Sunday, March 07, 2004
NewsIsFree: Security
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Profile: X1 Search |
About Internet/Network Security
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Profile: X1 Search. Cheap hard drive space is great! Instead of constantly running out of disk space and having to sift through and clean out old files and rarely used programs you can save anything and everything. The problem is trying to find... |
11:15:16 PM
Boing Boing Blog
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RNC trying to scare MoveOn ads off the air. The ENC is sending threatening letters to TV stations that run MoveOn's anti-Bush ads, trying to freak them out with a nonsensical claim that that ads are illegal.
"As a broadcaster licensed by the Federal Communications Commission, you have a responsibility to the viewing public, and to your licensing agency, to refrain from complicity in any illegal activity," said the RNC's chief counsel, Jill Holtzman Vogel, in a letter sent to about 250 stations Friday.
"Now that you have been apprised of the law, to prevent further violations of federal law, we urge you to remove these advertisements from your station's broadcast rotation."
(Thanks, blaine!) |
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'They Can Sue, But They Can't Hide' |
NewsIsFree: Security
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7 Mar W32/Netsky-I |
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Ebay Fraud High Risk Item Listings |
10:14:56 PM
Boing Boing Blog
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My new Roger Wood clock. 
Visited my old building in Toronto tonight and stopped in to see my old neighbor Roger Wood, the talented assemblage sculptor whose clocks I dearly adore. Roger had just come back from doing a crafts show in Philly and had a few unsold clocks in inventory, and this one, a "wall-mounted Jules-Verne style" took my breath away. I bought it on the spot to be shipped to my new flat in London.
94K JPEG Link
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Convert your blogrolling.com blogroll to an RSS list and vice-versa. Blogrolling.com, recently bought out by Tucows, has added OPML import and export -- that means that you can turn your RSS feed-list into your blogroll and vice-versa.
(Thanks, Elliot!) |
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Pico Iyer on circadian violence, lit for the Eastern Standard Tribe. Pico Iyer is a brilliant travel writer (his Video Nights in Kathmandu is a real standout) whose latest NYT editorial deals with the circadian violence wrought by jetlag and global communalism -- a theme near and dear to my Eastern Standard Tribalist's heart, especially when articulated in such beautiful, compellingly drunken language.
The lure of modern travel, for many of us, is that we don't go from A to B so much as from A to Z, or from A to alpha; most often, we end up somewhere between the two, not quite one, and not quite the other -- in an airport, perhaps, that is and isn't the place we left and the place we think we're going to. Jet lag, in some ways, is the perfect metaphor for this, the neurological equivalent, I often feel, of some long, gray airport passageway that leads from one nowhere space to another. It speaks, you could say, for much in the accelerated world where we speed between continents and think we have conquered both space and time.
And, yet, of course -- this is its power -- it isn't just a metaphor. It is painfully real, as real as the words that are coming out slurred or as that piece of paper on which we have methodically added two plus two and come up with three. We have been placed at a tilt, and the person who emerges from us is someone suffering from something much deeper than the high-frequency hearing loss or the superdry sinuses that come from flying 500 miles an hour above the weather in a pressurized cabin.
Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
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High-Tech Background Checks Hit Stores (AP). AP - With security-conscious employers stepping up scrutiny of job candidates, background checks have become standard procedure at many companies. But the new check-in-a-box, which is marketed by ChoicePoint Inc. and began selling alongside software for $39.77 late last year, points to new efforts by data vendors to market background screening as a consumer product. |
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Fluid-Based Lens May Aid Digital Cameras (AP). AP - Philips Electronics has developed a fluid-based lens whose focus can change using an electrical charge. |
NewsIsFree: Security
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Ebay Fraud - College Student Paying The Dues |
9:14:35 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
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Company Helps Countries Monitor Outbreaks (AP). AP - Before age 30, Paul Meyer had trudged through refugee camps in Africa to reconnect families, wrestled with a finicky generator to launch Internet service in postwar Kosovo and written speeches for President Clinton. He managed to squeeze in Yale Law School, too. |
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Hand-Powered Hardware? |
Help Net Security
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Customize this feed. Add more items, descriptions, time stamps, select your version of RSS, aggregate several feeds... Check out NewsIsFree's premium syndication services! (11) |
8:14:15 PM
7:13:54 PM
6:13:35 PM
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A Quick Look at Longhorn Build 4053 |
5:13:14 PM
4:12:54 PM
Ars Technica
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Eolas browser plug-in patent invalidated by US Patent Office. The US Patent and Trademark Office has now stepped in and invalidated the Eolas patent. The decision, if it is upheld, will clear Microsoft of charges of wrong-doing. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
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Would you buy "virtual stamps" to see spammers die off?. Bill Gates has proposed that the best way to stop spam is to make spammers "pay for it," and by "pay for it," Mr. Gates means consuming some resources and slowing down the flow of spam by means of computational hoops to jump through. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
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Background-Check Software Goes Retail |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
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Vulnerabilities: NetScreen SA 5000 Series delhomepage.cgi Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability. NetScreen SA 5000 Series are SSL and VPN servers.
A vulnerability has been identified in the application that may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary HTML or script c... |
NewsIsFree: Security
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3:12:34 PM
Digital Identity World
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The Digital ID World Newsletter - February 12, 2004 Issue |
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The Digital ID World Newsletter - February 19, 2004 Issue |
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The Digital ID World Newsletter - February 26, 2004 Issue |
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The Digital ID World Newsletter - March 4, 2004 Issue |
Boing Boing Blog
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West3rn pr0n. 
Lovely collection of vintage (?) cowgirl pinup posters.
(via MeFi)
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Congrats, Rusty!. Rusty "Kuro5hin" Foster has landed a sweet new gig with a web consulting shop for political campaigns:
Rusty Foster joined Armstrong Zúniga in February of 2004 as CTO. Rusty created the Scoop software platform in 1999 and founded Kuro5hin.org the same year. Kuro5hin is widely recognized as a pioneering project in collaborative media, and Rusty has written and spoken extensively about the potential of the internet as a medium for collaboration and grassroots organizing.
Link |
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Aibo-style "guard-dragon". A Japanese inventor has shipped an Aibo-like "guard-dragon" that costs as much as a car and has a bunch of anti-burglar sensors and behaviors.
With more than 50 built-in sensors, Banryu is capable of picking up changes in its surroundings and transmitting an alarm to its master's cellphone.
A camera on its back can swivel 360 degrees and send images of the room around it. It can also sense the smell of burning and detect temperatures above 50 degrees.
(Thanks, hary!) |
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Software-based PVR that's feature-complete. SnapStream's "Beyond TV 3" is a software-based PVR that turns your PC into a TiVo-plus-plus, capable of streaming stored programs to your browser and auto-skipping commercials. Basically, it's as though they made a TiVo whose only considerations were what you, the customer, would likely want to see, and not what the Hollywood studios would prefer.
The software streams to Web browsers, so you don't have to buy another copy for remote viewing. It's fairly simple to enable security so strangers don't have access to your television signal or recordings.
Beyond TV handles all the personal video recorder basics well. Users can pause live TV, rewind and set up recordings — all without an advanced degree in VCR technology. And like TiVo's Home Media Option, recording can be scheduled over the Internet.
But SnapStream also added commercial break recognition, which vastly simplifies ad skipping. It also supports a variety of video formats and lets you easily convert to a more tightly compressed file.
(via /.) |
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Russian fan-translation of Down and Out. Ivan Appel, a Russian reader of mine, has begun translating Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom into Russian, posting a chapter at a time as he goes. Sweet!
Link |
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Photoshopped real-world video-game scenes. 
Fark photoshopping contest theme: "what happens when kids start acting out their favorite video games."
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Triplets of Belleville. 
The Triplets of Belleville is an animated feature film that was up against Finding Nemo for Best Animated Feature at the Oscars this year. My mom has been talking about it nonstop since I got to Toronto, and I've just watch the trailer and poked around a little on the (sucktastic, Flash-based) website for the movie, and I'm pretty impressed -- enough so that I pre-ordered a copy of the May DVD.
(Thanks, Mom!)
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Mel Gibson: violent, cynical Jew-baiter?. When Frank Rich wrote a column criticizing Gibson's cynical marketing campaign for his little vanity project, The Passion, Gibson told the New Yorker, "I want to kill him... I want his intestines on a stick. ... I want to kill his dog." Now, Rich (who doesn't own a dog) has written another column, describing in detail the Jew-baiting manipulative tactics employed by Gibson in the effort to make his personal $25MM investment -- the most money sunk into a dead-language movie since Quest for Fire -- pay off.
As for Gibson's own speech in this debate, it is often as dishonest as it is un-Christian. In the New Yorker article, he says that his father, Hutton Gibson, a prolific author on religious matters, "never denied the Holocaust"; the article's author, Peter J. Boyer, sanitizes the senior Gibson further by saying he called the Holocaust a "tragedy" in an interview he gave to the writer Christopher Noxon for a New York Times Magazine article published last March. Neither the word "tragedy" nor any synonym for it ever appeared in that Times article, and according to a full transcript of the interview that Noxon made available to me, Hutton Gibson said there was "no systematic extermination" of the Jews by Hitler, only "a deal where he was supposed to make it rough on them so they would all get out and migrate to Israel because they needed people there to fight the Arabs."
(via MeFi) |
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NetFlicks for geeky DIY vids. Travis sez, "I run a small business which rents instructional videos (like a NetFlix for geeks). The site could best be summed up as 'learn how to compete on JunkYard wars from the comfort of your own couch': information on welding, using a lathe, building a heat treating oven, etc."
(Thanks, Travis!) |
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Dilbert for 07 Mar 2004.  |
CNET News.com - Front Door
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Week ahead: Oracle earnings, wireless confab. The company is ready to roll out its quarterly earnings report. Meanwhile, wireless technology and techniques for managing corporate content take the trade show stage. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
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Stocks to Ride Seesaw Before Outlooks (Reuters). Reuters - Stocks are expected to chop along this
week near current levels, as investors look to a handful of
earnings reports, including results from software company
Oracle Corp. (ORCL.O), and economic data for some clue to the
market's next step. |
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Squeezing a Lot Into a Little, Lightweight Package (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Finding a laptop that weighs less than three pounds has never been particularly hard -- just remove enough parts from the thing. The usual remedy is to take the CD-ROM drive out, making it an ejectable module, an "expansion slice" that latches onto the bottom of the laptop or an external drive that plugs into an expansion port. |
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Chinese dotcoms look to multimedia messaging services for profit growth (AFP). AFP - China's top dotcoms believe multimedia messaging services (MMS) will become a gold mine sustaining their profit growth, and have earmarked large sums for aggressive development, state media said. |
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Latest SnapStream PVR App Reviewed |
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Getting Around Printer-Manufacturer Abuse |
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ICQ Universe |
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Linux & Microsoft as a Cold War? |
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Matchbox Sized Color Projectors? |
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New Linux Kernel Vulnerability |
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EB Demands Payment From Victim of Theft |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
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SCO reveals more payments. SCO is suing more users of the open source operating system, as well as taking cash from some of them. |
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LLV Imports: Establishing a Secure E-Commerce Storefront |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
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Vulnerabilities: RhinoSoft Serv-U FTP Server MDTM Command Time Argument Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. RhinoSoft Serv-U FTP Server is designed for use with Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Serv-U FTP Server has been reported prone to a remote stack based buffer overfl... |
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Vulnerabilities: HP Tru64 UNIX Unspecified IPsec/IKE Remote Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. HP has reported an unspecified vulnerability in HP Tru64 UNIX. This issue is reported to exist in systems using IPsec and Internet Key Exchange (IKE) with certificates. ... |
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Vulnerabilities: Dell OpenManage Web Server POST Request Heap Overflow Vulnerability. Dell OpenManage Web Server is a service used to aid remote system management.
Dell OpenManage Web Server has been reported prone to a remote heap overflow vulnerability.... |
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Vulnerabilities: SmarterTools SmarterMail Multiple Vulnerabilities. SmarterTools SmarterMail is a web based email server. It is written in ASP and runs on Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Multiple vulnerabilities have been identifie... |
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Vulnerabilities: Multiple Vendor HTTP Response Splitting Vulnerability. A paper (Divide and Conquer - HTTP Response Splitting, Web Cache Poisoning Attacks, and Related Topics) was released to describe various attacks that target web users thr... |
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Vulnerabilities: Cisco Content Service Switch Management Port UDP Denial Of Service Vulnerability. The Content Service Switch is a device designed to enhance the handling and service of web content. It is distributed and maintained by Cisco Systems.
A problem in the ... |
NewsIsFree: Security
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Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Integer Overflow May Return the Incorrect Time |
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Wat maakt open-source software veilig? |
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News Forge: A peek at script kiddie culture |
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Security Focus: Adobe Acrobat Reader XFDF File Handler Buffer Overflow Vulnerability "may be exp... |
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Security Tracker: Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Integer Overflow May Return the Incorrect T... |
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Houston Chronicle: How the clueless few diminish Internet community |
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Îòìåíåí ïàòåíò Eolas |
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Óäèâèòåëüíîå ðÿäîì #2 |
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2:12:15 PM
12:10:34 AM
© Copyright 2004 Gregg Doherty.
Last update: 4/3/2004; 12:16:50 AM.