Saturday, April 03, 2004
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Sun, Microsoft CEOs Are Friends, Rivals (AP). AP - Scott McNealy of Sun Microsystems Inc. and his Microsoft Corp. counterpart Steve Ballmer were slapping backs and exchanging collector hockey jerseys after years of acerbic rancor between the two companies. |
2. |
Cell Phone Is Next Webcam Destination (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Big Brother may turn out to be your little sister or even your best friend in the brave new world of mobile communications. |
3. |
You Can Rent Movies Online, but Should You? (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - The idea of renting movies online seems a lot less silly than it did two years ago, when a site called Movielink debuted. |
4. |
New Technology Could Detect Dirty Hands (AP). AP - New light-scanning technology borrowed from the slaughterhouse promises to help hospital workers, restaurant employees one day, even kids make sure that hand washing zaps some germs that can carry deadly illnesses. |
Hack the Planet
5. |
Looks like the UserLand server maintenance went pretty smoothly. (Oops, I spoke too soon; looks like it's still going on.) |
6. |
Out of perverse curiosity, I tried to install Fedora Core 2 test 2. It now supports my Radeon 9800 (even though Mike Harris threatened to not support it out of spite), but it doesn't see my hard drive. |
7. |
The Inquirer: Nforce3 Pro 250 2 processor pics revealed. |
8. |
The Register: Sony talks up PS3. Not too surprising that Sony's planning a PS3X or a super-cheap PS2 after PS3 comes out. |
9. |
I never really got into LaunchBar, so I didn't expect to have any use for Quicksilver. But its clipboard history window comes in handy for blogging: to get the title and URL of a story into a post I can copy-copy-switch-drag-drag instead of copy-switch-paste-switch-copy-switch-paste. |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
Blog :: The ImPORTant Stuff |
11:21:09 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Sun Pledges to Cooperate With Microsoft (AP). AP - Halting one of the most bitter rivalries in U.S. business, Sun Microsystems Inc. gave up its fight with Microsoft Corp., reaching a $1.6 billion legal settlement and pledging to cooperate with its longtime nemesis. |
2. |
Japanese researchers dream of mobile phones that use senses (AFP). AFP - Speaking without using vocal cords, knowing which direction a telephone call comes from, or even communicating with the five senses are some of the dreams of Japanese researchers for the mobile phones of the future. |
10:20:49 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Judge Drops Internet Defamation Suit (AP). AP - In a case defense attorneys called the first to test the limits of Internet free speech, a judge asked a court to drop her defamation lawsuit against someone who criticized her in an Internet chat room. |
2. |
Make Your Own TRON Costume |
NewsIsFree: Security
3. |
W32.Netsky.Q@mm Code indicates a DoS attack |
9:20:30 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Wardrobe malfunction t-shirt. I don't need reality TV, inky tabloids, or talk radio. To tap into the latest in lowbrow zeitgeist, I only have to walk down Vermont Avenue here in LA, past the front window of crazy t-shirt store Y-Que (say "ee-kay," means "so what" in Spanish).
Today, I saw this Free Janet Jackson's Exposed Boobie shirt. Robots, Powered By Pancakes, Condoleezza Rice: Employee of the Month, and Visit Lovely Guantanamo Bay were there, too. I was walking with a group of people -- some native English speakers, some native Spanish Speakers. One of the latter was a visiting Quiché Maya linguist from Guatemala. He noticed the rest of us cracking up over the "No Justice/No Quiche" Free Martha t-shirts -- I had a really hard time explaining (in clumsy Spanish) the concept of quiche, and how the word quiche had nothing to do with the Quiché Maya people, who Martha Stewart was, and how all of this related to protest slogans from the American civil rights movement. But by the time we were done, he thought it hilarious that the biggest scandal rockin' the USA right now centered on a wealthy woman famous for baking egg pies on TV.
Link to Y-Que online. |
New York Times: Technology
2. |
Silicon Valley Is Seeking Peace in Its Long War With Microsoft. Many in the tech sector have come to accept that the legal system can do little to resolve their quarrel with Microsoft. By John Markoff. |
3. |
Robo-Cars Make Cruise Control So Last Century. As cars become more in touch with surroundings and able to act autonomously, drivers are on the brink of the Jetsons age. By Danny Hakim. |
4. |
Microsoft and Sun End Long Acrimony in Surprise Accord. Microsoft and Sun Microsystems announced an armistice Friday, ending years of hostility between Sun's chief executive and the world's largest software company. By Steve Lohr. |
5. |
Gates on Winsecurity |
8:20:10 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Calif. Mob Tries to Create Supercomputer (AP). AP - Hundreds of area technophiles Saturday wired their computers together in an attempt to generate computing power on a par with the world's strongest supercomputers. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
2. |
Vulns: Libxml2 Remote URI Parsing Buffer Overrun Vulnerability. Libxml2 is an XML parser and toolkit that is implemented in C.
A remotely exploitable buffer overrun vulnerability has been reported in Libxml2. This issue is due to in... |
3. |
Vulns: Safe.PM Unsafe Code Execution Vulnerability. Perl code can implement an extension module called Safe. This allows code to be executed within "safe compartments". Code executed within a Safe compartment cannot acce... |
NewsIsFree: Security
4. |
Macromedia Dreamweaver Test Scripts Disclose DSNs to Remote Users and May Permit SQL Injection |
7:19:48 PM
6:19:29 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Livewire: Prom Frenzy Reaches Internet (Reuters). Reuters - Spring is in the air, but for many
young women, that means the start of a months-long odyssey
where they spend hours indoors, searching the Internet for the
perfect prom dress. |
2. |
Calif. Mob Tries to Create Supercomputer (AP). AP - Hundreds of area technophiles joined laptops Saturday in an attempt to create a computing force on par with the world's most powerful supercomputers. |
3. |
Red Hat Recap |
Hack the Planet
4. |
Looks like the UserLand server maintenance went pretty smoothly. |
5. |
The Register: Why Sun threw in the towel in Mankind vs. Microsoft. |
The Register
6. |
Google mail is evil - privacy advocates. Permanent retention policy makes Gmail Fed's best friend |
5:19:08 PM
4:18:48 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Guitar virtuoso performs Super Mario Brothers theme. This is an absolutely stellar video of Japanes guitar virtuoso KeiicHi performing a rendition of the theme from Super Mario Brothers, hendrixing power-up and coin-grab sound effects by wringing his axe's neck with long and clever fingers. Tasty.
3.7MB WMV Link
(Thanks, guerilla!) |
2. |
Everyone In Silico, licensed for remixing. My friend Jim Munroe is a brilliant sf writer, author of Angry Young Spaceman (which I reviewed for Wired), Everyone in Silico, and Flyboy Action Figure Comes With Gas Mask. Silico is a particularily interesting novel about the corporatization of public spaces (Jim used to be a managing editor at AdBusters), and among Jim's publicity stunts for the book was a letter-writing campaign to corporations mentioned in the book, shaking them down for money for "product placement."
Jim has decided to release Silico online under the same Creative Commons license that I chose for the re-release of Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, a license that allows the production of non-commercial derivative works, such as fan-films, sequels, translations, and audio adaptations. He credits me with inspiring this, which is immensely gratifying -- Jim's a talented writer and this is a wonderful book.
Link |
3. |
Little Robots Play Soccer |
SecurityFocus Vulns
4. |
Vulns: Midnight Commander Virtual File System Symlink Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. Midnight Commander is a popular file management tool for Unix systems. Among other features, Midnight Commander is provided with a code layer to access the file system; t... |
5. |
Vulns: Roger Wilco Server UDP Datagram Handling Denial Of Service Vulnerability. Roger Wilco Server is a net-based communication server designed to allow users to speak in real-time. Multiple clients may connect to a single Roger Wilco server, allowin... |
6. |
Vulns: CDP Console CD Player PrintTOC Function Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. cdp is an application that plays music CDs in the Linux console.
A buffer overflow vulnerability has been identified in the application that may allow a local attacker t... |
3:18:29 PM
2:18:12 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
EFF dream gig: technical director. How's this for a dream job? EFF is looking for a Technical Director to run special projects to enhance liberty and screw with The Man (i.e., making kick-ass, user-friendly PVRs; turning white-box PCs into software-defined-radio spectral analyzers, hacking on anonymizing onion-nets, etc).
This person will be responsible for managing four members of EFF's technical staff and their various projects. Technical staff responsibilities include keeping our internal systems running and providing expert support to our attorneys and members. It also includes actively building, and supervising the building of, technologies that advance free speech and privacy. The technical director will be responsible for creating a cogent technology strategy for EFF. The director must be a team player. This person must be a good writer, good speaker and good listener. This person may be called on to be an expert witness, conference speaker, declarant in a court case, or debater against entertainment companies or government attorneys. Comfort with advocating for a position essential.
Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Next: Outlawing Spyware? (PC World). PC World - Utah regulates surveillance software while several states and Congress also consider restrictions. |
3. |
New Technology Could Detect Dirty Hands (AP). AP - With just a flicker of blue light, little Johnny's mother one day may know for sure whether her son washed his hands before dinner. New light-scanning technology borrowed from the slaughterhouse promises to help hospital workers, restaurant employees one day, even kids make sure that hand washing zaps some germs that can carry deadly illnesses. |
4. |
Zero Install: The Future of Linux on the Desktop? |
SecurityFocus Vulns
5. |
BugTraq: IRIX Update Some Network Drivers May Leak Data. Sender: SGI Security Coordinator [agent99 at sgi dot com] |
6. |
Vulns: JamesOff QuoteEngine Multiple Parameter Unspecified SQL Injection Vulnerability. QuoteEngine is is an eggdrop TCL script that acts as an IRC quote database script for eggdrop. It uses mySQL to store the quotes.
An SQL injection vulnerability has bee... |
7. |
Vulns: Cisco ATA-186 HTTP Device Configuration Disclosure Vulnerability. The Cisco ATA-186 Analog Telephone Adapter is a hardware device designed to interface between analog telephones and Voice over IP (VoIP). It includes support for web base... |
8. |
Vulns: VIM ModeLines Arbitrary Command Execution Vulnerability. vim is a freely available, open source text editor. It is available for Unix, Linux, and Microsoft Operating Systems.
A problem with vim may make it possible to execute... |
9. |
Vulns: Cactusoft CactuShop SQL Injection Vulnerability. Cactusoft CactuShop is a web based e-commerce shopping cart system written in ASP. CactuShop is commercially available for the Microsoft Windows platform.
Reportedly Cac... |
10. |
Vulns: CactuSoft CactuShop Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability. Cactusoft CactuShop is a web based e-commerce shopping cart system written in ASP. CactuShop is commercially available for the Microsoft Windows platform.
Reportedly Cac... |
1:17:50 PM
12:17:29 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Happy 25th Birthday, Space Invaders. 
Space Invaders is 25 years old. Riding a wave of '80s old-school geek chick, the cult Japanese game is experiencing a renaissance. On April 25th, Space Invaders for PS2 launches around the world -- and mobile versions are said to be in the works.
Paris-based online/realspace boutique colette (I heart this store) will sell the remake. They'll also be selling tons of other cool Space Invaders schwag like t-shirts, key holders, books, and more. Tuesday 29th April is evidently Space Invader Day with intergalactic gaming competitions planned in Japan, Paris, and elsewhere.
Link to colette store online (horrible Flash interface -- I love what they sell, but I hatehatehate the website UI), Link to Times UK story, Link to press relelase about Space Invaders remake coming to mobile phones with BREW platform, and Link to Space Invaders 25th anniversary home (also built with Flash, but IMO a rockin' good UI). And finally, I urge you to visit the website for Taito, the Japanese company that created Space Invaders -- if only to read the clumsily translated English copy on this page that invites you, over and over, to "crick here for detail." Sweartagod. Link |
2. |
Simpsons Actors on Strike |
SecurityFocus Vulns
3. |
Vulns: Liu Die Yu WinBlox My_CreateFileW Buffer Overrun Vulnerabilities. Liu Die Yu WinBlox is a system monitor application that inspects the file system on a regular basis. It is available for Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating ... |
4. |
Vulns: Monit Overly Long HTTP Request Buffer Overrun Vulnerability. Monit is a utility for the Linux and Unix operating systems that is designed to monitor processes, devices, files, and directories. The application makes use of an HTTPS ... |
5. |
Vulns: Monit HTTP Content-Length Parameter Denial of Service Vulnerability. Monit is a utility for the Linux and Unix operating systems that is designed to monitor processes, devices, files, and directories. The application makes use of an HTTPS ... |
11:17:10 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Photoblog of Tibetan monks creating a sand mandala. Boingboing reader Jayvant says:
In my photoblog, I document the construction of a traditional Tibetan Sand Mandala built by two visiting Tibetan Buddhist Monks in my university. This truly fascinating and intricate piece of artwork is built slowly using just a few grains of sand at a time. Once the Mandala is completed it is deconstructed and deposited into a body of water, to symbolize the Buddhist belief of nonattachment.
Link |
2. |
Titanic Saturn |
3. |
Google's Early Hardware |
NewsIsFree: Security
4. |
Heimdal Kerberos Cross-Realm Validation Flaw May Permit User Impersonation |
10:16:48 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Tron cosplay. 
This guy made himself an incredibly faithful reproduction of the costumes from Tron, including the glowing piping around the seams.
(Thanks, Julian!)
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
ANALYSIS-PC Brands Muscle in on Market for Flat TVs (Reuters). Reuters - When Dell Inc rolled out LCD
televisions in Japan last year it was front page news and a
sign that a powerful new rival sought to reshape the balance of
power in the $50-billion global TV industry. |
3. |
As Video Game Costs Rise, Industry Seeks Savings (Reuters). Reuters - For years, video game companies
have envied Hollywood moviemakers for their glamorous stars,
gee-whiz special effects and mass-market appeal -- but now they
are learning that these things can come at a high price. |
NewsIsFree: Security
4. |
OSVDB îòêðûâàåò ñâîáîäíûé äîñòóï |
5. |
Interchange Commerce System Discloses SQL Access Information to Remote Users |
9:16:29 AM
SecurityFocus Vulns
1. |
Vulns: MPlayer Remote HTTP Header Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. MPlayer is a multimedia video and audio application. It is freely available for Unix and Unix variants as well as Microsoft Windows.
It has been reported that MPlayer i... |
8:16:10 AM
Digital Identity World
1. |
The Great Enabler |
2. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - February 12, 2004 Issue |
3. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - February 19, 2004 Issue |
4. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - February 26, 2004 Issue |
5. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - March 4, 2004 Issue |
6. |
Identity Helps AXA Financial Insure Success |
7. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - March 11, 2004 Issue |
8. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - March 18, 2004 Issue |
9. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - March 25, 2004 Issue |
10. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - April 1, 2004 Issue |
Yahoo! News - Technology
11. |
Sun president has work cut out (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - Jonathan Schwartz is in the hot seat as he becomes president and chief operating officer of Sun Microsystems, but the 38-year-old earned his stripes by unifying Sun's>
12. |
NY Holds Spam Scam Contest |
SecurityFocus Vulns
13. |
Vulns: OpenLDAP LDBM_Back_Exop_Passwd Denial Of Service Vulnerability. OpenLDAP is an open-source implementation of the LDAP protocol.
OpenLDAP is prone to a remotely exploitable denial of service. Under some circumstances, the server may ... |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
HAHTsite Scenario Server Project Name Buffer Overflow Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
7:15:50 AM
6:15:28 AM
1. |
Loud Metallic Noise Heard at ISS |
NewsIsFree: Security
2. |
W97M_DIG.B |
3. |
5:15:09 AM
SecurityFocus Vulns
1. |
Vulns: Eric S. Raymond Fetchmail Unspecified Denial of Service Vulnerability. Fetchmail is a freely available, open source mail retrieval utility. It is maintained by Eric S. Raymond.
A vulnerability has been reported to be present in the software... |
4:14:49 AM
1. |
Dilbert for 03 Apr 2004.  |
3:14:29 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Microsoft, Sun Settle Antitrust Differences (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - One of the most bitter rivalries in the high-technology era ended yesterday as Microsoft Corp. agreed to pay Sun Microsystems Inc. $1.6 billion to settle antitrust claims and the companies announced a partnership to make their products work better together. |
2. |
Inside a Mechanical Parking Garage |
NewsIsFree: Security
3. |
Downloader.Psyme |
4. |
Backdoor.Powerspider.B |
2:14:09 AM
1:13:50 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
ODP + RSS. Open Directory Project / DMOZ.org appears to be the first major web directory of its kind to include RSS feeds:
Alongside standard HTML web sites and PDF documents, we're now accepting RSS feeds as listings in the directory. There's no change in the submission process but in future categories will start showing 'XML' sections with links to related RSS feeds.
Link (thanks, Jean-Luc!) |
CNET News.com
2. |
DVD copy company appeals ban. 321 Studios appeals a couple court rulings that bar the company from selling its DVD-copying product. |
3. |
Briefly: DVD copy company appeals ban. Plus: Siemens phones to carry RIM service...PalmSource prices shares for a public offering...Google to align ad prices, conversions. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Nanotech Big in Tech Firms, Not Wall St (Reuters). Reuters - Nanotechnology is well established
at some major technology companies, but Wall Street is just
catching on to the money-spinning potential for the rapidly
evolving field, industry experts said this week. |
The Register
5. |
Why Sun threw in the towel in Mankind vs. Microsoft. Analysis Mankind couldn't afford the legal fees |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
Outsourcing can bring on security migraines |
12:13:28 AM
© Copyright
Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
5/3/2004; 12:26:27 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
(blue) Manila theme. |