Saturday, April 17, 2004
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Restrictions and Price Remain iTunes Turnoffs (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - A year ago this month, the music-downloading business came to life with the debut of Apple's iTunes Music Store. By the numbers, the store has done outrageously well. More than 50 million songs have been downloaded off the service to both Windows and Mac OS X machines and the store is on track to hit 130 million songs a year, Apple brags. |
2. |
Interactive Fiction Competition Opens |
SecurityFocus Vulns
3. |
Vulns: Xonix X11 Game Insecure Privilege Dropping Vulnerability. Xonix is a game designed for the Linux platform.
A vulnerability has been identified in Xonix that may allow a local attacker to gain elevated privileges. It has been r... |
4. |
Vulns: ssmtp Mail Transfer Agent Multiple Format String Vulnerabilities. ssmtp is a mail transfer agent designed to run on the Linux platform.
It has been reported that the ssmtp is prone to multiple remote format string vulnerabilities. The... |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
Top Port: microsoft-ds 445 |
6. |
Combined exploits of MS vulnerabilities, port 1981 increase |
11:18:21 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
New Technology Uses 'Glanceable' Objects (AP). AP - It looks like a size-XXXL chicken egg and glows in colors that change and waver in intensity as it tracks qualitative shifts in financial data from the Internet. But the white plastic Orb was designed to be far more than a barometer of the Dow Jones industrial average, its programmed out-of-the-box function. |
2. |
Investors Weighing Microsoft's Future (AP). AP - Microsoft Corp.'s successes over the last three decades have made it the third-largest company in the stock market and its founder the richest man in the world. But with its peak growth years behind it, investors are wondering what's ahead for the computing powerhouse. |
3. |
Birders Mourn Falcon Followed on Web Cam (AP). AP - Birders around the world are mourning the death of Mae, the first known peregrine falcon to nest at a power plant, who became an Internet star through a Web cam that allowed thousands to watch her during nesting season. |
4. |
Satellite Radio May Be 'Shock Jock' Haven (AP). AP - If traditional radio decides Howard Stern is too hot to handle, satellite radio is waiting. Even if the prince of "shock jocks" stays where he is, the two nationwide satellite radio companies hope the Stern controversy can help them become the radio equivalent of cable TV — a popular destination for racy, raunchy, unregulated content. |
10:18:01 PM
New York Times: Technology
1. |
Bubble Lives on at Broadcom, Where Options Still Rain Down. Just when you thought you had seen the most outrageous transfer of shareholder wealth to executives through stock options, along comes a company that tops them all. |
2. |
Lost in the Thicket of Cellular Plans? Try This. A handful of basic techniques can help you find a reliable cellular phone plan that meets your needs. By Ken Belson. |
3. |
Humans vs. Computers, Again. But There's Help for Our Side.. An effort is afoot to bring Googlelike clarity to the swamp of personal data on a user's computer. By James Fallows. |
4. |
600 Macs, 4,000 Lines, One Giant Leap for DVD's. John Lowry is forging what might be the future of the DVD and, with it, the way that classic films will be stored, preserved, telecast and watched. By Fred Kaplan. |
5. |
Harvesting Different Fruit. Being shown the money isn't what drives Steve Wozniak, who retired from Apple after its initial public offering, having engineered Apple I and Apple II. By Robert Johnson. |
6. |
Digging Up Low Web Fares. Web sites that find bargain airfares on the dates you want, with fewer clicks. By Bob Tedeschi. |
7. |
First With the Scoop, if Not the Truth. With her gossipy, raunchy, potty-mouthed blog, Wonkette, Ana Marie Cox has grabbed the attention of staid Washington. By Julie Bosman. |
8. |
Mars Rock Supports Cross-Seeding Theory |
NewsIsFree: Security
9. |
[BUG-CORRECTION] IISShield "Server" header costumization |
10. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 491-1] New Linux 2.4.19 packages fix local root exploit (mips) |
11. |
Re: After Ms patches last Wed ... |
12. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 488-1] New logcheck packages fix insecure temporary directory |
13. |
NEW backdoor in X-Micro WLAN 11b Broadband Router |
9:17:41 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Birders Mourn Falcon Who Gained Following (AP). AP - Birders around the world are mourning the death of Mae, the first known peregrine falcon to nest at a power plant, who became an Internet star through a Web cam that allowed thousands to watch her during nesting season. |
2. |
More on AT&T Wireless's Bungled System Upgrade |
8:17:20 PM
7:17:00 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Mickey Mouse's dwindling brand. Great NYT feature on the dwindling importance of Mickey Mouse as a character, and the attempts of the Disney organization to reimagine Mickey as a relevant character today.
"I was around 6 when I first saw him," [Maurice Sendak] said. "It filled me with joy. I think it was those primary colors so vivid and pure, taken up with the most incredibly beautiful animation, reminding you of Fred Astaire. Oh! And his character was the kind I wished I'd had as a child: brave and sassy and nasty and crooked and thinking of ways to outdo people." The joy leached from Mr. Sendak's voice. "Not like the lifeless fat pig he is now."
Mr. Sendak is hardly alone in mourning the mouse's decline. "Boring," "embalmed," "neglected," "irrelevant," "deracinated" and, perhaps most damning, "over" are some of the adjectives that cropped up in recent interviews with people in the cartoon, movie and marketing businesses.
(Thanks, Warren!) |
2. |
Giant LAN party runs girl geeks off the premises. Katla was one of the few women to attend a 5,000-person LAN party in Norway called The Gathering. Some of the "boys" at the LAN party decided to make a movie consisting of close-ups fo the tits and asses of the women in attendance. Katla's sworn off The Gathering -- her post is heartbreaking.
It was to much to hope for. 5 days running around with fellow geeks, doing geeky stuff. I sdont think i want to go back here, and now i just want to go home, damb brats. now there is not female geeks here anymore. but girls, and doubt not for a secound that they are here for your pleasure only. fucking assholes. and they are still here. they did not get kicked out. and i doubt they will be. Dam shame, it could have been fun beeing a geek here. but i think ill just stay away.
(via Misbehaving) |
3. |
AmigaOS 4.0 Developer Pre-release |
4. |
Debian: neon Format string vulnerability |
5. |
Debian: cvs Multiple vulnerabilities |
SecurityFocus Vulns
6. |
Vulns: PostNuke Pheonix Multiple Module SQL Injection Vulnerabilities. PostNuke Pheonix is a freely available web-based content management system. It is implemented in PHP and available for Unix/Linux variants as well as Microsoft Windows pl... |
7. |
Vulns: Microsoft Windows LSASS Buffer Overrun Vulnerability. Microsoft Windows LSASS (Local Security Authority Subsystem Service) is prone to a remotely exploitable stack-based buffer overrun vulnerability. This service provides ... |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
DNet: ñòàòèñòèêà ñíîâà â ñòðîþ |
6:16:41 PM
5:16:22 PM
4:16:01 PM
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11:14:34 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Mickey Mouse's dwindling brand. Great NYT feature on the dwindling importance of Mickey Mouse as a character, and the attempts of the Dinsey organization to reimagine Mickey as a relevant character today.
"I was around 6 when I first saw him," [Maurice Sendak] said. "It filled me with joy. I think it was those primary colors so vivid and pure, taken up with the most incredibly beautiful animation, reminding you of Fred Astaire. Oh! And his character was the kind I wished I'd had as a child: brave and sassy and nasty and crooked and thinking of ways to outdo people." The joy leached from Mr. Sendak's voice. "Not like the lifeless fat pig he is now."
Mr. Sendak is hardly alone in mourning the mouse's decline. "Boring," "embalmed," "neglected," "irrelevant," "deracinated" and, perhaps most damning, "over" are some of the adjectives that cropped up in recent interviews with people in the cartoon, movie and marketing businesses.
(Thanks, Warren!) |
2. |
A New Ice Age? |
SecurityFocus Vulns
3. |
Vulns: Microsoft Internet Explorer ITS Protocol Zone Bypass Vulnerability. Microsoft Internet Explorer has been reported prone to a vulnerability that may permit hostile content to be interpreted in the Local Zone.
This issue is believed to de... |
10:17:12 AM
9:16:52 AM
8:16:32 AM
7:16:12 AM
Wired News
1. |
Apple Rebuffs Music Overture. Steve Jobs apparently wants no part of opening up his company's iPod to RealNetworks, reportedly turning down a proposed digital music alliance. What happens now is anybody's guess. |
2. |
This Ain't Woody Allen's Orb. Proponents of ubiquitous computing hope to build computers into objects that fit naturally into daily life. One application is the Orb, a large glowing egg that tracks trends in a variety of subjects and transmits the information visually. |
3. |
Scientists Pin Date on L.A. Quake. Vladimir Keilis-Borok predicts the next big one will strike Los Angeles by Sept. 5. He also says his group has made similar forecasts before, but he won't disclose them publicly while his team assesses its untested method. |
4. |
Shoot 'em Up, Vote for Bush. A Republican-sponsored anti-Kerry ad shows up on a website featuring a video game starring a gun-toting cartoon President Bush killing terrorists. The campaign, which has spent at least $50 million on commercials so far, is going after Kerry with increasingly negative ads. |
5. |
Rural Folk May Yet Get Broadband. In the latest effort to bring high-speed Internet access to rural areas, the FCC proposes letting wireless service providers share airwaves currently used by satellites and radar. Satellite companies hasten to protect their slice of the spectrum. By Elisa Batista. |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
USA Today: Hackers lurk through holes in hot spots "are finding them an easy target to snoop on ... |
7. |
Gmail Commentary and Responses |
8. |
The Average PC is Infested with Spyware |
9. |
PCs 'infested' with spy programs |
10. |
US-CERT RSS Channels |
6:16:02 AM
5:15:51 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
Universal's solution to sagging music sales? Jack up the price. After their price cuts from last year failed to increase CD sales, Universal will increase both retail and wholesale prices. The move has been spun as an effort to help reduce retail CD prices, but where is the incentive for retailers to do so? By Fred "zAmboni" Locklear. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Logan Airport deploys snitch-squad. Logan Airport is deploying undercover snoops who will keep an eye out for anxious, sweaty, inappropriately dressed air-travellers who are observing security measures. These people will be sent away for secondary cavity-screening. You know, the number of times I've shown up at a warm-weather airport in a cold-weather coat (formy destination), sweating, anxious, and bug-eyed at the National Guard teenagers threatening to blow their zits off with their hulking carbines... Welcome to the future: a boot stamping on a human face -- forever.
[O]fficials watch people as they move through terminals. They look for odd or suspicious behavior: heavy clothes on a hot day, loiterers without luggage, anyone observing security methods.
At the security checkpoints, screening supervisors have a score sheet with a list of behaviors on it. If a passenger hits a certain number, a law enforcement officer will be notified to question the person.
(via Fark |
3. |
Dilbert for 17 Apr 2004.  |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
SCO Says VC Wants Out (TechWeb). TechWeb - A filing with the SEC says BayStar Capital wants SCO to redeem all of the venture-capital firm's 20,000 shares of the company's Series A-1 Convertible Preferred Stock. |
5. |
419er Lost in Space |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
6. |
Trek communicator ready to go. A US firm has invented a wireless communicator just like the ones used in the Star Trek TV series. |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
Latest Microsoft patches draw user ire |
8. |
Linux vendors claim Forrester Report favored Microsoft |
9. |
Brief: Vulnerability database goes live |
10. |
Interz0ne 3 Activated |
11. |
Bank of America Credit Cards Hacked |
12. |
Microsoft Patches Keep On Coming |
13. |
Microsoft Patches Keep On Coming |
14. |
More Hacking News... |
15. |
Summary of Symantec Safeguard Protection for Microsoft's Security Bulletins for April 2004 |
16. |
17 Apr W32/Agobot-GP |
4:15:40 AM
3:15:30 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Final Transmet collection available. 
The final Transmetropolitan collection, "Transmetropolitan: One More Time," is available for pre-order on Amazon. It's the tenth book, collecting issues 55-60: there are nine other books collecting the earlier issues, and as good as those issues were, it's in this, the final volume of the most original and invigorating sf comic I've ever read, that Ellis outdoes himself, pulling together a finale to his five-year serial that's triumphant, sad and brave. When the last issue came out, I wrote a Wired review of it -- and rereading it today reminds me of just how exciting it was to get a new Transmet ish at the comic-shop. It was Transmet that turned me into a comics reader again: I'm so glad that the whole series is now available for sale.
(Thanks, Pat!)
NewsIsFree: Security
2. |
ECC2-109 Winners Certified |
3. |
Florida Ponders Communication Tax on LANs |
4. |
Overlooked Tax Provision Gets Attention |
5. |
Chipping away at privacy with radio waves |
6. |
Health Privacy Laws Take Effect Thursday |
7. |
Feds Seek Privacy Experts |
8. |
City Pages: Privacy Eyes |
9. |
Judge Rules Strippers Have Privacy Right |
10. |
Senators Question TSA Denials |
11. |
No Chip in Arm, No Shot From Gun |
12. |
University Senate prioritizes students' privacy |
13. |
Picturing Privacy |
14. |
Senators Probe Airline - Passenger Privacy Breaches |
15. |
IETF to lead anti-spam crusade |
16. |
National ID card |
17. |
Software Security Flaws Hit Plateau |
2:15:18 AM
1:15:06 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Economics of Hacking an Election. Counterpane.com's Bruce Schneier sez: "How hard would it be to swing an election by hacking computerized voting machines? How valuable would it be? I did the math, and the results are even scarier than I expected them to be." Link
New York Times: Technology
2. |
Slow to Adapt, Nokia Loses Market Share in Latest Cellphones. Nokia, the world's largest mobile phone maker, missed the trend toward clamshell handsets, denting its reputation as the arbiter of cellphone chic. By Alan Cowell. |
3. |
Making Nanotechnology More Than a Nanoissue. Merrill Lynch said on Friday that it had dropped six companies and added three to its recently created nanotechnology stock index. By Barnaby J. Feder. |
4. |
2 Acquitted in Qwest Case; Jury Deadlocked on 2 Others. The jury's verdict dealt the government a serious setback in a case it had seen as the start of a sweeping investigation of Qwest. By Reuters. |
5. |
Blue Chips Climb as Rate Fears Ease, but Tech Shares Fall. By Reuters. By Reuters. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Brussels set to lose a fourth chief (FT.com). FT.com - Romano Prodi's European Commission is set to lose its fourth prominent member with the expected departure in July of Erkki Liikanen, the enterprise commissioner, to head Finland's central bank. |
7. |
U.S. Prods Microsoft to Widen Protocol Disclosures (Reuters). Reuters - U.S. antitrust authorities are
prodding Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O) to disclose more to rivals
who license key Windows computer code under the company's
landmark antitrust settlement, according to court papers filed
on Wednesday. |
12:14:56 AM
© Copyright
Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
5/3/2004; 12:26:52 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
(blue) Manila theme. |