Ars Technica
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Microsoft threatens downloaders of leaked code. Microsoft is sending out letters to many who have downloaded the leaked source code, warning them that they may be sued. In addition, they are alerting those doing searches for the code on P2P networks By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing Blog
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GOODHAPPYFUN Baby bags. My friend Racelle has made some amazingly useful baby bags. They work well as computer bags, too. Carla and I use them all the time. (And I designed her website, too). Racelle's going to start offering dad-friendly patterns. I'm trying to talk her into making one with J.R. "Bob" Dobbs' smiling mug. Link |
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Wacky Neighbor sez: "I just ran into this whil.... 
Wacky Neighbor sez: "I just ran into this while googling Die Fledermaus. Little origami robots for the desktop. They call 'em paper automata, and they're trying to sell them as executive toys. Although I think their real market is the geek sector. And given the lascivious movement of the witch, I think with minor redesigns, they could have a future in the risque novelty market. Whether the titular flying pig appears at life's lineups, a la Kids in the Hall, is another matter." Link
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Build handcranked automata from books of die-cut parts. 
Wacky Neighbor sez: "I just ran into this while googling Die Fledermaus. Little origami robots for the desktop. They call 'em paper automata, and they're trying to sell them as executive toys. Although I think their real market is the geek sector. And given the lascivious movement of the witch, I think with minor redesigns, they could have a future in the risque novelty market. Whether the titular flying pig appears at life's lineups, a la Kids in the Hall, is another matter." Link
CNET News.com - Front Door
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IBM's storage momentum continues. The company snags two new customers with its midtier FastT storage device, a machine one analyst calls a "barn burner." |
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W3C risks patent tussle in standard push. A pending industry standard for voice-activated computer commands is moving ahead despite potential entanglements from Rutgers University over its VoiceXML patent. |
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HP profit rises on servers, PCs. The company posts a first-quarter net income of $962 million, an increase of 33 percent compared with a year ago. |
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Low-tech 'hack' takes fizz out of Pepsi-iTunes promo. It doesn't take a code breaker or a math whiz to lift songs from Apple Computer's iTunes online music store--it just takes a good pair of eyes and a trip to the soda aisle. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
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The New Computer Lifecycle: No Free Lunch (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Enterprise managers looking to economize by extending computer-replacement cycles should know that recent research upholds the axiom: There's no such thing as a free lunch. |
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Software Buyers Not Taking It Anymore (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Not that a study was necessary to establish this, but AMR Research has identified a growing discontent among buyers of software. |
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The OS Formerly Known as 'Lindows' (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - The legal hoops keep coming for Lindows, the firm that makes a version of the Linux operating system for the desktop. In compliance with court orders in Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, Lindows has changed its name to "Lin---s" -- pronounced
"Lindash." |
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Nextel Quarterly Earnings Down 56 Percent (AP). AP - Fourth quarter earnings at wireless phone provider Nextel Communications fell 56 percent, suffering from the comparison to the year-ago quarter when a $1.2 billion one-time gain sharply inflated profits. |
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Microsoft Borrows from RIAA's Playbook (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Anxious to stop the spread of its purloined Windows code, Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) is sending letters to computer users who are downloading the intellectual property, requesting they stop. It is a move reminiscent of the music industry's early tactics to stem the sharing of copyrighted material on peer-to-peer networks. |
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Netsky.B Tunnels Through Windows Systems (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - A particularly nasty virus is spreading over the Internet, attacking via
e-mail and then rapidly infecting the hard drives of computers running Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) Windows systems. |
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Is the CAN-SPAM Act Working? |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
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BugTraq: EEYE: ZoneLabs SMTP Processing Buffer Overflow. Sender: Marc Maiffret [mmaiffret at eeye dot com] |
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BugTraq: LiveJournal XSS. Sender: Joshua Miller [jpmiller at tds dot net] |
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BugTraq: RE: APC 9606 SmartSlot Web/SNMP management card "backdoor" - Telnet can't be disabled.. Sender: Miskell, Craig [Craig dot Miskell at agresearch dot co dot nz] |
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BugTraq: Re: APC 9606 SmartSlot Web/SNMP management card "backdoor" - Telnet can't be disabled.. Sender: Keith Clifton [clifton at zoomnet dot net] |
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Vulnerabilities: Microsoft Outlook Express Arbitrary Program Execution Vulnerability. Microsoft Outlook Express uses Internet Explorer to render HTML e-mail and newsgroup messages by default. A vulnerability may exist in the software that may allow a remo... |
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Vulnerabilities: RobotFTP Server Username Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. RobotFTP Server is an FTP Server for Microsoft Windows operating systems.
A vulnerability has been reported for RobotFTP Server. The problem likely occurs due to insuffi... |
22. |
Vulnerabilities: EvolutionX Multiple Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities. EvolutionX is illegal software that is used to replace default Microsoft XBOX software.
The FTP server that is distributed with EvolutionX has been reported prone to mul... |
23. |
Vulnerabilities: 3Com DSL Router Administrative Interface Long Request Router Denial Of Service Vulnerability. The 812 OfficeConnect is one of a series of DSL routers distributed and maintained by 3Com.
A vulnerability in the 3Com 812 OfficeConnect has been reported that may resu... |
24. |
Vulnerabilities: GnuPG External HKP Format String Vulnerability. GnuPG is prone to a remotely exploitable format string vulnerability in the external HKP interface. This is due to incorrect usage of fprintf() in the gpgkeys_hkp.c, all... |
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Vulnerabilities: RSync Daemon Mode Undisclosed Remote Heap Overflow Vulnerability. The rsync program is used to synchronize files and directory structures across a network. It is commonly used to maintain mirrors of ftp sites, often through anonymous ac... |
The Register
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Music fans beg to buy music. Help us, help you |
NewsIsFree: Security
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AVS Sidesteps Wireless Security Issues |
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A Branch Office Symbol |
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IBM Debuts TotalStorage Data Retention 450 System |
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Bugwatch: The aftermath of Valentine's Day |
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Netsky worm variant on the loose |
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Cisco releases video system for Internet phones |
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ZoneAlarm SMTP Buffer Overflow Lets Local and Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code With SYSTEM Privileges |
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Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco ONS 15327, ONS 15454, ONS 15454 SDH, and ONS 15600 Vulnerabilities |
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RE: Aol Instant Messenger/Microsoft Internet Explorer remote codeexecution |
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Microsoft To Hackers: Drop That Code! |
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Microsoft Takes Orders For Security Update CD |
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NetSky.B Worm Gains More Traction |
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Backdoor èëè óÿçâèìîñòü â Remote Administrator 2.x? |