Friday, March 26, 2004
11:21:07 PM
10:20:48 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Microsoft Readies News, Blog Services (PC World). PC World - MSN Newsbot, Blogbot will roll out this year, with Answerbot to follow. |
2. |
Latest Chernobyl Motorcycle Photos |
InfoWorld: Top News
3. |
IBM to promote Power processors at event. IBM will provide news and an update to the business strategy behind its Power line of microprocessors at a press event in New York on Wednesday. As part of the event, the company is expected to provide details on the Power5 microprocessor that will form the basis of its next line of eServer pSeries Unix systems, code-named Squadron. |
4. |
RIM, Good Technology in settlement deal. Good Technology and Research in Motion (RIM) have reached an agreement to settle a series of lawsuits between the companies. |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
Cyber security alliance sets sights on Washington |
9:20:30 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Et Cetera: this post will make you more enjoyable to your friends. Round up of special material, carefully carved from precious sandstone and BBQ ribs. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
2. |
Apple's advertising claims come under fire, again. In another embarrassment to the company, Apple is once again finding itself the target of advertising watchdogs who find their commercials to be misleading. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
CNET News.com
3. |
Microsoft preps new search services. News aggregation for Web logs and a social networking service are on the table, executives say. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Linux Uncertainties Abound Despite Ruling (AP). AP - It might have seemed to be the best possible week for boosters of the Linux open-source operating system. |
5. |
Star Wars: Clone Wars Premieres Tonight |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
Visual Studio 2005 to have business intelligence tools. Microsoft's forthcoming SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 products will include functionality allowing developers to add business intelligence features to their applications, a Microsoft executive announced Friday. ADVERTISEMENT: <img src="http://www.pheedo.com/campaigns/viewer.php?adID1&pubID 1"width=1%20height=1" width="1" height="1" border="0"/> Receive a FREE>SunTone Initiative is designed to help you optimize the delivery and management of mission critical IT services. Click here to learn more |
7. |
Microsoft to launch news, blog search services. Expanding its push into the Internet search space, Microsoft said Friday that it plans to launch Internet search services for news and Web logs later this year. |
8. |
Microsoft charts apps map. Microsoft gave an overview of forthcoming product updates from its Business Solutions group and talked up an expansion of its Microsoft Business Network collaboration initiative last week. |
9. |
Wireless data dominates CTIA show. It may not happen overnight, but the foundation for an empowered and connected mobile workforce is being laid. |
10. |
Addamark focuses on regulatory compliance. Data management company Addamark Technologies plans to announce a new version of its Omnisight software on Monday with features designed to help companies comply with a host of U.S. information security regulations, the company said. |
InfoWorld: Security
11. |
The virtues of sloppiness. Thanks to a half-hearted notebook wipe, reverting back to it and reclaiming 'deleted' files was a snap |
12. |
Security innovation is alive and well. The best innovations in security may be coming from old enemies |
SecurityFocus Vulns
13. |
Vulns: ECartis LIScript Arbitrary Variable Viewing Vulnerability. ECartis is a freely available, open source mailing list manager. It is available for the Unix and Linux platforms.
A problem in the handling of user-supplied input has ... |
14. |
Vulns: Ecartis Multiple Buffer Overrun Vulnerabilities. ECartis is a freely available, open source mailing list manager. It is available for the Unix and Linux platforms.
Multiple buffer overrun vulnerabilities have been rep... |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Majority Of Mobile Devices Lack Security |
16. |
Latest Bagle Variant Reaches Medium Risk |
17. |
phpBB Input Validation Flaw in 'privmsg.php' Lets Remote Users Inject SQL Commands |
18. |
IT security to become political battleground |
19. |
The Register RSA coverage in full |
20. |
Gates 'optimistic' on security |
21. |
Vendors wary of MS Windows Firewall |
22. |
Who needs passwords? |
23. |
Cyber-terror drama skates on thin Black Ice |
24. |
Yet Another Bagle Variant Spreading Quickly |
25. |
Clarke Addresses University Cybersecurity |
26. |
Sourceforge: FLAG "designed to simplify the process of log file analysis and forensic investigat... |
27. |
Securiteam: WS_FTP Program Execution with SYSTEM Privileges "allows local users to execute a sel... |
28. |
IT Web ZA: Making hotspots secure "public hotspot wireless connections are still risky from a se... |
8:20:09 PM
7:19:48 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Starbucks T-Mobile Hot Spots not so hot. T-Mobile is only grossing US$13 per store per day for their Starbucks WiFi location. Does this mean that the for-pay WiFi business model is a non-starter? By Eric Bangeman. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Stoked on search deals. The Net search business is firing on all cylinders, with Yahoo's $575 million buy of European e-commerce provider Kelkoo and InfoSpace's $160 million bid for Switchboard driving the already hot sector to new heights. |
3. |
Yahoo finds a friend in MSN. Yahoo CEO Terry Semel says when it comes to online advertising, his company and Microsoft "have a common goal." Meanwhile, MSN pitches forthcoming services. |
4. |
Gateway fills out postmerger executive ranks. The PC maker, which closed its merger with eMachines on March 11, appoints 13 senior vice presidents--seven from eMachines and six from Gateway--who will report to CEO Wayne Inouye. |
New York Times: Technology
5. |
Yahoo! Buying European Shopping Service. Yahoo! is buying Europe's leading online shopping comparison service, Kelkoo, for about $575 million in cash. By The Associated Press. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Linux Uncertainties Abound Despite Ruling (AP). AP - It might have seemed to be the best possible week for boosters of the Linux open-source operating system. As their nemesis, Microsoft Corp., was getting sanctioned by Europe for anticompetitive trespasses, computer giant Hewlett-Packard Co. gave Linux a new vote of confidence, and the largest Linux distributor posted strong financial results. |
7. |
Apple G5 claims disputed by Better Business Bureau group (MacCentral). MacCentral - When Apple debuted its Power Mac G5 last year, the company called it "the world's fastest, most powerful personal computer." Some voices within the PC market responded to Apple's claims with howls of derision and incredulity. Apple competitor Dell Inc. felt strongly enough about the claim to complain to the Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. The group's National Advertising Division (NAD) recommended in a recent press release that Apple discontinue its performance claims. |
8. |
Six Barriers to Open Source Adoption |
9. |
HomeSec Blacklist to be Available to Private Companies |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
BugTraq: phpBB2 2.0.8 privmsg.php SQL injection patch (critical).. Sender: Shaun Colley [shaunige at yahoo dot co dot uk] |
11. |
BugTraq: RE: MS Outlook/Outlook Express Preview Pane Security Issue. Sender: Drew Copley [dcopley at eeye dot com] |
12. |
Vulns: Mythic Entertainment Dark Age of Camelot Encryption Key Signing Vulnerability. Dark Age of Camelot is a multi-player, on line role playing game based in a fantasy realm. It is commercially available for the Windows platform. The game can be played... |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
Open source security ‘not good enough’ |
14. |
IBM DevWorks: Use a proxy network library for SOAP behind a firewall "As security becomes an ine... |
15. |
FCW: Security needs better education for programmers "Dealing with Internet computer worms and v... |
16. |
Computer World: Protecting enterprise VOIP environments "Even if IP telephony's future dominance... |
17. |
NW Fusion: The external attack "The hacking community is a strong meritocracy where status is de... |
18. |
Terrorism Database Still Far From Reality |
19. |
New Worms Threaten Windows Email Users |
20. |
21. |
XMB Forum 'forumdisplay.php' and Other Scripts Permit SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting Attacks |
22. |
Infocus: Dogs of War: Securing Microsoft Groupware Environments with Unix (Part One) |
6:19:29 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Mind-bending space habitats. 
Bernal Spheres are theoretical space-habitats that curve in on themselves, making fantastical, topsy-turvy eschroid landscapes. Here's a page with some nice pix and details.
(via Flickr)
2. |
Toronto blogger gathering tomorrow night, 7PM. There's a gathering of bloggers this Saturday (tomorrow!) night in Toronto, at the C'est What restaurant, starting at 7PM. I'm going to head over after my signing that afternoon (alas, I'll likely only be staying for an hour or so, as I have a prior engagement that night).
Link |
CNET News.com
3. |
Lenovo wins Olympic Games deal. China's top computer maker expands its international push with an agreement to provide machines to the Winter Olympics in 2006 and Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. |
4. |
RIM, Good Technology settle suits. Good Technology has signed a settlement and license deal with Research In Motion to end a series of lawsuits the BlackBerry developer had brought against the start-up. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
The CIO's Morphing Skill Set (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Less a technologist and more a business enabler is how many CIOs tend to describe their current role in the enterprise. Technological skills always will be a large part of the CIO arsenal, but these days, they often take a back burner to business skills -- such as the ability to transform strategies into bottom-line results. |
6. |
What's Hot in Remote Systems Monitoring (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - As Linux gains ground as a legitimate alternative to traditional enterprise-heavy operating environments, it is inevitable that ancillary products also start gaining acceptance. One such product is Nagios, a Linux-based remote systems monitoring tool. |
7. |
Intel, Alcatel Partner on WiMAX (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) has hooked up with global networking-equipment provider Alcatel to
push the wireless broadband technology known as "WiMax," with an eye on
delivering high-speed Internet access to emerging markets. |
8. |
HP Sues Gateway over PC Rip-Off (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Hewlett-Packard has filed a lawsuit charging Gateway with
violating its patents on a broad array of computer gear. |
9. |
Getting Started with Lego Trains |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
Postini antispam patent could cause headaches. A patent granted to managed e-mail security company Postini Inc. in the U.S. could pose problems for the company's competitors and others in the managed e-mail services market, experts warn. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
11. |
BugTraq: MS Outlook/Outlook Express Preview Pane Security Issue. Sender: Jeff Uslan [jeff_uslan at speakeasy dot net] |
12. |
BugTraq: RE: MS Word - password protection vulnerabilty. Sender: C Ryll [carolynryll at hotmail dot com] |
13. |
BugTraq: Blogger XSS Vulnerability. Sender: Ferruh Mavituna [ferruh at mavituna dot com] |
14. |
Vulns: Borland Interbase Database User Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. Borland Interbase is a commercial database for Linux, Solaris and Windows systems.
By default, insecure permissions are set on the file storing the user database that is... |
15. |
Vulns: DameWare Mini Remote Control Server Weak Random Key Generation Weakness. DameWare Mini Remote Control Server is a remote administration tool distributed and maintained by DameWare Development. It is available for the Microsoft Windows platform... |
16. |
Vulns: DameWare Mini Remote Control Server Clear Text Encryption Key Disclosure Vulnerability. DameWare Mini Remote Control Server is a remote administration tool distributed and maintained by DameWare Development. It is available for the Microsoft Windows platform... |
5:19:07 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Big firms are raising voice, says IBM. Tech improvements and potential cost savings are encouraging corporations to embed speech activation in their customer help desks and other services, according to Big Blue. |
2. |
Apple told to halt 'world's fastest' claims for G5. Acting on a tip from Dell, the Better Business Bureau tells Apple to stop its comparative performance claims regarding the Power Mac G5 desktop. |
3. |
Big Blue offers non-IBM versions of management apps. The company's Personal Computing Group is expected to begin offering some of Big Blue's ThinkVantage Technologies PC management utilities to a broader audience starting next month. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Microsoft Touts Perks of Yukon, Whidbey and Laguna (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Company plugs integration features added to SQL Server 2005, its mobile subset and Visual Studio 2005, all set for release in the first half of 2005. |
5. |
Weird, Wild Stuff Debuts at Cebit (PC World). PC World - Unusual gadgets at show include a high-tech pocket knife and other tools for road warriors. |
6. |
Rivals Must Cooperate to Build Web Ad Market-Yahoo (Reuters). Reuters - The major Internet portals must
both compete and cooperate if they are to take advertising
revenues away from more established media, including
television, Yahoo Inc. (YHOO.O) Chief Executive Terry Semel
said on Friday. |
7. |
Mobile Wifi Backpack |
8. |
Open source security ‘not good enough’ |
SecurityFocus News
9. |
Infocus: Dogs of War: Securing Microsoft Groupware Environments with Unix (Part One). This article discusses the implementation of layered mail security using Unix as MTA in front of Microsoft groupware products. Part one describes the use of Sendmail, MIMEDefrang and SpamAssassin. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
Vulns: OpenSSL ASN.1 Large Recursion Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerability. OpenSSL is a freely available, open source implementation of Secure Socket Layer tools. It is available for the Unix, Linux, and Microsoft platforms.
A problem has been... |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
Security patches via modem? Forget it! |
12. |
(Mise à jour) Les Webmails menacés de vol de courrier |
13. |
Netcraft: Witty Exposes 'Spectacular Failure' of Patch System |
14. |
Zone-H: 40 Government sites hacked | Multiple .gov defacements |
15. |
Guide :: PC Forensics Software |
16. |
Guide :: PDA Forensics Tools and Techniques |
17. |
Guide :: Reverse Engineering Examples |
18. |
Guide :: Reverse Engineering: Tools of the Trade Part 2 |
19. |
Guide :: Reverse Engineering: Tools of the Trade |
4:18:15 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Flying Gernsbackian vacuum cleaners from the 1950s. 
In the 1950s and 1960s, Hoover manufactured a line of flying-saucer-shaped "floating cannister vacuums" that road on a cushion of their own exhaust, hovering over your carpet. This vacuum cleaner fansite has great photos, scanned ads and details for several of Hoover's most futuristic vacuum cleaners.
(via Gizmodo)
2. |
DVD Jon on VLC and Apple's iTunes singles. Jon "DVD Jon" Johansen writes, in reference to VLC's support for iTunes's M4P DRM format:
In case you didn't know, I'm a VideoLAN developer. I reverse engineered
FairPlay and wrote VLC's FairPlay support. It's been available in
VideoLAN CVS since January, but the first release to include FairPlay
support is VLC 0.7.1 (released March 2.).
Just wanted to let you know that once you have generated the user key
file(s), you can copy them to as many computers you want and play your
M4P files there using VLC.
CNET News.com
3. |
IBM lands utility deal in India. Big Blue will take over the IT operations of telecom company Bharti, a move that fits into the computing giant's on-demand initiative. |
4. |
German court: Auf wiedersehen, alliGator. A German judge issues a preliminary injunction against Claria--aka Gator--that prohibits the company's pop-ups from appearing over a German rental car agency's site without the agency's permission. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Review: New 'Metal Gear' Improves Original (AP). AP - Everyone's favorite bandana-wearing, nanomachine-fueled action hero has finally arrived for Nintendo's GameCube. "Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes" is a retelling of the original 1998 PlayStation game starring Solid Snake. Metal Gear veterans won't find much new, but the GameCube edition does have better graphics and some interface tweaks. |
6. |
Analyst Sees Microsoft Xbox Price Cut on Tuesday (Reuters). Reuters - Piper Jaffray on Friday
predicted that Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O) would cut the price of
its Xbox video game console to $149 next Tuesday, a move which
it suggested would spur sales in the short-term. |
7. |
Microdrone Spy Planes |
8. |
WTO Wants USA to Gamble Online |
SecurityFocus Vulns
9. |
Vulns: Hibyte HiGuest Message Field HTML Injection Vulnerability. HiGuest is guestbook software that is maintained and distributed by Hibyte. It is implemented in Perl and available for Microsoft Windows and Linux-based platforms.
HiG... |
10. |
Vulns: SSH Communications SSH Tectia Server Private Key Disclosure Vulnerability. SSH Tectia Server is a PKI enabled implementation of SSH for Unix.
A vulnerability has been identified in the Tectia server that may allow a local attacker to gain acces... |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
26 Mar W32/Bagle-U |
12. |
26 Mar Troj/Ranckbot-A |
13. |
A Secure Infrastructure |
14. |
How to Secure Web Services |
15. |
In Whom Do You Trust? |
16. |
Underground Fears |
17. |
Personal Foul |
18. |
With Some Strings Attached |
19. |
Thinking Inside the Box |
20. |
AntiOnline Spotlight: Windows XP Security Guide |
21. |
EchoView E400 Takes Top Storage Honor |
22. |
Clarke Addresses University Cybersecurity (AP) |
3:17:55 PM
2:17:38 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Unplanned OpenForum outage. This brief note is to let you know that the forum is down, we're aware of it, and are working on it. News discussion will not work until the forum is restored. Thanks for your patience. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Boing Boing mailblog is back. We've finished setting up the new Boing Boing Mailblog (now! with actual working mail!) to which all future posts on Boing Boing will be posted. It's a Mailman list: sturdy and reliable, and less prone to weird unsubscribe errors than Yahoo Groups. If you were on the old Yahoo! list, you've been subscribed to the new list. If you want to subscribe to the new list, click the link. Link |
3. |
Salon reports on FBI translator's revelations about Bush's 9-11 coverup. Yesterday I pointed to a couple of articles about FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. Today Salon has a more in-depth article about Edmonds. She has a lot of shocking things to say about the tapes she translated, but since she's under a gag order issued by Ashcroft, she can't reveal everything.
Edmonds is offended by the
Bush White House claim that it lacked foreknowledge of the kind of attacks
made by al-Qaida on 9/11. "Especially after reading National Security
Advisor Condoleezza Rice [Washington Post Op-Ed on March 22] where she said,
we had no specific information whatsoever of domestic threat or that they
might use airplanes. That's an outrageous lie. And documents can prove it's
a lie."
This week Edmonds attended the commission hearings and
plans to return in April when FBI Director Robert Mueller is scheduled to
testify. "I'm hoping the commission asks him real questions -- like, in
April 2001, did an FBI field office receive legitimate information
indicating the use of airplanes for an attack on major cities? And is it
true that through an FBI informant, who'd been used [by the Bureau] for 10
years, did you get information about specific terrorist plans and specific
cells in this country? He couldn't say no," she insists.
4. |
Portable People Meter. Here's a piece I wrote for TheFeature about Arbitron's Portable People Meter, a pager-sized device that monitor's a wearer's media consumption. Link |
5. |
Aerogel. Juju has written an nice introductory piece about aerogel, a solid material that just a tiny bit denser than air. The pics are amazing. They look fake, but they come from the NASA web site. Link
6. |
Japanese rescue robot. This Japanese "rescue dragon" looks like a real-life Transformer! Link (Thanks, Michael!)
7. |
Steven Hawking's wife accused of physically abusing him. Steven Hawking's wife has been called in for questioning regarding injuries to her husband. She used to be one of his nurses, and the other nurses who tend him blame her for "numerous acts of cruelty." Both of them deny this.
Professor Hawking, author of A Brief History Of Time, has repeatedly been taken to hospital with unexplained injuries, such as a broken wrist, gashes to the face and a cut lip, that have left his family concerned for his safety.
(via Fark) |
8. |
Nano, MEMS, and the wonders of nature. My new Small Times column is now online:
"Mother Nature has an impressive resume as an engineer. In nearly 4 billion years, she's perfected millions of innovative designs and manufacturing techniques in such diverse fields as biochemistry, materials science and mechanical engineering. It's no surprise, then, that small tech researchers are looking to nature's elegance for engineering aid." Link
CNET News.com
9. |
InfoSpace to bring Switchboard on board. The Internet company plans to pay approximately $160 million for Switchboard in a bid to boost traffic to its online directories and to enter the local search market. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
10. |
EU Sanctions Against Microsoft Praised (AP). AP - The attorney general for the only holdout state in the U.S. antitrust case against Microsoft Corp. is praising dramatic sanctions imposed this week by European regulators against the world's largest software company. |
11. |
St. Paddy's Day Boosts Web Greeting Card Traffic (Reuters). Reuters - Traffic to Internet greeting card
sites surged by nearly a third last week as St. Patrick's Day
prompted a flurry of online missives, Internet audience
measurement service Nielsen//NetRatings said Friday. |
12. |
BusinessWeek on Opening Apple's iTunes DRM |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
13. |
Israel unveils tiny drones. The Israeli military is equipping its
forces with a new range of spy drones small enough to fit in a soldier's backpack. |
SecurityFocus News
14. |
Elsewhere: Alleged hacker from Ukraine to be extradited to US. A Ukrainian man wanted in the United States for alleged multimillion dollar computer crimes was moved to a detention center Thursday ahead of his extradition to Californi... |
The Register
15. |
RIAA student lawsuits. Haven't we been here before?. Letters It's all about the music |
16. |
TM domain leads anti-spam charge. Top-level registry adds vital data to DNS |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Elsewhere: New Spawn of Bagle Worm Unleashed |
18. |
Elsewhere: Making hotspots secure |
19. |
Ethereal RADIUS Attribute Parsing Null Pointer Dereference Lets Remote Users Deny Service |
20. |
Stock-option cutbacks in progress at many tech companies |
21. |
New Network Protection Solution Available Soon from Trend |
22. |
HP Sues Gateway for Patent Infringement |
23. |
Gentoo: apache 2.x Multiple vulnerabilities |
24. |
Debian: emil Multiple vulnerabilities |
25. |
New Bagle Variant Bites Back (PC World) |
26. |
Much Ado About Phatbot (washingtonpost.com) |
1:17:16 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
HP sues Gateway as PC OEM battles heat up. Hewlett-Packard is suing Gateway over patent infringement involving laptop, PC, and server design issues. In question are six patents related to things such as graphics implementations and power management, some of which were in fact previously licensed. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
2. |
Unplanned OpenForum outage. This brief note is to let you know that the forum is down, we're aware of it, and are working on it. News discussion will not work until the forum is restored. Thanks for your patience. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
3. |
Four-eared kitten finds home. Lilly, the cute German kitten born with an extra set of non-working ears, has been adopted. According to the animal shelter in the foothills of the Alps where Lilly has been living, there was no shortage of people wanting to take her in once word spread about her unique trait (visible in this CNN photo)."We wanted to make sure the people were looking for a normal cat and not a gag to make an exhibition out of her," a worker at the shelter told Reuters. Link
4. |
Japanese rescue robot vids. 
A post on Dottocomu includes links to videos of the Enryu Japanese rescue-robot tearing the doors off of cars, moving steel girders and demonstrating humanity's hubristic attempt to supercede the Creator's unique right to create life. It's sacrelicious.
(via Engadget)
5. |
Worst album covers gallery. Nice gallery of bad album covers, with funny commentary. Link (Thanks, Greg!)
CNET News.com
6. |
New York researchers opt for IBM blades. The University at Buffalo has installed a 266-blade server system to investigate basic disease mechanisms, the beginning of what it plans will be a system about 50 times larger. |
7. |
Chinese PC maker goes with AMD. Founder Group will incorporate AMD's 64-bit-capable processors, Opteron and Athlon 64, into an upcoming line of computers. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Yahoo! Buying European Shopping Service (AP). AP - Yahoo! Inc. is buying Europe's leading online shopping comparison service for about $575 million in cash, the latest push by the Internet giant to offer more ways to find merchandise and information on the Web. |
9. |
Prothon - A New Prototype-based Language |
10. |
Wearable Technology Fashion Show |
InfoWorld: Top News
11. |
New Bagel.U a virus of few words. Antivirus software companies are again warning e-mail users about a new version of the popular Bagel virus, which is spreading on the Internet through infected e-mail messages and targeting machines running the Microsoft Corp. Windows operating system. |
InfoWorld: Security
12. |
New Bagel.U a virus of few words. Latest variant hides in file attachment to otherwise blank e-mail messages |
13. |
Would-be whistleblower indicted for keyboard tap |
14. |
Interior Dept. back online as judge mulls site security |
15. |
Gentoo: apache 2.x Multiple vulnerabilities |
16. |
Debian: emil Multiple vulnerabilities |
SecurityFocus News
17. |
Elsewhere: New Spawn of Bagle Worm Unleashed. Yet another version of the Bagle worm is on the loose and is already causing trouble in parts of Europe. Bagle.U appeared early Friday morning and has begun spreading qui... |
18. |
Elsewhere: Making hotspots secure. Wireless access may improve productivity and customer service, but Wolfgang Held, 3Com systems architect, warns that wireless local area networks (WLANs) and public hotsp... |
19. |
News: Bagle-U plays MS Hearts. The Register By John Leyden [john dot leyden at theregister dot co dot uk] |
SecurityFocus Vulns
20. |
BugTraq: OpenLinux: mutt remote buffer overflow. Sender: [please_reply_to_security at sco dot com] |
21. |
BugTraq: OpenLinux: mc Updated packages resolve local buffer overflow vulnerability. Sender: [please_reply_to_security at sco dot com] |
22. |
BugTraq: SGI Advanced Linux Environment security update #16. Sender: SGI Security Coordinator [agent99 at sgi dot com] |
NewsIsFree: Security
23. |
F-Secure Readies Security Software For Linux |
24. |
New Spawn of Bagle Worm Unleashed |
25. |
Anti-Theft, une alarme sonore contre les vols de portables |
26. |
Les vulnérabilités exploitées le jour même augmentent |
27. |
Spammers Get Ready For April Fool's Day |
28. |
W32.Blackmal@mm |
29. |
Yet Another Bagle Variant Spreading Quickly (Ziff Davis) |
30. |
31. |
Linux Advisory Watch - March 26th 2004 |
32. |
Would-be whistleblower indicted for keyboard tap |
33. |
Interior Dept. back online as judge mulls site security |
12:16:55 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
IBM wins 750 mln dlr infotech service outsourcing deal from India (AFP). AFP - Turning the tables on the outsourcing controversy in the United States, India's largest private telecoms firm, Bharti Televentures, awarded an in-house IT services contract to US computer giant IBM worth up to 750 million dollars. |
2. |
IPod Mini's Foreign Release Postponed (AP). AP - Apple Computer Inc. said Thursday it has postponed the overseas launch of the smaller version of its iPod music player, citing unexpectedly strong U.S. demand since the product's launch last month. |
3. |
Much Ado About Phatbot (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Most computer security experts agree that the Phatbot Trojan horse program that burst onto the Internet earlier this month is a nasty bug, capable of giving hackers control over legions of computers. |
4. |
Sorry -- No A la Carte Cable (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - In the dream world of some television viewers, they would pay their cable or satellite companies only for the channels they want. Some might not pay for MTV, because they don't want their 8-year-olds watching it. Others would turn down ESPN Classic, because they've already seen the 1975 World Series. Others would eschew TeleFutura, because they don't speak Spanish. |
5. |
Second Test of X-43A Scramjet Tomorrow |
The Register
6. |
EC MS ruling: simply the end of the beginning. This one will run and run |
7. |
NASA scramjet ready to roll. X-43A goes for Mach 7 - again |
8. |
Vanco sets sights on Infonet. Intends to overtake rival 'in next four years' |
9. |
BT Yahoo! migrates 300,000 punters. Hang onto your hats |
11:16:34 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
HP Sues Gateway Over PC Design (PC World). PC World - Company accused of violating patents on desktops, notebooks, and servers. |
2. |
Alcatel, Intel team up to push WiMAX standard (AFP). AFP - The French telecommunications equipment maker Alcatel and the US chip giant Intel announced an alliance to push WiMAX, a broadband standard designed to compete with current GSM and future UMTS mobile protocoles. |
3. |
Online Consoles Marginalizing PC Gaming? |
InfoWorld: Top News
4. |
CEO of German chip maker Infineon quits. In an unexpected move, Ulrich Schumacher resigned as chief executive officer (CEO) of chip maker Infineon Technologies AG, a company executive said Friday. |
5. |
HP sues Gateway over patents. Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) has filed a lawsuit against Gateway Inc. that accuses HP's rival of violating six technology patents relating to desktop, notebook and server computer systems. |
6. |
IBM ESB plans revealed. Over the next 12 to 18 months, IBM will roll out a series of products and technologies that will help solidify its ESB (enterprise services bus) strategy by more closely integrating its messaging protocols with its high-level integration tools to form a single infrastructure. |
7. |
Is "hacking" ethical? |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
10:16:17 AM
9:15:58 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
Soya-based jet fuel promises greener air travel. New soya based jet fuel could lead to cheaper fuel costs and cleaner airlines. By Fred "zAmboni" Locklear. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Mythtv PVRs for sale. 
An Aussie company is shipping prebuilt mythtv-based PVRs. These are souped-up TiVo-like boxen built out of commodity hardware with all the features that I want, not just the ones that make the Luddites who run the movie studios comfortable. This analysis of the features (including several features that the manufacturer lamely decided to "hide") makes this box pretty drool-worthy indeed.
(via /.)
3. |
VLC will play iTunes Music Store tracks. My favorite media player is something called Video LAN Client, or VLC, which plays everything from Quicktime to Divx and RealVideo. It's free and open source, and improves steadily. Now, someone's hacked in support for M4Ps, the DRM format used by Apple for the iTunes Music Store singles. Alas, it requires that you be using a machine that's been authorized by Apple to play the tracks in question.
That's a pretty big problem for me. Let me tell you my iTunes horror story. I'm a great Apple customer. I buy a new Powerbook every ten months or so. I've convinced all my family members to buy Powerbooks. Wherever I go, I leave a wake of Apple customers behind me.
So last year, when the iTMS debuted, I was in Toronto, and I showed my Mom how to stream music off of my Powerbook. I even authorized her to play my iTMS tracks -- I spent about $50 in the first day that the store was online.
Then I got back to San Francisco, and everything was fine. Apple announced the Aluminum 15" Powerbook, and that day, I ordered one to replace my 10-month-old 12" Powerbook, which was dying and underpowered. The 15" machine died a week after it arrived. I sent it back to Apple as a lemon and it was broken up for parts and a new machine was sent to me. I restored my data to the new Powerbook's HDD and tried to authorize iTunes to play my music, but I was SOL: I'd already autorized my old 12", my mom's iBook, and the Powerbook that was now back in Apple's parts-stream. So I de-authorized the 12" and away we went.
The first run of Alumninum Powerbooks had a screen defect, the "white blobs" problem. I had it in spades: huge, distracting white blobs all over the screen. Once I had the time, I moved all my data over to the old 12" and send the new machine back to Apple a second time, this time to get a new screen. While the new machine was in Texas getting repaired, I was in San Francisco, and I attempted to use the iTunes on my 12" Powerbook, only to be prompted to authorize the machine to play my susbtantial, expensive library of iTMS tracks.
But I couldn't. Between my mom's iBook (3,000 miles away in another country), my original Powerbook (broken up for parts by Apple) and the replacement Powerbook (back in the shop due to a manufacturing defect), I'd done all the authorizations that Apple's "speed bump" DRM would allow me. The Help links on Apple's site went to pages with support forms that returned errors when I filled them in. So, the "FairPlay" system was punishing me for:
- Buying so much iTMS music that burning it ot CD and ripping it back as MP3 (and re-entering all the metadata) was too big a chore to contemplate
- Buying a new Powerbook at full retail every 10 months
- Buying new Powerbooks as soon as they are announced, before all the manufacturing bugs have been shaken out
Apple tells us that its DRM "keeps honest users honest." I'm a pretty honest user. Apple's DRM hasn't kept me honest, though: it's kept me angry with Apple. It's kept me feeling like a sucker for giving them my money. It's kept me in chains.
So I'm waiting for someone to hack support for unauthorized AACs into VLC, because I'm not confident in my ability to continue to authorize the machines I buy to play the music I pay for.
Link |
4. |
Send your future self an email. FutureMe lets you address an email to yourself and set a date in the future to have it sent -- pass an email to yourself in ten years reminding yourself about your vow to never, ever drink peach schnapps again and see how well you're faring.
(via Ambiguous) |
5. |
Cory's last Toronto signing tomorrow. A reminder: I'm doing my final Toronto signing tomorrow afternoon at Bakka Books:
March 27, 3-5PM, Bakka Books, 598 Yonge St., at Wellesley, +1.416.963.9993
Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
IBM wins 750 mln dlr infotech service outsourcing deal from India's Bharti (AFP). AFP - Turning the tables on the outsourcing controversy in the United States, India's largest private telecoms firm, Bharti Televentures, awarded an in-house IT services contract to US computer giant IBM worth up to 750 million dollars. |
7. |
InfoSpace to Buy Switchboard for $160 Mln (Reuters). Reuters - Internet search and directory service
InfoSpace Inc. (INSP.O) on Friday said it would buy rival
Switchboard Inc. (SWBD.O) for $160 million. |
The Register
8. |
Aussie court blocks DrinkorDie extradition. Windows 'software pirate' going nowhere |
9. |
Sony preps 50GB next-gen Blu-Ray video deck. Will include a hard drive too |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
You Don't Know Jack |
11. |
Calling for Backup |
12. |
Deconstructing DHS |
13. |
From the Ground Up |
14. |
Five Ways to Fight ID Theft |
15. |
Selling Without Selling Out |
16. |
Whose Job Is It, Anyway? |
17. |
Why You Should Sweat the Small Stuff |
18. |
Health-Care I.T |
19. |
Model Hacker Behavior |
20. |
Fortinet renforce ses investissements en France |
21. |
Le Yankee Group definit les meilleures pratiques pour un management dynamique des vulnerabilites |
8:15:35 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
PeopleSoft meeting devoid of drama (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - PeopleSoft's annual meeting Thursday was once expected to be the dramatic climax to Oracle's $9.4 billion hostile takeover pursuit of its Pleasanton rival. |
2. |
It's a phone! No, a camera! No, a game! (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Paula Weinberger is the cell phone industry's idea of a dream customer. The Atlanta financial analyst personalized her T-Mobile Motorola V300 with downloadable ring tones of Belinda Carlisle and Green Day. |
3. |
New on DVD (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - This week, Mike Clark looks at the DVD versions of Dirty Pretty Things, Shattered Glass, Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary as well as lesser-known films like The Magdalene Sisters, The Osterman Weekend and The Singing Detective. |
4. |
LAID-OFF WORKERS SOLICIT BIDS ON EBAY (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - Gus Grubba and his team of San Francisco software programmers lost their jobs to offshoring last month. Desperate for work, but finding nothing, they put themselves on the auction block Thursday. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
5. |
Tech tax blow for small firms. Small firms will face bigger technology costs when they lose a vital tax break. |
The Register
6. |
Bagle-U plays MS Hearts. Key to victim's PC |
7. |
Wi-Fi devices not talking. Wi-Fi Alliance admits to lack of communication |
8. |
Tiscali UK in billing bungle. I'm not even a customer, says bemused reader |
9. |
No mobile console for Microsoft. 'It's not our core competency' |
10. |
HP sues Gateway over patents. A first for the company |
11. |
Security patches via modem? Forget it!. Opinion 11.3MB at 56kbps - you work it out |
12. |
Boeing prices up in-flight Wi-Fi. Not cheap |
13. |
Staples to buy Office World UK. Quite cheaply, too |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Trend Micro Interscan VirusWall Directory Traversal Vulnerability |
15. |
Gentoo update for Apache 2 |
16. |
OpenLinux update for mutt |
17. |
OpenLinux update for mc |
18. |
InfoSec Writers: The Killer Virus "so far we have got off lightly... If there ever is a delibera... |
19. |
Bugtraq: MS Word - password protection vulnerabilty |
20. |
Security Focus: PHP-Nuke MS-Analysis Module HTTP Referrer Field SQL Injection Vulnerability "mal... |
21. |
Sunday Times ZA: Hackers rock, rockers are hacked off "research done in the UK has revealed that... |
22. |
ZDNet Techupdate: How to shore up your defenses against a Mini-DDoS attack "Several ISPs wrote i... |
23. |
ZDNet: In search of a cure for DDoS attacks "Recently, my broadband connection was singled out f... |
24. |
25. |
26. |
Dameware Mini Remote Control Sends a File Encryption Key as Clear Text |
27. |
Security needs better education for programmers |
28. |
Port scanning en Nmap 3.5 |
7:15:15 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Vodafone may snag Polkomtel (TheDeal.com). TheDeal.com - The British telecom may seek to control the Polish mobile operator, said to be worth $3.5 billion. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
Ten more years for Playstation 2. Catch up with the latest news from the world of video gaming. |
The Register
3. |
Schumacher quits Infineon. Resignation effective immediately |
4. |
Securing the mobile enterprise. No room for complacency |
5. |
LGA775 will not bring 64-bit to desktop P4s yet - Intel. Waiting for Longhorn |
6. |
Yahoo! buys Kelkoo. beefing up Europe |
7. |
EC earmarks €2bn for small firms. Lots of lovely lolly for research funding |
8. |
UK IT tax break deadline looms. 31 March cut-off for small.biz tax clawback |
Wired News
9. |
Docs Drop Jaws Over Gene Mutation. Pennsylvania researchers spark controversy with their discovery of a genetic quirk they say caused the earliest humans to develop smaller, weaker jaws -- and bigger brains. |
10. |
Comcast Buys TechTV. The rumors turn out to be true, as the cable TV monolith concludes a deal to acquire the struggling technology TV company for a reported $300 million. By Daniel Terdiman. |
11. |
How Much Money Is Too Much?. Suddenly, tech venture capital is growing on trees. But the cash glut could crash the Valley again. By Gary Rivlin from Wired magazine. |
12. |
Virus Era Hits 5-Year Milestone. The first massive Net virus infestation -- Melissa -- happened five years ago. Since then, not much has changed, except for the frequency of outbreaks. By Michelle Delio. |
13. |
Spam Monster Eyes Another Target. Unsolicited advertising already makes e-mail a hassle, but now it's threatening another communications tool -- instant messaging. By Michelle Delio. |
14. |
Soviets Burned By CIA Hackers?. When the Reagan White House discovered that the USSR was stealing American technology, it planted a Trojan horse in a chip that controlled pipelines. An author says the hack caused a huge explosion, but former KGB members deny they were duped. By Steve Kettmann. |
15. |
Probe Flotilla to Scour Planets. Even as NASA shifts its resources to manned missions to Mars, U.S., European and Japanese space agencies will launch nearly a dozen interplanetary probes in the next decade. It could be the golden age of solar system exploration. By Amit Asaravala. |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Is hacking ethical? |
17. |
The sophisticated adversary |
6:14:55 AM
5:14:35 AM
4:14:16 AM
3:13:55 AM
New York Times: Technology
1. |
U.S. Online Gambling Policy Violates Law, W.T.O. Rules. The World Trade Organization, in its first decision on an Internet-related fight, has ignited a political, cultural and legal tinderbox with a ruling on online gambling. By Matt Richtel. |
2. |
Word Pictures on Internet Radio. P.S. 1 is starting an online radio station where it will present original shows with contemporary writers, artists and musicians as hosts. By Carol Vogel. |
3. |
Hewlett-Packard Is Suing Gateway in a Patent Dispute. Hewlett-Packard disclosed that it had filed a lawsuit in a patent licensing dispute with Gateway, one of its closest competitors. By John Markoff. |
4. |
Outspoken Chief Is Ousted at German Chip Maker. Ulrich Schumacher, an outspoken German executive, was ousted unexpectedly as the head of Infineon Technologies. By Mark Landler. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Hewlett Packard Files Patent Suit Against Gateway (Reuters). Reuters - Hewlett-Packard Co. (HPQ.N) has
filed suit against Gateway Inc. (GTW.N), charging its smaller
rival with violating a range of patents on notebook, desktop
and data-serving computers. |
6. |
Dell Says Flat TV Not Competing with Other Makers (Reuters). Reuters - Personal computer maker Dell Inc. said on
Friday its flat-panel televisions are not intended to compete
with traditional TV makers but to persuade users to move its
PCs into their living rooms. |
7. |
A Ready-Made MythTV Set-Top Box in Australia |
2:13:35 AM
1. |
Analysis of the Witty Worm |
SecurityFocus Vulns
2. |
BugTraq: Re: Immunity Advisory: Solaris local kernel root. Sender: Dave Aitel [dave at immunitysec dot com] |
1:13:15 AM
12:12:55 AM
© Copyright 2004 Gregg Doherty.
Last update: 4/3/2004; 12:20:44 AM.