Thursday, April 08, 2004
11:15:21 PM
10:15:00 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Subservient Chicken's X-Rated Bits Exposed by Code. Following up on the launch of Burger King's "instameme" promo -- background in this earlier BoingBoing post -- geek supersleuth NEMESIS reveals the Subservient Chicken's naughty little nuggets:
"By backwards engineering the API within the HTTP headers, you can un-censor the censored ones:
Link 1 (scratch,crotch,balls,nutsack,destroy tokyo,stomp,godzilla,jonny rotten,punk rock,fsu,fuck shit up)
Link 2 (rub ,chest,breast,breasts,boobs,jugs,tatas,hooters, jugs , nips ,burning man,mardis gras,girls gone wild,playboy,penthouse,barely legal,leg show)
Link 3 (give bird,give the bird, bird ,middle finger,flipping,fuck you,fuck off, flip ,flip me off,flip them off)
Link 4 (shit, ass ,fuck,cock,pussy,motherfucker,cunt, piss ,arse,suck,dyke,bitch,clit, cum ,dick,dildo,feces,felch,foreskin,whore,jizz,jism,masturbate,jerk,anal,bastard,blowjob,butt,suck,choad,erection,fellatio,incest,semen, tit)
Link 5
(touch yourself,naughty spot ,naughtyspot,private,privates,sore,
nuts ,testicles, balls,groin,crotch)
Link 6 (show breast,breasts,
tits ,titties,slut,whore,tramp ,seduce,hooker,prostitute,tatas, jugs,nice rack,your rack,tatas,show yer tits,show yer breasts,show your breasts,show yer
Link 7 (masturbate,masterbate,play with yourself, jerk off , take off mask, take off costume, take off your, streak , flash , strip , naked,nude, take it off ,get naked,take it all off,nekkid,get nekkid,whip em out,show your tits, show yer tits, tits ,take off your clothes,take off yer clothes,clothes,off like a prom dress,prom dress, do me , blow me,take pants off,take off your pants, mask)
Link 8
(bong,hit,get high,youre high,stoned, weed ,chug,funnel)
But to paraphrase another fast food empire, I must ask: Where's the bukkake? Link to copy of file with index of all Subservient Chicken Behavior commands, many of which would merit FCC fines, if they were -- I don't know, read aloud on the Howard Stern Show or something. (Thanks also to Josh Santangelo!) |
CNET News.com
2. |
Briefly: Accenture names new CEO. Plus: Priceline.com chairman steps down...Electronics Arts president resigns...Sun updates Solaris chip support. |
3. |
Audible serves up Rice testimony for free. The streaming audio company is providing free downloads of national security adviser Condoleeza Rice's testimony on the background to the Sept. 11 attacks. |
4. |
Infosys launches consulting unit in U.S.. In a move that may ease concerns about offshoring, India-based Infosys Technologies has created a U.S.-based business consulting unit. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Intego issues Mac OS X Trojan Horse warning (MacCentral). MacCentral - Macintosh security specialists, Intego on Thursday issued a security warning to its customers for the first Trojan horse to affect Mac OS X. Dubbed MP3Concept (MP3Virus.Gen), the Trojan horse exploits a weakness in Mac OS X where applications can appear to be other types of files, according to the company. |
6. |
Ex-Computer Associates Execs Plead Guilty (Reuters). Reuters - Three former financial executives at
Computer Associates International Ltd. (CA.N) on Thursday
pleaded guilty to criminal charges, snared in a long-running
criminal probe into the software company's accounting. |
7. |
Study: S.F. Area Has Most Wi-Fi Hot Spots (AP). AP - The San Francisco Bay area is the nation's top market for wireless Internet hot spots, according to a new study sponsored by Intel Corp. |
8. |
Spam and the Law Conference Report |
Hack the Planet
9. |
Waiting for UserLand server maintenance to shake out. |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
Intel readies new dual-processor Itanium 2s. Intel Corp. plans to announce two new models of its Itanium 2 microchip designed for use in dual-processor systems at its Intel Developer Forum conference in Taiwan next Tuesday, sources close to Intel said. |
11. |
Former CA executives plead guilty. Three former executives of Computer Associates International Inc. pleaded guilty on Thursday to criminal charges associated with improper accounting at the Islandia, New York, software company. |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
Blaster Worm Still Powering Through Systems (NewsFactor) |
13. |
New Netsky Worms Change Their Stripes (PC World) |
14. |
The Issue of Compliance - It’s Here and It’s Expanding! |
9:14:41 PM
8:14:21 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Gator mutation Claria files for IPO. Internet stock offerings may be heating up, but Claria may be hindered by its controversial adware. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Nerds Of A Feather (Forbes.com). Forbes.com - Most people grumble when their broadband connections are poky. Israeli venture capitalist Yossi Vardi, who founded the famed ICQ instant message service later bought by America Online, decided to poke fun at it. He and more than a hundred other unhappy Internet addicts convened near Israel's Sea of Galilee last month to flip their digital .subscriber line providers the bird, so to speak. They outfitted three carrier pigeons with teensy, high-density flash memory cards storing a total of 4 gigabytes--the equivalent of 1,000 songs on an iPod mini--and cast them on a 62-mile journey. ... |
3. |
Into Thin Air (Forbes.com). Forbes.com - When doctors at San Antonio Community Hospital bark orders into their new wireless phones, sensitive medical information will travel not over the phone system but via a Wi-Fi network--technology originally designed to link laptops to the Internet. It seems a risky move: Sending phone calls over Internet-style networks has long been the province of techies who could put up with mediocre quality and uncertain security. |
4. |
Downloaded Music Gets More Expensive |
SecurityFocus Vulns
5. |
BugTraq: US-CERT Technical Cyber Security Alert TA04-099A -- Vulnerability in Internet Explorer ITS Protocol Handler. Sender: CERT Advisory [cert-advisory at cert dot org] |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
Cisco Warns Customers of Vulnerability (AP) |
7. |
eerste mp3 virus op het net |
8. |
Long-Awaited Web Services Security Spec Finally Approved |
9. |
Security Alert: New Bagle.X Worm Variant Detected |
7:14:01 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
First malware for OS X?. One of the selling points of OS X has been, to date, the lack of any viruses, worms, or Trojan horses. Intego reports that it has identified a Trojan horse called MP3Concept.
Mac OS X displays the icon of the MP3 file, with an .mp3 extension, rather than showing the file as an application, leading users to believe that they can double-click the file to listen to it. But double clicking the file launches the hidden code, which can damage or delete files on computers running Mac OS X, then iTunes to play the music contained in the file, to make users think that it is really an MP3 file . While the first versions of this Trojan horse that Intego has isolated are benign, this technique opens the door to more serious risks. Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Ex-Computer Associates Exec Pleads Guilty (AP). AP - The former vice president of finance for Computer Associates admitted in court Thursday that he helped backdate hundreds of millions of dollars worth of contracts as part of a broad conspiracy to inflate the software firm's quarterly earnings. |
3. |
Study: S.F. Area Has Most Wi-Fi Hot Spots (AP). AP - The San Francisco Bay area is the nation's top market for wireless Internet hot spots, according to a new study sponsored by Intel Corp. |
4. |
Dot-Mail Domain Proposed as Spam Solution (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - The next weapon in the war against junk e-mail could be built into the core of the Internet's inner workings if a group of anti-spam vigilantes gets its way. |
5. |
System Can Detect Fraudulent Passports (AP). AP - Australia, one of the United States' strongest allies, has added a new weapon to its arsenal — a toaster-sized document reader that tells in seconds whether a passport is a fraud and identifies travelers who might be included on terrorist watch lists. |
6. |
AOL Launching Internet 'Reality Series' (AP). AP - It's a lot like "The Apprentice," except nobody gets fired. Hoping to capitalize on the sensational buzz around NBC's hit reality show, AOL is launching an online feature that will follow the travails of four small-business owners for their first 12 months. |
7. |
Diebold Fails Again in San Diego |
SecurityFocus Vulns
8. |
BugTraq: PSR - #2004-002 Remote - LCDProc. Sender: Priv8 Security Research [security at priv8security dot com] |
9. |
BugTraq: RE: New Worm/Virus April 8th. Sender: [securityguy at dslextreme dot com] |
10. |
Vulns: Cisco 600 Series Router Web Management Service Unspecified Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerability. Cisco 600 series routers have been reported prone to an unspecified remote denial of service vulnerability that can be exploited via the Web Management Service.
It has b... |
11. |
Vulns: Pan Vision IGI-2 Covert Strike Remote Format String Vulnerability. IGI-2 Covert Strike is a commercially available first persion perspective game for the Microsoft Windows platform.
Reportedly IGI-2 Covert Strike is prone to a remote f... |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
ST04-006: Understanding Patches |
13. |
Re: IPv4 fragmentation --> The Rose Attack |
14. |
Gentoo update for util-linux |
15. |
ICMPSHELL: ilginç bir proje denemesi? |
16. |
Email attack could kill servers |
6:13:41 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
First Mac OS X trojan horse spotted. Mac security software company Intego is reporting the first Trojan horse for Mac OS X. It may be time for Mac users to dust off their antivirus software. By Eric Bangeman. |
Viewpoint of a Linux Technologist
2. |
Mobile phones on airplanes. The Economist reports on a new technology called "pico-cells." These cellular points of presence allow one to use a cell phone on board an airplane without interfering with ground based cellular signals. The pico-cell uses satellite technology to uplink the... |
3. |
Blogging in business?. The Economist reports on a growing trend of business blogging, both as an internal medium for employees and an external medium for customer communication. For those of us into blogging already, this is an interesting development. There's no denying that... |
4. |
Modernizing the IRS: a case study in failure. Today's object lesson in enormous, complex project implementation... CIO Magazine has a long, revealing article about the IRS' woes in trying to modernize its business systems. According to the article, the tax rolls of the U.S. Federal treasury (that's some... |
CNET News.com
5. |
AOL tries to find its way on the Web. The dial-up giant says its new publishing technology will bring more types of content to the masses. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Intego issues Mac OS X Trojan Horse warning (MacCentral). MacCentral - Macintosh security specialists, Intego on Thursday issued a security warning to its customers for the first Trojan horse to affect Mac OS X. Dubbed MP3Concept (MP3Virus.Gen), the Trojan horse exploits a weakness in Mac OS X where applications can appear to be other types of files, according to the company. |
7. |
Microsoft's Ballmer Makes Security Plea (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) CEO Steve Ballmer got one big laugh during his Wednesday speech before a Washington, DC-based think tank when he mentioned the company's new "partners at Sun Microsystems," referring to, of course, last week's breakthrough legal settlement between the former enemies. |
8. |
RFID Tags That Break the Cost Barrier (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - The technology for wirelessly tracking the location and status of goods is about to gain a great deal of marketplace traction. |
9. |
Suicide on Web Site Prompts Calls for Controls (Reuters). Reuters - A grisly surveillance video of a man's
suicide that appeared on a pornographic Web site prompted calls
on Thursday for tighter controls on the use of security cameras
in New York's low-income housing. |
10. |
AOL Drawing for Spammer's Porsche a Hit (AP). AP - America Online said its members have submitted more than one million AOL screen names in the Internet company's unorthodox drawing for a spammer's seized sports car. |
11. |
Compliance Law May Boost Software Demand (AP). AP - When Congress enacted the most far-reaching makeover in corporate law since 1934, eyes widened at software companies that envisioned a Y2K-style boom from helping businesses meet the complicated new requirements. |
12. |
AOL Offering Non-Subscribers Some Content (AP). AP - A behind-the-scenes technical change at America Online will allow the company to offer some of its content to non-subscribers in an attempt to broaden AOL's audience beyond its members-only "walled garden." |
13. |
Cisco Products Have Backdoors |
InfoWorld: Top News
14. |
OASIS approves WS-Security Web services spec. WS-Security, a widely supported proposal for securing Web services, has been accepted by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) as an official standard. |
15. |
Email attack could kill servers |
SecurityFocus Vulns
16. |
BugTraq: Re: Microsoft IE iframe src DoS already reported to Microsoft. Sender: [Valdis dot Kletnieks at vt dot edu] |
17. |
BugTraq: PSR - #2004-001 Remote - LCDProc. Sender: Priv8 Security Research [security at priv8security dot com] |
18. |
Vulns: Cisco IOS RST-ACK Packet Access Control Bypass Vulnerability. Cisco IOS 11.2 has been reported prone to an access control bypass vulnerability. The issue is reported to present itself on C2500-F2IN-L appliances, but may also affect ... |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
Re: IPv4 fragmentation--> The Rose Attack |
20. |
LNSA-#2004-0010: login may leak sensitive data |
21. |
RE: [AppSec-research] New Worm/Virus April 8th |
22. |
LNSA-#2004-0009: GNU Automake symbolic link vulnerability |
23. |
Microsoft IE iframe src DoS already reported to Microsoft |
5:13:20 PM
4:13:01 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Dell has $60 billion in sight. Executives at the PC maker say the company is on track to meet its annual revenue goal more quickly than previously expected. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Communication Technologies, Inc. (COMTek) Becomes Caribbean Distributor for Motorola Canopy System (featureXpress). featureXpress - Communication Technologies, Inc. (COMTek), a national leader in delivering trusted information technology and telecommunications solutions for mission-critical environments has signed a preferred agreement with Brightstar Corporation to become the provider in the Caribbean for the Motorola (NYSE: MOT) Canopy system, a fixed broadband wireless product. |
3. |
Code Copying Survey for Developers |
4. |
Xbox Emulator Plays Retail Game |
InfoWorld: Top News
5. |
SEC files charges against former CA execs. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed charges against three former Computer Associates (CA) finance executives on Thursday stemming from its probe of accounting violations at the Islandia, New York, software company. |
6. |
Expert releases Cisco wireless hacking tool. One day after it disclosed a security vulnerability in a wireless networking product, Cisco Systems must contend with a new threat - the long-promised release of a hacking tool that targets wireless networks running its LEAP wireless authentication protocol. |
7. |
Microsoft, Micro Focus team up for mainframe migration alliance. In a week fraught with mainframe-related news, Microsoft and Micro Focus are the latest companies to join the ruckus. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
8. |
BugTraq: RE: [AppSec-research] New Worm/Virus April 8th. Sender: Polazzo Justin [Justin dot Polazzo at facilities dot gatech dot edu] |
9. |
BugTraq: Microsoft IE iframe src DoS already reported to Microsoft. Sender: 'ken' at FTU [ken at ftusecurity dot com] |
10. |
Vulns: Cisco Voice Product IBM Director Agent Port Scan Denial Of Service Vulnerability. IBM Director installed with Cisco voice products on IBM servers has been reported prone to a remote denial of service vulnerability. The issue is reported to present itse... |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
RSA Security annonce la tenue de la RSA® Conference Europe du 3 au 5 novembre 2004 à Barcelone |
12. |
WatchGuard offre une fonctionnalite de mise à niveau sur ses appliances de securite Firebox X |
13. |
BitDefender propose des outils de desinfection contre les nouvelles variantes de Bugbear et Netsky |
14. |
Netsky attacks: Four sites down, one to go |
15. |
Asleap - Cisco Attack Tool |
16. |
The Art of Rootkits |
17. |
Gartner: Enterprises Should Steer Clear of Gmail |
18. |
Newest Netsky Worms More Dangerous |
19. |
AntiOnline Spotlight: Securing Laptops |
3:12:41 PM
2:12:22 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Microsoft pushing security (still), making car analogies. No doubt about it, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is focusing on security, but his message this week was about the social responsibility that we all have in keeping our computers and networks safe. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
CNET News.com
2. |
California becomes VoIP regulatory battleground. Small Net phone service providers gain help from some important supporters as they continue battling regulators in California. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Communication Technologies, Inc. (COMTek) Becomes Caribbean Distributor for Motorola Canopy System (featureXpress). featureXpress - Communication Technologies, Inc. (COMTek), a national leader in delivering trusted information technology and telecommunications solutions for mission-critical environments has signed a preferred agreement with Brightstar Corporation to become the provider in the Caribbean for the Motorola (NYSE: MOT) Canopy system, a fixed broadband wireless product. |
4. |
Running for Geeks |
5. |
Linux in Canada |
6. |
Understanding Patches |
7. |
Debian: tcpdump Denial of service vulnerability |
8. |
Gentoo: Automake Symbolic link vulnerability |
SecurityFocus Vulns
9. |
BugTraq: [ GLSA 200404-08 ] GNU Automake symbolic link vulnerability. Sender: Kurt Lieber [klieber at gentoo dot org] |
10. |
BugTraq: Phrack #62 Call for Papers. Sender: Richard Miller [rm at segfault dot net] |
11. |
BugTraq: [waraxe-2004-SA#014 - Cross-Site Scripting aka XSS in AzDGDatingLite]. Sender: Janek Vind [come2waraxe at yahoo dot com] |
12. |
BugTraq: [waraxe-2004-SA#015 - Multiple vulnerabilities in NukeCalendar v1.1.a]. Sender: Janek Vind [come2waraxe at yahoo dot com] |
13. |
Vulns: NullSoft Winamp in_mod.dll Plug-in Heap Overflow Vulnerability. Winamp is a freely available media player from Nullsoft. It is available for the Microsoft Windows platform.
A heap overflow vulnerability has been identified in the ap... |
14. |
Vulns: ADA IMGSVR GET Request Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. ImgSvr is a server that allows remote users to browse and share image files. It is freely available under the GNU Public License for Linux and Microsoft Windows.
A vuln... |
15. |
Vulns: ADA IMGSVR Remote Directory Listing Vulnerability. ImgSvr is a server that allows remote users to browse and share image files. It is freely available under the GNU Public License for Linux and Microsoft Windows.
A vul... |
The Register
16. |
Union ballots SBC workers on strike action. What do we want? Job security and healthcare By Tim Richardson . |
17. |
Boffins seek human chimps. Learn to communicate, simian-style By Lester Haines . |
18. |
EU revises patent licensing rules. Less bureaucracy, the Brussels way By John Leyden . |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
Lecks in Cisco-Verwaltungstools |
20. |
Cisco warns of Wi-Fi vulnerability |
21. |
ID card rush must consider technology |
22. |
Humans to blame for security breaches |
23. |
Microsoft's Ballmer urges joint effort on security |
24. |
Unisys wins contract worth up to $345 million |
25. |
MasterCard moves to cut online fraud |
26. |
Pressure forces flexible software licences |
27. |
8 Apr W32/SdBot-CM |
28. |
Enterprises Rank Security Infrastructure Over Cost Cutting |
29. |
2 Cisco Vulnerabilities, New Auto-Executing Virus Capabilities (Bugbear.C), MacOS X Security Update, Metasploit Framework Release |
30. |
Re:Symantec Virus Detection(Free ActiveX) - Remote Buffer Overflow, Apr 7 2004 2:22AM |
1:12:00 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Et Cetera: the IRS approacheth! No supper for you!. Round up the wagons full of radio codecs, personal rockets, new ATI drivers, and some fantasies about grilling. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
CNET News.com
2. |
NetSky attacks: Four sites down, one to go. All but one of the five Web sites targeted by the worm's denial-of-service attack have been knocked over or had to change their Web address to remain accessible. |
3. |
Microsoft, Micro Focus target mainframes. The two companies strengthen a partnership aimed at snagging IBM mainframe customers by offering tools and services for migrating to Windows servers. |
4. |
Cisco bug could put hackers in driver's seat. Cisco warns customers that a flaw in two of its management products could give hackers free rein on wireless and e-commerce networks. |
5. |
Briefly: Priceline.com chairman steps down. Plus: Electronics Arts president resigns...Sun updates Solaris chip support...IBM touts new notebooks' utilities...Michigan joins suit against Oracle. |
6. |
EarthLink takes swing at subscription sports. The ISP unveils a subscription-based sports service that it will deliver through a partnership with Web technology provider Synacor. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Customer Respect survey ranks Apple site below average (MacCentral). MacCentral - The Customer Respect Group recently released its Spring 2004 Computer Products & Services industry report, scoring companies on how they treat their online customers. While Apple received good marks for the simplicity of its site, its overall score still came in below the average score of 6.8 with a 6.6 out of ten. To understand how the Customer Respect Index numbers were tallied and what they mean, MacCentral spoke with Customer Respect Group President Roger Fairchild. |
8. |
Apple offers details about WWDC after hours activities (MacCentral). MacCentral - Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference won't just be a venue to learn about the latest Macintosh technology -- it's also a social gathering and networking event for developers. Apple has posted details about the after hours activities planned for the June conference. |
9. |
India's Infosys sets up US consultancy, hopes to offset outsourcing anger (AFP). AFP - In a move it hopes will reduce US anger over outsourcing, India's biggest-listed software firm Infosys Technologies announced it has set up a consulting unit in the United States that will employ 500 workers. |
10. |
Communication Technologies, Inc. (COMTek) Becomes Caribbean Distributor for Motorola Canopy System (featureXpress). featureXpress - Communication Technologies, Inc. (COMTek), a national leader in delivering trusted information technology and telecommunications solutions for mission-critical environments has signed a preferred agreement with Brightstar Corporation to become the provider in the Caribbean for the Motorola (NYSE: MOT) Canopy system, a fixed broadband wireless product. |
11. |
Japanese Government Raids Intel Tokyo Offices |
12. |
A Black Box for People |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
13. |
Intel plans greener chips. The world's largest maker of computer chips, Intel, is to reduce the amount of lead in its products. |
14. |
Experts talk up text security. Text messages remain a safe way to communicate, say industry groups and text experts. |
15. |
NME web users 'back file-sharing'. Music fans refuse to stop using illegal download sites despite industry warnings, an NME.com survey suggests. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
16. |
Vulns: WebCT Campus Edition HTML Injection Vulnerability. WebCT Campus Edition is a course management system. It is used by colleges and universities to deliver course material and assessments via the web.
A vulnerability has ... |
17. |
Vulns: OpenBB MyHome.PHP SQL Injection Vulnerability. OpenBB is a freely available, open source bulletin board software package. It is available for Unix, Unix variants, and Microsoft Windows operating systems.
It has been ... |
The Register
18. |
Is spim worse than spam?. No.. but shonky IM throws up new set of issues By John Leyden . |
19. |
FAA greenlights private spaceship. Burt Rutan chases $10m X-prize By Lester Haines . |
20. |
Union ballots 100,000 SBC workers on strike action. What do we want? Job security and healthcare By Tim Richardson . |
Help Net Security
21. |
Hunting down virus writers |
NewsIsFree: Security
22. |
Phishing Pollutes E-Mail Stream |
23. |
AFICK: Another File Integrity Checker |
24. |
Firm invites experts to punch holes in ballot software |
25. |
Cisco Warns Of Security Hole In Its WLAN Management Products |
26. |
First Chinese WAPI Products Released |
27. |
Time Warner, Microsoft Make Move Into DRM Arena |
28. |
8 Apr W32/NetskyP-Dam |
29. |
Sauvegarder les updates Windows sur son disque dur |
30. |
Bien que davantage prise en compte en entreprise, la sécurité reste sous-évaluée |
31. |
Hunting down virus writers |
32. |
The Fastest, Cheapest Storage System in the West |
12:11:41 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Greenwich Park's sky to be turned into RF-driven balloon-art. Rupert sez, "On May 4th, above the Greenwich Meridian in Greenwich Park, London, a cloud of a thousand radio-sensitive glowing balloons will monitor the airwaves and respond by changing colour and brightness. Everyone's invited to bring their mobile phones and make contact with the cloud, which will also listen to atmospheric phenomena and the cackle of the rest of London's radio users."
(Thanks, Rupert!) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
IBM Aims To Flex Offshore Muscles By Acquiring India's Daksh (Investor's Business Daily). Investor's Business Daily - Big Blue is moving back-office services to the front burner. |
3. |
Aiirmesh Communications Selects Airgain Smart Antenna Technology for Community Broadband Network (featureXpress). featureXpress - Aiirmesh Communications to use Airgain's 802.11b Smart Wireless Bridge to enhance the coverage and performance of its Community Broadband Network in Cerritos, California. Airgain?s compact smart antenna solutions deliver the flexibility of an omni-antenna with the enhanced performance of a directional antenna, providing dramatic improvements in range that increase the coverage of ordinary Wi-Fi solutions up to ten fold. |
4. |
Control-Alt-Recycle |
5. |
A Babe in Tuxland |
6. |
AFICK: Another File Integrity Checker |
7. |
Firm invites experts to punch holes in ballot software |
SecurityFocus Vulns
8. |
BugTraq: Re: Symantec Virus Detection(Free ActiveX) - Remote Buffer Overflow, Apr 7 2004 2:22AM. Sender: Sym Security [secure at symantec dot com] |
9. |
Vulns: Midnight Commander Virtual File System Symlink Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. Midnight Commander is a popular file management tool for Unix systems. Among other features, Midnight Commander is provided with a code layer to access the file system; t... |
10. |
Vulns: Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server Unspecified Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities. Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server allows users to create web portals with document management services and search capabilities.
It has been reported that Microsoft Sha... |
11. |
Vulns: Context Texutil Insecure Temporary Log File Vulnerability. ConTeXt is a text processing utility that includes TeXUtil for converting ConTeXt utility files into other formats. It is available for Unix/Linux variants and Microsoft... |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
The Issue of Compliance - It’s Here and It’s Expanding! |
13. |
2 Cisco Vulnerabilities, New Virus Capabilities (Bugbear.C), MacOS X Security Update, Metasploit Framework Release |
14. |
Qmail Non-Delivery Notification DDoS Security Issue |
15. |
Qmail Non-Delivery Notification DDoS Security Issue |
11:11:20 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Food Porn -- Burger King Subservient Chicken. BoingBoing reader aeon points us to a bizarre marketing move by junk-food empire Burger King:
...For when "your way" calls for an enslaved chicken, Burger King invites you to "have chicken your way" by offering you the newest in ads even veteran AdBusters won't want to bust: The Subservient Chicken. He "riverdances", he "throws pillows", he "builds forts" and he even takes "bonghits". He's technically a rooster, but let's not worry about that when we can tell him to "play air guitar", "moonwalk", or "grab crotch like michael jackson."
The Subservient Chicken: more than a furry's dream come true, more than a timewaster for stoned college kids; this method of advertizing just begs to be copied like so many memes. Plus, you can tell him to "die".
How very interesting. I wonder if the ad execs who came up with this realize (a) the Internet is so weird that genuine furry submissive fetish poultry sites with live webcams already exist, and (b) (this is absolutely true) legendary porn magnate Larry Flynt claims to have lost his virginity to a chicken? If so, the new Burger King campaign is extra-creepy, hold the fries. And if not, they really ought to be reading more BoingBoing.
Link to Subserrvient Chicken |
2. |
Electronic Man of Constant Sorrow. Electronica act Skeewiff has just released a free techno remix of the Soggy Bottom Boys's "Man of Constant Sorrow" as an MP3. It's pretty good!
7.1MB MP3 Link
(via Crooked Timber) |
3. |
Mapping Scientific Topics With Social Networking Tools. BoingBoing reader Roland Piquepaille says,
In "Mapping the landscape of science," the National Science Foundation discusses the contents of a collection of articles published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), "Mapping Knowledge Domains." Basically, all these scientists are using software social networking tools to build graphical representations of scientific knowledge or science communities. [Please note that the full version of all articles is available.] This overview contains selected excerpts and illustrations extracted from some of these articles, like the top 50 highly frequent used in the top 10% most highly cited PNAS publications during the 1982-2001 period.
Link |
4. |
Report from the spam/anti-spam summit. Danny O'Brien has written up one of the first summits between spammers and spam-fighters for the Guardian. It's a great piece.
Surprisingly, no such shootings occur. It's oddly intimate, watching the spammers and the anti-spammers mill around each other like this. It feels like a temporary ceasefire in a vicious war that to most of us seems to be a stalemate...
Over the past year, though, a series of meetings arranged by a trusted figure in the American anti-spam community, Anne Mitchell, have been slowly bringing the two sides together. These mini-conferences, held under the banner of the Institute for Spam and Internet Public Policy, have mostly been between the highest-ranking ISPs - MSN, AOL - and commercial email marketers of the most squeaky clean kind. Initially in secret, these days the meetings are more public.
(via Oblomovka) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Infosys to Create Consulting Jobs in U.S. (AP). AP - Infosys Technologies Ltd., which has become India's second-largest software maker thanks largely to outsourced work from the West, is investing $20 million to create nearly 500 consulting jobs in the United States. |
6. |
Aiirmesh Communications Selects Airgain Smart Antenna Technology for Community Broadband Network (featureXpress). featureXpress - Aiirmesh Communications to use Airgain's 802.11b Smart Wireless Bridge to enhance the coverage and performance of its Community Broadband Network in Cerritos, California. Airgain?s compact smart antenna solutions deliver the flexibility of an omni-antenna with the enhanced performance of a directional antenna, providing dramatic improvements in range that increase the coverage of ordinary Wi-Fi solutions up to ten fold. |
7. |
Hidden Messages in Spam |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
India's Infosys sets up U.S. consulting firm. BANGALORE, INDIA -- Infosys Technologies Ltd. said Thursday that it is investing $20 million into a business consulting subsidiary in the U.S., which will be managed by four former senior executives of global consulting firms. |
9. |
Google's Gmail faces trademark, privacy challenges. The gigabyte storage capacity and long memory of Google Inc.'s planned Web-based e-mail service are making it a big target for privacy campaigners -- and the name, Gmail, could soon be the subject of a trademark dispute, too. |
10. |
Guardian Digital Launches Next Generation Internet Defense & Detection System |
The Register
11. |
NCSP drafts secure code guidelines. Improving software development security By John Leyden . |
12. |
Tracking the Blackout bug. Buried in four million lines of C code By Kevin Poulsen, SecurityFocus . |
Help Net Security
13. |
Is there a rootkit hunter in your arsenal? |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Is there a rootkit hunter in your arsenal? |
15. |
Flaw in RealPlayer Client Could Allow Remote Attack |
16. |
Securing the Digital World |
17. |
A Hands-On Look at Windows Security Update CD |
10:11:02 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Apple Extended Keyboard re-created in modern USB flavor. Apple's Extended Keyboard was the keyboard that Mac enthusaists fell in love with. It had great action, a rattly, clackety hapticality that was poetry for the fingertips and wrists and forearms. Now a company has released the Tactile Pro, a modern USB keyboard that uses the same mechanism as the old Extended Keyboard, recreating that carpal nirvana in a package that will interop with your G5. Here's the ecstatic TidBITS review:
Where the Tactile Pro Keyboard really shines, though, is in its feel. The keys are decidedly "clickier" and more mechanical, and they have a slightly longer key travel when you push them. The end result is a much less mushy feel than on the Apple Pro Keyboard, but accompanied by much louder typing noises. When I'm typing fast, the Tactile Pro Keyboard almost clatters, and I can say with assurance that I don't mind one bit. The new feel took a little getting used to, but within a day, it felt quite wonderful.
Link |
2. |
Gilmore on Gmail's terms-of-service. John Gilmore has given me permission ot publish his very sharp analysis of Google's Gmail draft terms-of-service. As it stands, the ToS have some really objectionable elements. Google has a notation to the effect that this is a draft document and they are soliciting feedback on it to gmail-feedback@google.com. If these terms bother you, you could send polite feedback to Google about the parts that you find worrisome.
If they allege a "technical issue", including spam filtering, then they can access, read, preserve, and disclose anything in your mailbox. Since they probably do spam filtering for everybody (both for incoming and outgoing mail), then they have the right to read and disclose the contents of your email at any time.
Many spam-filtering services send copies of alleged spams to some central location. If they get N copies of similar messages, they declare it spam and publish the offending messages on the web. Google's right to send your spam to such services gives them the right to send ANY of your email to ANYONE -- for publication.
(Thanks, John!) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Japan Raids Intel on Competition Concerns (AP). AP - Japan's Fair Trade Commission raided offices of Intel Corp. on Thursday on suspicion the world's semiconductor leader pressured personal computer manufacturers to spurn competitors' products, a commission official said. |
4. |
AOL Launches Internet 'Reality Series' (AP). AP - Hoping to capitalize on the sensational buzz around NBC's hit reality show "The Apprentice," AOL is launching an online feature that will follow the travails of four small-business owners for their first 12 months. |
5. |
Technology Spontaneously Combusts In Sicily |
6. |
New Online Advertising Model Riles Journalists |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
Global standards are key, Intel CEO tells Chinese execs. Amidst controversy over Chinese efforts to impose a local standard for wireless networks, Craig Barrett, the chief executive officer (CEO) of Intel Corp., stressed the importance of international standards during a speech to Chinese government officials and business executives, the company said. |
8. |
Japanese trade authorities raid Intel office. Officials from Japan's Fair Trade Commission (FTC) raided Intel Corp.'s offices in Tsukuba, Japan, on Thursday, according to a company official. |
9. |
Market for grid compute cycles is questionable, expert says. SAN JOSE, CALIF. -- The emergence of a market for compute cycles generated by grids is a possibility, but questions remain about its viability, according to an expert on grid computing who spoke at the ClusterWorld Conference & Expo event here on Wednesday. |
The Register
10. |
SurfControl boasts record quarter. 'Cautiously optimistic' By Tim Richardson . |
11. |
NCSP drafts guidelines for secure code. Improving security across the software development cycle By John Leyden . |
Help Net Security
12. |
Oasis advances web services security |
13. |
KaZaA and eDonkey brace for NetSky-Q onslaught |
14. |
The issue of compliance - it’s here and it’s expanding! |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Ballmer touts security upgrade |
16. |
Oasis advances web services security |
17. |
KaZaA and eDonkey brace for NetSky-Q onslaught |
18. |
The issue of compliance - it’s here and it’s expanding! |
9:10:40 AM
8:10:24 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Microsoft roots for the home team--Windows. The software giant offers a steep discount on live Webcasts of Major League Baseball games--but only to Windows users. |
2. |
A payoff on AMD's 32-bit bet. A technology gamble appears to be paying off for Advanced Micro Devices CTO Fred Weber. Will it be enough to once and for all rid AMD of its underdog tag? |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Apple Makes Noise (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - For years, owning Apple Computer Inc. stock was like owning an Apple computer -- a vote of confidence in a company that sometimes seemed as if it would be crushed any day by larger competitors, chiefly Microsoft Corp. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Sales soar for Blackberry maker. Research in Motion, the firm behind the Blackberry wireless device, says profits and revenues are rising sharply. |
5. |
Yahoo nets $101m web profits. Internet company Yahoo's first-quarter net profits more than double from the same period last year. |
6. |
Microsoft wins name battle. Lindows, which markets a user-friendly version of Linux, bows to Microsoft in a dispute over its name. |
7. |
'Clever' car to solve congestion. Developers of a three-wheeled vehicle say their Clever car could be an answer to traffic. |
8. |
Phishing con hijacks browser bar. A new phishing scam uses a sophisticated trick to con people into handing over personal details. |
The Register
9. |
Broadband kicks TV into touch. From couch potatoes to e-potatoes By Tim Richardson . |
10. |
Happy birthday, Mainframe. Life begins at 40 By IT-Analysis . |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
News: Tracking the blackout bug |
12. |
Het grote gevaar van de Witty worm |
13. |
Acceptatie Linux heeft schaduwzijde |
14. |
ROI: A Measure Of IT Success |
7:10:01 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
IBM grabs Indian call center company (TheDeal.com). TheDeal.com - The Armonk, N.Y., technology giant plans to buy Daksh eServices Private Ltd. |
2. |
Wireless giants pitch deal to FCC (TheDeal.com). TheDeal.com - The agency has begun its formal review of the Cingular Wireless-AT&T Wireless Services deal. |
3. |
RealNetworks Prepares European Online Music Launch (Reuters). Reuters - Internet media company RealNetworks
is preparing to launch its online music service Rhapsody in
Europe within the next year, its chief executive told a German
newspaper on Thursday. |
4. |
UK Trains Take WiFi Route To Connectivity |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
5. |
John Woo planning Metroid movie. Catch up with the latest news from the world of video gaming. |
6. |
Let the train take the net strain. GNER is to equip its trains with high-speed wireless internet allowing passengers to surf as they travel. |
7. |
ROI: A Measure Of IT Success |
SecurityFocus Vulns
8. |
Vulns: Linux Kernel do_brk Function Boundary Condition Vulnerability. do_brk() is a function called indirectly by a number of kernel procedures, including the brk() system call and the ELF and a.out loading mechanisms. The do_brk() function... |
9. |
Vulns: Linux Kernel do_mremap Function Boundary Condition Vulnerability. A vulnerability involving the do_mremap system function has been reported in the Linux kernel, allowing for local privilege escalation.
The mremap(2) system call is used... |
10. |
Vulns: Linux Kernel do_mremap Function VMA Limit Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. A vulnerability involving the do_mremap system function has been reported in the Linux kernel, allowing for local privilege escalation. The mremap(2) system call is used... |
The Register
11. |
Draft ID card Bill one month away - Blunkett. Steamroller tactics By John Leyden . |
12. |
Nokia blip prompts class action suit. Follow that ambulance By Andrew Orlowski . |
13. |
Dell Q1 sales on the up-and-up. Solid demand in Europe and Asia By electricnews.net . |
Wired News
14. |
Yahoo Earnings Double for Quarter. The Internet company exceeds expectations with first-quarter results more than double its earnings for the same period last year. Its acquisition of Overture Services helps boost its bottom line. |
15. |
Global Music Sales Plummet. An international music trade group blames the steepest sales decline since the introduction of CDs on piracy, the economy and competition from games and DVDs. A second-half rebound in some countries may bode well, however. |
16. |
Google Gets More Gmail Guff. The privacy concerns over Google's planned Gmail service won't die. More than two dozen privacy groups write a letter to the company to ask it to reconsider its plan to scan people's e-mails. |
17. |
The Ends of the Earth. Strange things are happening with this planet of ours. Here are five eccentricities -- and their implications. By Bruce Sterling from Wired magazine. |
18. |
Nostalgia Keeps Games Afloat. If you can't find a favorite old game, don't despair: Home of the Underdogs tries to keep classic computer games from premature death. By Daniel Terdiman. |
19. |
See-Through Voting Software. An e-voting software maker releases its source code to the public. Ironically, an expert says the company's unique software design puts the integrity of e-voting machines in voters' hands, making the security of the source code irrelevant. By Kim Zetter. |
20. |
Turning Search Into a Science. If you're looking for scientific information on the Web, Google might not be the best choice. Many researchers instead turn to Scirus. By Kristen Philipkoski. |
21. |
NASA Stuntmen to Catch Sun's Rays. The space agency trains Hollywood stunt pilots to snatch a capsule full of solar wind particles out of midair using a helicopter, a hook and some fancy flying. By Amit Asaravala. |
NewsIsFree: Security
22. |
Ballmer: Everyone has stake in cybersecurity |
23. |
Windows to remain security risk for years to come |
24. |
Cisco warns of wireless security hole |
25. |
8 Apr Troj/Webber-H |
26. |
Ballmer: Gebruikers moeten meehelpen |
27. |
Win ontbijt en lunch met het Microsoft security team |
28. |
Kevin Mitnick: Security is kat en muis spel |
29. |
NetSky.Q DoS-aanval op KaZaA en eDonkey valt mee |
6:09:40 AM
Hack the Planet
1. |
Come on Wachowski brothers, where's my complete Matrix box set? |
2. |
Momentum's PowerPC 970 eval board FAQ has a surprisingly honest account of the adventure of bringup. Speaking from experience, doing bringup is the shittiest hardcore engineering job in the world. |
3. |
Sleepycat went and rewrote Berkely DB in Java so you can use it without the hassle of JNI. |
4. |
Dottocomu: Sony's car navigator/multimedia player with PC dock. I saw this earlier today on PC Watch, but thanks to Engadget for finding an English article about it. |
5. |
InfoWorld: Intel: Itanium, Xeon to be interchangeable. Once again we see HP out-innovating Intel at their own game, having already made the PA-RISC socket-compatible with Itanic. Could this be a subtle form of Intel cutting their losses on Itanic to make way for the inevitable market success of AMD64, er, EMT64? |
6. |
Topix.net Weblog: The Secret Source of Google's Power. This was well known to me, but probably not to everyone. |
7. |
Eno Thereska, Jiri Schindler, John Bucy, Brandon Salmon, Christopher R. Lumb, and Gregory R. Ganger: A Framework for Building Unobtrusive Disk Maintenance Applications. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
8. |
Music sales decline again in 2003. Recorded music sales around the world fell by more than 7% in 2003, according to latest figures. |
9. |
Cable firm NTL to cut 1,500 staff. The UK's biggest cable TV firm says it is closing 10 of its 13 British call centres - shedding 1,500 staff. |
10. |
Brain could guide artifical limbs. Mind power could be used to control artifical limbs, scientists believe. |
11. |
Travellers get taste of broadband. A remote broadband scheme could improve links between travellers and the local government in Cambridgeshire. |
12. |
Japan trade watchdog raids Intel. The world's biggest computer chip maker has its office in Japan raided by the country's Fair Trade Commission. |
13. |
Microsoft wins round in name case. Lindows, which markets a user-friendly version of Linux, bows to Microsoft in a dispute over its name. |
14. |
Intel moves towards greener chips. The world's largest maker of computer chips, Intel, is to reduce the amount of lead in its products. |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
16. |
Security Tracker: Intel Server Setup Utilities May Let Remote Users Access Motherboard Utility F... |
17. |
Linux Devices: Possio's PX30 hackable wireless router "Linux-based wireless router featuring WLA... |
18. |
Bugtraq: Cisco Security Advisory - A default Username and Password in WLSE and HSE devices "Ther... |
19. |
Times Online: Secret hackers to aid war on internet fraud "prompted MasterCard, the global payme... |
20. |
Computer World: Ballmer - Everyone has stake in cybersecurity "The Microsoft CEO didn't outline ... |
21. |
Cisco waarschuwt voor lek in WLSE en HSE apparaten |
22. |
Kritiek lek in RealPlayer / RealOne |
23. |
Kritiek lek in Panda ActiveScan Control |
24. |
Nederland krijgt zeer uitgebreid afluisternetwerk |
25. |
New Bugbear Worm Exploits Unpatched IE Vulnerability (TechWeb) |
5:09:21 AM
1. |
Dilbert for 08 Apr 2004.  |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Sun Exec Says Microsoft Deal Isn't Anti-Linux (TechWeb). TechWeb - Chief technology officer John Fowler says it's about interoperability and choice for customers, not about taking on open source. |
3. |
BT Enters Software Business to Protect Film, Music (Reuters). Reuters - British telecoms giant BT Group (BT.L)
launched a new software business on Tuesday to protect music,
movies and photographs from digital piracy. |
4. |
Intel To Make A Greener Microprocessor |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
5. |
Japan trade watchdog raids Intel. The world's biggest computer chip maker is facing an investigation by Japan's Fair Trade Commission. |
6. |
'Clever' car to solve congestion. Developers of a three-wheeled vehicle that measures one metre across say their Clever car could be an answer to traffic. |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
NGSSoftware: REAL One Player R3T File Format Stack Overflow "code could be exectued on the targe... |
4:08:59 AM
Hack the Planet
1. |
We appear to have entered the Manila twilight zone. |
SecurityFocus News
2. |
News: Tracking the blackout bug. It took two months and hundreds of staff-hours to uncover the subtle coding error that contributed to the worst blackout in North American history. |
NewsIsFree: Security
3. |
Three Former CA Executives To Plead Guilty |
3:08:39 AM
2:08:19 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Naked Sushi meme hits China, everyone freaks out. Remember the string of earlier posts on BoingBoing about restaurants serving sushi on the bodies of clothes-free hotties? The owner of a Japanese restaurant in the Chinese city of Kunming had the same idea:
The Hefengcun Huaishi restaurant launched a promotional "feast on a beauty's body," for local journalists last Friday, hiring two attractive fair-skinned college girls to lie on tables, with sushi and other food and flowers placed on their bare bodies covered with thin gauze. The reports caused a firestorm in the local and national press with many readers slamming the novel dining trend as offensive and insulting to women.(...) Known as "Nyotai Mori" in Japan, the feasts date back to ancient times and are often offered in special hotspring resorts today, but are generally left off menus. They are offered to aficionados on request.
Link (Thanks, Steve Portigal!) |
New York Times: Technology
2. |
Yahoo Reports Surge in Quarterly Earnings and Plans a Stock Split. Yahoo reported first-quarter results on Wednesday that were far stronger than expected and also announced a two-for-one stock split. By Saul Hansell. |
3. |
From Cablevision, Another Way to Carry Your Voice. WHEN is an Internet phone company not an Internet phone company? When it's a cable company. By David Pogue. |
4. |
A Mix-and-Match Program Makes Spreadsheets Portable. SoftMaker, a German software company, will soon offer a full-featured spreadsheet program that bean counters can use no matter where they may be. By Thomas J. Fitzgerald. |
5. |
A Haven for the Data Pack Rat. With the cost of data storage down to about $1 a gigabyte for the newest computer hard drives, the idea of paying for data storage in cyberspace might sound like an idea from the dark ages of personal computing - say, 5 or 10 years ago. But Xdrive, an online data storage service in Santa Monica, Calif., that started in 1999, has evolved, its officials say, offering space on its servers for secure data backup. By Michel Marriott. |
6. |
An Invisibility Cloak for Files Unlocks With a Portable Key. When it is necessary to keep sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands, a tiny tool from Kanguru Solutions can help. By Thomas J. Fitzgerald. |
7. |
Refining Semiconductors, One Atom at a Time. At the heart of semiconductor fabrication are crucial additives called dopants. A physicist has succeeded in controlling doping precisely at the atomic level. By Anne Eisenberg. |
8. |
I.B.M. Plans to Buy an Indian Owner of Call Centers. I.B.M. said it would acquire Daksh eServices, the third-largest outsourcing company in India with call centers providing technical support and customer care services. By Saritha Rai. |
9. |
3 Guilty Pleas Expected Today in Computer Associates Case. Three former executives at Computer Associates, including its former chief financial officer, are to plead guilty today in Federal District Court in Brooklyn to charges related to the federal investigation of the company's accounting practices, people close to the investigation said. By Alex Berenson. |
10. |
President of Electronic Arts Steps Down. SAN FRANCISCO, April 7 - Electronic Arts, the world's largest maker of video games, announced late Wednesday that John Riccitiello, the company's president and chief operating officer, had resigned effective immediately. By Laurie J. Flynn. |
11. |
L.E.D.'s Make for Warm Light but the Bulb Keeps Its Cool. For Enlux Lighting, developing a floodlight bulb that uses light-emitting diodes but offers the same brightness as a 65-watt incandescent lamp meant overcoming a big problem: heat. That may seem odd, because most solid-state L.E.D.'s are not noticeably hot. But Dan Nelson, the Enlux marketing director, said that was mainly because of how they are used. By Ian Austen. |
12. |
Coming Soon: More Memory for the At-Home Director. If those once endless 4.7 gigabytes on a recordable DVD are starting to feel a bit cramped when you are backing up files or creating a video masterpiece, take heart: you will soon be able to nearly double your efforts. A new line of DVD recorders from Sony Electronics can record data to two layers on a single disc, making it possible to store 8.5 gigabytes of content at once. By J.d. Biersdorfer. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
13. |
Yahoo's 1st-Quarter Profit, Revenue Rise (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Reflecting a strong rebound in Internet advertising, Yahoo Inc. reported sharply higher first-quarter revenue and profit yesterday. |
14. |
What Network Sniffing Tools Do You Use? |
The Register
15. |
Intel offices raided in Japan on bad biz concerns. AMD blockade By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
KAME Racoon RSA Signature IKE Phase 1 Authentication Flaw Authenticates Remote Users |
17. |
Cisco Hosting Solution Engine (HSE) Hardcoded User Account Grants Full Access to Remote Users |
18. |
Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE) Hardcoded User Account Grants Full Access to Remote Users |
19. |
Re: Kerio Personal Firewall 4 and IE 6 "Bug" |
1:08:00 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Ergonomic Onanism. I promise this is the last funny Ikea product name I'll post. Perhaps this would make a good gift to the Internet porn addict in your life? Link (Thanks, Fredrik!)
2. |
Editorial Photographers Digital Manifesto. BoingBoing pal Clayton James Cubitt, who is a professional photographer, says:
Here is a guide to current pricing practices for photographers bidding on jobs involving digital workflows.
The "Preamble" is a little dramatic, but the info in the piece is very very helpful in describing what many of us already know. Namely, that digital capture saves our clients tons of time and expense, and increases our necessary capital investments and our commitments in time dealing with converting, storing, and uploading the content we create. We need to charge appropriately for it, especially as antiquated "day rates" have stagnated relative to the rate of inflation.
Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Computer Associates Execs to Plead Guilty (AP). AP - Computer Associates International Inc.'s former chief financial officer and two other executives have agreed to plead guilty to felonies related to the federal investigation of the software company's accounting, according to a court document. |
4. |
Japan's FTC Raided Intel Japan Offices -- Source (Reuters). Reuters - Japan's Fair Trade Commission (FTC) has
raided the offices of Intel Corp's Japanese unit for suspected
unfair business practices to prevent rival microprocessor
makers from selling to personal computer manufacturers, a
source close to the matter said on Thursday. |
5. |
Intel to Launch Environmentally Friendly Chips (Reuters). Reuters - Intel Corp will launch almost
lead-free chips later this year in response to demands for more
environmentally friendly electronic goods, the world's largest
chip maker said on Wednesday. |
The Register
6. |
Intel offices raided throughout Japan on anti-monopoly concerns. Do not pass go By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
Anti-spam company positive about Aust Spam Act |
12:20:49 AM
© Copyright
Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
5/3/2004; 12:26:36 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
(blue) Manila theme. |