's largest computer maker Fujitsu and electric cable maker Sumitomo Electric Industries said they have launched a joint venture to make compound semiconductors used for mobile phones, DVD players and other home appliances. |
5. |
Europe's OD2 Sells One Million Song Downloads (Reuters). Reuters - Europe's top music digital music service
OD2 said Thursday it sold one million music downloads in the
first quarter of 2004, showing signs that the nascent market is
beginning to take off. |
The Register
6. |
A robot in every home by 2010. All hail the brave new world of cybernetic Phillipino maids |
7. |
Ofcom calls BT tariff changes 'a surprise'. Oh no they're not, says BT, Oh yes they are, says Ofcom |
8. |
Porn-surfing nurse escapes with sack and caution. Will not be struck off professional register, High Court rules |
9. |
Internet news guru Matt Drudge uncovers dating scandal. Reg finds Drudge and Hitchens under covers |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
RE: cdp buffer overflow vulnerability |
11. |
Re: IPv4 fragmentation--> The Rose Attack |
12. |
OpenLinux: vim arbitrary commands execution through modelines |
13. |
UnixWare 7.1.3 Open UNIX 8.0.0 UnixWare 7.1.1 : perl unsafe Safe compartment |
14. |
[CLA-2004:836] Conectiva Security Announcement - libxml2 |
15. |
Re: NetSky.q Virus. Looking for more detailed information on how the DOS will be performed. |
16. |
Cisco warns of new hacking toolkit |
17. |
PhotoPost PHP Pro Multiple Vulnerabilities |
18. |
Ethereal IGAP Dissector Message Overflow Exploit |
19. |
Migrating from Windows to Linux, Part 1: Preparation |
20. |
ISS slammed for 'selling' security patches |
21. |
Microsoft Preparing to Release Code to Open Source |
22. |
Microsoft is not able to patch its code! |
23. |
TCPDUMP ISAKMP payload handling denial-of-service |
24. |
Politie wil cybercrime gegevens bedrijven |
25. |
!!ALERT!! - New .jpg links infected. Be aware!!! + Fix |
26. |
Mensen veroorzaken meeste security incidenten |
27. |
Securing Systems with the Solaris Security Toolkit |
28. |
Human Error At Center Of Most IT Security Breaches |
7:17:04 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
China sends woman to labour camp over articles on abuse (AFP). AFP - A woman who spent years petitioning the Chinese government for help against forced eviction has been sent to a labor camp for 18 months for posting articles on the Internet detailing China's abuse of petitioners. |
2. |
On Situated Software - Designing For The Few? |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
3. |
Xbox puts sports titles on hold. Catch up with the latest news from the world of video gaming. |
4. |
UK 'not ready' for TV switch-off. Ofcom warns that not enough British homes will have digital TV in time for the switch-off of analogue services. |
5. |
Supermarket giant promotes Linux. US retailer Walmart is selling more Linux-based PCs via its online store. |
The Register
6. |
Europe backs US protest over China chip tax. 'Systemic interest' |
7. |
ATI posts strong Q2. But don't expect Q3 to be better, it warns |
8. |
Jamaica gov cleans up MS act. 'Leading by example' |
9. |
AMD to drop Athlon 64 taxonomy for Intel's. Web sites rush to repeat Chinese site's April scoop |
Wired News
10. |
Europe Balks at U.S. Data Demands. The European Parliament says it won't go along with U.S. demands to hand over extensive information on every passenger heading to the United States. It may even sue. |
11. |
Microsoft Benches Sports Games. The software giant punts on new versions of NFL Fever and five other Xbox titles originally scheduled for release in 2004. Some analysts foresee a closer relationship between Microsoft and Electronic Arts. |
12. |
Let Us Praise the Lowly Rat. Detest them if you will, but now that scientists have decoded 90 percent of the genome of the rat, that hardy rodent may one day save your life. By Kristen Philipkoski. |
13. |
IBM Bets Chips on Open Source. Big Blue is soliciting developers to help design its Power microprocessors, hoping they will avail themselves of the opportunity to customize the chips for game systems, desktop PCs and embedded systems. Michelle Delio reports from New York. |
14. |
Little Bird Plagues Motorola. Motorola is losing its hold on China's mobile-phone market. The little local startup that has Moto's number: Ningbo Bird. By Frank Rose from Wired magazine. |
15. |
Google to Unveil Free E-Mail. Firing a huge warning shot across the bows of Yahoo and Microsoft, the search-engine player plans to offer a free, Web-based e-mail service. The move may shake up the Web and online advertising industries. By Amit Asaravala. |
16. |
Topica Users Pay the Piper. Longtime users of free e-mail discussion lists provided by Topica recently started getting ads with their messages. Blood pressures have risen, but the owners say the free-lunch era is over. By Daniel Terdiman. |
17. |
Making Music With Speak & #038; Spell. The electronic guts of children's toys can make some strange and wonderful sounds. At a New York City festival, a group of hackers-cum-musicians will show off their creations. Michelle Delio reports from New York. |
18. |
Feds Crank Up Heat on P2P. The Justice Department says a newly created task force will focus on figuring out how to stamp out content piracy. The effort comes as Congress moves to punish file swappers who use peer-to-peer networks to trade copyright works. By Xeni Jardin. |
19. |
Virtual-School Costs Under Siege. One of the selling points of cyberschools is the apparent savings they offer. It's not so clear that money is actually being saved, and states are seeking more accountability. By John Gartner. |
20. |
Revenge of the Killer Drones. Unmanned military aircraft have become valuable spying tools, but now the Pentagon wants them ready to shoot to kill as well. A combat-ready prototype will drop its first test bomb this week. Noah Shachtman reports from Arlington, Virginia. |
NewsIsFree: Security
21. |
Jakarta International School Makes Technology Leap with Advanced IP Telephony and Security Solutions from Cisco Systems |
22. |
Êðèïòîãðàôèÿ è êîíòðîëü íàä ñòðåëêîâûì îðóæèåì |
23. |
24. |
6:16:44 AM
5:16:24 AM
4:16:04 AM
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1:15:04 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
Google unveils Gmail. Widely anticipated for some time now, Google has officially launched its e-mail service. The advertising-supported service will include 1GB of free storage along with robust search capability. By Eric Bangeman. |
2. |
IBM's POWER play. Earlier today in New York, IBM hosted a big media event to unveil their latest plans for using the PowerPC architecture to achieve world domination. By Hannibal. |
CNET News.com
3. |
Ariba buys software partner. The software maker agrees to purchase a privately held company specializing in computer programs that sort out data from companies' various business systems. |
New York Times: Technology
4. |
Google to Roll Out E-Mail Service. Google, the dominant Internet search company, plans to raise the stakes in its competition with Yahoo and Microsoft by unveiling a consumer-oriented e-mail service. By John Markoff. |
5. |
I.B.M. Will Collaborate Somewhat More on Chip Design. I.B.M. announced yesterday that it planned to adopt a more open strategy in its microprocessor business, borrowing a page from successful collaborative software projects like Linux. By Steve Lohr. |
6. |
Intel Considers Options Change. By Dow Jones. By Dow Jones. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Sony Sues Kodak Over Digital Camera Patents (Reuters). Reuters - Japan's Sony Corp said on Thursday it had
filed suit against film giant Eastman Kodak Co in the United
States, intensifying the fight between the two companies in the
cutthroat digital camera market. |
8. |
Google to Test E-Mail in Challenge to Rivals (Reuters). Reuters - Google Inc., the world's
No. 1 Internet search provider, said on Wednesday it will begin
testing a free search-based e-mail product called Gmail, as it
continues striking back at rivals Yahoo Inc. and Microsoft
Corp.'s MSN. |
9. |
Self-Configuring Chips Part of IBM Vision (AP). AP - Future microprocessors from IBM Corp. will optimize their performance by altering themselves, adding memory or removing unneeded bits of circuitry on the fly, the company's chief technologist said Wednesday. |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
Microsoft Outlook Express Does Not Correctly Display Links With Embedded FORM Data |
11. |
Microsoft Internet Explorer Does Not Correctly Display Links With Embedded FORM Data |
12:14:44 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
5/3/2004; 12:26:24 AM.
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