Sunday, April 04, 2004
Yahoo! News - Technology
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800,000 Cards Overcharged at Wal-Marts (AP). AP - A computer hardware problem caused more than 800,000 credit and debit card transactions to be double- or triple-billed last week at Wal-Mart stores nationwide, according to officials at First Data Corp., which handled the electronic payments. |
Help Net Security
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11:13:34 PM
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States Link Databases to Find Tax Cheats |
The Register
2. |
Sun's Java prince refuses Redmond relocation. Exclusive Greener pastures |
10:13:14 PM
9:12:54 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
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Soap on the cellphone as TV goes tiny (AFP). AFP - The launch of TV's first-ever soap for the tiny mobile phone screen might not suit everyone's taste, but it is living proof that the TV and digital worlds are merging. |
2. |
Agatha Christie Heading to Computer Games (AP). AP - Enthusiasts of mystery fiction will have the chance to play detective when some of Agatha Christie's classic books are brought to interactive life in computer games. |
3. |
800,000 Cards Overcharged at Wal-Marts (AP). AP - A computer hardware problem caused more than 800,000 credit and debit card transactions to be double- or triple-billed last week at Wal-Mart stores nationwide, according to officials at First Data Corp., which handled the electronic payments. |
4. |
Invulnerable, Waterproof PDA |
8:12:35 PM
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Still More on Open Source Usability |
Hack the Planet
2. |
Looks like the UserLand server maintenance went pretty smoothly. (Oops, I spoke too soon; looks like it's still going on.) |
3. |
Out of perverse curiosity, I tried to install Fedora Core 2 test 2. It now supports my Radeon 9800 (even though Mike Harris threatened to not support it out of spite), but it doesn't see my hard drive. |
4. |
The Inquirer: Nforce3 Pro 250 2 processor pics revealed. |
5. |
The Register: Sony talks up PS3. Not too surprising that Sony's planning a PS3X or a super-cheap PS2 after PS3 comes out. |
6. |
The Register: Why Sun threw in the towel in Mankind vs. Microsoft. |
7. |
I never really got into LaunchBar, so I didn't expect to have any use for Quicksilver. But its clipboard history window comes in handy for blogging: to get the title and URL of a story into a post I can copy-copy-switch-drag-drag instead of copy-switch-paste-switch-copy-switch-paste. |
NewsIsFree: Security
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Zone-H - Defacement: colchester.gov.uk |
7:12:15 PM
6:11:54 PM
5:11:35 PM
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Advanced Mobile Phone Tech in Japan |
4:11:14 PM
3:10:55 PM
Boing Boing
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US stamp of Bucky Fuller. In July, the US Post Office will issue a Buckminster Fuller stamp featuring an old Time magazine cover illustration by the late great Boris Artzybasheff. Link
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Cell Phone Is Next Webcam Destination (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Big Brother may turn out to be your little sister or even your best friend in the brave new world of mobile communications. |
3. |
A Completely Separate Ecosystem on Earth |
2:10:34 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
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Japan, China, SKorea join to develop Windows contender (AFP). AFP - Japan, China and South Korea have agreed to jointly develop a new computer operating system based on Linux as an alternative to the dominant Windows by Microsoft. |
2. |
Portable Game Players to Test Video Appeal (Reuters). Reuters - For handheld video game makers like
Nintendo, a popular TV character like SpongeBob SquarePants may
be cute, but he's no moneymaking match for video game
heavyweights such as Super Mario or Donkey Kong. |
3. |
Microsoft Makes Peace with Sun, Its Loudest Critic (Reuters). Reuters - To some analysts, it's the computer
equivalent of the rapprochement between Mikhael Gorbachev and
Ronald Reagan that ended the Cold War. To others, it's like
competing warlords agreeing to share their spoils. |
4. |
3D, FPS File Manager |
1:10:15 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
DARPA Grand Challenge robot snapshots. BoingBoing reader Rupert Scammell says:
I was a volunteer in the video editing and media production center at the recent
DARPA Grand Challenge autonomous robot ground vehicles event, held in the Mojave desert between Barstow,CA and Primm, NV. I got many great pictures of the various robot vehicles and participants during the four days I was there, and wanted to share them with my fellow BoingBoingers. The images are all under a Creative Commons license. Enjoy!
Link |
2. |
Paris subway panorama photos. Panoramic views of Parisian subways stations from an amateur photographer in France. *Not* QTVRs, just JPEGs with a wide aspect ratio. Link (thanks, Jean-Luc) |
3. |
New Wave of Web Ads? |
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Searching by Shape... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
5. |
Vulns: Ethereal Multiple Vulnerabilities. Ethereal 0.10.3 has been released to address multiple vulnerabilities. These issues include:
- Thirteen stack-based buffer overruns in various protocol dissectors (NetF... |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
Aborior Encore Web Forum Input Validation Flaw in 'display.cgi' Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Commands |
12:09:54 PM
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Linux 2.6.5 is Released |
NewsIsFree: Security
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10:33:39 AM
CNET News.com
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Week ahead: Yahoo earnings on tap. Yahoo plans to announce its quarterly earnings in the coming week, marking one of the more notable events in an extremely quiet week. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Japan, China, SKorea to jointly develop new cellular phone system (AFP). AFP - Japan, China and South Korea have agreed to jointly develop communications technologies for fourth-generation cellular phones to be introduced in the three countries in six years. |
3. |
Nvidia Drivers Enforce Macrovision's Rules |
9:33:20 AM
NewsIsFree: Security
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8:32:58 AM
7:32:38 AM
6:32:18 AM
Boing Boing
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Academy of Art University: Free speech chickenshits. Neil Gaiman forwarded this note from Daniel "Lemony Snicket" Handler:
The Academy of Art University here in San Francisco - the biggest art school in the country - recently expelled a student for writing a violent short story, and then fired his instructor for teaching a story by David Foster Wallace the administration also found offensive.
As this story broke in the press the school has responded by announcing stringent policies regarding the content of students' artwork (writing, visual art, film, video game design, etc.), what can be taught in the classroom, and who is allowed to speak on campus. This was brought home to me when an instructor at the college invited me to speak to his class (along with the fired teacher and a representative of the First Amendment Project) and I was physically barred from entering the building.
(Thanks, Neil!) |
2. |
Free Culture distributed audiobook jukebox. Here's a Web-based jukebox containing streaming MP3s of various bloggers reading Lessig's Free Culture. As soon as I have ten minutes to catch my breath, I'm definitely contributing a chapter to this.
(via Lessig) |
3. |
Is there room for some-rights-reserved speakers at Copyright Awareness Week?. It's Copyright Awareness Week! The Copyright Society of America is looking for "members of the Copyright Society and other interested professionals in the copyright fields the opportunity to speak in local schools, universities, associations and other venues about the importance of copyright to the creative arts." I'd love to hear about the Society's response to some-rights-reserved creators of art and software who ask to be given an opportunity to speak about how reduced copyright regimes enable their creativity.
(Thanks, Michael!) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Circle of Friends (TechWeb). TechWeb - Social networking with software: It can be positive, but not as a goal in itself. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
5. |
Jordan's king puts faith in hi-tech. King Abdullah of Jordan explains to the BBC how he is looking to technology to develop his nation. |
5:32:00 AM
Boing Boing
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Digital timeclocks being doctored by chain-store managers. Managers at chain stores across America are protecting their bottom-line-dependant jobs by secretly changing timeclock records, so that their workers aren't paid for their time.
In the punch-card era, managers would have had to conspire with payroll clerks or accountants to manipulate records. But now it is far easier for individual managers to accomplish this secretly with computers, payroll experts say.
Mr. Pooters, a father of five who left the Air Force in 1997 for a career in retailing, talks with disgust about photocopied Toys "R" Us records that he said showed how his manager made it appear that he had clocked out much earlier than he had.
"Unless you keep track of your time and keep records of when you punch in and punch out, there's no way to stop this," he said.
(via Dan Gillmor) |
2. |
Dilbert for 04 Apr 2004.  |
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Canadian Minister Promises to Fix Copyright Law |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Jordan's king puts faith in hi-tech. King Abdullah of Jordan explains how he is looking to technology to develop his nation. |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
eMule DecodeBase16() Stack Overflow Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
4:31:39 AM
3:31:19 AM
1:07:59 AM
12:21:29 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
5/3/2004; 12:26:29 AM.
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