Friday, April 30, 2004
11:23:57 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
MIT makes Jack Valenti look like an idiot. MIT's The Tech interviews the MPAA's outgoing spokesmonster Jack Valenti, with hilarious results. It's not often that a slickster as teflon coated as Jack gets made to look an utter fool (though I'd welcome a round onstage with him in front of a university audience) so bravo and bravo again to The Tech's Keith J. Winstein, who ran circles around Valenti.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.02344E-109; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 231
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
TT: Indeed, but are you doing that when you rent a movie from Blockbuster and you watch it at home? ... I run Linux on my computer. There’s no product I can buy that’s licensed to watch [DVDs]. If I go to Blockbuster and rent a movie and watch it, am I a bad person? Is that bad?
JV: No, you’re not a bad person. But you don’t have any right.
TT: But I rented the movie. Why should it be illegal?
JV: Well then, you have to get a machine that’s licensed to show it.
TT: Here’s one of these machines; it’s just not licensed.
[Winstein shows Valenti his six-line “qrpff” DVD descrambler.]
TT: If you type that in, it’ll let you watch movies.
JV: You designed this?
TT: Yes.
JV: Un-fucking-believable.
(via Joi) |
CNET News.com
2. |
Apple patches QuickTime flaw. The consumer technology maker issues a security advisory and fix for a QuickTime flaw that the company describes as a minor issue. The firm that found the flaw says the problem is more serious. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Professor Develops Robotic Highway Cones (AP). AP - The orange construction cones and barrels that litter Nebraska's highways may be going high-tech. |
4. |
Build Your Own Monowheel |
InfoWorld: Top News
5. |
HP clears desktop space with blade PCs. Hewlett-Packard’s bc1000 blade PCs, first announced last year, are now available in North America to customers looking to manage their employees’ desktop PCs from a central location. |
6. |
Sun considers GPL license for Solaris. Sun Microsystems Inc. may be selling servers running Linux, but that doesn't mean it is cutting back on the evolution of Solaris. Among its plans, the company is considering offering a free, open source version of its flagship operating system, said Jonathan Schwartz, the company's recently appointed president and chief operating officer. |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
RE: Multi stage attacks on networks? |
8. |
Elsewhere: Experts warn of Bluetooth security hole |
9. |
Elsewhere: U.S. charges four under new law against 'spam' e-mails |
10. |
News: Global IT security spend hits $42bn |
11. |
News: Takedown: Mitnick busts bomb hoaxer |
10:23:39 PM
9:23:20 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Erotic art photography censored in Norway. An anti-obscenity statute sparked an online controversy in Norway recently, when the Norwegian online erotic magazine Cupido published some explicit, autobiographical art-porn shots from Brooklyn-based photographer Siege. The specific issue in question is not currently online in entirety, but you can see one of the offending shots here (upper right-hand corner). Some of the work was also recently blogged on BoingBoing, here. Cupido editor Cecilie Kjensli in Norway sent the following e-mail to the banned-in-Norway photographer:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 0; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 229
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
"You know what. Something stupid has happened. Cupido har been sensuratet for first time during 20 years because of your pictures :) I have told you before that we are not aloud to print pictures with genital touhing. Our law system sais you cant show pictures that can offend people, so i thougt that no boddy would be offended of this in an erotic magazine. I understand if they were printed in a newspaper or a womans magazin, but not ours.
"Our distributor dissagred with me the way they understand the law, so they put a black spot in the face of the girls sukking you, I belive. So I told the press. That you are a trendy New York phothografer with a girlfriend and that you have a good appetite for sex and that you like taking pictures of you doing it. I read this on Nerve.com I think. Hope you'r not angry at me for this. I was wear of that something like this could happen, so when it did, I tipsed one of the
biggest and best tabloid newspaper in Norway, and they made a huge reportage on it telling people that you actually can take off the black spot. And it showed the stupid porn-law, as we call it, from a good perspectiv.
Here is the link to the reportage in the newspaper. I'm the one with the
Link to Norwegian Newsmagazine Dagbladet's story about the "stupid porn law" (contains sexually explicit images, and lots of little black censorship circles) (also seen on Fleshbot) |
CNET News.com
2. |
Microsoft wants to get devices talking. The software giant plans a series of announcements at a hardware conference next week, including word on software designed to let Windows programs talk to digital devices through Web services. |
3. |
Google IPO mania slows SEC Web site. Intense interest in the search king's initial public offering slows the Securities and Exchange Commission's Web site to a crawl. |
4. |
Roundup: Google aims to raise $2.7 billion in IPO. The Internet's leading search engine files plans to raise $2.7 billion in an unusual auction-style public offering. |
5. |
The Gimp from the Eyes of a Photoshop User |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
XML vendors set to unveil gigabit speeds. XML acceleration and security vendor DataPower is upgrading its silicon chip to gigabit speed and will release it in the coming weeks on PCI and PMC cards that can be embedded in network infrastructure, according to company officials. |
7. |
JBoss’s Fleury: The 'benevolent dictator' is good for Java. JBoss is best-known as the provider of the JBoss open source application server, and it has also been known for having disagreements with Sun about licensing of Java test suites. But those disagreements were resolved in 2003. InfoWorld Editor at Large Paul Krill met with JBoss CEO and Founder Marc Fleury during the “J2EE 1.4 Kickoff Event” earlier this week in San Francisco to discuss the company and open source issues. |
8. |
Open Text unveils fruit of acquisitions. Enterprise content management vendor Open Text this week launched its first product created from integrating technology from two acquisitions the company made earlier this year. |
InfoWorld: Security
9. |
Microsoft will deliver better security any day now. It’s the Wild West out there. On our last trip to the ANCL (Advanced Network Computing Laboratory) at the University of Hawaii’s Manoa campus, in between beach-ogling and getting our notebooks ripped off, we left a series of clean Windows XP workstations hooked to a live, non-firewalled Internet connection. Over about a dozen iterations, the average time for this workstation to be compromised by something (a virus, Trojan, worm, spider, or whatever) was three hours. The fastest measured time was 20 minutes. It’s not if they’ll find your vulnerable points anymore, it’s only how fast. |
10. |
Clearing up the Euro-security picture. About the time you read this, the European Union will have grown by an additional 10 nations, eight of which were once part of the Soviet Union. It’s a time of great change for Europe, obviously, but also for the rest of the Western world. For the enterprise, at least, it also means that the world is becoming a simpler place. This is especially true for security managers. |
11. |
Make spam wait. I respect the great thinkers devising anti-spam solutions based on intelligent protocols and brilliant mathematics. (And by spam I refer to all unpleasant e-mail such as worms.) I also believe that although this research will improve security for those who choose to apply it, science won’t be enough to eliminate spam. We need patient, diligent, and ruthless mail servers. |
SecurityFocus News
12. |
News: Takedown: Mitnick busts bomb hoaxer. The ex-hacker helps a small Michigan town solve the mystery of the high school bomb-threats. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
13. |
BugTraq: Re: Multi stage attacks on networks?. Sender: Bill Nash [billn at billn dot net] |
14. |
BugTraq: RE: Multi stage attacks on networks?. Sender: Shaun Bertrand [sbertrand at cbihome dot com] |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
A technical description of the SSL PCT vulnerability |
16. |
Multi stage attacks on networks? |
17. |
[RHSA-2004:175-01] Updated utempter package fixes vulnerability |
18. |
Re: SMC Routers have remote administration enabled by default |
19. |
MDKSA-2004:041 - Updated ProFTPD packages fix vulnerability |
8:22:59 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Random, April-fresh obscenities hidden in XML file on deodorant website. Says Fleshbot:
Someone at b3ta found this XML list of obscenities on a website for women's deodorant (wtf?) and recommends that "any ambitious young swearers out there study it thoroughly"; we plan on using the term "chutney ferret" as much as possible from now on.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.81488E-145; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 228
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Link to deodorant ad webpage, Link to the offending XML. |
Penny Arcade!
2. |
Welcome To Matrimony Theatre.  |
CNET News.com
3. |
First IBM Power5 server to debut Monday. Big Blue will announce its first servers using its new Power5 chip, along with a new branding strategy highlighting the blurring lines between IBM's current server lines, CNET News.com has learned. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Year-Old iTunes Boosts Sales Outlook (Reuters). Reuters - Although it fell short of its
12-month sales goal of 100 million songs, Apple Computer says
its iTunes Music Store is now moving tracks at the rate of 140
million per year. |
5. |
Red Hat Linux 9 Reaches End-of-Life |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
Flexible displays moving slowly into consumer arena. SAN FRANCISCO - Thin, sleek monitors with bendable frames could become popular within a decade, according to researchers gathered this week at the Flexible Displays & Electronics Conference 2004 in San Francisco. |
7. |
Web conferencing meets the desktop. Web conferencing has tapped a vein in the enterprise, and vendors are rushing in to quench the need for easy-to-use, real-time collaboration tools that meld with desktop tools and applications. |
8. |
IBM envisions virtualization. IBM is prepping its VE (Virtualization Engine) to allow servers to be partitioned like mainframes, enabling them to run as many as 10 services on a single processor. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
9. |
BugTraq: MDKSA-2004:041 - Updated ProFTPD packages fix vulnerability. Sender: Mandrake Linux Security Team [security at linux-mandrake dot com] |
10. |
Vulns: DiGi WWW Server Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerability. The DiGi WWW Server is a Windows based web server that supports access control, virtual folders and multiple ports.
The DiGi WWW Server has been reported to contain a re... |
The Register
11. |
Sun's Opteron box defies European power supply standards. Electro magnetic foul By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
Mobile flaws expose executives to bugging |
13. |
W32.Misodene@mm |
14. |
The New Last Mile Broadband: WiMAX |
7:22:39 PM
6:22:19 PM
5:22:08 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Gator, L.L. Bean dispute to be reheard. An appeals court orders greater scrutiny of the case between the two companies. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Apple Says Some iPods Not Recognized by iTunes (Reuters). Reuters - Apple Computer Inc. is
investigating a problem with some of its iPod digital music
players that prevents them from being recognized by the latest
version of iTunes, it said on Friday. |
3. |
Challenge to Ban on Internet Gambling Upheld (Reuters). Reuters - Tiny Antigua and Barbuda have
successfully challenged a U.S. ban on Internet gambling,
diplomatic sources said on Friday, dealing the United States
another setback at the World Trade Organization. |
4. |
Tennessee Rejects Napster's Music Offer (AP). AP - Napster, the company that popularized illegal music downloads in dorm rooms across the country, is now trying to sell music legally to colleges and universities. |
5. |
IPO-Bound Google to Make World 'Better' (AP). AP - When Google Inc. began its explosive rise nearly six years ago, it was unconventional in its stark layout, absence of annoying banner ads and unprecedented usefulness. |
6. |
Spammer Sues SpamCop |
Radio.root Updates
7. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.html.unsubscribe changed on Mon, 18 Aug 2003 19:17:04 GMT: Unsubscribe through a call to xml.aggregator.unsubscribeService instead of doing the work here. Fixes a bug where callbacks at aggregatorData.callbacks.unsubscribeService were not being called. |
8. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.userInterface.images.toolbars.mozillaEditor changed on Thu, 21 Aug 2003 23:51:15 GMT: Images for the Mozilla rich text editor. |
9. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.userInterface.saveFolder changed on Thu, 21 Aug 2003 23:51:57 GMT: Added support for writing out text and HTML files. |
10. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.data.flInstall changed on Thu, 21 Aug 2003 23:53:09 GMT: Write support files for the Mozilla rich text editor to the system/images/toolbars sub-folder. |
11. |
system.verbs.builtins.html.editor changed on Thu, 21 Aug 2003 23:54:42 GMT: Added the rich text editor for Mozilla. Updated supporting scripts to handle the editor. |
12. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.userInterface.editorBox changed on Thu, 21 Aug 2003 23:55:05 GMT: Added support for Mozilla rich text editor. |
13. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.webServer.buildPage changed on Thu, 21 Aug 2003 23:57:20 GMT: Added support for Mozilla's rich text editor. If the editor has been added to the page being rendered, add the required onload event handler to the body tag before returning the rendered HTML. |
14. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.macros.weblogPostForm changed on Thu, 21 Aug 2003 23:58:25 GMT: Added support for Mozilla's rich text editor. Give the weblog post form a name -- editPostForm. Needed for Mozilla rich text editor support. |
15. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.html.editTextFile changed on Thu, 21 Aug 2003 23:58:52 GMT: Added support for the Mozilla rich text editor. |
16. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.trackback.threadScript changed on Fri, 22 Aug 2003 01:07:13 GMT: Perform autodiscovery and pings in a try block to prevent error windows from popping up when a server times out or refuses a connection. |
17. |
system.verbs.builtins.html.editor.wysiwygEditorMozilla changed on Fri, 22 Aug 2003 21:21:42 GMT: Add an inline style to set the background color of the editor to white. This makes the edited text more visible on sites with non-white backgrounds, especially those with very dark backgrounds. |
18. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.backup.backupTemplates changed on Tue, 26 Aug 2003 06:13:31 GMT: Re-release. Some people did not have the latest version of this part, causing errors when performing backups. |
19. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.weblog.render changed on Sat, 30 Aug 2003 20:07:45 GMT: Add TrackBack auto-discovery RDF bits inside an HTML comment. Fixes HTML validation errors. |
20. |
system.verbs.builtins.xml.rss.compileService changed on Wed, 10 Sep 2003 21:36:26 GMT: Add categories to the item in the compilation table. Dave's comment |
21. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.thread.agents.pingCloud changed on Tue, 16 Sep 2003 10:19:46 GMT: Send comment notification prefs to the comments server if the feature is supported. |
22. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.weblog.init changed on Tue, 16 Sep 2003 10:20:13 GMT: Init adrData^.prefs.flCommentNotificationEnabled to true. |
23. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.data.localization.languages.english.outlines.prefs changed on Tue, 16 Sep 2003 10:21:06 GMT: Added checkbox for enabling/disabling comment notification in email. |
24. |
system.verbs.builtins.tcp.getMail changed on Wed, 24 Sep 2003 22:32:25 GMT: New optional parameter, adrDeleteCallback. If deleteMessages is false, then this callback is called with the address of each message table. If the callback returns true, then the message is deleted from the server -- if false, then the message is not deleted. |
25. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.data.localization.languages.english.outlines.help changed on Fri, 10 Oct 2003 19:21:16 GMT: Add pref for setting the folder where downloaded RSS enclosures are saved. |
26. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.data.localization.languages.english.outlines.prefs changed on Fri, 10 Oct 2003 19:21:16 GMT: Add pref for setting the folder where downloaded RSS enclosures are saved. |
27. |
system.verbs.builtins.xml.aggregator.subscribeService changed on Sat, 18 Oct 2003 19:37:01 GMT: Dereference callback addresses inside a try block. Prevents errors which can occur if the table containing a callback script is no longer defined. |
28. |
system.verbs.builtins.xml.rss.readService changed on Wed, 29 Oct 2003 09:04:06 GMT: Fix a bug username/password support |
29. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.trackback.ping changed on Fri, 31 Oct 2003 20:37:30 GMT: If the post is not on the home page, use the permalink URL for the post in the first category in which it appears. Fixes a bug which caused trackback to fail for posts which are not on the home page. |
30. |
suites.people.checkPassword changed on Tue, 18 Nov 2003 19:58:50 GMT: Convert password to a string before comparing it against the password returned by people.gtUserPassword. |
31. |
system.verbs.builtins.radio.macros.viewCloudData changed on Tue, 30 Dec 2003 21:32:35 GMT: If defined, add the serial number expiration date to the Weather Report page. |
InfoWorld: Top News
32. |
IBM opens European supercomputer on-demand center. DÜSSELDORF, GERMANY - To meet growing demand for supercomputing services, IBM Corp. opened a new high-capacity center in Europe on Friday -- its second such center and first outside the U.S. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
33. |
BugTraq: Dameware Mini Remote Control Version 4.2 ? Weak Key Agreement Scheme. Sender: ax09001h [ax09001h at hotmail dot com] |
34. |
Vulns: Zonet Wireless Router NAT Implementation Design Flaw Vulnerability. Zonet Wireless router is an appliance that provides a wireless (802.11g) access point solution.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.34802E-300; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 225
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
A vulnerability has been reported to affect the implementation of NAT fo... |
4:21:46 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Spoof TV ads for Jesus Christ Action Figure.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.73001E-150; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 206
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Link (Thanks, Sean, via Warren) |
CNET News.com
2. |
Sanders retires as AMD chair. The chipmaker appoints its president and chief executive officer, Hector Ruiz, to chairman of the AMD board, as storied co-founder Jerry Sanders steps down. |
3. |
Foundry eliminates speed bumps on new Net. The company will announce on Monday upgrades to its Ethernet switches supporting IPv6 to make sure they don't suffer from performance issues. |
4. |
Week in review: Google shows its cards. The search giant finally files its plans to go public, revealing details about its finances in one of the most-anticipated offerings in years. |
5. |
Gmail accounts go up for bid. While many are waiting to buy Google stock, testers of the free e-mail service are auctioning off their invitations on eBay. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Survey: Employees, Not Customers, Are Key to CRM Success (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Human factors -- and especially employee needs -- are even more important to CRM success than was previously suspected, according to a new survey from IBM (NYSE: IBM) Business Consulting Services. |
7. |
Internet2: File Swapping Haven? (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Confounding efforts to combat campus file swapping, university students have begun trading copyrighted files using Internet2, the ultra-fast network developed by tech companies and universities. |
8. |
'Brain Fingerprinting' Co. Seeks Location (AP). AP - A company behind a new technology promoting "brain fingerprinting" to fight crime and terrorism is considering Colorado for a training center that would employ up to 300 people. |
9. |
Dirac: BBC Open Source Video Codec |
10. |
Two Funnies: BotBOFH and Joy of Tech |
SecurityFocus News
11. |
News: U.S. charges four under new law against 'spam' e-mails. The Associated Press By Ted Bridis |
12. |
News: Global IT security spend hits $42bn. The Register By John Leyden [john dot leyden at theregister dot co dot uk] |
13. |
News: Tower Records settles charges over hack attacks. Music retailer is the fourth company to face federal action for poor Internet security practices. |
14. |
News: U.S. defends cybercrime treaty. Critics contend an international treaty aimed at catching computer criminals anywhere in the world could be abused by repressive governments. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
15. |
BugTraq: [OpenPKG-SA-2004.018] OpenPKG Security Advisory (proftpd). Sender: OpenPKG [openpkg at openpkg dot org] |
16. |
BugTraq: SECURITY.NNOV: Sambar security quest. Sender: 3APA3A [3APA3A at SECURITY dot NNOV dot RU] |
17. |
BugTraq: TSLSA-2004-0025 - multi. Sender: Trustix Security Advisor [tsl at trustix dot org] |
18. |
BugTraq: HP Web Jetadmin. Sender: John Morris [jrm at atl dot hp dot com] |
19. |
Vulns: Xine Bug Reporting Script Insecure Temporary File Creation Vulnerability. xine is a multimedia player for Unix/Linux variants.
The xine bug reporting scripts (xine-bugreport and xine-check) create temporary files in an insecure manner.
The ... |
20. |
Vulns: Xine And Xine-Lib Multiple Remote File Overwrite Vulnerabilities. xine is a freely available multimedia player designed for Unix/Linux variants. There is also a xine-lib, which is a C library that may be used to develop third party mult... |
21. |
Vulns: SquirrelMail Change_Passwd Plug-in Buffer Overrun Vulnerability. SquirrelMail provides a plug-in to permit users to change system passwords. It is implemented as a C program.
The SquirrelMail change_passwd plug-in is prone to a stac... |
22. |
Vulns: Novell eDirectory Role Based Services Insecure Role Permissions Vulnerability. Novell eDirectory is prone to an issue that could result in unauthorized access to certain administrative rights. The issue exists in the Role Based Services (RBS) compo... |
23. |
Vulns: Alcatel OmniSwitch 7000 Series Security Scan Denial Of Service Vulnerability. The Alcatel OmniSwitch 7000 series switches are multi-layer switching appliances.
A vulnerability has been reported in the handling of specific types of network traffic ... |
24. |
Vulns: Veritas NetBackup Multiple Unspecified Local Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities. Multiple unspecified local buffer overrun and format string vulnerabilities have been reported to exist in various setuid Veritas NetBackup binaries.
Though these issu... |
NewsIsFree: Security
25. |
Faille liée à l'antivirus en ligne de Bitdefender. |
26. |
Two Arrested in First Test of Anti-Spam Law |
27. |
Çàáîòà î ïîëüçîâàòåëÿõ èëè ãîëîâíàÿ áîëü àäìèíà |
28. |
Íà Çàïàäå çàìåòèëè allofmp3. È óäèâèëèñü. |
29. |
WLAN Vendors: Partnering for the Customers |
30. |
30 Apr W32/Agobot-VB |
3:21:27 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Snapshots from Hell, Singapore-style.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.45594E-247; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 205
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Following up on this earlier post about museums in Asia that depict Buddhist Hell, BoingBoing reader Heng-Cheong sends us more photos of the Hell exhibit in Singapore's Tiger Palm Gardens, better known locally as Haw Par Villa. Shown here, the Filthy Blood Pond, part of a special section in Hell reserved for sinners who have (begin quote)
* kidnapped little boys [Ed. note: AHEM, cough cough]
* claimed to have lost somebody's deposit (probably an estate agent)
* are an incompetent physician or
* are a matchmaker
"For this, you are slapped with extreme thirst and hunger, soaked in ice, dipped in volcano, or forced to bathe in filthy blood."
Link |
2. |
New guestblogger -- Russ Kick of The Memory Hole and Disinformation. 
First, thanks to our outgoing guestblogger Alan Graham, for holding down the right hand column this past month.
Next: A warm welcome to our new guestblogger, Russ Kick, the author of several books, including The Disinformation Book of Lists: Subversive Facts and Hidden Information in Rapid-Fire Format and 50 Things You're Not Supposed to Know. Mr. Kick is also the editor of many anthologies, such as Everything You Know Is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies; You Are Being Lied To: The Disinformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical Whitewashes and Cultural Myths; and Abuse Your Illusions: The Disinformation Guide to Media Mirages and Establishment Lies. He has also written articles and a column for the Village Voice.
The Memory Hole, a website devoted to rescuing knowledge and freeing information, is his labor of love. Russ first made the front page of the New York Times when he digitally uncensored a heavily-redacted Justice Department report. In April 2004, he posted 288 previously unseen photos of military coffins coming back from Iraq, which he had pried loose from the Air Force. This set off a worldwide media frenzy leading to the front pages of most major newspapers, heavy rotation on CNN, the lead story on network newscasts, and interviews on Good Morning America and CBS Evening News. You can browse through some of that extensive media coverage here, via Google News search.
I have no doubt that Russ will indeed Kick it on the BoingBoing guestblog. Welcome!
Link |
CNET News.com
3. |
House queries gov't cybersecurity remedies. A House of Representatives panel wants to know what the Bush administration is doing to protect the Internet from terrorist attacks and other threats. |
4. |
Senate to mull copyright, piracy measures. The measures would criminalize using camcorders in movie theaters and increase fees for patent applications, among other issues. |
5. |
Microsoft closing in on PalmSource. In the race for market share, Microsoft and PalmSource finish the first quarter neck and neck, as the handheld specialist loses substantial share and the software giant makes some gains. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
SCO Still Contends GPL Is Unconstitutional (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - SCO says it still contends in its case with IBM that the GPL is unconstitutional. But analysts don't see it. |
7. |
Google Takes a Walk Down the Street (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Google has the distinction of being king of the search engine world and a verb in the English lexicon. But why stop there? |
8. |
Wal-Mart Using 'Smart' Label Technology (AP). AP - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and a number of its suppliers are using a Dallas distribution center as the starting point for a technology that's targeted to one day replace the bar code. |
9. |
Turn Your PC into a 'Moblogger' |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
Wal-Mart begins RFID trial in Texas. Retail giant Wal-Mart Stores Inc. began testing the use of RFID (radio frequency identification) tagging at seven stores and a regional distribution center in Texas on Friday, in anticipation of a wider rollout of the technology that the company hopes will eventually replace bar codes. |
11. |
The Hackademy starts an international hacker magazine |
SecurityFocus News
12. |
Elsewhere: Experts warn of Bluetooth security hole. Thieves have acquired new weapons to exploit Bluetooth-enabled phones and computers to steal valuable data, experts warn.
Though Bluetooth integrates certain security m... |
13. |
Elsewhere: U.S. charges four under new law against 'spam' e-mails. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal authorities say they managed to pierce the murky underworld of Internet spam e-mails, filing the first criminal charges under the government's ... |
The Register
14. |
Dell donates 100 clunkers to Operation Homelink. 2,500 lappies still needed By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Hacker Hits License Plate Database |
16. |
Security has its privileges |
17. |
Quantum crypto coming to light |
18. |
L.A. Police Arrest 4 on Piracy Charges |
19. |
Global IT security spend hits $42bn |
20. |
The illicit trade in compromised PCs |
21. |
UK, US and Canada crack down on Net scams |
22. |
MPs urged to reform cybercrime laws |
2:21:06 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Four more years: US Senate extends Internet tax moratorium. After a few days of vigorous debate, the US Senate has approved another four-year ban on Internet access taxes. VoIP is unaffected by the legislation, which now must be reconciled with a House version making the ban permanent. By Eric Bangeman. |
2. |
Ireland decides against e-voting for June elections. Ireland puts off e-voting for the June elections because of concerns over the system in question. If security and audit concerns can be addressed, it may be used in the future. By Andrew "andyfatbastard" Brennan. |
Boing Boing
3. |
New guestblogger -- Russ Kick of The Memory Hole and Disinformation.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.53321E-229; #1: 1
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First, gratitude to our outgoing guestblogger Alan Graham, for holding down the right hand column this past month. Thank you!
Next: A warm welcome to our new guestblogger, Russ Kick, the author of several books, including The Disinformation Book of Lists: Subversive Facts and Hidden Information in Rapid-Fire Format and 50 Things You're Not Supposed to Know.
Mr. Kick is also the editor of many anthologies, such as Everything You Know Is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies; You Are Being Lied To: The Disinformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical Whitewashes and Cultural Myths; and Abuse Your Illusions: The Disinformation Guide to Media Mirages and Establishment Lies. He has also written articles and a column for the Village Voice.
The Memory Hole, a website devoted to rescuing knowledge and freeing information, is his labor of love. Russ first made the front page of the New York Times when he digitally uncensored a heavily-redacted Justice Department report. In April 2004, he posted 288 previously unseen photos of military coffins coming back from Iraq, which he had pried loose from the Air Force. This set off a worldwide media frenzy leading to the front pages of most major newspapers, heavy rotation on CNN, the lead story on network newscasts, and interviews on Good Morning America and CBS Evening News. You can browse through some of that extensive media coverage here , via Google News search.
I have no doubt that Russ will indeed Kick it on the BoingBoing guestblog. Welcome!
Link |
CNET News.com
4. |
Alarm growing over bot software. Many network administrators fret about the next worm, but security experts warn that a quieter, equally damaging threat is gaining control of large networks of computers. |
5. |
PalmOne CFO leaves for SanDisk. Chief Financial Officer Judy Bruner is leaving the handheld company to fill a similar role for the flash memory card maker. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Offshoring: Good for Business, Bad for America (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Offshoring is unpatriotic and something needs to be done about it—like taxing the value of software developed and services provided overseas as the imports they are, says eWEEK.com columnist David Coursey. |
7. |
Taking Stock of Google (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Google, the storied Internet search site founded in a garage just six years ago, yesterday filed its official plan to sell shares to the public, a deal eagerly anticipated by Silicon Valley to mark the re-emergence of tech from its post-bubble malaise. |
8. |
Internet2 Plus P2P Equals... |
9. |
Walmart Begins Rollout of RFID and EPC Tags |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
Vulns: HP Web Jetadmin Multiple Vulnerabilities. HP Web Jetadmin is a web-based interface for remote management of network peripheral devices. It is available for Microsoft Windows and Linux-based platforms.
Multiple ... |
11. |
Vulns: Alcatel OmniSwitch 7000 Series Security Scan Denial Of Service Vulnerability. The Alcatel OmniSwitch 7000 series switches are multi-layer switching appliances.
A vulnerability has been reported in the handling of specific types of network traffic ... |
The Register
12. |
The fastest nanotube in the west. Or the east, for that matter By Lucy Sherriff . |
13. |
MPs urged to reform cybercrime laws. Pre-Internet legislation inadequate By John Leyden . |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Teros Ships Security Gateway With Unified Protection for Web and Web Services Applications |
15. |
Microsoft Patches Buggy Windows SSL Patch |
16. |
Microsoft: Windows-Patch macht Probleme |
1:20:46 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
interview with Sealand designer. Etoy Zak says:
i just compiled some conversations with Daniel van der Velden, an interesting graphic designer who initiated the conceptual (and
hypothetical) identity proposal "Meta Haven: Sealand Identity Project". I think his work is one model for critical/smart graphic design... while also being fucking cool..
2. |
Web Zen: Dining Zen.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.95514E-183; #1: 1
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X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
cypher's foodlog
project denny's
taco world
casa bonita
late night dining guide
menu database
el bocadillo del diablo
email lunchboxes
final meals
web zen home, web zen store, (Thanks, Frank). |
3. |
Wireless real-space gaming -- NetAttack. BoingBoing reader Roland Piquepaille says:
When you play a computer game, you interact with what is on your monitor, even if you're outside playing on a mobile phone. You don't interact with your physical environment. Now, computer scientists from Fraunhofer FIT want you to play outside, sharing the outdoor experience offered by children's games. NetAttack "is a new type of indoor/outdoor Augmented Reality game that makes the actual physical environment an inherent part of the game itself." In this game, two teams are fighting to destroy the central database of a virtual big company. Both teams have indoor players, who control the game from their laptop computers, and outdoor players, equipped with GPS receivers, trackers, sensors and video cameras.
Link |
4. |
Photos from Hell, Singapore-style. 
Following up on this earlier post about museums in Asia that depict Buddhist Hell, BoingBoing reader Heng-Cheong sends us more photos of the Hell exhibit in Singapore's Tiger Palm Gardens, better known locally as Haw Par Villa. Shown here, the Filthy Pool of Blood, part of a special section in Hell reserved for sinners who have (begin quote)
* kidnapped little boys [Ed. note: AHEM, cough cough]
* claimed to have lost somebody's deposit (probably an estate agent)
* are an incompetent physician or
* are a matchmaker
"For this, you are slapped with extreme thirst and hunger, soaked in ice, dipped in volcano, or forced to bathe in filthy blood."
Link |
CNET News.com
5. |
Wal-Mart turns on radio tags. The massive retail chain gets a step closer to making its RFID plans a reality by launching a pilot program at eight Dallas-area sites. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Lawmakers Vow to Pass New Law Against Spyware (Reuters). Reuters - U.S. lawmakers vowed on Thursday to
pass legislation to stop deceptive software even though
regulators advised against any new laws. |
7. |
MIT Studies Software Development Processes |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
8. |
Google plans $2.7bn share auction. The world's favourite internet search firm, confirms its long-awaited flotation on Wall Street, which could value it at up to $20bn. |
9. |
MI5 security advice goes online. The security service, MI5, is publishing for the first time its terrorist threat assessment and advice on keeping safe. |
10. |
Float offers insights into Google. The financial documents filed by Google offer a fascinating insight into the search engine powerhouse. |
InfoWorld: Top News
11. |
ESB market heats up. Once a lone voice in the wilderness extolling the virtues of Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) technology, Sonic Software now finds itself with lots of company. The idea of ESBs is to offer a standards-based integration platform that brings together service-oriented architectures (SOAs), messaging, Web services, and XML with a distributed deployment model. Perhaps the most vocal evangelist for this technology has been Gordon Van Huizen, Sonic's CTO, who has played a central role in developing his company's flagship product. Van Huizen recently spoke with InfoWorld Editor At Large Ed Scannell about the still evolving competitive nature of the ESB market and where his company's technology fits in between the offerings of IBM and Microsoft's still off-in-the-distance Indigo technology, which will be stitched into Longhorn. |
12. |
Quantum crypto coming to light |
SecurityFocus Vulns
13. |
Vulns: SquirrelMail Change_Passwd Plug-in Buffer Overrun Vulnerability. SquirrelMail provides a plug-in to permit users to change system passwords. It is implemented as a C program.
The SquirrelMail change_passwd plug-in is prone to a stac... |
14. |
Vulns: Novell eDirectory Role Based Services Insecure Role Permissions Vulnerability. Novell eDirectory is prone to an issue that could result in unauthorized access to certain administrative rights. The issue exists in the Role Based Services (RBS) compo... |
The Register
15. |
The illicit trade in compromised PCs. Information Security 2004 Zombie army By John Leyden . |
16. |
Ireland to scrap e-voting plan. Accuracy and secrecy in question By Lucy Sherriff . |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
30 Apr W32/Sdbot-HX |
12:20:27 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Offshoring: Good for Business, Bad for America (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Offshoring is unpatriotic and something needs to be done about it—like taxing the value of software developed and services provided overseas as the imports they are, says eWEEK.com columnist David Coursey. |
2. |
Apple Probes IPod Glitch (PC World). PC World - Updated ITunes software won't work with some of the digital audio players. |
3. |
Senate Backs Internet Tax Ban Extension (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - The Senate yesterday voted 93 to 3 to extend a ban on taxing Internet access for four years, forging a compromise that telephone companies and other online providers said would give them incentive to deploy more high-speed Internet service. |
4. |
Ireland Rejects E-Voting for Upcoming Elections |
5. |
The Politics of the Video Game |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
6. |
EA celebrates profitable year. Catch up with the latest news from the world of video gaming. |
7. |
Gateway to cut 1,500 more jobs. Gateway, the California-based computer firm, is to cut 1,500 jobs- nearly half its workforce - after reporting $165m losses. |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Court clarifies antitrust law in Europe. BRUSSELS -- The European Court of Justice set an important precedent Thursday that will become a reference point in Microsoft Corp.'s appeal against the recent European Commission antitrust ruling against it, according to Brussels-based antitrust lawyers. Although both sides in that pending court room battle claim that Thursday's judgement helps them, the lawyers reckon it will help the regulator, not Microsoft. |
9. |
Hacker Hits License Plate Database |
10. |
Red Hat: LHA Multiple vulnerabilities |
11. |
Debian: libpng, libpng3 Out of bounds access vulnerability |
The Register
12. |
BT mulls cutting LLU charges. Plans to jump before it's pushed By Tim Richardson . |
13. |
The illicit trade in compromised PCs. Information Security 2004 Spammers' zombie army By John Leyden . |
14. |
UK, US and Canada crack down on Net scams. Closer co-operation By Tim Richardson . |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Online Security: Who's Liable? |
16. |
Debian update for libpng |
17. |
Debian update for libpng |
18. |
Çàáîòà î ïîëüçîâàòåëÿõ èëè ãîëîâíàÿ áîëü àäìèíà |
19. |
Premières arrestations Antispam aux US selon la nouvelle loi |
20. |
INVITATION WEBMINAIRE - Audits de vulnérabilités récurrents |
21. |
Barnes & Noble.com Fixes Security Breach |
22. |
Asanté Bolsters Wireless Router |
23. |
USB keys get better security |
24. |
Lawmaker pushes ban on 'spyware' |
11:20:07 AM
10:19:45 AM
9:19:27 AM
8:19:06 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Plugging the Linux holes. Major application developers like Adobe and Intuit have yet to show much enthusiasm for Linux. Backers say if they wait too long, "good enough" open-source alternatives will emerge. |
2. |
Has Microsoft gone soft?. What's up with the company's about-face in recent months? CNET News.com's Charles Cooper calls it a case of pragmatism winning out. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Taking Stock of Google (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Google, the storied Internet search site founded in a garage just six years ago, yesterday filed its official plan to sell shares to the public, a deal eagerly anticipated by Silicon Valley to mark the re-emergence of tech from its post-bubble malaise. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Album gets ringtone only release. A German band have released their new album as polyphonic ringtones, rather than as a traditional CD. |
5. |
Google plans $2.7bn share auction. The world's favourite search firm confirms its long-awaited stock flotation, which could value it at up to $20bn. |
The Register
6. |
Capgemini embraces new consulting paradigm. 'Collaborative experience' By IT-Analysis . |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
Backdoor.Sdbot.Z |
8. |
Yoran: Locals must lead IT security |
7:18:45 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
This is Football 2004. Our reviewer puts Sony's PS2 football sim to the test. |
2. |
UK call centre growth continues. Jobs will continue to be created in UK call centres, despite work being going overseas, says a new report. |
3. |
Push to tap radio wave tech. More research into the use of radio and microwaves could spur hi-tech innovation, says a UK government report. |
4. |
Spy software watches you work. Spyware is rampant on computers in US businesses, a survey has found. |
5. |
Teachers pool computer knowhow. Teachers from across Europe have met to swap ideas on the best use of technology in the classroom. |
The Register
6. |
New allegations in Iraq mobile network saga. Darrel Issa named, again By Guy Kewney, Newswireless.net . |
Wired News
7. |
'Dude! This Thing Is Awesome!'. The latest device for downloading music comes from an outfit called eMusic. Users can record their favorite bands, live, then rush home from the concert, download the file and share it with their friends. Best of all, it appears to be legal. |
8. |
'Can-Spam' Cops Can Arrest. Four people in Detroit are charged with fraud under the new can-spam law that makes it a crime to make phony sales pitches using e-mail. |
9. |
At Last, Google Files IPO Plans. The search-engine star set the stage Thursday for its stock market debut, which could still be months away. Google says it hopes to raise $2.7 billion with its initial public offering and that the price of its IPO will be determined by an auction. |
10. |
Will RSS Readers Clog the Web?. Sure, news aggregators are handy tools, making Web surfing a breeze. But the programs are greedy little buggers that swamp websites with unwanted traffic. Something has to change, and soon. By Ryan Singel. |
11. |
File Sharing Is Totally Uncool. The MPAA tries to turn junior high school into anti-piracy camp, complete with scripted role-playing educational games. By Jeff Howe from Wired magazine. |
12. |
Biometric IDs OK With U.K.. Britons say they wouldn't mind carrying around a national ID card with biometric information, as long as they don't have to pay for it. But critics say national ID cards haven't stopped terrorism in other countries. By Mathew Schwartz. |
13. |
XP Users Cop a Feel of OS X. What's better than a nice new Mac running OS X? For some people, it's a cheap Windows XP box hacked and tweaked to look just like an OS X machine. For a lot of XP users, converting PCs into faux Macs is a consuming pastime. By Leander Kahney. |
14. |
Nasty Malware Fouls PCs With Porn. An especially evil new browser hijacker is sweeping the Net, spying on users of infected machines and pummeling them with truly vile pornography. Some folks are screaming for vengeance, but the problem is finding out who unleashed the vicious code. By Michelle Delio. |
15. |
More Reasons to Love Google. Google pulls off an incredible feat. No, not the attempt to raise $2.7 billion through an IPO. They write an engrossing filing -- yes, engrossing -- that you wouldn't mind reading at the beach. In it, the company comes close to giving Wall Street the finger. By Joanna Glasner. |
6:18:26 AM
5:18:06 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Using a game to describe all the images on the net. ESP Game (reg required, cypherpunks/cypherpunks works) is a game whose objective is to incent English-speaking net users to keyword-label every image on the Internet. The game throws up an image in a Java applet, then asks you and an anonymous "partner" elsewhere on the net to type in keywords until both of you have a word in common -- IOW, until you and a stranger can agree on a good label for the picture. Presumably, this is being added to a metadata database for the purpose of cataloguing all the images on the net. Neat idea.
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X-NAS-MessageID: 195
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
(Thanks, Jed!) |
2. |
Apple's new DRM reneges on your purchase conditions, picks your pocket. The new iTunes has stricter DRM than the last version, limiting the number of times you can burn your playlists to seven (it used to be ten), and detecting and blocking similar playlists. Jason Schultz has some good ranty analysis about what this means:
So after one year and 70 million songs, $0.99 now buys you less rather than more -- seven hard burns instead of ten soft ones. What will Apple "allow" us to do with the music we "buy" next year? three burns? one? zero?
And what about the songs you've already bought? Don't we get to keep the rights we had before the change?
Well, Apple has conveniently reserved its rights to make changes -- unilaterially -- to its DRM and your ability to make fair use via its Terms of Service and Terms of Sale pretty much anytime it pleases, without even having to give you notice.
Link |
3. |
Sterling's new novel is out -- catch the book-tour!. Bruce Sterling's new novel, The Zenith Angle, is out now. To give you an idea of how much I liked this book -- a technothriller about post-9/11 hacker-entrepreneurs, and the military-industrial complex -- here's the blurb I wrote:
Sterling has his fingers on about a hundred different pulses in this
book, which vibrates with fantastic in-jokes and insights from
Bollywood to dot-bomb, from mil-spec gear-pigs to earnest cybercops.
The story rockets along like a hijacked airliner heading straight at
you, like a flash-worm compromising every unpatched Windows box on the
net at once. I read it in one sitting, and I'll read it again before
the month is out. Lots of books are called "thrillers" but very few are
this thrilling.
Bruce is going on a ten-city US book tour -- check here for dates!
4. |
Stross's future-rant. Tomorrow, I'll be interviewing Charlie Stross at Plokta.con, a con in Newbury, UK. He's the Guest-of-Honour, and he's written up a corker of a GoH contribution for the programme book.
Eusocial animals like ants, termites, bees, or naked mole rats, exhibit curious behaviour; their societies are stratified by role, with workers, warriors, and reproductive castes that may differ morphologically from one another. Humans aren't so obviously specialized, but if you consider our machines as part of our extended phenotype, it begins to look that way: if our machines become intentionally driven, and they're tailored to play different roles in our society, then you could argue that we occupy some kind of privileged position in a hive-relationship with tools that require our continued safety and comfort in order to further their own reproduction. There's nobody here in this hive but us queens, and the living machines we so carelessly manufacture as conveniences for our own comfort. Individual ants or other eusocial insect species all share the same genetic code, but different castes express radically different phenotypic traits, and indeed most ants are sterile workers who can only further their genetic traits by ensuring that their cousin, aunt or mother the hive-queen succeeds. Our machines don't share our genome (yet), but they share parts of the vast haze of information that has gathered around the genome, and they can only reproduce through us.
Link |
5. |
1981 computer catalogue scanned and posted. 
I swear, the scans out of this 1981 computer catalogue are more fascinating than all the patent medicines in a 19th-century Sears-Roebuck.
(via /.)
6. |
Battelle on Google's S-1. John Battelle's analysis of Google's S-1 filing -- and particularily, the charming-but-stilted founders' letter -- is fascinating and insightful:
The letter states, among other things, that 1. We don't need to do this for the money; 2. We have no plans to run our business to satisfy Wall Street's need for smooth earnings predictability; 3. We plan to give no earnings guidance, not at least as it's understood on Wall St.; 4. Don't ask us to do so, we'll simply decline the request; 5. We'll do odd things that you won' t understand; 6. We will make big bets on things that may not work out; 7. We run the company as a triumvirate, so there will not be clear leadership from one person like most other companies; 8. We bridge the media and tech industries (interesting), which are in flux, so we've chosen a two-class stock structure similar to the NYT, WashPost, and NYT that helps us avoid being taken over by those forces; 9. We plan using an auction model, as it feels fairer and we understand auctions from AdWords; 10. Don't invest in us if this scares you at all, or the price feels too high; 11. Don't even think about asking us to cut expenses with regard to our employees; 12. We believe in the idea of Don't Be Evil; 13. It's evil to pay for placement or inclusion (a swipe at Yahoo); 14. We hope to bridge the digital divide through Gmail type free services and a foundation with at least 1% of profits and equity to help make the world a better place; 17. Betting on Google is a bet on Sergey and Larry (this was said multiple times, making me wonder if there wasn't some odd future blame being assigned here by the VCs or bankers); 18. This letter is our way of answering the questions we can't answer in the coming months due to the IPO quiet period.
Link |
7. |
Dilbert for 30 Apr 2004.  |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Cisco, IBM Extend Partnership To Data Center Solutions (TechWeb). TechWeb - Cisco and IBM said they are bringing together their server, storage, networking and management products to provide an integrated data center automation platform. |
9. |
BMC Snaps Up Marimba (TechWeb). TechWeb - It's spending $239 million to acquire technology that will help expand the capabilities of its software, which ties systems and applications management with business objectives. |
10. |
EBay Billing Glitch Angers Sellers (PC World). PC World - New software causes invoice errors the auction site is slow to correct, say some customers. |
11. |
Senate OKs Bill to Ban Web Access Tax (AP). AP - The Senate voted overwhelmingly to restore a ban on taxing Internet connections for four years, stopping short of the permanent ban approved by the House. |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
Le Portknocking, une nouvelle manière de filtrer le réseau |
4:17:47 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Steampunk/dead media photoshopping contest.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 9.98581E-092; #1: 1
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X-NAS-MessageID: 194
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Today's Worth1000 photoshopping contest is "Vintage Products" -- lots of nice steampunk and dead-media licks here.
2. |
Free mall WiFi on the rise. Shopping malls across the US are adding free WiFi:
A very small number of the 1,130 malls in the United States have wireless access. But, she said, an increasing number are thinking of installing the capability.
For instance, Westfield America Trust said most of its 62 regional and super regional shopping centers will soon offer the service. Taubman, which owns or manages 31 malls, began offering Wi-Fi services yesterday at its The Shops at Willow Bend in Plano, Texas.
"If you look at malls in general, you are really seeing owners bring in things that allow for more people to come do a variety of things at the center," Duker said. "The mall has become more than a place to shop."
(via WiFiNetNews) |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
3. |
Google plans $2.7bn share auction. The world's favourite internet search firm, confirms its long-awaited flotation on Wall Street, which could value it at up to $20bn. |
4. |
Linux Advisory Watch - April 30th 2004 |
The Register
5. |
MS Office vastly overpriced, says UK consumer outfit. Votes for StarOffice, Mozilla, Opera, Eudora instead By John Lettice . |
6. |
IBM and Cisco feel the networking love. Big Blue blades switched on By Ashlee Vance . |
7. |
Central London Wi-Fi zone gets green light. Council workers' access only By Tony Smith . |
8. |
Intel to commit to Soho WLAN upgrades. Keeping Wi-Fi zone up to date By Tony Smith . |
NewsIsFree: Security
9. |
Three steps for defending against internal threats |
10. |
Extrusion Part 2: Insider theft of digital assets -- best (and not so best) practices |
11. |
Three steps for defending against internal threats |
12. |
Extrusion Part 2: Insider theft of digital assets -- best (and not so best) practices |
13. |
Decru offers new products to protect stored data |
14. |
Researcher: Employers could be sued for porn spam |
15. |
Microsoft SSL patch creating SSLowdowns |
16. |
Lawmakers vow to pass new law against spyware |
3:17:25 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Man-and-Robot standup comedy in Japan. BoingBoing pal Steve Portigal points us to "a demo of Japanese speaking robot technology, presented as a duo-standup routine featuring one of Japan's well-known comics. The robot is called PaPeJiro. So, if the robot kills - does that violate [Isaac Asimov's] Three Laws [of Robotics]?" Link |
2. |
Cisco, IBM Announce New Partnership, Network Device |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
3. |
Google plans $2.7bn share auction. The world's favourite internet search firm, Google, confirms its long-awaited flotation on the Nasdaq or New York stock exchange, which could value the firm at $20bn. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
4. |
Vulns: LCDproc LCDd Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities. LCDproc is a Client/Server suite of software that includes drivers for many brands of LCD displays. LCDproc displays system statistic on the LCD display.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 8.11423E-130; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 193
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
LCDproc Server ... |
5. |
Vulns: Xine Bug Reporting Script Insecure Temporary File Creation Vulnerability. xine is a multimedia player for Unix/Linux variants.
The xine bug reporting scripts (xine-bugreport and xine-check) create temporary files in an insecure manner.
The ... |
6. |
Vulns: Xine And Xine-Lib Multiple Remote File Overwrite Vulnerabilities. xine is a freely available multimedia player designed for Unix/Linux variants. There is also a xine-lib, which is a C library that may be used to develop third party mult... |
The Register
7. |
Savaged Nokia crops prices. Bargain phones to stem market share drop By Andrew Orlowski . |
8. |
Visto expands sync suit. New patent, will file By Andrew Orlowski . |
9. |
IBM vows to assault users with virtualization technology. Hit over head by abstraction By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
Port 1025 increase, MS04-11 update problems |
11. |
Microsoft IE Address Bar URL Spoofing |
12. |
BSD-derived TCP/IP Short Packet DoS |
13. |
OpenBSD Kernel File Descriptor Table DoS |
14. |
OpenBSD mail Escape Character Privilege Escalation |
15. |
NetWin SurgeFTP Weak Password Hashing |
16. |
OpenBSD Kernel File Descriptor Table Privilege Escalation |
17. |
Cisco IPsec VPN Group Password Disclosure |
18. |
KAME Racoon ISAKMP Header Length DoS |
19. |
OmniSecure HTTProtect SymLink File Modification |
20. |
Heimdal Cross-Realm Trust Spoofing |
21. |
Zonet ZSR1104WE Wireless Router Improper NAT |
2:17:07 AM
12:23:26 AM
© Copyright
Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
5/3/2004; 12:31:05 AM.
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