Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Ars Technica
1. |
Will nanotubes help cool future processors?. Purdue University researchers hope ionized air currents produced via carbon nanotubes will help cool future processors. By Fred "zAmboni" Locklear. |
2. |
Sony and E Ink announce the LIBRIé e-Book. Sony announces the LIBRIé e-Book, the first commerical product that uses electronic paper technology from Philips and E Ink. By Fred "zAmboni" Locklear. |
Boing Boing
3. |
Nun Urinals. Noted without comment. A follow-up to earlier BoingBoing posts on the Virgin Atlantic "kiss" urinal hoo-haa: nun-shaped urinals. Found here (warning: hideous popunder ads abound in parent directory). (via Warren) |
4. |
Home Glow.
Luminosity is the new black. Loop.ph is a design group "exploring reactive luminous surfaces in the built environment." Products that respond to the activities of the human beings using them. Things that emit light, things worn or lived in. Here are a few:
wallpaper that glows as more sound is in the room Link
responsive window blinds that glow Link
a light blanket Link
Link to Loop.ph home with show dates and locations (Thanks, Bev!) |
5. |
Another man drinking another entire gallon of milk. 
More on the milk-drinking-man-meme: this short film by Rich Lee of Jetpack Design. Link, also see this previous BoingBoing entry. |
6. |
McNealy Answers: No Open Source Java |
Hack the Planet
7. |
I simply cannot get the third Great Zero Calibration Marker. What a pain. :-( |
The Register
8. |
Five-domain Googlebomb explodes in boardroom. I'm Feeling Gamed |
NewsIsFree: Security
9. |
Court Ruling Puts Interior Back Online (AP) |
11:19:36 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Office plastered in Post-it-notes. 
Documentation of an insane office prank involving 2,500 post-it notes and one mild-mannered victim.
"Damon has been playing tricks on me for a few days now. So I came in on the weekend and did some "re-decorating" in his office. He didn't see it until Monday morning when he came in and opened his office door.
His office blinds were closed, his door was shut and locked, and I left this post-it in the middle of his door. It says 'Can you pick up some more post-its, we're running low.' :) "
The pranksters notified Post-it manufacturers 3M, and received three cases of post-its "for future decorating." Hey, Daimler-Chrysler, did I tell you about my brilliant decorating prank involving multiple brand-new Mercedes convertibles? No, really!
(Thanks, Ivy ) |
2. |
Windows XP packaging as a Linux PC case. 
This is pretty perverse: a PC that runs Red Hat Linux, painstakingly constructed within the packaging for Windows XP.
(Thanks, Alexander!)
3. |
Tote-bags made from Indonesian trash. 
Ann Wizer pays Jakarta's trash-dump pickers to find and wash plasticized packaging materials from the piles, then assemble them into tote bags.
(via Joe Ganley)
4. |
Wicked RSS reader redesign. My RSS reader of choice, Shrook, went 2.0 this morning. After five or six hours of using it (couldn't sleep, friggin' jetlag), I am in love. This is the best UI overhaul I've ever seen (the old UI was pretty good too), a completely unexpected redesign that nevertheless managed to make this app that I use all day, every day, into something five times more useful and stable than it had been the day before. I like this punctuated equilibrium stuff.
Yesterday's iPhoto update is another example: all of a sudden, iPhoto's gone from being an app that was just useful enough to put up with its ultra-shitty performance to something I just keep running in the background all the time, with 10,000 photos on tap.
Link |
5. |
Office plastered in Marshmallow Peeps. BoingBoing reader Neil writes,

The BoingBoing entry about the Post-It notes prank reminded me of one we pulled at work several years ago around Easter. Instead of Post-It notes we used Marshmallow Peeps. Lots and lots of Marshallow Peeps.
[snip from website:]"We did mail Just Born, manufacturers of Peeps, but sadly they never got back to us. The peeps wound up staying in the office for about two years, through at least two occupant changes. Even six months after they were up we had people coming by and eating them off the ceiling. Ugh."
6. |
Wired: Why RSS Is Everywhere. I wrote a brief piece about RSS, Atom, and the benefits of content syndication for the current issue of Wired Magazine.
Snip: "In the end, RSS may not save you time, but it'll help pack more info into the time you have, says Jonno d'Addario, editor of the sex blog Fleshbot, which (big surprise) offers an RSS feed. 'Since I've started using a news aggregator, I don't spend eight hours a day compulsively noodling through a dozen favorite blogs anymore,' he says. 'Instead I spend eight hours a day compulsively noodling through hundreds of RSS feeds.' Ah, progress."
Link |
7. |
Nano Jobs. Our friends at the Foresight Institute collaborated with Working In Ltd. on Working-Nanotechnology.com, a job board and information clearinghouse specifically for careers in small tech. The Education & Training section is especially cool, listing programs and courses for students all the way down to middle school age. Link
8. |
3D virtual beers to hover over bars. New heights in bar beer-ad-intrusiveness: 3D beer bottles that leap out of 52" flat panels and hover on the bar.
The system, from X3D Technologies in New York City, allows the virtual drinks to jump up to a metre in front of the screen. They can be viewed with the naked eye from anything up to a 120 degree angle.
Link |
9. |
Hobby: buying used hard drives on eBay and unerasing the data for fun. My friend Simson Garfinkel wrote a great piece on the foolishness of selling hard drives that haven't been sanitized: "Since then, I have repeatedly indulged my habit for procuring and then analyzing secondhand hard drives. (...) Last summer, I started buying drives en masse on eBay.
"In all, I bought and analyzed the content of more than 150 drives(...) In fact, only 10 percent of the drives I purchased had been properly sanitized.
"Much of the data we found was truly shocking. One of the drives once lived in an ATM. It contained a year's worth of financial transactions—including account numbers and withdrawal amounts—from a organization that had a legal requirement to not divulge such information. Two other drives contained more than 5,000 credit card numbers—it looked as if one had been inside a cash register. Another had e-mail and personal financial records of a 45-year-old fellow in Georgia. The man is divorced, paying child support and dating a woman he met in Savannah. And, oh yeah, he's really into pornography." Link (via Bruce Sterling) |
10. |
Japanese style: Elegant Gothic Lolita. Article about Japanese schoolgirl subculture.
An Elegant Gothic Lolita, EGL or Gothic Lolita for short, is a Japanese teen or young adult who dresses in amazingly elaborate Gothic looking babydoll costumes. On the weekends these women walk the streets of Tokyo and Osaka and fill Yoyogi Park and Harajuku neighborhood where they pose for tourist’s pictures and sit around looking pretty. They are beautiful, glamorous, doll-like manifestations of their favorite Visual Rock stars. Link
11. |
John Shirley on the remake of Dawn of the Dead. The always interesting John Shirley has a posted an entry about immortality research and Dawn of the Dead, and why they are related. I just saw the remake of DAWN OF THE DEAD, which I thought worked well--though it lost touch with Romero's satirical metaphor about living/dead shoppers in the mall--and which reminded me that zombie movies are not really about corpses coming to get us, they're about death coming to get us. The hungry corpses in such films (28 Days Later, the Evil Dead etc) very simply stand for our own death. Our own corpses, seen in advance. Aggressive, because death is always stalking us, near or far; because it's inexorable, shuffling toward us slowly but never stopping, as the zombies do. In those movies, the humans never completely win out over the zombies. Can't beat death itself. (John also has a new book out about the life of Gurdjieff.) Link |
12. |
Scarlet letter license plates for drunk drivers. If you get busted driving drunk in Ohio, you get these rad-looking yellow license plates with red letters on them. Link (Thanks, Lisa!)
13. |
Most surreal headline about a DOS attack ever. The Asociated Press reports on yet another derailing of RIAA.org: "Recording industry Web site downed, possibly by zombies." I guess we're having a kind of a Dawn of the Dead media moment. Link |
14. |
Mikroman: 150-micron-thick slices of theater. My review of Sam Buxton's brilliant Mikroman desk-toys appears in this month's Wired. They really do kick ass.

Using a chemical milling process borrowed from the electronics industry, the Brit product designer acid-etches detailed scenes onto 150-micron-thick slices of stainless steel. Each of his eight MikroMan subjects - like this finely rendered astronaut with rover and landing craft -- is sold flat and can be teased into the third dimension with a fingernail
Link |
15. |
Night of the Living Dead on Archive.org. BoingBoing reader VonGuard says:
What with all the zombies here today, i figured it was a good idea to point out that the copyright on Night of the Living Dead has lapsed, and now the whole danged blasted movie is available for free on archive.org. Man, Archive rules.
UPDATE: Travis, a member of the BoingBoing tribe on Tribe.net, says: " Before 1978, any copyrighted work had to have a copyright notice on every distribution, otherwise it wasn't considered copyrighted. George A. Romero mistakenly left out the copyright notice when he distributed his 1968 film NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. The copyright has not recently "lapsed," but was in fact never enforcable, which is why we have dozens of "pirate" distributions of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and innumerable knock-offs." |
CNET News.com
16. |
House letter: Windows issue 'not a concern' for EU. In a letter to the European Commission, members of Congress say that because the bundling issue was resolved by the DOJ settlement, it "should not have been an area of concern for the E.U." |
InfoWorld: Top News
17. |
Update: IBM, HP sign agreements with Novell on Suse Linux. IBM can now preload Suse Linux Enterprise Server across its full range of servers, including eServer iSeries, pSeries, xSeries and zSeries, and its eServer BladeCenter systems, Novell said on Wednesday. Novell will continue its development and support of Suse Linux on IBM's servers, it said. |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
19. |
Debian: ecartis Multiple vulnerabilities |
20. |
Hotmail, Yahoo vulnerable to security flaw |
21. |
Norton AntiVirus Virus Definitions March 23, 2004 |
22. |
Trend Micro Pattern File March 23, 2004 |
23. |
Symantec Report Bares Internet Threats |
24. |
Ad-aware referencefile 01R274 23.03.2004 |
25. |
Yahoo patches e-mail hole |
26. |
The Cleaner Database v3524 |
10:19:17 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Briefly: HP lands Veterans Affairs deal. Also: AT&T VoIP adds to equipment list...Brightmail, Shopping.com file for IPOs...Analysts sour on PeopleSoft's prospects. |
2. |
Monitoring the monitors. The European Commission's ruling in its antitrust case against Microsoft highlights the difficulties facing technical compliance officers. |
3. |
U.S. politicos fire at EU's Microsoft ruling. In a strongly worded letter, members of the House International Relations committee ask regulators in Brussels to reconsider their decision to levy a record fine against the U.S.-based company. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
MoveOn Group Taking Online Activism to Bookstores (Reuters). Reuters - MoveOn.org, a grass-roots group that
promotes liberal causes from its Web site, is reaching out
beyond the Internet to the more traditional medium of books
with a political how-to guide for local activists. |
5. |
Yahoo and Hotmail Filter Flaw |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
Web gaffe shows Dell selling AMD's Opteron. A Web page inadvertently posted to Dell Inc.'s Software and Peripherals Web site has provided proof that the computer vendor has now started selling Advanced Micro Devices Inc.'s (AMD) Opteron microprocessor - to one customer, at least. |
InfoWorld: Security
7. |
Yahoo patches e-mail hole. Login and password information could have been exposed, experts say |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
Interior Back Online Amid Security Flaw (AP) |
9. |
10. |
Next trendy gadget? Megapixel cam phones |
11. |
12. |
AMD outlines future Opteron security features |
13. |
Panic-free security |
14. |
Filter flaw vexes Hotmail, Yahoo |
15. |
Security Patches by Modem? Forget it! |
16. |
UK wakes up to Netsky.Peak |
17. |
Thought control tech tried on humans |
18. |
Security breach delays Gnome 2.6 release |
19. |
Make security the business of the business |
20. |
GNOME 2.6 release rescheduled for March 31st due to server compromise |
21. |
Demo of Free Software Voter-Verifiable Voting |
22. |
The Open Voting Consortium |
23. |
RFID Coming 'Whether You Like It Or Not'. |
24. |
Like It or Not, RFID Is Coming |
25. |
OAKLAND / Suit claims Kaiser violates privacy |
26. |
Privacy Maven Now Works for Feds |
27. |
Panel: Industry, government must cooperate on privacy, policy |
28. |
Waseda ordered to pay damages for violating students' privacy |
29. |
Panel: Government IT must consider privacy, ethics |
30. |
Leahy Outlines Privacy Risks of New RFID Technology |
31. |
Gov't to improve privacy-related laws |
32. |
Passport to Nowhere |
33. |
Passport to nowhere? |
34. |
Fast Pass at Airport Security |
35. |
Your Privacy vs. Their Profit |
9:18:56 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Supreme Court: states can block cities from offering broadband. In an 8-1 decision today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states can block local municipalities from offering services such as broadband. This is likely bad news for consumers in small towns, where broadband choices are limited. By Eric Bangeman. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Sony e-book to be written in electronic ink. The consumer electronics maker is using electronic ink in its new e-book, marking one of the first applications of the next-generation display technology. |
3. |
HP lands Veterans Affairs deal. Hewlett-Packard has won a 10-year, $784 million contract with the Department of Veterans Affairs for the support services and maintenance of its health information systems. |
4. |
Tracking tags may get congressional scrutiny. A Democratic senator calls for a congressional hearing on RFID, as privacy concerns fuel the legislative debate on the technology. |
5. |
Dell two-timing Intel? A misunderstanding, it says. The only top-tier server firm to have stuck completely with Intel chips is caught in a seeming act of infidelity, offering for sale a chip from Intel archenemy AMD. But a Dell representative calls it a mix-up. |
New York Times: Technology
6. |
For Some Internet Users, It's Better Late Than Never. Once viewed by many people as a lost digital cause, the nations elderly are now the fastest-growing group of Internet users. By Katie Hafner. |
7. |
Stand and Fight: An Arsenal for Spam Victims. For most users, spam is simply a maddening headache. Fortunately, effective weapons are emerging in the Battle of the In-Box. By J. D. Biersdorfer. |
8. |
Movie or Game? The Joystick Is a Tipoff. Pierce Brosnan is back as James Bond not in a movie, but in a video game. His virtual starring role is the latest evidence that the works of Hollywood and of game developers are beginning to overlap. By Michel Marriott. |
9. |
For the Pit Boss, Some Extra Electronic Eyes. Casinos are enlisting technology to track and reward their best customers. By Joshua Tompkins. |
10. |
When Instant Messages Come Bearing Malice. Instant messaging is providing a new opening for junk mail and viruses. By Sandeep Junnarkar. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
11. |
European Union Fines Microsoft $613M (AP). AP - The European Union slapped Microsoft Corp. with a $613 million fine Wednesday for abusively wielding its Windows software monopoly and ordered sanctions that go well beyond the U.S. antitrust settlement — setting up what could be another lengthy court battle. |
12. |
HP, IBM Sign Up for SuSE Linux (PC World). PC World - Novell's distribution will appear on HP desktops, more IBM servers soon. |
13. |
Interior Back Online Amid Security Flaw (AP). AP - The Interior Department will go back online after an appeals court Wednesday blocked a judge's ruling that ordered most of the department's computers disconnected from the Internet. |
14. |
In-Depth Look At LinuxBIOS |
InfoWorld: Top News
15. |
Hughes to launch nationwide hot spots. Hughes Network Systems on Tuesday unveiled plans to launch a nationwide WiFi network. The company intends to leverage its current satellite communications system, DirecWay Broadband, which serves corporate customers such as Chevron, Ford, Pizza Hut, and Wendy's, to offer Wi-Fi Internet access to consumers. |
16. |
Dell resumes Inspiron XPS shipments after delay. Dell Inc. has resumed shipments of its the Inspiron XPS system, its first notebook computer aimed exclusively at gaming enthusiasts, after a problem with the notebook caused the company to hold over deliveries of the notebook until last week. |
17. |
Microsoft sets Speech Server pricing. Microsoft Corp. on Wednesday detailed pricing and licensing for its Speech Server 2004 products, the company's first speech recognition server offerings. |
18. |
EU goes further than US in Microsoft ruling. European Union sanctions in its five-year-long antitrust case against Microsoft Corp. could have more of an impact on the software company's business than remedies handed down in the U.S. government's case, according to legal analysts, industry insiders and parties involved in the legal proceedings. |
19. |
Gates pitches 'seamless computing' to developers. Microsoft Corp. Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates pitched his company's "seamless computing" vision to an audience of software developers on Wednesday. |
20. |
Make security the business of the business |
NewsIsFree: Security
21. |
ST04-005: Understanding Anti-Virus Software |
22. |
W32.Beagle.R@mm |
23. |
W32.Snapper.A@mm |
About Internet/Network Security
24. |
Secunia Advisories - March 23. Here is the summary of Secunia Advisories from March 23. 2004. The "highlight" is a vulnerability in the Sun Cobalt implementation of Pine which is ranked as Highly Critical. Other points of interest include multiple vulnerabilities in Ethereal and a... |
8:18:35 PM
Penny Arcade!
1. |
The Adventures Of Twisp And Catsby.  |
CNET News.com
2. |
Commentary: Monti won't stall Microsoft. The European Commission's ruling against the software maker represents at best an annoyance to Microsoft, not a genuine barrier--even for Longhorn, Forrester says. |
3. |
Gateway adds fingerprint sensor to notebook. Like some other hardware makers, the company is coming to grips with a biometric feature it says will help protect data and keep test takers on the up and up. |
4. |
Europe plays hardball with Microsoft. In a decision that could impact consumers, competitors and PC makers, the European Union requires Microsoft to unbundle Media Player from Windows and pay a $613 million fine. |
5. |
EU slaps record fine on Microsoft. Regulators hit the software giant with a fine of $613 million for violating European Union antitrust law and also order the unbundling of Media Player software from Windows. |
6. |
Microsoft looks to unite PC, Xbox games. The software giant announces a new game development platform covering current and future versions of Windows and the Xbox game console. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Wireless Services Expand (PC World). PC World - CTIA News: Cheap directory resources, scanning services, GPS tools, and EarthLink's mobile entry. |
8. |
Megapixel Camera Phones Are Coming (AP). AP - The megapixel camera phones are coming, probably just in time for the arrival of speedier cellular technologies that can transmit higher-quality digital photos and even video. |
9. |
Recording Industry Sues Alleged Swappers (AP). AP - The recording industry has sued 532 people, including many using computer networks at 21 universities, claiming they illegally shared digital music files over the Internet. |
10. |
U.S. Students Shun Computer Science, Engineering |
11. |
Debian: ecartis Multiple vulnerabilities |
SecurityFocus Vulns
12. |
Vulns: Invision Power Board Search.PHP "st" SQL Injection Vulnerability. Inivision Power Board is a bulletin board system that is implemented in PHP. It is available for Windows and Unix/Linux derivatives.
It has been reported that an input v... |
13. |
Vulns: Novell NetWare Admin/Install Password Disclosure Vulnerability. Novell has reported a vulnerability in Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 1.1 that allow an attacker to gain access to the administrator password. According to Novell this ... |
14. |
Vulns: OpenSSH Buffer Mismanagement Vulnerabilities. A buffer mismanagement vulnerability has been reported in OpenSSH. This issue exists in the 'buffer.c' source file.
The source of a problem is that a buffer structure... |
15. |
Vulns: Expinion.net News Manager Lite Multiple Vulnerabilities. News Manager Lite is a web-based application written in ASP. It allows news management for a web site. It is available for Microsoft Windows platforms.
Multiple vulne... |
16. |
Vulns: NullSoft Winamp Long File Name Denial of Service Vulnerability. Winamp is a freely available media player from Nullsoft. It is available for the Microsoft Windows platform.
A vulnerability has been identified in the application that... |
17. |
Vulns: Internet Security Systems Protocol Analysis Module ICQ Parsing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. The Internet Security Systems (ISS) Protocol Analysis Module is prone to a remotely exploitable buffer overflow vulnerability. This module is used to parse network protoc... |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
W32.HLLW.Lovgate.O@mm |
19. |
More RFID For Security Than Inventory Tracking |
20. |
Former Insurance Company Employee Indicted As PC Snooper |
21. |
Yahoo Patches E-Mail Hole (PC World) |
22. |
Interior Back Online Amid Security Flaw (AP) |
7:18:16 PM
6:16:55 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Mac.Ars takes on three years of OS X. Happy 3rd birthday, OS X! Join Mac.Ars in a trip down memory lane, looking at the highs and lows during three years of OS X. By Eric Bangeman. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Opera Debuts New Voice (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Opera Software's plan to launch a new browser that uses speech-recognition technology by IBM (NYSE: IBM) represents a promising development in
the quest to make computing less dependent on a keyboard and mouse. |
3. |
EU Hits Microsoft With Record $613M Fine (AP). AP - The European Union slapped Microsoft Corp. with a $613 million fine Wednesday for abusively wielding its Windows software monopoly and ordered sanctions that go well beyond the U.S. antitrust settlement — setting up what could be another lengthy court battle. |
4. |
HP Takes Linux Desktop Around the World (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Expanding a market it already has a commanding hold on, Hewlett-Packard
will make a global push to sell PCs that run the Linux operating system. |
5. |
Microsoft Takes CRM for a Ride (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) is expanding its mobile strategy with its CRM application, according to a demonstration and executive remarks at its three-day Convergence 2004 conference, currently underway in Florida. |
6. |
Extreme Programming Refactored, Take 2 |
SecurityFocus News
7. |
Columnists: Security Patches by Modem? Forget it!. Let's face it - there is no way for dial-up users on any major operating system to keep their computers up-to-date and patched. OK, maybe "no way" is an exaggeration. How about, "a difficult, burdensome, time-consuming, very prone to failure way?" |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
8. |
BugTraq: Buffer overflow in PicoPhone 1.63. Sender: Luigi Auriemma [aluigi at altervista dot org] |
The Register
9. |
Cretinous hacks in Cretaceous - Jurassic outrage. Letters What's 80m years between friends? |
10. |
Have fun with Wi-Fi in a rucksack. But just don't expect to pick up your emails |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
When Gaming is a Gamble |
12. |
TrendMicro Interscan Viruswall Directory Traversal problems |
13. |
Proliferation of viruses prompting shift of blame to Net ignorance (Canadian Press) |
5:11:09 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Speakerphone idiot. Dan Gillmor writes about an obnoxious moron in a crowded airport lounge using his cellphone in speakerphone mode. "Well, I have to get on a plane soon," he tells his colleague. I feel sorry for her, because he'll probably be bothering her in person soon, but those of us who are being forced to listen to this drivel couldn't be happier. Link |
CNET News.com
2. |
Business as usual for PC makers. Despite the EU ruling, manufacturers aren't rushing to take up the option of shipping computers without Windows Media Player in Europe. |
3. |
AT&T VoIP adds to equipment list. The carrier's Internet phone service now works with all major traditional phone vendors' equipment. |
4. |
Gates gets updated Windows Mobile moving. Microsoft chairman Bill Gates formally announces an update to the company's mobile device operating system as well as the latest version of its speech software. |
5. |
Server compromise delays GNOME 2.6. Evidence that intruders gained access to the gnome.org server has launched a cleanup effort that will delay the next version of the open-source desktop by a week. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Microsoft Jumps Into Speech Server Market (AP). AP - Hours after his company was penalized by the European Union for abusing its dominant position, Microsoft Corp. chairman Bill Gates launched a drive into a new market with a speech-enabled server that undercuts competitors' prices. |
7. |
EU Orders Microsoft to End Monopoly Abuse (Reuters). Reuters - European regulators on Wednesday fined
Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O) a record 497 million euros ($606
million) for breaking antitrust law and ordered it to strip
media software from its operating system. |
8. |
Tech Stocks Up on HP Deal, Red Hat (Reuters). Reuters - U.S. tech stocks rose on Wednesday
afternoon as cheaper share prices after four straight days of
declines and news of a government contract for Hewlett-Packard
Co. (HPQ.N) helped offset international security fears. |
9. |
Megapixel Camera Phones Are Coming (AP). AP - The megapixel camera phones are coming, probably just in time for the arrival of speedier cellular technologies that can transmit higher-quality digital photos and even video. |
10. |
Wal-Mart Relaunches Online Music Store |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
11. |
Broad approval for Microsoft fine. Brussels' decision to hit Microsoft with a record fine has won strong, but not universal, endorsement from consumer groups and rivals. |
InfoWorld: Top News
12. |
Microsoft focuses on mobile development, Visual Studio. Microsoft, in conjunction with several developer shows taking place this week, announced Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition along with a Visual Studio 2005 technology preview and a series of programs to boost Visual Studio 2005. |
13. |
When Gaming is a Gamble |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
14. |
BugTraq: HP Web JetAdmin vulnerabilities.. Sender: wirepair [wirepair at roguemail dot net] |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
16. |
Wi-Fi Planet Toronto: Security Taking Hold |
17. |
IBM Makes Grids Academic |
4:10:49 PM
3:10:31 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Carlo's Playmobil score. Carlo Longino went to Germany and picked up some cool Playmobil sets, including a hazmat cleanup crew and a portapotty. Link |
CNET News.com
2. |
Cropped Windows already exists. Microsoft may have set a difficult precedent for itself with a program to sell a scaled-back version of Windows XP in Thailand and Malaysia. |
3. |
Novell inks deals for IBM servers, HP PCs. IBM makes its promised $50 million investment in Novell, tightening a Linux technology partnership. At the same time, Novell and HP sign a desktop Linux pact. |
4. |
Wireless execs: Slump? What slump?. CEOs from two major U.S. cell phone service providers say Wall Street was wrong to say the cell phone industry was mired in a downturn. |
5. |
Ballmer: All companies should be allowed to innovate. Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer vows to fight the European Commission's antitrust ruling, arguing that all companies, even ones with a near monopoly, have a right to improve their products. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
EU Hits Microsoft With Record Fine (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - BERLIN, March 23 -- Microsoft Corp. has abused a "near monopoly" to squeeze competitors out of the market, the European Union ruled Wednesday, ordering the software company to pay fines equivalent to $613 million and to offer two versions of its Windows operating system in Europe. |
7. |
Internet Company CMGI Back in Buying Mode (AP). AP - CMGI Inc., a one-time Internet high flyer that was hit hard when the tech bubble burst, is buying again, announcing plans Wednesday to purchase Modus Media Inc. for $157.5 million in stock. |
8. |
Programs: New 'Pitfall' Game Is a Great Find (Reuters). Reuters - "Pitfall" was one of the great
games of the early computer age. |
9. |
Microsoft Unveils New Mobile, Speech Software (Reuters). Reuters - Chairman Bill Gates unveiled on
Wednesday Microsoft Corp.'s latest foray into business
computing with Speech Server 2004 and an updated version of its
software for mobile phones. |
10. |
Cellular Execs Say Go Slow on High-Speed Wireless (Reuters). Reuters - U.S. wireless companies are wary of
pouring billions of dollars into faster networks to accommodate
high-speed data, noting that it may be years before consumers
widely adopt the technology. |
11. |
Adobe Kills FrameMaker for Mac |
12. |
Good News From The High-Speed Networking Front |
SecurityFocus News
13. |
Elsewhere: Filter flaw vexes Hotmail, Yahoo. A flaw in the way Web-based e-mail services Yahoo Mail and Hotmail filter messages left users open to attack via specially crafted online scripts, a security specialist s... |
14. |
Elsewhere: EU fines Microsoft a record £331m. European regulators have ruled that Microsoft broke antitrust law and have fined the company a record £331m.
The European Commission also ordered Microsoft to offer a ve... |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Ïðîâàéäåðû ãðîçÿòñÿ îòêëþ÷àòü çàðàæåííûõ êëèåíòîâ îò ñåòè |
16. |
Microsoft Operating Systems Have Unspecified Flaw That Yields Kernel Level Access to Local Users |
17. |
Kerio MailServer SPAM Filter Has Buffer Overflow |
18. |
Kerio WinRoute Firewall May Crash Due to Malformed HTTP Headers |
19. |
a.shopKart Default Installation Discloses Database to Remote Users |
20. |
TrendMicro InterScan VirusWall Discloses Files to Remote Users |
21. |
Intradot Labs : peut-on démocratiser la sécurité dans les TPE? |
22. |
TrendMacro Interscan Viruswall Directory Traversal |
23. |
Sarvega Appliance Inspects XML Traffic |
2:10:08 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Dennis Miller's brain fries on air. Funny account of Dennis Miller's nutty behavior on his talk show. The guest was NSNBC liberal Eric Alterman. "You look so pissed off," said Mr. Miller.
"What do you mean, I look pissed off?" asked Mr. Alterman.
"I don’t even know what to say. You’re looking at me like—you’re just sitting there." Mr. Miller did an impersonation of what looked like a drunken, mentally disabled guy passing out. "Give me a question and I’ll ask you a question. What do you want to talk about?"
Mr. Alterman laughed nervously.
"Well," he said, "we could talk a little bit more about the way he misled the country." (Meaning George W. Bush.)
Said Mr. Miller: "This is what I’m looking at, here, like this."
He pretended to be asleep.
When Mr. Alterman finished his spiel, Mr. Miller went bolt upright and snapped at the camera: "All right, you’ve been great. Come back anytime." Link |
CNET News.com
2. |
Brightmail, Shopping.com file for IPOs. The companies file for a prospective public offering of their shares, a sign of the possible resurgence of Net IPOs. |
3. |
Gates to unveil Windows Mobile update. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates plans to announce an update to the company's operating system for handhelds and cell phones. The new OS will sport a couple Palm-like features. |
4. |
Briefly: Brightmail, Shopping.com file for IPOs. Also: Analysts sour on PeopleSoft's prospects...Hearing set for Lindows motion...DoubleClick licenses geo-targeting tech. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Microsoft fined 497 million euros in landmark EU ruling (AFP). AFP - European Union regulators slapped a record fine of nearly half a billion euros on Microsoft in a landmark anti-trust ruling that labelled the US software giant a predatory monopolist. |
6. |
AOL Sees Future in Web Standards, Digital Media (Reuters). Reuters - America Online, long content to rule
the Web world from its ivory tower, is lowering the drawbridge. |
7. |
SVG And The Free Desktop(s) |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Survey: 275,000 telecom jobs to go offshore by 2008. Telecommunications operators will be the next group to benefit from the cost savings and enhanced services made possible by moving operations overseas, according to a new survey conducted by Deloitte Research. |
9. |
E-security firm backs Novell's Play |
10. |
Encryption: Building to Code |
The Register
11. |
Gnome emerges unscathed from hack attack. Small-scale intrusion on Web server, no files dead |
12. |
60k AOL UK punters hit by billing cock-up. Ooops |
13. |
Red Hat powers ahead of Novell?. It ain't necessarily so |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Jongeren zijn vatbaarder voor online spam en fraude |
15. |
AboveNet Announces Metro Ethernet Services |
16. |
E-security firm backs Novell's Play |
17. |
Encryption: Building to Code |
18. |
WS_FTP Server Multiple Vulnerabilities |
19. |
Nextgen FTP Server Discloses Arbitrary Files to Remote Authenticated Users |
20. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 467-1] New ecartis packages fix several vulnerabilities |
21. |
Re: Immunity Advisory: dtlogin remote root |
22. |
Re: Immunity Advisory: dtlogin remote root |
23. |
Re: Immunity Advisory: Solaris local kernel root |
24. |
Lieberman blasts Bush cybersecurity plan |
25. |
26. |
Survey uncovers false sense of data security |
27. |
Standard Chartered shores up defences |
1:09:48 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
EC's statement on end of Microsoft investigation. The European Commission gives a summary of its heavy-duty ruling against Microsoft after a long antitrust investigation. |
2. |
Novell inks deals for IBM servers, HP PCs. IBM makes its promised $50 million investment in Novell, tightening a Linux technology partnership. At the same time, a desktop Linux pact with HP is in the works. |
3. |
FAQ: What's ahead for Microsoft. What does the software giant have to do to comply with the EU ruling, and what is the impact for consumers? |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
EU Hits Microsoft With Record $613M Fine (AP). AP - The European Union declared Microsoft Corp. guilty of abusing its "near monopoly" with Windows to foil competitors in other markets and hit the software giant with a record $613 million fine Wednesday. |
5. |
Over 500 more hit with RIAA law suits (MacCentral). MacCentral - The recording industry continued its legal assault against individuals accused of sharing copyright music, filing 532 more lawsuits against peer-to-peer (P-to-P) network users Tuesday, including 89 against individuals using university networks. |
6. |
Recording Industry Sues Alleged Swappers (AP). AP - The recording industry has sued 532 people, including many using computer networks at 21 universities, claiming they illegally shared digital music files over the Internet. |
7. |
PC of the Future (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Will tomorrow's PC be unrecognizable, or will it look mostly like today's unit? Top experts from Ziff-Davis Media look into the crystal ball for answers. |
8. |
RFID Coming 'Whether You Like It Or Not' |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
Oracle plans major Collaboration Suite update. REDWOOD SHORES, CALIFORNIA - Oracle Corp. plans to deliver a major update to its Collaboration Suite before the end of this year, adding instant messaging capabilities, improving integration with enterprise applications and enhancing other features, company executives said Tuesday. |
10. |
EU fight may last to 2009, Microsoft says. Microsoft Corp. will appeal the fine and sanctions imposed upon it by the European Commission on Wednesday, a process that could keep the battle rumbling until 2009, Brad Smith, the company's senior vice president and general counsel, said in a conference call shortly after the Commission's decision was announced. |
SecurityFocus News
11. |
Elsewhere: Virus warning: UK wakes up to Netsky.Peak. Reports are pouring in of UK companies waking up to a barrage of emails resulting from the Netsky variant P hitting what one antivirus expert has described as its "peak".... |
12. |
Elsewhere: Bugwatch: Taking security home. Each week vnunet.com asks a different expert to give their views on recent virus and security issues, with advice, warnings and information on the latest threats.
This w... |
13. |
News: Dutch Internet blackmailer gets 10 years. The Register By Jan Libbenga |
14. |
News: Disgruntled ex-employee arrested for keystroke caper. The Register By John Leyden [john dot leyden at theregister dot co dot uk] |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
15. |
BugTraq: Re: Immunity Advisory: dtlogin remote root. Sender: Johan A dot van Zanten [johan at ewranglers dot com] |
16. |
BugTraq: Re: Immunity Advisory: Solaris local kernel root. Sender: Casper Dik [casper at holland dot sun dot com] |
17. |
BugTraq: Re: Immunity Advisory: dtlogin remote root. Sender: Dave Aitel [dave at immunitysec dot com] |
18. |
BugTraq: TrendMacro Interscan Viruswall Directory Traversal. Sender: Tri Huynh [trihuynh at zeeup dot com] |
The Register
19. |
Ofcom to examine BT tariff change. Competition concerns |
20. |
HP chases small business. Smart Office programme for SMEs |
21. |
Boffins grow breasts on mice. We're not even going to go there - this is cancer research |
22. |
Five University of Northern Colorado students caught in RIAA John Doe suits. Nothing personal, says RIAA in nice letter to Uni |
NewsIsFree: Security
23. |
Sterren moeten echte risico's zichtbaar maken |
24. |
Lek in Kerio WinRoute Firewall 5 |
25. |
Netsky.P slaat nu ook toe in Engeland |
26. |
Report: Phishing attacks on the rise |
27. |
GNOME Compromise Update |
28. |
MS-Analysis Multiple Vulnerabilities |
29. |
AT&T Launches Managed Endpoint Security Offerings |
30. |
Massive Sicherheitslücke bei Freemail-Diensten |
31. |
32. |
Bugwatch: Taking security home |
12:09:28 PM
11:09:08 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Valenti retires. Jack Valenti is retiring from the MPAA. He's a man who championed the First Amendment rights of filmmakers and derided the First Amendment rights of programmers, a person who loved free speech, but not enough to share it with the rest of us.
(Thanks, Marc!) |
2. |
Office plastered in eggs, live birds. 
Hit this link, scroll down to the bottom of the page. Snip:
"Brian still doesn't budge. 'There's something you have to see,' he says.
I walk over to my desk and see the following:
Everyone in R&D is waiting to see my reaction. Unfortunately, I'm still in panic mode about being late. So, I run over to my desk. It is covered in eggs, complete with a live bird in a cage. After a beat, I say, 'Huh.'
Then I turn to Brian and say, 'Okay, we gotta go.'"
Link (Thanks, Marty Cortinas!) |
3. |
Download random numbers from quantum origin. Jean-Luc says:
The University of Geneva and the company id Quantique team has launched the first web site offering the possibility to download random numbers from quantum origin.
The website offers the possibility to request a sequence of random numbers. The length and the bounds of the sequence can be specified by the user. A quantum random number generator connected to the server is used to produce the numbers on demand.
Link |
4. |
Photo series: A Gallon of Milk in an hour?. 
Former Nerve.com "I Did it for Science" extreme sex columnist and fast-talking limey Grant Stoddard is caught living out a dare: can he drink an entire gallon of milk in one hour? The photo series shot by Clayton James Cubitt reads a little like Fear Factor, but, ummm, in Brooklyn with fauxhawks. Just click it. And, sing "Milkshake" to yourself over and over again while you're scrolling through. Or not. Got Vomit? Link |
5. |
Recycled umbrella dress. 
This dress is made entirely from discarded umbrellas found in Berkeley and NYC.
6. |
KCRW responds to BB on Sandra Tsing Loh controversy. Responding to this post on BoingBoing from last week, radio station KCRW sends us a statement:
After much deliberation, KCRW has decided to release the letter that Ms. Loh faxed to General Manager Ruth Seymour on the day she was notified that her program "The Loh Life" was cancelled.
You can read the entire KCRW statement, and the text of the letter in question, here. Link |
7. |
Low-carb breakfast couture.
From the pages of a 1979 issue of Jackie magazine, here's a HOWTO for knitting a matching hat-and-beret featuring a delicious, low-carb breakfast.
CNET News.com
8. |
The full Monti. Flexibility and deliberation define the European antitrust chief's controversial five-year reign. |
9. |
A tale of two cases. European regulators are going far beyond what U.S. prosecutors ultimately agreed to accept from Microsoft. How did similar antitrust philosophies lead to divergent courses? |
New York Times: Technology
10. |
Microsoft Is Fined $613 Million by European Union. The European Union declared the software company an abusive monopolist and levied penalties designed to prevent similar abuses in the future. By Paul Meller. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
11. |
EU Fines Microsoft $631 Million (PC World). PC World - Software giant also ordered to unbundled its Media Player software. |
12. |
Intrusion Cleanup Forces Delay For GNOME 2.6 |
InfoWorld: Top News
13. |
Update: EU fines Microsoft $613 million. The European Commission fined Microsoft Corp. $613 million and ordered the U.S. software giant to offer a version of its Windows operating system without the Windows Media Player software within 90 days, at the close of a five-year investigation into the company's business practices in Europe, it announced Wednesday. |
The Register
14. |
MS gets EU fine, orders for server info and WMP-free Windows. And the Commission as the monkey on the back of its business model |
15. |
HP puts Linux on the desktop. Another win for Novell's SUSE |
16. |
Sun welcomes EC Microsoft ruling. 'Enormously significant' decision... |
17. |
Windows ruling is biggest IP heist in EU history, claims MS. Company plays IP crown jewels card, drops WTO hints |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
DameWare Mini Remote Control Weak Encryption Implementation |
19. |
ESJ: Combating Apathy with Free Security Check "WholeSecurity gives businesses the ability to of... |
20. |
Web Probes: EtterCap - ARP Spoofing And Beyond "EtterCap can intervene in the traffic stream, an... |
21. |
Faille sur Internet Explorer pour Hotmail et Yahoo |
22. |
Intradot Labs veut démocratiser la sécurité informatique dans les TPME |
23. |
RFID Security And Access Control Applications Expected To Skyrocket |
24. |
25. |
Panic-free security |
10:08:48 AM
9:08:28 AM
Digital Identity World
1. |
Identinet - A Runaway Cluetrain |
2. |
XDI: Weaving the "Dataweb" |
3. |
The Great Enabler |
4. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - February 12, 2004 Issue |
5. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - February 19, 2004 Issue |
6. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - February 26, 2004 Issue |
7. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - March 4, 2004 Issue |
8. |
Identity Helps AXA Financial Insure Success |
9. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - March 11, 2004 Issue |
10. |
The Digital ID World Newsletter - March 18, 2004 Issue |
CNET News.com
11. |
Coming back to haunt them. As recent developments in Microsoft's antitrust defense demonstrated, its executives' words have a way of resurfacing as trial evidence. |
12. |
'To heck with Mario Monti'. CNET News.com's Charles Cooper voices his opinion on how Microsoft's Steve Ballmer should have reacted to the European Union's competition commissioner. |
13. |
The full Monti. Flexibility and deliberation define the European antitrust chief's controversial five-year reign. |
14. |
The remedy vanishes?. The debate over the impact of the U.S. Department of Justice case reignites, as European regulators seek to impose stricter penalties against Microsoft. |
15. |
A tale of two cases. European regulators are going far beyond what U.S. prosecutors ultimately agreed to accept from Microsoft. How did similar antitrust philosophies lead to divergent courses? |
Yahoo! News - Technology
16. |
Microsoft fined half a billion euros in landmark EU ruling (AFP). AFP - European regulators went dramatically further than their US counterparts by imposing a record fine of half a billion euros and product changes on US software giant Microsoft for stifling rivals. |
17. |
EU fines Microsoft €497 million (MacCentral). MacCentral - The European Commission fined Microsoft Corp. €497 million (US$613 million) and ordered the U.S. software giant to offer a version of its Windows operating system without the Windows Media Player software within 90 days, at the close of a five-year investigation into the company's business practices in Europe, it announced Wednesday. |
18. |
Generation WWW: Kids Create Web Sites (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Eric Hysen is a busy entrepreneur, with a small but growing business that designs Web sites for other small businesses. He's got four clients right now, which may not sound like that many, but since Eric is 14 and in the ninth grade at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, he's got other things he has to do -- like homework. |
19. |
Building the Energy Internet |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
20. |
Gamers go big on guns and girls. Catch up with the latest news from the world of video gaming. |
The Register
21. |
Disgruntled ex-employee arrested for keystroke caper. US insurance salesman 'bugged' bosses' PC |
22. |
IBM moots BPEL-Java fusion. BPELJ offers 'complete business process applications' |
23. |
AOL mulls major restructuring. Report suggests big changes in the pipeline |
24. |
Who ate my text messages?. Transatlantic traffic swallowed by SMS Bermuda Triangle |
25. |
Fire-breathing buses threaten London. Screaming commuters flee Godzilla-style carnage |
26. |
Starbucks brings Wi-Fi to 154 UK stores. If valign="top">27. |
MS gets EU fine, orders for server info and WMP-free Windows version. And the Commission as the monkey on the back of its business model |
Help Net Security
28. |
Use common sense to beat hackers |
29. |
Configuring Windows Firewall in Windows XP Service Pack 2 |
30. |
Hotmail, Yahoo vulnerable to security flaw |
31. |
Server breach likely to delay Gnome |
32. |
Eutelsat denies rogue diallers accusation |
NewsIsFree: Security
33. |
Kriminalität dem IT-Zeitalter angepasst |
34. |
Panic-free security |
35. |
Wat is de omschrijving van spyware? |
8:08:09 AM
7:07:51 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Novell Says IBM Deal to Hit Quarterly EPS (Reuters). Reuters - Novell Inc. said on Wednesday that
earnings per share in its current quarter would be hit by a
non-cash charge related to International Business Machines'
investment of $50 million in the company. |
2. |
Microsoft Hits Out at Ruling (Reuters). Reuters - Software giant Microsoft (MSFT.O) hit
out on Wednesday at a European Commission ruling that it broke
competition rules. |
3. |
Feds Halt Internet Identity Theft Scam (AP). AP - Federal officials have shut down an identity theft scam in which a man tricked Internet users into providing their credit card and bank account numbers. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
BT fires latest shot in price war. The main UK residential telephone service provider scraps its standard rate charge for customers and lowers some line rental charges |
5. |
Brain waves control video game. Researchers show how characters in a video game could be controlled directly by players' brains, without wires. |
6. |
Microsoft hit by record EU fine. Brussels fines the software giant almost 500m euros for anti-competitive behaviour and demands changes to its software. |
The Register
7. |
TSMC files 'verification' of SMIC espionage claim. Trade secret theft charges backed by 'eyewitnesses' |
8. |
BT simplifies tariffs. See what competition can do? |
9. |
PC-hungry girls love science - true. Europe in Brief But boys just wanna have fun |
10. |
DVD Forum denies 'AAC for DVD Audio' approval. Choice is a 'done deal', say Working Group sources |
Wired News
11. |
Tell It What You're Searching For. Good news for carpal tunnel sufferers and others who can't use keyboards: Opera Software demonstrates a new Web browser that talks and understands spoken requests. |
12. |
The 2004 Wired Rave Awards. Wired magazine salutes 20 mavericks and dreamers reinventing film, business, politics, medicine and more. |
13. |
Mars Rover's Day at the Beach. NASA scientists believe data sent back from the Opportunity Mars rover indicates a vast ocean once existed where the rover now sits. The next step for NASA: determining whether there was ever life in that ocean. By Amit Asaravala. |
14. |
Music Group Sues Another Batch. The music industry sues another 500 people, bringing the total number of people it is pursuing to almost 2,000. This time, 89 of the defendants are likely to be students. By Katie Dean. |
15. |
The God Particle and the Grid. The physics lab that brought us the Web is reinventing the Internet. Get ready for the atom-smashing, supercomputing, 5-Gbps grid economy. By Richard Martin from Wired magazine. |
16. |
Kissing a Mirror to Find a Frog. All the world's a stage, but some of the world's smaller critters can use a little help getting noticed. So researchers in New Zealand design a mirror stage to get a new angle on some tiny endangered frogs. Kim Griggs reports from Wellington. |
17. |
Science Cooks Up Deadly Proteins. Researchers build their own deadly prion, the malformed protein that decimates the brains of bovines with mad-cow disease and victims of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. By Kristen Philipkoski. |
18. |
Outsourcing Report Blames Schools. A new report by a U.S. high-tech trade group says companies aren't shipping jobs overseas because of cheap labor. No, they're doing it because American schools don't teach enough math and science. By Michelle Delio. |
19. |
But Will IRS Accept Virtual Cash?. A journalist immerses himself in the virtual world of online gaming and sets himself a challenge: to earn more from the sale of imaginary goods than from writing. As his deadline looms, he scrambles to make good on his bet. By Daniel Terdiman. |
20. |
Fast Pass at Airport Security. The feds want to test a program that lets travelers skip long security lines if they volunteer a lot of information about themselves beforehand. Business travelers love the idea. But critics say terrorists will take advantage. By Ryan Singel. |
NewsIsFree: Security
21. |
Ïðîäóêò îò Novell, ïîìîãàþùèé ðàáîòàòü ñ ïàò÷àìè Microsoft |
22. |
Building your NOC using Sun hardware |
23. |
Securing MySQL: No FUD Zone |
24. |
Massively Parallel Virtual Worlds (editorial) |
25. |
Mobile Workstations Creation 555PS Portable SPARC Server Review (updated) |
26. |
Protecting Solaris with ProPolice/SSP (updated) |
27. |
Comments on Cisco's performance during this Interface Blocked by IPv4 Packet fiasco |
28. |
Tadpole SPARCLE - Their Latest and Greatest SPARC Laptop to date - A Complete Review |
29. |
Military Grade Encryption in an unix/linux/windows intel notebook |
30. |
Open Letter to Sun - Sun security team is lagging behind. (updated) |
31. |
NVRAM Settings for Sun Netra 1405 (documentation) |
32. |
SuSE Linux Security Announcements (2003-043 - openssl) |
33. |
Solaris 9 Package Archive (2003-10-09) |
34. |
Sunfire V210 bge issues |
35. |
Control Break International SafeBoot |
36. |
Indiscrétion dans les réseaux P2P |
37. |
Etat des lieux sur la sécurité du système MAC OS X |
38. |
Les virus les plus actifs en 2004, par éditeur |
39. |
L'auteur présumé d'un virus risque 15 ans de prison en Roumanie |
40. |
Décrypter les mots de passe MS Windows en ligne |
41. |
Virus Shuts Down RIAA Site For Five Days (TechWeb) |
42. |
43. |
Servers Gnome Project gehackt |
44. |
Hoe BS7799 de bedrijfssecurity verbeterd |
45. |
Hoe je de firewall in Windows XP SP2 moet instellen |
46. |
Gebruik gezond verstand om hackers te verslaan |
47. |
Het kiezen van de juiste biometrische technologie |
48. |
Xine Insecure Temporary File Creation Vulnerability |
49. |
Xine Insecure Temporary File Creation Vulnerability |
50. |
PHP-Nuke Script Insertion Vulnerabilities |
51. |
PHP-Nuke Script Insertion Vulnerabilities |
52. |
Mod_Survey Script and SQL Insertion Vulnerability |
53. |
Mod_Survey Script and SQL Insertion Vulnerability |
54. |
Debian update for ecartis |
55. |
Debian update for ecartis |
56. |
VP-ASP Shopping Cart "catalogid" Parameter SQL Injection Vulnerability |
57. |
VP-ASP Shopping Cart "catalogid" Parameter SQL Injection Vulnerability |
6:37:39 AM
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© Copyright 2004 Gregg Doherty.
Last update: 4/3/2004; 12:17:09 AM.