Tuesday, March 23, 2004
11:21:48 PM
10:21:28 PM
9:21:10 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Windows XP packaging as a Linux PC case. 
This is pretty perverse: a PC that runs Red Hat Linux, painstakingly constructed within the packaging for Windows XP.
(Thanks, Alexander!)
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
EU Set to Rule Against Microsoft on Wed. (Reuters). Reuters - European regulators will on Wednesday
slap Microsoft with a record fine and tell it to change the way
it does business in Europe so that it will stop crushing
software rivals. |
3. |
Interior's Flawed Security Halts Web Funds (AP). AP - Thirty-six states will be unable to receive roughly $90 million from the federal government because a federal judge has pulled the plug on the Interior Department's Internet connections, the department said. |
4. |
KDE And Gnome Together At Last? |
InfoWorld: Top News
5. |
IT leaders question Senate spyware bill. WASHINGTON - Authors of a U.S. Senate bill that attempts to outlaw spyware and some adware are headed in the right direction, representatives of IT vendors told a Senate subcommittee Tuesday, but the bill's efforts to define an illegal type of software could lead to confusion. |
InfoWorld: Security
6. |
IT leaders question Senate spyware bill. Problem is bad people, not bad software, some say |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
New RIAA file-swapping suits filed |
8. |
Passport to nowhere? |
9. |
EU to lose billions through spam and viruses |
10. |
Red Hat: httpd Denial of service vulnerability |
11. |
Fedora: OpenSSL Denial of service vulnerabilities |
8:50:58 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
AMD answers some questions. Ace's Hardware cornered an AMD rep at CeBit and got answers to some reader-submitted questions. The results are worth taking a look at. By Hannibal. |
Viewpoint of a Linux Technologist
2. |
IT Worker? Don't like your job? Take a number.. The City and Guilds of London Institute posted a survery on its website about the happiness of workers in various fields. Turns out only 14% of IT workers are "very happy" in their jobs while hairdressers, plumbers and chefs rated... |
3. |
The sky is falling!. The European Union is set to fine Microsoft a whopping $615 million for antitrust abuses."This ruling is yet another example of the EU assaulting a successful American industry and policies that support our economic growth," said U.S. Sen. Patty Murray,... |
Boing Boing
4. |
Most surreal headline about a DOS ever. The Asociated Press reports: "Recording industry Web site downed, possibly by zombies." I guess we're having a kind of a Dawn of the Dead media moment. Link |
5. |
Mikroman: 150-micron-thick slices of theater. My review of Sam Buxton's brilliant Mikroman desk-toys appears in this month's Wired. They really do kick ass.

Using a chemical milling process borrowed from the electronics industry, the Brit product designer acid-etches detailed scenes onto 150-micron-thick slices of stainless steel. Each of his eight MikroMan subjects - like this finely rendered astronaut with rover and landing craft -- is sold flat and can be teased into the third dimension with a fingernail
Link |
6. |
Night of the Living Dead on Archive.org. BoingBoing reader VonGuard says:
What with all the zombies here today, i figured it was a good idea to point out that the copyright on Night of the Living Dead has lapsed, and now the whole danged blasted movie is available for free on archive.org. Man, Archive rules.
Link |
7. |
Low-carb Eastern Standard Tribe. 
Inspired by Fark photoshopping contest whose theme was unlikely places for low-carb diets, Eldon Brown produced this terrific parody of my latest novel's cover.
CNET News.com
8. |
Filter flaw vexes Hotmail, Yahoo. A problem in the way Web-based e-mail services Hotmail and Yahoo Mail filter messages could have allowed an attacker to steal access rights and data from users. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
9. |
Microsoft Ruling Could Affect Marketplace (AP). AP - In the ensuing years, technology has moved so fast — and the legal process so slowly by comparison — that the software behemoth similarly won other market battles before legal challenges could be resolved. |
10. |
Megapixel Camera Phones Are Coming (AP). AP - The megapixel camera phones are coming, probably just in time for the arrival of speedier cellular technologies that can transmit higher-quality digital photos and even video. |
11. |
Michael Jackson Sues Over Sale of Property on Web (Reuters). Reuters - Michael Jackson has sued a New
Jersey man for more than $10 million, claiming that he is
illegally selling private property belonging to the beleaguered
pop star and his famous family on the Internet. |
12. |
Gnome.org Compromised? |
InfoWorld: Top News
13. |
LG Electronics, Motorola executives tout new phones. ATLANTA - The head of LG Electronics Inc.'s U.S. mobile phone business gave a glimpse of some upcoming multimedia phones from the South Korean manufacturer in a keynote address Tuesday at the CTIA Wireless trade show in Atlanta. |
InfoWorld: Security
14. |
Panel: Government IT must consider privacy, ethics. Agencies need to consider moral, ethical issues when adopting new apps |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
15. |
BugTraq: Immunity Advisory: Solaris local kernel root. Sender: Dave Aitel [dave at immunitysec dot com] |
16. |
BugTraq: R7-0018: OpenBSD isakmpd payload handling denial-of-service vulnerabilities. Sender: [advisory at rapid7 dot com] |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
18. |
F-Secure Readies Security Software For Linux |
19. |
Hotmail, Yahoo vulnerable to security flaw |
20. |
Apache upgrades, plugs three security holes |
21. |
Immunity Advisory: dtlogin remote root |
7:20:29 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Linux on the Desktop, Part XIV: The Novell Years. Novell, the up-and-coming superchum of Linux who has recently acquired both SuSE and Ximian, wants to toss its hat into the "desktop panacea" ring and pontificate on the future of Linux on the desktop (with Novell products in the server closet). By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Most surreal headline about a DOS ever. "Recording industry Web site downed, possibly by zombies." I guess we're having a kind of a Dawn of the Dead media moment. Link |
CNET News.com
3. |
Opera's browser finds its voice. Norway-based Opera is adding voice control to its eponymous browser, enabling users to browse the Web and fill in forms by talking to their PC. |
4. |
Red Hat revenue, profit rise. The top Linux seller reports a net income of $5 million and revenue that grew 43 percent for its most recent quarter. |
5. |
FundRace shows neighbors' political donations. Curious to know how much Bill Gates donated to President George W. Bush? The Web site that tracks political contributions is taking advantage of recent campaign finance reform laws to offer such info. |
6. |
Microsoft puts new face on small-business site. The software maker folds its bCentral portal into its new Small Business Center, a Web site catering to companies with modest staffing and information technology needs. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
IBM Takes Issue With Employee Pensions (AP). AP - International Business Machines Corp. has told a federal court it would be forced to pay exorbitantly rich benefits under a proposal by employees who are suing the company in a landmark pension case. |
8. |
Microsoft Replaces bCentral, Launches New Web Site (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O) said
on Tuesday that it would phase out its bCentral brand for
offering online services and software for smaller businesses
and replace it with a new global Web site that will offer
information, customer support and advice on using business
software. |
9. |
Linux Software Sales Boost Red Hat Profit (AP). AP - Red Hat Inc. said Tuesday it swung to a profit in its latest quarter as greater subscriptions to the company's Linux software helped revenue rise 43 percent. |
10. |
AT&T, Verizon Hint at Wireless Broadband (AP). AP - The promise of high-speed wireless Internet service edged closer to reality for a larger swath of the nation Monday with a series of somewhat vague announcements at the annual cellular industry trade show. |
11. |
Recording Industry Sues 532 Over Swapping (AP). AP - The recording industry sued 532 people Tuesday, including scores of individuals using computer networks at 21 universities, claiming they were illegally sharing digital music files over the Internet. |
12. |
Yahoo to Roll Out Russian-Language Free E-Mail (Reuters). Reuters - Internet media company Yahoo Inc.
(YHOO.O) on Tuesday said it would soon roll out a
Russian-language version of its free Web-based e-mail service
as it targets the growing number of non-English speaking
Internet users. |
13. |
Venus Williams Signs Deal for Cellphone-Based Game (Reuters). Reuters - International tennis star Venus
Williams is making a move to the small screen - the really,
really small screen. |
14. |
Senators Struggle to Define Computer 'Spyware' (Reuters). Reuters - Computer "spyware" is noxious and
harmful and must be stopped as soon as people can figure out
exactly what it is, members of a Senate subcommittee said on
Tuesday. |
15. |
The Fabric of the Cosmos |
16. |
Apache upgrades, plugs three security holes |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
17. |
Vulnerabilities: Novell NetWare Admin/Install Password Disclosure Vulnerability. Novell has reported a vulnerability in Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 1.1 that allow an attacker to gain access to the administrator password. According to Novell this ... |
18. |
Vulnerabilities: OpenSSH Buffer Mismanagement Vulnerabilities. A buffer mismanagement vulnerability has been reported in OpenSSH. This issue exists in the 'buffer.c' source file.
The source of a problem is that a buffer structure... |
19. |
Vulnerabilities: Expinion.net News Manager Lite Multiple Vulnerabilities. News Manager Lite is a web-based application written in ASP. It allows news management for a web site. It is available for Microsoft Windows platforms.
Multiple vulne... |
NewsIsFree: Security
20. |
21. |
Weekly Enterprise IT Networking Roundup - 03/23/04 |
22. |
Richard Clarke's Legacy of Miscalculation |
6:20:18 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
John Shirley on the remake of Dawn of the Dead. The always interesting John Shirley has a posted an entry about immortality research and Dawn of the Dead, and why they are related. I just saw the remake of DAWN OF THE DEAD, which I thought worked well--though it lost touch with Romero's satirical metaphor about living/dead shoppers in the mall--and which reminded me that zombie movies are not really about corpses coming to get us, they're about death coming to get us. The hungry corpses in such films (28 Days Later, the Evil Dead etc) very simply stand for our own death. Our own corpses, seen in advance. Aggressive, because death is always stalking us, near or far; because it's inexorable, shuffling toward us slowly but never stopping, as the zombies do. In those movies, the humans never completely win out over the zombies. Can't beat death itself. (John also has a new book out about the life of Gurdjieff.) Link |
2. |
Scarlet letter license plates for drunk drivers. If you get busted driving drunk in Ohio, you get these rad-looking yellow license plates with red letters on them. Link (Thanks, Lisa!)
CNET News.com
3. |
Study: Price gives DSL an edge in broadband. Price is key for U.S. surfers considering moving from dial-up to broadband service, according to a new survey, which could help phone companies win out over cable rivals. |
4. |
IDC: Software vendors chart licensing sea change. Software makers are moving toward subscription-based licensing, as changing demands from customers dictate a shift from the paradigm of a one-time sale with upgrades, says a research report. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Apple releases iChat 2.1, with AIM Windows video support (MacCentral). MacCentral - Following a public beta release offered in early February, Apple on Tuesday released iChat AV v2.1, the latest version of its instant messaging software for users of Mac OS X. The new version can be downloaded through the Software Update system preferences pane or from Apple's Web site. |
6. |
Wal-Mart Launches Online Music Store (Reuters). Reuters - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT.N) on
Tuesday officially launched its online music store with an
expanded roster of artists, and kept the price at the same 88
cents per song that it offered during a three-month test. |
7. |
Thought-Controlled Arm May Work in People-Report (Reuters). Reuters - Scientists who trained a monkey to
move a mechanical arm using thought alone said on Tuesday that
experiments in Parkinson's disease patients show the technique
may work in humans, too. |
8. |
Opera Promises Voice-Operated Web Browser |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
Panel: Government IT must consider privacy, ethics. WASHINGTON - U.S. government agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are being pitched many new technologies, but government technologists have an obligation to consider ethical and moral issues such as privacy when embracing new applications, concluded a panel of technology experts speaking at the FOSE government computing trade show. |
10. |
Cisco offering IP-based business video application. Cisco Systems Inc. on Tuesday unveiled its business video product for enterprise customers, providing video production, distribution and usage over Cisco's IP (Internet Protocol) network for streaming and video-on-demand (VOD). |
11. |
Hotmail, Yahoo vulnerable to security flaw. BOSTON - An Israeli security company is warning users of Yahoo Inc.'s Web e-mail service and Microsoft Corp.'s Hotmail service of a serious security flaw that could allow remote attackers to run malicious computer scripts on computers using Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser to check Web e-mail accounts. |
12. |
Proven: Windows is more secure than Linux out of the box |
13. |
Richard Clarke's Legacy of Miscalculation |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
14. |
BugTraq: Immunity Advisory: dtlogin remote root. Sender: Dave Aitel [dave at immunitysec dot com] |
15. |
Vulnerabilities: Apache Error Log Escape Sequence Injection Vulnerability. Apache is a freely available Web server for Unix and Linux variants, as well as Microsoft operating systems.
It has been reported that the Apache web server is prone to ... |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Secunia Advisories - March 22 |
17. |
SSH Tectia Server ssh-passwd-plugin Private Host Key Exposure |
18. |
Proven: Windows is more secure than Linux out of the box |
19. |
[waraxe-2004-SA#011 - Multiple vulnerabilities in MS Analysis v2.0 module for PhpNuke] |
20. |
Sarca rainbow tables on-line cracking service |
21. |
Remotely Exploitable Cross-Site Scripting in Hotmail and Yahoo (GM#005-MC) |
22. |
23. |
Open the WS_FTP Server backdoor to SYSTEM |
24. |
More Cpanel Vuls (cross site scripting) |
25. |
Server freeze in The Rage 1.01 |
26. |
Think of the buffers! Won't somebody think of the buffers?! |
27. |
How to crash a harddisk - the Ipswitch WS_FTP Server way |
28. |
Advisory 03/2004: Multiple (13) Ethereal remote overflows |
29. |
Re: Open the WS_FTP Server backdoor to SYSTEM |
30. |
Microsoft Responds to Threats (Ziff Davis) |
5:19:48 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
What to do about outsourcing. Street Tech's Paul Lamb says being laissez-faire is not the answer. But will government and the private sector be up to the task? |
2. |
For Apple, ups, downs and unsolicited advice. The Mac maker suffers a snub at the hands of Adobe, manages to get its Xserve G5 server out the door after a month's delay, and gets a tip on the iPod from Real CEO Rob Glaser. |
3. |
TiVo looks to tune in to advertisers. The company plans to unveil a new feature this fall that will bring Web-like, interactive ads to TV. But will advertisers warm up to its latest experiment? |
New York Times: Technology
4. |
Recording Industry Sues 532 Over Swapping. The latest round of illegal file sharing lawsuits by the industry included scores of individuals using computer networks at universities. By The Associated Press. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
ABC News Inks Video-On-Demand Deal with Insight (Reuters). Reuters - The ABC television network dipped a
toe into the hyped world of video-on-demand by offering some of
its news programs in a subscription service from No. 9 U.S.
cable company Insight Communications, the companies said. |
6. |
Record Industry Sues 532 More U.S. File-Sharers (Reuters). Reuters - The U.S. music industry on Tuesday
forged ahead with its legal effort to stamp out online piracy
by suing over 500 people for online copyright infringement,
including 89 individuals using college networks. |
7. |
Voice System Is Strength, Fatal Flaw of 'Lifeline' (Reuters). Reuters - Konami Digital Entertainment
has a history of offering interesting and innovative games.
"Lifeline" is no exception. |
8. |
Kahle vs Ashcroft: Copyright Battle Continues |
9. |
Passport to Nowhere |
InfoWorld: Security
10. |
Hotmail, Yahoo vulnerable to security flaw. Hole could let attackers run malicious code on PCs using IE to check Web-based email accounts |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
11. |
BugTraq: Re: Open the WS_FTP Server backdoor to SYSTEM. Sender: Todd C dot Campbell [todd dot campbell at core dot com] |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
Small Businesses: We've Got Security Under Control |
13. |
Feds Nail Texas Phisher |
14. |
Virus Shuts Down RIAA Site For Five Days |
15. |
RIAA Files Another 532 Suits Over File-Swapping |
16. |
Moving from DAS to a SAN/NAS Combo |
17. |
Dell Dabbles in SMB Storage |
18. |
HP's ProLiant BL20p Grabs Server Hardware Award |
19. |
Red Hat update for mod_ssl |
20. |
Computer Weekly: Worm burrows into BlackIce security product "A worm that exploited a hole in so... |
21. |
Ethereal Buffer Overflows in NetFlow, EIGRP, BGP, and Other Protocol Dissectors May Let Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
22. |
AOL Clock-N-Block - Spammer Site Access Denied |
4:19:28 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Hobby: buying used hard drives on eBay and unerasing the data for fun. My friend Simson Garfinkel wrote a great piece on the foolishness of selling hard drives that haven't been sanitized: "Since then, I have repeatedly indulged my habit for procuring and then analyzing secondhand hard drives. (...) Last summer, I started buying drives en masse on eBay.
"In all, I bought and analyzed the content of more than 150 drives(...) In fact, only 10 percent of the drives I purchased had been properly sanitized.
"Much of the data we found was truly shocking. One of the drives once lived in an ATM. It contained a year's worth of financial transactions—including account numbers and withdrawal amounts—from a organization that had a legal requirement to not divulge such information. Two other drives contained more than 5,000 credit card numbers—it looked as if one had been inside a cash register. Another had e-mail and personal financial records of a 45-year-old fellow in Georgia. The man is divorced, paying child support and dating a woman he met in Savannah. And, oh yeah, he's really into pornography." Link (via Bruce Sterling) |
2. |
Japanese style: Elegant Gothic Lolita. Article about Japanese schoolgirl subculture.
An Elegant Gothic Lolita, EGL or Gothic Lolita for short, is a Japanese teen or young adult who dresses in amazingly elaborate Gothic looking babydoll costumes. On the weekends these women walk the streets of Tokyo and Osaka and fill Yoyogi Park and Harajuku neighborhood where they pose for tourist’s pictures and sit around looking pretty. They are beautiful, glamorous, doll-like manifestations of their favorite Visual Rock stars. Link
CNET News.com
3. |
Attention, Wal-Mart shoppers: 88-cent downloads. The mammoth brick-and-mortar retailer marches into the crowded marketplace of online music stores with cut-rate prices. |
4. |
Get hip--improve voice coverage, wireless execs told. Hip-hop kingpin and Motorola partner Russell Simmons has some advice for cell phone companies: Data-based features like downloadable music are cool, but improving voice coverage is cooler. |
5. |
New RIAA file-swapping suits filed. The record industry group steps up the pace of its legal action--with a new focus on students. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Wal-Mart Hops Into Digital Music Market (PC World). PC World - Retailer's download service offers exclusive tunes, bargain prices. |
7. |
Wal-Mart formally launches 88-cent music download service (AFP). AFP - Retail powerhouse Wal-Mart said it was officially launching its music download service, offering songs at 88 cents, after a three-month test. |
8. |
NASA Says Mars Rocks Formed in a Salty Sea |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
9. |
BugTraq: Advisory 03/2004: Multiple (13) Ethereal remote overflows. Sender: Stefan Esser [s dot esser at e-matters dot de] |
10. |
Vulnerabilities: Apache mod_disk_cache Module Client Authentication Credential Storage Weakness. Apache mod_disk_cache module is used to implement a disk based storage manager. It stores and retrieves content from cache using URI based keys. It is often used with m... |
11. |
Vulnerabilities: Invision Power Board Search.PHP "st" SQL Injection Vulnerability. Inivision Power Board is a bulletin board system that is implemented in PHP. It is available for Windows and Unix/Linux derivatives.
It has been reported that an input v... |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
Elsewhere: One in three firms suffer hacking attempts |
13. |
Elsewhere: RIAA website nears week-long outage |
14. |
News: IE flaw exposes weakness in Yahoo! filtering |
15. |
News: Internet Providers Should Find Their Way to IMAP |
16. |
Silicon: Phishing line hooks more and more victims "Phishing attacks have increased in quantity ... |
17. |
Silver Str: IT Security at Microsoft "what the Microsoft Corporate Security group does to preven... |
18. |
Secunia: Ethereal Multiple Vulnerabilities "can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a... |
19. |
Security Focus: Forensic analysis of a live Linux system |
20. |
News Factor: How secure is OS X? "Maintaining some corporate users on non-Windows desktops offer... |
21. |
Cert Cities: Monitoring network integrity with Nmap |
22. |
SSH Tectia Server May Disclose Private Key to Remote Users |
23. |
WS_FTP Server Backdoor Lets Local Users Execute Local Applications With SYSTEM Privileges |
3:19:08 PM
2:18:49 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
EU set to fine Microsoft over US$600 million. The European Commission will issue its final findings on its first antitrust action against Microsoft. Penalties will include a €500 million fine. By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Wired: Why RSS Is Everywhere. I wrote a brief piece about RSS, Atom, and the benefits of content syndication for the current issue of Wired Magazine.
Snip: "In the end, RSS may not save you time, but it'll help pack more info into the time you have, says Jonno d'Addario, editor of the sex blog Fleshbot, which (big surprise) offers an RSS feed. 'Since I've started using a news aggregator, I don't spend eight hours a day compulsively noodling through a dozen favorite blogs anymore,' he says. 'Instead I spend eight hours a day compulsively noodling through hundreds of RSS feeds.' Ah, progress."
Link |
CNET News.com
3. |
Motorola to support Good wireless system. The deal is a potential coup for Good Technology, a growing rival of BlackBerry creator Research In Motion. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Novell Makes System Managment Move With YaST (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Novell will be using its new, GPL version of the YaST system-management package to boldly move into the world of network remote system-management programs. |
5. |
Music industry launches fresh round of piracy lawsuits (AFP). AFP - The recording industry announced a fresh round of lawsuits against suspected online music pirates, targeting 532 individuals, including some using networks at major US universities. |
6. |
.mail Domain To Eliminate Spam? |
7. |
NASA Finds Critical Assembly Fault in Shuttle |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
8. |
Sony Ericsson bets on 3G appeal. The future looks bright for third generation mobiles, according to the boss of phone maker Sony Ericsson. |
9. |
Police cars keep an eye on crime. Police in the UK are to trial the use of digital CCTV cameras in squad cars. |
SecurityFocus News
10. |
News: Internet Providers Should Find Their Way to IMAP. Washington Post By Rob Pegoraro |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
11. |
BugTraq: Remotely Exploitable Cross-Site Scripting in Hotmail and Yahoo (GM#005-MC). Sender: GreyMagic Software [security at greymagic dot com] |
12. |
Vulnerabilities: Samba SMBPrint Sample Script Insecure Temporary File Handling Symbolic Link Vulnerability. Samba is a freely available file and printer sharing application maintained and developed by the Samba Development Team. Samba allows file and printer sharing between ope... |
The Register
13. |
Red Hat wins pre-load slot on IBM POWER servers. Big deal |
14. |
MS waves goodbye to bCentral. Meet the replacement |
15. |
AMD faces legal action over 'zealous' Wi-Fi promotion. Sites alleged to have been branded without permission |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Intradot presente la version tpe gratuite de son systeme d’exploitation boss backup operating system |
17. |
BitDefender alerte contre un nouveau virus Witty.A |
18. |
Microsoft renforce son image sécurité à la RSA Conférence |
19. |
RSA Conference 2004 : Première journée |
20. |
Clôture de la conférence RSA |
21. |
Netsky.D inonde les réseaux |
22. |
Microsoft dote son site d’un nouvel espace sécurité |
23. |
Greg Olson, Sendmail : « Pour lutter contre le spam, le protocole doit évoluer » |
24. |
Trois nouvelles failles pour Microsoft |
25. |
Linux Gets Tighter Locks With New AV Solutions |
26. |
SignWise Pro 2.51 |
About Internet/Network Security
27. |
Secunia Advisories - March 22. Here are the Secunia Advisories from Monday, March 22. There continue to be a variety of patches and updates from various vendors in relation to flaws in OpenSSL. There is only one marked as Highly Critical and that relates to... |
1:18:28 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
AMD Wireless Hotspots setup with guerilla marketing tactics?. Wireless hotspots are hot for more than one reason. Sure, they give users new locations to hop on the 'net, but they're also hot in another sense: if you can brand them, the thinking goes, they're also hot marketing schemes. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Wicked RSS reader redesign. My RSS reader of choice, Shrook, went 2.0 this morning. After five or six hours of using it (couldn't sleep, friggin' jetlag), I am in love. This is the best UI overhaul I've ever seen (the old UI was pretty good too), a completely unexpected redesign that nevertheless managed to make this app that I use all day, every day, into something five times more useful and stable than it had been the day before. I like this punctuated equilibrium stuff.
Yesterday's iPhoto update is another example: all of a sudden, iPhoto's gone from being an app that was just useful enough to put up with its ultra-shitty performance to something I just keep running in the background all the time, with 10,000 photos on tap.
Link |
3. |
Office plastered in Marshmallow Peeps. BoingBoing reader Neil writes,

The entry about the Post-It notes prank reminded me of one we pulled at work several years ago around Easter. Instead of Post-It notes we used Marshmallow Peeps. Lots and lots of Marshallow Peeps.
[snip from website:]"We did mail Just Born, manufacturers of Peeps, but sadly they never got back to us. The peeps wound up staying in the office for about two years, through at least two occupant changes. Even six months after they were up we had people coming by and eating them off the ceiling. Ugh."
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Apple ships the single processor Xserve G5 (MacCentral). MacCentral - Apple Computer Inc. on Tuesday announced that it is shipping the single processor Xserve G5, the updated 1U rackmount server first introduced at Macworld Conference & Expo in San Francisco, Calif. this past January. The Xserve was originally scheduled to ship in February, but its release was delayed until now. The dual 2GHz model will not ship until next month, the company said today. |
5. |
New DVD Burners Double Data Capacity (AP). AP - If you just bought a DVD-burning drive for your computer and think that for once you're current with the latest and greatest, it's disappointment time. Manufacturers are soon launching drives that can store double the amount of data on a disc. |
6. |
Wal-Mart Launches Online Music Store (Reuters). Reuters - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT.N) on
Tuesday tuned up its online music store, undercutting
competitors' prices as the world's largest retailer officially
launched a venture designed to boost its Web businesses. |
7. |
The Future of Desktop Displays (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - A whole new way to look at the PC |
8. |
A History of Every GUI Ever |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
9. |
Police cars keep an eye on crime. Hampshire police are to trial the use of CCTV cameras in squad cars. |
10. |
Linux Gets Tighter Locks With New AV Solutions |
11. |
Red Hat: httpd Denial of service vulnerability |
12. |
Fedora: OpenSSL Denial of service vulnerabilities |
SecurityFocus News
13. |
News: IE flaw exposes weakness in Yahoo! filtering. The Register By John Leyden [john dot leyden at theregister dot co dot uk] |
The Register
14. |
Crikey - a freebie toolbar that works!. Cram access to entire planet into slim desktop aid |
15. |
Supercool atoms and quantum computing. Hot stuff at the Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference |
16. |
Dixons bottom of 'customer respect' index. Research flawed, says retailer |
17. |
Red Hat wins pre-load slot on IBM POWER servers. Big deal |
Help Net Security
18. |
One in three firms suffer hacking attempts |
19. |
IE flaw exposes weakness in Yahoo! filtering |
20. |
Determining which biometric technology is right for you |
21. |
EU to lose billions through spam and viruses |
NewsIsFree: Security
22. |
No Law Broken in JetBlue Scandal |
23. |
One in three firms suffer hacking attempts |
24. |
IE flaw exposes weakness in Yahoo! filtering |
25. |
Determining which biometric technology is right for you |
26. |
EU to lose billions through spam and viruses |
27. |
The Joke of Federal Cybersecurity Oversight |
28. |
World's Toughest Cyber Law on Trial in Romania (Reuters) |
29. |
30. |
Profiling Network Administrators - by Adrian Lamo |
31. |
Three more patches from Microsoft for Office XP, MSN Messenger & MS Windows |
32. |
Hacker Retaliator - New Security product strikes back at hackers |
33. |
Black Ice flaw leads to tens of thousands of computers being damaged |
34. |
Yahoo and Hotmail e-mail accounts at risk by severe security vulnerability |
12:18:08 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Tote-bags made from Indonesian trash. 
Ann Wizer pays Jakarta's trash-dump pickers to find and wash plasticized packaging materials from the piles, then assemble them into tote bags.
(via Joe Ganley)
CNET News.com
2. |
Apple delivers Xserve G5. The Mac maker is now selling the single-processor version of the server and plans to offer the dual-processor version in April. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Europe's Slap on Microsoft's Wrist? (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Word leaked out yesterday that Microsoft Corp. is going to be slapped with a roughly $613 million fine for unfairly wielding its might in the European software marketplace -- chump change compared to the more than $50 billion in cash the company has sitting in the bank. |
4. |
Alcatel to Build Iran's First DSL Internet Network (Reuters). Reuters - Iran's first high-speed, DSL Internet
network will be built by Alcatel (CGEP.PA) after it won a
contract from technology concern Asre Danesh Azar, the French
communications equipment maker said on Tuesday. |
5. |
FOSE Reaches Past Cool Technology (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - FOSE, the big annual government technology bazaar at the Washington Convention Center that begins tomorrow, may be a trade show paid for by companies trying to sell technology to the government. But what goes on there is more or less a crash course in how blindingly complex government technology procurement has become. |
6. |
HA-OSCAR 1.0 Beta release - unleashing HA Beowulf |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
Siemens, SuSE Linux partner on sales. Siemens Business Services GmbH & Co. OHG (SBS), the IT service subsidiary of German electronics giant Siemens AG, has agreed to a sales partnership with Novell Inc.'s newly acquired open source software vendor, SuSE Linux AG, the companies said Tuesday. |
8. |
The Joke of Federal Cybersecurity Oversight |
SecurityFocus News
9. |
Elsewhere: One in three firms suffer hacking attempts. One in three of the UK's biggest companies has suffered hacking attempts on their websites in the last year, a government-sponsored survey has revealed.
According to the... |
10. |
Elsewhere: RIAA website nears week-long outage. Fresh from its legal tussles with copyright pirates, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is now encountering even more hassle from hackers.
The music ind... |
The Register
11. |
Judge delays Kazaa case to clear up 'mess'. Seized material not properly sifted |
12. |
Europeans indifferent to 3G. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
Sun Cobalt update for Pine |
14. |
Blue Coat Products update for OpenSSL |
15. |
Invision Power Top Site List SQL Injection Vulnerability |
16. |
FirstClass "TargetName" Parameter Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability |
17. |
Cisco Press Event: Enabling Governments to Better Protect, Serve and Defend Citizens |
18. |
19. |
L'Europe va rassurer les consommateurs |
20. |
Avant-goût illustré du SP2 RC1 pour Windows XP |
21. |
Bedrijven moeten spam strategie heroverwegen |
22. |
84% firewalls had kritiek lek afgelopen jaar |
23. |
Review van Panda Platinum Internet Security 8 |
24. |
Cross-Site Scripting lek in Hotmail en Yahoo |
11:17:50 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Office plastered in Post-it-notes. 
Documentation of an insane office prank involving 2,500 post-it notes and one mild-mannered victim.
"Damon has been playing tricks on me for a few days now. So I came in on the weekend and did some "re-decorating" in his office. He didn't see it until Monday morning when he came in and opened his office door.
His office blinds were closed, his door was shut and locked, and I left this post-it in the middle of his door. It says 'Can you pick up some more post-its, we're running low.' :) "
The pranksters notified Post-it manufacturers 3M, and received three cases of post-its "for future decorating." Hey, Daimler-Chrysler, did I tell you about my brilliant decorating prank involving multiple brand-new Mercedes convertibles? No, really!
(Thanks, Ivy ) |
2. |
Windows XP packaging as a Linux PC case. 
This is pretty perverse: a PC that runs Red Hat Linux, painstakingly constructed within the packaging for Windows XP.
(Thanks, Alexander!)
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
EBay Provides A Way For Any Entrepreneur To Begin A Business (Investor's Business Daily). Investor's Business Daily - Richard Crouse was caught off-guard when his employer, IBM Corp., sold his telecom unit to a venture capital group in 2002. |
4. |
Microsoft: Proposed EU Fine Is Too Harsh (AP). AP - Microsoft Corp. accused the European Union on Tuesday of going too far in seeking a record fine of about $615 million against the software giant for alleged antitrust abuses, saying it was being penalized for behavior permitted in the United States. |
5. |
Yahoo to launch Russian-language version of Web portal (AFP). AFP - US Internet giant Yahoo will launch a new version of its e-mail services in Russian as part of an expansion plan targeting emerging markets. |
6. |
AT&T Wireless Opens for Transatlantic Texting (Reuters). Reuters - U.S.-based mobile telecoms carrier
AT&T Wireless said on Tuesday its 22 million United States
customers could send and receive short SMS text messages to
over 263 million mobile phone users in Europe. |
7. |
Sun Wants to Make Linux 3D |
8. |
The Unhappy World of IT Professionals |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
Unusual gadgets find their place at Cebit. HANOVER, GERMANY - To some visitors, the most unusual product on offer at the annual Cebit exhibition may be the bratwurst served with curry sauce available at several stands. But the exhibition halls at the Deutsche Messe fairgrounds in Hanover, Germany, are also filled with an array of quirky and unusual gadgets. |
10. |
Opera gives voice to Web browser. LONDON - Opera Software ASA will include voice capabilities in its updated browser software, using IBM Corp.'s embedded ViaVoice technology, it said Tuesday. |
11. |
German chancellor attacks offshoring. German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder criticized Monday a leading industry representative who urged companies not to wait for better government policies but to act now and seize opportunities available in the low labor-cost Eastern Europe countries soon to join the European Union. |
12. |
Microsoft to retire bCentral. Overhauling its online services for small businesses, Microsoft Corp. on Tuesday said it will replace bCentral with a new Microsoft Small Business Center Web site. |
The Register
13. |
Russian nuclear warship 'ready to blow'. Peter the Great ordered back to port |
14. |
MPs accuse Oftel of failure to help consumers. Pressure on Ofcom to deliver |
15. |
New Zealand to 'legalise CD piracy' - music biz. Just for making personal copies, actually |
16. |
C&W has good day in court. Two out of three class actions dismissed |
17. |
BOFH: Hitting the savegame panic button. Episode 10 Drastic measures in the the dungeon of drudgery |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
Cisco acquiert Riverhead Networks |
19. |
One in three firms suffer hacking attempts |
20. |
RIAA website nears week-long outage |
21. |
Witty Worm Still Spreading |
10:17:30 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Jay-Z meets Metallica: Black on Black. DJ Halfred has remixed Jay-Z's Balck Album with Metallica's Black Album, producign a full-length disc he calls "Black on Black." Come and download the .torrent file so that I can get some more peers in the mesh!
December 4th Was Sad But True
Unforgiven Clarity
Don't Tread On My Encore
The God That Caused 99 Problems
The Threat of Wolf and Man
The Struggle Within to Change Clothes
The Sandman's First Song
Nothing Else Matters Other than the Allure
Justify My Thug Through the Never
A Public Service Announcement About Being Holier than Thou
Lucifer? Never!
My Friend of Saying What More, Exactly
Wherever You May Roam, Get That Dirt Off Your Shoulder
Wadda Da (Bonus track)
(Thanks, DJ Halfred!)
Update: OK, I've got this now, and it is the bad-assest metal/hiphop crossover since Anthrax and Public Enemy's Bring the Noise |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Adobe discontinues FrameMaker for Macintosh (MacCentral). MacCentral - Adobe Systems Inc. on Tuesday will inform FrameMaker users that the company will discontinue FrameMaker for Macintosh next month. The decision to stop FrameMaker development will not come as a surprise to most users; Adobe last updated FrameMaker for the Mac almost two years ago when FrameMaker 7 was released. FrameMaker for Windows and Solaris will continue to be developed, according to the company. |
3. |
Apple ships the Xserve G5 (MacCentral). MacCentral - Apple Computer Inc. on Tuesday announced that it is shipping the Xserve G5, the updated 1U rackmount server first introduced at Macworld Conference & Expo in San Francisco, Calif. this past January. The Xserve was originally scheduled to ship in February, but its release was delayed until now. The dual 2.0GHz model will not ship until next month, the company said today. |
4. |
EU May Set Record With Microsoft Fine (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - BRUSSELS, March 22 -- European Union antitrust officials won backing Monday for what appears to be a record-setting fine against Microsoft Corp., the last hurdle before adopting a decision that could force far-reaching changes in how the U.S. company sells its Windows operating system software. |
5. |
The Arrival of Very Small Memory |
6. |
The Arrival of Very Small Memory |
The Register
7. |
LinuxUser Expo rewards open source excellence. Loads of laureates at this year's London shindig |
Help Net Security
8. |
Monitoring network integrity with Nmap |
9. |
Forensic analysis of a live Linux system |
10. |
How secure is OS X? |
11. |
Security vital to successful remote working |
12. |
MPs reassess computer crime laws |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
RIAA site disabled for five days |
14. |
Monitoring network integrity with Nmap |
15. |
Forensic analysis of a live Linux system |
16. |
How secure is OS X? |
17. |
Security vital to successful remote working |
18. |
MPs reassess computer crime laws |
19. |
EU planning massive fine against Microsoft |
20. |
NASA finds flaw could have jeopardized Discovery |
21. |
Open Sourcery |
22. |
23. |
Spam kost Europese bedrijven 85 miljard euro |
9:17:09 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Chicken tikka masala: the silent, delicious, colorful killer. Britain's beloved chicken tikka masala contains dyes linked to "hyperactivity, asthma, and even cancer."
Tartrazine, a dye made from coal tar, is banned in Norway, Finland and Austria.
As well as being used in a variety of cakes, soft drinks and sauces, some egg manufacturers feed it to their chickens to make their yolks extra yellow. But scientists believe it can cause blurred vision and purple skin patches and is particularly hazardous for asthmatics and anyone allergic to aspirin.
Sunset Yellow is also banned in Norway and Finland but elsewhere is used in juices, sweets and sauces. Scientists have linked it with chromosome damage and kidney tumours as well as abdominal pain, hives, nausea and vomiting.
Ponceau 4R, which is illegal in the USA and Norway, is believed to cause cancer in animals.
Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Microsoft faces record anti-trust fine as EU verdict nears (AFP). AFP - US software giant Microsoft faces a record fine of nearly 500 million euros and hard-hitting changes to its flagship product when European regulators announce their verdict to a five-year probe. |
3. |
Bringing Memory to Market (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - ATLANTA -- Hype of the Hollywood variety seems to have overtaken the cell phone industry's biggest annual trade show here this week. Featured events include "The World's Smallest Film Festival," showcasing two-minute music videos and animated shorts, and the "Mobile Music Awards," featuring music videos that have been formatted for high-definition screens on cell phones. |
4. |
AT&T, Verizon Hint at Wireless Broadband (AP). AP - The promise of high-speed wireless Internet service edged closer to reality for a larger swath of the nation Monday with a series of somewhat vague announcements at the annual cellular industry trade show. |
5. |
100-Year Domain Renewals? |
6. |
Open Sourcery |
The Register
7. |
Microsoft gets new UK boss. It's all go at the top, allegedly... |
8. |
Eutelsat denies rogue diallers accusation. Angry customers barking up wrong satellite |
9. |
IE flaw exposes weakness in Yahoo! filtering. Defences down |
10. |
DVD Forum chooses Apple music format for DVD Audio. AAC 'sounds better' than WMA, MP3 et al |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
Privacy Maven Now Works for Feds |
12. |
Symantec Unveils New Firewall Appliances |
13. |
Encryption: Building to Code |
14. |
15. |
Security is van vitaal belang voor succes telewerken |
16. |
Witty worm zorgt niet voor betere verkoop sexspeeltje |
17. |
Onterechte angst bij banken voor outsourcen security |
18. |
Cisco koopt bescherming tegen DDoS aanvallen |
19. |
65 plussers laten zich niet door spam misleiden |
20. |
Systeemtoegang via verschillende lekken in Ethereal |
21. |
Gearresteerde "phising" oplichter stal 75.000 dollar |
8:16:49 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Moldy coffee cups: a celebration of penicillin. 
In commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the discovery of penicillin -- a happy accident in which rogue mold grew in a forgotten petri dish -- the Royal Society of Chemistry has asked its most unhygeinic stakeholders to send in photos of their most disgusting, molded-over and crufted-up coffee cups. Stomach-turning goodness!
(Thanks, Malcolm!)
CNET News.com
2. |
Passport to nowhere?. Microsoft's grand plans for selling its online ID system to Web retailers has fizzled, analysts say. But expect Passport to be quietly resurrected in other products. |
3. |
Running wireless' new direction. Former NFL all-star and congressman Steve Largent takes charge as head of the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
OnStar enters 6th generation (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Imagine it's 37 degrees below zero, it's dark, you're running out of gas, your cell phone won't work, you've got a 1-year-old child with you and you're lost on a frozen lake some 30 miles from land. |
5. |
Peckinpah's films were more than ultra-violence in slo-mo (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Sam Peckinpah's 1983 swan song, The Osterman Weekend, arrives today from Anchor Bay in a two-disc set that details its production battles. Brilliant but self-destructive, the maverick director had a short but supreme streak from 1969-72, which included the three best Peckinpah movies available on DVD: |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
6. |
New domain names aid net to grow. The net could soon have a new series of domain names sitting alongside .com. |
The Register
7. |
Kodak triumphs with 3D screen - possibly. And exactly how it works is a mystery |
8. |
Motorola and MBOA split on UWB. Two specs risk chaos and slowdown |
9. |
Novell loves Linux (true). Torvalds pops up at BrainShare |
10. |
Lock down gambling sites, go to jail. Rough justice for security professionals - DoJ style |
11. |
Optical storage: destined for oblivion?. Reports of its demise may be premature |
12. |
Napster picks former Capital FM song picker to pick songs. But will Jeff Smith pick 'too much pop'? |
13. |
Eutelsat: rogue diallers do not call us. Angry customers bark up wrong tree |
14. |
BT dominance 'unacceptable', say MPs. Punters confused over tariffs and providers |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Fahndung weltweit: Die Virenjäger von Kaspersky im Einsatz |
16. |
RIAA-Website erneut wegen Wurm offline |
17. |
AOL blocks spammers' Web sites |
18. |
The car that screens your calls |
19. |
Model Hacker Behavior - Under Development |
20. |
Viruses Try New Tactics |
21. |
Privacy Hostages |
22. |
Privacy Pressure |
23. |
BUNSHUN case weighs privacy vs. press |
24. |
MORTGAGE Lenders Ask Home Buyers To Waive Financial Privacy Rights |
25. |
Data Privacy On Govt Radar, Finally |
26. |
Checking your privacy today? |
27. |
A question of rights, safety: Symposium tackles privacy |
28. |
Industry fears wiretap plan a privacy invasion |
29. |
ANALYSIS / Balancing the right to privacy , expression |
30. |
Q. & A.: Co-op Security Cameras and Privacy |
7:16:29 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Motorola to Sell Advanced Tech Gear at RadioShack (Reuters). Reuters - Motorola Inc. (MOT.N) will sell some
of its latest technologies in RadioShack stores under a new
alliance aimed at making Motorola's home networking gear and
other products accessible for the average consumer. |
2. |
FreeS/WAN Continues As Openswan |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
3. |
Sony Ericsson banks on 3G appeal. The future looks bright for third generation mobiles, according to the boss of phone maker Sony Ericsson. |
The Register
4. |
E-minister calls for business broadband targets for 2010. Doing well but could do better |
5. |
German chancellor attacks 'unpatriotic' offshoring. Unpatriotic maybe, but so much cheaper |
6. |
HP to ship new Brocade low-end switches. Broad sweep of product updates |
7. |
Anti-spammers press for own domain. Nine names, 10 proposals |
8. |
Nvidia, ATI strengthen mobile phone graphics ties. Symbian, Qualcomm partnerships |
9. |
IBM CPU sales rocket.... ...but fails to dent Intel, AMD market shares |
Wired News
10. |
Supremes Weigh In on ID Debate. Do you have the right to remain silent? Justices hear arguments in a first-of-its-kind case that explores whether people can be arrested for refusing to identify themselves. |
11. |
Go On, Say the Unpopular Thing. Musings and observations from the South by Southwest festival. Katie Dean reports from Austin, Texas. |
12. |
Robots Invade San Francisco. Robot creators and fans from around the world converge on San Francisco for a weekend of fighting, climbing, wrestling and teaching at the first Robolympics. By Lore Sjöberg. |
13. |
Pay Once, Share Often With LWDRM. The German organization that came up with the MP3 format now proposes a way to keep it under control. LWDRM would put licensing problems in the hands of the consumer. Henny van der Pluijm reports from Hannover, Germany. |
14. |
Privacy Maven Now Works for Feds. Lisa Dean, one of the most vocal critics of the government's privacy policies, takes a job as the Transportation Security Administration's top privacy officer. Her move raises eyebrows. By Ryan Singel. |
15. |
Engineers Just Wanna Make Art. Armed with video displays and circuit boards, artist Jim Campbell looks at time, memory and human perception. Kendra Mayfield reports from Palo Alto, California. |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Virus "rampen" met 15% gestegen in 2003 |
17. |
Ongepatchte machines houden oude wormen in leven |
18. |
Websites grote bedrijven favoriet doelwit voor hackers |
19. |
RIAA website getroffen door MyDoom variant |
20. |
Hoe veilig is OS X? |
21. |
Bedrijven moet spam strategie heroverwegen |
22. |
Ethereal Multiple Vulnerabilities |
23. |
Ethereal Multiple Vulnerabilities |
6:15:08 AM
5:14:48 AM
1. |
Dilbert for 23 Mar 2004.  |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Novell Turns To Open Source To Regain Relevance (TechWeb). TechWeb - The company debuted a number of open-source initiatives at its BrainShare conference as it tries to reverse past missteps. |
3. |
Netsky.p Upgraded To Medium Risk (TechWeb). TechWeb - Netsky.p takes advantage of a vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or 5.5 without Service Pack 2 and is capable of executing without the PC user clicking on an attachment. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Creepy Siren shows promise. Horror game Forbidden Siren is a flawed masterpiece that is eerie to behold. |
5. |
Microsoft faces 'record EU fine'. The EU is planning to fine Microsoft around 500m euros for anti-competitive behaviour, according to leaks. |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
Fedora update for OpenSSL |
7. |
Fedora update for OpenSSL |
4:14:29 AM
3:14:07 AM
2:13:49 AM
1:13:29 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Text Messages Shape Politics in Philippines (Reuters). Reuters - Maricar Quiambao's fingers hover over
the computer keyboard as she prepares to compose a message to
Filipino voters. |
Hack the Planet
2. |
Sojourn Development has started posting screen shots from Glympse, their shardless, mojo-powered MMORPG. |
3. |
Wired News: Multiplayer Games: Shards Unite! |
4. |
The To D'ni expansion pack for Uru was finally released to restore the stuff taken away in the fall of Uru Live. It has been speculated that Gigex uses spyware, but there are mirrors. |
5. |
As I predicted, m4p2mp4 is out there (although I would have called it m4p2m4a). |
12:13:07 AM
© Copyright 2004 Gregg Doherty.
Last update: 4/3/2004; 12:17:08 AM.