Tuesday, March 02, 2004
11:40:36 PM
Boing Boing Blog
1. |
Iraq war docu-pic "Uncovered" will soon be out on DVD. Richard Metzger's Disinformation Company is about to release UNCOVERED: THE WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT THE IRAQ WAR on DVD. The disk hits the streets on March 30th (= timed to coincide with the date on which the war began last year). It's priced at a super-cheap $9.95.
UNCOVERED features compelling footage of Bush, Rice, Cheney, Powell, and others painting a very clear picture of the distorted intelligence and "spin and hype" presented to Congress, the United Nations, and the American people. Those interviewed include former Ambassador Joe Wilson, weapons inspectors Scott Ritter and David Albright, former Director of CIA Stansfield Turner, former Asst. Secretary of Defense Philip Coyle, anti-terrorism expert Rand Beers, former CIA analysts Ray McGovern and Mel Goodman, former CIA operative Robert Baer, and Washington editor of The Nation, David Corn.
UNCOVERED has received grass-roots support from progressive organizations such as MoveOn.org, Alternet.org, The Center for American Progress, The Nation, Buzzflash, and Working Assets. More than 30,000 DVDs were distributed to MoveOn members who screened the film at 3,000 house parties and community screenings, a phenomenon that was widely covered by the media. "It's pretty amazing," said Eli Pariser, MoveOn.org's international campaign director, of the demand for the film. "When we first offered it on our site, we expected to just do a couple thousand copies. But when 23,000 people asked for it, we knew there was something significant about this movie."
Link |
CNET News.com - Front Door
2. |
IBM pulls out all the partner stops. The company is courting application providers with industry expertise in an effort to drive sales of new software. Can it take market share away from Microsoft? |
3. |
Sun plans per-citizen price for server software. The company's top software executive says the program will help it sell its server and desktop software to governments. |
4. |
Seagate revises its outlook |
5. |
Cisco loses top spot in niche cable market. The company loses the No. 1 spot in a market involving gear used to offer broadband Net connectivity to customers, recent figures say. Cisco had used its position to sell other equipment to cable operators. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
IBM Settles $100M Birth-Defect Lawsuit (AP). AP - A $100 million lawsuit blaming a woman's birth defects on her mother's working conditions at an IBM factory was settled Tuesday as jury selection was about to begin. The terms were not disclosed. |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
7. |
BugTraq: RE: SonicWall VPN/Firewall Appliance - DoS, ARP Flood, Network mapping vulnerability. Sender: Dennis M dot Callan [dcallan at camulusit dot com] |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
Apple QuickTime Player Has an Unspecified Flaw That Permits Remote Code Execution |
9. |
Novell Client Firewall Tray Icon Lets Local Users Execute Commands With SYSTEM Privileges |
10. |
Worried About Electronic Voting Safeguards? |
11. |
Security experts hit back at presidential advisor |
12. |
Tougher copyright laws could hurt business: new report |
13. |
Foire aux règles de firewall pour netfilter/iptables et ipchains |
9:39:56 PM
CNET News.com - Front Door
1. |
Court rebuffs FCC's new telecom rules. Federal judges hand out a setback for broadband sharing, but approve the elimination of broadband competition on future networks. Will prices climb and service fall? |
2. |
SCO delays Linux user lawsuit announcement. The Unix specialist plans to begin legal action against Linux users Tuesday--likely two separate companies--but an announcement of the names won't come until Wednesday, the company says. |
3. |
Comcast goofs in Russian spam blockade. Since Friday, Comcast subscribers have found themselves unable to send e-mail to Russian addresses thanks to an overactiv spam filter. |
4. |
E-voting smooth on Super Tuesday. Only isolated problems have been reported in the day's elections, in which delegates from nine states including New York, California, Massachusetts, and Ohio were up for grabs. |
5. |
Gyroscopic Wireless Mouse |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
IBM releases new wave of middleware bundles. LAS VEGAS - IBM Corp. on Tuesday released its latest bundle of industry-tailored middleware software bundles, adding to its lineup packages targeted at healthcare, life sciences, retail and telecommunication customers. |
7. |
Gateway plans additional layoffs in 2004. Gateway Inc. plans to cut approximately 1,000 employees from its workforce over the next few months, said Chief Financial Officer Rod Sherwood during a Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. conference in California Monday. |
InfoWorld: Security
8. |
Spawn of Bagle and Netsky roil Internet. Serial worm outbreaks continued on Tuesday as new variants of the Bagle and Netsky e-mail worms spread on the Internet. |
NewsIsFree: Security
9. |
2 Mar W32/Bagle-J |
10. |
W32.Mydoom.G@mm |
11. |
Lock Down Your PC |
8:09:27 PM
Boing Boing Blog
1. |
Art project on economics of tech outsourcing to India: Aladeen. Danielle Spencer (a BoingBoing pal who works with David Byrne, among other things) points us to a new art project from The Builder's Association debuting in LA this week. It's "a techie sort of production about globalism and outsourcing in Bangalore," says Danielle, adding "The performances of ALLADEEN will be at REDCAT (the new LA Philharmonic Gehry space) on March 3-7. There is more information about the specific show here. Other sites which may be of interest: www.alladeen.com, and The Builder's Association." Here's a snip from the project summary:
The Alladeen project encompasses three collaborative works: this web project, www.alladeen.com (directed by Ali Zaidi); a cross-media stage performance (directed by Marianne Weems); and a music video (directed by Ali Zaidi), featuring music by Shrikanth Sriram (Shri) and video by Peter Norrman. Although distinct, these three works have been created in tandem, drawing on a common pool of imagery and information, with material from each interwoven into the others. [The show] explores how we all function as "global souls" caught up in circuits of technology, how our voices and images travel from one culture to another, and the ways in which these cultures continually reinterpret each other's signs and stories.
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Utility to Offer High-Speed Internet (AP). AP - A division of utility Cinergy Corp. plans to offer high-speed Internet service over its power lines, letting customers connect by simply plugging a computer modem into existing electrical outlets. |
3. |
Cincinnati Gets Broadband Over Power Lines |
4. |
Super Tuesday Not So Super For Electronic Voting |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
Password Protected Virus - Now That's Security |
6. |
Report: Feds Should Stay Out of DRM Issues |
7. |
Security Increased for Tuesday's E-Voting |
8. |
W32.Hiton@mm |
9. |
W32.Beagle.J@mm |
10. |
11. |
Intel Ships Speedier Xeons MPs |
8:09:26 PM
Boing Boing Blog
1. |
Gizmodo's Pete Rojas moves to Engadget. Former editor of Gizmodo Pete Rojas is moving to Engadget, a new gadgets weblog hosted in partnership Jason Calacanis' Weblogs, Inc. |
2. |
Water on Mars. Life on Mars. Wow.. Human beings reached a milestone in our understanding of the universe today, thanks in part to a hard-working robot. The NASA Mars rover Opportunity found evidence that an abundance of water once covered an area of the planet's surface. Where there was once water, it is presumed that there was once life -- and that living things may in fact still exist on the red planet.
[A] rock outcrop at the site, a shallow impact crater in Meridiani Planum, was once "drenched'' in water, Ed Weiler, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's deputy associate administrator for space science, said at the agency's headquarters in Washington. "The rocks here were once soaked in liquid water,'' Steve Squyres, the mission's principal scientist, said in elaborating on the discovery. The concentration of salts in the rock suggests the formation may have emerged in a briny sea, he said.
Link |
3. |
US launches new gov-sponsored Arabic language TV network. Daoud Kuttab, an independent Palestinian journalist and media commentator, points us to the launch of a new Arabic-language TV station called Alhurra ("the free one"). The US-sponsored network is one of an ever-increasing number of government-controlled broadcasting outlets in the Mideast.
The new station joins America's Radio Sawa and its slick Hi magazine as post-September 11 Arabic-language media tools that the US hopes to use to win Arab hearts and minds. Judging from the broadcast content of its first day, Washington has a long way to go to achieve its goals. Alhurra operates with a $62-million grant from the US government. Judging from its first broadcast day, there is no hint it will ever become self-reliant. Listeners can only conclude that Alhurra will always be an instrument of the US government. The US secretary of state has a permanent seat on the station's board along with four Democrats and four Republicans.
Sponsoring foreign radio broadcasts has been a favorite tool of colonial European governments. The British have been bankrolling foreign broadcasts on the BBC; the French on Radio Monte Carlo. But neither has attempted televising in Arabic, via satellite, as does Alhurra. Arab regimes have for years monopolized the mass media to control their people and maintain power. But Alhurra will not contribute to efforts by many in the Arab world who want the air waves to be free to private and independent ownership. While some expected the new station to be an important addition to the plurality of opinions available to the Arab public, its first day of broadcasting confirmed what the skeptics have been saying all along: What the US needs to do is change its policy, not its media strategy.
Link to Kuttab op-ed about Alhurra in this week's Jerusalem Post, link to recent NPR story, Link to Alhurra.com. |
4. |
Ah, yes, those celebrity parody street posters.. 
Remember this earlier post about mysterious street posters attributed to Robbie Conal, or someone whose work looks a whole lot like Robbie Conal's? A ton of them showed up around LA just before Oscar night. Turns out they're a street promo campaign for the recently-released book Hollywood, Interrupted: Insanity Chic in Babylon. More details in WaPo today.
CNET News.com - Front Door
5. |
Dell to feed Cargill's tech needs |
6. |
Microsoft talks up BizTalk Server. Microsoft, which has been aiming to broaden the server integration market for some time, launches its latest effort, BizTalk Server 2004. |
7. |
Cometa has slight burp in McDonald's test. Cometa Networks has lost AT&T as its service provider for a hot-spot test with McDonald's in New York City, but prospects may be heating up on the other coast for the Wi-Fi company. |
8. |
Registrar ups ante in VeriSign battle. Go Daddy says it will pay up to $100,000 of the legal bills that ICANN may run up through defending a lawsuit filed last week by VeriSign. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
9. |
Siebel Shoots for Mid-Market - Again (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - After a disappointing run with its CRM product targeted to small and mid-size businesses, Siebel (Nasdaq: SEBL) is back with another product launch. The company has announced Siebel CRM Professional Edition, which includes multichannel sales, service and marketing applications developed for small and medium-sized companies. |
10. |
Senators Try to Smoke Out Spyware (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Three U.S. senators are tackling the growing problem of "spyware," software programs that track what people do online, alter their Web browser settings and turn their computers into unwitting Internet advertising generators. |
11. |
SCO To Sling Lawsuit at User (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - No one can claim that the SCO Group does not follow through on its promises. The company is getting set to file a lawsuit against a Linux user Tuesday afternoon, according to spokesperson Blake Stowell. News of the impending suit became public on Monday during CEO Darryl McBride's speech at the Software 2004 conference in San Francisco. |
12. |
Announcing the KDE Quality Team Project |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
13. |
BugTraq: 03-02-04 XSS Bug in NetScreen-SA 5000 Series of SSL VPN appliance. Sender: Lachniet, Mark [mlachniet at sequoianet dot com] |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Wireless: Switches, Access Points, WLAN Analyzers, Applications |
15. |
Wireless: Winning Companies, Winning Products |
16. |
Who Will Win the SMTP Authentication Wars? |
17. |
Dueling Hackers Sparked Bagle, Netsky Worm Blitz |
18. |
Mac OS X Bug in Apple File Protocol (AFP) Over SSH May Fail to Encrypt Some Connectoins |
19. |
Half of UK firms hit by viruses last year |
20. |
What If Microsoft Got Security Right? |
21. |
With Bagle, Netsky, March comes in like a worm |
6:08:50 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Xeon MP gets 4MB L3 cache; closes gap on Opteron. The Intel Xeon MP gets a speed boost and a L3 cache increase. Is it enough to compete with the Opteron? By Matt Woodward. |
Boing Boing Blog
2. |
Japanese train chimes. Boing Boing pal Jim Leftwich alerted me to a couple of sites with MIDI files of "little chime songs played on Japanese trains and in their various stations." Link and Link |
3. |
Cartoonists' toys at Critterbox. Critterbox, the company that makes Tony Millionaire's Drinky Crow jack-in-the-box, also makes really nice toys by Gary Baseman, Tim Biskup, Dave Cooper, and Kaz. Link |
CNET News.com - Front Door
4. |
In Oracle suit, DOJ discounts an old foe: Microsoft. The Justice Department is suing to stop Oracle's PeopleSoft buyout and preserve the companies' healthy rivalry in high-end business apps. But analysts say a certain software firm is set to provide plenty of competition. |
5. |
Court nixes FCC's new telecom rules. A federal appeals court declares much of the FCC's recent telecom rewrite was illegal--but it approves keeping controversial rules for new broadband services. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Enterprise Plans to Hire 6,500 This Year (AP). AP - Enterprise Rent-A-Car, citing continued strong consumer demand and "branch-a-day" growth plans, said Tuesday it plans to hire about 6,500 new workers this year. |
7. |
SCC Takes Aim at Lexmark--Again (PC World). PC World - New chips allow third-party cartridges to work in Lexmark printers. |
8. |
The Nine Lives of Napster |
9. |
Meet the Nasalnaut |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
Apple's $10 billion growth strategy. Apple Computer Inc.'s chief financial officer Fred Anderson and corporate controller Peter Oppenheimer spoke at Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc.'s Semiconductor and Systems conference March 1. |
11. |
Broadband over power line vendor rolls out service. WASHINGTON - More than a million residents of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana will have a new broadband option this month in the first large-scale rollout of broadband over power line (BPL) service, despite concerns that the new BPL technology interferes with other radio frequency devices, including ham radios. |
12. |
Yahoo rolls out index inclusion program. Yahoo Inc. this week plans to unveil a new program designed to improve the size of its Web index and the relevancy of its search engine results, the Sunnyvale, California company said Tuesday. |
13. |
What If Microsoft Got Security Right? |
14. |
With Bagle, Netsky, March comes in like a worm |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
15. |
Vulnerabilities: Invision Power Board Search.PHP "st" SQL Injection Vulnerability. Inivision Power Board is a bulletin board system that is implemented in PHP. It is available for Windows and Unix/Linux derivatives.
It has been reported that an input v... |
The Register
16. |
Dell CEO confirms line of Opteron waiters. Are you being served? |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Enterprise IT Networking Roundup |
18. |
SpectraLink Docks Wi-Fi Phones |
19. |
Netsky.D: Beep! You're Infected |
5:38:37 PM
3:37:56 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Bloggers: Not nearly as many as perceived?. Blogs. Ubiquitous. But how many are there really on the Internet? Not as many as you may think. By Matt Woodward. |
Boing Boing Blog
2. |
Occupation: bad smell sniffer for NASA. Roland sez: George Aldrich works at NASA and is not an astronaut. Instead, he's a 'master sniffer.' He tests everything that goes up in space on the shuttle or on the ISS for smelliness, from tennis shoes to teddy bears, and from refrigerators to socks or mascara. Why? Because things smell different in spacecrafts which experience a full day/night cycle every 90 minutes. And bad odors into a spacecraft can even lead to the abortion of a mission, like it happened to a Russian mission back in 1976. Wired Magazine tells us more about NASA's nasalnaut, a man whose colleagues call "Most Smella Fella" and has performed 771 flawless smelling missions. This overview contains more details and selected excerpts from a previous interview with Aldrich given to New Scientist. It also includes a picture showing how the NASA's nasalnaut smells things. Link |
3. |
NASA to report "significant" Mars discovery today at 2 p.m. EST. "Significant findings from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity, now exploring Meridiani Planum on Mars, will be announced at a press briefing at 2 p.m. EST, Tuesday, March 2, 2004, at NASA Headquarters, Washington." Link (Thanks, Kevin!)
News reports say it'll be evidence that Mars was once a "wet and warm planet, capable of sustaining microscopic life." |
4. |
Cory interviewed in R.U. Sirius' NeoFiles. The latest issues of R.U. Sirius' excellent NeoFiles includes a great interview with Cory, along with interviews with a "neuroethicist" and an X-Prize contestant. Link |
5. |
Virtual Sex Change.
From our pals at Fleshbot:
Men: wondering how you'd look as a woman, but don't want to deal with messy plastic surgery or expensive hormone treatments? Let expert technicians Candy and Angel Lee transform you through the magic of Virtual Feminization: "The process carried out by an artist technician employs hands on digital imaging to facially reconstruct and feminize your image using your own genetics and facial features as a base for the new beautiful, feminine you." (We think the new Dubya looks quite fetching, kind of like a femme Jamie Lee Curtis.)
Virtual Feminization Clinic and Imagurl Models (Imagurl.com),
See also: Cleavage Transformation Tips
6. |
Guatemala. I'm back from Central America. This For the past couple of weeks, I've been traveling and working in Guatemala, accompanying a writer/filmmaker who's working on a really incredible project that involves indigenous languages, and connections between early Mayan and modern scientific theory. An amazing project, more on that later, and more on the trip later. But for now, this quick snapshot, while I attempt to dig my way out of about 25 megs worth of emails from a certain someone in Nigeria who says I can grow a larger penis by eating low-cost prescription drugs from the comfort of my own home while enjoying the company of hot singles in my own area.
The children in this snapshot are mostly Kakchikel-speaking boys in a town called Ciudad Vieja, goofing off last Tuesday during carnival celebrations (pre-Ash Wednesday, pre-lent, lots of candy and confetti all over the place). Ciudad Vieja ("old city") was the former capital of Guatemala during early Spanish colonial times. It was wiped out nearly 500 years ago by a massive flood caused by a volcano of water; after the destruction the capital was then moved a few miles away to what became the city of Antigua, which was then wiped out by an earthquake. The country's capital was ultimately re-established in what we know now as Guatemala City, which strikes me as being one of the most dangerous urban places on earth. There are nearly as many ammo shops as tortilla vendors and the crime rate is insane. The local guide who accompanied us for much of our travels through the altiplano joked, "They say Guatemala is the land of eternal spring, but it's more like the country of eternal recovery. We're always in the process of surviving any of three things: earthquakes, volcano eruptions, or bloody wars. Pick one."
Click thumbnail for full-size image. Ay, que me alegre volver a BoingBoing. It's good to be back home on the blog. |
CNET News.com - Front Door
7. |
Chinese Opera belts out brand. Norway's Opera Software sets its sights on the Asian cell phone market with two Opera-branded handsets--a departure from the backstage role browser providers typically play with cell phones. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
IBM Appears to Settle Birth Defect Suit (AP). AP - A $100 million lawsuit alleging that a woman's birth defects were caused by her mother's working conditions at IBM Corp. was apparently settled Tuesday just as jury selection was to start. |
9. |
Microsoft Readies Another Cut-Rate Windows Bundle (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - This time the Redmond software company is offering Malaysian users a Windows XP-Microsoft Works combination to head Linux off at the pass. |
10. |
PluggedIn: PC Makers Try Again with TV Computers (Reuters). Reuters - Despite the best marketing
efforts of big technology companies, personal computers have
never felt much at home in the living room. |
11. |
See Spot Surf |
12. |
Twenty-five Years at the Heart of Gaming |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
13. |
Ex-Worldcom boss Ebbers charged. Federal charges are laid against Bernie Ebbers, former chief executive of Worldcom, as the ex-finance chief admits three charges. |
The Register
14. |
Intel adds more muscle to Xeon MP. SPARCed out |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
PARC Automates WLAN Security, Interoperability |
16. |
Effort To Secure 'The Edge' Drives Enterprise-Router Market |
17. |
eXtremail Numerical Password Bug Lets Remote Users Bypass Authentication to Access Certain Accounts |
18. |
Competing technologies could shake up e-mail |
19. |
2:37:37 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
MP3 to get digital rights management. Thomson, the company responsible for licensing the popular mp3 format, has announced the a DRMed version of the codec. Does it have a chance with AAC and WMA already on the scene? By Eric Bangeman. |
CNET News.com - Front Door
2. |
IBM pulls out all the partner stops. The company is courting application providers with industry expertise in an effort to drive sales of new software. Can it take market share away from Microsoft? |
3. |
Sun names new services chief |
4. |
Briefly: Sun names new services chief. Marissa Peterson will add the new duties to her existing position...Emerging "microdisplay" technologies are gaining on traditional cathode-ray tube technology...PDF to get an engineering edit. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Trade watchdogs bemoan rampant music and software piracy in Kuwait (AFP). AFP - Piracy levels in Kuwait reached 73 percent for software and 60 percent for music last year, leading to losses of 100 million dollars for the industries, two trade watchdog bodies charged. |
6. |
Flash memory inventor sues Toshiba for his share of patent rights (AFP). AFP - The inventor of the flash memory, a chip used in cell phones and digital cameras, filed a lawsuit seeking one billion yen (9.2 million dollars) from Japanese electronics giant Toshiba as his share of the patent rights to the device. |
7. |
'Harmless' Netksy.D Internet worm on the wane: experts (AFP). AFP - The propagation of the Netsky.D Internet worm was tapering off, but the virulent bug was still generating millions of infected e-mails throughout the world, Internet security experts said. |
8. |
End of the "Lone Asteroid" Theory? |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
9. |
BugTraq: Format String vuln in Inktomi Search4.0. Sender: Blurred Vision [really_blurred_vision at hotmail dot com] |
10. |
BugTraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 454-1] New Linux 2.2.22 packages fix local root exploit (alpha). Sender: [joey at infodrom dot org (Martin Schulze)] |
The Register
11. |
Tiscali names new chief exec. G'day, Mr Huisman |
12. |
El Reg in 419 glut scandal. One track minds? |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
Fedora: pwlib Denial of service vulnerability |
14. |
UUDeview Parameter Parsing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability |
15. |
Fedora update for pwlib |
16. |
How the Mars Rovers Phone Home |
17. |
Corel unveils latest WordPerfect |
18. |
March Comes in Like a Worm |
19. |
IE Frame Exploit Grabs Keystrokes |
20. |
Hackers gain free access to MSN Premium |
21. |
Youth cleared of trying to hack Mossad Web site |
22. |
Microsoft cuts prices for Malaysia |
23. |
Wi-Fi and VoIP: Is sum greater than parts? |
24. |
E-voting terminals face Super Tuesday test |
25. |
Security warning on internet telephony |
26. |
Bagle worm spawns five siblings |
27. |
What If Microsoft Got Security Right? |
28. |
Netsky.D worm spreading at 'record speed' |
29. |
Study: Very few bloggers on Net |
30. |
FreeS/WAN Development Halted |
31. |
New HoneyNet Challenge! |
32. |
March Comes in Like a Worm |
33. |
New hope for Windows - Infoworld Staff |
34. |
Your network is only as secure as you want it to be - Infoworld Staff |
35. |
State spam laws and the new CAN-SPAM - Infoworld Staff |
36. |
March comes in like a worm with Bagle, Netsky variants |
37. |
RSA - Competing technologies could shake up e-mail |
38. |
RSA, ActivCard authenticate - Infoworld Staff |
39. |
40. |
41. |
42. |
Elsewhere: Viruses and DDoS attacks flood UK firms |
43. |
Elsewhere: Internet security firm targets Asian sales |
44. |
Infocus: HIPAA Security Rule |
45. |
News: Blaster beats up British business |
46. |
Dti Survey Shows Virus Infections in the UK Are on the Rise |
47. |
Half of UK firms hit by viruses last year |
48. |
Security Increased for Tuesday's E-Voting |
49. |
Content counts the cost of compliance |
1:37:16 PM
Boing Boing Blog
1. |
RFID Tags in US banknotes?. These guys microwaved a bunch of $20 bills and because the bills became scorched, they have concluded that they contain RFID tags. Wouldn't there be an easier way to determine whether or not currency has RFIDs in it? Link (Thanks, Sean!) |
CNET News.com - Front Door
2. |
HP drives home Ford printing deal. Confirming earlier reports, Hewlett-Packard announces that it will replace Xerox as Ford Motor's printing and imaging services provider. |
3. |
Broadband powerline service gains backers. One of the largest Midwestern power companies announces a joint venture to provide Internet access directly to consumers through power sockets in their homes. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Patch Up Problems (PC World). PC World - Get your software fixes here. |
5. |
Science of the coin-toss: Bias in Heads-or-Tails |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
6. |
Warner Music cuts workforce 20%. The global music giant makes 'painful changes' as Canadian tycoon Edgar Bronfman takes formal control of the company. |
7. |
Pupils face camera phone ban. The first council in Scotland agrees to ban mobile camera phones from all of its schools. |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Microsoft partners applaud BizTalk Server upgrade. With the introduction Tuesday of BizTalk Server 2004, Microsoft Corp. is delivering a more complete package of business integration software that will allow for faster and less costly implementations, two of Microsoft's system integrator partners said. |
9. |
IBM reorganizes channel with vertical focus. LAS VEGAS -- IBM Corp. plans to announce Tuesday at its PartnerWorld show in Las Vegas a reorganization of its business partner program, instituting an industry focus on an organization traditionally arranged around products. |
10. |
SEC investigating EDS' Navy deal. Just two weeks after Electronic Data Systems Corp.'s (EDS) top brass declared its multibillion dollar outsourcing contract with the U.S. Navy under control, the company said Monday that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has requested information regarding the deal. |
11. |
UMC puts second 300-millimeter fab into production. With demand for semiconductors recovering, United Microelectronics Corp. (UMC), the world's second-largest contract chip maker, announced Tuesday that its second chip fabrication plant (fab) to employ 300-millimeter silicon wafers has begun commercial production. ADVERTISEMENT: RFID/Smart Label Printing White Paper from Zebra - Learn about how smart labels help prevent asset loss, track shipments, and process customer transactions, and see how the technology could help your business. |
12. |
Nortel makes call to WLANs. Nortel Networks Corp. Monday unveiled handsets, access points, a switch, and other gear designed to extend wireless LANs to support enterprise telephony. |
13. |
Alcatel studies partnership, sale of mobile phone unit. French communications equipment manufacturer Alcatel SA is studying ways to end losses in its mobile phone unit that could include the complete sale of the business. |
14. |
Intel to launch new Gallatin processor. Intel Corp. is expected to announce a new, faster Xeon MP processor later on Tuesday with double the cache of its predecessor. |
15. |
WorldCom's Ebbers expected to face federal charges. Bernard Ebbers, the former chief executive officer of WorldCom Inc., will be indicted on federal fraud charges related to his former company's $11 billion accounting misstatement, according to news reports. |
SecurityFocus News
16. |
Elsewhere: Viruses and DDoS attacks flood UK firms. Virus-related losses increased by 25 percent over the past year, according to a survey to be published by the DTI
Half of UK businesses fell victim to either a virus ... |
17. |
Elsewhere: Internet security firm targets Asian sales. SonicWall, a U.S. maker of Internet security gear that competes with Cisco Systems, expects half of its sales this year to come from outside the United States as it enter... |
18. |
Infocus: HIPAA Security Rule. This article presents a detailed overview of the American HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Security Rule and key factors you should consider when preparing to comply with the rule. |
19. |
News: Blaster beats up British business. The Register By John Leyden [john dot leyden at theregister dot co dot uk] |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
20. |
BugTraq: Re: Motorola T720 cell phone DoS vulnerability.. Sender: John T dot Larkin [jlarkin at alpinebutterfly dot org] |
21. |
BugTraq: The Cult of a Cardinal Number. Sender: Phantasmal Phantasmagoria [phantasmal at hush dot ai] |
22. |
BugTraq: SonicWall VPN/Firewall Appliance - DoS, ARP Flood, Network mapping vulnerability. Sender: [xeno at hush dot ai] |
The Register
23. |
PlusNet throws strop at BT cheapest broadband claim. 'We're miffed' |
24. |
Tiscali names new chief exec. G'day Mr Huisman |
25. |
Brocade and Quantum toot their own horns. We are wonderful |
12:36:57 PM
CNET News.com - Front Door
1. |
Loudeye snags antipiracy start-up. The digital music services provider acquires Overpeer, a company dealing in antipiracy services for record companies and digital content distributors. |
2. |
Acer goes wide with new notebook. Wide-screened that is. The Aspire 1710 desktop replacement portable sports a 17-inch screen and is aimed primarily at businesses. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Yahoo Looks Forward to A Super Tuesday (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Today is Super Tuesday not just for this year's presidential contenders but also for search engine giant Yahoo. |
4. |
Spam's irritating cousin, spim, on the loose (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Consumers ditching e-mail for instant messages to avoid spam are in for an unpleasant surprise. |
5. |
NASA Mars Press Briefing & "Significant Findings" |
6. |
PARC's New Networking Architecture |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
Memory technology set to evolve with DDR2. BOSTON - With so much emphasis placed on processors, memory chips often get overlooked as an integral component of system performance. DRAM (dynamic RAM) vendors will start the transition to a new memory architecture this year that will allow chips to run faster in gaming and multimedia PCs. |
8. |
Former Oracle head calls on ISVs to change perspective - Infoworld Staff. San Francisco -- Software 2004, a first time industry event that exclusively addresses the enterprise software industry, was launched Monday with some straight talk from former Oracle president Ray Lane, now general partner at venture capitalist Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. |
9. |
SCO alters claim in IBM case, signs licensee. LONDON - The SCO Group Inc. was granted leave last week to amend its case against IBM Corp. Trade secret claims have been dropped, and replaced with copyright infringement claims, Blake Stowell, SCO's corporate communications manager, said Monday. |
10. |
Microsoft rethinks unified pricing strategy. Microsoft is studying ways to offer its software at different price points around the world, signaling a possible departure from its unified global pricing practice. |
11. |
RSA, ActivCard authenticate - Infoworld Staff. Forgotten passwords are the bane of IT administrators but may prove to be a boon for RSA Security and ActivCard. Answering administrators’ calls for improved authentication, the companies heralded new functionalities last week at RSA Conference in San Francisco. |
12. |
RSA - Competing technologies could shake up e-mail. Microsoft’s announcement at the RSA Conference last week of a host of initiatives to stop unsolicited commercial e-mail, or spam, highlighted some tectonic shifts taking place in the once staid world of Internet messaging. ADVERTISEMENT: World-Class, low-cost, Windows Vulnerability Scanner - A low-cost, quick-install, fast-result vulnerability scanner that uses a World-Class database of ranked vulnerabilities. Prioritized vulnerability reports and configurable scans. Licensed per Administ... |
13. |
Oracle exec says company will press PeopleSoft bid. Even though Oracle faces a government lawsuit designed to to block its attempted takeover of PeopleSoft, the company's president, Chuck Phillips, said Monday that companies in the past have a decent track record of circumventing Department of Justice opposition. |
14. |
CEO panel says open source keeps IT spending down - Infoworld Staff. San Francisco -- The Software 2004 conference here played host to a panel of CEOs who opined on the state of the software industry for an audience of 1,100 software executives. |
15. |
PartnerWorld: IBM starts fund to aid displaced workers. LAS VEGAS - IBM will create a $25 million, two-year training fund to assist employees who fear their that jobs are at risk of being shipped away to lower-cost locations, company executives said Monday at IBM's PartnerWorld conference. |
16. |
SCO to sue Linux user - Infoworld Staff. The SCO Group on Tuesday will launch its first lawsuit against a Linux user for alleged violations of SCO's intellectual property, SCO Chief Executive Officer Darl McBride said Monday. |
InfoWorld: Security
17. |
New hope for Windows - Infoworld Staff. The Microsoft executives were out in force at the RSA security conference last week. In meeting after meeting, they told the
press (who dutifully passed the news along to you) about significant new security enhancements being developed for Windows
XP Service Pack 2. |
18. |
Your network is only as secure as you want it to be - Infoworld Staff. VPNs, firewalls, and anti-virus are the big three of security. But the dirty little secret is that a lot of this software
and hardware exists more to CYA than to prevent your network and data from being compromised. |
19. |
State spam laws and the new CAN-SPAM - Infoworld Staff. CAN-SPAM cancels out most provisions in more than 30 state anti-spam laws, ending a compliance headache for e-mail marketers,
according to e-mail marketers and lawyers who have studied the law. But the new federal law leaves in place parts of state
laws that prohibit false or deceptive information in commercial e-mail. CAN-SPAM also does not supercede state fraud or computer
crime laws. |
20. |
March comes in like a worm with Bagle, Netsky variants. Conventional wisdom claims March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. But with new versions of the Bagle e-mail
worm and a virulent new form of Netsky virus, March's arrival is looking more wormy than leonine. |
21. |
RSA, ActivCard authenticate - Infoworld Staff. Forgotten passwords are the bane of IT administrators but may prove to be a boon for RSA Security and ActivCard. Answering
administrators’ calls for improved authentication, the companies heralded new functionalities last week at RSA Conference
in San Francisco. |
22. |
RSA - Competing technologies could shake up e-mail. Microsoft’s announcement at the RSA Conference last week of a host of initiatives to stop unsolicited commercial e-mail, or
spam, highlighted some tectonic shifts taking place in the once staid world of Internet messaging. |
23. |
New HoneyNet Challenge! |
24. |
Fedora: pwlib Denial of service vulnerability |
The Register
25. |
So how does Avecho's AV work?. Review If they told you, they'd have to kill you |
NewsIsFree: Security
26. |
Virenexperte: Die Leichtgläubigkeit der User fördert Verbreitung von Würmern |
27. |
Win32/NetSky.C: Laufzeitpacker machen den Virenscannern zu schaffen |
28. |
SCO Group: fileutils/coreutils Integer overflow vulnerability |
29. |
Debian: kernel 2.2.x Privilege escalation vulnerability |
30. |
What Happens When You Ignore Security |
31. |
Sun VP Snipes at Microsoft While Announcing New Secure Java Initiative |
32. |
FreeS/WAN throws in the towel |
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Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Oracle fights on (TheDeal.com). TheDeal.com - The software company's president defends its move to confront antitrust enforcers over its PeopleSoft bid. |
2. |
WSJ: H-P in Printing Deal with Ford (Reuters). Reuters - Hewlett-Packard Co. (HPQ.N) plans to
announce an agreement worth more than $100 million to supply
Ford Motor Co (F.N) with printing, hardware, software and
services, according to the Wall Street Journal. |
3. |
Sprint joins wireless shuffle (TheDeal.com). TheDeal.com - The telecom recombines its PCS tracking stock that represents its mobile business with its FON stock. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Rosetta probe heads for comet. After a successful launch, Europe's Rosetta spacecraft heads into space on a daring journey to land on a comet. |
5. |
Satellite tags to save dolphins. New Zealand is looking to use satellite tagging to try to save the endangered Maui's dolphin. |
The Register
6. |
IBM spends big bucks on software. Wealthy older gentleman seeks young love |
7. |
Computer courses for computerphobes. Irrational fear of PCs? Then why are you reading this? |
Wired News
8. |
Another Virus to Worry About. There's another worm loose on the land -- Netsky-D. It arrived by e-mail on Monday and, while not especially damaging, it's a pain to get rid of. |
9. |
Living Life in Virtual Reality. Almost Real takes a documentary look at how online connections can supplant flesh-and-blood ones. It debuts Monday night on TechTV. By Jason Silverman. |
10. |
Greeks Go After Cancer Cells. Greek scientists develop a medical procedure that could make chemotherapy more effective at reduced dosages and eliminate many of its side effects. If successful, it could help fight a disease that kills millions every year. |
11. |
Ahoy Matey, Shiver Me Timbers. Breaking apart a ship that weighs 10,000 tons takes thousands of crowbars and blowtorches. Or one high-tech chop shop. By Christopher S. Stewart from Wired magazine. |
12. |
Handheld Gaming War Put on Hold. Sony is ready for a fight, but it won't be this year. The hardware giant's first foray into the handheld market won't be out for Christmas -- but Nintendo's new system very well may be. By Chris Kohler. |
13. |
Last-Minute Satellite Turns 20. A satellite built in six months by amateurs was expected to work for about a year. Twenty years later, you can still hear its signal. By Philip Chien. |
14. |
Bioethics Shuffle Ignites Outcry. Members of President Bush's Council on Bioethics will likely play nice now that they all agree on embryonic stem-cell research and cloning. But they aren't an accurate representation of American citizens, critics say. By Kristen Philipkoski. |
15. |
The Waiting Is the Funnest Part. The grand opening of Apple's latest store draws Steve Jobs, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and thousands of eager customers. Leander Kahney reports from San Francisco. |
16. |
The Masters of Memory Lane. Think memorizing your driver's license number is tough? Try memorizing the contents of a shuffled deck of cards or a string of thousands of 1s and 0s. Michelle Delio reports from New York. |
17. |
How the Mars Rovers Phone Home. When Spirit or Opportunity have data to send, they don't go the direct route. Orbiters and various other bits of hardware help get their messages to Earth. By Philip Chien. |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
Rivaliteit tussen virusschrijvers veroorzaakt virusgolf |
19. |
Rechter vol lof over "Hacker" Mossad website |
20. |
How to protect your company from 'zero-day' exploits |
21. |
GAO blasts Agriculture security |
22. |
Symantec Firewall / VPN 100/200/200R Exposure of Password |
23. |
Symantec Firewall / VPN 100/200/200R Exposure of Password |
24. |
Novell Client Firewall Privilege Escalation Vulnerability |
25. |
Novell Client Firewall Privilege Escalation Vulnerability |
26. |
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Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
NTT DoCoMo offers shareholders cellphone-voting (AFP). AFP - Japan's top mobile carrier NTT DoCoMo will allow its 321,000 shareholders to cast their votes at the next shareholders' meeting via the company's Internet-capable cellular phones, a spokesman said. |
2. |
Yahoo Adopts New Fees to Explore Web (AP). AP - Internet giant Yahoo! Inc. is adopting a new system for indexing Web pages that will charge businesses to include more material currently unlisted in its online search engine, marking the first volley in a duel with its former ally Google Inc. |
3. |
HP Announces Moves in Digital Rights Management (Reuters). Reuters - Hewlett-Packard Co. (HPQ.N) said
on Monday it had licensed digital content protection technology
from chipmaker Intel Corp. (INTC.O) and developed copy
protection technology with Philips PHG.AS PHG.N as the printer
and computer maker seeks to stake out a strong position in the
nascent arena of digital copyright protection. |
NewsIsFree: Security
4. |
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CNET News.com - Front Door
1. |
SCO: Linux lawsuit to be filed Tuesday. The company plans to expand its Linux legal attack by filing a lawsuit against a large company using the open-source operating system |
2. |
Yahoo crawls deep into the Web. The Web portal on Tuesday will begin a systematic effort to draw more content into its searchable database of Web documents, its latest bid to win Web surfers from search rival Google. |
3. |
PARC eases communications between devices. Researchers at the pioneering PARC labs have developed software that allows all consumer electronics devices to communicate with one another, making networked home devices easier to use. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Google Founders Keep 'Top 100' List of New Ideas (Reuters). Reuters - Google Inc., which provides
lists of Web search results for users around the world, relies
on its own brainstorming list to keep innovation at the top of
the firm's agenda, Google's co-founders said. |
5. |
SCO Says They'll Sue A Linux User Tomorrow |
12:33:03 AM
© Copyright 2004 Gregg Doherty.
Last update: 4/3/2004; 12:16:46 AM.