Thursday, April 29, 2004
Ars Technica
1. |
California officials recommend a Fall election crapshoot. California officials recommend the option of electronic voting machines or paper ballots. The inconvenience of an outright ban of the machines may compromise voting accuracy in Fall elections. By Fred "zAmboni" Locklear. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Cell-Phone Trade Group Goes Against Nextel (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - The cellular phone trade association took the unusual step of wading into a nasty fight between two of its members and voted to endorse a policy that is strongly opposed by Reston-based Nextel Communications Inc. |
3. |
Taking Stock of Google (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Google, the storied Internet search site founded in a garage just six years ago, yesterday filed its official plan to sell shares to the public, a deal eagerly anticipated by Silicon Valley to mark the re-emergence of tech from its post-bubble malaise. |
4. |
1981 Personal Computer Catalog |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
RE:New Worm??? - High level of activity on port 445 |
11:23:05 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
DNA computing takes a diagnostic leap forward. Researchers create a DNA computer that can diagnose cancer signals and deliver anticancer drugs. It will be years before a system can be developed that can be used in humans. By Fred "zAmboni" Locklear. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Google IPO Sets Stage for Web Search War (Reuters). Reuters - Google's Inc.'s
long-awaited plan to go public threatens to turn the battle for
Web search supremacy into an all-out war, analysts said on
Thursday, even as smaller search companies said there was a
chance for everyone to prosper. |
NewsIsFree: Security
3. |
Hedging the Risk of Instant Messaging |
4. |
Social Engineering Way Into Hollywood |
10:22:46 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Senate OKs four-year ban on Net access tax. The vote promises to lead to tense negotiations in a conference committee with the House, which approved a competing plan that would have made a moratorium permanent. |
2. |
Gateway reports loss, announces layoffs. The PC maker will lay off 1,500 by the end of 2004 as part of its bid to return to profitability next year. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Google Files Its Long-Awaited IPO Plans (AP). AP - Internet search engine leader Google Inc. filed its long-awaited IPO plans Thursday, thumbing its nose at Wall Street's traditions even as the company prepares to cash in on its meteoric success. |
4. |
What Lies Ahead For Linux |
InfoWorld: Top News
5. |
Senate extends Internet tax moratorium. WASHINGTON - After months of debate, the U.S. Senate has extended a moratorium on Internet access taxes, but it stopped short of permanently extending the ban on taxes specific to the Internet, which the U.S. House did in September. |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
All-In-One E-Mail Security |
7. |
How Should Researchers Handle Exploit Code? |
9:22:26 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Bob Moog documentary looks great. The video clips from the new Bob Moog (inventor of the Moog synthesizer) documentary (titled "moog") are very exciting. Can't wait to see it. He says inventing things is a combination of "discovering and witnessing." (As an aside, isn't "Moog" a great name. It has that mod 60s sound that's perfect for a synthesizer. I don't think it would have been as popular had his last name been anything else.) Link |
2. |
Third porn actor tests positive for HIV -- Jessica Dee. Fleshbot says:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.05776E-157; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 188
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
[A] third adult performer, Jessica Dee, has also tested positive for HIV. Unlike Lara Roxx, who was just entering the business, Jessica has considerable video and photo experience under her belt. A search for her name at Ask Jolene turns up at least one photoset which seems to match the thumbnail photo of her in the AVN article; you can look that one up yourself if you're as morbidly curious as we were.
"Another Woman Who Worked with Darren James Tests HIV-Positive" (AVN)
"Jessica Dee Identified as Third HIV-Positive Performer" (AVN)
Jessica Dee (videography @ Search Extreme)
Link |
CNET News.com
3. |
IBM cuts Red Hat Linux price for Power servers. While Red Hat's list prices remain unchanged, IBM says new pricing lets it sell the operating system for Big Blue customers for $700-$1,000 less. |
4. |
Briefly: Seagate to get new CEO. Plus: AMD reiterates plan for dual-core chips...Cisco exec joins PalmSource board...Wal-Mart's Sam's Club adds more Linux PCs. |
5. |
Apple investigates iPod update problems. Apple Computer said Thursday that it is investigating reports that some iPod owners have had trouble updating their devices to take advantage of the company's latest version of its iTunes jukebox software. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
FCC Hears Fewer Gripes About Cell Numbers (AP). AP - Wireless companies are doing a better job of switching customers who want to transfer their cell phone service to a different carrier, according to government figures released Thursday. |
7. |
Time Warner's AOL Looking at Turnaround (Reuters). Reuters - America Online, once rarely mentioned
without the term "beleaguered" before its name, started using
another word to refer to itself this week -- "turnaround." |
8. |
UIUC Unveils the Worlds Most Advanced Building |
9. |
Gentoo: samba Multiple Vulnerabilities |
10. |
Debian: eterm Missing Input Sanitising |
SecurityFocus Vulns
11. |
BugTraq: RE: New Worm??? - High level of activity on port 445. Sender: Thor Larholm [thor at pivx dot com] |
12. |
Vulns: OpenSSL Denial of Service Vulnerabilities. Three security vulnerabilities have been reported to affect OpenSSL. Each of these remotely exploitable issues may result in a denial of service in applications which us... |
13. |
Vulns: ssmtp Mail Transfer Agent Multiple Format String Vulnerabilities. ssmtp is a mail transfer agent designed to run on the Linux platform.
It has been reported that the ssmtp is prone to multiple remote format string vulnerabilities. The... |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Sysklogd Memory Allocation Flaw May Let Remote Users Crash the Daemon |
15. |
Getting The Most From Your *Bleeping* Computer |
16. |
Hidden 'backdoors' worry security firms |
8:22:06 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
BBC TV channel offers programming for pets. From the Guardian: Pet TV "is being billed by the BBC as an attempt to find out what sort of TV programmes, sounds and images animals respond to. The interactive TV service will consist of a looped series of images and sounds, including clips of snooker balls rolling across the green baize, frisbees flying through the air, cat toys and cartoon characters such as Top Cat." Link (Registration required, unless you use the wonderful bugmenot.com) (Thanks, Carlo!) |
CNET News.com
2. |
Gateway reports loss, announces layoffs. The PC maker will lay off 1,500 by the end of 2004 as part of its bid to return to profitability next year. |
3. |
Lifting the lid on Google. A search through the company's filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission reveals some interesting findings, such as Intel President Paul Otellini's role and executive salaries. |
4. |
File-swapping gets supercharged on student network. Students set up a new peer-to-peer hub on Internet 2, a university network that offers researchers and students a way to communicate at blazing speeds. |
5. |
Want in on Google's IPO?. The search engine is opening its long-anticipated public offering to the masses through a rare auction process. But ordinary folks will still need to jump through hoops to land some of the coveted shares. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
SCO Backs Off GPL Claims (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - In its legal arguments against IBM, SCO is no longer maintaining that the GPL is unconstitutional. Analysts say the company has decided that pushing that claim could hurt its case in the end. |
7. |
MCI Warns That 2004 Revenue May Dip (AP). AP - MCI warned Thursday that its 2004 revenue will likely dip 20 percent, partly because of the government's popular do-not-call list and increasing sales of wireless technology worldwide. |
8. |
Digital Video Recorders Take Off (AP). AP - In the new world of digital video recording, TV viewers can forgo videocassettes, easily recording their favorite shows on a hard disk and watching them whenever they desire. |
9. |
Lawmakers agree to new ban on Internet taxes (AFP). AFP - The US Senate, by a vote of 93 to 3, approved a four-year ban on taxes for services that provide access to the Internet. |
10. |
DNA Computer Detects, Treats Disease |
SecurityFocus Vulns
11. |
Vulns: Multiple Vendor TCP Sequence Number Approximation Vulnerability. TCP provides stateful communications between hosts across a network. TCP sessions are established by a three-way handshake and use random 32-bit sequence and acknowledg... |
12. |
Vulns: Apache Error Log Escape Sequence Injection Vulnerability. Apache is a freely available Web server for Unix and Linux variants, as well as Microsoft operating systems.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.36951E-193; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 183
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
It has been reported that the Apache web server is prone to ... |
13. |
Vulns: Apache Mod_SSL HTTP Request Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerability. mod_ssl is the implementation of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for the Apache webserver.
mod_ssl has been reported to be prone to a remote denial of service vulnerability. ... |
14. |
Vulns: Apache Connection Blocking Denial Of Service Vulnerability. Apache is prone to an issue that may permit remote attackers to cause a denial of service issue via a listening socket on a rarely accessed port. The issue is caused by ... |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Bot Attacks Vulnerable Windows OSes; Microsoft Patch Buggy |
16. |
Microsoft Confirms Windows XP SP2 Delayed |
17. |
House Probes Threat Posed by Spyware (AP) |
18. |
First complaint filed under Can-Spam |
19. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 496-1] New eterm packages fix indirect arbitrary command execution |
20. |
New Worm??? - High level of activity on port 445 |
21. |
RE:New Worm??? - High level of activity on port 445 |
22. |
RE:New Worm??? - High level of activity on port 445 |
7:21:47 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Googie landmark threatened with demolition. Seal Beach, California's UFO-shaped Parasol diner, which is kept in pristine 1967 original condition by its owner, is scheduled to be torn down by a shopping mall developer in May. This site has more Parasol pictures, articles, and a link to an online petition. Link (Thanks, Todd!)
2. |
Russian MP3 site sells music for about five cents a song. The Sydney Morning Herald spoke to a lawyer about allofmp3.com, the Russian company that sells tons of online music by the gigabyte, and he said it is not likely that anyone who buys music from the site could get in trouble.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.68341E-221; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 182
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
We sought some advice from a Melbourne barrister and contributor to these pages, Simon Minahan, who practises in the area of intellectual property.
His opinion: "There's probably nothing to stop the individual from downloading this material for private use. For end users, the issue is a basic question relevant to acquiring a reproduction of any copyright work: has the rights owner consented?"
Even if allofmp3.com's asserted licence is bogus, says Minahan, "the end user would seem to have a good basis to argue that he is an innocent infringer, which would mean he isn't liable to damages, although he would still be liable to an order requiring him to destroy or deliver up any copies and an order requiring him to refrain from doing it again."
Link (Thanks, JNelsonW!) |
3. |
Patriot Act designed to protect Patriot Act by preventing challenges to it to be made public. Great headline from the Washington Post: "Patriot Act Suppresses News Of Challenge to Patriot Act." It has to do with the ACLU filing a lawsuit challenging something in the Patriot Act, but a different provision in the Patriot Act made it illegal for the ACLU to reveal the lawsuit. Neat! Link |
CNET News.com
4. |
Co-founders release Google 'owner's manual'. Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin craft a letter to map out Google's credo as a public company. |
5. |
DaimlerChrysler: Dismiss SCO suit. The company asks a judge to throw out the SCO Group's lawsuit against it, one of several high-profile cases that have entangled Linux in SCO's intellectual-property claims over Unix. |
6. |
Roundup: Google aims to raise $2.7 billion in IPO. The Internet's leading search engine files plans to raise $2.7 billion in an unusual auction-style public offering. |
7. |
Gateway reports 1st-quarter loss, announces layoffs. The PC maker will lay off 1,500 by the end of 2004 as part of its bid to return to profitability next year. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
US files first criminal charges under new spam law (AFP). AFP - Spammers could be headed for prison for the first time after US authorities filed criminal charges under a new law aimed at curbing unwanted e-mail advertising, officials said. |
9. |
Visa Toys With Credit Card Displays (PC World). PC World - Small LCD could display account info, but challenges remain. |
10. |
House Probes Threat Posed by Spyware (AP). AP - It's the newest computer security problem to attract the attention of Congress: spyware, or software designed to collect computer users' personal data without their knowledge. Secretly piggybacking on downloaded Internet software, spyware transmits information about computer usage and generates pop-up advertisements and other annoyances. It often is difficult to uninstall. |
11. |
Senators Move Toward Internet Tax Ban (AP). AP - The Senate on Thursday moved toward temporarily banning state and local taxation of the services that connect consumers to the Internet. |
12. |
Advanced Unix Programming, 2nd Ed. |
13. |
ACLU Sues FBI Over ISP Records |
InfoWorld: Top News
14. |
Intel's Dothan set for early-May introduction. BOSTON - Intel Corp. will introduce its new Dothan mobile processor at a launch event in San Francisco on May 10, the company announced Thursday. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
15. |
BugTraq: Re: HP Web JetAdmin vulnerabilities.. Sender: Samuel Walker [jackwalker at nc dot rr dot com] |
The Register
16. |
Time Warner sprints ahead, AOL crawls. Ups and downs By electricnews.net . |
17. |
Google files Coca Cola jingle with SEC. Wants to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony By Andrew Orlowski . |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
Enterprise IT Toolkit for the Week of 4/29/04 |
19. |
Data Centers Draw Cisco and IBM Closer |
20. |
iTunes 4.5 Authentication Cracked |
21. |
Zone-H Defacement: panasonic.ca |
6:21:26 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Mod a disposable cam into a stun-gun. TechTV has a HOWTO for modifying a disposable camera into a stun-gun:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 5.38129E-139; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 181
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
These disposable cameras (about $5 dollars a pop) have a capacitor that can store up to 600 volts of stopping power. When the capacitor discharges those volts, it delivers an amperage comparable to stun guns. Perfect for our shocking device.
(Thanks, LVX23!) |
CNET News.com
2. |
Briefly: PalmSource appoints new director. Plus: Wal-Mart's Sam's Club adds more Linux PCs...W3C publishes choreography spec...Oracle signs up with Microsoft ally...Court sets date in Napster damages cases. |
3. |
Microsoft, WellPoint pursue paperless prescriptions. The joint e-prescribing initiative recruits two partners to give doctors a shot of technology. |
4. |
AMD reiterates plan for dual-core chips. Advanced Micro Devices' chief executive says the chipmaker is planning a 2005 launch of a server Opteron with two processing cores. |
New York Times: Technology
5. |
Google Files Long-Awaited I.P.O.. Google plans to raise $2.7 billion with an initial public offering that is still several months away. By John Markoff. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Charge Added Against Deutsche Bank Chief (AP). AP - A court on Thursday admitted a new charge of illegally approving executive bonuses against Germany's top banker in his trial over payments in Vodafone's 2000 takeover of cell phone company Mannesmann. |
7. |
Apple extends iBook logic board repair program (MacCentral). MacCentral - Apple has extended the scope of its iBook logic board repair program to include models manufactured from May 2002 to October 2003. The original program, launched in late January, only covered iBooks made up to April 2003. |
8. |
Your Next PC: A Survey (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Tower, notebook, Media Center PC—What is your next computer purchase likely to be? |
9. |
New Device Allows Recording at Concerts (AP). AP - Oh, how far we've come from the 78, the 45, even the CD. Now, minutes after your favorite band sounds its last note on stage, you can load a live recording of the concert onto a cigarette-lighter-sized hard drive hanging off your keychain. |
10. |
U.S. 'Spam' Sleuthing: Follow the Money (AP). AP - The government's first criminal case under a new law outlawing some types of spam e-mails was based on low-tech investigative methods: Authorities followed the money. |
11. |
Google Files Long-Awaited IPO Plans (AP). AP - Internet search engine leader Google Inc. filed its long-awaited IPO plans Thursday, setting the stage for the company to make its stock market debut — a move that could still be months away. |
12. |
BASIC Computer Language Turns 40 |
13. |
Sam Lake on Video Game Storytelling |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
14. |
Kingston in £34m satellite sale. Kingston Communications sells off its satellite business to help repay debts at the Hull company. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
15. |
Vulns: ProFTPD _xlate_ascii_write() Buffer Overrun Vulnerability. A remotely exploitable buffer overrun was reported in ProFTPD. This issue is due to insufficient bounds checking of user-supplied data in the _xlate_ascii_write() functi... |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Symantec Client Security 2.0 |
17. |
Exploit Circulating for Windows LSASS Vulnerability |
5:21:05 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Wal-Mart's Sam's Club adds more Linux desktops. The members-only branch of the retail giant adds two new Linux PCs to its lineup. The machines are high-end models targeting cost-conscious small businesses. |
2. |
Google files for unusual $2.7 billion IPO. The Internet search king files documents with regulators that provide an insight into its business, as it prepares to sell shares to the public. |
3. |
Study: Bright outlook for broadband. The number of U.S. homes that use broadband is expected to grow to 33.5 million during 2004, according to market researcher Strategy Analytics. |
4. |
Google aims to raise $2.7 billion in IPO. The Internet's leading search engine files plans to raise $2.7 billion in an unusual auction-style public offering. |
5. |
PalmSource appoints new director. Cisco exec Betsy Rafael is the newest of eight directors for the Sunnyvale, Calif.-based handheld-software maker. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Symantec: Microsoft IIS Web Servers at Risk (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Symantec (Nasdaq: SYMC) says it has identified a Trojan Horse aimed at Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) ISS
Web servers, which could signify that a worm is on the way. The company
says there is a good chance that a significant number of systems have
yet to be patched. |
7. |
Lawmakers Vow to Pass New Law Against Spyware (Reuters). Reuters - U.S. lawmakers vowed on Thursday to
pass legislation to stop deceptive software even though
regulators advised against any new laws. |
8. |
Wireless Tops List of CIO Priorities (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - "Technology for technology's sake" and "keeping up with the Joneses" are phrases rarely heard from today's CIOs. I.T. executives are focused on aligning technology with the business, rather than aligning the business to fit whatever new technology surfaces. |
9. |
Google Files for $2.7 Bln IPO with SEC (Reuters). Reuters - Google Inc., the world's No. 1
Web search provider, filed with U.S. regulators on Thursday to
become a publicly listed company, saying it would sell as much
as $2.7 billion in stock in a widely expected initial public
offering. |
10. |
How Google Became a Cultural Phenomenon (Reuters). Reuters - So you've spent an hour
Googling through the Web for your graduate research paper,
you've played the Google drinking game, heard the Google theme
song and vanity-Googled yourself (again). |
11. |
Google Files for IPO |
InfoWorld: Security
12. |
Eliminating threats on the network. Sygate is a company that specializes in endpoint security solutions for large enterprises. John De Santis, Sygate's president and CEO, recently met with InfoWorld Senior Analyst Wayne Rash to discuss the issue of security policy management and measures for creating a safe state on the network. |
13. |
Microsoft SSL patch creating SSLowdowns. Microsoft said on Wednesday that a recently released software patch for its Windows operating system is causing some Windows 2000 machines to stop responding after it is installed. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
14. |
BugTraq: RE: New Worm??? - High level of activity on port 445. Sender: Jodrell Dimaculangan [jodrell at pchli dot com] |
15. |
BugTraq: RE: New Worm??? - High level of activity on port 445. Sender: Roger A dot Grimes [roger at banneretcs dot com] |
16. |
Vulns: OpenBB Arbitrary Avatar File Upload Vulnerability. OpenBB is a freely available, open source bulletin board software package. It is available for Unix, Unix variants, and Microsoft Windows operating systems. OpenBB also ... |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Caveo hurle au voleur |
18. |
(Mise à jour) Les Webmails menacés de vol de courrier |
19. |
AntiOnline Spotlight: Spyware Protection for Networks |
20. |
Security Focus: Common Security Vulnerabilities in e-commerce systems "The tremendous increase i... |
21. |
Sun Times: Hacker hits temporary license plate database |
22. |
The Register: Hackers? What about rising damp? "almost half of all mission critical failures cou... |
23. |
Tech World: Tackle your No.1 security risk - stored data "Even backup tapes need encryption" |
24. |
Bot Attacks Vulnerable Windows Systems; Microsoft Patch Buggy |
4:20:46 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Discover a new prime number with Team Prime Rib!. Meet Team Prime Rib, the Ars distributed computing team working on the Seventeen or Bust! prime number project. They need your spare CPU cycles to discover primes and regain first place. By Eric Bangeman. |
2. |
Google (finally) files for IPO. Google has finally filed for a US$2.7 billion IPO. Investors are excited about the chance to own a piece of the hottest Internet commodity as well as take a look at Google's books. By Eric Bangeman. |
3. |
Linux.Ars: GNOME, icons, and bugs, oh my!. Linux.Ars looks at some talk of collaboration between Mozilla and GNOME as a way to build Linux desktop strength in the face of Longhorn shipping delays. In addition, learn how to grab those cool Mac OS X icons for use on your Linux desktop. By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
4. |
Look like a film noir babe.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.66172E-318; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 173
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Online clothing boutique Danger Dame offers some super-cool retro styles for wannabe vixens. Lace up, slink over to a barstool, and pretend you're in a Raymond Chandler novel with a tragic ending.
Link to Danger Dame shop. See also this lush new Taschen book, FILM NOIR. |
CNET News.com
5. |
FTC officials blast spyware measures. Legislators counter that officials should be outraged over potential abuses of privacy and security through programs that serve ads and transmit information. |
6. |
W3C publishes choreography spec. Standards body the World Wide Web Consortium releases a draft version of Web Services Choreography Description Language, a specification for modeling business processes. |
7. |
Nokia loses its grip on handset market share. Competitors are wrestling market share away from the cell phone giant, as worldwide handset sales surge. |
8. |
Motorola: Tell your TV where to go. The set-top box maker hooks up with AgileTV to launch technology that enables viewers to navigate digital cable program menus using voice commands. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
9. |
Barnes & Noble.com to Pay Fine, Boost Security (Reuters). Reuters - Online book retailer Barnes &
Noble.com (BNBN.O) has agreed to pay $60,000 and boost Internet
security after a flaw that exposed the personal information of
some shoppers, New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
said on Thursday. |
10. |
Visa Toys With Credit Card Displays (PC World). PC World - Small LCD could display account info, but challenges remain. |
11. |
Court Ruling Sparks Microsoft-EU Commission Spat (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft and the European Commission
continued their long-running battle on Thursday, clashing over
whether a ruling by the EU's highest court backed the bloc's
decision against the software giant. |
12. |
Diamond Age Approaching? |
13. |
Should Sun Just Fold Now? |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
14. |
Google to sell $2.7bn in shares. The world's favourite internet search firm, Google, confirms its long-awaited flotation on the Nasdaq or New York stock exchange, which could value the firm at $20bn. |
InfoWorld: Top News
15. |
Microsoft SSL patch creating SSLowdowns. Microsoft said on Wednesday that a recently released software patch for its Windows operating system is causing some Windows 2000 machines to stop responding after it is installed. |
16. |
WINHEC - MS to further detail Web services for devices. Microsoft next week plans to detail the next steps it is taking to extend Web services to devices such as printers, digital cameras and consumer electronics. |
17. |
Google files IPO registration. Google Inc. has filed a registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for an initial public offering (IPO) of its common stock, putting the Internet search pioneer on its way to becoming a public company. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
18. |
Vulns: Samsung SmartEther Switch Firmware Authentication Bypass Vulnerability. Samsung SmartEther switch is an auto-negotiating switch that provides plug-and-play network switching. Some Samsung SmartEther switches are provided with a management com... |
19. |
Vulns: OpenBB Private Message Disclosure Vulnerability. OpenBB is a freely available, open source bulletin board software package. It is available for Unix, Unix variants, and Microsoft Windows operating systems. OpenBB also ... |
20. |
Vulns: PHPWebSite phpwsBB and phpwsContacts Modules Information Disclosure Vulnerability. phpWebSite is a freely available, open source portal content management system implemented in PHP. It is available for Unix, Linux, and Microsoft operating environments. ... |
NewsIsFree: Security
21. |
Äîìåíû íà àóêöèîíå |
22. |
Íà ðåøåíèå î÷åðåäíîé çàäà÷è RSA óøëî òðè ìåñÿöà |
23. |
Óÿçâèìîñòü â Siemens S55 |
24. |
Âòîðîé Service Pack äëÿ XP îïÿòü çàäåðæèâàåòñÿ |
25. |
Microsoft ïåðåäóìàëà òåñòèðîâàòü ïàò÷è "íà ñòîðîíå" |
26. |
Hack Your Way to Hollywood |
27. |
MS04011 Lsasrv.dll RPC Buffer Overflow Remote Exploit |
28. |
Ungewollter SMS-Versand durch Leck im Siemens S55 |
29. |
Erster Phish gefangen |
30. |
Bagle.z greift bekannte deutsche Web-Sites an |
31. |
Multinational team cracks RSA crypto puzzle |
32. |
Multinational team cracks crypto puzzle |
33. |
Protecting Road Warriors: Managing Security for Mobile Users (Part One) |
34. |
Management central to securing Linux |
35. |
Interview: Fraudsters threaten data |
36. |
Security programme pays off |
37. |
[slackware-security]kernel security updates (SSA:2004-119-01) |
38. |
MDKSA-2004:038 - Updated sysklogd packages fix vulnerability |
39. |
Re: SMC Routers have remote administration enabled by default |
40. |
Re: SMC Routers have remote administration enabled by default |
41. |
MS04011 Lsasrv.dll RPC buffer overflow remote exploit (PoC) |
42. |
Re: SMC Routers have remote administration enabled by default |
43. |
Re: phpBB 2.0.8a and lower - IP spoofing vulnerability |
44. |
Re: HP Web JetAdmin vulnerabilities. |
45. |
Re[2]: [Full-Disclosure] Microsoft's Explorer and Internet Explorer long share name buffer overflow. |
46. |
IBM AIX Console Command Temporary Files May Let Local Users Gain Elevated Privileges |
3:20:26 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Social history of "operation take one for the country". Following up on this post about an online movement of women who offer free casual sex to Iraq-bound soldiers, BoingBoing reader James Stanek says:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.48714E-321; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 172
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}

America has a long standing tradition of this sort of behavior, going at least as far back as WWII. Although the term "Charity Girl" is/was generally used in reference to women who had sex for gifts and/or fun, its also used in a more specific way. I found this via a9.com in "No Magic Bullet: A Social History of Venereal Disease' by Allan M. Brandt (p. 81):
Physicians and social workers frequently commented that the professional prostitute had given way to the so-called "patriotic prostitute" and "charity girl." As one CTCA social worker wrote: 'The peculiar charm and glamour which surrounds the man in uniform causes an unusual type of prostitute to spring up in time of war. Girls idealize the soldier and many really feel that nothing is wrong when done for him. One such girl said she had never sold herself to a civilian but felt she was doing her bit when she had been with eight soldiers in a night.' The "girl problem," as it became popularly known, seemed even more ominous to reformers than commercialized vice because it so often included youngsters from respectable, middle-class backgrounds. "Girls apparently of good families drive up in their cars and invite the soldiers who happen to be along the roadside near the camp to come to supper to a roadhouse or the nearest city," explained Dr. Jennie H. Harris. "The results are the usual ones."
I'm not a particular expert or even particularly interested in this field, its just that I remember reading about this in college and it always stuck with me as one of those "Aha" moments where you realize references to the "good old days" should be treated with large skepticism. My college read was "Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America" by John D'Emilio and Estelle B. Freedman (p. 260-261):
The response of moral reformers points to the changes that had occurred since the previous generation. Whereas those of the First World War focused on the dangers of prostitution, by the 1940s it was the behavior of "amateur girls"--popularly known as khaki-wackies, victory girls, and good-time Charlottes--that concerned moralists.
Update: Boingboing reader Abe says, "takeoneforthecountry.com is down, boingboinged perhaps. But it appears to be mirrored at takeoneforthecountry.org and takeoneforthecountry.net" |
2. |
Moblog image import app. BoingBoing reader Joshua says:
A few weeks ago, I read the post you guys made about MoblogUK, a creative commons licensed alternative to TextAmerica. I'd been searching for an alternative for awhile, so I was pretty excited to find it. After switching I wanted a way to get my images from TextAmerica over to the new site at MoblogUK, so I wrote this app to make the process easy. Besides parsing a TextAmerica moblog and sending the entries off to MoblogUK it can also save your TextAmerica entries locally in an XML/XSL format...in case you ever want to do that for some reason!
Link |
3. |
Hoax --> Operation Take one for the Country. Following up on this earlier BoingBoing post, BoingBoing reader buddha says:
Single Southern Guy calls out the Operation Take One For The Country crew, claiming the whole thing is a hoax. Why? The radio station, DJs, and broadcast company involved in the interview transcribed on the OTOFTC site don't exist.
Link |
4. |
Mathematical patterns in African-American hairstyles. 
What is the mathematical, fractal relationship between shapes found in beehive honeycombs, a pineapple, tesselating hexagons, and African-American hair braiding? Dr. Gloria Gilmer, founding president of the International Study Group on Ethnomathematics, is glad you asked. Link (Thanks, Siege) |
5. |
Reality-TV human baby giveaway, pissed-off Uri Geller claims trademark breach. The ABC-TV program 20/20 will air a contest between five couples on the show this Friday -- the winners get to adopt a real-live, pooping, crying baby. So, let me get this straight. You can't say "fuck," but you can broadcast a raffle for a human being?
What's that? You say the program and host Barbara Walters have gone too far this time? What do you know about television? ABC knows a winner when it sees it and this is Nielsen gold, my friend. A reality show with a human life on the line -- all disguised as news programming. Let the other shows have half-naked people betraying each other on a deserted island. Give them the half-naked people eating buckets of bug eyes. And the half-naked people putting up with Donald Trump. And the half-naked people trying to get other half-naked people to marry them.
Link to SJ Merc story, Link to NY Post story (Thanks to several BB readers who pointed to this, including Iain Cooper)
UPDATE: STOP PRESS! The real scandal here? Celebrity spoon-bending psychic Uri Geller is outraged and plans legal action, claiming he owns a patent on any reality TV show that involves winning a baby. "I will speak to my patent attorney," says Geller, "I own the idea." Link to Reuters story. |
6. |
Howard Stern has a secret blog?. Our friends at Gawker mutter into their Xantinis:
America's public enemy #1, radio-dude Howard Stern, made an off-hand remark on this morning's show -- he claims he writes a secret weblog. Stern said he writes as "another character" and that only "about 4 people are in on the joke." OK, he's almost certainly not Rance, who repeatedly claims to be an actor and not a fat guy eating Twinkies in his basement, laughing at a credulous, gossip-starved public.
If anyone out there has candidates for what might be Stern's secret blog, let us know -- if the blogger brags about hurling prosciutto at a stripper's ass, that might be a tip-off.
Link, And see also this previous Boingboing entry about mystery celeblogger "Rance" (George Clooney? Owen Wilson? Jimmy Hoffa? Alf?), Link |
CNET News.com
7. |
Terra considers 'alternatives' for Lycos. The Spanish Internet company says it is exploring various options for the operating units of its U.S. arm. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
U.S. Charges Four Under 'Spam' Law (AP). AP - Federal authorities say they managed to pierce the murky underworld of Internet spam e-mails, filing the first criminal charges under the government's new "can spam" legislation. |
9. |
U.S. Hits Four with Criminal Anti-Spam Charges (Reuters). Reuters - U.S. authorities said Thursday they
had arrested two e-mail marketers and were searching for two
others in the government's first use of a new law designed to
crack down on "spam" e-mail. |
10. |
DaimlerChrysler Looks for Dismissal of SCO Suit |
11. |
Management central to securing Linux |
SecurityFocus Vulns
12. |
BugTraq: Re[2]: [Full-Disclosure] Microsoft's Explorer and Internet Explorer long share name buffer overflow.. Sender: 3APA3A [3APA3A at SECURITY dot NNOV dot RU] |
13. |
BugTraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 496-1] New eterm packages fix indirect arbitrary command execution. Sender: [joey at infodrom dot org (Martin Schulze)] |
14. |
BugTraq: MS04011 Lsasrv.dll RPC buffer overflow remote exploit (PoC). Sender: houseofdabus HOD [houseofdabus at inbox dot ru] |
15. |
Vulns: PHP-Nuke Statistics Module Mainfile.PHP Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability. PHP-Nuke is a web-based portal system. Implemented in PHP, it is available for a range of systems, including Unix, Linux, and Microsoft Windows.
The PHP-Nuke 'mainfile.p... |
16. |
Vulns: Sun Solaris TCP/IP Networking Stack Unspecified Denial of Service Vulnerability. A vulnerability has been identified in Solaris that may allow an unprivileged local attacker to cause a denial of service condition in the operating system. This issue i... |
The Register
17. |
Marimba makes its way to BMC for $239m. Acquiring a future By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
the effect of the DMCA on search engines |
19. |
Faille dans un outil de gestion Wifi de Cisco, WLSE et dans un outil de monitoring d'hébergement, HSE |
20. |
Vulnérabilité dans le proxy Squid |
21. |
House Probes Spyware |
22. |
Retiree Drives Off With Porsche Seized From Spammer |
2:20:07 PM
1:19:49 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
AMD's CEO on Dell, Dual Core Opterons. AMD CEO Hector Ruiz spills the beans about upcoming dual-core Opterons, and opines on AMD's relationship with Dell. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
2. |
First can-spam charges brought. US prosecutors announced the first charges brought under the can-spam law. Four people are charged with felony counts after sending millions of ads for a weight loss patch. By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
3. |
Life is tough for game developers, says study. It looks like it's all work and no play for game developers.
The International Game Developers Association (IGDA) has a white
paper titled "Quality of Life in the Game Industry: Challenges and Best Practices." Some of the findings:
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Crunch time is omnipresent, during which respondents work 65 to 80 hours
a week.
The average crunch work week exceeds 80 hours 13% of the
Overtime is often uncompensated.
Spouses are likely to respond that "You work too much..." (61.5%); "You
are always stressed out." (43.5%); "You don't make enough money." (35.6%)
Link |
4. |
E-Girl: Hack Your Way to Hollywood. In Wired News today, a story I filed about Heather Robinson -- also known as E-Girl. Her dark tale of following databases to Hollywood dreams broke first in the book Hollywood, Interrupted by Andrew Breitbart and Mark Ebner.
An America Online customer service rep illicitly surfs the company's customer database, ferrets out private data on celebrity members and then hunts them down online under a false identity, seeking fame and fortune in Hollywood.
Sound like a prelude to prison? Not in the case of Heather Robinson. The former AOL employee managed to parlay privacy violations into useful contacts in Hollywood. With the help of those contacts, Robinson, 25, landed a movie deal, and she's using her toehold in the industry to advance another.
Later this week, Universal Pictures will start filming Robinson's first movie, The Perfect Man, a romantic comedy staring Hillary Duff and Heather Locklear. The film is about a teenage daughter who tries to create a "nonexistent boyfriend for her dejected mother," Robinson said. The story is based on another of her youthful indiscretions when she was 16 -- this one involving a stolen credit card and thousands of dollars of purchases.
Some would say it takes Robinson's level of moxie to succeed in Hollywood. In fact, the favorite legend in the movie business is that of a hard-working kid who starts in the mail room and through ambition, flexible ethical standards and political skill becomes a mogul. Judging by her exploits so far, Robinson is well on her way.
Link |
CNET News.com
5. |
AT&T proposes end to Bell dependence. The phone giant proposes to build its own local telephone switching structure to eliminate its dependence on equipment from the four Baby Bells. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Apple extends iBook logic board repair program (MacCentral). MacCentral - Apple has extended the scope of its iBook logic board repair program to include models manufactured from May 2002 to October 2003. The original program, launched in late January, only covered iBooks made up to April 2003. |
7. |
Instant Live Concert Recordings |
8. |
Geronimo 1.0 Milestone Build M1 Released |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
BT, Microsoft team on small business. LONDON -- Small businesses in the U.K. are being offered a one-stop shop for software and broadband through a new joint offering from BT Group PLC and Microsoft Corp., the companies said Thursday. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
Vulns: eXtremail Remote Format String Vulnerability. eXtremail is a freeware SMTP server available for Linux and AIX.
eXtremail contains a format string vulnerability in it's logging mechanism. All SMTP commands recieved ... |
11. |
Vulns: OpenBB Image Tag Cross-Agent Scripting Vulnerability. OpenBB is web forum software written in PHP. It will run on most Linux and Unix variants, in addition to Microsoft Windows operating systems.
OpenBB allows users to incl... |
The Register
12. |
Give us back our trigger numbers!. Letters BT Broadband blues By Lucy Sherriff . |
13. |
Brits welcome Luvania to EU. Proud new member of family of nations By Lester Haines . |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Microsoft Confirms Bug in SSL Patch |
15. |
Zonet ZSR1104WE Wireless Router NAT Implementation Weakness |
16. |
Microsoft hole spawns false alarm, real attacks |
17. |
29 Apr W32/Agobot-PV |
18. |
29 Apr W32/Bagle-Zip |
19. |
29 Apr W32/Agobot-GZ |
20. |
JForum May Let Remote Authenticated Users Access Restricted Forums |
21. |
IBM AIX Logical Volume Manager Temporary File Flaws and Buffer Overflows Let Local Users Modify Files and Execute Arbitrary Code |
12:19:26 PM
11:19:07 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
EU, Microsoft Clash Over Monopoly Ruling (AP). AP - The European antitrust office and Microsoft Corp. clashed Thursday over whether last month's landmark ruling against the U.S. software giant would survive on appeal, in light of a new decision from the European Union's highest court that set strict guidelines for monopoly cases. |
2. |
Nokia's price-cut strategy could undermine longterm standing: analysts (AFP). AFP - Finnish mobile phone leader Nokia came under fire from analysts for cutting bulk prices for handsets to operators, which they said could undermine its long-term profit margins. |
3. |
Creative Technology third quarter net profit soars on one-time gains (AFP). AFP - Singapore's Creative Technology, a maker of computer soundcards and digital entertainment gadgets, said net profit soared more than 1,000 percent in its third quarter to March due to one-time gains from the sale of foreign interests. |
4. |
Time Warner Reports Strong First Quarter (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Time Warner Inc. yesterday reported strong first-quarter results as all of the media giant's divisions, including Dulles-based America Online, posted improved financial performance figures. |
5. |
First Four People Charged Under CAN-SPAM Act |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
6. |
'Phishing' arrest is first for UK. Police arrest a man on suspicion of "phishing" - an e-mail scam which tricks people into revealing bank details. |
7. |
DNA computers to fight diseases. Israeli scientists show how one day our bodies could be injected with smart molecules that could sense cancers and destroy them. |
8. |
Multinational team cracks crypto puzzle |
9. |
Busting Windows-to-Linux myths |
10. |
What is cyber-terrorism? |
SecurityFocus Vulns
11. |
Vulns: Microsoft Windows LSASS Buffer Overrun Vulnerability. Microsoft Windows LSASS (Local Security Authority Subsystem Service) is prone to a remotely exploitable stack-based buffer overrun vulnerability. This service provides ... |
The Register
12. |
Brit faces Oz extradition over PC store murder. Claims innocence By Lester Haines . |
13. |
Monster.com eyes China. Interview Buys Job Pilot in Germany By Jan Libbenga . |
14. |
Buy pornography, fight psoriasis. Red-hot XXXX charity spam action By Lester Haines . |
15. |
Brussels tables data retention law. All your data are belong to us By Lucy Sherriff . |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Linux Vulnerable to Infiltration |
17. |
Tales from the Crypto World |
18. |
Authentication beyond the password |
19. |
The Zero Effect of Hacking |
20. |
Scammers target banks with website spoofing |
21. |
The rules have changed: Workstations, not servers, are the new favorite target of attackers |
22. |
Security isn't a technical problem -- It's a business problem |
23. |
Forensics leaps into the networked world |
24. |
Unmasking a database deleter |
25. |
26. |
Linux gevoelig voor infiltratie door spionnen |
27. |
Lücke in Siemens S55 erlaubt SMS-Versand |
28. |
osCommerce Admin Access With Levels Plugin Bypass Vulnerability |
29. |
Debian update for eterm |
30. |
osCommerce Admin Access With Levels Plugin Bypass Vulnerability |
31. |
Maths boffins topple Certicom crypto |
32. |
UK police arrest copycat phisher |
33. |
Guide :: Colinux |
34. |
IT-Sicherheitsmarkt legt zweistellig zu |
35. |
75 000 US-Dollar für Domain-Vertipper |
36. |
37. |
38. |
Symantec profit jumps 72% (SiliconValley.com) |
About Internet/Network Security
39. |
Getting The Most From Your *Bleeping* Computer. Admit it. Sometimes you resort to speaking to- or even cussing at- your computer out of frustration when you can't get it to do what you want it to do. A new site has sprung up to help you find... |
10:18:46 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Grip-tape for your mouse.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 8.25128E-214; #1: 1
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Mousegrips are peel-and-stick rubberized decals that you can attach to your mouse to absorb hand-goo, sweat and burger king. When Apple switched from the old, integrated-handle "toilet seat" iBooks to the white, smooth, seamless EZ-fumble models, I went out and bought a bunch of crazy skateboard liners and cut-and-pasted them onto the chassis to give my clumsiness a fighting chance against the iBooks' inherent fragility.
(via Gizmodo)
2. |
Photoshopped dream houses. 
Lots of tasty entries into this Worth1000 photoshopping contest to design a fantastical dream house.
3. |
Baen ebooks CDs as .torrents. Baen Books is a successful science fiction publisher that releases a lot of its titles as non-DRM text/html files via its website and on CDROMs bound into its book. Now, all six of the Baen CDs, representing a substantial library of science fiction, are available as Bit Torrent files, to be gang-downloaded to all comers at speed.
(Thanks, Robotech Master!)
4. |
Bad film physics to teach good real physics. Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics is a very good physics primer in the guise of a very funny critique of the ways that Hollywood bends the laws of physics when it makes movies.
Saying that shards of broken glass are razor sharp is an understatement. A shattered window contains thousands of incredibly sharp edges and dagger-like points. It takes almost no force for>Link
(Thanks, Peter!) |
5. |
Free WiFi in the National Mall. Open Park is a community wireless group that is bringing free, open WiFi to the National Mall in DC, so that the next time you find yourself on the steps of the Supreme Court -- or wandering a Smithsonian building -- you can get>Link
(Thanks, Fred!) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Apple's ITunes Celebrates Anniversary (AP). AP - Apple Computer Inc.'s online music store, iTunes, marked the one-year anniversary of its launch on Wednesday, noting it had sold more than 70 million songs at 99 cents each in that time. |
7. |
Thermoacoustic Cooler Means Green-Friendly Icecream |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Update: Nortel delays results as it fires top executive. Nortel Networks Corp. has fired its president and chief executive officer (CEO), replacing Frank Dunn with William Owens, and has also delayed the release of its financial results for the first quarter of the year, the Brampton, Ontario, company said Wednesday. |
9. |
IBM, Cisco team on blade switch. Cisco Systems Inc. and IBM Corp. plan to collaborate more closely on data center products, beginning with a version of Cisco's Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module (IGESM) that will plug into IBM's eServer BladeCenter server chassis, they said late Wednesday. |
10. |
DaimlerChrysler responds to SCO lawsuit. DaimlerChrysler AG has asked a Michigan court to dismiss a lawsuit brought against it by Unix vendor The SCO Group Inc., saying that there is "no genuine issue of material fact" in SCO's case. |
The Register
11. |
AOL UK to offer cut-price broadband. 'Plans in the pipeline' By Tim Richardson . |
12. |
PC store murder Brit faces Oz extradition. Fled after 2001 killing By Lester Haines . |
13. |
Last call for £1 USB memory watch. Cash'n'Carrion Down to the last wristful By Cash'n'Carrion . |
9:18:26 AM
8:18:07 AM
7:17:46 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Online and mobile units boost France Telecom (FT.com). FT.com - First quarter sales at France Telecom rose 0.6 per cent to EU11.45bn, despite negative currency effects, as the French telecoms carrier stuck to its targets for the full year. |
2. |
UK Makes One of First Internet 'Phishing' Arrests (Reuters). Reuters - British police have made one of the
first arrests in a relatively new Internet scam known as
"phishing" in which crafty programers create bogus e-mails and
Web sites to dupe Internet customers out of their bank details. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
3. |
Nortel chief fired over finances. The telecoms equipment maker sacks chief executive Frank Dunn and two others after an internal investigation into its accounts. |
4. |
US sues 477 more 'song-swappers'. The US recording industry sues hundreds of people for online music copyright infringement. |
5. |
Push to tap radio wave technology. More research into the use of radio and microwaves could spur hi-tech innovation, says a UK government report. |
The Register
6. |
Wanadoo UK racks up 192k broadband punters. Whatever By Tim Richardson . |
7. |
Roadtesting the wireless home. Review Linksys WM11B - hero or zero? By Quocirca . |
8. |
Hackers? What about rising damp?. Infosecurity Europe 2004 Physical threat management By John Leyden . |
Wired News
9. |
Tiny Computer Could Fight Cancer. Scientists program the world's smallest computer, made of DNA molecules, to detect and treat prostate cancer. They hope the mini machine will one day be administered as a drug, where it could search for and combat disease in every cell. |
10. |
RIAA Sues 477 More People. The music group continues its lawsuit blitz, targeting dozens more college students and hundreds of other computer users. The industry has now filed 2,454 suits since last summer, although none of the cases has yet gone to trial. |
11. |
ITunes Birthday Gift: More Songs. For iTunes' first birthday, Apple increases the number of computers on which people can listen to their purchased tunes. The company also announces plans to publish tons of out-of-print records. But there are a few sour notes. By Katie Dean. |
12. |
Green Tea Good for Hard Drives. The same tannins in green tea that cause stains to form on your mugs and teapots could save the hard-drive manufacturing industry some serious dough, says a team of researchers. By Amit Asaravala. |
13. |
Poindexter Confidential. The Caltech physics wonk infamous for Iran-Contra, Total Information Awareness and terrorism futures talks about life as a not-so-private citizen. By Spencer Reiss from Wired magazine. |
14. |
We Don't Need No Stinkin' License. Online real estate sites are booming. But websites that list properties for sale in California are subject to hefty fines if they violate the state's licensing law. Both the state and opponents of the law argue that they're looking out for consumers' best interests. By Kendra Mayfield. |
15. |
God, Send a Realistic Tech Flick. The film Godsend arrives at a time when the politics and science of cloning remain unresolved. Will the movie help bury U.S. cloning efforts for good? By Kristen Philipkoski. |
16. |
State Allows E-Vote for November. A state government panel recommends that California continue its plans to use electronic voting systems in the November election, but it wants the system vendors to be under greater scrutiny. It also says voters should be able to vote on paper ballots if they want. Kim Zetter reports from Sacramento, California. |
17. |
Hack Your Way to Hollywood. Heather Robinson, 25, sure has moxie. She turned her youthful indiscretions with a stolen credit card into a movie deal. Now she's trying to land another, this one based on her electronic snooping through AOL's customer database. Xeni Jardin reports from Los Angeles. |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
19. |
Microsoft bevestigt vertraging Windows XP SP2 |
20. |
Experts verwachten Blaster-achtige worm |
21. |
Beveiligen Wireless verbinding via virtuele netwerken |
22. |
BIOS van Phoenix maakt netwerk veiliger |
23. |
Sesame Unauthorised User Repository Access Vulnerability |
24. |
Sesame Unauthorised User Repository Access Vulnerability |
6:17:26 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
New Flickr features. Flickr, the image-sharing social software app, has rolled out a bunch of new features, including this one, which does very intuitive group-based access-control to files:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 6.78136E-075; #1: 1
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X-NAS-MessageID: 163
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Photostreams are a new way to share your photos on Flickr, on simple webpages where you control who sees what. All the photos you upload automatically go into your Photostream, but different viewers see different images, depending on their relationship to you.
How does it work?
* As always, you can make photos public or private. You can also restrict the viewing to people who you have tagged with a specific relationship ("only show this to friends or better").
* Public photos appear to everyone viewing your Photostream, but you can exclude any public photo if you'd like.
* You can also see the collected streams of your friends' photos at http://flickr.com/photos/friends/, and the latest public photos on Flickr at http://flickr.com/photos/.
Link |
2. |
NASA - Robotic Repair Of Hubble 'Promising' |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
3. |
Apple sells 70m tracks in a year. Apple's iTunes music store has sold more than 70 million songs, short of an original target of 100 million. |
4. |
Linux Vulnerable to Infiltration |
5. |
Tales from the Crypto World |
The Register
6. |
Nortel re-restates results, fires CEO. Incredible shrinking earnings By Ashlee Vance . |
7. |
Sweetener Quattrone gets Google IPO sweetener. Nice little earner By Andrew Orlowski . |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
McAfee Security Installer Control System Information Disclosure |
9. |
EnGarde update for kernel |
10. |
AIX dtlogin XDMCP Parsing Vulnerability |
11. |
McAfee Security Installer Control System Information Disclosure |
12. |
EnGarde update for kernel |
13. |
AIX dtlogin XDMCP Parsing Vulnerability |
14. |
Worm Exploiting Windows Vulnerability May Be Out, Says Symantec (TechWeb) |
15. |
Two Sites Shut Down By Netsky DOS Attack (TechWeb) |
16. |
Netsky.x Takes Down Web Sites (TechWeb) |
17. |
Symantec Closes Out Big Year (TechWeb) |
18. |
Netsky.x Lays Out Web Sites (TechWeb) |
5:17:07 AM
4:16:47 AM
1. |
Video Games - Lost in Translation? |
3:16:26 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
Mac.Ars takes on a year of iTunes Music Store. Today marked the first anniversary of the iTunes Music Store. One year and 70 million downloads later, what's next for Apple and its new-found fascination with music? By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Wi-Fi positioning system. Here's an article I wrote for TheFeature about Quarterscope's interesting Wi-Fi technology that could enhance or replace GPS in some instances. Link |
New York Times: Technology
3. |
Nortel Fires 3 Top Executives and Will Halve 2003 Profit. Nortel Networks, North America's largest telecommunications equipment maker, fired its chief executive, chief financial officer and controller on Wednesday. By Ken Belson. |
4. |
Where Has Your Car Been? A Digital Diary Can Tell You. If you have ever wondered what happens to your car in the hands of parking lot attendants or your teenagers, the CarChip by Davis Instruments has your answer. By Roy Furchgott. |
5. |
Cool Hands, No Cables: A Gamer Roams Untethered. If one cool gimmick is good, two must be better. Having found success with its Air Flo game controllers and mice, which use small internal fans to cool your palms, Nyko has come out with the Air Flo Wireless Controller for PlayStation 2, which both cools your hands and untethers. By Charles Herold. |
6. |
Letters to the Editor. The Wired Library. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Cisco, IBM Expand Alliance Into Data Center Gear (Reuters). Reuters - International Business Machines
Corp.(IBM.N) and Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO.O) announced on
Thursday an agreement in which IBM will ship certain computer
servers with an embedded Cisco switch module. |
8. |
New Device Allows Recording at Concerts (AP). AP - Oh, how far we've come from the 78, the 45, even the CD. |
9. |
Miguel de Icaza on Mono, Ximian/Novell, XAML |
The Register
10. |
Sweetener Quattrone gets Google IPO sweetener. Old bankers - meet the new bankers By Andrew Orlowski . |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
12. |
13. |
2:16:06 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
IBM, Cisco synch up in data center. The two companies unveil an alliance to more tightly integrate Cisco switches and networking gear with Big Blue's management software, server and service offerings. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
'Hitman: Contracts' Remakes Assassin Game (AP). AP - After the first few levels of "Hitman: Contracts," the third game in this shooter series about a Yul Brynner lookalike genetically engineered to wipe out bad guys with extreme prejudice, fans will experience a bit of deja vu. |
12:21:26 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
5/3/2004; 12:31:04 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
(blue) Manila theme. |