Thursday, April 15, 2004
11:29:52 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Sun ousts top server executives. Sun Microsystems is changing the top executives in charge of its core server products, the latest upheaval as Sun seeks to turn around 12 consecutive quarters of revenue declines. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Samsung Electronics Reaps Record Profit (Reuters). Reuters - Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, Asia's most
valuable electronics company, reported its quarterly profit
almost trebled to a record on Friday because of roaring demand
for memory chips, mobile phones and flat television screens. |
3. |
Intel Ranks Colleges with Best Wireless Access |
NewsIsFree: Security
4. |
W32.Beagle.N@mm |
5. |
Ïàòåíò íà FAT áóäåò ïåðåñìîòðåí? |
10:29:32 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Sony pushes paper Blu-ray disc. The company teams up with Toppan Printing to develop a Blu-ray disc made mostly of paper, which they hope will lower prices and encourage use of the technology. |
2. |
EMachines founder spreads the joy--and the cash. The founder of the low-end PC maker shared the benefits of his company being sold by giving employees about $72.5 million of the proceeds gained from selling the company to Gateway. |
3. |
MSN updates searchable news site. Still in test form, MSN's Newsbot now lets people view their search history and store past material, a feature MSN calls "The Daily Me." |
4. |
Earnings alert: Netflix optimistic despite loss. EMC reports 35 percent first-quarter growth in revenue...AMD tops analysts' expectations...Strong sales of the digital music player help Apple beat targets. |
5. |
Big Blue earnings meet expectations. The tech industry bellwether posts first-quarter earnings that meet expectations amid solid revenue growth in its hardware, software and services divisions. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Sun Micro: Loss on Restructuring Charge (Reuters). Reuters - Sun Microsystems Inc. (SUNW.O) on
Thursday shuffled the top executives at its core server
computer business and posted a large loss, weighed down by a
hefty restructuring charge as revenue fell for the 12th
consecutive quarter. |
7. |
Sony, Toppan Develop Optical Disc Made from Paper (Reuters). Reuters - Japanese electronics conglomerate Sony
Corp and Toppan Printing Co Ltd have developed a new optical
disc, made mostly from paper, that they say will be compatible
with next-generation DVD technology. In a joint news release
distributed late Thursday, the two companies said the new disc
was comprised 51 percent of paper, enabling lower production
costs. |
8. |
Demand Boosts Worldwide PC Shipments (AP). AP - Worldwide PC shipments continued double-digit growth in the year's first quarter as more businesses replaced their older machines, two market research firms announced Thursday. |
9. |
AT&T Wireless Launches Music Service (AP). AP - AT&T Wireless began offering its U.S. subscribers a service Thursday that uses mobile phones to identify the names and performers of more than 1 million popular songs. |
10. |
RealNetworks Seeks to Work With Apple (AP). AP - Apple Computer Inc. apparently doesn't want to sing the same tune as its Internet music rival RealNetworks Inc. |
11. |
Researchers Develop 3-D Search Engine (AP). AP - The mind-boggling speed and reach of Internet search engines mask a severe limitation: They are powered by words alone. |
12. |
Pay Attention To .Au/.Us IP Trade Law |
Hack the Planet
13. |
I'm getting tired of the Gmail privacy ruckus. If you don't like it, don't use it. Savvy Internet users ought to ignore Gmail anyway since it's free. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
14. |
BugTraq: [Full-Disclosure] iDEFENSE Security Advisory 04.15.04: RealNetworks Helix Universal Server Denial of Service Vulnerability. Sender: [idlabs-advisories at idefense dot com] |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
W32.Gaobot.AAY |
16. |
Universities, research centres clean up after attacks |
17. |
RealNetworks Helix Universal Server Denial of Service Vulnerability |
18. |
PGP Software analyse les virus |
19. |
Deux eBooks gratuits sur la sécurité |
20. |
Un site de documentation sécurité, modéré par des professionnels |
21. |
Développement d'un modèle d'évaluation des risques informatiques |
22. |
L'UE ne veut punir que les téléchargements à des fins commerciales |
23. |
Accord entre Symantec et l'ISP EarthLink |
24. |
Microsoft : 1 patch et ça repart! |
9:29:15 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Business buying puts Dell back atop PC pile. PC shipments grow somewhat faster than expected. Increases in Asia and Europe, a traditional HP stronghold, help push Dell to the No. 1 spot. |
2. |
Pushing to wiretap 'push to talk'. Cell phone service providers may be willing to wiretap the walkie-talkie feature, but only one has the technological capability to do so. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Sun Microsystems Reports $760M Loss (AP). AP - Sun Microsystems Inc. posted a larger-than-expected loss in its fiscal third quarter as the computer and software maker continued to lay off workers and reorganize amid blistering competition from rivals. |
4. |
AT&T Wireless Service to Name That Tune (Reuters). Reuters - AT&T Wireless Services Inc. (AWE.N)
said on Thursday it launched a music recognition service that
identifies songs for mobile phone customers, from a database of
about 1 million songs. |
5. |
Florida Ponders Communication Tax on LANs |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
EarthLink finds rampant spyware, trojans. Internet service provider EarthLink and Webroot Software released a report on Thursday that said an average of almost 28 spyware programs are running on each computer. More serious, Trojan horse or system monitoring programs were found on more than 30 percent of all systems scanned, raising fears of identity theft. |
InfoWorld: Security
7. |
IBM Q1 profit and sales grow. IBM Corp. reported on Thursday net income and revenue growth in its first quarter of 2004, driven by sales increases worldwide and in the small- and mid-size business market. |
8. |
EarthLink finds rampant spyware, trojans. Internet service provider EarthLink and Webroot Software released a report on Thursday that said an average of almost 28 spyware programs are running on each computer. More serious, Trojan horse or system monitoring programs were found on more than 30 percent of all systems scanned, raising fears of identity theft. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
9. |
BugTraq: SCT javascript execution vulnerability. Sender: spiffomatic 64 [spiffomatic64 at hotmail dot com] |
10. |
BugTraq: FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-04:07.cvs. Sender: FreeBSD Security Advisories [security-advisories at freebsd dot org] |
11. |
BugTraq: Re: XSS, Admin Access via Cookie and File Upload vulnerability in NewsPHP.. Sender: Manuel Lopez [mantra at gulo dot org] |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
FTC to shine light on spyware |
13. |
Paper the Future of Sony Storage? |
14. |
netsky.v infects without clicking |
15. |
netsky.v infects without clicking |
16. |
InfoSec Writers: Discovering Passwords in the Memory [pdf] "a common vulnerability that could be... |
17. |
Supercomputing Hacks Tread Familiar Path (Ziff Davis) |
8:28:53 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
SGI sells software division. The high-end computer maker sells off its Alias unit, which makes software for 3D graphics and animation, for $57.5 million. |
2. |
Siebel Chief: IT recovery is "fragile". The software giant's income last year was hurt by the Iraq war, Tom Siebel notes as the company posts strong first-quarter earnings. He says he's cautiously optimisic about better days for the IT field. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
IBM Profit Up But Services Fall Short (Reuters). Reuters - IBM posted its fifth quarter of rising
net profit on Thursday as corporations increased their spending
on computer systems, but the stock fell 3 percent due to
weakness in its services and chips businesses. |
4. |
RealNetworks Seeks to Work With Apple (AP). AP - Apple Computer Inc. apparently doesn't want to sing the same tune as its Internet music rival RealNetworks Inc. |
5. |
AT&T Wireless Announces Music ID Service |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
IBM Q1 profit and sales grow. IBM reported on Thursday net income and revenue growth in its first quarter of 2004, driven by sales increases worldwide and in the small- and mid-size business market. |
7. |
Sun posts $760 million loss, shuffles hardware units. Sun Microsystems on Thursday reported a net loss of $760 million, or $0.23 per share, in the third quarter of its fiscal 2004 year, which ended March 28. The company also announced a reorganization of its hardware divisions, as well as the departure of two senior executives: Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer Mark Tolliver and Executive Vice President of Volume Systems Products Neil Knox. |
The Register
8. |
For Sun chip chief, an empty roadmap is a clean roadmap. SPARCs fly By Andrew Orlowski . |
9. |
Sun tops off poor Q3 by axing execs. Server brass exits stage loss By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
MySQL Goes a Clustering |
11. |
Security Focus: Basic Web Session Impersonation |
12. |
Obtention de privilèges à distance sur IBM DB2 Remote Command Server |
13. |
Déni de service dans Apache 2.0 mod_SSL |
14. |
(Mise à jour) MSN Messenger se fait indiscret |
15. |
Virus Mydoom : dégâts limités pour les entreprises |
16. |
LEN : la loi du Net divise |
17. |
ADSL : les grandes manuvres |
18. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 479-2] New Linux 2.4.18 packages fix local root exploit (i386) |
7:28:33 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Thai Lady-Man beauty contest. 
I'm no expert on Thai society, but I'm fascinated by the role of transvestites and transsexuals in Thai movies and popular culture. The relative social acceptance of "lady boys" seems to be rooted in part in Buddhist tradition, but modern manifestations owe as much to Holllywood dreams as anything else. For instance: the "Greatest Lady-man Pageant in the World," which took place last Friday in Pattaya, promising lady-men "more beautiful than you have ever seen anywhere before."
Link to Lady-Man Pageant website, Link to Flash-based website for the forthcoming Thai film Beautiful Boxer ("He fights like a man so he can become a woman"). |
2. |
Shooting for RFID in guns. Verichip announced the development of a gun safety system based on radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology. The aim is to prevent a gun from being fired by anyone other than its owner. Here's how it works: A gun is outfitted with an RFID reader. An RFID tag is implanted in the gun owner's hand. Only in the presence of that tag will the handgun allow its trigger to be unlocked. Link
3. |
EFF guide to Gmail privacy. Donna sez: "EFF provides a quick and dirty technical work-around for protecting your privacy if you want to use Google's beta Gmail service - only a temporary fix, and there's the rub: Google needs to step up and provide a solution that protects its customers' privacy (and the same goes for other businesses than can link email to search data!)."
For current and prospective Gmail users, we suggest that you start by deleting your existing Google cookies before you use Gmail (and before you enter your real name or existing email address in any Google form). This will help prevent your pre-existing search history from becoming associated with your identity in the future. (Note that it will also cause you to lose any Google preferences you have entered, such as language or adult content preferences.)
Link |
4. |
Pig Brother: swine voyeurism. Darren sez, "Watch a family of wild boars, live with video and audio 24-hours a day. I watched and listened for a few minutes tonight, which is tomorrow morning in German boar time. I didn't see any pigs, but I did hear them. The audio is fantastic--very atmospheric. You can hear them scuffling around and snorting in the dirt. Over the past two weeks, apparently this site in Germany was become something of a phenomenon, registering 1.5 million visitors."
(Thanks, Darren!) |
5. |
Headphones that can record their input as MP3. Engadet reports on Aiwa's new ¥15,000 headphones, which can take standard audio input and play it through and/or record it as an MP3 to its built-in 128MB of memory. It's a great idea, and I can think of a million things I would love to use them for, from recording tracks off vinyl records to the air-traffic control chatter on Channel 12 on United flights.
Link |
CNET News.com
6. |
Musical chairs. As online audio hits a commercial crescendo, key companies are jockeying for position. But both RealNetworks and Apple may be left to go it alone as the sound of Microsoft's footsteps grows louder. |
7. |
Wireless broadband may get more spectrum. The FCC signals a willingness to let unlicensed devices share some spectrum devoted to satellites to spread broadband across the country. But some claim it will only create interference. |
8. |
Big Blue earnings meet expectations. The tech industry bellwether posts first-quarter earnings that meet expectations amid solid revenue growth in its hardware, software and services divisions. |
New York Times: Technology
9. |
I.B.M. Quarterly Profit Grows as Spending Improves. I.B.M., the world's largest computer company, today said net profit grew for the fifth quarter in a row as corporations bought more technology. By Reuters. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
10. |
Newswire: Goodby, AT&T Wireless Split Up (AdWeek.com). AdWeek.com - AT&T Wireless has split with its creative agency, Omnicom's Goodby, Silverstein & Partners in San Francisco, saying last week that the move was precipitated by the company's pending merger with Cingular Wireless. |
11. |
Internet Ad Co. DoubleClick's Profit Soars (AP). AP - Internet advertising company DoubleClick Inc. Thursday posted a more than eightfold increase in its first-quarter net income, helped by growth across all the company's product groups. |
12. |
A La Carte Cable TV Channels? |
13. |
Inside Look at Patent Examination |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
14. |
Sun reports expected giant loss. The computer maker reveals that it made a $760m (£424m) third quarter loss, as it struggles to regain its old market position. |
15. |
FreeBSD: cvs Chroot escape vulnerability |
16. |
Debian: kernel 2.4.18 Multiple vulnerabilities |
SecurityFocus Vulns
17. |
BugTraq: [RHSA-2004:159-01] Updated Subversion packages fix security vulnerability in neon. Sender: [bugzilla at redhat dot com] |
18. |
BugTraq: Include vulnerability in GEMITEL v 3.50. Sender: jaguar [webmaster at wulab dot com] |
19. |
BugTraq: Cisco Security Notice: Cisco IPsec VPN Implementation Group Password Usage Vulnerability. Sender: Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team [psirt at cisco dot com] |
The Register
20. |
Egg decorated for site accessibility in DRC study. Five stars in disability survey By OUT-LAW.COM . |
21. |
Patent Office asked to review Microsoft FAT patent. Write open source software - and go to jail By Andrew Orlowski . |
NewsIsFree: Security
22. |
SCT Campus Pipeline Javascript Event Input Validation Holes Let Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Commands |
23. |
LIC et HSC annoncent leur partenariat en conseil et formation Securite des SI, Reseaux et Telecommunications |
24. |
IT security has never been so necessary |
25. |
Mutual support is key to managing risk |
26. |
Bugwatch: No silver bullet for security |
27. |
Users warned over new Netsky threat |
28. |
PGP Software analyse les virus |
29. |
Deux eBooks gratuits sur la sécurité |
30. |
Un site de documentation sécurité, modéré par des professionnels |
31. |
Développement d'un modèle d'évaluation des risques informatiques |
32. |
L'UE ne veut punir que les téléchargements à des fins commerciales |
33. |
Accord entre Symantec et l'ISP EarthLink |
34. |
Microsoft : 1 patch et ça repart! |
35. |
Fedora: squid 2.5 ACL escape vulnerability |
36. |
FreeBSD: cvs Chroot escape vulnerability |
6:17:33 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Jobs to Glaser: Buzz off. CNET News.com's Charles Cooper says that if RealNetworks' CEO wanted to threaten his opposite number at Apple, he should have used anything except e-mail. |
2. |
Top server execs at Sun on the way out. Sun Microsystems is changing the top executives in charge of its core server products, the latest upheaval as Sun seeks to turn around 12 consecutive quarters of revenue declines. |
3. |
Real's scramble points to isolation. Powerful strides by Apple and Microsoft point to the digital media pioneer's need for alliances. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
IBM Matches Wall Street 1Q Forecast (AP). AP - First-quarter profits rose 16 percent at IBM Corp. and matched Wall Street estimates Thursday, though rebounding corporate spending and weakness in the dollar helped the technology bellwether exceed revenue forecasts. |
5. |
Netflix Loss Widens, But Outlook Raised (Reuters). Reuters - Online DVD renter Netflix Inc.
(NFLX.O) on Thursday reported a wider quarterly net loss due to
higher costs, but raised its earnings outlook because of
rapidly rising subscriber and sales numbers stemming from newly
launched TV advertising. |
6. |
AT&T Wireless Launches Music Service (AP). AP - AT&T Wireless began offering its U.S. subscribers a service Thursday that uses mobile phones to identify the names and performers of more than 1 million popular songs. |
7. |
Japanese Inventor's Motor Uses 80% Less Power |
8. |
FCC Opens Wireless 3.6GHZ Band |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
Compuware takes on Java, .Net with Uniface. Bucking the established Java and .Net application camps, Compuware on Monday will roll out Uniface 8.4, an upgrade to the company’s alternative development platform that features enhancements for Web services and SOAs (service-oriented architectures). |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
BugTraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 479-2] New Linux 2.4.18 packages fix local root exploit (i386). Sender: [joey at infodrom dot org (Martin Schulze)] |
11. |
BugTraq: [ GLSA 200404-13 ] CVS Server and Client Vulnerabilities. Sender: Kurt Lieber [klieber at gentoo dot org] |
12. |
BugTraq: phpBugTracker 0.9.1 && Earlier Vulnerabilities. Sender: JeiAr [security at gulftech dot org] |
13. |
Vulns: Citadel/UX Insecure File Permissions Vulnerability. Citadel/UX is an open source BBS package for Linux, BSD, Solaris and other Unix systems. Citadel/UX stores data in a local database.
Citadel/UX has been reported prone t... |
14. |
Vulns: SurgeLDAP User.CGI Directory Traversal Vulnerability. SurgeLDAP is an LDAP server implementation for Microsoft Windows operating systems. It includes a built-in web server to permit remote user access via HTTP.
SurgeLDAP i... |
15. |
Vulns: Apache mod_python Module Malformed Query Denial of Service Vulnerability. Apache's mod_python is a module which allows the web server to interpret Python scripts. mod_python supports Apache 1.3.x and 2.x, and is available for Windows, Linux and... |
16. |
Vulns: NuKed-KlaN Remote Arbitrary File Include Vulnerability. NuKed-KlaN is a web portal system. It is written in PHP.
A vulnerability has been reported to exist in the software that may allow an attacker to include malicious file... |
The Register
17. |
Brits cheat insurance to get gadget upgrades. Lying Low By John Leyden . |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
LCDproc Buffer Overflow and Format String Vulnerabilities |
19. |
KPhone Malformed STUN Packets DoS |
20. |
Tiki CMS/Groupware Multiple Vulnerabilities |
21. |
Linux Kernel ISO9660 File System Component Buffer Overflow |
22. |
AntiOnline Spotlight: Gone Phishing |
23. |
Net Security: Linux Kernel ISO9660 File System Component Buffer Overflow Vulnerability "The Linu... |
24. |
securitydocs.com - "Directory of Security White Papers" |
25. |
Silicon: Windows update site overwhelmed by patch-hungry users "reaching a sustained download ra... |
26. |
The Register: Getting connected to online backups |
27. |
VNU Net: Get the right virus protection "Protecting business infrastructures against digital att... |
28. |
Windows Update Servers Slowed By Rush To Patch |
5:17:14 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
ECC2-109 distributed computing project solved, Ars Technica wins!. Ars Technica's Team Vodka Martini chalked up a distributed computing victory when it was verified that Arsian Glenon and a user from another team found the winning data points. Ars' DC teams still need your support! By Eric Bangeman. |
CNET News.com
2. |
EarthLink keeps tabs on spyware. The Internet service provider says it found an average of nearly 28 interlopers on each PC that it scanned during the first quarter. |
3. |
Universities, research centers retrench after hacks. Academic supercomputing labs continue this week to clean up Linux and Solaris servers targeted by unknown attackers, as law enforcement officials investigate. |
4. |
Will iPod suffer fate of the Mac?. Apple critics again take aim at the company's "go it alone" strategy--but CEO Steve Jobs seems comfortable with risks. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Product Review: Dell PowerVault 745N (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - The
Dell (Nasdaq: DELL) PowerVault 745N is a NAS (network attached storage)
server that offers small businesses, workgroups and branch offices cost-effective, centralized
data storage that is designed for rapid deployment on an Ethernet network. |
6. |
MySQL Cluster Debuts (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - MySQL AB has launched MySQL Cluster, a new open-source database-clustering technology for applications requiring continuous availability. The product delivers 99.999 percent, or five nines, availability using a parallel server architecture. |
7. |
Wireless Tools Buy Time for Mobile Workers (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Tools that free field service workers from repetitive data-entry tasks and provide timely information to the home office are ideal wireless enterprise applications for many businesses. |
8. |
New Web Protocol May Leave DSL in the Dust (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - With the click of a BIC, speeding along the information superhighway
may begin to feel like zooming down Germany's no-holds-barred Autobahn. |
9. |
USB Going Wireless |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
Vulns: WU-FTPD restricted-gid Unauthorized Access Vulnerability. Wu-ftpd is a widely used ftp server.
A vulnerability has been identified in WU-FTPD that may allow an attacker to gain unauthorized access to a vulnerable server and cou... |
11. |
Vulns: Wu-Ftpd S/Key Remote Buffer Overrun Vulnerability. A remotely exploitable buffer overrun vulnerability has been reported in Wu-Ftpd if support for S/Key authentication is enabled. The issue exists in the skey_challenge f... |
12. |
Vulns: Cisco LEAP Password Disclosure Weakness. Cisco LEAP is a mutual authentication algorithm based on Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). LEAP is used with wireless networks and relies on user's logon passwor... |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
Exploits Available For MS04-11 Vulns **PATCH NOW** |
14. |
Doppelt gefährlich: Wurm kommt mit Virus-Funktion |
15. |
Average PC Plagued With 28 Pieces Of Spyware |
16. |
Should IT Security Move Out of IT? |
17. |
Would you bend the rules? |
4:16:53 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
FTC to weigh in on spyware. The FTC plans to hold hearings next week to look at the problem of spyware. Would banning spyware have any better outcome than banning spam? By Eric Bangeman. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Labor group tallies up exported U.S. jobs. Since April 1, 2001, U.S. companies have "offshored" at least 160,785 jobs, the group says. |
3. |
EC regulators delay Oracle decision. European antitrust regulators stop the clock on deciding whether to block Oracle's hostile takeover bid for PeopleSoft. Observers speculate Oracle is stalling, to avoid an unfavorable EU decision that could influence its U.S. case. |
4. |
IBM to resell Manugistics' software. IBM has added Manugistics' supply chain programs to its roster of sales and marketing alliances. |
5. |
Companies' RFID plans fuzzy so far. Although Wal-Mart Stores and other big retailers are requiring suppliers to use the tracking technology, for various reasons, most companies are keeping their plans hush-hush. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
European Regulators Halt Oracle Probe (AP). AP - European antitrust regulators suspended for a second time their review of Oracle Corp.'s hostile $9.4 billion takeover bid for business software rival PeopleSoft Inc. while it waits for more information. |
7. |
Researchers Develop 3-D Search Engine (AP). AP - The mind-boggling speed and reach of Internet search engines mask a severe limitation: They are powered by words alone. But the world is full of objects and patterns. Now computing researchers have developed search engines that can mine catalogs of three-dimensional objects, like airplane parts or architectural features. |
8. |
Injunction to Enforce GPL |
9. |
GNOME for Grandma |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
Privacy issues continue to dog Google's Gmail. Since announcing Gmail two weeks ago, Google Inc. has been forced to defend the planned Web-based e-mail service against accusations that it may violate users' privacy. In the face of the attacks, especially vociferous in Europe, which has strict privacy regulations, Google has begun to express willingness to be flexible about how it offers the service. |
11. |
Would you bend the rules? |
O'Reilly Weblogs
12. |
Real Looking for Alliance with Apple. The NY Times (registration required) reports that Rob Glaser of Real has appealed to Steve Jobs to open up its Fairplay DRM system, so that Real doesn't feel that they have to switch to Microsoft's WMA format. |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
14 nouvelles vulnérabilités Microsoft Windows |
3:16:33 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
It's a computer case and a hamster cage. "The PC HabiCase allows your gerbil, hamster or mouse to live INSIDE your computer. Ample room is provided for climbing, or your pet can hang out in one of the two "play pods" located at the front and top of the case. Heat from your CPU ensures your rodent will be warm and comfortable in a climate controlled environment." Cost $149. Motherboard not included. It's an April Fool's Joke. Link (Via World of Wonder)
2. |
Thai Lady-Man beauty contest. 
I'm no expert in Thai society, but I'm fascinated by the role of transvestites and transsexuals in Thai movies and popular culture. The relative cultural acceptance of "lady boys" seems to be rooted in part in Buddhist tradition, but modern manifestations owe as much to Holllywood dreams as anything else. For instance: the "Greatest Lady-man Pageant in the World," which took place last Friday in Pattaya, promising lady-men "more beautiful than you have ever seen anywhere before."
Link to Lady-Man Pageant website, Link to Flash-based movie preview website for Beautiful Boxer ("He fights like a man so he can become a woman"). |
3. |
Jenna Jameson has a really nice house. According to this New York Times article about porn star Jenna Jameson's fabulous abode, we weblogger/freelance writer types are totally in the wrong business. I mean -- check out the size of her shoe closet, for chrissakes. Link (Thanks, Susannah) |
4. |
Stephenson's money-centric interview on Wired News. Paul Boutin conducted an interview with Neal Stephenson for Wired News in honour of Neal's new book, Confusion, sequel to the Leibnitzpunk doorstopper Quicksilver, a book that I like more and more the further I get from it (that is, when I read it, I liked it OK, but the more I think about it, the better I like it). Paul got Stephenson to expound for quite a while on money and what it means, a subject on which Neal has many interesting and rarely-heard things to say.
[M]oney is a sort of medium for the exchange of information. When the price of cloth went up in Antwerp, it was because the system of international trade, in some fashion that's too complex for us to understand, was transmitting information about the supply/demand balance. Money makes that kind of information flow better.
Nowadays money is electronic and there's plenty of it. Back then, money had to be silver or gold. In those days silver came from the Spanish colonies of Mexico and Peru, and gold came from the Portuguese colony of Brazil. It was transported across the Atlantic to Europe, though English and other privateers did their best to intercept it en route. Some of it circulated in European markets, some was hoarded in the vaults of wealthy families and institutions, and a lot of it flowed east toward India and China. China was notoriously hungry for silver. It was a complicated flow pattern, with any number of sources and sinks and eddies and feedback loops, and like any other such system it was capable of chaotic behavior. If enough people hoarded their metal, a money shortage would develop, which would make it very difficult to conduct trade on any level beyond that of a village market, and throttle the flow of information.
Link |
5. |
The whacky world of income tax protesters. Great Reason article about people who flat out refuse to pay income taxes.
While in the past evangelists of the "income tax is a fraud" message have tended to sell books and seminars, the We The People Foundation has the advantage of being hard to blithely condemn as a scam. It is not a business selling advice but a nonprofit dedicated to spending money -- more than $1 million since taking up this fight -- to spread the word. Its founder claims Gandhi as his influence: From him Schulz learned that to fight an unjust tyranny, you need a proactive, nonviolent mass movement, and that is what he is trying to create. Link |
6. |
Cellular sounds. What do cells sound like? Nanotech pioneer Jim Gimzewski and grad student Andrew Pelling are using the tiny tip of an atomic force microscope like the needle of a record player to pick up a cell's sound-generating vibrations. Gimzewski has named the fieled "sonocytology." From a Smithsonian Magazine article about the research:
"The distance the cell wall moves determines the amplitude, or volume, of the sound wave, and the speed of the up-and-down movement is its frequency, or pitch. Though the volume of the yeast cell sound was far too low to be heard, Gimzewski says its frequency was theoretically within the range of human hearing. 'So all we're doing is turning up the volume,' he adds."
CNET News.com
7. |
Dial-that-tune comes to U.S.. Can't recognize the song? AT&T Wireless gives phones music recognition power. Just dial a few digits and hold the cell phone close to the speaker. |
8. |
Microsoft releases another XML spec. The company hopes to encourage enterprise software makers to tap into its Visio charting tools by releasing its XML schema. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
9. |
Calpers Widens Withholding Proxy Votes (Reuters). Reuters - Calpers, the biggest U.S. pension
fund, said on Thursday it would withhold its proxy votes from
directors from eight major U.S. companies, including Apple
Computer Inc. (AAPL.O) and Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT.N) |
10. |
Amazon testing new search engine (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - Online merchant Amazon.com took the wraps off an experimental search engine Wednesday that could eventually help the company learn more about its customers and capture a larger share of the Internet shopping market. |
11. |
Sony Designs Blu-Ray Disc Made From Paper (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Sony Corp. and Toppan Printing Co. have successfully developed an optical Blu-Ray disc that was partially constructed from paper. |
12. |
Firm Blames Equipment for E-Vote Glitch (AP). AP - The manufacturer of San Diego County's electronic voting equipment blamed a faulty power switch for problems that delayed the opening of 40 percent of polling stations, according to a report released by Diebold Election Systems Inc. |
13. |
Google Unveils Targeted Localized Ads (AP). AP - Google is giving online merchants and other Web sites more options for tailoring their advertisements to local audiences. Under a new program set to begin Thursday, a pet store in Boston, for instance, can specify that it wants to reach Google users in the Boston area only. Or a national company can have different ads run in San Francisco and Washington, D.C. |
14. |
More on Scammers Abusing TTY Services |
SecurityFocus Vulns
15. |
Vulns: Eazel Nautilus Trash Folder Handler Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. Nautilus is a file manager for the GNOME desktop environment. Nautilus has been reported to be prone to a buffer overflow vulnerability.
The vulnerability is reported to... |
16. |
Vulns: Blackboard Learning System Multiple Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities. Blackboard Learning System is web-based educational software.
Blackboard has been reported prone to multiple cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. These issues are due ... |
17. |
Vulns: TikiWiki Project Multiple Input Validation Vulnerabilities. TikiWiki Project is a web based content management system.
Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in various modules of the application. These vulnerabilities ma... |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
Ñâåæèé âûïóñê Crypto-Gram |
19. |
Phrack ñîáèðàåò ìàòåðèàëû |
20. |
15 Apr W32/Lovgate-V |
21. |
Gentoo: cvs Multiple vulnerabilities |
22. |
Fedora: openoffice Multiple format string vulnerabilities |
23. |
Fedora: kernel Corrected md4sums |
24. |
Debian: ssmtp Format string vulnerability |
25. |
Debian: xonix Privilege retention vulnerability |
26. |
Debian: kernel 2.4.18 Multiple vulnerabilities |
27. |
Mandrake: tcpdump Multiple vulnerabilities |
28. |
Red Hat: subversion Multiple format string vulnerabilities |
29. |
PGP Software analyse les virus |
30. |
Deux eBooks gratuits sur la sécurité |
31. |
Un site de documentation sécurité, modéré par des professionnels |
32. |
Développement d'un modèle d'évaluation des risques informatiques |
33. |
L'UE ne veut punir que les téléchargements à des fins commerciales |
34. |
Accord entre Symantec et l'ISP EarthLink |
35. |
Microsoft : 1 patch et ça repart! |
36. |
Elsewhere: Hackers hit supercomputing giants |
37. |
NetSky-V spreads on auto-pilot |
38. |
Windows Update groans under patch load |
2:16:13 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Forget Alvin and the Chipmunks. Here are the Hamsters! A graduate student at Cornell University built a MIDI sequencer controlled by six hamsters:
"The MIDI sequencer intelligently produced melodies by manipulating the musical elements of rhythm and note-choice. Guided by inputs based on hamster movements, Markov chains were used to perform such beat and note computations. In culmination, 3 simultaneous voices were produced spanning 3 octaves and 3 rhythmic tiers. Each voice was controlled by two hamsters: one that was responsible for adjusting the rhythmic qualities of the melody and another that modified the note sequence. With all of these elements in combination, an output was produced with very musical qualities."
Link (Thanks, Nick!) |
2. |
Transexual Korean pop singer stars in sanitary napkin commercials. Harisu, a famous transexual pop singer in Korea, will appear in TV commercials for menstrual pads. "Harisu, who's hit song "Foxy Lady" has made her quite busy lately, will return to Korea on Friday. She is currently in the United States, where she will perform a concert after being selected as the "Korean Artist We'd Most Like to See" by the LA Korean Chamber of Commerce. Harisu, who's hit song "Foxy Lady" has made her quite busy lately, will return to Korea on Friday. She is currently in the United States, where she will perform a concert after being selected as the "Korean Artist We'd Most Like to See" by the LA Korean Chamber of Commerce."
Link (Via World of Wonder) |
3. |
It's a computer case and a hamster cage. "The PC HabiCase allows your gerbil, hamster or mouse to live INSIDE your computer. Ample room is provided for climbing, or your pet can hang out in one of the two "play pods" located at the front and top of the case. Heat from your CPU ensures your rodent will be warm and comfortable in a climate controlled environment." Cost $149. Motherboard not included. Link (Via World of Wonder)
4. |
Attogram scale can weigh viruses. This new scale can detect mass differences of an attogram (10^-18 grams)"The nanoelectromechanical device used by Craighead and colleagues consists of an oscillating cantilever made from a small wafer of silicon 4 microns long and 500 nm wide. When a small particle is absorbed onto the wafer, it alters the frequency at which the wafer vibrates. The team was able to monitor this change by measuring laser light reflected off the wafer, which then allowed the mass of the particle to be calculated." Link (Via ZZZ) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
EU suspends Oracle probe, no date for resumption (AFP). AFP - The European Commission said it had stopped the clock on an examination of Oracle's bid for rival professional software group PeopleSoft. |
6. |
SCO and Red Hat Case Goes Into Hibernation (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Red Hat and SCO's case will wait until SCO vs. IBM is resolved, which might be sooner than SCO wants if IBM gets its way and the courts give it a summary judgment. |
7. |
Automobile Black Box Sends Driver to Jail |
8. |
Sony Develops 25 GB Paper Disc |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
AMD's profits grow on Opteron, flash memory. Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) posted its second straight profitable quarter, as higher flash memory and Opteron sales led the way in the first quarter of 2004, the company said Wednesday. |
10. |
Manugistics, IBM partner on supply-chain products. Manugistics Group Inc. and IBM Corp. have entered into an alliance to market supply-chain management software, hardware, and services. |
11. |
Mandrake: tcpdump Multiple vulnerabilities |
12. |
Red Hat: subversion Multiple format string vulnerabilities |
SecurityFocus News
13. |
Elsewhere: Hackers hit supercomputing giants. NEW YORK (AP) -- Hackers have broken into some of the world's most powerful computer clusters in recent weeks in an apparently coordinated cyberattack targeting research ... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
14. |
Vulns: Monit Overly Long HTTP Request Buffer Overrun Vulnerability. Monit is a utility for the Linux and Unix operating systems that is designed to monitor processes, devices, files, and directories. The application makes use of an HTTPS ... |
The Register
15. |
PalmOne preps 28 April PDA updates. Update As new Zires surface on e-tail sites By Tony Smith . |
16. |
Slim Devices slims Squeezbox prices. Review Update Plus Reg reader feedback By Tony Smith . |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
25 000 Dialer illegal |
18. |
Netsky-V ohne Dateianhang |
19. |
Sicherheitslücke im Linux-Kernel 2.4 und 2.6 |
20. |
Linux Kernel ISO9660 File System Component Buffer Overflow Vulnerability |
21. |
Elsewhere: Watch out: There's an ID thief about |
22. |
Elsewhere: Get the right virus protection |
23. |
News: NetSky-V spreads on auto-pilot |
1:14:53 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Photos of water throwing festival in Thailand. Boingboing reader Ron Morris says:
Songkran - the water throwing fesitval in Thailand. A series of photos that shows what it is like to be in the middle of the water-throwing frenzy on Khao Sarn Road in Bangkok.
Link |
2. |
Eglu and Urban Chicken Chic update. Boingboing reader Shelly Rae Clift read yesterday's post on fashionable iMac-like poultry housing and says:
Not only is Chicken Keeping allowed in the fine city of Seattle but you can have up to three (as long as they are hens that is)! (And yes, hens lay eggs just fine without roosters). The City Chickens phenomenon has sparked some creative coop architecture and an annual tour of City Chicken Coops. Now I wonder how I can get an Eglu of my own...?
Link |
3. |
Green Freezers for Ben and Jerry's. BoingBoing reader Roland Piquepaille says:
In order to boost its environmental image, Ben & Jerry's teamed with Penn State University to build 'green'-technology freezers which will replace existing ones inside its stores. These new greener chillers use sound waves for cooling instead of environment-damaging chemical refrigerants linked to global warming. In this article, the Wall Street Journal (sorry, paid subscribers only) reports that Ben & Jerry's invested $600,000 in the project and that the first acoustic chiller will be installed in New York next week. And these sound waves will really 'scream for ice cream': they will be attached to amplifiers generating 183 decibels, a sound level thousands of times beyond rock concert levels. This overview contains other details and references about the 'green' chiller.
Link |
4. |
Make a USB turd. Instructions on how to make your very own USB-powered hunk of faux feces. Why anyone would want to, I cannot fathom. Link (Thanks,JL). And when you're done, you can print out this uttery non-worksafe coprophilia coloring book, and frolic away merrily in the land of poo. Link (Thanks, Manuel Wanskasmith, via Susannah) |
CNET News.com
5. |
Briefly: Intel adds tunes to motherboards. Plus: Oracle, PeopleSoft can't make a date...Rambus sees earnings climb...State questions Microsoft search plans. |
6. |
Open-source start-up gets funding. Ping Identity, which develops open-source software and services for managing digital identity information, has raised $5.8 million. |
7. |
Qwest plays nice with Covad. The two companies agree to the first commercial line-sharing deal since the FCC said it was phasing out regulated pricing on the practice. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Data Storage Equipment Maker EMC Earns Up (Reuters). Reuters - EMC Corp. (EMC.N), a supplier of data
storage equipment and software, reported sharply higher
first-quarter profit and a 35 percent rise in revenue on
Thursday as corporate customers stepped up technology spending. |
9. |
Apple Seeds Its Core With iPods (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Here's a sign that things are changing for personal computer makers: Apple Computer for the first time sold more of its iPod digital music players than its flagship Macintosh computers, a further indication that digital entertainment is reshaping the way that computer companies do business. |
10. |
Real Begs Apple for Alliance |
11. |
Fedora: kernel Corrected md4sums |
12. |
Debian: kernel 2.4.18 Multiple vulnerabilities |
SecurityNewsPortal.com HomelandSecurity.com
13. |
Netsky-V worm can infect computers without e-mail attachment being clicked |
SecurityFocus News
14. |
Elsewhere: Watch out: There's an ID thief about. When someone says 'get a life', they don't generally mean 'take mine'. But that's exactly what happened to more than 100,000 people in the UK last year.
ID theft - where ... |
15. |
Elsewhere: Get the right virus protection. Protecting business infrastructures against digital attack is now an everyday necessity. In 2003, an average of seven new security vulnerabilities were identified every d... |
16. |
News: NetSky-V spreads on auto-pilot. The Register By John Leyden [john dot leyden at theregister dot co dot uk] |
SecurityFocus Vulns
17. |
Vulns: Microsoft Internet Explorer Bitmap File Processing Denial of Service Vulnerability. A vulnerability has been identified in Microsoft Internet Explorer that may allow a remote attacker to cause a denial of service condition on a vulnerable system.
The is... |
18. |
Vulns: Linux Kernel Sigqueue Blocking Denial Of Service Vulnerability. A vulnerability has been reported in the Linux Kernel that may permit a malicious local user to cause a system-wide denial of service condition. This issue may be trigge... |
19. |
Vulns: Multiple Monit Administration Interface Remote Vulnerabilities. Monit is a utility for Linux and Unix operating systems that is designed to monitor processes, devices, files, and directories. The application makes use of an HTTP/HTTPS... |
20. |
Vulns: Microsoft Outlook Express Malformed EML File Denial of Service Vulnerability. A vulnerability has been identified in Microsoft Outlook Express that may allow an attacker to cause the application to crash.
The issue presents itself when a malformed... |
21. |
Vulns: Cisco WLSE/HSE Devices Default Username and Password Vulnerability. Cisco Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE) devices provide centralized management including monitoring, network security, and optimization for the Cisco Wireless LAN infra... |
The Register
22. |
Murderer blogs from behind bars. Nice little earner for 'Martin the Stutterer' By Jan Libbenga . |
23. |
DHL mulls offshoring remainder of IT staff. Postal giant sends jobs abroad... By John Oates . |
24. |
Microsoft charity licence gets lukewarm welcome. One hand clapping By John Oates . |
25. |
Windows Update groans under patch load. Download stampede By John Leyden . |
26. |
Slim Devices slims Squeezbox prices. Review Update And Reg readers show the audio player's true scope By Tony Smith . |
NewsIsFree: Security
27. |
Hackers breach supercomputer centers |
28. |
Audio Interview with Greg Hoglund and Gary McGraw, Authors of "Exploiting Software: How to Break Code" |
29. |
File and email encryption with GnuPG (PGP) part five |
30. |
OpenPKG update for CVS |
31. |
Red Hat update for OpenOffice |
32. |
Gentoo update for CVS |
33. |
OpenPKG update for mysql |
34. |
Debian update for mysql |
35. |
Debian update for mysql |
36. |
SuSE update for CVS |
37. |
SuSE update for CVS |
38. |
Mandrake update for CVS |
39. |
Mandrake update for CVS |
40. |
OpenPKG update for CVS |
41. |
OpenPKG update for CVS |
42. |
Red Hat update for OpenOffice |
43. |
Red Hat update for OpenOffice |
44. |
Gentoo update for CVS |
45. |
Gentoo update for CVS |
46. |
OpenPKG update for mysql |
47. |
OpenPKG update for mysql |
12:14:33 PM
11:14:13 AM
10:13:53 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
RealNetworks Pursues Alliance with Apple - NYT (Reuters). Reuters - Internet media company RealNetworks is
pursuing a digital music alliance with Apple Computer, the New
York Times said on Thursday. |
2. |
EU Delays Review of Oracle-PeopleSoft Bid (AP). AP - European antitrust regulators suspended for a second time their review of Oracle Corp.'s hostile $9.4 billion takeover bid for business software rival PeopleSoft Inc. while it waits for more information. |
3. |
FTC Adopts New Rule For Sexually Explicit Spam |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Cost of printer ink under fire. A cheap printer could turn out to be a costly purchase due to the price of ink cartridges, a survey finds. |
InfoWorld: Top News
5. |
Update: Apple revenue, profits steam ahead on iPod strength. The continued popularity of Apple Computer Inc.'s iPod music player helped the company to a rise in second-quarter revenue and profit, as compared to last year's second quarter, Apple announced Wednesday. |
6. |
Update: Lindows changes OS name to Linspire. Embattled Linux-based software vendor Lindows.com Inc. formally changed the name of its desktop operating system from LindowsOS to "Linspire" on Wednesday, after a two-year trademark dispute with Microsoft Corp. |
7. |
ISPs to form national lobbying group. WASHINGTON -- A group of independent Internet service providers (ISPs), fearing they will be denied access to the broadband pipes owned by major cable and telecommunications companies, are forming a grassroots group to lobby the U.S. Congress. |
8. |
Microsoft extends, simplifies protocol licensing. Responding to criticism from U.S. antitrust regulators, Microsoft Corp. has extended a program that lets third parties license its Windows communications protocols to cover a broader range of systems. |
9. |
EU suspends Oracle-PeopleSoft antitrust review. The European Commission (EC) said on Thursday that it has paused its antitrust investigation into Oracle Corp.'s bid to buy rival Peoplesoft Inc. because it is seeking more information from Oracle. |
10. |
SAP moves closer to acquiring SAP SI. German business software vendor SAP AG has moved closer to acquiring the remaining shares of SAP Systems Integration AG (SAP SI) after Software AG agreed Wednesday to sell its 3.6 percent stake in the IT service provider. |
11. |
Report: Real seeks musical duet with Apple. RealNetworks Inc. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Rob Glaser has urged Apple Computer Inc.'s CEO Steve Jobs to partner its digital music businesses against rival Microsoft Corp., according to a report published Thursday in The New York Times online edition. |
12. |
Cisco releases WLAN security protocol. Cisco Systems Inc. announced the availability of a protocol that's designed to defeat brute-force dictionary attacks that capture users' passwords in its wireless LAN products. The company urged end users and systems administrators to download the related patch from its Web site. |
The Register
13. |
Webtapping battle lines drawn. 'Significant risk to the entire Internet' By Lester Haines . |
14. |
Godfather of Web awarded €1m. Finnish honour for Tim Berners-Lee By Lester Haines . |
Help Net Security
15. |
HIPAA security: you can run, but you can't hide |
16. |
IT security has never been so necessary |
17. |
Network vulnerabilities |
18. |
No silver bullet for security |
19. |
Audio interview with Greg Hoglund and Gary McGraw, authors of "Exploiting Software: How to Break Code" |
NewsIsFree: Security
20. |
Debian update for kernel |
21. |
Fedora update for kernel |
22. |
SuSE update for kernel |
23. |
Mandrake update for kernel |
24. |
xonix Privilege Escalation Vulnerability |
25. |
Debian update for xonix |
26. |
Xonix Game High Score Mail Function Lets Local Users Gain Elevated Privileges |
27. |
neon Format String Flaws Let Remote WebDAV Servers Execute Arbitrary Code on Connected Clients |
28. |
cadaver Format String Flaws Let Remote WebDAV Servers Execute Arbitrary Code on Connected Clients |
29. |
Basic web session impersonation |
30. |
Auditors working on cyber-risk standard |
31. |
9/11 'entrepreneur' on fraud rap |
32. |
Feds to use 'federated' ID checks |
33. |
The front on Internet terrorism |
34. |
HIPAA security: you can run, but you can't hide |
35. |
IT security has never been so necessary |
36. |
Network vulnerabilities |
37. |
No silver bullet for security |
38. |
Audio interview with Greg Hoglund and Gary McGraw, authors of "Exploiting Software: How to Break Code" |
39. |
15 Apr W32/Agobot-GG |
9:13:33 AM
8:13:12 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Microsoft: No easy mark. Don't let the company's newfound willingness to settle its many legal challenges make you think it'll be easy pickings for any competitor that can hire a couple of lawyers. |
2. |
Big Blue's Johnny Appleseed. Deborah Magid, who decides where the company's venture investments go, offers a different strategy for funding hot start-ups and emerging technologies. |
3. |
Postcards from India. Expatriates are starting to cash in on outsourcing, says CNET News.com's Michael Kanellos, and they're learning about road hazards in the process. |
New York Times: Technology
4. |
The Humble Hard Drive, Transformed Into a Video Grab Bag. Digital video and computers may go together like a horse and carriage, but getting the video out of the camera and onto the PC is where many people get tangled up in the reins - especially those whose computers lack the FireWire connection common to digital video cameras. There is equipment that can help you burn that footage of the peewee hockey game onto a DVD, including video-capture cards that can be installed in your computer to connect the camera directly to the PC and bulky external decoder boxes that can connect it via a U.S.B. port. The new AVerMedia UltraTV USB 300 External TV Tuner gives you a pocket-size solution, and it can also play and record live television on your laptop or desktop PC. By J.d. Biersdorfer. |
5. |
A Viewer for Shutterbugs Who Don't Want to Squint. If squinting at the postage-stamp-size pictures you snap with your cellphone camera has got you down, using the phone's cramped keypad to e-mail them to your PC for a better view is even more tedious. Now Sony and Ericsson say they can cure these blues with Bluetooth. By Michel Marriott. |
6. |
Can't Get Bob Vila to Come By? A Suite Tries to Fill His Shoes. When it comes to home improvement, a good blueprint can make all the difference. Professionals can use high-end software like AutoCad to figure out how wide to make a staircase or how far to extend a patio. But a product from Broderbund, 3D Home Architect Design Suite Deluxe 6, puts many of the same resources within reach of do-it-yourselfers, allowing them to make plans with near-professional precision. By Mark Glassman. |
7. |
Relieve Aching Biceps, or Concentrate on Buff. Compex Technologies asserts that after attaching the electrodes from its hand-held muscle stimulation device, users can simply switch it on, sit back and wait for their muscles to grow stronger. In reality, the Compex Sport device does not provide a route from the armchair to the Olympics. By Ian Austen. |
8. |
For a Card, That Stores 1,000 Images. As the image-processing power of professional-grade digital cameras grows, so does the need for more storage capacity. Potential storage for professional shooters will double next month when Lexar Media introduces a new CompactFlash card that can put away eight gigabytes' worth of pictures. By Chris Larson. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
9. |
Sage profit set to beat forecasts. The accountancy software firm says its half-year profits are set to rise 17%, beating expectations. |
The Register
10. |
ATI readies PCI Express Radeon X880 XT. Mid-June launch By Tony Smith . |
11. |
DVD Forum punts blue laser HD-DVD. And Taiwan preps own hi-def video disc format By Tony Smith . |
12. |
'Java Testing and Design' at 30% off. Site Offer Book bargains galore By Team Register . |
13. |
South Korea allows 3G handset subsidies. 40 per cent off W-CDMA By John Oates . |
14. |
Ex-Infinium exec sues company.... ...then withdraws suit By Tony Smith . |
15. |
419ers plug into plasma TV market. Unique Estonian job opportunity By Lester Haines . |
16. |
Cisco thwarts WLAN dictionary attack. Great LEAP forward By John Leyden . |
17. |
Boingo wins Linksys hotspot kit promo. Venues lured with $300-400 a month profit claim By Tony Smith . |
18. |
Working up an appetite for destruction. Data disposal without tears By Scott Granneman, SecurityFocus . |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
Ad-aware referencefile 01R290 13.04.2004 |
20. |
Norton AntiVirus Virus Definitions April 13, 2004 |
21. |
Trend Micro Pattern File April 13, 2004 |
22. |
Ad-aware referencefile 01R291 14.04.2004 |
23. |
Norton AntiVirus Virus Definitions April 14, 2004 |
24. |
sSMTP Format String Vulnerabilities |
25. |
Mandrake update for tcpdump |
26. |
sSMTP Format String Vulnerabilities |
27. |
Mandrake update for tcpdump |
28. |
Tiener terroriseert gezin via e-mailvirus |
29. |
Minder snel publiceren van patches is beter |
30. |
Adwarebedrijf wil verbod op anti-spywarewet |
31. |
Raubkopierer in Zürich verurteilt |
32. |
Windows-Update am Anschlag |
7:12:52 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Microsoft plans to invest 'tens of millions' of dollars in Chinese software (AFP). AFP - Microsoft Corp plans to invest "tens of millions" of US dollars in developing China's fledgling software industry, a leading executive at the American software giant said. |
2. |
US computer maker Apple triples net profits on booming iPod sales (AFP). AFP - US computer maker Apple announced it had tripled quarterly net profits to 46 million dollars for the quarter ended March 31 and posted commensurately higher sales on the strength of its digital music player iPod. |
3. |
RealNetworks Pursues Alliance with Apple - NYT (Reuters). Reuters - Internet media company RealNetworks is
pursuing a digital music alliance with Apple Computer, the New
York Times said on Thursday. |
4. |
Nokia Takes Second Crack at Mobile Gaming Market (Reuters). Reuters - Top handset maker Nokia took a fresh
crack at the mobile gaming market on Wednesday, launching a
revamped version of its N-Gage phone in a bid to wrest market
share from the likes of Nintendo. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
5. |
Amazon opens its own search store. Online retailer Amazon has joined the net search business, quietly launching its own search engine. |
6. |
New honour for the web's inventor. The web's inventor, Tim Berners-Lee, wins a prestigious technology award worth one million euros. |
The Register
7. |
AMD mocks the Street with bumper Q1. 'Modest increase' for Q2 By Ashlee Vance . |
8. |
ADSL virgin seeks warm, friendly.... Review ...installation of wireless networking By Quocirca . |
9. |
Taiwan preps own hi-def video disc format. As the DVD Forum begins to push blue laser HD-DVD By Tony Smith . |
Wired News
10. |
No Chip in Arm, No Shot From Gun. A new chip that would be implanted into a gun owner's arm and matched up to a particular gun will make the gun inoperable for anyone else. The chipmaker says it will lead to greater gun safety, while the NRA and police departments are leery. |
11. |
Sharman Shuffles Legal Team. Under fire from record labels, the company responsible for the Kazaa file-sharing software adds a new firm to its pack of lawyers. Patrick Gray reports from Melbourne, Australia. |
12. |
Indy ISPs Fight for Survival. Recent FCC rulings and the growing crush of spam are putting the pressure on small Internet service providers, but they aren't packing it in yet. Michelle Delio reports from Washington. |
13. |
Senators Question TSA Denials. In the wake of American Airlines' admission that it shared passenger data with federal contractors, two senators ask Transporation Security Administration officials why they denied having acquired airline passenger records when in fact they had. By Ryan Singel. |
14. |
Clearing Up The Confusion. Paul Boutin talks with Snow Crash science-fiction writer Neal Stephenson about his latest book, The Confusion, the second part of his ambitious Baroque Cycle of novels. |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
MySQL 'mysqld_multi' Temporary File Flaw Lets Local Users Overwrite Files |
16. |
Security expert: Spammers houden je in de gaten |
17. |
Cisco erkent security problemen in LEAP |
18. |
PGP gebruikt voortaan Symantec anti-virus |
19. |
Windows Update site doet 50GB per seconde |
20. |
[MS04-013] Outlook Express için toplu yama (837009) |
21. |
[MS04-014] Microsoft Jet Database Engine güvenlik açýðý (837001) |
22. |
Feds to use 'federated' ID checks |
23. |
Symantec Gateway gets Common Criteria |
24. |
DHS, DOD disagree on cybersecurity and secrecy |
6:12:34 AM
5:12:13 AM
4:11:52 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Free Audi for best Bowie mashup. David Bowie recently cut an Audi commercial that mashes up his classic "Rebel, Rebel" andhis new "Never Grow Old." Now Audi and Bowie are holding a competition to see who can do the best new mashup of any two Bowie songs, with a new car to the winner.
(via Copyfight) |
New York Times: Technology
2. |
RealNetworks Seeks Musical Alliance With Apple. RealNetworks made a direct appeal to Apple Computer, suggesting that the two companies form a common front against Microsoft in the digital music business. By John Markoff and Steve Lohr. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Google Launches Local Advertising Program (Reuters). Reuters - Google Inc., the world's No. 1
Web search provider, on Thursday it was launching a local
advertising service that aims to help companies reach nearby
customers. |
4. |
Finding Yourself With Photo Recognition |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
Developer preps for hardened Linux |
6. |
Hackers breach supercomputer centers |
7. |
IIS Exploit released / Gagobot.XZ |
3:11:33 AM
2:11:13 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Redrum, Redrum. I just returned from a conference in Estes, Colorado at the Stanley Hotel. Built in 1909 by the inventor of the Stanley Steamer, the hotel is apparently quite haunted. In fact, the spookiness so inspired Stephen King that he spent five months there in 1973 pounding out The Shining. Stanley Kubrick's version of the film wasn't shot at The Stanley, but much of the 1997 TV remake was filmed at the hotel. Unfortunately, I didn't see any ghosts during my stay, but I did see The Shining. The Kubrick version plays around the clock on the hotel TV channel. Link
CNET News.com
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Google to target surfers by city. The Web search giant on THursday will introduce capabilities for U.S. and international advertisers to reach Web surfers by their city of origin, the search site's latest push for more ad sales. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
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LindowsOS Becomes Linspire (PC World). PC World - Company announces name change in hopes of ending legal woes. |
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Pakistan enters mobile-phone age with users tipped to double (AFP). AFP - Mobile phone-users in Pakistan will double next year, outstripping fixed-line customers for the first time and heralding a new era of communications in the poverty-stricken nation, telecommunications experts say. |
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Microsoft Warns of 3 'Critical' Flaws (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O), the world's
largest software maker, warned on Tuesday that three
"critical"-rated flaws in the Windows operating system and
other programs could allow hackers to sneak into personal
computers and snoop on sensitive data. |
NewsIsFree: Security
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Hackers Strike Advanced Computing Networks (washingtonpost.com) |
12:20:23 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
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